PAST PUPILS NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 WYNBERG OLD GIRLS ARE LIVING IT! It’s that time of the year where the routines commence again while we strive to achieve our goals for 2015.Wynberg Girls High School is in the process of holding their Open Days for prospective learners for 2016.The tagline “Come with a Dream, Leave with a Plan” is particularly apt for all of us past pupils as well. This inspired our marketing committee member Ann Coltham Bailey to develop our own brand of tagline for the past pupils – “Living It” We should all still have our dreams to be fulfilled, but when we packed away our school uniforms, we entered the real world with real plans, confronted real issues, be they in the workplace or family life and were living that plan, coping with whatever life threw at us! For this reason, Wynberg Old Girls are Living It and certainly many are Living It Up! We would love to hear how you are Living It – be it in SA or further afield. Many have made contact via facebook but if you have a special happening or plan that you have realised, mail us at info.wogu@gmail.com please! MATRICS 2014 – a very warm welcome to you as you continue on the Wynberg way as new old Girls! We wish you all success in whatever you do this year! We are sure you all have great plans! Congratulations to the top achievers at Wynberg last year: Azrah Ismail - our Dux learner and also top in the Western Cape for Physical Science and on the WCED merit list. Elsa Nel came second in matric with Anjalie Kooverjee third – The past pupils are proud of your wonderful achievements! The recipient of our Old Girls Grant last year was none other than Georgia Bailey , daughter of Ann! Well deserved Georgia and we are sure you will fly the Wynberg banner high at Stellenbosch University as you study for your Bachelor of Education: Foundation Phase. FAREWELLS TO A FEW EDUCATORS WHO HELPED BUILD YOUR PLANS :
MR MARIO FERNANDEZ – Mr History at Wynberg since 2008 retired but continues his passion, teaching at Sea Point High School as an SGB post.May you inspire the learners there in Public Speaking as well as you did at Wynberg!
2005 Head of School, KELLY CROXFORD who has been an intern teacher for the past 2 years at Wynberg is also exploring other fields,having left her mark on the school for the second time.
Dare I say #Wynbergpride!
JILL FREED started at Wynberg in 1991 and has been totally dedicated to the school ever since. Compassionate and caring, her sense of humour will be missed! As Head of Wellesley house, we are sure yellow will remain her favourite colour!
SCHOOL NEWS – DREAMS INTO PLANS INTO REALITY.... It surely is time for a visit back to the corridors of the school... All the old style desks have now been replaced with tables and chairs – no more lunches and other unmentionables being left to rot under the desk top! A new carpark has been built behind the school on the Cavan Road side.
A little bird told me that there is now wifi throughout the school buildings! And keeping up with the latest technology as always, the school has its first 3D printer! What can the Physics students create next? A Bodenstein’s Frankenstein would be too simplistic! Do come and see for yourself! Dont forget to contact Hilary Mills to plan a group tour at your school reunion! AND NOW : THE PLANS REALISED BY YOUR UNION
The last quarter of 2014 had us living it up at the past pupils cocktail party! A good catch up time for all ages!
Of course we had our regular Founders Day assembly with guest speaker matriculant from 1964, Claire Miller nee Duckitt showing the indomitable Wynberg spirit.
Claire Duckitt in Std 2
The class of 1964 – 50 years reunion – a strong group of Wynberg women indeed!
SOME OF THE GROUP WHO WALKED THE CONTOUR PATH ACROSS THE FRONT OF TABLE MOUNTAIN IN JANUARY. If you have not joined us on one of our fun outdoors walks, you haven’t been Living It! We have quarterly walks planned for this year too – see facebook page for details soon. It’s free and it’s a wonderful way to explore our beautiful Peninsula while meeting up with other women of worth from Wynberg.
LIVING IT WITH THE YOUNGSTERS! Your Committee and other past pupils joined in the Junior School fundraising fun run! Inspired by our walks during the year, we donned our fab black n white lion tees and sprinted... alright some of us panted and puffed our way around the Military base. (this was a Junior school event and we let them beat us!) Great fun was had by all! What a lovely group of young girls we will hopefully be seeing as past pupils in the years to come! Well done Dee Cawcutt, Head of Wynberg Girls Junior on your excellent commitment to initiating our Wynberg way! PAST PUPILS INPUT WITH CAREER PLANNING Thanks to the dedication of Tracy Stallard and Saarah Coenraad, our portfolio members for Mentorship, a most successful evening was held at the school to allow Grade 10 and Grade 11 learners to hear various past pupils present their career paths and recommendations. Should you wish to be involved with any type of advice in your chosen field or simply be available for the current learners to contact, it really does make a difference to have a friendly word from a fellow Wynberger. Please email us at info.wogu@gmail.com We are planning more of these events this year – the first being at the careers evening taking place on 26 February.
Lego logo – some Wynberg Girls had a plan at the Lego exhibition! LIVING IT BY GIVING BACK: As we did the year before, Saarah Coenraad organised for the matrics to give their school shoes to Help the Rural Child after their last exam! I am sure they were only too delighted to take them off for good! And the new owners are probably doubly delighted to have school shoes to wear...
Diedre, Andrea, Ann, Hilary and Wendy (Andrea’s mother and former Treasurer on the WOGU committee)
It was with very sad yet supportive hearts that we bade farewell to Andrea Das Neves, our enthusiastic secretary and go to lady for support! Andrea is a travel specialist with adventure in her blood and has taken a 2 year contract on the paradise island of Zanzibar! Sugar and spice, they are so lucky that Andrea is so nice! We thank Andrea for the wonderful work she has done on the committee. We had our first foray into the Bill Bowden clubhouse at Wynberg Boys’ school to toast Andrea in her new venture. What a wonderful venue – watch this space and facebook updates – we are planning more social get togethers soon! This could become our local! Living it up....?
Congratulations to two newly graduated Occupational Therapists from University of Stellenbosch – Heather Maile and Bilqees Johnstone- the two close friends left Wynberg with the same plan! Fern Smith matric 1994 obtained her Bachelor of Education studying part time while working and being a great Mom! What a plan realised ! Accolades to each and every one who has graduated over the past year! Please keep us updated! A return to the school after 47 years! Former boarder at the hostel, Elizabeth or Betty Davies (nee van der Graaf) came back to her Alma Mater and was fascinated by how things had changed! Well travelled, Betty is involved with freelance interpreting and has regular reunions with fellow classmates of 67 abroad – Janet Comay, Valerie Cann and Les Eddy
Suzanne Belling, journalist and author has written her second book The Travelling Rabbi My African Tribe – with Rabbi Moshe Silberhoft. Her inspiration to write started from Wynberg under the guidance of English teacher Janet Stonier nee Cook – dreams into plans!
PAST PUPILS UPDATES:LIVING IT LARGE! As always our Past Pupils of Wynberg have been very active –
Carole Fallowes, matric of 1961 , tried paragliding off Signal Hill for her birthday! Carole the rest of the committee is so proud of your courage and nerve! Achievements in 2014: Meagan Eddy- matric 2010- obtained the highest marks in the first year of her Nature Management Diploma
Past pupils compete with the best in the land! SA Hockey players Ilse Davids, Quanita Bobbs and Candice Manuel together with the SA Women’s hockey team coach and manager and former Wynberg teacher and coach Ms Andi Bernstein, played at the recent Hockey International against Chile and Belgium. They were hosted for lunch at the hostel after visiting with the fans of Wynberg Girls learners!
IN MEMORIUM We are saddened to announce the passing of the following Old Girls recently. All sympathies to their families. CLASS OF 1952
*Please feel free to mail me with any other news items you may have – info.wogu@gmail.com
UPCOMING EVENTS AGM : We need your support – we love doing what we can on
the committee but really value new inputs. So please come along and if you would like to be involved on an adhoc basis, without the meeting times, sign on to help.
WOOL FOR WONDERS 2015 CAMPAIGN- JUNE 2015 Remember to start doing your finger exercises in preparation for the knitting challenge! Wool contributions can also be dropped off at the school! This year we are also running an interhouse challenge at the school to ensure the girls also learn the therapeutic art of knitting. Mmm I can picture a whole host of purple Silverlea baby jerseys .... Watch the facebook page for updates and the local Constantiaberg Bulletin.
WOMENS WALKS Watch out for the updates giving dates and times for the quarterly seasonal walks scheduled for this year – diarise and include a friend and where allowed the dogs can have some exercise too!
SOCIAL AT OUR LOCAL BILL BOWDEN Again please watch the facebook page for confirmation date. Good prices at the bar and right on the Wynberg campus.
REUNIONS FOR 2015 Planned Reunions: Please advise Hilary Mills at the school if you are planning a reunion with your class mates for further posting and assistance. So far we have the following in the pipeline: th
50 Reunion – class of 1965: Janet Visser Bailey is organising to concide with the Founders day celebrations 19 and 20 August 25 years: Tracy Sarah Symons or Leigh Skibbe planned for 12 April 30 year reunion contact Angela Franzoso – this one scheduled for 19 December SHOUT OUT REMINDER FOR WYNBERG OLD GIRLS HOCKEY ! JOIN THE TEAM - CONTACT JULIA GREEN VIA THE FACEBOOK PAGE Please feel free to visit facebook.com/groups/6843905515 and post your updates and photos – we love to hear what every past pupil is doing! I need news to do this newsletter! In particular we would like to know what plan or career path each of you chose after leaving school – we are also looking at a linkedin page as well. Let’s keep the lines of communication and networking growing!
In conclusion I want to remind you all to visit the Wynberg Girls High School Past Pupils facebook page or go to http://youtu.be/bWrPO8fBsqM Wynberg Girls High School /Aerial Photography – the most amazing views of our school from the air! It is stunning! As one past pupil commented after watching this: ” We didn’t realise how lucky we were at the time!” Warm regards Diedre Schultz CHAIRPERSON WOGU If you have attended either of the schools for more than 3 years, you do qualify to join our Old Girls Union. Spread the word please!
Our support on the big screen at Night of the Stars!