Lochaber Life #329 March 2021

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At the heart of your community 09

The Land Endures


Caol’s Celtic Coach


Am Màrt

Beatha Lochabair

Broon’s Cosmic Ceilidh

March 2021 – Issue 329

Claggan’s helicopter production line Lochaber Life March 2021.indd 1

ore s m e to

m ree ho es t 0 ess hou 0 e v 0 i l n ug , De 12 usi thro d n b h an tha nd ont ber a ry m cha ond e Lo ey ev b f red

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Beatha Lochabair



NEW LIFE AND NEW HOPE I seem to start every month by hoping Covid restrictions may not be quite so stringent, but we’ll see. March brings with it the radiant bloom of spring flowers which should help to brighten up all our lives. This month also sees many birds getting ready to nest and bring up a new generation, while other wildlife may become more visible after hibernation. We may even see some warm(ish) sunshine - or is this just a hopeful wish? Whatever your situation may be, take heart in the knowledge there are many positive things going on everywhere. Read through Lochaber Life and turn your thoughts to the miracles of nature and what can be achieved by people. Stay well, stay safe and stay happy. Fuirich gu math, fuirich sàbhailte agus fuirich toilichte. Iain.

FRONT PAGE PHOTOGRAPH: Model maker Douglas Barr with a replica of a Sea King Search and Rescue helicopter which was familiar in the skies over Lochaber. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba.photos

EDITORIAL Iain Ferguson Email: iainpics@ googlemail.com

ADVERTISING Nicky Murphy Email: nmurphy@ wyvexmedia.co.uk

PRODUCTION Kevin McCubbin Email: kmccubbin@ wyvexmedia.co.uk

Telephone girls


new church name


Reader’s picture


cosmic ceilidh cd


Birds and Garden




The Land Endures


claggan’s helicopter production line 22 community connection


Book review


Thought for the Month


15 years ago


Where in Lochaber?


coach Ruraidh has the world at his feet


Published by Wyvex Media Limited, 22 High Street, Fort William, Inverness-shire PH33 6AT Tel: 01397 703003 Website: www.obantimes.co.uk We hope to publish a wide range of interests and opinions. However, our contributors’ views are not necessarily our own. Material in Lochaber Life must not be reproduced without our written consent or that of the copyright owner. A statement of our terms and conditions for accepting advertisements is available on request. Published by Wyvex Media Ltd.


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for Highland ath-chuairtich airson na Gàidhealtachd

Brown bin permit holders are reminded that the service starts again from Monday 1st March 2021 Plea

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Your current permit expires on 31st August 2021. Collection calendars are available online or call 01349 886603. 8www.highland.gov.uk/gardenwaste *recycle@highland.gov.uk Please be advised that if we encounter staff shortages due to Covid-19 we may need to suspend the Garden Waste Collection Service at short notice.


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TELEPHONE EXCHANGE RINGS OFF Mary Bruce Where have the years gone? It was in January 1986 that Fort William said ‘goodbye’ to its local telephone exchange, which had operated manually locally for 93 years. The 12 keyboard exchange had employed 19 full-time and part-time personnel. Margaret MacDougall took the last phone call before pulling out the last cord. As the switchboard shut down, day supervisor Cathie MacDonald said it was the end of an era and an emotional moment for everyone. The night telephonist that final Wednesday night/Thursday morning, Jessie Hay, also found it nostalgic. She said: ‘It was a long night and I thought about all the people we had helped, or tried to help over the years.’ The telephone exchange had supplied a personal touch, local

knowledge and lots of help and humour. Betty MacDougall, the longest serving night operator with 29 years at the two exchanges, spoke of all the happy times and how she would miss her colleagues. On the day of the shut down, a stack of greetings cards from subscribers and former telephonists adorned the now empty switchboard positions. Among them was one which summed up the feeling of sadness. It said: ‘With Deepest

Sympathy’! Then came the ‘official’ part when BT’s Consumer Services Area Manager said ‘centralising in Inverness’ was BT’s process of modernisation. Many felt sad, unhappy and doubtful about this. After Mr Harper spoke, all the telephonists were presented with valedictory certificates then after the final shutdown the now redundant telephonists were entertained to lunch by British Telecom. Guest of honour that day was 91-year -old Mrs Annie MacDonald, nee Grant, whose mother had operated the first telephone exchange in Fort William’s Monzie Square from 1893 for the National Telephone Company, for which she received the weekly sum of 4/-, now 20p.


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WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ‘OuR’ KIRK? Reverend Richard Baxter

and on the Parade in Fort William. We’ll aim to keep You might have spotted a few that going but, realistically, changes to the local Church only buildings which are of Scotland congregations in well-supported and actively and around Fort William and used can have a long-term the surrounding area. Here’s a future so those decisions quick summary. will depend on community Fort William, Caol and Corpach support. The congregation – that is the To get people to the right people and the organisation place for services and events, that unites them – is now Fort the three buildings are William Kilmallie Church of now known as Fort William Scotland. Everyone who used Kilmallie (Duncansburgh); to be part of Duncansburgh Fort William Kilmallie (Caol) MacIntosh or Kilmallie is now and Fort William Kilmallie part of that. (Corpach). The hall alongside Duncansburgh is now the We’re still using three MacIntosh Hall. buildings - in Corpach, Caol

Reader’s picture: A stunning sunny view from Stob Ban (Mamore range) looking over to Ballachullish by Kelly Lander.


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TRACKS AND THRILLS OF BROON’S COSMIC CEILIDH CD Iain Ferguson Well-known and popular across most of Scotland for his positive personality and tremendous live musical performances including ‘Wonderland’, which added the ‘extra’ to many people’s special occasions, Steve Brown from Arisaig has unleashed even more of his unstoppable musical talent in his first solo album ‘Cosmic Ceilidh’. A professional musician since 1993, he has co-written and produced albums while in various rock bands. His ‘day job’ has been live gigs so lockdown has given him the time to complete this Broon album, his first foray into World Music/Celtic Fusion/Acid Croft/Prog Croft. The album tracks were written over six years, inspired by friends, family and life in the Highlands. They were recorded by Steve in his Rivendell Studio in Arisaig. Other musicians featured include John Whyte of Glenfinnan on trombone, Pete Harbidge of New Zealand on cornet and Eoin de Paor of Westmorland on fiddle, whistle, flute and bass. By the wonders of modern production loops, three tracks also feature drums by Neil Peart, the recently deceased percussionist from Canadian band Rush. Steve is a massive Rush fan. He organises an annual

Rush fan convention, which has raised more than £50k for cancer charities. Originally from Stirling, Steve has lived in Arisaig for 20 years, absorbing many a session run by local folk legends Eilidh Shaw and Ross Martin in the Arisaig Bar. While Steve recommends listening to each track in order, a few of the songs are: THE JK EXPRESS – featuring the Jacobite Express steam train carrying Harry Potter fans past Steve’s house four times a day during the summer. This has an Americana vibe, the telecaster lead guitar helping set the tone. SAOR part I of Hope – the first of three solo guitar tracks, this one is on the steel string, working on the main theme behind the following track. SKYE COTTAGE part II of

Hope – originally written for the birthday of artist Claire Innes, who also did the album cover art, this electric guitar instrumental is Joe Satrianiesque. ARISAIG BOOGIE – This mandolin track has so far brought extreme reactions – the Marmite effect. One of Steve’s booking agents offered him a residency on the back of this track alone; another reviewer thought it should be left off the album altogether. SLÀINTE MHATH – a fine and delicate solo classical piece to give room to breathe and contemplate after such a wild aural journey. Scottish Gaelic for ‘good health’, health is wealth during these unprecedented times. The album is available at www.broon.net and from www.broon.bandcamp.com


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Peter Murphy & Co

A FRESH APPROACH TO SELLING HOMES The owners of Fort William’s newest estate agents, Peter and Tricia Murphy, will already be known to many as locals, having being brought up in Inverlochy and Caol. Peter Murphy & Co Estate Agents, based at Sheraton Retail Park, Lochybridge, brings with it a new outlook and way of doing business, offering a one-stop shop to clients, combining conveyancing, financial services and home reports alongside all the other estate agent services you need to sell or buy your ideal home. All are backed by the couple’s experience in these fields over a 25-year period in Inverness with Peter working in financial services before moving to a national estate agent and turning their Inverness branch


from a loss maker into the most successful in the UK. Tricia, too, has worked in several major companies and is highly experienced in customer services. They have now come ‘home’ to be near family while, at the same time, launching their ‘Fresh Approach to Selling Homes’ across the Highlands and Argyll, offering the level of service a seller would expect when selling what is likely to be their most valuable asset - all at a competitive price. As an example of what makes them different and more attuned to the needs of you, the customer, they are open on weekdays from 9am until 9pm and on Saturdays from 10am until 4pm. Accompanied viewings

will also be carried out at no cost and for as long Covid restrictions last, these and all other business operations will be carried out in line with recommendations. They also recognise buyers may want to fully appraise a home before visiting it so offer high quality virtual tours as well as professional photography and floor plans. So for a friendly, experienced and professional service with a ‘Fresh Approach to Selling Your Home’ taking the pressure off you, it has to be Peter Murphy & Co Estate Agents. Call into their office, within regulations, phone 01397 708555 or visit their social media sites. You will be impressed at how much easier selling your home can be.

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Iain Ferguson


Whatever the weather, spring is about to be ‘sprung’ with colourful flowers and excitement of new life emerging all around us. While nature takes care of this, there are still plenty ‘opportunities’ to get involved with wildlife and, of course, the garden. Many birds will now be busily building nests so will be foraging for building materials such as twigs, grass, moss and warm linings. You can help by not having a tidy garden with everything cleared away to make it pristine clean, leaving little nesting material. Your pet can also play an important role here as we have found over the years that brushing the dog and leaving out the clumps of hair can lead to an almost immediate flurry of activity as our feathered friends hurriedly gather up as much as they can in their beaks and speedily fly off with it. Keep up the feeding for garden visitors with peanuts, fat balls and seeds, not only for the birds, but for the animals coming out of hibernation who will be desperate for something to eat. This year we are installing a ‘bug hotel’ to encourage them to set up home and flourish. This is not only interesting to watch as they develop in their


many forms, but also provides a natural source of food for other animals. We also ‘leave ‘ a good covering of fallen leaves in the garden which provide great breeding conditions for insects which our resident blackbirds find especially attractive. Likewise, our young human visitors love to go on bug hunts to see what they can find. Depending on the weather, it is also a good time to plant

shrubs and trees, although most recommendations were to start this in November, with March set as the final month. Frozen ground may have prevented earlier planting but, hopefully, things will be a bit more thawed out by now, making for easier digging and more opportunity for the roots to spread. Softer ground also means that by digging down deep you can break up and clear out the roots of persistent weeds.

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05/02/2021 16:58:57

• METHOD • For Venison

HAUNCH OF VENISON by Chef JP Venison steaks supplied by JAHAMA Highland Estates.

Bring your oven up to 250 degrees. Season haunch with salt and pepper - I like to be generous with the pepper as it balances nicely with the saltiness of the Parmesan mash. Warm your frying pan and sear the haunch until browned on all sides. Pop in the oven for 8 minutes (medium) Rest for a few minutes before cutting to desired size. For Parmesan mash In a medium pot, cover potatoes with cold water and salt generously.

• INGREDIENTS • Venison steaks 2 large red potatoes 50g butter Cream Parmesan

Bring to a simmer and cook for 8 to 12 minutes until potatoes are fork tender. Remove from heat and drain. Add butter to the potatoes and use a potato masher or fork to mash potatoes. Add cream or milk and stir until incorporated. Add salt, pepper and grated Parmesan to taste. Red wine reduction - 200ml of red wine cooked out until a syrup texture. Buttered greens Bring a pot of water to boil. Season the water and cook greens for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove from water and toss in butter and season .


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In Loving Memory of DuNCAN CAMERON 1939 – 2020 In loving memory of our brother Duncan. He will be remembered around the village of Kinlochleven for his kindness and smile. Sadly missed by many especially his brothers Gordon, Angus and Kenneth.

In Loving Memory of DAVIE MCNAMARA 1945 – 2020 With love we remember Davie, a much-loved husband to Jenny, dad to David John, stepdad, grandpa, brother, brother-in-law, cousin and friend. Loved and missed by so many. Forever in our hearts. May he rest in peace.

In Loving Memory of MANRICO (MIKE) COIA 1937 – 2020 Manrico, known as Mike, born in Kilmacolm, Invercylde, in 1937, son to late Janet Coia. A kind friend and neighbour. Remembered by many in the CB radio community. He will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him. May he rest in peace.

In Loving Memory of ELIZABETH (BESSIE) HOOD 1935 – 2020 A loving wife to the late Robert, a much-loved sister to Alda Elder, a loving auntie, great auntie and friend to many. Bessie will be fondly remembered for her time working in KK’s, Fort William. Sadly missed every day by everyone who knew her.


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In Loving Memory William (Willie) Watson 1929 – 2020 A loving husband to Cathie, a wonderful dad to Jackie, fatherin-law to Johnny, a doting grandfather to Clint and Vicki, great grandfather and the wee man who was everyone’s friend. Willie helped build the Ben Nevis path as well as building benches for the use of others on ‘Willie’s Island’ by Caol shore where he loved spending much of his time. A devoted family man greatly missed every day.

In Loving Memory of Eleanor May Jago 1925 – 2020 A loving sister to Evelyn, a wonderful aunt, great aunt and friend. Eleanor gave so much in her life and will be remembered locally for her dedication to the church and her talented organ playing. Sadly missed by her family, friends, neighbours and her church community.

In Loving Memory of Michael Judge 1961 – 2020 A loving husband to Sandra, caring dad to Lee and the late Michael, father-in-law, grandad, brother-in-law and a much-loved friend to many. A well-known Caol man and local character remembered fondly for his wit and sense of humour. Sadly missed.


In Loving Memory of Hamish MacInnes OBE BEM 1930 – 2020 Hamish (The Fox of Glencoe) climbed all over the world, yet his passion was Scotland. This was his playground, his workplace. He wrote so many books of his exploits. They, like his films, are a part of his huge legacy. In the early days of mountain rescue, he was a true pioneer and formed the Glencoe MR Team and SARDA, to name a few. He will also be remembered for his inventions, including the all-metal Ice Axe and MacInnes Rescue Stretcher which are used all over the world to this day. A truly inspirational gentleman who will be missed by family and friends from all over the world.

In Loving Memory of Jean Gillies 1935 – 2020 A much loved wife to the late Donald Gillies, caring mum to Robin and the late Ewan MacDonald, a loving gran and good friend to many. Remembered for her time working in the canteen at Lochaber High School and local Woollen Mills. Sadly missed by all the family.

In Loving Memory of Tracey Connell 1964 – 2020 A wonderful wife to Terry, a much-loved mum to her dog Chaos, daughter, sister, auntie and a good friend and colleague. Tracey was a kind and special person who helped many others in her role as a home carer. Tracey will be missed by so many, especially Terry, as they both devoted their lives to one another.

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In Loving Memory of JAMES (JAMIE) WATSON 1965 – 2020 Jamie passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by his loving family on Sunday December 13 2020, aged 54 years. A much loved husband to Eve, a caring step-father to Carmen and Lisa, a wonderful son to Bob and Shirley, brother (Bro) to Duane, uncle to his favourite niece Sam, brother-in-law to Jackie and a good friend to many.

In Loving Memory of JOHN MACKAy 1969 – 2020 A loving husband to Cath, caring son to Christine, stepdad, a respected colleague in Highland Council HQ and a loyal and good friend to many. John enjoyed his golf and pool, travelling the country competing successfully in various competitions. An avid fan of Ross County Football Club. Sadly missed every day but remembered with everlasting memories.

In Loving Memory of KENNETH (KEN) GEMMELL 1947 – 2020 A devoted husband to Christine, dad to Karen and Linda, a wonderful Seanair to Andrew and Caitlin and friend to many. A keen golfer, well-known for his long service at the Pulp Mill, Corpach. An Inverlochy man who will be sadly missed, especially by his loving family.

In Loving Memory of FLORA MACPHERSON 1952 – 2020 A loving wife to Raymond, a much loved mum to Mary, Catherine, Tracey, Flora and the late Raymond, a wonderful gran to all her grandchildren. Sadly missed by all her family and friends but remembered every day with a smile. May she rest in peace.


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05/02/2021 16:59:03

CARBON LITERACY FOR COMMUNITIES WE ARE LIVING IN A CLIMATE AND ECOLOGICAL EMERGENCY. IT’S EASY TO FEEL OVERWHELMED BY THE GLOBAL CLIMATE AND ECOLOGICAL CRISIS. IT CAN BE HARD TO BRING IT BACK TO THE LOCAL, AND TO THE SELF. WHAT CAN WE DO? The good news is that there are so many changes that we can make to our daily lives to help reduce our impact on the planet. Some of these changes, as well as being positive for the planet by reducing carbon dioxide emissions, can also be beneficial to us: from helping our physical and mental wellbeing through active travel and eating locally grown food, to living in a warmer and more comfortable home. Scotland is aiming for net zero carbon emissions by 2045, with a 75% reduction by 2030, so we all need to change. If you are a local business, a community group or a group of concerned citizens, Lochaber Environmental Group can deliver an award-winning, oneday certified training in Carbon


Literacy for Communities. This course is accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project, run by the Carbon Literacy Trust who are based in Manchester. This course will help you understand the causes and consequences of climate change. Furthermore, the training is designed to encourage you to talk about climate change, alongside identifying ways to change and to reduce carbon emissions in the community. Carbon Literacy for Communities training is normally delivered in a faceto-face setting, but if strict restrictions remain in place we can organise the training over Zoom, and can even split the course into smaller segments over a number of days, so you

can fit it around your busy schedule. To help promote carbon literacy in the community, LEG are currently organising regular film nights. Watch the film in the comfort of your own home, and then join us afterwards for a Zoom discussion. To find out more about our film nights, check the events section of our website https://lochaberenviro. org.uk/events/ or visit our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. We would love to have you along! To find out more about the Carbon Literacy for Communities course, or if you would like to contact us about another aspect of our Low Carbon Lochaber project, email us at info@lochaberenviro.org. uk

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05/02/2021 16:59:04

THE LAND ENDURES EVEN DURING COVID Robert Robertson About a decade ago in an English class in Lochaber High School, I discovered my favourite book: Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Sunset Song. Set during the unfathomable turmoil of WWI, its most famous quote came to me recently: ‘nothing endures but the land’. In the last 10 months, I have spent two long periods back home. On both occasions, I have isolated for a fortnight in my Glasgow tenement before bolting up the A82. Lockdown in the city is tough and it is how the majority of the country has experienced most of the last


year. 2020 wasn’t a walk in the park for anyone but at least in the Highlands we have fresh air, long walks and our beloved ever-enduring landscape. Little over a year ago, Tide Lines walked off the pitch at Murrayfield stadium having played a once-in-a-lifetime gig to the 67,000 capacity rugby crowd. It was a perfect day. Scotland even managed an unlikely win! It was also our last live gig in what now feels like an age. After our performance that day, our agent sat us down to break the bad news that he thought the incoming coronavirus could result in the

cancellation of our spring tour due to start just over a month later. Little did we know, he was, in fact, being optimistic. The Six Nations begins again this month and we are no closer to playing our next live gig. Writing this whilst looking out onto the Ben, though, I have a lot to be thankful for. These mountains have stood watch over times of civil unrest, times of war and times of clearance. All have passed and so will this latest challenge. As Grassic Gibbon taught a 17-year old Lochaber boy: ‘Nothing endures but the land.’

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05/02/2021 16:59:05

Claggan ‘copter maker Iain Ferguson If someone was to ask you ‘what did you do with yourself during lockdown’ what would you say? ‘Not much’, ‘taught the children’, ‘learned to knit’ perhaps? Douglas Barr, however, unique claim of setting up a helicopter production line in his Claggan home. Over the last few months, the enthusiastic model maker has assembled quite a few


‘Sea King’ helicopters in the markings of the armed services of many countries which use them in a variety of roles. This includes detailed replicas of what were until recently regular visitors to Lochaber skies in their search and rescue role. As one of the earliest members of the Lochaber Model Association, set up in the 1980s in response to a

small piece in the local papers inviting anyone interested in the hobby to come to a meeting, he remembers being impressed by an older member who said he was running out of space to store his 40 helicopter models. ‘I thought to myself, I would love to have 40 helicopters,’ said Douglas, whose first model was an Airfix ‘Westland Whirlwind’ helicopter, ‘but now I have many more than that myself alongside many other kinds of model and, yes, I can appreciate storage is a problem.’ While the club no longer exists, Douglas and a few other local stalwarts are still very much in evidence at the annual Lochaber Model Show which was introduced to Fort William a few years ago. Like other events, this is not taking place at present, but in its short history it totally

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outgrew its first venue in the Duncansburgh Macintosh church halls and latterly even crammed just about every space in the Nevis Centre with exhibitors from across the country. One of the biggest models on display is a large scale replica of the WWII aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal, 13ft long and built over three years by association members and almost scrapped when their meeting place was demolished. Luckily Douglas offered it a home in his loft from where it makes regular outings to local events and to other model shows. An impressive piece of construction made from scratch rather than a kit, its deck is covered with model aircraft, carefully built by local model makers. It is hoped its ultimate fate will not be the scrap yard, but an aviation museum where it can be permanently displayed in all its glory as a tribute to its makers.

Douglas started to make models as a boy - which is where most people start in the hobby - but in that very true adage ‘you are never too old to learn’ skills can be picked up as you go along - as is still the case with all modellers of whatever experience. Most companies have ‘starter’ kits complete with glue, pots of the right colour paints and a paint brush, along with the model and full instructions on how to tackle the build. These days helpful hints and guidance can also be found on the internet, putting years of experience and advice at your finger tips. Models of many subjects, aircraft, ships, cars and other subjects are also available in local shops. Douglas works mainly in 1/72nd scale kits, which are generally the most popular for giving an accurate representation of their subject at reasonable cost and in a manageable size. Other than his recent helicopter output,

he has also tackled many other types of aircraft and vehicles, sometimes creating dioramas - small landscapes for them to appear in. Adding to the ‘realism in miniature’ he has also been recreating buildings from TV series such as Holby City hospital, the fire station from London’s Burning and the tower block from ‘Only Fools and Horses’ - complete with the relevant vehicles all in scale. These are very popular and always attract great interest at model shows. Lockdown may continue for some time, with many still confined to home. Model making not only provides the chance to learn or hone some new skills, but also to have the fun of letting your imagination run free by creating your own world in miniature without crossing the doorstep. That can only be a positive thing.


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05/02/2021 16:59:07

MAkE A BREW, TAkE A PEW And LISTEn TO… With Jo Cowan November’s Lochaber Life featured the On-Air Community Coffee Morning which hit the airwaves on Nevis Radio on November 6 2020. It has been broadcast every Friday morning from 11am till noon since then – apart from Christmas Day. Our main aim is to provide onair ‘community time’ for those missing their usual clubs and activities – especially those who aren’t online. We also want to give clubs and organisations an opportunity to share informaJo and Karin in Nevis Radio Studio when restrictions permitted. tion and greetings with their communities. Another essential where organisers and members To ‘virtually drop in’ to the ingredient is for you to suggest of older people’s groups meet on-air coffee morning, you can cheery tunes! with each other and with those reach us in various ways: Highland Hellos and Lochaber providing services and support. Telephone the studio on Hellos: Each week organisations When restrictions permit, Karin 01397 706100. McKay, Highland Council Tenant or services let you know they Text ‘nevis’ and your message Participation Officer, joins me are there, what they are doing to 82228. Texts cost your normal on air to connect with the Lochand the support they offer just network charge. now. aber tenants and tenant groups Email: studio@nevisradio.co.uk her service would usually be What’s Not Ons: Activity and able to meet up with. social groups unable to meet Contact us via Nevis Radio just now let you know what Facebook and Twitter. We’ve had pre-recorded they would usually be doing ‘virtual drop-ins’ from guests To contact Jo or Karin outand send a message out to ranging from resilience groups with the time of the show: those they usually meet up to social groups like Lochaber jo-hscn@outlook.com 07933 with. Anyone can pass on a and District Lunch Club, Nether 653585 ‘shout out’ or a ‘hello’ via the Lochaber Afternoon Club and karin.mckay@highland.gov. show. Friends Together, to services uk 07785 477696, or write to The on-air format is as near as like Home Energy Scotland, Community Coffee Morning, we can come to the get-togeth- Advocacy Highland, Lochaber Nevis Radio, Unit 4a Ben Nevis Women’s Aid, Care Lochaber ers Highland Senior Citizens Industrial Estate, Fort William, and NHS Highland Technology Network and Age Scotland PH33 6PR. usually hold across Highland, Enabled Care.


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05/02/2021 16:59:09

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MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH THE HILLS and 37 years in Mountain Rescue

Iain Ferguson

Book review

Many people in the area have a fascination with the hills, spending much of their spare time climbing and walking around the dramatic heights which surround us.

the Alps (of all countries), safely shepherding charity events in all parts of the world and his time with Lochaber Mountain Rescue, with both tragic and happy outcomes.

None more so than George Bruce from Corpach who recorded his memories of trips and adventures as he made them, resulting in a large number of scrap books full of pictures, stories and his thoughts of the time.

He recalls with sadness his first callout as a member of the team to recover the body of a 14-yearold boy from the ‘waterslide’ in Glen Nevis. There were to be many more of these less than perfect outcomes in his ‘rescue’ years, but most had happier conclusions, where without the unfailing response of the team lives would have been lost.

Two years ago, George was going through them when his wife Brenda suggested he should turn them into a book. He set himself a target of having it ready and published before his 80th birthday and now, at the age of 79, he has achieved just that. Aptly titled ‘My Love Affair with the Hill & 37 Years in Mountain Rescue’, it is available to thrill and amaze readers with tales of climbing, not only in Lochaber, but across the world. Many of his local companions on these adventures are still around and highly regarded in the climbing community. Modest as ever about his achievements and exploits, George reels off amazing tales as though they were everyday events, setting off with friends to spend weekends climbing in

He recalls two events, documented in the newspapers of the time. These were ‘The Ice Maidens’ , two girls who were discovered cold but well in a snow hole after a two day search. Members of the team who found them - George was one - were dubbed ‘The most handsome rescuers ever’. Underlining the dedication of mountain rescue volunteers, George and a colleague were competing in a half Ben race when they were told that two

women were stuck in a gully. They immediately abandoned the race and went to their aid, discovering one of them was pregnant. Thanks to this quick action they were safely taken off the hill. Through his own notes and press articles, the book is an entertaining and captivating read of real life and death stories set in the hills in all weathers and conditions. The fact it is presented in such a matter-of-fact manner belies the sheer courage, determination and dangers faced by the Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team, potentially on every call out. It is also guaranteed to be a gripping catalogue of climbing achievements undertaken for sheer pleasure which will appeal to his fellow climbers of all ages and experience. Due to current lockdown restrictions, the book is not yet available locally but it can be bought from Amazon in hard copy at £8.95.


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05/02/2021 16:59:10

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| march 2021

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March brings the anniversary of our wedding - and of the first lockdown. This meant so many happy social events, from weddings, to big celebrations such as Eid, Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas and in March, St Patrick’s day parades, have suffered severe restrictions. The suffering of too many sad funerals has been socially isolated and churches are still closed. Homes have become both workplaces and schools. How have you coped? A young friend - an only child - lost both parents in a year, so knows the devastation

of loss and the trials of a lockdown funeral. She told me about the undertaker, recommended by the clergyman, who conducted the funerals. This lady knew how to do her job sensitively, having had a similar experience. She gave support and courage to my friend. Such people are rightly called ‘the salt of the earth’. Writing for Lochaber Life means I am looking forward to March while looking out at a pretty snow scene, but wishing I’d stocked up on salty grit for our paths. I am grateful to a neighbour who has just brought me a cheerful plant as a present and offered her children’s help to clear the paths. That good

neighbour means I won’t need salty grit. Jesus told his followers: ‘Let me tell you why you are here. You are here to be the salt seasoning that brings out the God flavours of this earth.’ [The Message] Salty people have learned to be more caring and creative. In fine weather, those with a garden, gardened. Many baked, cooked, preserved jams and pickles, read books, did puzzles and watched TV. They got on with it. Recently an artist on Songs of Praise commented that we can be creative because we come from a creator God. I thank God for all the creative ‘salt seasoners’ who have helped make a lockdown year less sad and dull. At times even quite tasty.

Lochaber High School under 18 hockey team after winning the Scottish Schools Cup. Photograph: The Write Image.


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05/02/2021 16:59:13




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| march 2021

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Lochaber Life March 2021.indd 31



05/02/2021 16:59:15

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| march 2021

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05/02/2021 16:59:17

Fast flowing water which works hard before escaping into a river. But where? LaST mONTh: Metal statue of a stag at the National Trust for Scotland visitor centre in Glencoe. LOchaBEr LIFE

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Iain Ferguson

A young man’s passion for football has taken him all around the world sharing his enthusiasm as a coach representing Celtic Football Club. Former Lochaber High School pupil Ruaridh Macinnes, aged 23, from Caol, set off to study sports science in Glasgow but also applied for a place on a three-month Introduction to Coaching feeder course run by Celtic FC. He was accepted and on completion was offered a position with the club - one of only two from his class - to work with young people to develop their footballing skills. Since then, as International and Domestic Coach for Celtic FC, he has worked in Glasgow and Scotland and across the world, spending several weeks each year in Ireland, the US, Canada and Australia sharing his knowledge and skills with thousands of keen young footballers. Like many others, Ruaridh’s travels have been curtailed by the pandemic but he is still as busy as ever with footballing activities. He is Head Coach of Clyde FC U19 team, holds coaching classes for


young Muslims and organises Glasgow Gladiators teams for disabled players in the MDUK and Championship leagues. Amongst all this, one thing he is particularly proud of is being allowed to hold a coaching session at Lochaber High School on a visit home. While still studying, he has made contact with footballers from the Highlands who have moved to Glasgow for studies and brought them together, even finding himself in a few ‘bounce’ games with Oban Saints when they have been playing in the area. Just prior to lockdown, Ruaridh set up his own business, RM Academy, which now employs two additional coaches working with youngsters in and around

Glasgow using grass pitches as all other facilities are closed. This has proved to be very popular, running 22 to 25 well-attended sessions on Fridays and weekends. Ruaridh said: ‘I am used to being busy and would have been running up and down the walls if I didn’t have something to do. I was really lucky to get the coaching post with Celtic and travel across the world. I believe their youth coaching scheme is second only to Juventus. ‘I was due to have another heavy year working in Chicago and Montreal, but it looks more like ‘Costa del Glesga’ for me.’ However, Ruaridh is making good use of this time studying in his third year at college and extending his coaching qualifications online with the English FA, Children and Adult pathways, Football Studies and Exercise Science. A hard working young man literally with the world at his feet.

| march 2021

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05/02/2021 16:59:20

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05/02/2021 16:59:21

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