Farm Focus - Oct-Nov 2017

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Supporting the needs of British farmers Offers valid from 1st October - 30th November 2017



27th OCTOBER 2017


10am – 5pm

New location for 2017


Hereford Livestock Market Roman Road, Hereford, HR4 7AN


DEDICATED EVENT FOR SHEEP AND BEEF FARMERS Speakers • Workshops • Demonstrations • Product Displays The focus of the event will be...

Profitable production in the face of industry challenges Brexit

Consumer Demands Export Markets

Market Conditions Innovation

SPEAKERS Minette Batters, NFU Deputy President Richard Roderick, Newton Farm, Brecon, Powys - Farmers Weekly Sheep Farmer of the Year 2015 Richard Tudor, Llysun Farm, Llanerfyl, Powys, - Farmers Weekly Beef Farmer of the Year 2016 Main sponsors

@WynnstayGroup 2

All prices exclude VAT

MAIZE Growing A Successful Maize Crop

It is now the time of year, where we look at the results from harvest and decide whether this maize growing season has been a success. As a forage crop, maize is palatable, high in energy, starch rich and has a good ME – all of which contribute to improved milk and meat production. Therefore, if your crop hasn’t produced the quantity and quality that you were hoping for this season, it may be that small changes to the way the crop is grown, could make a big difference to your results come harvest. If your maize has performed well this season, then looking at the finer details of growing a maize crop could enhance yield and nutritional value, whilst making maize production much more cost-effective. At Wynnstay, our specialists provide bespoke advice on all aspects of maize crop management: Site Selection

Soil Health

Variety Selection

Agronomy Clamp Management


Crop Nutrition

Maize silage additive is available from stock and can also be delivered at short notice. Protect your investment with Wynnstay Corn. Silage sheets and Clingseal are also available from Wynnstay Stores and Wynnstay Agricentres, for store locations or to request a quote please visit Wynnstay Arable Department

01939 210555

To contact your local specialist or agronomist, please visit: All prices exclude VAT



Of course, the factor which has greatest influence over the success of the crop is the weather, and this is totally out of our control. My advice to all growers is to apply attention to detail to every aspect of the crop’s management, and work with your Wynnstay specialist to ensure you are making the most effective decisions on inputs for your farm.

SOIL HEALTH Grassland Soil Health

Understanding the fertility of your soil is an essential part of grassland management. There needs to be an awareness of the nutritional picture of each field, to ensure there is the right balance of nutrients to allow the ley to fulfil its potential. A blanket approach to fertiliser purchasing is often not the most cost-effective approach, as each field needs to be assessed individually. To understand what you’re working with, soil sampling should be common place on-farm to ensure pH, N, P and K levels aren’t hampering plant growth and development. The balance of these key nutrients is very important. For example, Nitrogen (N) helps with plant growth, driving production and improving the quality of forage crops, while Phosphate (P) encourages root growth and development, and Potash (K) helps with protein production to maintain healthy plant cells.

A selection of the popular soil samples we offer • pH, available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium • Lime and fertiliser recommendations

Standard Soil Standard Soil + Organic Matter

• pH, available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium • Lime and fertiliser recommendations. Additional organic matter result

Natural England Stewardship Scheme

• pH, P, K, Mg, total nitrogen using dimus method, organic matter through loss on ignition and textural classification

Broad Spectrum

• pH, available phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, sulphur, boron, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium & cobalt

More soil samples available on request

Getting the pH balance right It is also important to ensure the pH of your soils is balanced, to help to maximise grassland performance. Ideally the pH should be in the region of 5.0 to 5.5 for peaty soils, and 6.0 to 6.5 for mineral based soils. Lime applications should also be factored in a wider nutrient management plan.

Phosphate and potash recommendations for grass establishment Correct nutrition is important to ensure successful establishment of a new sward. The phosphate, potash and nitrogen recommendations will differ from existing swards. New leys have a greater requirement for phosphate to help with root development and lower requirement for nitrogen. P or K Index 0




4 and higher



Phosphate Potash

120 120






60 (2-) 40 (2+)



From The Fertiliser Manual (RB209) 8th Edition

The amount of phosphate and potash applied for establishment may be deducted from the first season’s grazing or silage/hay requirement.

Wynnstay Fertiliser Department

01939 211266

To contact your local specialist or agronomist, please visit: All prices exclude VAT


CEREAL SEED Options for Late Drilling and Spring 2018 Late drilling options Two very useful wheats which are well suited to the October/ November drilling window are:

Wheat KWS Siskin Whilst being one of the UK’s most popular wheats, KWS Siskin is particularly suited to the later sowing position due to very vigorous autumn growth. It has excellent disease ratings, good grain quality and is one of the top yielders when sown late.

RGT Universe This is currently the top yielding soft feed wheat available. RGT Universe showed itself to be particularly resilient in the 2016/17 growing season and is one of the first varieties out of the blocks in the spring.

2018 varieties to watch Spring Barley

First look at spring cereals

RGT Planet: Highest yielding spring barley available

With this year’s harvest done and autumn drilling in full flow, some growers will already be looking to the next sowing window; spring ’18.

in 2017. It is fully approved for IBD brewing use and has a strong agronomic package – apart from on rusts, where it will need some attention.

Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable shift towards spring sowing in the UK. Most of this swing has been accredited to the benefits of spring cropping when combating blackgrass issues on-farm. The majority of research has shown that introducing spring plantings into the rotation has consistently reduced blackgrass populations – with an 88% mean reduction when compared to September-sown wheat.

Propino: A popular variety across the UK. It is a good dual purpose option for growers who are looking for a strong feed barley with the potential for a brewing premium.

Kelim: This variety will be popular again in spring ’18 after proving to be a versatile variety which can generate top yields of grain and straw. One of Kelim’s strongest characteristics is it’s long straw which has excellent standing power.

As seed producers in the west, spring has always been a busy season for us – with more land going down to spring barley or wholecrop. However, like the rest of the industry, we will be waiting to see if the hectarage grown in spring ‘18 will show another year of increased spring cropping.

Elsoms. It has a very good agronomic package with decent yields, particularly in the west. Acorn has long straw and very strong rhynchosporium resistance.

Remember to ask for Hi-Gene Blackgrass Free Seed when ordering your spring seed to ensure your seed is of high purity and free from blackgrass contamination.

Wynnstay Seed Department

01939 210777

To contact your local specialist or agronomist, please visit: All prices exclude VAT



NEW Acorn: A new variety from seed breeders

ANIMAL HEALTH Be prepared for Autumn with CYDECTIN TriclaMox As the year progresses, it’s time to start thinking about the autumn parasite challenges, we’ve seen some very high worm egg counts this year which could continue into the tupping season. Continuation of the current warm, wet weather could result in us seeing an earlier fluke challenge too. Both stomach worms and fluke have high production costs associated with lack of control. Gut worms result in reduced weight gains of up to 47%1 and good control can give up to 4.7kg extra live weight during the grazing season2, additionally, Fluke can cost £3 to £5 per infected sheep3. Thus, choosing the correct treatment at the correct time can mean faster growing, more productive sheep. Although it has been established that wellconditioned adult ewes will often not benefit from worming, it is important that your flock are in the best possible condition for tupping time to ensure a successful lambing time next year. Also, any lambs that are still on the farm may benefit from treatment for mixed infestations of worms and fluke, if present.

Treatment for stomach worms If there is a need to treat for stomach worms it is very important to choose a product that will be highly effective on your farm. Don’t compromise on worm control as there is a need to remove potential resistant worms that have built up during the season. Wormer resistance has reached substantial levels throughout the UK as the latest figures show4;

Treatment for fluke Treating for fluke isn’t something we normally think about until nearer to tupping time. However, there is potential to get caught out, it takes 12 weeks from a sheep becoming infected with fluke to producing egg laying adults that go onto further contaminate the pasture. It is not the just the adult fluke that are a risk, the migrating immature fluke can cause sudden death and predispose to clostridial disease. Therefore it is very important to select a product for the age group of fluke you need to treat and don’t compromise on fluke control.


CYDECTIN® TriclaMox® Drench for Sheep CYDECTIN TriclaMox Drench is a combination product containing moxidectin and triclabendazole for mixed infestations; triclabendazole has the widest spectrum of activity against fluke and moxidectin is potent and persistent against sheep roundworms. CYDECTIN TriclaMox is the only combination product to provide a long action against worms and treat the broadest spectrum of fluke from a single drench, leading to: • A reduction in pasture worm contamination • Reduced worm and fluke threat to treated animals • Convenience of a single potent and persistent drench to treat mixed infestations

Age of fluke in weeks Drug



















Clorsulon (Inj) Nitrozynil


Closantel Triclabendazole




Adapted from: Fairweather, I and Boray. JC (1999) Mechanisms of fasciolicide action and drug resistance in Fasciola hepatica. Chapter 7 in Fasciolosis, Ed JP Dalton. CAB International. Pp 225-276. Early immature: 1-4 weeks; Late immature: 6-8 weeks; Adult: 8-12 weeks.Ref: VICH Guideline 13, efficacy of anthelmintics: specific recommendations for ovines. EMEA, 1999.

1. Charlier, J. et al 2014: Trends in Parasitology, Vol. 30, No. 7, 2. Miller et al Veterinary Parasitology doi:10.1016/j.vetpar2011.11.063, 3. Sheep Health and Welfare Group Report (2016), 4. WAARD Project Final Report. Sept 2015. CYDECTIN TRICLAMOX 1 MG/ML + 50 MG/ML ORAL SOLUTION FOR SHEEP contains moxidectin and triclabendazole. For the treatment of mixed nematode and fluke infections in sheep, caused by moxidectin and triclabendazole sensitive parasites in sheep. POM-VPS For information about side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications for these products, please refer to the product packaging and package leaflet. For further information please see the product’s SPC or contact Zoetis UK Limited, Walton Oaks, Dorking Road, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 7NS. Customer Support: 0845 300 8034. Use medicines responsibly ( Date of preparation: July 2017 AH553/17

All prices exclude VAT


ANIMAL HEALTH The importance of trace element nutrition pre-tupping Grazing alone cannot always be relied upon to maximise ewe and ram fertility. We should not be complacent about mineral and trace element deficiencies pre tupping, which is an important time of the flock reproduction cycle. Even when grass growth has been good, essential trace elements can still be deficient and hinder fertility. Forage trace element analysis from across the UK has consistently found a lack of cobalt, selenium and other trace elements. This is often the case even at sites which have good quality grazing. Thought should be given to the way trace-elements are provided in the diet. Trace element drenches such as Wynnstay AllVit T are an effective way of supplying a range of minerals quickly and effectively. Preparations for tupping should start up to 8-10 weeks before the rams are turned out with the ewes, but at the very latest, six weeks before tupping commences. Give yourself plenty of time to rectify any problems or source replacement stock. Pay close attention to the key components of the diet to ensure fertility levels across the whole flock are maximised. Getting micronutrition right pre tupping will support fertility, and will lead to the best chance of a good scanning result and a healthy lamb crop in 2018. Drench ewes 3-4 weeks pre tupping to help ensure this. Don’t forget the tups! All too often they can be neglected, and as they contribute 50% of the genetics to the flock, it is important that their condition is considered as well as the ewes pre-tupping. For example, sperm production typically takes six to eight weeks, so start ram preparations early, at the same time as ewes, to ensure this isn’t compromised. Consider drenching tups at 8 weeks and 4 weeks pre tupping.

Essential elements for the pre-tupping diet: Zinc and Selenium: For skin health and healthy sperm production.

Vitamin B12: Essential for energy metabolism. Energy is essential, particularly for rams at this time of the year, to maintain energy levels and to aid ram recovery post-tupping. All prices exclude VAT



Cobalt: Cobalt, is required by the rumen microbes, who use it to produce vitamin B12. Lambs from ewes supplemented with cobalt pre tupping are born with more vigour.

ANIMAL HEALTH Managing parasites for productivity during housing Housing provides an opportunity to address the range of parasites picked up over the grazing season, to maximise cattle health and productivity over the winter. The questions of which flukicide to use and when to treat can be challenging, complicated further by the increasing concerns over triclabendazole resistance. Understanding the properties of available flukicides is key to making informed treatment decisions. Table 1 outlines the active ingredients and formulations available and their spectrum of activity. Age of Fluke Active Ingredient


Early Immature 0















Late Immature 5





Adult 10



Table 1: Spectrum of activity of commonly available flukicides (coloured area indicates >80% efficacy)1

Pour-on Injection Pour-on Oral

What factors should influence product selection? Adult fluke burdens have the greatest impact on productivity in cattle, and an abattoir study conducted in Autumn months demonstrated that 97% of the fluke present in cattle livers at this time were late immature or adults with only 3% present as early immature.2 This supports the use of a flukicide targeting the later stages of fluke as an effective approach to treatment at housing.


In another study3, beef cattle were housed and treated with either an ivermectin/clorsulon combination (IVOMEC® Super), or ivermectin (IVOMEC® Classic Injection) plus nitroxynil (Trodax®) or Triclabendazole (Fasinex Cattle oral drench), or ivermectin (IVOMEC® Classic Injection) only. There were no significant differences in liveweight gain between the different flukicide groups, as shown in Chart 2. The study found that flukicide treatment of animals that had positive fluke egg counts at housing resulted in significantly higher weight gain over the 112-day trial period than cattle that were not treated.

Chart 2: Average liveweight gain (kg) in cattle with positive fluke egg counts at housing treated with different flukicide groups

It is also worth noting that cattle that were negative for fluke eggs at housing grew on average 20.5kg more than those that were positive, irrespective of treatment, so it is important to remember the other objective of parasite control – reducing pasture contamination - and view the housing dose as a way of reducing parasite challenge next year. Treating at the point of housing will ensure that animals benefit immediately from production improvements associated with fluke control. Remember, no product is effective down to the very first day of infection: in order to ensure that treatment benefits continue throughout housing and that animals are turned out fluke-free, either test and retreat if necessary or retreat strategically later during housing. The interval for testing/treating will depend on the product used – your vet or SQP can advise on the best approach for your farm References: 1. Adapted from Fairweather and Boray, The Veterinary Journal 1999, 158, 81–112 2. MacGillivray F et al., Intern J Appl Res Vet Med 2013. 11(1): 1-6 3. Forbes AB et al., Veterinary Record 2015. 176(13):333 USE MEDICINES RESPONSIBLY. Ivomec® Classic Injection for Cattle and Sheep contains ivermectin. Ivomec® Super Injection for Cattle contains ivermectin and clorsulon. Trodax® 34% w/v solution for injection contains nitroxynil. Ivomec® and Trodax® are registered trademarks of Merial Ltd. ©Merial Ltd 2017. All rights reserved. Legal category: POM-VPS. For further information refer to the datasheets, contact Merial Animal Health Ltd. CM19 5TG, or call the Merial Customer Support Centre 0800 592699. Merial is now part of Boehringer Ingelheim. All prices exclude VAT


WINTER FEEDING Ewemaster Energy 22.5kg

Wynnstay Pre-Calver 20kg


• Use for flushing, pre-tupping and lamb finishing when extra energy and quality protein are needed • Helps aid milk production and lamb vigour

• Supports the immunity development of both the cow and her unborn calf • Supports active calving • Increases feed efficiency and animal performance • Contributes to good quality colostrum





£17 each


Why buy your liquid feeds from us?

We supply a range of high quality liquid feeds to improve every dairy, beef and sheep diet. Products include:

DAIRY • Protein; High sugar, high energy; High magnesium; Dry cow; Heifer replacement; Ration conditioning

BEEF • Protein; Sugar; Magnesium; Suckler cow; Rearing, Growing & finishing; Ration conditioning

SHEEP • High sugar, high energy; Protein Available in load sizes from 1-29 tonnes. Speak with your local Wynnstay Representative or Store for more information on the best product for your needs and for a competitive quote. All prices exclude VAT



Our preferred manufacturer, is the world’s number 1 liquid feed company bringing you a variety of benefits and reasons to buy from us including over 30 years experience, nationwide coverage, equipment provided, technology, dedicated transport and a personal touch.


Pulmosure 7kg F110062 The respiratory system of dairy calves is very vulnerable. Maintaining good respiratory health is of utmost importance to ensure a calf reaches its potential as a milking cow later in life. Farm-O-San Pulmosure contains an essential oil that supports breathing and clearing of the airways. Pulmosure also contains a natural form of vitamin E and organically bound selenium in order to support the immune function. Administration Use Farm-O-San Pulmosure as topdressing or include it in pellet feed at a daily dose of 10g per 100kg body weight for a period of 1 to 3 weeks. Provide Farm-O-San Pulmosure to the whole group of calves at the same time. Feed for 10 - 21 days.

Features Farm-O-San Pulmosure supports breathing and clearing of the airways and stimulates the immune function of calves and cattle.

Benefits Farm-O-San Pulmosure can be used during anticipated periods of risk (e.g. calves are on pasture and always require support for their respiratory system within a few days after being housed in a stable when the autumn starts), once calves start coughing or to facilitate easy breathing once signals are visible in the entire herd.

Ask your local Wynnstay Calf Specialist for our current special offers

Farm-O-San Pulmosure increases healthy mucus production in calves facing a challenge on their respiratory system.


Get your FREE “Breathe-Easy” Pack containing: • £10 discount voucher • Small sample to smell • Beanie Hat • Pack of Airwaves Chewing Gum! Please vist to recieve your FREE Pack By registering for a free sample entrants will be deemed to be bound by and have accepted these terms and conditions. By submitting your details you are agree to allow Wynnstay (Agricultural Supplies) Limited to pass on your name, address and phone number for the purpose of sending you the Farm-O-San Pulmosure sample. Your email will only be shared with Trouw Nutrition if you have selected that you are happy to receive a follow up email from Trouw Nutrition. One sample per farm, if you have already received a sample of Farm-O-San Pulmosure you will not be eligible for a second. Your free sample will include a Farm-O-San pulmosure sample, a Farm-O-San Beanie, a pack of Airwaves chewing gum and a discount voucher worth £10 redeemable on Farm-O-San at Wynnstay Stores, Wynnstay Agricentre or with your Wynnstay Representative. Voucher cannot be exchanged for a cash alternative. UK residents only. The offer will end when all samples have been allocated. Applicants must be 18 years or over. No purchase is necessary. The request for a free sample is free of charge. Entries will only be accepted on the official registration form Responsibility cannot be taken for requests lost, damaged or delayed whether due to technical problems or otherwise. Please allow 28 days for delivery. There are no substitute products or cash alternative. The promoters’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Offer expires 30th November 2017.

All prices exclude VAT


MINERALS The Wynnmin on-farm mineral range is available for all classes of ruminant livestock including; dairy youngstock, milking cows, dry cows, growing and finishing beef cattle, suckler cows, ewes and lambs. FARM MINERALS RANGE • Forages and straights to maximise health, fertility and performance. • Palatable to ensure livestock consume the correct daily amount in a controlled way • Includes dust-proofing to reduce waste and to ensure pleasant handling for the stock person

• Available as in-feed and fully waterproofed free access • High specifications carefully formulated to meet the requirements of modern, high energetic merit stock • Custom mineral formulations can be supplied, please consult your local Wynnstay Specialist • Feeding minerals helps correct deficiencies in grazing,

Premier Dairy

Premier Mag

The market leader - for high performance dairy cows and replacements

For feeding to dairy/beef cows/cattle in periods of high risk of magnesium deficiency (at turnout or on autumn grass)

Feeding Rates:

Feeding Rates:

Dairy Cows 150-200g/hd/day Replacements 75-125g/hd/day

Dairy/Suckler Cows 100-200g/hd/day

Premier Dry Cow

Premier Biosprint Beef

One of the highest specification dry cow minerals on the market - to meet the demands of the high producing pre-calving dairy cow, suckler cow or heifer

For up to 11% extra liveweight gain

Feeding Rates: 100-150g/hd/day

Feeding Rates: Dairy Cows/Heifers 100-150g/hd/day Suckler Cows 125g/hd/day

Premier Sheep An extremely high specification mineral for all breeding ewes, especially at tupping and in late pregnancy

Premier Youngstock Feeding Rates:

Sheep 30-50g/hd/day Ewes in late pregnancy and early lactation 30-50g/hd/day

Youngstock 100-150g/hd/day Mature Cattle 100-200g/hd/day

NB. For periods with a high risk of staggers an increased feeding rate is recommended. This mineral is not suitable for feeding to rams or intensively fed lambs

Premier Phos

Premier Intensive Lamb

For milking cows and replacements where phosphorus is low in the diet, especially on high grass silage diets

An extremely high specification mineral for fattening lambs being fed intensively

Feeding Rates:

Feeding Rates: Lambs/Rams 30-50g/hd/day

Dairy Cows 150-200g/hd/day Replacements 75-125g/hd/day


Available for collection from all Wynnstay Stores, and delivery direct to farm in minimum 1t lots. For a competitive price, please discuss your requirements with your local Wynnstay Dairy Specialist, Sales Representative or Wynnstay Store. All prices exclude VAT



Feeding Rates:

High specification mineral specifically designed for all dairy replacements and growing and rearing beef cattle

FEEDING AND HOUSING Bateman/IAE Cattle Ring Feeders

• 2135mm diameter • 20 feed spaces • 610mm deep welded base • 35mm verticle tubes at 327mm centres • 31.7mm x 31.7mm horizontal rails

• 2135mm diameter • 20 feed spaces • 670mm deep welded base • 35mm o/d tube vertical rails at 335mm centres • 38.1mm x 38.1mm SHS horizontal rails

WAS £157

WAS £210

NOW £148

NOW £180 48681


Calf Coat


• Don’t let all your hard work go to waste this winter, keep your calves strong and continuing to gain those all-important daily live weight gains by ensuring they are warm and comfortable • Calf coats can be used in the first four weeks of life to give calves a head start • Trials have shown an extra 5kg LWG on calves that had worn the calf coats during the cold weather • The coats are machine washable at 30°C • Sizes 70cm/80cm




£23 each Kerbl Calf House and Pen

JFC Calf Hutch Slat (1.2m X 90cm) 72355


• Ideal for keeping calves clean and dry when placed inside hutch system • Weather resistant slats are tough, easy to handle/ maintain • Group pens, replacing the need for straw or other bedding Dimensions: 900 x 1200 x 120mm





Accessories not included

All prices exclude VAT


FEEDING AND HOUSING Bateman Beef Trough 2.5m

Bateman Doube Sided Hogg Feeder




• 2500mm long • 450kg Hopper capacity • Fully galvanised unit with forklift channels for easy movement • Externally operated feed flow control plate • Adjustable legs allow a feed height from 280mm to 360mm


£340 • 2.5m L x 0.8m D x 0.7 H • Trough depth 230mm

WAS £565 £121 each

NOW £530 SMP Concrete Feed Block (Single)

• Smooth surface encourages increased feed intake by up to 10% • Hygienic, practical and durable • 25kg will cover up to 10-11m2





• It can be cut/screwed in the same way as traditional timber • Significantly longer lasting compared to timber and plywood • Rot and weather proof • No maintenance costs • Chew resistant and non-toxic to animals

Stokbord® Stokbord® (8’ x 4’) 2440mm x 1220mm x 06mm Sheet


Stokbord® (8’ x 4’) 2440mm x 1220mm x 09mm Sheet


Stokbord® (8’ x 4’) 2440mm x 1220mm x 12mm Sheet


Stokbord® (8’ x 4’) 2440mm x 1220mm x 18mm Sheet


Stokbord® (10’ x 5’) 3000mm x 1500mm x 06mm Sheet


WAS £53

Stokbord® (10’ x 5’) 3000mm x 1500mm x 09mm Sheet


Stokbord® (10’ x 5’) 3000mm x 1500mm x 12mm Sheet


NOW £50

All prices exclude VAT




• Quick and easy to install • Ease of fitting with lifting point on the top edge • Completely portable and fully removable • Suitable for new or existing houses



DAIRY Uddergold Platinum Base/Activator 20L The UK’s only VMD licenced ASC teat dip • Up to 85% reduction in new mastitis infections • 12 hour protection between milking • Complete kill of mastitis causing bacteria within 1020 seconds • Powered by ASC Technology and lactic acid • Contains 0.32% ASC

Wynnsan Supanovo Film/Dual/Spray

61442, 53842

61547-8, 61544-6 ,61541-3









£90 each

P4 Rapid Heat Detection Kit

10 Pack

25 Pack





FREE 67635

• Ideal bedding for dairy cows • Kiln dried recycled paper fibre • 95% dry matter gives superb absorbency • Heat treated to control yeasts and moulds • Approved for organic systems • Available year round • Self collect or delivered on walking floors, bulk tippers or in tote bags Price excluding haulage please call 01691 827123 for a quote




T-Hexx Dry 950ml



67608, 67609

P4 Rapid is not a pregnancy or BPAG test and is not intended for use on its own as a diagnostic tool


BUY 200L & GET TWO 25L


• Helps you build a more productive and profitable herd • One quick and easy test will confirm whether or not your cow is in heat • Gives you clear and accurate information



Virophor 2.8% 5L/25L Iodophor Disinfectant





• DEFRA TB APPROVED Stabalised iodophor disinfectant for surfaces and foot dip applications • Full DEFRA, DARDNI and Dept of Agri ROI approval • Low staining formulation which is economical to use

• Ideal complement to traditional dry cow therapy • T-hexx® Dry-E assists the natural keratin plug which is the teats difference mechanism • Forms a physical flexible barrier on and in the teat for up to seven days • Quick drying within 5-10 minutes and is resistant to water, manure and urine




£100 All prices exclude VAT


DAIRY Do you have challenges with teat health, mastitis or high cell counts?

Contact Wynnstay for a free evaluation from our Dairy Technical Services Team. For more information please call 0808 168 7998. ‘Over the past 5 winter months, we haven’t tubed a single cow for mastitis. We didn’t think we had a problem before Surepulse but we wouldn’t be without it today. Everything with our dairy operations runs smoother with Surepulse.’ - Marc Allison, Dairy Farmer in Cardigan, Wales

Wynnstay is the exclusive distributor of Surepulse in the United Kingdom.



All prices exclude VAT



36” Blast Fan Features: • Fiberglass corrosion resistant housing is easy to clean and last a long time • 2 year warranty efficient totally enclosed motor • Front and rear safety guards • Versatile mount • Heavy galvanized blade • Throws a high velocity air stream long distances

FENCING Fence Posts

Wynnstay now stock 15 year warrantied* fence posts • Incised spruce and slow grown pine available • All treated to BS8417-UC4 • Kiln dried and machine rounded

For more information please contact your local Wynnstay Store or Agricentre. Alternatively you can call us on 0808 1687998 or visit to request a quote. *Terms and conditions apply. Please ask for details.

Petrol Post Driver With Multi Adaptor A


DRP Fencing Pliers • Manufactured from carbon steel with smoothly ground and polished head • Head incorporates a striking face; staple removing hook; pincer and clamp on top jaw; grips on inside of handles for straining and twisting wire and two shear type wire cutters • Cushion grip handles



• Designed to knock any size stake, peg or post into the ground, up to a 4” diameter • High impact hammer action • Ultra-reliable and compact Honda GX35T 4-Stroke Engine


Senco GT40FS Cordless Fencing Stapler • Cordless convenience - no hoses, no compressors, no hassle • Navigate the job site with no restrictions • Powerful motor - high voltage ignition gives you more power and cleaner combustion • Consistent drives in all weather conditions - performs optimally between -7°C to 49°C • Three step loading sequence - quick and easy • Tool-free, metal thumbwheel depth-ofdrive, easily controled fastener depth with no tool required



Rylock One C8/80/15 50m


• 10 year guarantee • Galvanised mild steel





£33C.H75 EA

Normal price £35 each All prices exclude VAT


FENCING Ashcombe 7 Bar Field Gates 12ft/15ft A seven bar gate 1145cm high, complete with box section braces welded into the gate, box hang stile, spring bolt and sleeved 3/4” eyes

15636, 15637


WAS £53

NOW £48 (posts not included but are available to purchase in store)

Box Section Bracing Increased Strength and Increased Rigidity

ESB202 Electric Fence Energiser


WAS £62

NOW £57

Rutland Essentials Poly Wire 500m



• Wet battery-powered energiser • 1.7 stored joules • Best for containing sheep, cattle and horses • Ideal for exclusion of nuisance species • Pulse indicator light and low battery indicator light • Crocodile clips with stainless steel jaws included

WAS £23.33

WAS £152.99

NOW £18

NOW £130

ANIMAL CARE Super Crotal Brass Cattle Tag 68869


• Riveted locking mechanism • Proven retention for over 100 years • Oval pinfor greater animal comfort • Ribbed body retains readability • Fast healing • Ideal secondary tag • Does not corrode or deteriorate over time

We have a range of different clippers available at competitive prices See instore or online at All prices exclude VAT





• Low cost Electric fene wire alternative • Length - 500m • Conductors - 3 x 0.16mm • Thickness - 2.5mm • Ideal for short runs

FARM MAINTENANCE AdBlue® 20L and 220L 68985, 68986

Luceco 38w 3000 Lumens With PIR IP65 Guardian Floodlight

• Easy, simple, cost effective solution to reduce emissions • Landowner Products is an approved AdBlue® manufacturer and are nationwide AdBlue® suppliers • Landowner Blue is safe, non toxic, non harmful, non flammable • Complies with ISO 22241 for 100% quality


• • • • • •

3000 Lumens is equivalent to a 500w halogen 90% energy saving over halogen Pre-wired 1m rubber cable Unique fit and tilt bracket Instant 100% light output 10m maximum detention range for the PIR sensor


£55 DRP Battery 25mm X 3.5m Booster Cable • High quality copper coated aluminium cables • Fully insulated clamps, for: 8mm² (up to 1.2L petrol vehicles) • 10mm² (up to 1.5L petrol vehicles) • 16mm² (up to 2.5L petrol/1.5L diesel vehicles) • 25mm² (up to 5.5L petrol/3.0L diesel




• For workshop and home use • Suitable for conventional lead acid batteries up to 320Ah (30A) and 200Ah (12A) • Integral carrying handle • Insulated copper leads and battery clips • Convenient front cable storage





£59.99 Rat Bait Station




Draper 12/24V 30A and 12A Battery Chargers 71759, 71760

JFC Tipping Wheelbarrow 250L • • • •


• Clear lid for easy inspection • Robust, lockable construction • Suitable for internal and external use • Includes key, bait rod and tray • Easy fix optional wall mount • Use with rodenticide blocks, grain or power kill snap traps

Galvanised metal frame Roller bearing pneumatic wheels Tough and durable Lightweight



Rat Bait is also available in store

WAS £220

Only available to purchase by customers who have undergone relevant training or are part of an accredited farm assurance scheme see in-store for detials

NOW £176

All prices exclude VAT


FUELS Bulk Wood Pellets and Bulk Wood Chips

House Coal 20kg / Firelighters

13971, 15722

4 FOR £24


2 BUYFO1 R £8

NET CALORIFIC VALUE: A1 - > 4.58 kwh/kg

79p Each

Prices on application based on tonnage and location, for more information or to request a quote please call 0808 1687998

WORKWEAR • Goodyear Welted steel toe and midsole • Heat, oil and slip resistant rubber sole unit • Small elasticated section which makes it easier to put on / take off the boot

Purofort Plus

16261 Sizes 6-11

14976, 16763 Sizes 3 to 14

• Lightweight for minimising foot fatique • SRC rated outsole for excellent grip • Energy absorbing heel unit • Insulated down to -20˚C • 100% waterproof and chemical resistant

Our Best Selling Safety Dealer


WAS £71

NOW £60 Seals Flex Waterproof 40204/68008 Sizes XS-5XL Over Trousers

Non Safety

WAS £60

WAS £50

NOW £50

NOW £40

Hendon Hoodie • 320g polyester cotton • Double layered contrast inner hood • Kangaroo pocket • Bronze eyelets • Flat draw cord • Available in Black or navy

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WAS £41.67

WAS £17.50

NOW £35

NOW £12

All prices exclude VAT


58208, 67949 Sizes M-XXL


Buckler B1150 Safety Dealer Boots

Looking to the future? Finance options now available

Wynnstay (Agricultural Supplied) Limited act as a credit broker. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Finance provided by Hitachi Capital Business Finance, a trading style of Hitachi Capital (UK) PLC. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. *Full terms and conditions apply.


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To browse our full range of agricultural products, sign up to offers and to request a quote visit:

Terms and Conditions: All prices exclude VAT. Offers valid from 1st October - 31st November 2017. All offers are subject to availability. Product images are for illustration purposes only, actual products may vary. Some products will only be available at larger stores, please check before travelling. Wynnstay reserves the right to change or withdraw offers or prices at any time. E & OE


Wynnstay (Agricultural Supplies) Ltd • Eagle House • Llansantffraid • Powys • SY22 6AQ Registration No. 5009019 Part of Wynnstay Group Plc • Eagle House • Llansantffraid • Powys • SY22 6AQ Registration No: 2704051 Telephone: 01691 828512 • Fax: 01691 828690 • Email: • Registered in Wales and England Vat Reg No. 168 7221 87


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