My team and I remain acutely attuned to the areas where our business can further develop and flourish. Our pursuit is one of continuous improvement, with a ceaseless drive to enhance efficiency, productivity, and collaboration. Acknowledging my colleague's background and personality traits, I played a role in nurturing their growth as a leader through ongoing conversations and attentive listening. I shared insights into the intricate art of stakeholder management and encouraged them to explore novel avenues for problemsolving. Witnessing their transformation, from tentative steps in the corporate landscape to their current role as a flourishing entrepreneur, has been a gratifying experience. This evolution is a testament to the considerable power of effective mentoring, guiding an individual along a trajectory of professional development and growth. As a mentee, a notable moment in my life stands out. This period came at a critical juncture – the transition from a Service leaver to the corporate arena. During this time, I was fortunate to receive guidance from a seasoned executive mentor, a beacon in a time of change. I was grappling with a profound quandary – how to rediscover my "purpose" (my "why") beyond my former (and very meaningful) role as part of an Army Bomb Disposal Team. This question became poignant as I adjusted to what seemed like, in comparison, a routine 9-to-5 job. The search for purpose became my lodestar. "What contribution could I make? How could I translate my experiences into meaningful value within
this new context?" Like echoes in my mind, these questions were slowing down my transition and impeding progress in my new path. The mentorship I received offered me strategic perspectives that acted as a compass. They assisted me in navigating the intricate landscape of decisionmaking and instilled a renewed confidence in my own capabilities. This experience underscored the significance of seeking guidance, and the profound impact it can wield on one's professional journey. Through my mentor’s guidance, I learned to anchor myself, unearth my purpose, and align my journey with intentionality. This lesson endures with me and is a testament to the profound transformation that effective mentoring can bring. About Mark Mark is Managing Director of Landmarc Solutions who work in partnership with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), part of the Ministry of Defence, to manage and operate the UK Defence Training Estate, which covers around 120 locations across all four nations: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Mark recommends that readers check out Simon Sinek's book 'Start With Why' and '12 Rules for Life' by Professor Jordan Peterson.