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Revision nr : 2 Date : 16 / 7 / 2010 Supersedes : 23 / 9 / 2009
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N : Dangerous for the environment
1. Identification of the product and the company Name Chemical description active ingredient(s) Company identification
SPRUZIT. : Pyrethrins including cinerins : CERTIS UK 1b Mills Way Boscombe Down Business Park, Amesbury Wiltshire. SP4 7RX United Kingdom Telephone 1980 676500 Fax 1980 626555 E-mail: : Insecticide : For advice on medical emergencies, fires, spillages or chemical hazards ONLY phone 0870 190 6777. For further advice for medical professionals - The National Poisons Information Service: Tel: 0870 600 6266 (UK only) or Dublin Tel: 00353 1379 964/379966. For further advice for veterinary surgeons: 020 7635 919. Certis Carechem24 multilingual 24 hours emergency number : +44 (0) 870 190 6777
Use Anti-poison center - Tel.
Print date
: 3 / 8 / 2010
2. Hazards identification Environmental hazard
: Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
3. Information on ingredients Substance/preparation Other information
: Preparation : This product is dangerous for the environment. See chapter 16 for full text of R phrases : Below mentioned is the active component.
Composition Substance name
Pyrethrins including cinerins
Value(s) 0.5 %
CAS nr -
EC index 613-022-00-6
Xn; R20/21/22 N; R50-53
4. First aid measures General - Inhalation
CERTIS UK 1b Mills Way Boscombe Down Business Park, Amesbury Wiltshire. SP4 7RX United Kingdom Telephone 1980 676500
: Move the patient to fresh air. : Remove victim to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. If you feel unwell seek medical advice.