Together we make a difference @WyreCouncil 20 23 Wyre Council’s community newsletter... WYRE VOICE
2 Discover what’s on where you live To find out about upcoming events, things to see and places to go in and around Wyre, visit our newly redesigned website or call into our tourist information points at Marine Hall Fleetwood and Garstang Library. WE ARE GREAT DAYS OUT Pictured: Dinosaurs Alive at Fleetwood Market, 2022 Follow @DiscoverWyre Keep in touch Wyre Council Civic Centre, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire FY6 7PU · Sign up to our e-newsletter at or follow us on social media for regular news and updates. @WyreCouncil View your bills online, access online benefits services and more by registering for a myWyre account. Visit mywyre for more details. Please note this edition of Wyre Voice was printed on 10 February 2023 and everything was correct at the time of going to print. To find out the latest information about Wyre Council and our services please go to Scan to visit our website
A message from Councillor Michael Vincent, Leader of Wyre Council
“Welcome to this year’s edition of Wyre Voice and my first edition as Leader of Wyre Council. This year we have seen businesses and the community come back to life following the pandemic and it’s been brilliant to see how people have come together in many different ways.
“Residents have opened their homes to refugees who have been warmly welcomed in our borough, making a real difference to the lives of families in crisis. Last year, we supported 80 Ukrainians seeking refuge in Wyre. The welcome and hospitality shown by our host families has been wonderful to see. The feedback from their guests, many of whom have been through incredible trauma, is that they are extremely appreciative of their host families, the council and the UK in general for supporting them through this difficult time.
“We joined together to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. As a council we hosted a series of fantastic free events across the borough which were enjoyed by many and we supported street parties in communities all over Wyre.
“We also sadly marked the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, coming together to mourn the loss of our longest serving monarch. Following the proclamation of King Charles III, we now look ahead to celebrating his coronation in May.
“Over the last twelve months we’ve worked hard to support residents and businesses in our borough who are most in need, processing and awarding millions of pounds of grant funding through government schemes including the Household Support Fund, the Energy Rebate Fund and the Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund. Support for vulnerable residents continues as funds like the Household Support Fund have been confirmed for 2023/24.
“We have been successful in bidding for considerable funding to carry out both small and major schemes across the whole of Wyre. We have been awarded £3.9 million of the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which will help us to improve our town centres and support community led projects around the borough. Through the Public Sector Decarbonisation scheme we have secured £1 million to make Fleetwood Market more energy efficient reducing the emissions of one of our major assets. Work has now also begun on our beach management
scheme thanks to funding of over £40 million from the Environment Agency which will protect 11,000 properties from future flooding.
“This year has shown what a truly fantastic place Wyre is to live and work in. In our recent Life in Wyre survey, over three quarters, 78%, of respondents told us they were satisfied or very satisfied with their local area as a place to live. We were delighted to see that satisfaction with our key services such as waste and recycling (84%), promenade and beach maintenance (79%) and playgrounds and green spaces (72%) all rank highly in respect of resident satisfaction and have all seen a rise in satisfaction rates since our last survey in 2018.
“In this edition of Wyre Voice you’ll find just a few of the projects and initiatives we are working on. We hope it helps you learn more about what’s on where you live and what our priorities are looking ahead to a prosperous year.”
Health and wellbeing
Holiday Activity and Food Clubs
Our popular holiday clubs are back this Easter for children on benefits related free school meals. From 3 to 14 April 2023, there will be activities for both primary and secondary age children to enjoy. At each session a free lunch will also be provided. Activities include sports, arts and crafts, swimming and much more. Older eligible children can also access the gym for free at some YMCA leisure centres.
Funded by the Department for Education, we offer clubs in the Easter, summer and Christmas holidays. Places need to be booked in advance and a unique booking code is required, which you can get from your child’s school.
You can read more and book places at
Time to chat
Preesall Town Council has designated a bench near the Lowry Statue as a chatty bench. Look out for the sign. If you’re passing and have time for a chat feel free to take a seat. It’s a great way to be sociable and say hello to people in the community.
Join Slimming World for free
We have partnered up with Slimming World to offer free 12 week programmes to people who live in Wyre. If you are new to Slimming World and have a BMI of over 30 you could be eligible. We’ve seen lots of success stories from people who have joined Slimming World through the programme, all changing both their mental and physical wellbeing for the better.
Paula (pictured) told us “My health has improved massively since losing weight. I can bend down, get in and out of the car and fasten my shoes more easily. I have a better relationship with food now too. The best thing about my weight loss is that I feel that bit more confident in myself and every day gets better.”
To find out more and sign up go to
TrySport is a programme of activities designed to give young people more opportunities to take part in sport in a fun and friendly environment. Fleetwood Town Community Trust delivers the sessions in venues across the borough and the timetable includes activities such as dance, dodgeball, boxing, hockey and football. The sessions are free and everyone is welcome.
For details of the current timetable visit
Get on your bike!
Cycling is a great way to give your health a boost and there are some wonderful places to get out on your bike in Wyre.
If you fancy getting out in a group, why not try our social cycling sessions?
Starting from Marine Hall in Fleetwood, come along on Fridays at 10am between April and October for a ride out along the promenade. It’s free and bikes/helmets can be provided for adults. We don’t have bikes/helmets to hire for children but families are more than welcome to bring their own and join us in the school holidays.
We also run Wyre Wheelsa weekly cycling session at Memorial Park, Fleetwood for people with disabilities, those who have limited mobility, are recovering from illness or injury, the elderly, or people who just want to get back on a bike and increase their confidence. Join us every Friday between 17 March27 October 2023, 10.30am –1pm. Sessions are £4 each.
Clubs and regular activities in Wyre
Are you looking for a new hobby? Would you like to get active, meet new people or learn a new skill? We’ve got all sorts of weekly activities and clubs to join across the borough from gardening clubs to beach cleans, litter picks, social cycling, art and crafts, and much more.
To find out what’s on, visit our website regularactivities
Whatever your passion, there’s sure to be a volunteering opportunity suited to you!
With volunteering positions available at Rossall Point Tower and Wyre Theatres or in our CCTV team, plus opportunities to explore the great outdoors as a walk or cycle leader, lend a helping hand at events, or host a community group - there truly is something for everyone. Better still, you’ll make new friends, learn new skills, and make a real difference to your local community. For more information or to apply, visit or call our Volunteer and Community Engagement Officer on 01253 887504.
Activities suitable for people living with dementia
Many of our regular activities are also suitable for people living with dementia and their families/carers. We’ve highlighted a few of our activities that are open to everyone, but are also suitable for people with dementia to come along to with their family or carer. We understand how important it is to have opportunities to be active and connect with others and these sessions are a nice way to do just that.
Just Reminiscing
Come along to our free, drop in sessions. See our interesting display of old artefacts, objects and scrapbooks from throughout the decades. We’d love to hear your happy memories of days gone by, pop in and chat to us:
Fleetwood Market
First Friday of every month 11am – 1pm
Cleveleys Library
Tuesdays 9 May, 11 July and 12 Sept 10am – 12pm
We would like to take this service into care homes and community groups by providing a loan box of items from times gone by. If this is something you would be interested in please email us at
Art and Science in Residency at the Mount
A host of exciting and thought-provoking interactive sessions will be coming to The Mount, Fleetwood over the coming months with artists in residence Tina Dempsey and Lisa Wigham.
During their residency, both Tina and Lisa, will be based at The Mount Pavilion holding creative workshops inspired by our beautiful coastline and rich local landscape including handmade gifts and print making sessions for locals of all ages to enjoy.
Follow Wyre Council on social media for more information and to stay updated on session dates.
Art sessions
Come and try your hand at painting and take home your creations. The sessions are led by experienced instructors and are free.
There’s no need to book, just bring something to protect clothing from paint splashes such as an old shirt. Make new friends and have a go –it’s fun!
Fun Arts
Knott End Library every Monday from 1pm2.30pm
Art, Take Part
Garstang Library every Wednesday, 10am - 12pm
Fun Arts
Garstang library every Thursday from 9.30am11.30am
Short guided walks
The short guided walks we’ve highlighted below are part of our calendar of guided walks and are open for anyone to come along, including those with dementia and their family/carers. The walks are free and there’s no need to book, just come along for a relaxed stroll with our friendly walk leaders. Each walk is around 2 miles and is a nice steady pace suitable for all. You can also book one of our all terrain Trampers to use during the walk by emailing
Cherestanc Square, Garstang - Every Monday (except bank holidays) 11am – 12 noon
Cleveleys Community Centre - 11am – 12 noon, once a month.
Marine Hall Fleetwood - 11am – 12 noon, once a month.
Memorial Park Fleetwood – 11am – 12 noon, once a month.
Visit to view dates and times of the walks.
If you run a dementia friendly group and would be interested in taking part in a group guided walk please email
Covid-19 and Cost of Living Support Schemes
In 2022, we worked hard to process and award millions of pounds to residents and businesses most in need through government schemes including the Household Support Fund and the Energy Rebate Fund (mandatory and discretionary schemes) for residents and the Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund for businesses.
We are currently working on distributing the latest round of the Household Support Fund and have already awarded money to thousands of our most vulnerable residents and local food banks to support their good work in the community.
There is still time to apply for the current round of the Household Support Fund which is open until 31 March 2023 (subject to funding availability). Central government has announced that the scheme will continue in 2023/24 and we await further details.
Households who do not claim social benefits, but whose incomes are such that they are struggling with the cost of living can apply online at householdsupport. To be eligible you will not have received any other cost of living payments from the council or DWP (with the exception of the £150 Energy rebate payments in respect of homes in council tax bands A to D).
Other grant schemes have been announced including the Energy Bill Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSSAF) and the Alternative Energy Support Scheme (AESS) aimed at providing financial support to those who don’t pay their bills directly to gas or electricity companies, or don’t use traditional mains gas or electricity to power their homes. We understand applications will be via the website.
To find out what funding schemes are currently available and how to access them, visit the homes, benefits and council tax section on our website
If you are struggling with increased costs of living, visit our website for advice and guidance
Armed Forces Covenant
We have pledged our continued support for the armed forces community by re-signing the Armed Forces Covenant. The council originally signed the Armed Forces Community Covenant in 2012 and we have upheld the values ever since.
The purpose of the Covenant is to encourage support for the armed forces community working and residing in Wyre, address disadvantages the armed forces community may experience due to their service and recognise the sacrifices made. It presents an opportunity to bring together knowledge, experience and expertise to support the provision of help and advice and sets out our commitment to ensuring those who serve or who have served in the armed forces are treated fairly.
Find out more about the Covenant and support for the armed forces at
Help for your home
Keep your home warm
Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) is a one stop shop for warmth, offering advice and assistance to every household. A joint initiative between all councils in Lancashire, Cosy Homes provides access to cost effective ways of keeping your home warm whether you own or privately rent. It offers a straightforward means of accessing grants to fund new heating measures, insulation and renewable technologies.
If you or someone in your household is in receipt of a relevant qualifying benefit or you have a household income of less than £30,000 then you could qualify for funding.
Visit the website at or contact Wyre’s Care and Repair team on 01253 887569 for more information.
My Home Choice – an affordable alternative to private home rental
Why not check if you are eligible for social housing and the opportunity to live in one of many new build affordable homes being built in Wyre.
From flats to houses in a variety of areas, rent levels are cheaper than the private sector and more households are eligible to apply than you might think. You don’t need to be in receipt of benefits and in some instances working households will be given priority. It’s the ideal way to reduce living costs as well as providing a secure rental agreement.
Homes are advertised on the My Home Choice website. To read more and to register visit
Care and Repair
Have you heard of our Care and Repair service, which provides help for homeowners aged over 65 and adults aged over 18 with a disability?
Our friendly team can help with repairs, home improvements, maintenance and adaptations. We can help with things such as replacing light bulbs, easing windows and doors, installing grab rails, installing key safes and carrying out small maintenance jobs. Some things such as replacing light bulbs and fixing trip hazards are free however, there is a small charge for other work in addition to the cost of any materials needed. If the work you need cannot be done by us, we will help by providing you with details of a reliable contractor who you can contact for a quotation.
We can also help with filling out forms for Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Carers Allowance. There is no charge for this service.
Please complete our application form online at careandrepair and one of the team will arrange to visit you in your home. You can also call us on 01253 887569.
Enjoy Wyre’s Great Outdoors
Did you know we coordinate a programme of events and activities that all take place in Wyre’s great outdoors? Running all year round there are hundreds of activities to choose from including guided walks, conservation days, wildlife and nature activities, family fun and much more.
Many of the activities are free and they are a great way to explore our beautiful coast and countryside, give your wellbeing a boost and get a breath of fresh air. You can pick up a copy of our Great Outdoors guide at your local library including our tourist information point in Garstang Library, the Civic Centre in Poulton, Marine Hall in Fleetwood, Rossall Point Tower and the café at Wyre Estuary Country Park, Stanah. You can also view the calendar and book places online at
The Green Stroll, Inskip
Inskip with Sowerby Parish Council have made improvements to Carrs Green and created a brand new walk called the Green Stroll. The circular walk takes you from Inskip through Carrs Green Common, taking in the beautiful countryside and nature along the way. You’ll see wildlife ponds as you walk along the new pathways, which are now accessible even on the wettest days. The watercourse, known locally as the tank trap, has been cleared and bird boxes have been put up. Waste bins have also been provided.
It’s a haven for wildlife and many species of dragonflies have been spotted as well as birds including barn owls, sedge warblers, snipe, woodcock and dunnock. You will find new information boards around the village making it easy to spot the public footpaths and the route.
Catterall looking bloomin’ lovely thanks to community groups and Parish Council
Last year was a busy one for Catterall Parish Council with some big improvements on the Queen Elizabeth II Playing Field. A new Multi Use Games Area has been installed and is proving to be very popular. The car park has been resurfaced and the playing fields looked fabulous all summer due to Catterall in Bloom’s wonderful flower beds. In fact, Catterall in Bloom’s work all over the village saw them win Gold in the Britain in Bloom North West judging. Thank you to everyone involved.
Pick up a copy or view online!
Discover Wyre Trails
We’ve created a brand new series of interactive trails across Wyre for people to follow and discover a whole new side to our beautiful borough.
Cleveleys Mythic Coast
Home to a stunning series of sculptures along what’s known as the mythic coast, Cleveleys now has its very own augmented reality app for people to experience the seafront in an entirely new way. Available on Google Play or the App Store, simply search Wyre AR to download the app for free.
You can then open the app on your next visit to Cleveleys beach and promenade and follow an interactive digital trail taking in the much loved sculptures of Mary’s shell, the ogre, the giant paddle, the shipwreck monument and the sea swallow. The app brings each piece to life and combines illustrations with animation, 3D digital art, poetry and music.
Find out more and follow the trails at
Garstang Heritage
There’s a new way to explore and discover more about the historic market town of Garstang through the new digital trail now online on the Discover Wyre Trails website. Pick out locations around the town and discover amazing pictures, films, audio recordings and written pieces about the heritage of Garstang. You can click on each location to get directions to your chosen spot. Follow the trail as you walk around the historic sites on your next visit to Garstang.
Finding Fleetwood
Finding Fleetwood is a growing collection of digital storytelling trails and experiences about Fleetwood created with Fleetwood people. There are trails to follow exploring art, nature, history, and everything in between! Visit the Discover Wyre Trails website to find a number of trails you can follow to hear fascinating stories, learn more about the history of the town and discover ways you can get out and get active. Look out for a festive trail too at Christmas time!
A galaxy far, far away...
Whether you’re a Star Wars fan or not, you can’t help but enjoy seeing Cleveleys in Disney’s latest spin off series Andor. The striking promenade is featured as the planet ‘Niamos’ and is clearly recognisable as Cleveleys. Completed in 2010 as part of a major sea defence project managed by the council the promenade still looks as good now as it did when it was built and we hope its new found stardom will encourage even more visitors!
©2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
Book your tickets for Garstang Walking Festival 2023
With over 40 walks for all ages and abilities, this annual festival is the perfect chance to experience the best of springtime in the countryside around Garstang, rural Wyre, the Forest of Bowland and Morecambe Bay. Choose from a huge range of walks, including the three day Wyre Way Challenge, easy access short walks, family activities, evening walks, wildlife strolls, heritage rambles, dog friendly trails and everything in between.
Book online at garstangwalkingfestival
Don’t miss the Garstang Coronation Walk on Monday 8 May. Come and enjoy the great British countryside on our walk around Garstang, starting at Cherestanc Square at 2pm. Everyone is welcome, let’s get the whole of Garstang together to mark this historic occasion – fancy dress is welcome!
Monday is also The Big Help Out day so we’ll also be showcasing local volunteering opportunities in Cherestanc Square from 12pm - 4pm and showing our appreciation for all that volunteers do. It’s a great chance for you to find a new group or charity to volunteer with and show your support for the community.
pre- festival events
Learn more about Garstang Walking Festival, meet our Wyre rangers and volunteer walk leaders, book a walk or activity or find out how else you can get involved!
Introduction to Garstang
Walking Festival and a guide to the Forest of Bowland
Wednesday 22 March, 6pm – 7pm Online only, via Zoom
To book on this online event and receive your Zoom link please email
Walk this Way
Saturday 15 April, 11am – 4pm
Cherestanc Square, Garstang
Drop in to meet the team behind the festival, try some taster walks and find out more about our Walking Festival, the coronation walk, and our Great Outdoors walks and activities. No need to book.
Photograph by Mike Coleran Co-ordinated
Supported by
Our environment
Electric vehicles and charging points
In addition to the electric vans added to our fleet and electric powered bin lifts on our refuse collection vehicles, we are providing electric charging points in our car parks to help meet government targets of making all new cars and vans transition to zero emission by 2035.
We already have five rapid charging points in Wyre Council car parks allowing drivers of electric vehicles to fully charge their vehicle in just 40 minutes to two hours, depending on the car model. We are now installing 23 fast charging stations (46 charging points) which we hope to have ready for use by the end of March. These will give users approximately 30 miles of range per hour of charging and will allow residents without off road parking at home to still have an electric car and charge up overnight. Parking is free whilst charging, time limits still apply and charging fees are paid using the EB charging app. This work is supported by the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles.
Find out more at
Tree planting
We have committed to planting 25,000 trees by 2025 as part of our pledge to tackle climate change. We have already planted 9,624 trees so far, with a target of 15,042 by the end of March, bringing us to 60% of our target! This climate-focused tree planting is playing a vital role in mitigating climate change, protecting and enhancing threatened biodiversity.
nOw fOr oUr gReen wAste cOlleCtioN sErviCe
Subscriptions run from 1 July each year. You can still sign up now for the rest of this year, or if you are already subscribed you will need to re-subscribe so that your collections continue. We will email you when it’s time to re-subscribe, please look out for our email and check your junk email so it doesn’t get lost. If we don’t have an email address for you we will write a reminder letter.
You can sign up at any time of the year but all subscriptions run out on 30 June.
Only garden waste may be placed in your green bin. If you are unsure of what you can put in your green bin, scan the QR code or visit
Collections are fortnightly, please note there are no collections over the festive period however we offer a free Christmas tree collection.
ForThe Year
You can share the subscription with a neighbour. Simply decide between yourselves which property will register and pay the fee. For more information visit
The green waste subscription cost is a non-transferable cost. The cost does not include the purchase of a green bin. If you do not have a green bin, you will need to purchase one.
Flood protection
Climate change is a particular threat to the Fylde Coast owing to rising sea levels and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events. We are working closely with our partners on a number of natural flood protection schemes to protect the homes and businesses in Wyre. At the same time as reducing flood risk, these natural schemes will create new habitats for wildlife and help to mitigate climate change.
Wyre Beach Management Scheme
We have secured over £40 million in government funding for our next major coastal defence project, the Wyre Beach Management Scheme.
We are currently in Phase 1 of the project with work expected to be complete by the end of July 2023. Phase 2 will begin following this and is expected to be completed by March 2027.
Building on the success of the completed Cleveleys and Rossall Coastal defence schemes, this project will help to significantly reduce the risk of coastal erosion and flooding to over 11,000 properties and critical infrastructure. This will be achieved by constructing rock armour groynes to help build a high stable beach. This will in turn reduce wave height and energy and the risk of overtopping and damage to the sea defences. Rock armour toe protection will also protect the existing structures from being undermined if and when beach levels drop.
Want to know more about the scheme?
You can call into The Venue, Cleveleys on Thursday mornings between 9am and 12 noon to speak to Jane Littlewood, Public Liaison Officer for the scheme.
Jane is available to answer any questions or concerns you have regarding the project. She can also be contacted at or by phone on 07932 143431.
Our Future Coast
We have successfully bid for £7.2 million of funding to develop coastal resilience. The Our Future Coast programme aims to work with nature to safeguard coastal communities, testing and implementing nature-based solutions at 14 sites across the North West including Pilling, Knott End and Fleetwood in Wyre.
Natural interventions such as the creation of natural buffer strips around the coast, developing salt marsh, creating dune systems and intertidal lagoons and reclaiming redundant brownfield sites will help to mitigate the consequences of climate change including flood risk and the loss of biodiversity. Development of a new website is ongoing and the Our Future Coast programme will launch at the end of March.
Natural Flood Management Project in Wyre
We are supporting this project led by Wyre River’s Trust, which aims to use nature-based solutions to reduce rapid runoff during heavy rainfall reducing the flood risk to Scorton, Garstang, Churchtown, St Michael’s and Great Eccleston. We have also been working with the Rivers Trust on smaller scale interventions in the downstream catchment including flood storage areas in Thornton Cleveleys at Stanah, White Carr Lane and a development at King Georges playing fields, which will reduce flood risk and provide carbon and biodiversity benefits.
You can read more about the project at
Be prepared for flooding - what you can do
Flooding has affected Wyre several times in recent years and one in six houses in England is at risk of flooding in the future. Being prepared could help you protect your home and your belongings next time there is severe weather.
There are many things you can do to prepare for flooding:
· Check your long term flood risk and current flood warnings at – search for flooding. Or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188
· Sign up for free flood warning messages from the Environment Agency at or by calling 0345 988 1188
· Check your home insurance covers you for flooding
· Keep your drains and gutters clear. If you notice drains on your road are blocking up, report it to Lancashire County Council
· Know how to turn off your water, gas and electricity. You can call 105 to report or get information about power cuts in your local area
· Protect your home. Use flood defence products such as flood doors, flood boards, airbrick covers and non return valves on your drains, pipes and toilets. While it’s impossible to completely flood-proof a property, there are lots of things you can do to reduce the damage flooding can cause. Don’t wait until flooding is imminent as you won’t have time. A variety of products are available which can be found on the Blue Pages directory at
· Identify vulnerable neighbours and relatives - check they know how to prepare for flooding too
· Join a community flood action group. These groups work with the council and other authorities to find ways to reduce flood risk and raise awareness of flood risk to the wider community.
During a flood it’s important to know who to report flooding to.
Flooding to highways and footpaths
Call Lancashire County Council on 0300 123 6780 or report online at
Flooding from sewers or burst water mains
Call United Utilities on 0345 6723 723
Flooding from a watercourse, river, coastal water or reservoir
Call Environmental Agency Floodline on 0345 9881188
For all other incidents call Wyre Council on 01253 891000.
If there is a risk to life – call 999
Find out more at
Economy and business
Levelling up Wyre
Last year our investment plans for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) were approved by government, which means that we will receive £3.9 million over the next three years as part of the government’s Levelling Up agenda.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund will provide a total of £2.6 billion funding and all areas across the UK will receive an allocation of the fund. The overarching aim of the funding is to build pride of place and increase life chances.
In order to secure the funding, we submitted an investment plan proposal to government outlining projects that the funding would be used for. The plan and the priorities it identified were written in consultation with Wyre’s Town Centre Partnership boards and organisations who can deliver countywide initiatives. It supports strategic business recovery in key economic centres in the borough and includes a range of projects that focus around seven themes, which in turn contribute to the government’s set priorities:
· Town centre improvements
· Wyre gives back
· Wyre moving more
· Arts and culture
· Visitor economy
· Wyre backs business
· Wyre net zero
To read more about the projects taking place in Wyre that UKSPF is making possible visit
Our first UKSPF funded project gets underway!
We are supporting a range of projects across Wyre with our allocation of UKSPF money. We are delighted that our first community project is underway at Cottam Hall Community Garden in Poulton. The project is part of a bigger vision for Cottam Hall including a strategic masterplan which will be commissioned for the whole of the site, in consultation with key users and stakeholders.
£12,000 of the UKSPF money awarded is being used to build new raised beds, a polytunnel, accessible pathways, buy new gardening equipment and provide planting for this shared community space. We are working together with Poulton in Bloom volunteers to manage the site and offer this space to other partners and community groups who may want to access the gardens. Plants will be grown within the garden which volunteers can then use to decorate the town with beautiful floral displays.
Organisations and community groups interested in getting involved and using this space can find out more by getting in touch, please email
Investing in Fleetwood Market
Fleetwood Market is undergoing an exciting period of rejuvenation and this year we are carrying out significant improvement works to support its future as a key attraction in Wyre.
As part of our ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions, we have secured grant funding of £1 million from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme. This is allowing us to carry out energy efficiency works at the market, including the installation of renewable energy technologies and removing fossil fuel gas heating. We are also investing £1.9 million to carry out repairs and reinstate the historic features of the nineteenth century Market Hall. This will greatly improve the appearance of the market and ensure the continued life of the building through the delivery of significant enhancement works including the replacement of the main hall slate roof, windows and doors.
Works will bring the building up to an improved standard, repairing damage and weathering that has occurred over the years and will allow us to futureproof this key attraction. Throughout the works some stalls will be affected however the market will remain open.
Join Wyred Up, our free business network
Wyred Up is a free business support network specifically for businesses and organisations in Wyre. The network helps businesses to connect across the borough and encourages local businesses to trade with each other, driving the economic growth and prosperity of Wyre.
With regular newsletters, training, learning and networking events, becoming a part of the Wyred Up is a must for all of our local businesses and it is completely FREE!
After the recent relaunch following the pandemic, the Wyred Up network now boasts 676 members from a range of business across many different industries in Wyre.
When you register with us you will benefit from the expertise of our guest speakers at quarterly events, receive monthly newsletters filled with advice and helpful information and enjoy regular networking opportunities throughout the year.
Members can also gain help accessing government grants and find out about training and networking opportunities at preferential rates.
Upcoming Wyred Up events 2023
April - Promoting your business to visitors to Wyre
July - Advice on Apprenticeships & Upskilling your staff
October - Help for start-ups
Stay updated
Sign up to our e-newsletter (tick the business in Wyre interest box)
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn @WyredUp
Wyre Business Awards
Every year we are proud to host the Wyre Business awards to shine a light on the amazing businesses in our borough. Nominations for our 2023 awards will open soon!
Once again in 2022 local businesses came together to celebrate their passion, expertise and contribution to Wyre’s economic development. There were over 80 nominations in total resulting in 10 prestigious winners across 12 unique categories.
The lavish event held at Marine Hall in Fleetwood was attended by over 200 people.
The winners of the Wyre Business Awards 2022:
Wyre Business of the Year: Blackpool Skip Hire Ltd.
Business Person of the Year: Jasmine Norton, The Marketing Expert
Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality Business of the Year: The Bellflower
Climate Action Award: Fold House Park
New Business Start-Up of the Year: The Estuary Riverside Chalets
Small Business of the Year: The Estuary Riverside Chalets
Corporate Social Responsibility Award: The Bellflower
Community and Charity Organisation of the Year: HelpPKE CIC Ltd.
Innovative Business of the Year: Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs
Social Media Award: Beauty & Aesthetics by Carla
Team of the Year: The Flower Bowl Entertainment Centre
Business Employer of the Year: Coastal Child & Adult Therapeutic Service Ltd. (CCATS)
Kenny Stevenson, Managing Director of Blackpool Skip Hire Ltd. winner of the Wyre Business of the Year Award 2022, said, “We’ve been at these awards for a couple of years now and after the difficulties businesses faced during covid, it feels great to see our achievements recognised. We carried on right through the pandemic, we’ve managed to grow the business and it feels great to celebrate this win with the team.”
You could be one of our winners this year!
Nominations for the 2023 awards open soonfollow Wyred Up on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Photography by Visionistic Photography
Register to vote in the local elections
Wyre’s local elections will take place on Thursday 4 May 2023. This is your chance to elect the representatives for your ward who will shape and make decisions about Wyre Council’s services which affect everyone living in the 24 wards in Wyre.
Voter ID
The UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections. This new requirement will apply for the first time in England at the local elections on Thursday 4 May.
Which forms of ID can I use to vote?
You may already have a form of photo ID that is acceptable. You can use any of the following:
· Passport (this can be used even if it’s out of date, as long as the photo looks like you.)
· Driving licence (including provisional licence)
· Blue badge
· Certain concessionary travel cards
· Identity card with PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
· Biometric Immigration document
· Defence identity card
· Certain national identity cards
You will only need to show one form of photo ID. It needs to be the original version and not a photocopy. For more information on which forms of photo ID will be accepted, visit or call their helpline on 0800 328 0280
If you are not registered to vote, you will need to register by Monday 17 April to vote in these elections. Register online at If you’re not sure if you’re registered to vote, call Electoral Services on 01253 887236 to check.
If you don’t have an accepted form photo ID
If you don’t already have an accepted form of photo ID, or you’re not sure whether your photo ID still looks like you, you can apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate. You can apply for this at
Alternatively, you can complete a paper application form and send this to the electoral services team at Wyre Council. If you need any help with applying for a Voter Authority Certificate or want to request an application form, contact the Electoral Services Team on 01253 887236 or email
Find out more
If you have any questions or would like to find out more, go to, or call their helpline on 0800 328 0280.
Your council tax explained
Council tax is made up of a number of payments to the authorities that provide services in the area. Wyre Council is the billing authority and collects council tax on behalf of all these agencies. However, Wyre’s portion represents just 10%* or £214.74 (on a band D property) of the total annual amount of your bill, with the majority being passed to Lancashire County Council.
(The figures shown above are rounded to the nearest 1%.)
For every £1 the council recieves in income it spends it in the following areas*:
At 59p per day for a Band D property based on 2022/23 rates*, we deliver a wide range of critical services, providing good value for money for our residents.
*These figures are based on 2022/23 council tax rates. 2023/24 figures were not available at the time of printing Wyre Voice, but they can be seen on your bill enclosed.
Lancashire County Council (74%)
Police Commissioner (12%)
Wyre Borough Council (10%)
Combined Fire Authority (4%)
Council Tax
These notes form part of your Council Tax bill. This also relates to the County Council, Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire Service. For information about how we spend Wyre’s portion of your Council Tax bill, go to
Council Tax is charged on most dwellings whether rented or owned, empty or occupied. Each household gets one bill, although occupants may be jointly responsible for payment.
Each home is placed in a valuation band. It is the Valuation Office Agency, not the council, who allocates this valuation band to every home. The council uses the band to work out your Council Tax bill.
You may be able to appeal against the valuation band if you have moved in during the past six months, or there has been a change in the building or the physical state of the local area which could affect the value of your home.
For more information visit or call 03000 501 501. You must continue to pay your Council Tax until a decision has been made about your appeal.
Reducing your Council Tax
Not everyone has to pay the full amount. There are several ways your bill can be reduced depending on your personal circumstances or circumstances relating to the property itself, for example, if it’s unoccupied and unfurnished.
If we already know about your circumstances, the reduction will be shown on your bill.
You must tell us immediately if you have any change of circumstance that might affect the amount of reduction.
Properties exempt from Council Tax
We do not charge Council Tax for homes which are lived in only by:
• people under the age of 18 or full time students (including halls of residence) and/or school leavers or people who are severely mentally impaired.
We do not charge Council Tax for empty properties which are:
• owned by a charity (exempt for up to six months).
• empty because the owner/tenant has died and the grant of probate or letters of administration have not been obtained, or have only been obtained within the past six months.
• the responsibility of a trustee following bankruptcy, or a mortgage lender following repossession.
• empty, but usually lived in by a student or a minister of religion or a prisoner or someone who has moved to receive or provide personal care.
• not able to be leased separately or part of forces accommodation, including married quarters and temporary accommodation for members of visiting overseas forces.
Explanatory notes
Council Tax
If only one adult lives in a property as their main home, Council Tax is reduced by 25%. When counting adults, we do not include:
• full time students, student nurses, apprentices and youth training trainees.
• people staying in hospitals, care homes, prisons or certain hostels or night shelters.
• care workers working for low pay (usually charities).
• people caring for someone with a disability who is not their spouse, partner or child under 18.
• 18 and 19 year olds who are at school or have just left school.
• people who are severely mentally impaired.
• members of visiting forces.
• members of religious communities (monks and nuns).
If, after disregarding people in the above classes, there is only one adult living in the property, Council Tax is reduced by 25%.
Empty property discount
If a property is unoccupied because it is in need of, or awaiting, major repair or structural alteration, a 25% discount applies for a maximum of 12 months.
If a property is unoccupied and substantially unfurnished, a 100% discount is awarded for one month. Thereafter the full Council Tax charge becomes payable.
A property that is no one’s main home, but remains furnished, will attract a 100% Council Tax charge.
Reductions for annexes
You do not have to pay Council Tax for an annex if it forms part of a single property that includes another dwelling that cannot be let separately from the main building due to a planning restriction, or is occupied by a dependent relative, for example a person aged over 65, or someone severely mentally impaired or substantially and permanently disabled. Where an annexe is rated separately and used by the occupier of the main building, or a member of their family, a 50% reduction will apply.
Disabled relief
Your bill may be reduced if you, or someone who lives with you, has a permanent disability and there are certain features in the home which are essential, or of major importance, to the disabled person’s wellbeing. These features include:
• a room other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet, which is used mainly by the disabled person.
• an additional bathroom or kitchen for use by the disabled person.
• extra space inside your home for use of a wheelchair.
If you have been refused a discount, exemption or relief, or don’t think you should be paying Council Tax, tell us why you think your bill is incorrect.
We will look at your case again and we might ask for more information. If we do not change our decision and you still don’t agree, you can appeal to the Valuation Tribunal. See or contact us for details.
You must continue to pay your Council Tax until a decision has been made about your appeal. If your appeal is successful we will refund any overpaid Council Tax to you.
22 Explanatory notes
Council Tax support
This can be claimed by anyone who is responsible for payment of Council Tax and in receipt of a low income. The amount of Council Tax support you receive will depend on the income, savings and the circumstances of all those living in the household.
Second adult rebate
You may be eligible to get help to pay your Council Tax if you are a pensioner and share your home with another adult, who is not your partner and is on a low income. It does not matter how much income and capital you have. The calculation of how much you are entitled to is based on the income and savings of the second adult, or adults, who share your home.
Council Tax online
Did you know you can now receive your council tax bill online, plus you can check your account and payments, set up and amend a direct debit, or report a change in your circumstances.
To register for your online account go to
For further information, visit our website at
How we collect and use information
Lawfulness of Processing
Processing your data is necessary in the exercise of official authority vested in the council. Wyre Council (The data controller) will use and share your personal information where we have a legal obligation to do so. We will use your data in the main to administer Council Tax and for the general prevention and detection of fraud. In order to do this, we will share your data with the National Audit Office to participate in the National Fraud Initiative exercise, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Valuation Office Agency, the courts, and debt enforcement/ collection/tracing agencies employed by the council. These agencies include Bristow Sutor, Jacobs and Rossendales.
Data Retention
We will retain any financial data we hold for you on your Council Tax account for a period of six years following the last date that there is any activity on that account. After six years the data will be deleted from our records.
Your rights
You have the right as the data subject to access your data. Please go to www. for further information. If you feel the data we hold is inaccurate or incomplete, you are entitled to have your personal data rectified. You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner if you are unhappy with how we are handling your personal data. You can contact them using the address; The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
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