March 2011
Message from the Headmaster Dear Parents and Guardians,
After a long winter it is great to have spring officially here! Spring sports and activities have begun in earnest and in this final marking period I hope that your son continues to be actively engaged in the life of Xavier. It is also my hope that during this holy season of lent he is able to pause each day to reflect upon the season and its meaning in his life. Lent is a time of great preparation. The columnist, Michael Daley once wrote in American Catholic that lent can be described as a “time-out” before Easter, much the same way a coach will call a time-out before a big play in a game so that players can prepare, strategize and collect themselves for what lies ahead. Lent is a time for us to prepare and celebrate what is at the heart of our faith; the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus that leads to the resurrection and triumph of Christ at Easter. We try to instill in our students that Lent means more than “what they are giving up,” that it is a time for reflection, prayer, and spiritual preparation. It is my sincere hope that you will join with us in teaching these lessons to your son. I am proud to announce that Mr. Joseph Petriello, the Chair of the Religion Department and Director of Ignatian Service Programs at Xavier, is being inducted in the Catholic Education Foundation Hall of Fame on Friday, March 25th. This is a great honor for Mr. Petriello and for Xavier. I hope that you will join me in offering him your congratulations for the incredible gifts that he brings to Xavier and to Catholic education!
*************** Your son’s third marking period report card is now posted online. If you need help viewing your son’s report card, please contact Mr. Luciano Lovallo, the Dean of Academics. Parents and guardians of seniors are reminded that, in addition to having a year-end average of 70 or higher in each individual subject, seniors are “required to achieve a final exam grade of 60 or more (in each subject that he takes a final exam) in order to pass a course.” Seniors with more than one course failure will not be able to participate in commencement exercises. I urge the parents of seniors to have a discussion with their son concerning the need to finish strong so that they can earn a diploma and all of the privileges associated with graduation.
As we enter the final marking period and our school year winds down, let us continue to pray for one another. Be sure of my prayers and best wishes for you and your family during this Lent and into the blessed season of Easter
, Sincerely,
Mr. Michael LiVigni Headmaster
ATHLETICS UPDATE Swimming and Diving :Junior, Patrick Kilgallen, represented the CHSAA and Xavier at the recent State Federation Swim Championships at Eisenhower Park. Patrick set two new Xavier records with times of 1:43.58 for the 200 yard freestyle and 4:44.28 in the 500 yard freestyle. Pat’s new records were good for 10th place and 14th place in the entire state. The CHSAA won the meet among all public, religious, and private schools in the state. Coach Dennis Murphy said that Patrick made quite an impression among the coaches and competitors at the championships. Coach Murphy made quite an impression himself, being voted the Division’s Coach of the Year for the second consecutive year, following back to back undefeated seasons and division titles. Rugby : All four teams earned overwhelming victories over Fairfield Prep at Randall’s Island last Saturday. Varsity Maroon bounced back to a 1-1 record following an opening game loss to Gonzaga. Indoor Track: The team ends an outstanding season by winning the Georgetown Jesuit Invitational on February 25th. XAVIER’S ONLINE BOOKSTORE Reminder to parents and students that you can sell many of your books back through the online bookstore starting in May. When you purchased your books over the summer you were given an estimate that included which books could be sold back and how much they might be worth. Check your account information. The best time to try and sell back your books is from mid-May to mid-June (of course, don’t sell anything back until you are 100% finished using it in class!), You can still sell them back over the course of the summer but you are more likely to be able to sell them and to get a better price early in the season. The link to the bookstore is In May we will have more information about purchasing titles for summer reading and for the 2011-2012 school year. Any questions please contact Eileen Carty at
XAVIER IS GOING BACK TO COSTA Costa Rica 2012. Sign up before April 1st, 2011 for next years' trip to Costa Rica. The trip will take place during February break 2012. See Mr. Chiafulio to register. Limited number of spots available. First come, first served.
JROTC News By: LTC Roy Campbell, Senior Army Instructor (SAI)
The JROTC Regiment continues to grow. Currently, our 467 Cadets are preparing for their triennial Army Formal Inspection on Friday, April 8th. The probability is very high that the Regiment will retain its Gold Star (Honor Unit with Distinction) rating. Prior to the Formal Inspection, the Regiment will hold its annual Military Ball at El Caribe in Brooklyn on Friday, April 1st from 7:00 to 11:00. Over sixty couples are expected to attend. Tickets may be purchased up until March 31st. The Regimental Spring Awards Review is slated for Tuesday, May 17th in the St Francis Xavier Parish Church. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will serve as our Guest of Honor and Guest Speaker. The Regiment marched in the traditional Manhattan St Patrick’s Parade, and for the first time in decades, the Regimental Marching Band wore the Army Dress Green Uniform. We plan to make the Regimental Band an ongoing part of both the Columbus Day and St Patrick's Day Parades. This has been a banner year for West Point appointments. Five Sons of Xavier have been offered admission directly to the Academy, and two Sons of Xavier have been offered admission to the West Point Prep School. We await final decisions from the Naval Academy and from the Air Force Academy and from US Army Cadet Command for our six Army ROTC scholarship applicants. JCLC: Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge will take place at Fort Devens, MA this summer from June 26th to June 30th. Xavier has been allocated 50 spaces for our cadets, the largest contingent of any of the 16 high schools in attendance. Cadets may sign up for this safe, challenging, and fun summer experience online on the Regimental Webpage. Cost for the week is only $50. Raiders competed valiantly in the New York City Commander's Cup on March 19th. Finally, the Regimental Teams (X Squad, Sabre Squad, Raiders, and Rifle Team) are entering the peak of their competitive seasons in April and May. Sabre Squad will compete at
the Masters Level Drill Competition in Daytona Beach, Florida for the first time in school history. (The X Squad has competed in this tournament for twenty-one years.)
SPAIN 2012 SPAIN 2012: Join us next February break as Xavier travels to Spain! We will be visiting Madrid, Barcelona, Segovia, Toledo as well as the Costa Brava. Students can see Ms. Happel in 4L8 or Mr. Milan in 5L4 with questions or for an application. There is a discount for those that register early! Parents can e-mail Ms. Happel at or Mr. Milan at with any questions.
College Guidance News
From The College Counselors
By Mr. Chris Kennedy, Director of College Counseling
Seniors- A few reminders: May 1, 2011 is National Candidates’ Reply Date, the national deadline to deposit to the college of your choice – deposit at ONE college only; This is a great time, with acceptances in hand, to attend a college’s Open House for Admitted Students – Learn who values you the most. If you still owe transcript fees, you must pay them immediately. Checks should be made out to Xavier High School. See your college counselor with questions; Remember to take a minute to thank those who helped you get to this point in your educational careers. Over the next month, you should be in the final decision-making phase of choosing a college. This decision should not be taken lightly! The next four or five years of your life will be influenced by your choices over the next month. Be confident and be sure! Trust your feelings and you will make the best choice for you and your family. Good luck and see us if you need help.
Juniors- You should be doing the following: Brag sheets are now overdue. If you have not completed yours, please do so immediately; Use your Naviance accounts to research colleges; Register for and plan your SAT Reasoning and SAT Subject Test (if applicable) schedule through the Fall of 2011; Register for and attend Spring Open Houses at colleges that interest you; Plan your “productive” summer activities. Plan to attend the admissions/essay workshop at Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus in May (date to be announced via email). RSVP to Mrs. Nunez at or 212/924-7900, ext. 1456.
Junior Parents:
You should:
If you have not already done so, complete the Parent Response Form (due date is April 1st); Speak with your son about visiting colleges over the next few months. Plan to attend the admissions/essay workshop at Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus in May (date to be announced via email). RSVP to Mrs. Nunez at or 212/924-7900, ext. 1456. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions. Chris Kennedy and Jim O’Hara
By Mr. Joseph Petriello, Director of Ignatian Services
Lenten Collection - During Lent, the Xavier community is collecting toiletries, new underwear (preferably boxers), and new or gently used men's clothing to be given to the outreach programs of the Xavier Mission at the Church of St. Francis Xavier. Clothing will be distributed to guests of the All Saints Clothing Room on Sundays, in conjunction with the Welcome Table soup kitchen. The toiletries will be distributed to men served by the Hurtado Mens Shelter. All donations can be brought to Campus Ministry through April 20th. Thank you for your generosity! CFX Alabama - During the week of April 1723, 25 seniors, 3 faculty, and 1 alumnus will be volunteering with the local community of Bayou La Batre, Alabama as part of their ongoing relief effort in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. This will be our 5th service trip to the Gulf Coast. There will be a Mass and parent meeting for all CFX Alabama participants on Monday, April 11th at 6pm in the student chapel. Please keep our volunteers in your prayers during this blessed Holy Week. Companions of Xavier - All sophomores and juniors participating in a CFX service trip this summer are reminded that their outside fundraising money is due to Mr. Petriello by Friday, April 15th. All funds should be submitted with donor names and addresses. Checks should be made payable to Xavier High School. Thank you. Christian Service Program - Seniors have completed 7 weeks of their 12 week Christian Service Program. The last day of service will be Monday, May 2nd. If your son is missing service hours because of any absence, he is encouraged to make up those hours as soon as possible, preferably over Easter Break. Any questions should be directed to Mr. Joseph Petriello, Director of Ignatian Service Programs (x1658 or Service Assembly - On Tuesday, March 29th, our school community will gather for our 6th annual service assembly to recognize and celebrate the volunteer work of our students, faculty, and staff. Please keep our students in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to serve those in need throughout the school year and during the summer.
GUIDANCE NEWS By Mrs. Jean Sherman, Director of Guidance ADMISSIONS UPDATE By Mr. Ben Hamm, Director of Admissions
Course selections are just about finished. A verification form will be going home soon to confirm your son’s choices. This will be his last chance to make any changes. Please note that these are only choices and all honors and advanced placement courses still must be approved by department chairs before placement in those courses is decided. Parents and Students, you should begin thinking about your summer plans. There are many summer programs, classes and volunteer opportunities available. These always look good on your college resume. The Guidance Department posts this information on our bulletin board on 3L and in the College Guidance suite. Parents as always please do not hesitate to contact your son’s counselor by email or phone with any questions or concerns.
Calendar Reminders MARCH 25 -
Band Concert 7:30pm 9:30pm (Gym) 26 Band Concert 7:30pm- 11:00pm (Gym) 28 Senior Service Week 8 29 X-3 Order Service Assembly (Gym) 30 - 1st Senior Silent Retreat APRIL 11244-5 5 –8 71111-12 13-
Military Ball (El Caribe, Bklyn, NY) Spring Dance 7:00pm Regimental Sports Competition (Gym) 12pm-3pm Senior Service Week 9 Sophomore Retreat VI (Mount Manresa) Kairos LXXXVI Progress Report Senior Service Week 10 Sophomore Retreat VII (Mount Manresa) Ignatian Educator Awards 6:00pm9:00pm (Commons)
On March 2, 2011, Xavier held its registration for the Class of 2015. It was a great day, as 254 students from over 100 elementary and middle schools throughout the New York City area officially registered to become Sons of Xavier. As usual, the majority of the incoming class hails from Brooklyn (32%), Manhattan (27%), and Queens (17%). Word has spread across the Hudson River, as more and more students from New Jersey are applying to and enrolling at Xavier. Continue to spread the word about Xavier! Every year the Admissions Office surveys applicants and their families about how they heard about us, and every year the most frequent responses are “Word of Mouth” or “Friends and Family.” Lastly, the Admissions Office would like to thank all parents who volunteered at the open houses in October and January. Both events were tremendously helpful in recruiting a new class of students, and we simply would not have been able to do it without your assistance. Thanks again for all of your support throughout the year. We look forward to working with you again in the fall.
Xavier High School 30 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011 Phone: 212-924-7900 Fax: 212-924-0303 Website:
Mr. John J. Raslowsky II President Mr. Michael LiVigni Headmaster Mr. Joseph Sweeney ’85 Dean of Faculty Mr. Luciano Lovallo Dean of Academics Ms. Janet Bonica Registrar Mr. Brian McCabe Dean of Students Mrs. Jean Sherman Director of Guidance Mr. Benjamin Hamm Director of Admissions