Hi! I'm Xavier, nice to meet you! This is a small Pdf... so I'm going to open my portfolio for you.
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My project palette
''The world needs emotion, attitude, effort; even more the feeling of beginning''
That is Xavier
Inside Hotel Fontanella Street _In Growing Building Grapes Tarraco Arena Colonizer Worm Komapct Hide and Seek
My project palette
The breathtaking surroundings of this old house
located in Collserola will be the inspiration for rehabilitating it into a 4* hotel. The existing building will be repared with a tree-form steel structure which will suports the vertical gravitity loads and creates the triple high main space. The zenital natural light will massify this striking structural element, while providing an exciting constantly changing perception of the space.
Inside Hotel
Olot is always a special place to be. No time schedules, surrounded by volcanos and nature in the middle of Catalonia. The creativity is everywhere but we must be able to show it, that is why we propose to open up a new street with a unique platform trying to get profit of the public space by using the street as a extention of every public use found in the ground floors.
Fontanella Street
A reflexion around two main topics: the difficult nowadays situation of the small industries versus the bif international producers, and in the other hand, the increasing DIY culture, in which people want to be more consecious about what they cosume. The main brief will be to combine in a symbiotic relation both the existing industries and their activities with the new programs brang from the city. The different urban triggers used for the strategy will be composed of an open changing structure which will support the different programs and the most important, to connect all of them. _In Growing
An alien arrives on the planet Earth and it has to build a fruit from zero. From something as simple as a grape it is hard to imagine how complex its growth structure is. In order to show this complexity I made a deep analyse of shapes, shadows and mesures -in diferents states- of a bunch of grapes.
Building grapes
The stadium will follow the slopes of the site and adapt its shape to it. This way one side of the tier will be bigger than the other giving more important to one part and creating a visible focus for different activities such as concerts or shows. This difference will also appears on the structure, which will use two different sizes of metalic truss compensated, with articulated joints, by a concrete element located in one of the sides.
Tarraco Arena
The aim of the project is to give an important role to the huge empty space existing between the buildings of Hospitalet, activating it with the new social housing. Just one floor high alined houses will connect the existing buildings not only privatly but including common areas, creating different zones in the public space. The shape of these experimental houses has been design according to the idea of drawing upon the available space, creating a non-conventional sequence of rooms.
Colonizer worm
Both the University of Heidelberg and the manu Research Instititions located in the Neuenheimer Feld area have a great extension prognoses for the upcoming decades. The main brief is to propose massive densification in the area, doubling the usable built existing square meters but keeping the Campus' character as a Green Campus. Kompakt is a proposal that manages to add the extension required while been concerned with the value of land: keeping, as one of its strong points, the valuable green fields in the north and transforming them into a connection between the land and the city.
Our first objective is to connect Gløshaugen campus to the city of Trondheim. We would like to put it down and attract the people from the city in the campus. Nowadays, the campus of Gløshaugen seems to be a boat in an urban ocean. To proceed to this objective, we create new spaces in/out side for the department of Architecture and commun ressources for the city and the campus, like shops, auditorium and restaurants.
Hide and seek
My project palette