NEWSLETTER Also available on our website : www.wynghs.co.za
Dear Parents There can be nothing more devasta ng than losing a daughter, and the whole Wynberg community has mourned with Mr and Mrs Schultz and Caleb and Spencer on the loss of their precious daughter and sister, Kirsten. The girls at Wynberg lost a sister and, whilst this is a par cularly sad me, a school must use every experience presented to encourage learners to learn about life - to be empathe c, to support friends, to recognize the different stages of the grief process. I believe all Wynberg girls will come out of this experience stronger, with more lifeskills to help them in their own life's journey. Over a hundred Wynberg girls a ended the service and Cailin Rice, the Head of Cavanagh, Kirsten's house, was asked to give a tribute at the memorial. She has agreed to me using this in the newsle er as I believe it is a moving tribute to Kirsten – the Wynberg sister we loved and celebrated. “On 16 September, we lost Kirsten – a daughter, sister and friend. But, at the same me, on 16 September God welcomed another angel to his side, another star to His Galaxy, another rose in his garden. “A special part of my school life”, “an amazing friend”, “the happiest, smartest and most beau ful girl I know”, “strong warrior”, “an inspira on”, “always smiling” and “the li le sister I never had” - some of the words used to describe Kirsten. Over the past couple of days the school foyer has been an indoor garden where people have mourned, reminisced and wri en to her and her family. This book contains hundreds of messages from Kirsten's teachers and Wynberg Sisters, all of which reemphasize how much her Wynberg Family loves and misses her. Wynberg is simply not the same. We have lost a part of our soul. Whilst reading through the some hundred messages, I came across a piece of wri ng en tled: 16 September, wri en by Teresa Herbert. Part of it reads: This morning at 6' o clock, a girl in the grade below mine died from cancer. It's strange: for the first me in my history at Wynberg, the school is deathly quiet. The ghosts of mournful wails fill the school halls. Tissues are being dispended like a remedy for the plague. We had a memorial assembly. And our Principal stood in the front, trying to get our students to understand the implica ons of her death. A girl, age 15, was taken by cancer, so young. Too young. Our Principal stood there, daunted by the task of comfor ng almost a thousand girls, passing on the message we all feared. There are only so many thoughts you can put into words. Strangers comforted one another like close friends. Even the strongest broke down. The school corridors have lost their warmth. The thought of you, Kirsten, is potent.” Kirsten, you have taught us how to be strong, courageous, pa ent, a true friend and above all, to always smile. There is no doubt that your smile and posi ve a tude was contagious. “God looked around his garden and he found an empty place. And then he looked down upon the earth, and saw your red face. He put his arms around you, and li ed you to rest. God's garden must be beau ful, he always takes the best. He knew that you were suffering, he knew you were in pain, He knew that you would never get well on earth again. He saw the road was ge ng rough, and the hills were hard to climb. So he closed your weary eyelids, and whispered "Peace be thine." It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn't go alone, For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.” Thank you to all parents and girls who showed their support for Kirsten while she was with us and for suppor ng each other in the difficult me since her death. May we, as Wynberg women, learn from this and become be er human beings because of our associa on with Kirsten. Kind regards Shirley Harding Principal
2015 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Front: Jessie Leverzencie (RCL Chair), Beth Petersen (Cultural Pillar Head), Ashleigh Thompson (Head of School), Mrs S Harding, Melissa Guthrie (Service Pillar Head), Nicole Wentzel (Academic Pillar Head), Tamsyn Gaynor (Sports Pillar Head) Middle: Nandi Basson (Head of Hostel), Philasande Mzalisi (Head of Kirsten), Natalie Winter (WGHS Liason), Frances Housdon (Head of Cavanagh), Anastasia Solomons (Head of Silverlea), Michelle Langeveld (Head of Copenhagen) Back: Jamie-Lee Benjamin (Head of Waterloo),Tyra Petersen (Head of Wellesley), Casey Homan (Head of Constantia), Diane Munro (Head of Apsley), Gabriella Schiava (RCL Vice-Chair)
Ashleigh Thompson Head of School
Jessie Leverzencie RCL Chair
Nandi Basson Head of Hostel
HOSTEL LEADERS Nandi Basson Head of Hostel Jeanne-Marie Giles Deputy Head of Hostel Nhadia Gustavo Deputy Head of Hostel Hostel Commi ee: Phila Mzalisi, Tenike Stoltz, Luthando Rani, Sudila Kasongo, Sarah Phiri
Front: Lara Harris (Secretary), Jessie Leverzencie (RCL Chair), Ms M McCarthy, Gabriella Schiava (RCL Vice-chair), Tamsyn Gaynor Middle: Bella Draper, Jade de Villiers, Jessica Botha, Hongju Nam, Erin Slater (Governing Body Representative) Back: Chelsea van Heerden, Zolisa Kapa (Governing Body Representative), Yusra Booley
HOUSE LEADERS Diane Munro Kirsten Che y Tamar Kendon Sam Nelson Amy Strybis Frances Housdon Ashleigh Fagan Valeshka Harkhu Robyn-Lee Roberts Kayley Wagner Casey Homan Ra'eesah Dalvie Gabriella Espin Lauren Gilbert Seana Scheepers Michelle Langeveld Ameerah Brown Rifqah Francis Hayley Knol Kiara-Lee Thavarin
Head of House Matric Leader Matric Leader Matric Leader Matric Leader Head of House Matric Leader Matric Leader Matric Leader Matric Leader Head of House Matric Leader Matric Leader Matric Leader Matric Leader Head of House Matric Leader Matric Leader Matric Leader Matric Leader
Aspley CM MS NR AW Cavanagh TP DP SM JV Constan a NF DN BP OA Copenhagen NM SF FR LW
Philasande Mzalisi Head of House Saskia de Villiers Matric Leader Hannah Fuller Matric Leader Jessie Leverzencie Matric Leader Nadine Maneveld Matric Leader Anastasia Solomons Head of House Raadhiyah Jacobs Matric Leader Sinovuyo Mkula Matric Leader Kelsey Neethling Matric Leader Layla Omar Matric Leader Jamie-Lee Benjamin Head of House Jeanne-Marie Giles Matric Leader Thandile Njobe Matric Leader Amber Persson Matric Leader Courtney Wray Matric Leader Tyra Petersen Head of House Nhadia Gustavo Matric Leader Lynelle Moodley Matric Leader Veronique Reagon Matric Leader Lisa van Wyk Matric Leader
Kirsten NN SP AH JK Silverlea DM CS VS JN Waterloo PB FB CU SD Wellesley PD HL VM OP
LEAD 4 LIFE LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP On Thursday 18 September, the newly elected Grade 11 leaders a ended the Lead 4 Life Leadership workshop. The enjoyable ac vi es required brainpower and team-work. The common message was: Leadership = collabora on + communica on. The evening was very successful - thanks to the Lead4life team for their me, effort and enthusiasm.
Frances Housden, Tyra Petersen & Tamsyn Gaynor hard at ‘work’.
SERVICE AWARDS FULL COLOURS: Lisa Abrahams, Nicol Barne , Sade Carpenter, Jenna Joshua, Misqah Parker, Amira Ramklass, Robin Richardson. HALF COLOURS: Vega de Vries, Yumna Parker, Thaakiyah Ryklief SERVICE CERTIFICATES: Gold: Storm Homan, Cailin Rice Silver: Mymoena Davids Bronze: Georgia Bailey, Lauren Goliath, Sara Grever, Laura Mar n, Tasneem Nackerdien, Elizabeth Nel, Jacey Romon-Maneveld, Natashia Young.
MODEL UN DEBATE On 6 September, the UNASA (United Na ons Associa on of South Africa) Model UN Interschools Deba ng Compe on was held in the Cape Town City Council deba ng chamber in the Civic Centre. Wynberg was one of 20 schools taking part. Each team consisted of 4 members, represen ng one of the UN member-states. Our girls (Hayley Knol, Rebekah Nathan, Tayla Pinto, and Annika Wium) represented the delega on from Brazil. The debate concerned the key ques on: The modern woman: does gender equality conflict with tradi onal beliefs? In brief, the day involved opening statements, discussions on resolu ons, caucusing, vo ng, and closing speeches, a er which 2 resolu ons were adopted by the General Assembly.
WINTER SPORTS AWARDS HOCKEY: Full Colours: Valeshka Harkhu, Berzilee Pipes Half Colours: Nicole Alexander, Donna Jacobs, Tasneem Rawoot, Sasha Sivertsen, Jamie Southgate. CROSS COUNTRY: Half Colours: Cayleigh Brown, Lauren Jonathan
NETBALL: Full Colours: Yeukai Chamba Half Colours: Kayla Budha, Kirsty Duncan, Sasha Duncan, Emma Horner, Zoe Koff, Asanda Masoka, Paige Radford, Chris n Sands, Vuya Puzi SQUASH: Half Colours: Demi Steenkamp
CERTIFICATES FOR EXCELLENCE IN SPORT Amina Williams: U16 WP South Hockey Maree Petersen: U14 WP South Hockey Olivia Walker: U14 WP Disa Hockey Jenna Grey: U14 WP Disa Hockey Kayla Morgan: U14 WP Disa Hockey Ashlyn Southern: WP U16 Squash Nhadia Gustavo: WP U19 Squash
GRADE 11 DANCE EXAM The Grade 11 Dance girls were privileged to have Wynberg past pupil and accomplished dancer, Kerryn Howard, as examiner when they did their final Dance prac exam.
MOOT COURT: PROVINCIAL ROUND MOOT COURT PROVINCIAL ROUND, SEPTEMBER 2014 On Saturday, 13 September, we took part for the first me in the Provincial Round of the Na onal Schools Moot Court Compe on. This involved presen ng both sides of the same fic onal court case, involving cons tu onal principles, as if we were arguing in the Cons tu onal Court. Our two representa ves (or counsel) were Hayley Knol (Grade 11) and Rebekah Nathan (Grade 10). The event took place at the Cape Town Magistrates' Courts in the city centre. Our girls argued fluently and eloquently and dealt most impressively with the ques ons posed directly to them by the Judges, prac sing lawyers playing the role of Cons tu onal Court judges. At the end of a long day, the adjudicators announced the results. 4 schools - Grassdale High, Hermanus High, Springfield, and Wynberg Girls' High - were to go through to the na onal finals in Pretoria the finals to be held in the Cons tu onal Court. Rebekah Nathan was given the tle First Oralist, that is Best Speaker! We now proceed to the na onal finals in Pretoria in October. Rebekah Nathan
Back: Veronique Reagon, Raadhiyah Jacobs, Unathi Matanjana, Mrs Kerryn (Howard) Talbott, Nicole Rinquest Kneeling: Tarryn Bester, Tyra Pietersen, Kristen Williams
On 23 September, the Grade 11 Life Sciences girls enjoyed a day at the Two Oceans Aquarium. They learned more about Animal Bio-diversity in the Lab. The hands-on lab session allowed the girls to see and touch live marine animals. They examined creatures like sea anemones, sea urchins, hermit crabs and starfish. In the aquarium, the girls completed their worksheet while admiring the remarkable animals around them. Much seeing and learning and many 100s of selfies later, the girls returned to school having had great aquarium adventure!
MATRIC ART EXHIBITION The Matric Art Exhibi on is the major event in the matric Art students’ year. Weeks are spent ge ng por olios together, pu ng the finishing touches to pain ngs and then arranging the pieces in the Hall. The external examiners view the exhibi on, award their marks (which go towards the girls’ final matric marks), and then it is me for family and friends to join the celebra on. The guest speaker this year was Mr Francois Jonker, a senior lecturer at the Cape Crea ve Academy. His background includes Fine Arts and Visual Communica on. Mr Jonker worked in Paris on an interna onal ar st's residency programme and his work has been Last minute adjustments. selected to represent contemporary South African art in Hyderabad, India. He said that the Visual Arts encourage or demand a different way of thinking and ques oning that is unlike other subjects. He said that it is o en difficult to find one’s own voice but that this work - the 2014 exhibi on - revealed that they had had the courage to take on this journey. He congratulated the girls on the honesty of their work. Visual Arts teacher, Mrs Tamar Pelser, had this to say to her matrics : “When I think about this year, the word marathon comes to mind. . . . an Uphill Marathon. And as you can see, I do not do marathons! In this par cular marathon we some mes ran, some mes walked, o en we crawled and some mes we just sat. However, what got ME to the finishing line, is that I ran this race with amazing young women who proved to be stong and brave and who did not give up, which taught me that there is strength in vulnerability. They laughed together, they cried together, they worked together. Running a race and having come to the finish line tonight is a celebra on of the achievements Front: Tyler Warrin, Savannah Jacobs, Nicole Wasserfall, Natasha Young, Rachel O’Niel of this special group. Girls, if you run the race Back: Mrs Tamar Pelser, Schael Igwe, Kirstie Duncan, Jeneva Lloyd, Emma Suckley, of life as you have run this race, Dream Big, Amy Peacock, Danielle van Niekerk, Gabriella Barries, Zulaikha Mohamed, Be Brave, you will achieve anything you set Charis Richards, Robyn Richardson, Deshal Pema, Teneal Webb, Carla Meyer your mind to. Dames, ek is sooooooo trots op Absent: Nicole Barnette, Devian Kannemeyer, Katso O’tukile, Sade Carpenter, julle. I am so very, very proud of all of you!” Aliyah Enous, Skye Swart
GRADE 10 GEOGRAPHY OUTING The much an cipated Geography field trip early on Thursday 25 September. The aim: to get a be er understanding of the geology of Cape Town. Our first task was to plot our route on a 1:50 000 topographical map which we did a er orienta ng our actual posi on with our correct posi on on the given maps. At our first stop, Signal Hill, we learnt more about the geology of our city. We also realised what a beau ful city we live in! We also saw what a real trig beacon looks like and, of course, took numerous photographs to prove that we had really been there. At Mouille Point and Sea Point we learned about our old wave cut pla orm, the remnants of folding s ll visible and of course the contact zone at Queens Beach. Thrown in was a bit of climatology as a lapse rate needed to be calculated and tested. A er our Camps Bay stop wind and wave erosion - we were eventually set free to have lunch. Hout Bay was the last stop of the day where more features and landmarks were pointed out and worksheets completed. A most enjoyable day was had by all - many good memories, some beau ful sights, good company and, of course, increased geographical knowledge.
On the 22 September, Wynberg once again hosted the All Girls' School Choir Fes val at St George's Cathedral and a er a warm welcome from Mrs Harding, the evening of beau ful music began. The fes val included a variety of songs, from tradi onal to contemporary songs like 'Let it go' from the movie, Frozen. All the choirs were outstanding and the evening celebrated the joy and beauty of music. Beth Petersen, newly appointed Head of Culture, thanked everyone and flowers were presented to the conductors and accompanists.
On 3 September, teams from WGHS plus 6 other schools, a ended a mathema cs compe on hosted by Wynberg Boys' High where teams from all grades ba led it out. From the KenKen puzzles of ever-increasing complexity, to the Lord of the Rings ques on, they were kept challenged and entertained. Learners had access to wi-fi and made use of WBHS’s Moodle website so they could instantly submit their answers and have them automa cally marked. WGHS’ Grade 10 team - Zolisa Kapa, Shreya Naidu, Inseo Jeoung & Aa’isha Dout - came 1st in their grade.
MOUNTAIN CLUB Mrs van Bergen conducts the Wynberg Vocal Ensemble
TARA EXCHANGE Dana Arries and Erin Lamoral have just returned from Sydney, Australia, where they spent several very enjoyable weeks a ending the Tara Anglican School for Girls. While at Tara, Erin was a member of one of Tara’s winning netball teams. Their Australian hosts, Andrea Davey and Lucy BrookeSmith, have returned with them to South Africa, and will be at Wynberg with them, taking part in school life. Andrea Davey, Dana Arries, We wish them a Erin Lamoral & Lucy Brooke-Smith very happy stay. Wynberg was invited to par cipate in a Poetry Film Compe on held at Springfield on 23 September. Grade 10s created an emo onal experience through sound and image. Schools submi ed entries to Springfield who selected the best 3 from each school for viewing at an ‘Oscars Evening’. There was much excitement and delight when all 3 entries received awards. “My Grandmother's Art”by Tania van Schalkwyk, filmed by Tasha Ainsworth, Rebekah Nathan and Catelin Marshall won best soundtrack and narra on; “The Art of Drowning”by Billy Collins, filmed by Nicole Chineka, Razaana Manuel and
The Mountain Club hiked up Victoria Peak in the Stellenbosch/Jonkershoek mountains. They were hoping for snow, and although there is no evidence of any in the photo, it definitely looks cold!
POETRY / FILM COMPETITION Dana Arries won best edi ng; and “The Hermit” by Alan Paton, filmed by Iman Choonara, Azraa Ma hews, Tinita Flint and Kauthar Taliep was unanimously awarded “Best movie.” The directors were congratulated on their imagina ve and crea ve transforma on of this poem into sound and image. Congratula ons to all of these young film makers and thanks to Springfield Convent for hos ng the event. Top: Razaana Manuel, Catelin Marshall, Rebekah Nathan Middle: Tinita Flint, Iman Choonara, Nicole Chineka, Tasha Ainsworth, Dana Arries Front: Kauthar Taliep, Azraa Matthews
FOUNDERS’ WEEK This year Wynberg Girls' High School celebrated 130 years. During the week, the focus was on the history of Wynberg and remembering those who were here before us, and, as always, the celebra ons began with the Past Pupils’ cocktail party. A record Mrs Deidre number of old girls (young and old) and teachers a ended this year, Schutz and it was a wonderful evening filled with memories and stories. WOGU Chair At the Founders’ Day assembly, we were privileged to have the Class of ‘64 visi ng for their 50 year reunion, and Clare Miller (Ducki ), Prefect and Head of Hostel in 1964, was guest speaker at the assembly. Through her memories, she revealed just how much Wynberg has changed but also emphasized the power of our mo o, ‘Honour before Honours’ and made us realise again just how great our school is. She also reminded us of the fact that the friends we Guest speaker make at Wynberg will be the friends we keep for life. Mrs Claire Miller Miranda Kark Beckenstein, 1964 class member, who a ended the Founders’ Day assembly had this to say: “It was a wonderful experience. We were taken on a tour of the school, treated to tea in the tuckshop, then to a very moving ceremony in the Aileen Currie Hall. I remember it as the ‘New’ school hall where we had assembly each day, music class, choir prac ce, prize giving, school plays and musicals, choral fes vals, our matric dance and I am sure many more ac vi es that I have men oned. Clare Ducki held the girls in the palm of her hand, as she amused them with anecdotes of our school years up to 1964. On a more serious note she challenged them to think about the school mo o, Honour Before Honours, and what it would look like to live in a world where living an honourable life ma ered more than gathering honours. Bravo to my classmate, Clare. She struck just the right note!”
Happy faces at the Past Pupils’ Cocktail
During the assembly, the Matrics were awarded life membership of the Wynberg Old Girls Union and the WGHS choir and the WGJS Vocal Ensemble performed. The 1964 Matric class 50th Reunion was attended, at Welgemeend Function Venue in the Gardens Cape Town, by 54 Past Pupils (who were either in Matric or had been with matriculants along the way) and 4 Teachers - Alida Ball, Vera Lawton, Sally Cox and Ruth Allsopp. A erwards, the U14A hockey team played against the U13A team. Both teams showed great spirit and enthusiasm but it was the U14A team which prevailed with a 4-0 victory. This event was very well supported by all of the girls, led by the Spirit Team and new School Council. And, of course, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the doughnuts - a firm, Founders’ Day favourite! The victorious U14s with their U13 opponents
Spontaneous School hug after the match!
RCL BATHROOM PROJECT Following up on a sugges on given to the RCL this year, the old and new RCL jointly took up the challenge of repain ng the girls' toilets. The maintenance staff painted the walls white, designs were drawn, Saturday arrived and it was me to start pain ng. The day was filled with laughter, music, bonding and a lot of paint! Who knew pain ng could be so much fun!
UCT HUMAN GENETICS OPEN DAY A ending the Human Gene cs Open Day at UCT was a great experience! We learnt many things about gene cs, DNA and inherited diseases. We worked in the labs, trying out part of the gel electrophoresis process.
Back: Tamar Kendon, Miché Daniels, Kayla Arnold, Michelle Mitchell, Clara Stassen, Jade Flandorp, Gabriella Schiava Front: Jeanne-Marie Giles, Tamsyn Gaynor
Front: Tamsyn Gaynor, Jamie-Lee Benjamen, Asanda Masoka, Jessie Leverzencie, Gabriella Schiava, Kate Shaw Middle: Zolisa Kapa, Hangju Nam, Lara Harris, Delucia Daniels Back: Yeukai Chamba, Jade de Villiers, Chelsea van Heerden, Bella Draper, Yusra Booley, Jess Botha
Par cularly enjoyable was the forensics simula on with Tamsyn Gaynor playing the vic m! We met cancer biologists in the cell biology workshop, amongst them Dr Lauren Watson (Mrs Hartmann’s daughter). What an informa ve and exci ng day!
Fatima Conrad, Lisa van Wyk, Michaela Randall, Azrah Conrad, Iman Davids, Kelly Adriaanse, Areej van der Schyff
Another 30 par cipants completed the follow-up 20-hour Level 1 First Aid course run by Professional Emergency Care. The course included the procedures to follow in dangerous situa ons, the symptoms of shock, fractured bones, diabetes, and the CPR protocol. The lectures were exci ng and rather graphic at mes! We all successfully wrote the exam and would like to thank our instructors, Ayesha and Faghrie, for this super experience!
We set out on our Geography field trip bright and early, des na on - the Taal Monument. On arrival we were given a short talk about the symbolism of the Taal Monument and then, armed with maps, hats, sunscreen and a key into the Paarl Nature Reserve, we climbed to the top. Spectacular views of the Paarl valley and the Klein Drakenstein mountains awaited us. A er a calculated gradient, some field sketches and worksheets, we con nued walking and got a good sigh ng of the famous Paarl Rock. Back to the monument on red legs - lunch felt well deserved. We le with a be er understanding of Paarl, its shape, geology and land-use, and returned home having spent a wonderful day in nature.
GRADE 9 BEDROOM PROJECT Once again the Grade 9ʹs wowed their Technology teachers with their Bedroom Projects. The brief: an unlimited budget to design and create a dream bedroom. Once the preliminary drawings have been done, build the room, to scale. View more bed-rooms on the school website: www.wynghs.co.za
TREE PLANTING On Friday, 26th September, 16 Grade 10s a ended a tree plan ng ceremony organised by the City Parks Department in Wynberg Park. First the girls were told why alien trees need to be removed and indigenous trees planted. Various indigenous trees were iden fied and they were told how to plant them. They all took turns digging holes, plan ng trees and watering them and had a lot of fun doing it.
CONGRATULATIONS! Congratula ons to Saarah Smith who has been selected for the U19 Western Province team to par cipate in the Cricket SA Girls U19 Cricket Week, in December. Caitlin Leatherby
Photo by Tamara & Blake Images
WGHS Principal, Mrs Shirley Harding accepted the icebucket challenge from the WBHS Head, Mr Keith Richardson, and passed it on to the other Girls’ Schools Principals!
WP GYMNASTICS Kennedy Steffen took part in the Western Province Rhythmic Gymnas cs trials recently. Kennedy competed in 5 events: a group rou ne and 4 individual events: clubs, rope, ribbon and free dance. She won a gold medal with the group and because she did so well in all the individual events, she was awarded a gold medal overall. Kennedy was also awarded her Western Cape colours and she will be compe ng in the Na onal Rhythmic Gymnas cs championships in later in October.
Caitlin Leatherby took part recently at the SA Na onal Showjumping Championships in Gauteng. Caitlin came 3rd and 9th in two individual 1m showjumping classes, and 5th in the overall championship class. The Western Province team came first overall! Caitlin Dyck par cipated in the Des ny Mixed Mar al Arts Compe on as part of her qualifica on process for the World Championships in the USA. Caitlin won 2 gold medals – one for Con nuous Figh ng and the other for Grappling. She also won a bronze medal.
The last race of the season, the PGSGU Interschools race was held in the picturesque se ng of Van Riebeeck Park above St Cyprians at the foot of Table Mountain. Wynberg rocketed off the star ng line - the course was tough, but our girls persevered. Kirsten Roodman came 1st and Sasha Sivertsen 3rd in the U16 age group. A special men on must be made of the 5 matrics who ran their final race for Wynberg in their 5th year of interschools’ races for Wynberg, despite having wri en 2 prelim exams earlier in the day! Well done to all the Wynberg runners for the spirit in which they ran this race!
HOCKEY INTERSCHOOLS 1ST XI: Lost 0-2 to St Cyprians. St Cyps scored both goals on the quick counter-a ack - the second was a great dive from their captain. Lost 0-1 to Springfield: We were very unlucky when a shot from outside our defensive circle rebounded off the goalpost straight onto a Springfield s ck and into the goals. The team just could not find that equaliser. Drew 0-0 to Herschel: The turning point for the Wynberg team largely thanks to the massive efforts of Sasha Sivertsen in midfield. Her presence inspired the team and they were so nearly rewarded as Jamie Southgate cut the defence to almost score. The game was a hard-fought ba le with big contribu ons from Valeshka Harkhu in goals, Donna Jacobs and Robyn Burrows in defence plus Amina Williams up front. Beat Rustenburg 1-0: Wynberg played structured, organised hockey throughout and a er a number of extremely close calls, Jamie Southgate scored the winning goal. U16As in action U16A: They recorded some good results at their tournament: They beat Springfield 1-0, Sans Souci 4-0 and St Cyprians 1-0. Unfortunately they lost 0-3 to Herschel and 0-1 to Rustenburg. The U16As played predominantly posi ve hockey and finished a creditable 3rd. It is encouraging to see how, at the end of the season, the girls’ game has improved. U14A: The U14As did really well to come 2nd in their tournament. Drew 0-0 with Springfield - Both sides ran themselves ragged and had chances but failed to score. Beat Sans Souci 9-0 - Wynberg were just much too strong for the game Sans Souci players. Beat St Cyprians 3-0 - Jenna Grey scored early for Wynberg and Maree Petersen scored a 2nd through a well thought out a ack. St Cyprians fought back but Wynberg scored off a short corner. Lost 0-1 to Herschel - this was the toughest game of the tournament and the Wynberg team played their hearts out. Some of the fastest and most a acking hockey yet. Herschel took their chance and scored, leaving Wynberg figh ng back for the remainder of the match. It was unfortunate that Wynberg didn't score as they played some of their best hockey of the season. Beat Rustenburg 2-0 - Wynberg a acked hard and scored through Jenna Grey. Rustenburg responded well but the Wynberg defence was solid. With 10 minutes to go, Hajira Lockhart scored a er some beau ful team passes. This game was a good end to a successful tournament.
The interschools’ squash tournament took place on Saturday 13 September. The Wynberg team consisted of Demi Steenkamp, Ashlyn Southern, Kaylee Marshall, Isobel Evans and Zeleah de Souza. Nhadia Gustavo was the reserve. Wynberg started well with a 3-2 win over Herschel, and followed this by bea ng Rustenburg. This put them in a great posi on for the final match against Springfield but they unfortunately lost 2-3 which meant Wynberg finished 2nd overall - a very good result! Well done to the team - they all played extremely well. Isobel Evans, Zeleah de Souza, Demi Steenkamp, Mrs Sam Furstenburg, Ashlyn Southern & Kaylee Marshall
NETBALL INTERSCHOOLS ‘7 players, 1 heartbeat’
U19: Beat Rustenburg 6-5 - Captain, Yeukai Chamba, mo vated the team to reverse their previous loss to Rustenburg - this Wynberg did in a nailbi ng match. Drew 8-8 with Herschel - another very ght game. Drew 10-10 with Springfield - Alex Steyn came in as goal shooter and once again Wynberg was playing a goal-for-goal match. The defence was ght and the shooters were on target. The spectators were on the edge of their seats. Lost 8-10 to St Cyprians - this was yet another nail-bi ng affair which Wynberg unfortunately lost. Wynberg placed 4th overall. U16: The U16s won two of their matches and came 3rd overall. The atmosphere in the indoor court was electric with the Wynberg war cries ringing loud! U14: Drew 2-2 with St Cyprians - we were equally matched. Beat Springfield 12-2 - Wynberg stormed ahead and stayed there. Beat Sans Souci 7-0 - Wynberg does not play against them in the league so had no idea of their strengths but won easily. Lost to Herschel and Rustenburg - Wynberg lost both matches by a narrow margin. Wynberg ended in 4th posi on overall. The coach was extremely proud of the girls and the progress they have made throughout the season. U14 Interschools Netball Team Standing: Jenna Grey, Lwazi Mketwa, Chelsea Dallas, Mrs S Williams, Jade de Villiers, Ashley Timms, Tyla-Rae Hogan Front: Kayla Morgan, Lupiwe Poswa
Something new this year was that the whole school first supported the interhouse netball, and then crossed the road en masse to support the interhouse hockey. The disco beat and the cheering and dancing supporters added to the party atmosphere at both venues. Congratula ons to Constan a who beat Wellesley in the Netball final, and to the Copies who beat Apsley in the Hockey final.
Jubilant Constantia Netball supporters celebrate their win!
The triumphant Copenhagen Hockey team
Food and Fun in the sun for EVERYONE!
CANSA THANKS WYNBERG Thank you, Wynberg Girls’ High, so much for your contribu on. We appreciate your support which makes a huge difference to those whose lives have been touched by cancer, and are humbled by your dona on of R 3105.