Wynpress term 4

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Wynpress Term four 2015

What now? When we were younger we wanted to become princesses, teachers, and superheroes. Now, at high school, we want to become lawyers, doctors and professional sport players. These are the most common types of professions that most girls would want to go into. We dream about leaving school, getting a job and buying a house. The cost at this point in time is irrelevant to us. The word ‘future’ is a very general term, it could mean in 2 minutes; tomorrow; in a year; or it could even mean in 20 years. The truth is that the future is not defined. It is not defined in the time period and it also isn’t defined with what it holds. When you were in grade 9 and you made your subject choice, you got LO lesson after LO lesson about how important it was and how it defined where you went in life. Most teenagers change their minds about what they want to become many times during the five years that they are at high school. So how are we able to decide what we want to be in grade 9 and what subjects we need to take in order to become what we want to be? The simple answer? We are not. What we decide in grade 9 does not define our future. It does not limit us to only a few professions. What we decide is meant to open up a world of possibilities to us. It’s meant to encourage us to make the right decision of what we actually want out future to hold. Our choices are much more powerful than we realise and just like some old man who was a professor once said: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” – Albus Dumbledore. -­‐

Ashlyn Southern

Teen Suicide Rates and Depression Willow Noffke Teenage suicides are a growing problem yet it this problem is ignored too often, dismissed as another first world problem and not addressed properly because no one takes it seriously. Perhaps because no one realises the severity of it. Depression is fairly common among teenagers, especially with females, but also with males, mostly because they are in a very emotional stage in their lives so they assume they have depression. However, this could just be down to those pesky teenage hormones. Another thing people confuse depression with is attention

“They aren't just looking for attention” seekers.Unfortunatley, with the “popularization” of depression some people use this as a way to get attention from others and are usually very open about their so-­‐called-­‐depression. People who are really depressed are often very private about it and tell very few people or none at all. Have you ever seen someone looking down so you ask them what's wrong, but they don't reply or they just say 'nothing?' They aren't looking for attention, they just really don't want to talk about it and would rather change the topic. Another good indicator is the music they listen to. They tend to find joy in the things that y our average person would find rather deep and sad. They also tend to be withdrawn from everything around them, above your normal teenage mood swing. I say this all from first-­‐hand experience, should you doubt my knowledge. From all my time at Wynberg, I have noticed how people react to this kind of thing. I know I must sound awful making this sound like a disease that needs to be diagnosed. In a

way, it's true, it's a bit like that. Let me enlighten you as to what goes on inside the mind of a person like this. First off, we hide everything, we lie to get around questions and we try to appear like everything is ok. We go through phases where we may seem perfectly normal and phases where we are completely detached and just feel hopeless. If you know someone who has depression, don't be like them and pretend everything is ok. They may act like they don't need help, but really they do. Understand that every day is difficult for them, almost like they are fighting their own subconscious mind. This is not a first-­‐world problem, this is a serious issue to do with the mental health of individuals. This article’s main purpose is to raise awareness. People care when they know, well now you know. Don't ignore them or tell them that people have it worse off than them. That is the last thing that they need to hear when they feel like their world is coming to an end. If you know of a girl at Wynberg suffering with depression or you yourself are feeling those kinds of emotions, don’t hesitate to speak to one of the peer guides or one of the councelours in the office under the English block. They are always avaialable to listen and help where they can.

“Perfection is the disease of the nation” - Beyoncé The flaws of perfection By Mu’minah Salie Over the years, there has been a debate about whether perfection is actually a real thing or not. Perfection means being flawless, so an object can be perfect but can a human? With objects, it all comes down to perception. We all have our own ideas on what is perfect and what is not. For example, if you got 100% for a test, you have just gotten yourself a perfect mark. But what will it take to have a person perceived as perfect? Do they have to be stick thin, or look amazing every day? Do they have to get full marks on every test they do, or be the star of every athletics race? Now, half of the time I am an extreme optimist, but even I don’t believe that this is possible. So what if perfection was just a concept that “accidently” became something that people hopelessly strive towards? Everyone has something they want to be perfect at, but perfection has no flaws, so no room for changes that can make it better. And that’s another point: everything can (or should be) improved. You should always try to get a better mark, or run faster, or keep your schoolbooks neater and more organized. Otherwise, once that “perfection” is reached, what would we strive towards? Sometimes we need flaws to motivate us, or inspire us. And don’t take my motivational message the wrong way and think it is okay to be average. I’m just saying that it might be better to stop obsessing over something that won’t happen. Because while we are so determined on a being the picture perfect Barbie doll, we are missing out on living life. And that’s a big flaw.

As South Africans, our past is crippled by, sexism, homophobia as well as racism and prejudice against different cultures in particular. While the origins of such attitudes may be traced back to the arrogance and superiority complexes of the perpetrators, I think that the cause of the continuation of such mind-­‐sets is lack of understanding. When one really takes the time and puts in the effort to learn more about something, understanding and empathy will dawn naturally on that person. The less we know about each other, the more likely we are to fall prey to hatred and discrimination. Unlike our parents, and unfortunately many other teenagers even today, we have the privilege of going to a school filled with people from a diverse range of cultures, religions and races. There are bound to be many Wynberg Girls who agree with our opinions about politics, religion, sexuality and so on, as well as many others who disagree. Instead of dismissing their opinion as irrelevant immediately, we might find that it will benefit us to listen to what they have to say. When we can see things from the perspective of others, not only do we become more enlightened individuals, but we are also less likely to discriminate against them, as we know about their circumstances and understand how this affects the way they act. We don’t have to accept or believe everything that we are told. That we are listening and attempting to engage and understand is enough. We are the leaders, thinkers and innovators of our generation; it’s our job to secure the future that we would like to live in. Assuming that we share the vision of a discrimination-­‐free future, let’s make it our aim to discuss our opinions with our peers, in the hope of understanding each other and thus combatting prejudice. Yusra Booley

The ‘V’ word Rebekah Nathan Whenever it comes up in conversation that I am now a vegan people respond in one of three ways… either they exclaim “nooooooooo”, they proceed to lecture me on “how unhealthy it is” or they react rationally and ask me to tell them more about it. Now, whichever category you fall into (i.e. The exclaimer, the preacher or the student) I am going to put your mind at ease. This article will aim to debunk some myths and share some facts so that hopefully, by the end of it you can wrap your head around how I live without cheese. I thought I’d format this article, since I don't have enough time to give you all the countless reasons to go vegan, in the form of a FAQ. I will paste some links to more in depth articles and videos if you’d like to find out more. Q: What is veganism? A: It is a way of eating and living whereby you do not consume or use any animal byproducts. That means no meat, fish, eggs and/or dairy Q: But where do you get your protein? You need protein you know! A: From the same place the strongest and largest animals, e.g. elephants, gorillas, horses and rhinos get theirs, from plants. Protein deficiencies are almost impossible to get if you eat a variety of food and don’t starve yourself or live in a third world country. The only protein you might be lacking in as a vegan is B12, which is an animal protein, but there are many supplements for that. Q/C: That sounds so unhealthy! A: Please explain how eating unlimited fruits and vegetables with zero saturated fat or cholesterol in your diet is unhealthy. Q/C: But we’re designed to eat meat. A: Actually there is very little evidence to support this. We have long digestive tracts like other herbivores which means that we need to eat foods that digest quickly such as plant based foods. Animal’s foods take a long time to digest, which is why predators such as lions have very short

digestive tracts, not to mention they can kill their prey themselves (without tools) and eat it raw which none of us can say for ourselves about meat. Furthermore, yes we do have canines but so do Gorillas who are herbivores. Even if these canines meant that we were meant to eat meat it does not mean we have to or are entitled to. Just because you have a weapon or the ability to inflict pain does not mean you should do it. Q/C: But consuming dairy and eggs doesn’t hurt the animals does it? A: Not necessarily no but commercial dairy and egg farms are some of the most brutal out there. Male chicks are put into meat grinders as they are not considered ‘useful’ and female cows have their babies ripped away from them after birth. The contraptions used to milk cows often infect their udders leaving puss in the milk you drink and although milk it pasteurized and the germs might be gone the puss remains, germ free, but puss nonetheless. If you lived on a small farm, however, it might be that you obtain eggs and milk humanly. However, these products still contain high cholesterol and saturated fat. Also, cows milk is meant to grow a 200kg cow, so it’s no wonder dairy (especially cheese) is one of the highest causes of obesity. Q: Can I eat humanely slaughtered cows? A: How can you “humanely” kill anything that does not wish to die. I could go on forever, as clearly this is something I am passionate about. Veganism is good not only for your health but for the environment as well. Switching to a vegan diet reduces carbon emissions 50% more then by switching to a clean energy car. 70% of all grain in the US is fed to farm animals…imagine how many starving people could be fed if we did not mass farm these animals. Nearly 80% of deforestation land is used as cattle pastures. Lastly, to produce one pound of soy vs one pound of meat, the meat takes 12 times the land, 13 times the fossil fuel and 15 times the water. Going vegan is easier then you think and you can make a far bigger impact then you’d think just by adjusting your food choices. To find out more watch “The best speech ever” by Gary Yourofsky (yes that is the name of the speech not just my opinion). WARNING: it is quite graphic but unfortunately the way animals are treated is horrific and sometimes we need to be shocked into change.

Have we lost touch? Are we no longer interacting? Human's ability to grow and develop has lent us to centuries of advantages, however, what has launched us into the top of the food chain is the ability to communicate. Unlike animals, humans are not only able to send each other warning signs or signals, but we are able to communicate on a daily basis that allows us to build

relationships. The very development of our emotions connected with our family, friends and love interests are built on communication and the modelling and forming of conversations as they progress. Without the sharing of words, how can our relationships progress? This important process is often stunted with the introduction of technology. Our easy access to cellphones and tablets, transforms our social occasions into a group of people consumed by their screens. This lack of interaction, is detrimental and does nothing to strengthen relationships. It weakens our ability to communicate. This is often seen in our modern day practice of interaction: texting. Expressing our emotions over text removes any responsive body language, any immediate response and as a result, messages can be misinterpreted. Many people take this opportunity to send texts that in reality, would never imagine voicing. This produces a sense of false courage within individuals and gives people the ability to send either insulting messages or threatening messages lending itself to cyber bullying. With our eyes glued to a screen, we miss so much. Beautiful views, experiences and opportunities are missed. If we continue this psychological behaviour, we will continue to miss out on all the beauty our lives have to offer. And then what will our memory have to play for us? -­‐Juliet Stromin

WGHS EASY AND EFFORTLESS ENVIRONMENTAL TIPS FOR THIS SUMMER With the constant rise in heat, it's important to keep yourself, as well as the natural environment, healthy and hydrated. Now at this point you might be yawning or desperately wanting to stop reading. I mean, why would YOU want to save the natural environment anyway? Oh, right, it's only a major part of why you're still even around. If you're still reading, I sincerely thank you for your open mindedness and willingness to educate yourself about how you, my fellow Wynberg sister can help conserve our beautiful environment both in and out of school. Tip no. 1: When seeing papers or plastics lying carelessly in the school or on the astro etc., do yourself and all of us a favour and throw them in a bin! You spend most of your time at school and it's become a second home to you and I know you wouldn't want your actual home being filthy and messy. *Did you know that plastics are not bio-­‐degradable items and can therefore not help with the fertility of the soil, but can make it infertile resulting in our pretty gardens becoming nothing but withered flowers. Tip no. 2: Watch where you're walking! Flowerbeds have not suddenly turned to pavement to walk on or short cut routes to class. Tip no. 3: In most, if not all classes, you will find a box specifically marked for recycling. Do not use copious amounts of unnecessary exam pad pages to sneak notes to your friend in class, telling her about Steve whatshisface. No, Steve has nothing to do about recycling and learning for that matter. Instead, kindly place all flat and gently/ slightly used paper in the box. *In case you've forgotten, trees convert the CO2 that you exhale and release fresh Oxygen, creating a steady process of filtration of the air that you breathe. That's all the time I have for now. But please, if you're keen on learning more about environmental conservation join myself and the Enviro -­‐ club every Wednesday in lab 1 from 15:00 to 16:00. See you there! And remember: "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." -­‐ Robert Swan

as severe as climate change This is a problem by no means that many of us probably or world hunger, but it is one struggle with. Unless you genuinely intend to spend the entire holiday on the couch, catching up on your favourite series (I find that this is usually only good Relax for the first weekClifton on the or so before cabin fever starts to set in), you probably want Beaches. do something productive with your time. Although it would be lovely, this doesn’t have to mean jetting off to Europe poor exchange rate has rendered that option virtually (the impossible for the average Joe) – there are plenty of things to do in the lovely, sunny Cape Town! Perhaps you could cross a couple of things off your bucket list!

Go to the Rush Indoor Do volunteer work at a Have sundowners on Trampoline Park. place like DARG or Chapman’s Peak. the SPCA. Watch a movie at the Labia Theatre. Hike up Lion’s Head. Spend a day at the Get some exercise at Castle of Good Hope. the outdoor gym in Greenpoint Park. Learn to surf at Beach. Muizenberg Play a game of putt putt in Sea Point. Take a boat trip to Seal Swim in one of Cape Island. Town’s many tidal pools. Have lunch at the Hout Go to Robben Island. Bay Harbour Market. in the Have a picnic Go and watch a Watch a show at the Company’s Garden. Kirstenbosch Summer Cape Town Concert. Planetarium.

Idea s

Have lunch at the Old Biscuit Mill.

Enjoy fish and chips at the Kalk Bay Harbour.


1. What city does the movie take place? 1.A. Albuquerque, New Mexico

B. Phoenix, Arizona C. Salt Lake City, Utah D. Chicago, Illinois 2. At what party did Troy and Gabriella meet? A. Christmas party B. New Year’s Eve party C. Birthday party D. Bachelorette party

3. What is the name of Troy’s BFFL (best friend for life)?

A. B. C. D.

Jason Cross Ryan Evans Chad Danforth Zeke Baylor

4. What’s Ryan Evans' "crowd favourite" dance move?

A. B. C. D.

Twerking Jazz hands Hokey pokey Shimmying

5. What does the skater dude reveal about himself in “Stick to the Status Quo”?

A. B. C. D.

He doesn’t actually know how to skate. He loves to cook…especially crème brulee He’s an opera singer He plays the cello

How well did you do?

More quizzes like this to come every Wynpress!

Answers: 1. A 3. C 5. D

2. B 4. B

Poetry I see the closeness of him Is suffocating you The care in his dark eyes Terrifies you Because what if when he sees What if when he knows The doors of his love will shut The walls of his heart will close And you will be left alone Like so many times before ~Susanna Carlos Many people think money is what Everyone wants. But I beg to differ Attention is what we all really want Flashy cars, Revealing clothes. Layers of makeup Is this what we have become? Slaves to merely acquire attention? Why do we focus on looks over Personality? Makeup over morals? Rumours over the truth? The world is screwed up, We know it And yet‌we do nothing. ~Anonymous Â

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