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1. Identification of the product and the company Name Chemical description active ingredient(s) Chemical family GCPF code Product identification Company identification
Use Anti-poison center - Tel.
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TRIGGER 3. Metaldehyde : 2,4,6,8-tetramethyl-1,3,5,7-tetraoxacyclo-octane (IUPAC) Aldehydes GB (Granular bait) Pellets. CERTIS UK 1B Mills Way Boscombe Down Business Park Amesbury Wiltshire SP4 7RX United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0) 1980 676500 Fax +44 (0) 1980 626555 E-mail: : Agriculture ( Molluscicide ) : For advice on medical emergencies, fires, spillages or chemical hazards ONLY phone 0870 190 6777. For further advice for medical professionals - The National Poisons Information Service: Tel: 0870 600 6266 (UK only) or Dublin Tel: 00353 1379 964/379966. For further advice for veterinary surgeons: 020 7635 9195. : 30 / 5 / 2010
2. Hazards identification Physical/chemical hazards
: The data available does not support any physical or chemical hazard. This product is moderately combustible. : See chapter 4. : The data available do not support environmental hazard.
Human health hazards Environmental hazard
3. Information on ingredients Substance/preparation Other information
: Preparation : See chapter 16 for full text of R phrases This product is considered not to be harmful but it contains a harmful component. : Product contains a repellent against domestic animals. Below mentioned are the active ingredient(s) in the formulation as well as the classified component(s).
Substance name Metaldehyde
CAS nr / EINECS nr / EC index
108-62-3 / 203-600-2 / 605-005-00-7
R-Phrase(s) 10-22
4. First aid measures Effects and symptomes General Inhalation Ingestion Skin contact Eye contact First-aid measures First aid general - Inhalation - Ingestion
- Skin contact - Eye contact
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Can enter the body by ingestion or inhalation or (less) through the skin. Cough. Sore throat. Fever. Cramps. Stomach ache. Vomiting. May be irritating. Irritation. Redness. Pain.
: Treat symptomatically. If you feel unwell seek medical advice (show the label where possible). : Remove victim to fresh air. Allow the victim to rest. Seek medical attention if ill effect develops. : Wash out mouth with plenty of water. Allow the victim to rest. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Induce vomiting. Seek medical attention immediately. : Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with water. Seek medical attention if ill effect or irritation develops. : Rinse immediately with plenty of water. After 1 - 2 initial minutes remove contact lenses if present. Rinse again with abundant water. With the eyelid wide open for at