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Military Science
The LET 1 curriculum is the foundation upon which all future JROTC leadership training builds upon . The freshman curriculum prepares cadets for the challenges they will confront as future leaders in the Xavier Regiment, in their communities, and in life . As a leadership and citizenship program, the freshman JROTC curriculum covers the fundamentals of military customs and courtesies, rank and structure, and drill and ceremonies . Cadets are academically challenged with classes covering such topics as “Leadership Theory and Applications,” “Foundations for Success,” “Knowing Your Responsibilities as a Leader,” “Setting Goals,” and “Conflict Resolution .” These broad topics provide cadets with opportunities to learn and practice skills that are universally accepted as key skills thought to be indispensable to good leaders and good leadership . Additionally, cadets learn and practice “Ethical Decision-Making,” “Problem Solving Techniques,” “Public Speaking,” and “Time Management .” Although JROTC/Military Science 9 stresses the need for students to be academically strong, it also stresses the need for them to be physically strong . To this end and throughout their freshman year, cadets practice for and take a five event physical fitness assessment test that offers them a chance to earn a Fitness Award . At the conclusion of their freshman year, cadets may choose to attend the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) Course, a three day rigorous leadership-oriented event held at Ft . Devens, MA . This course is specifically designed to afford cadets the opportunity to practice their newly learned skills in a challenging and fun environment . Students attend three classes each cycle in fulfilling their JROTC/Military Science 9 - LET 1 curriculum requirements .
This is a continuation of the JROTC program from Military Science 9 – LET I . As sophomores, cadets enhance their leadership skills and are taught subjects that are useful throughout their lives . Land Navigation, Map Reading, Military Justice System and Leadership Principles are the curriculum-related subjects that are taught as part of the sophomore year . Additionally, lessons in Health and Nutrition along with First Aid, Life-Saving Steps, Cold and Heat related injuries are emphasized . Citizenship classes include: Introduction to Military Justice, Natural Rights of Citizens, Developing a Republic Government, Understanding the Colonial Government, State Constitutions, Articles of Confederation, Roles of Citizens and Protection of Rights within the Judicial System . Preparation for leadership positions in the next two years is highly emphasized during the sophomore year . Cadets are urged to perform to the best of their ability to ensure a high ranking position as a junior . All sophomores may enroll in JROTC/ Military Science 10 - LET II, to include those who did not take JROTC/ Military Science 9 LET I . Students who take this course enroll for the entire year . Students attend three classes each cycle in fulfilling their LET II curriculum requirements . Juniors Leadership, Education and Training (LET III) JROTC/ Military Science 11 (½ Credit)
This course is a continuation of the JROTC program from Military Science 10 – LET II . Applied leadership principles are emphasized . Cadets prepare to assume the highest leadership roles during their senior year . The course reinforces Drill and Ceremonies gained in the freshman and sophomore years, to include: Platoon Drill, Company Formations, Precision Movements and In-Ranks Inspections . Leadership tasks include: Basic Command and Staff Principles, Taking Charge, Knowing Your Responsibilities as a Leader, Celebrating Differences, Cultural and Individual Diversity, Managing Anger, Conflict Resolution, Conflict Mediation and Violence Prevention . Cadets are given the opportunity to create and present individual and group presentations . All juniors may enroll in JROTC/ Military Science 11 LET 111, to include those who did not take JROTC/ Military Science 9 or 10 . Students who take this course enroll for the entire year; and attend three classes each cycle .
This course is the culminating course of the JROTC program and embodies the principles of performance-based leadership . Lessons and assessments in this final year are designed to actively engage students’ higher-order thinking and skill performance . Therefore, the JROTC/Military Science LET IV curriculum ensures experiences which allows cadets to put into practice the training received through their previous three years in the program . Successful completion of the senior year curriculum results in the development of a cadet’s broad array of life-long skills that are essential for high achievements in all future endeavors . Under the guidance of the Army Instructors, fourth year cadets take ownership of the program by assuming the responsibilities commensurate with their elevated positions . Cadets serve as Staff Officers responsible for a broad range of duties to include Administrative Actions (S1), Operations & Training (S3), Supply & Logistics (S4), Public Relations, and Communications/Technology . They also serve as Company and Battalion Officers and Commanders . All of these high ranking leaders of the Regiment have subordinate cadets whose success depends largely upon the leader’s ability to demonstrate excellent command and control and concern for their cadet followers . Additionally, senior Cadets act as assistant instructors in selective subject areas for various JROTC classes . Finally, LET IV Cadets continue to develop their leadership skills by taking charge in the planning and execution of special Regimental events, such as the Military Ball and the Annual Awards Ceremonies .