Xavier Express: November 2011

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November 2011

Message from the Headmaster Greetings from Xavier! The year is moving fast and the first marking period has come to a close. I hope that your son’s report card, which can be accessed online, shows that your son is progressing well in his studies. Please review this report with your son, noting both areas of strength and subjects that may require an improved effort. The first Parent-Teacher Conference is scheduled for Thursday, November 10th, 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. Teachers, counselors, and administrators will be available to speak with you at these times. When you arrive at the school, you will receive further information about their location in the building. Teachers will be located in the gym, commons and Hurtado Hall (the cafeteria). Guidance Counselors will be stationed in the Library. Please bring a list of your son’s teachers with you. To insure that the sessions accommodate the needs of all parents, guardians, and teachers, I would like to remind you of some important guidelines: Please limit your time with a given teacher to three (3) minutes. If a longer, more involved conference is needed, please schedule an appointment with the teacher at that time. Speak with teachers where there are areas of concern or to elicit information that will help you to assist in the learning process and ongoing education of your son. It is not necessary for you to meet with all of his teachers. Please note that a bell will be rung at 5:30 p.m. ending the first session so that the faculty may have their dinner. A bell will also be rung at 8:15 p.m. ending the evening. Our Fall Open House was a great success despite a very strange October snow storm that took us all by surprise. I am grateful to the many students who served as tour guides and assistants at the Open House. It was also wonderful to see so many of our parents helping at the Open House. Your presence and enthusiasm for Xavier are greatly appreciated. With this in mind, and now that the “admission season” is upon us, I ask you to encourage friends and neighbors to consider a Xavier education for their sons. We have found that Xavier students, guardians, and parents are our best ambassadors. Thank you, in advance, for spreading the good word about Xavier. Fall is traditionally the time for us to launch our student retreat programs and this year is no different. Retreat days are important times for students to pause, strengthen personal ties with their classmates, to reflect on their lives, their relationships with family and friends and most importantly, to deepen their relationship with God. St. Ignatius teaches us that reflection is essential for each of us to be drawn closer to God. The retreat program at Xavier is geared towards helping your son lead a more reflective life and in my experience is a full and rewarding program. The freshmen stayed at Xavier for their retreat on October 12th. This one-day event is meant to give our newest students an introduction to the retreat program at Xavier and have them begin to ask some essential questions about their relationship with God. The Sophomore Montserrat retreats began in October as well. These retreats are designed to offer students a deeper understanding of their relationship with God in an overnight retreat. The first Kairos retreat was in October. The next Kairos retreat is November 8th-11th. The Kairos retreat can be a very powerful and moving experience and I hope that all members of the junior class will take the opportunity to attend. Finally, the first Magis retreat will be held on November 17th and is in many ways a follow-up to the junior experience on Kairos inviting students into reflection and a deeper prayer life. As our fall sports program winds down, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our coaches and student athletes for their hard work and dedication. Teamwork, sportsmanship, and a drive to excel is all part of the Xavier athletic tradition. I would also like to note that on Thanksgiving Day at 10 a.m. at Aviator Field in Brooklyn, the Varsity Football Knights take on arch-rival Fordham Prep in the annual “Turkey Bowl.” This game, the oldest football rivalry in New York City, is a great way to spend time with family and friends while being a part of a great Xavier tradition. I hope to see you there! It is also worth noting that the Varsity Football Knights go into the Thanksgiving game as Division Champions. Congratulations to Head Coach Chris Stevens, his coaching staff and the team on a great season!


If October is any indication as to the type of winter we will have it seems prudent to take an opportunity to remind you that in the event of snow or bad weather school closing information will be posted on the first page of the school’s web site which can be found at www.xavierhs.org. Other emergency announcements and important information will also be posted on the main school webpage as the need arises. An automated calling system should alert each family by telephone if Xavier will be closed. School closings are also posted with most major news media outlets. In particular, you can listen to 1010 WINS on your radio for information on school closings. Unless specifically posted on the website, Xavier is OPEN on normally scheduled school days. November is a month that the Church sets aside to remember and honor family and friends that have gone to their eternal rest. Outside of the student chapel Campus Ministry has placed a book of remembrance. We invite you and your son to stop by and write the names of loved ones who have gone on to eternal life in this book so that our entire community can pray for them. Finally we are in the midst of our annual Thanksgiving Food drive to support the food pantry at St. Francis Xavier Church. Obviously economic times are dire, as many families go hungry in the larger New York community and our goal is for each homeroom to feed four families. A list of needed items is posted on the Campus Ministry webpage as well as in each homeroom. Please be as generous as you can by bring in non-perishable food items to support this good cause. Donations of cash to purchase perishable items can be directed to Mr. Joseph Petriello who is coordinating our efforts. As we prepare to offer our gratitude and thanks to God for the abundance he has placed in each of our lives, please be assured of my prayer of Thanksgiving for each of you and your families. Let us continue to pray for one another and for Christ’s peace in the world. Sincerely,

Michael LiVigni Headmaster

Admissions Office By Mr. Benjamin Hamm, Director of Admissions Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered their time, effort, and energy at the Fall Open House and the inaugural HAP Reunion. Over 700 students and their families attended both events. Because of your support, the gym and Hurtado Hall looked fantastic and our guests were well-fed! Thank you again, as these events are not possible without all of your help and support. While most of the admission events have come and gone, there are two more items to be aware of, and we encourage you to continue spreading the good word about all that goes on at 16th Street. Encourage 8th grade students in your neighborhoods and church communities to register for our Scholarship Exam, which will take place on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at 9:00 AM. Students should register through the Admissions website. And while our Knight-for-a-Day program is currently fully booked, we have created a waitlist. The Knight-for-a-Day program is designed to give 8th grade applicants a firsthand look into student life at Xavier. Students should register for this program through our website as well. Thank you, again, to all of the parents who volunteered at the Open House and HAP Reunion, as both events are instrumental in the future success of Xavier.

JROTC By LTC. Roy Campbell Congratulations to the Xavier Regiment for their excellent performance during last month's Columbus Day Parade. We received accolades from many Sons of Xavier and from many Friends of Xavier. Well done!

The Regiment welcomes 141 Freshmen from the Class of 2015 who have chosen to join our ranks this fall. Positive leadership is the order of the day as upperclassmen welcome the Freshmen Cadets in ranks on Thursday, November 10th. I expect their reception to be uniformly positive and uplifting. As the Class of 2015 fills and strengthens our ranks, leadership by example is imperative. Cadets wrote letters of thanks to our nation's hospitalized veterans as part of a Veterans Day project. The Cadets' letters expressed their gratitude for the patriotism, valor, and courage of the men and women who fought to preserve our freedoms and the American way of life. About twenty cadets volunteered to visit the Manhattan VA Hospital on Nov. 11th this year to speak with our veterans and to deliver notes of thanks and encouragement. Six senior Cadets graciously volunteered to assist Bishop Kearney student models as they walked down the runway at the annual Fashion Show this past weekend. Thank you for your noble sacrifice of time and effort. The Regiment is making plans to attend the Turkey Bowl at Aviator Field this month. We look forward to doing lots of push ups on the sidelines after every Xavier score! Cadets who attend this event will receive an impact ribbon in recognition of their inspirational display of school spirit. Let us hope that our muscles are burning from the many push ups that we will do! Finally, 67 students are slated to participate in a School Paintball trip to Skirmish, PA this week. We expect that students will demonstrate great determination and enormous courage in playing "capture the flag" and "defending the castle." There will be two more paintball trips in the Spring.


College Guidance News By Christopher Kennedy, Coordinator College Counseling From The College Counselors Early Action and Early Decision deadlines are here! The November 1st deadline has already passed. If you are applying to any college with a November 15th deadline, be sure to send your application this week if you haven’t already done so. Any applications that are due on December 1st should be ready to go within the next two weeks, as well. Please note that you must request your transcripts through Naviance. The only way we will know to send your transcripts, counselor and teacher recommendations and secondary school reports to colleges is if you request your transcripts through Naviance. If you do not do so, we will not know to send your materials to colleges. You must also be sure to indicate in Naviance whether you are applying through Common App, or through a “fast track” option, so that we can direct the electronic submission accordingly. If you are applying to a CUNY (City University of New York) school, all CUNY applications should be submitted prior to December 1st . Go to www.cuny.edu and complete the application online. Once submitted, go to “Print Packet” and provide your college counselor with the sheet that says “High School Transcript Request Form.” Without this document, we cannot send your transcripts to CUNY. If you are applying to SUNY schools: For those that are not on the Common App: Go to www.suny.edu and complete the application there. When done, print out the “Counselor Transmittal Form,” sign and give to your college counselor to include with your transcript. For those that ARE on the Common App, just proceed as with any other college. Do not do both! As the regular application deadlines approach, please keep the following in mind: If you have not already done so, you must meet with your college counselor to discuss your college list and deadlines, and pick up materials to give to teachers for a recommendation if you have not yet done so. Please see your college counselor ASAP to schedule a meeting if you have not already had one. Teachers need a minimum of three weeks’ notice to write you a letter of recommendation. Before asking a teacher to write for you, all seniors need to obtain the proper paperwork from their college counselors. At this point, most have letters already completed or in progress. For those finding that a college needs a second teacher letter, see your college counselor to get the process going well before the college deadline. We will be sending a good amount of information to you via Naviance e-mail over the next few months. Please take a few minutes to read them. Please do not forward transcript fees at this time. We expect you will continue to apply to colleges through the winter, though we find that 85% of all applications are submitted before the Christmas break. Transcript fees will be assessed after you’ve finished submitting all your applications. You will receive an email notification later in January, that transcript fees are now due, with the total for the colleges assessed at $4 each. Wednesday, December 14th at 6:30pm in the Gym: College Financial Aid Workshop for seniors and their parents. Parents of any students applying for financial aid for college should attend.

Campus Ministry By Mr. Joseph Petriello, Director Of Ignatian Service Programs

Thanksgiving Food Drive – Our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive to support the families served by the Xavier Mission of the Church of St. Francis Xavier will run through Friday, November 18. Each homeroom is asked to sponsor four families in need by providing them with a full Thanksgiving meal. Each family’s meal consists of 30 items, which totals 120 items per homeroom. We hope to collect enough food to feed 200 families this holiday season, at least 6,000 items. More information can be found on the Xavier website, including a list of needed items. Thank you for your generosity! Christian Service Program – The registration deadline for seniors is rapidly approaching on Monday, November 14. All _____________________ forms must be completed by site supervisors and signed by parents and students. Registration is first come, first served; no more than three students at an agency. All program guidelines can be found on the Xavier website and all inquiries should be directed to Mr. Petriello. Important reminder: Successful completion of the Christian Service Program is a requirement for graduation from Xavier High School (72 hours of service, participation in reflection groups, two reflection papers). If your son has not yet registered, please encourage him to complete the process by the deadline. (A letter was mailed home to parents/guardians of unregistered seniors in late October.) Companions of Xavier – Acceptance and waitlist letters for the CFX 2012 service trips will be distributed later this month. If your son is accepted, deposits and paperwork will be due in early December. More details to follow in Mr. Petriello’s acceptance letter. Ignatian Teach-In for Justice – Fifteen students and three teachers will represent Xavier High School at the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice in Washington, DC from November 12-14. Thousands of participants from Jesuit high schools, colleges, and universities dialogued and strategized about ways to confront issues of injustice, poverty, and oppression both nationally and internationally. For more information, please visit www.ignatiansolidarity.net Christmas Toy & Clothing Drive – Our annual Christmas Toy & Clothing Drive will take place from November 28 to December 16. We hope to provide many new toys and clothes for children in need in collaboration with Kids in Distressed Situations (K.I.D.S.), a global charity committed to helping improve the lives of children and their families who are ill, living in poverty, or victims of natural disasters. K.I.D.S. distributes new donated merchandise to more than 1,000 non-profit agencies that work with children in povertystricken communities, homeless shelters, foster-care facilities, hospitals, AIDS clinics and relief organizations within the U.S. and abroad. More details will be available on the Xavier website towards the end of November. Solidarity Sleep Out - The Arrupe Society invites students from all grades to participate in the NYC Province-wide Solidarity Sleep Out to raise awareness of teen homelessness. Students will hear from speakers who work with Covenant House, do a brownbag meal run, spend time in prayer and reflection and sleep outdoors at St. Peter's Prep in Jersey City, NJ. November 18-19. Interested students should contact Ms. DeWitt in Campus Ministry.

GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT By Mrs. Jean Sherman, Director of Guidance

The counselors look forward to seeing you at the ParentTeacher Conference on November 10th. Please remember that like teachers, we too are limited to 3 minute conversations. It is also not the place for us to address confidential information. We will be happy to schedule an appointment for another date if needed. Reminder to seniors that SAT’s are on 11/5 and 12/3. As always, please feel free to contact your son’s counselor with any questions or concerns.

PARENTS OF 2011 GRADUATES Parents/Guardians of 2012 graduates are advised that there are still some LIMITED spaces left for parent dedications in the Yearbook. Please send your request ASAP to the Yearbook office. While the final deadline is December 16, we can only accept dedications up to the point spaces are available. Please email Mr. Mogavero at mogaveros@xavierhs.org if you have any questions.

Xavier Grand Canyon 2012

Xavier in Costa Rica 2012

Join Xavier this summer on the adventure of a lifetime.

All students and parents of those students registered for the Costa Rica trip in Feb 2012 are invited to a Meeting on December16th, 2011 in the Library of Xavier High School at 6:30pm. Please bring a copy of your son's passport. Mr. Chiafulio will go over the itinerary, share important information, and answer any questions.

Float down the Colorado River, try rock climbing, and hike into the Grand Canyon where we will camp at the Havasupai Reservation and swim in Havasu and Mooney Falls. This is an exclusive trip that few get the privilege to enjoy. The price is $2259 and includes all transportation, meals, and accommodations, sightseeing and evening activities. The trip will take place June 19, 2012 - June 24, 2012. Contact Mr. Chiafulio at chiafuliom@xavierhs.org for more information or visit http://www.grandclassroom.com/trips/2012/ xavier to register.

Calendar Reminders November 10-

11 14-15 1717-19 1818-20 1923242528 2830-

Parent– Teacher Conference 3:30pm - 5: 30pm 6:45pm - 8:15pm Holiday – Veteran’s Day Montserrat II Sophomore Seminar #3 Magis Retreat XV Thanksgiving Food Drive Ends Model UN @ U.VA Scholarship Exam 9:00am-12:00pm (Gym & Commons) Thanksgiving at Xavier Schola Brevis Young Alumni Luncheon - Football Rally THANKSGIVING No School - Holiday X-3 Order Joey DiPaolo Assembly Christmas Toy Drive Begins Freshmen Advent Reconciliation (Church)

December 235-66789-

Acoustic Coffehouse 7:00pm (Commons) SAT & SAT Subject (7:45am-3:00pm) Montserrat III JROTC Fall Awards 6:00pm-8:00pm Sophomore Advent Reconciliation (Church) Immaculate Conception NO CLASSES Progress Reports

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY, Moderator, Ms. Deena Sellers

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY-LOYOLA CHAPTER John Reilly’12– Christopher Raynor -’12, Jared Jerrick ‘12, Andrew Mignola 12,

President Vice President Scholastics Vice President Leadership Vice President Service

As we open a new school year, we’d like to welcome all of the 78 members of the Class of 2012 who were inducted into the chapter at the Spring Honors Assembly this past March. This year promises to be a productive and inspiring one, filled with many opportunities to achieve our academic goals, serve Xavier and our community at large, and hone our leadership skills, We also would like to welcome to the Xavier Class of 2015 and wish them success as they begin their careers at their new home on 16th Street. Peer tutoring has begun and is available for all students each morning starting at 7:45am in the cafeteria. Please look for Mr. Lovallo to be matched up with an NHS-Loyola member in your specifice subject. See Ms. Sellers or Christopher Raynor 12’ for more information. Nominations for member of the Class of 2013 will be announced in January. Juniiors will be notified via written letter of their candidacy and will be expected to complete an application process. Those accepted for membership will be formally inducted during the Spring Honors Assembly in February. Thanks for all your support and have a great school year.

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