XANO sustainability report 2019

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O U R S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y W O R K Our financial goals for the Group are an

characterise the XANO spirit, which is based

sible, within the framework of their area of

annual organic growth above the general

on the Group’s origins in the southern

responsibility and their authorisation, for

market trend, a profit margin of at least 8 per

Swedish province of Småland. The most

the preparation and implementing of action

cent and an equity/assets ratio exceeding

important common denominator for the

plans as well as the following up of goals.

30 per cent. In order to achieve profitable

Group’s companies is entrepreneurial spirit

Those companies that did not already have

growth, it is necessary to employ sustainable

with a strong drive. The companies have flat

a dedicated sustainability coordinator have

enterprise through resource optimisation and

organisations with rapid decision-making

appointed one during 2019.

efficiency at every stage. This is a natural way

paths and short times before arriving at solu-

of working for XANO, and the sustainability

tions. Leadership is down-to-earth and close

work has consequently always been at the

at hand, and specifies clear demands for the


heart of the Group’s operations.

involvement of all employees. The working

XANO’s sustainability work is based on the

climate and stakeholder relations are charac-

Group’s sustainability policy. This is grounded

terised by openness and a high ceiling.

on the UN’s Global Compact, which encom-

Prior to our first sustainability report, which related to 2017, we introduced a number of Group-wide procedures aimed at sys-

We believe that strong relations lead to

passes ten principles based on the UN’s Decla-

tematising the work and reinforcing corporate

success, which is the reason behind our long-

ration of Human Rights, the ILO’s fundamental

governance in respect of sustainability. We

term investments in our companies. This pro-

conventions on human rights at work, the Rio

wanted to obtain a combined picture of the

vides each unit with opportunities to develop

Declaration and the UN’s Convention against

sustainability activities in our companies, and

its own resources optimally. With genuine


we developed a central sustainability policy

technical know-how, we also have the condi-

Since 2014, a Group-wide code of

that all the units implemented. At the same,

tions to develop and use new machinery and

conduct describing in general terms the rules

we launched the process of incorporating the

methods in a manner that contributes to

that apply to the Group’s companies and

sustainability aspects in each Group company’s

more efficient manufacturing and sustainable

employees was adopted. The code is based on

business plan. In 2018, the Board of Directors


the UN’s Global Compact, the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Swedish

adopted a sustainability strategy that describes the overall focus of the ongoing work. Fur-


Anti-Corruption Institute’s economic code,

thermore, directional goals were formulated

All employees in the organisation are covered

national legislation as well as basic environ-

relating to improvements with selected areas

by our shared responsibility for the Group’s

mental, health and safety requirements. All

in respect of personnel and the environment.

sustainability work. We all have to take part

employees should study this, and the aim is

The task for the individual Group companies

and contribute to sustainable development.

for it to be part of all employment contracts in

is, on the basis of the common guidelines, to

From an organisational perspective,

formulate their own quantified goals regard-

the Board of Directors is responsible for

ing materiality and business benefits.

the preparation of the sustainability report.

oped during 2018, the aim being for each

During 2019, we have conducted risk

Furthermore, the Board is responsible for the

Group company’s 20 largest suppliers to have

analyses, stakeholder analyses and materiality

targets, vision and strategy linked to XANO’s

signed up to it during 2019. This interim goal

analyses from a sustainability perspective. The

sustainability work and, together with the

has not been fully achieved, but we are still

purpose was to identify areas of focus and to

Group management, also for the sustainability

working to ensure that all long-term suppliers

delimit the direction of future activities.


have signed the code at the latest by the

During 2020, our companies will be

The Group’s CEO has ultimate responsi-

the long term. A Group-wide supplier code was devel-

end of 2020. Some suppliers refer to their

continuing to focus on those issues that they

bility for compliance with the sustainability

own codes of conduct, and if the values in

themselves and their respective stakeholders

strategy, and the Group-wide sustainability

these correspond with the Group’s values, we

view as most pressing. At Group level, we will

work is conducted by the Group manage-

equate this with acceptance of our own code.

be further developing the follow-up process

ment. In conjunction with the annual business

The Group’s companies have a number

and clarifying the procedures regarding report-

plan process, the responsibility for producing a

of business-specific policies, guidelines and

ing data in respect of selected sustainability

company-specific sustainability strategy as well

procedures that are based on the Group-wide


as for the fulfilment of goals is delegated to

code of conduct and that reflect the values

each company’s CEO, who is also responsible

established therein. Company-specific policies


for ensuring that the sustainability policy is

exist in areas such as communication, working

Our core values – entrepreneurial drive, long-

followed. At the request of each company’s

environment, the environment, equal treat-

term thinking and technical know-how –

CEO, managers and employees are respon-

ment and anti-corruption.

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