Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2023

Page 9 #scotappweek22 #ScotAppWeek22 Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022 Apprenticeships Work 1 - 7 March | | #scotappweek22 6-10 March | | #ScotAppWeek23 Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2023 Unlocking Potential

Our young people are our future

The greatest asset this country has is its workforce. Think about that for a minute. The people that make, x, create, care, teach, serve, sell and navigate keep the wheels in motion, the cogs turning and the country going.

The best investment this country can make is in the future of our young people by furnishing them with opportunities to learn skills

that help them earn a living, enjoy nancial stability, nd a purpose within their community and contribute to the country’s economy. This has long been recognised. across the British Isles within the ne tradition of apprenticeships. They can be traced back to the 1500s, via trade guilds which developed to set standards of workmanship, training and quali cations, with young

people signing indentures and their parents often paying a premium to the ‘master’ for the privilege of their child learning a trade. Fast forward 500 years and the principle is the same but our industries have since become very good at it - and the rewards for both the individual and the employer have certainly improved too. From midway through secondary education

to leaving university there is an apprenticeship for everyone and everyone wins when a nation has a strong apprenticeship system. Skills Development Scotland and Education Scotland’s ‘Developing the Young Workforce’ and the ‘Young Person’s Guarantee’ work together with further education establishments and employers to achieve this.

Employers are investing in apprenticeships to adapt, develop and strengthen their businesses through new recruits and upskilling existing employees.

Apprentices across Scotland, from Shetland to the Borders, are learning rst-hand from people who can do the job and applying their skills in the workplace every day.

Scottish Apprenticeship Week shows the bene ts workbased learning brings to people, businesses and the Scottish economy.

Apprenticeships are providing critical skills needed to support economic priorities and renewal, including Net Zero ambitions.


UHI West Highland – Supporting Scottish Apprenticeship Week

Did you know that UHI West Highland has supported over 80 employees to achieve Modern Apprenticeship and SVQ quali cations through work-based learning in the past year?

at’s apprentices working for companies of all sizes across a range of sectors including aquaculture, business, hospitality, social services, healthcare and childcare. All working towards nationally recognised quali cations while not missing a day of work.

Modern Apprenticeships o er the opportunity to gain highly quali ed and skilled sta tailored to your business needs. It’s an investment in your company’s future growth, competitiveness and


Our team is proud to celebrate Scottish Apprenticeship Week and shine a light on the vital role apprenticeships play in supporting people, businesses and the economy of our communities. We’re particularly keen to work with local employers to see how we can make apprenticeship delivery more sustainable through more localised training, digital technology and reduced travel for apprentices. Get in touch to nd out how we can support your business and your apprentice every step of the way.

To nd out more please contact Nigel Patterson on 01397 874241 or email

Apprentice pro le

Sarah Macdonald joined Mowi, working as a sh farm technician, in 2019. Mowi encouraged her to become a Modern Apprentice and she has now completed SVQ Aquaculture level 2. Sarah is now Manager of the Mowi sh farm at Scalpay, Isle of Skye.

“I believe that in this job you get out what you put in and I’ve been lucky enough to have the support of some great colleagues along the way. Through my work with Mowi, I moved from Uist to Skye which really pushed me and prepared me for the role of Assistant Manager at Scalpay. My manager at Scalpay was very proactive in getting the assessor from UHI West Highland out so that I could complete my SVQ. He also took the time to show me the ropes on site management and the administrative side of farming. It is a big jump from Assistant Manager to Manager but I made it and it’s been so rewarding, especially when you see big, healthy salmon at the end of the cycle.” Farm manager at just 26 years old and with her SVQ Level 2 in Aquaculture under her belt, Sarah is keen to encourage school pupils to consider a similar career path.

UHI West Highland offers work-based learning and Modern Apprenticeships + Modern Apprenticeships and SVQs for your employees + Access funding to create bespoke employee training To learn more contact: Business Development Manager: Nigel Patterson on 01397 874241 or West Highland College UHI (known as UHI West Highland) is a company limited by guarantee (SC 153921) and with charitable status (SC024193)
Sarah MacDonald. Fish Farm Manager, Mowi
Scan to discover our oceans of opportunities or visit Thinking of looking for a new job? School leaver? University graduate? Join Scotland’s booming food industry! Our current Modern Apprenticeship programmes include: More than just a job. We offer an opportunity to grow. • Aquaculture • Food and Drink Operations • Logistics Operations • Warehousing, Storage and Distribution • Procurement • Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Hygiene Services • Warehousing and Logistics

We are Mowi. Are you?

It’s an exciting time to be joining Mowi!

Whether you want to work outside on a farm, in a state-of-the-art production facility, or in an offi ce, we have apprenticeship programmes to suit you. Earn while you learn and we’ll support you to realise your potential with qualifi cations and onwards career progression.

Join a team of people who make Mowi a fantastic place to work.

You will also benefi t from:

Industry-leading pay

A bonus scheme with the ability to earn up to 15% of your salary per annum

A full-time, secure job

Generous pension scheme

Cycle to work scheme

Employee discount scheme

Employee assistance programme

Health and wellbeing support

A friendly and supportive team

Give yourself a great start in life with a Modern Apprenticeship

Earn while you learn with an apprenticeship. From school right through to university, today’s apprentices are in a win-win situation.

With the Modern Apprenticeship scheme you can go from high school to university graduation and emerge fully quali ed with valuable experience of the world of work and the most up-to-date skills in your eld. And best of all, get paid while you are doing it!

Apprentices gain knowledge, experience and quali cations and these all power-up your con dence as you develop your career and job-hunting plans. is valuable combination of quali cations and experience puts your CV at the top of the list with any potential employer, or grows your career as a valued member of the team where you trained.

From the ‘get-go’ everyone wins. Young people get an incredible kick-start to their career; employers have been involved in designing these courses so they get a young workforce equipped with vital skills and Scotland gets the talented and quali ed workforce it needs to grow the national economy.

Modern Apprenticeships are just as popular with employers, across all three stages. ere is no cost to their business; they streamline their recruitment process and can support young people within their local community. Existing employees can also join the Modern Apprentice training at the appropriate level.


Get a ying start in the apprenticeship you would like, gain knowledge and work experience while still at school with this industry-recognised quali cation that is equivalent to a grade Higher and is recognised by all Scottish universities and colleges. It is part of your senior-phase subject choices and completed alongside other school subjects. Mainly for S5 and S6 pupils but there is also a pilot scheme with courses for S3 onwards; this is proving highly successful so expect to see this available in more schools.


Modern Apprenticeships combine a quali cation accredited by the Scottish Quali cations Authority with on-the-job experience. This allows people to work, learn and earn at the same time. Skills Development Scotland contributes towards the costs of training through a provider who works with the business employing the apprentice.


If you have completed a Foundation Apprenticeship or Modern Apprenticeship in the same subject, you can apply to become a Graduate Apprentice studying the same subject, if there are vacancies and you meet the entry requirements. There is no repeat of previous learning as employers and universities ensure that you join the programme at the right level, recognising any prior learning you have done.

 Did you know Scotland has 100 Modern Apprenticeships employers across hundreds of jobs?

 96 per cent of employers say those who trained through a Modern Apprenticeship are more able to do their job.

 Employers say the scheme improves productivity, sta morale, service and product quality.

 People who quali ed via the Modern Apprenticeship scheme report higher levels of personal satisfaction, happiness and feeling their life is worthwhile compared to the general population.

 Each course has been developed by sector skills councils, in consultation with their industry.


Bene ts of A CalMac Apprenticeship

CalMac’s Modern Apprenticeship programme is part of our commitment to helping young people from across our network to thrive.

We are looking for dedicated and enthusiastic 17–24-year-olds who have a genuine passion for maritime to apply to join one of our industry-leading seafaring programmes.


Gaining a spot on the CalMac Modern Apprenticeship programme is extremely rewarding in many ways. You will gain valuable work experience while also completing courses at college. It also means that you begin your career with all expenses paid training.


Training apprentices also has a lot of bene ts for CalMac. It allows us to grow as a com-

pany by bringing in new skills and improving the quality of our service.  It is also a great way to future-proof our industry. We have lots of experienced sta keen to mentor and pass on skills and experiences to the younger generation.

Diversity & Inclusion   Diversity and inclusion are important to CalMac, and we are committed to welcoming people from all backgrounds

Rewards & Bene ts of a Caledonian MacBrayne’s Seagoing Apprenticeship

into every part  of the company.  For example, we are ahead of the Maritime sector in female representation within our crew and our Apprenticeships are a great

• We pay for your college, travel, accommodation and cover your meals when you are away from home - no student loans required.

• Off the job training at college.

• Excellent salary with increments throughout your training.

• On the job training by experienced professionals who will help you all the way.

• Two weeks at work and two weeks off working pattern.

• Your own personal mentor to support you with a career at sea.

• Company pension scheme.

Find out more here

way for young females to establish a rewarding career at sea.

Permanent roles

Our programme has been

running since 2013 and we are delighted that all 120 of our apprentices who completed their apprenticeship have secured a permanent role within our eet. Over the years, our

Case study

“My name is Craig MacRitchie I am 17 years old and am a cro er on the Isle of Lewis. I have just recently started an apprenticeship as a motorman with Caledonian MacBrayne working on MV Loch Seaforth.  “I started the apprenticeship in September 2022. At the start of my apprenticeship, I went to nautical college for four weeks to complete all my short courses then I started a rota o two weeks on two weeks o on the MV Loch Seaforth to gain my sea time. I am really enjoying working on the ship no two days are the same as there lots of various jobs to do and I am gaining knowledge everyday about

the daily running and maintenance of the ship’s engines. My plan with CalMac is to nish my apprentice and hopefully gain a fulltime job as a motorman and stay with the company for a lifelong career at sea.”

Wendy McAnerney, Learning and Development Manager for CalMac, added: “Our modern apprentices gain valuable work experience, working alongside highly skilled crew members, which will set them up for a career at sea. e programme is a great career development opportunity for young people from our localities, as it also provides new jobs and supports the local economy.”

apprentices have developed personally and professionally, and we encourage anyone who is starting out in the world of work to consider applying to join us here at CalMac.


What are you waiting for?

ere is a whole army of people to help guide and advise young people to nd the right apprenticeship – from teachers at school through to entire government departments.

You can talk to careers advisers over the phone or online and the good news is that some Skills Development Scotland career advice centres have now reopened.

You can also phone 0800 917 8000 to be put in touch with your local Skills Development Scotland team or visit for more information on nding a careers adviser near you.

If you are looking for a Foundation Apprenticeship, it is easy to apply. You can ll in a short form online and it will be followed up by learning providers, schools and councils.

You can also speak to your guidance teacher and school careers adviser to get help with anything about Foundation Apprenticeships.

Stats and facts 8

e website is the place to go for your Modern Apprenticeship, along with social media, to nd out all you need to know.

Applying could not be easier and the web presence is once again backed by careers advisors at school, college and Skills Development Scotland and by phoning 0800 917 8000.

ere are more than 100 Modern Apprenticeships, across hundreds of jobs, where young people learn in a real-world environment and get the best possible training, designed with employers and industry in mind. Here you can learn in the real-world and better still, get paid for it.

e latest apprenticeships are uploaded to the website daily. During the college and study time of your apprenticeship you will be paid; as an employee of the company o ering the Modern Apprenticeship your contract of employment will set out the number of hours in your working week and the time spent at college is part of your working week.

If you have a disability or learning di culties, you might be eligible for additional support such as Access to Work grants.

Find out about what is available and where to get advice on My World of Work. Look out for the Disability Con dent symbol on the job vacancies listed on

This means if you apply, identify yourself as disabled, and meet the minimum criteria, you should be o ered an interview.


e good news is there is no upper age limit on Graduate Apprenticeship. You can apply if 16 or over. But in some circumstances the health and safety requirements mean you must be 18 or over. Some people will go from a Modern Apprenticeship through to Graduate Apprenticeship; others will come into the apprenticeship system at this later stage. is exibility is one of the greatest assets of the entire scheme.

Applications can begin at but for funding go to Student Awards Agency Scotland at

You apply annually for each year of your course for tuition fees, which are paid directly by SAAS to the university.

For young people who have experienced life in care it can often be tough making the transition into the world of work and making sure they get the best possible chances.

Skills Development Scotland is part of a group of 24 public bodies de ned as ‘corporate parents’ under The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, with a series of statutory duties aimed at supporting these youngsters. With its Corporate Parenting Plan SDS will focus, between now and 2024, on ensuring it continues to play its part in helping young people ful l their potential.



Over 43,000

1 - 7 March | | #scotappweek22 6-10 March | | #ScotAppWeek23 Unlocking potential for apprentices Unlocking potential for employers Unlocking potential in the economy
Here’s ways apprenticeships
unlocking potential for people, business and Scotland report improved productivity benefit from sta retention 83% would recommend apprenticeships 96% say boosts sta morale 77% 74% 70% say improved communication say better at working with others report improved problem solving Source: SDS Modern Apprenticeship Outcome Survey 2016 Source: SDS Apprentice Employer Survey 2020 (Modern Apprenticeships) 79% 72% apprentices in training employers involved in apprenticeships
There are 12 Foundation Apprenticeship subjects to choose from at SCQF Level 6 and 3 Foundation Apprenticeship subjects at SCQF Level 4 and 5. All apprenticeships have been designed in partnership with employers.

DYW West Highland – connecting young people, education and employers…

At DYW West Highland we see that young peoples’ priorities have changed. They are well informed about their choices with over 73% now considering an apprenticeship to future-proof their career pathway.

Apprenticeships o er young people the opportunity to ‘earn while they

What will I get paid?

All apprentices are paid the National Minimum Wage. However, in today’s competitive job market, where there are more vacancies than candidates’, apprenticeships can o er £16100 to £24960 a year, depending on age, employer and apprenticeship level.

Who funds this?

e Government and the employer co-fund every programme.

Do apprentices do all the basic tasks?

Rest assured; you won’t get stuck making the tea. In order to successfully complete an apprenticeship programme at any level, you will have to complete a wide range of tasks. Employers are obliged to provide practical and relevant work experience that supports your professional development. (But we can say, everyone loves the o er of a cuppa!)

learn’, to attain nationally recognised quali cations while avoiding student debt – a chance that’s proving too good to miss.

There’s been a lot of hearsay about apprenticeships over the years. Here’s our fact nder to help you understand this career pathway in the current climate.

Will I get a job at the end?

Around 90% of apprentices go into work or further training a er completing their programme. Two-thirds get hired permanently by their employer.

Are apprenticeships only available in trade industries?

Absolutely not. ese days apprenticeships are now available in over 600 occupations – with new programmes being added through demand from employers. Apprentices are valued team members in every organisation they work in, bringing with them enthusiasm and fresh approaches.

Are apprenticeships for those who don’t do well at school?

Again, not true. Anyone over 16 can kick-start their career by joining an apprenticeship. ere are three types – Foundation, Modern or Graduate. On all of them you receive real-life industry experience and learning at a level that works for you. Even up to degree level.

Most apprenticeships are for men?

No, not true! In fact, the gender gap is closing with women making 50% of apprentices in 2021/2. Which employers o er Apprenticeships locally in Lochaber?

There are many employers throughout Lochaber who offer Apprenticeships when they can, currently at the time of writing, there are vacancies at Ferguson’s Transport & Shipping, BSW Timber, Stramash, Mowi, DMD Construction, The Lovat, Aldi, QA, McDonald’s. New opportunities will be available during Apprenticeship Week 2023. Unlock your potential!

How do I nd an Apprenticeship?

As with any job search, there’s a variety of ways to nd your future. Speak to employers you’re interested in working for, and check out: social media, job listing websites, newspapers and websites like

How can DYW West Highland help me to my Apprenticeship?

With a School Coordinator in every local school, DYW can arrange work experience, site visits, employability skills workshops, employer visits to schools – a variety of events for students and schools to link with employers and be inspired. ere are so many roles available that being able to say on your application that you’ve enjoyed a related workexperiencewillmakeyourapplicationshineout. e employability skills sessions we provide also help you with your con dence and techniques at interview. An essential part of getting hired!

DYW West Highland – inform, inspire, helping you get hired!

workplace visits interview skills workshops work experience career inspiration Employers... Have you considered supporting Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) activities in schools? Getting your organisation into schools could help you recruit when you have opportunities. Not sure what you can offer? It's easy to help. Whether you have an hour, half a day or more: Contact us to get involved: Improve positive destinations for young people and protect your succession plans. Engage young people by delivering diverse pathways and experiences. Motivate and inspire young people to apply for opportunities in your organisation. Apprenticeships – Employers get involved!

Reach out to Young People this Apprenticeship Week – DYW Argyll & Bute

DYW Argyll and Bute connects local employers with education so young people develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the world of work.

ere are many reasons as to why engaging with young people can bene t your business, from attracting enthusiasm

and fresh ideas to tackling skills shortages and ensuring a pipeline of talent for the future.

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is the Scottish Government’s Youth Employment strategy, which aims to better prepare young people to enter the world of

Finding out more about Apprenticeships

Young People –Unlock your potential

Apprenticeships are designed to help you learn by getting hands-on experience with an employer. You get training to develop new skills while putting them into practice in the workplace. At the end of your apprenticeship, you get a qualication recognising what you’ve learned. At the same time, you pick up valuable skills like time management, communication and team working. ere are

di erent kinds of apprenticeship in Scotland: Foundation Apprenticeships – Equivalent to a Higher, completed alongside other school subjects.

Modern and Graduate Level Apprenticeships - Completed through employment. What quali cations you gain will vary, but will set you up with the skills and experience to further your chosen career.

work. DYW Argyll & Bute, hosted by Argyll and Bute Council, is one of 21 regional DYW groups across Scotland working to bring Industry and Education together to engage, inspire, and shape Argyll’s young workforce. Our team is made up of a Regional Lead and four

School Coordinators who are employed to create new opportunities and connections between young people, schools and local employers. We are always looking out for new organisations to get involved in the work we do. If you’d like to nd out more, just visit

Employers - O er valuable opportunities

Designed by industry, for industry, and delivered in a exible way to meet your business needs, modern apprenticeships enable you to strengthen and upskill your existing sta and

To nd out more, visit:

We’re looking for all core construction trades, but also quantity surveyors, site managers and engineers. We’re lucky to provide opportunities across all these areas. We recruit a lot of young people directly from school. We bring them in on apprenticeships and put them through their college course alongside on-the-job training for four years. During that time, they get support from a workplace mentor and work with the college to learn and develop to come out as a time-served tradespersons. Our aim is to recruit locally

recruit and develop new talent. Our partners at UHI Argyll are on hand to give you some more information about what type of apprenticeships are available locally.

as much as we can. We want people to come and live and work here in Argyll. For somebody who doesn’t know what path they want to take, I would say to come and talk to us, or your school or college, about a work placement or a job. The Construction industry is a great place to work and I think more young people should consider it.

Become an Apprenticeship Assessor

Are you looking for a rewarding career, helping young people to achieve their goals? Have you considered becoming an Apprenticeship Assessor?

In a nutshell, an Assessor helps and assesses candidates working towards SVQ’s. For many, it’s a job you don’t know that you’re quali ed for, and there’s opportunities in a wide variety of sectors including aquaculture, business, hospitality and more! O ering a competitive salary of £29,057 pro rata and the opportunity to work around your other commitments this is a great local opportunity.

Find out more and take your next steps at our ‘Become an Apprenticeship Assessor’ event on Monday 6 March at 7.30pm. for more information

Skills Development Scotland can contribute towards the costs and for eligible employees, you will pay nothing more than their wage.
“ “

Could you help to provide opportunities for Argyll & Bute’s young people?

Employers across Scotland are being asked to get behind the Young Person’s Guarantee, which aims to give all young people the chance to succeed through the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, education, training or volunteering.

Among the ‘asks’ of employers when it comes to helping young people to ful l their future potential, ‘ask 4’ of the Young Person’s Guarantee focuses on o ering job and apprenticeship opportunities. If this is an area you would like to get involved in, please get in touch with the DYW Argyll & Bute team, or visit for more information.


Scottish Apprenticeship Week will demonstrate that apprenticeships are unlocking potential in people and businesses.

Unlocking potential with apprenticeships means creating adaptive and resilient learners to drive skills, fill critical skills demands and meet the needs of the economy.

Apprenticeships provide opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds and abilities to gain and develop skills that will support them throughout their life and in work.

Employers can realise their potential through apprenticeships, by developing a workforce that supports the skills they need for now and the future.

Learning providers are unlocking potential in apprentices by giving them the support and training they need to achieve and succeed.

The Scottish Government recognises the role apprenticeships play in unlocking potential for Scotland’s economy.

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Visit the campaign page for more information

Visit the campaign page for more information

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Access the #ScotAppWeek23 campaign resources

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Scottish Apprenticeships

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7 March | | #scotappweek22 6-10 March | | #ScotAppWeek23
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Unlocking Potential
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Scottish Apprenticeships
Find out more 1 - 7 March | | #scotappweek22 6-10 March | | #ScotAppWeek23 @apprentice_scot /ScottishApprenticeships
Scottish Apprenticeships
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