Shoulder Tear - Physiotherapy As Effective As Surgery
Shoulder Tear - Physiotherapy As Effective As Surgery
A shoulder tear or rotator cuff tear is a common ailment. A rotator cuff itself comprises of four small shoulder muscles that are responsible for the movement of your shoulder joint and controlling it. The four muscles that collectively make the rotator cuff are – subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor. Anyone who suffers from a shoulder tear will have to undergo the right kind of treatment based on their actual condition and cause of the tear.
By: Wyndham Physio
Shoulder Tear - Physiotherapy As Effective As Surgery
Major rotator cuff tears caused due to severe injury or an accident may call for a surgery. But, most shoulder tear conditions are caused due to minor reasons and are not as drastic in nature. For almost all cases of non-traumatic shoulder tears, Physiotherapy is the treatment of choice. Using physiotherapy treatment with conservative management of the shoulder joint, small and medium rotator cuff tears can be healed successfully. There is a myth that surgery is the best option for a shoulder tear. This is only partially true as more than 80% minor tears can be easily treated through Physiotherapy.
By: Wyndham Physio
Shoulder Tear - Physiotherapy As Effective As Surgery
Physiotherapy is as effective as surgery and even a better option than surgery due to various reasons, especially in case of a minor tear : Physiotherapy is safer than surgery. You don’t need to be hospitalized to undergo Physiotherapy unlike in case of a surgery. Physiotherapy is cheaper compared to a Surgery. Physiotherapy has no side effects. Once your physiotherapist has studied your condition thoroughly, after the initial sessions, you may even be able to do Shoulder Tear Exercises taught by your physiotherapist on your own at home. A good Physiotherapist will look at your condition and based on his observations and clinical or diagnostic reports will advice on the best course of action. If the shoulder tear is a small non-traumatic tear, then he would usually advice you to undergo Physiotherapy as the mode of treatment. But, in case of major tears, he will advise you to consult an orthopedic surgeon for further advice regarding surgery. Wyndham Physio has an expert team of Physiotherapists who can help you to recover from Shoulder Tears through Physiotherapy and Shoulder Tear Exercises.
By: Wyndham Physio
Shoulder Tear - Physiotherapy As Effective As Surgery
They will ensure that your condition is treated with utmost care and you are back to your normal shoulder movement and flexibility. But, in case of major tears, he will advise you to consult an orthopedic surgeon for further advice regarding surgery. Wyndham Physio has an expert team of Physiotherapists who can help you to recover from Shoulder Tears through Physiotherapy and Shoulder Tear Exercises. They will ensure that your condition is treated with utmost care and you are back to your normal shoulder movement and flexibility.
By: Wyndham Physio
Shoulder Tear - Physiotherapy As Effective As Surgery
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Wyndham Physio Hoppers Super Clinic , 599, Sayers Road Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 Phone No:- 03 9748 9652 03 8360 5100 Email :- Website :-
By: Wyndham Physio