WGHS Wynpress - Term 1, 2023

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Issue 2 - 2023

Fresh Start

Wynberg Girls' High School
01 Editors Letter Mersei Mananga 03 For the Grade 8s Imaan Brey 05 Grade 12: The beginning of the final chapter Haidee-leigh Brouwer 08 The more variety, the better diversity Hazel Mapingire 10 New year, same story? Mbali Kamisa 02 Starting fresh Imaan Ajam CONTENTS 07 Letter to 2023 Liyyah Coenrad
17 8 things I wish I knew in Grade 8 Ilhaam Arnold 20 Term 1 Mixtape Daneen Fortune & Rumanaah Surtee 22 WGHS Entrepeneurs 15 Self Reflection Isabella Smuts CONTENTS 13 5 selfcare tips and tricks Alex Peters


The beginning of the year generally feels like a breathe of fresh air. We are starting the year with somewhat of a blank canvas and the different ideas and goals for the future of the canvas are brewing. We have possibly not met all our expectations for this term , however it is important to remember that this year and honestly life in general , is not a race but rather a marathon.

The way you start the year doesn’t have to dictate how you will end the year. The author/ scriptwriter of your favourite novel, movie or show did not publish or launch their first draft, multiple changes were made. You have the power to change certain things and make the most of every opportunity. So take this term as a starting point for YOUR desired end for the year. Remember to put yourself first but don’t loose sight of those around you as every person you cross paths with contributes to your journey.

Be kind. Be bold. Be You.


New ways for me to grow, I embark on the journey and begin to go, To be the best version of myself I can see, My new year ' s resolution has just set me free.

A fresh start and a change in me, I want to believe that I can be, A person of strength and pride, My plans are laid down at my side.

An effort and endurance to try something new, A positive outlook and challenges few, To take care of myself and stay healthy too, These are some of my resolutions, what about you?

So many goals can come to be, It's time to make the most of me, Start a new year feeling good and strong, My resolutions will finally become a song.

T I N G F R E S H I m a a n A j a m

For the Grade 8s...

While speaking to a few grade 8s, I realised that many of them share the same fears when it comes to high school. Hopefully, this article will act as a guide for learners and help you enjoy the next few years of high school.

One of the most common fears I heard was the fear of getting in trouble in class, especially with stricter teachers. Honestly, the only way to avoid getting into trouble is to follow the rules of teachers, even if they seem unreasonable. Get off your phone, take that jewellery off and spit that gum out!

The rules are there to remove distractions and ultimately to ensure you learn as much as you can in class, so try your hardest to follow them.

Another fear I heard often was the fear of being overwhelmed: both in schoolwork and mentally. The best way to avoid being overwhelmed with work is to plan your work out so that you do not do too much on a specific day.

This also ensures that you practise schoolwork regularly thus ensuring you don’t fall behind.

When feeling mentally overwhelmed, it is best to talk to someone. Wynberg has an amazing counselling department and peer guides which is open to everyone and has people who are always willing to help. Failing that, why not reach out to a friend or member of your tutor group?

Lastly, many learners were worried they would not do well in school. The school offers various extra classes such as clinics and peer tutoring that are available to anyone finding a particular section(s) of work challenging. Catch up on whatever work you miss. Hopefully, this helps answer all questions that you as grade 8s were asking and clears up any doubts you had!

“When you get tired, learn to rest, not quit.”
- Banksy

Grade12istheresultofaseeminglyendlesseducationprocess. The year itself consists of stress, sadness and overall, an exhilaratingatmospherethatparadestheairwithasombre undertoneattimes.But,atitscore,peopleareexcitedatthe prospect of leaving the property where they’ve spent the majorityoftheir5yearsexploringgreenerpastures.Formost, thisyearwillbetheantithesisofrelaxed;afterall,thisistheyear ofrevelations.Asagrade12learnermyself,thethoughtof leavingisbothnauseatingandthrilling.

Toleavetheknownandventureintotheambiguousrealityof life,itisallveryreminiscentofanideamentionedinthesetwork novelforthisyear.Theconceptisthatanimalswon’tleavean environmentthatissafeandwheretheyhavebeenofferedfood, sleep(definitelyinthebackoftheclassroom)andwater(notin MissDamon’sclass).So,muchliketheseanimals,wehave becomewaytoocomfortable.Thatmaybethereasonforthe intensefear.

Grade 12 and the emotions that come with the final year

Alotofpressureisputonthisparticulargradetobuckupandfind theirpurposebutthereneedn’tbe.Lifewillcommencewhether youmakethe“right”choicesornotandnomatterwhereyouend upthereisstilltheopportunitytodobetterorchangecourse. Thisisnottheonlytimewhenopportunitiesarepresentandthe chancetoachievewillcomearoundagain.Iftheyeardoesn’tgo exactlyasplanned,rememberthatsomethingworsecouldalways happen.Ithinkthefutureisbrightforeveryoneofus.

There’ssomuchgoingonatanygivenmomentthatit’samiracle weallfocusedlongenoughtomakeithere.So,withthatbeing said,ifI'mtwentyyearsoldandIcomeuponanyofyouand you’restilldoingtik-tokdancesI’mgonnapretendIdon’tknow you.

Thisyearwillbefilledwithplentyofjoyousoccasionsand hardships(particularlyintheacademicarena).Iwishmyfellow grade12sayearlacedwithbeatific,momentousandaboveall heart-fulfillinghappenings.

A letter to 2023 LiyyahCoenraad

I consider 2022 to be the best year of my high school career thus far because it was the year in which I finally found myself I did not believe my previous matric leader when she told me that Grade 10 would be one of the best years of high school for a while I'd like to thank her for making me realise it was true However, a new opportunity has arisen, and it is 2023

This new year brings even bigger opportunities In only the course of the first term, we’ve seen multiple events such as the cultural fair, the teachers vs students water polo, open days, athletics competitions, Bandslam, getting to visit the Artscape to watch "Hamlet" and the Grade 11 leadership camp The excitement for these events was palpable, as teachers and students came together to organise these events, which were a huge success Several students and leaders expressed their excitement for Bandslam at the end of the term

An educator, who wishes to remain anonymous, says she hopes to see many more events over the course of 2023: “ I can’t wait to see what 2023 has to offer here at Wynberg 2022 was such an amazing year for many of us, as it was the first, kind of ‘normal year’ here at school I hope to see many more events and opportunities during the course of this year!”

Now, it may seem like a cliché, but I can say a few of us agree that each year brings new opportunities, as well as a time to grow Let us use this year as another opportunity for special events to come, and for us to progress individually, as well as a family

The more variety, the better diversity

Hazel Mapingire

WynbergGirls'HighSchooliswellknownfortheinclusivevarietyof culture-relatedsocietiesthatitimmersesitselfin.Fromcreativeartsto religiousandcompetitivesocieties,thereisalwayssomethingfor everyone and their interests. On the 10th of February 2023, WynbergGirls'HighSchoolhelda Cultural Fair arrangedbythe CulturalPillarforalllearnersatWynberg.Allculturalsocietieswere giventhechancetoshowcasetheirsocietiestonotonlythenewgrade 8learnersbutalsoallnewlearnerstoWynbergGirls'High.The performancesfromsocietiessuchasthe Dance S i d G b Society weretrulyonlya fewofthehighligh festivalgaveaplatformtoshowcasethehar performancesbutalsothediversityinthecultu withthewallsandfieldsofWGHS.

LearnersofallgradesattheCulturalFairwere thoughtsabouttheCulturalFair,theculturals WynbergGirls'HighSchool.Amongthenew mainresponsewasthatWynbergGirlsHighS societiesandthattheCulturalFestivalbroug spirit, unity and enthusiasm tojoinasman timeallows.

zing.Itwassocooltoseeallthedifferentsocietiesperforming canbeapartofatschool.Ilovethecultureatschool,Ifeellike nergyandenthusiasmtowardswhattheyaredoing.Andjust ormmakesmefeelsogoodandyoucanfeelthatenergyand , ”


oolissomuchbetterthanmanyotherCapeTownschools,it'sa fdifferentculturalsocietiesandclubsisphenomenal.But[our morediverseandaccommodatethosewhoareeagertolearnnew societieslikeUbuntusociety.Imeanweallknowthemeaning itstillhavethesamemeaningifwe'renotgoingtobeinvolving y gEVERYONEfeelwelcome,”


“It’sverydiversewhichcanbeacultureshockbutit'squitewelcomingto know that differences don't alienate you from the Wynberg cu TeachersandlearnershavelearntalotaboutacceptingculturesandI thedevelopment,comparedtothepastyears,hasbeengoodandhealthy


“Ithinkthatweareprivilegedinthefactthatwediversifyourselve justingeneral.Weareprivilegedinthe elcomingtonewsocietiesandcultures.It doftheworkthatwehavedoneandwill


New year, same story?

Thestartofeverynewyearoftenencouragesustocomeupwithnewyear's resolutionsandgeneralchangesthatwe'dliketoseeinourselvesforthenew year.Thisisagoodhabitasitencouragesustoreflectonourselvesandwhat wecanworkontobebetterversionsofourselves,eventhoughmanyofthem willbeforgottenbytheendoftheyear...ormaybeeven...themiddleof January.

However,whatifwetookastepfurtherandlookedathowwe canmake positivechangesinourcommunities? Thisweekourquestionwas: Ifyou werethePrincipaloftheschool,whatchangeswouldyouliketomakeinour school?Wewereabletointerviewvariousgradesandhearwhatpossible changesthey'dliketoseeinourschool.Here'swhattheyhadtosay:

"Iwouldtoseemorewholesomeandpositiveinteraction betweenourschoolandtheBoys'schoolbecausearen'twe essentiallybrotherandsisterschools?Howeverthere'sno‘ siblingship’betweenourschoolsandevenwhenwedo interactit'snotalwaysgood,Ifeellikethisiswhywhenwe seelearnersfromtheBoys'schoolwe"phaphazel"(acting unlikeourselves/losingcomposureduetoexcitement) becausewearenotusedtothem."


"Thetuck-shopinflationissomethingelse!I wouldliketoseemoreaffordablepricesavailable inourtuck-shopaswellasanincreasedstock ausethingsoftenaresoldoutsoquickly"


Iwouldliketoseemoreinclusivefoodoptions availableatthetuckshopsuchasveganand glutenfreeoptions.Notonlyarethese healthierbutitisinclusiveofalllearners.


I"Iwouldliketoseemoreinteractionwith otherschoolssuchasinterschooleventsfor examplesothatourschoolcansocialisemore withothersurroundingschools"


5 Selfcare Tips and Tricks ALEX PETERS

Try maintaining a regular and healthy sleep schedule

Okay, this one is kind of a no-brainer. It is common knowledge that sleeping affects us and our moods. But there's a reason why this topic has been reinforced so many times Studies have shown that sleep deprivation increases one ' s irritability and negative moods. Don't let something as silly as a lack of sleep disrupt your peace. Treat yourself to a full eight hours of sleep.

Set goals and prioritise yourself

Setting goals for yourself helps give you purpose. Completing simple tasks and goals that you have set out for yourself helps you feel like you could take on the world. Allow yourself to have those small victories and understand that not everything will go to plan as you wanted. It doesn't mean the mission was a bust, it just means that life decided in a different direction which is completely normal.

Saying no is difficult sometimes. If you feel as though you are taking on too much, take a step back. It's okay to be selfish sometimes. It doesn't make you a bad person to put your own needs first sometimes so that you can put your best first to help others.

Try relaxing activities and doing things you enjoy

New year, new you. Maybe this is the perfect time to start a new hobby. Maybe take up an instrument or a new sport. Who knows, you might even meet someone new within. Now is the time to get to know yourself a little better. And doing things you enjoy, will help improve your overall happiness, outlook and zest for life.

Stay positive but also realistic

There is so much out there in the world that you can be excited about. No one got anywhere without a little positivity. By getting rid of and saying goodbye to all negative and just blatantly useless thoughts that are just holding you back, new doors and opportunities will appear. Whilst it is okay to cry for a good ten minutes, it's also important to get back up and give it another go. Heartbreak is important, but finding the resilience to remain in the ring is a necessity for growth.

Treat yourself

For all the challenging things you have had to endure these last few years, treating yourself should be obvious. That book you wanted? Buy it. That outfit you ' ve been wanting to wear for ages? Wear it. That new hobby you wanted to try? Do it. Treating yourself varies from person to person Why should you feel guilty for doing something a little selfish for once? Incorporating these little treats into your life can help you feel ready for anything life might throw at you. Life is already challenging at times, let self-care be the replenishing drink of water in this race of life.

Self-reflection is the practice of taking time to seriously evaluate your behaviour, thoughts and motivations in life. It is a valuable practice to make a habit of, especially now in the new year. Without it, we get stuck in the same bad habits over and over again. A lot of us get stuck procrastinating until the last minute to study and do projects for school. A lack of self-reflection can make us continue running down a path that could eventually lead to a dead end, rather than evaluating our route and changing direction.

Self-reflection is extremely hard, as it requires us to look at both the good parts of ourselves and the bad parts that we would rather hide, but it is beneficial. It allows us to take a step back and look at the bigger picture through a clearer lens. Reflecting on our behaviour allows us to consider all the impacts we have on the world around us and how to ensure these impacts are positive.

But how on earth can you hope to improve in 2023?

You need to try to live in the moment and allow yourself to think about where you are in life. This will allow you to reflect upon how you currently feel by ensuring you have some sense of "self" before you start thinking about the future and the past.

A practical way to self-reflect would be to keep a journal to help you process your emotions and consider why you did the things you did that day. Keeping a journal can also allow you to look back and see any patterns of thought or repeating habits you may have not realised you had.

Personal reflection requires a calm environment and with the business of life, this can be hard to find. Going outside for even a short period can allow you to unwind enough that selfreflection becomes a lot easier.

As awkward and crazy as it may sound, talking to yourself can help you string together trains of thought and help you to reflect.

Once you have calmed your mind enough to delve deep into an event that happened in the past and how your reaction either helped or hindered you, you can pick out what bad habits you have that sometimes stress you out more or hurt others.

When you have identified a bad habit there are many ways to try to improve but it will take time, so don't lose faith. Sometimes having someone else to hold you accountable, be it a friend or family member, can help immensely.

Miracles, unfortunately, do not happen overnight and it will take time before your self-reflection shows any obvious results. But in the spirit of “ new year, new me ” , why not try it?

Who knows? You may find yourself enjoying it and learning new things about yourself!

8 Things I wish I knew in Grade 8 Ilhaam


Have the courage in yourself and take the opportunities you are given. Don’t second guess yourself, believe in yourself enough because you earned that moment. You're not going to know the outcome if you inhibit yourself. Chance it becoming reality rather than a picture in your imagination. Take all the chances and choices you receive and turn those opportunities into life lessons and wisdom. Just do it.


I realise it’s easier said than done; to be yourself and not be attentive to others around you. In spite of all; find out what you want to do and take initiative to find yourself. Whether it be joining different clubs and societies or breaking out of your comfort zone and finding people that you would like to surround yourself with. Do it for yourself only.


This is about finding the balance between rest and adventure. If there's one thing I struggled with, it was ‘fomo’. Finding the balance between involvement and days where our body needs rest and tranquillity. There are going to be other events, parties and gatherings. Prioritise yourself physically and mentally, put yourself first and things will follow along. Love yourself, value yourself and prioritise yourself.


The diversity surrounding you as you walk in the gates is palpable. Every student has a different story, background and beliefs and has experienced life differently. You will learn so many things about so many people. It will open your mind and broaden your perspective on a variety of aspects of life. Open yourself up to the unknown.


Sometimes we stall action due to a lack of selfbelief and courage. Your hesitation and discouragement of yourself prevents you from achieving the seemingly impossible and from moving forward in a better direction. Regardless of the outcome, you will come out of it more experienced than before and richer for trying. Don't do it for the outcome, do it for the experience. Good outcomes are a bonus.


All around you, there are people dealing with their own battles and struggles and everybody might not put it on display. You can be the person who makes it easier by having empathy and consideration. You have the ability to turn someone ' s day around and bring them some muchneeded gaiety


Every one of us will have our own high school reality. You alone can make the decision to make the most of your first year. You need to be certain to make the choices that are suitable for you, and no other individual. Create your own story.


As cliché as it might sound. Make those memories. Go to the matches and school events, paint your face with black and yellow stripes, wear tutus and cheer your heart out. Do it all. You're only in high school once. Just try to enjoy yourself!

Term 1 Mixtape



Kill Bill - Sza : For getting over festive flings and people you ' ve left behind in 2022

Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift : When you’re deciding about who you’re going to be this year and are coming to terms with yourself and who you are

We are young - f.u.n : For those late-night drives.

Viva la vida - Coldplay : Getting into that victorious mood before the school year starts….or before your first Maths test...

Team - Lorde : New beginnings and entering into a new school year.

8teen - Khalid : Dedicated to the matrics.


Teenage dream - Katy Perry : Valentine's day planning and expectations that come with it…

Lovers Rock - TV girl: The messy love stories we find ourselves in.

Lover - Taylor Swift : What everyone wanted to be feeling like on February 14th…

All I ask - Adele : In reality we all expected more from February 14th.

Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA : How some of the lucky ones felt during this month of love.

Too Good At Goodbyes - Sam Smith : Saying goodbye to festivity while going back to student life and studying.


The colour violet - Tory Lanez : For cooler nights.

Without You - David Guetta : When you realise how far you’ve come this year.

Die for you - The Weeknd : Dying to go on holiday and end the term.

Satellite - Harry Styles : Finding a way not to spin out of control.

Hold On, We’re Going Home - Drake : End of term 1!

WGHS Entrepeneurs

Custom Stitch

Owner: Saarah Sadan

Description: We make Custom Embroidered Hoodies/Crewnecks/Sweatpants.

Cell/whatsapp : 0731136898

email: saarah.sadan123@gmail.com

Owners: Yaz Anibal and Jade Beaukes both in Grade 11 “our business handmakes beaded jewellery such as necklaces, bracelets, anklets and rings”

066 272 0110 (Yaz whatsapp) and 064 908 4761 (Jade whatsapp)

cell: 073 483 3826


WhatsApp: 0722458047

instagram: bearybeads


Tizi' Store

Owners: Tiziana Mutombo

“I sell different snacks like chips, Lollipops, shockers bompies etc “

069 453 0908/tiziana4fashionworld@gmail.com

Chips-R1.50 Shockers-R3

Big Bompies-R3

Small Bompies-R2 Lollipops-R2

DaiZi M

Owners: Malika Solomons

Description: We sell scrunchies with the purpose of using the majority of the profits made to purchase sanitary towels for women's shelters

Cellphone: 072 301 8173

Email: daizim.scrunchies@gmail.com

Amn aesthetics

Owners : Amarni Mutyaba

“I make beaded bracelets (R20), rings (R10), anklets (R25) and necklaces (R30). I can also do custom orders for the down payment of R10 and the rest to be paid on delivery. “

Instagram: Nasmut boutique cell: 0659580304


Our thoughtful and talented Wynpress committee for always creating such thought-provoking work;

Ms Johannes-Swanson for all of her efforts dedicated to ensuring every Wynpress issue reaches its full potential;

Dr Wallace for taking the time to ensure that the issue is at the standard of publishing perfection;

the Communications and Marketing team for sharing our work with the Wynberg family;

and last but certainly not least, many thanks to you, our amazing readers for your never-ending support.

*Images and cartoons are courtesy of Canva (www.canva.com) and Unsplash (unsplash.com)

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