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Useful Vocabulary

Welcome to EASD

Erasmus Guide








The school Organisation Four subjets Vocabulary

Geographic & climate Places of interest Nature & Street art Vocabulary

Hotels Searching for a room Language Vocabulary

Arrival Public Transport Vocabulary

Gastronomy & Nightlife Culture & Events Easd Events Sports Vocabulary

Useful Information Madical Care Vocabulary


Survinving in Valencia


Moving to/in Valencia

The first days

Welcome to the EASD

Valencia - The City

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Welcome to EASD

Welcome to the EASD

Dear Student

The Valencia School of Art and College of Design (EASD- Escola d’Art I Superior de Disseny de València) is a public institution which offers qualified education in the most diverse aspects of design, creation and Plastic Arts.

All over the more than 150 years of history, this school has applied the most diverse pedagogical methodologies, always focusing on direct approach teaching and workshop practice. The school had different names in the past (Escuela de Artes y Oficios) but always relied on the continuous work developed by a team of professional professors involved in a teaching project based on its social, productive and cultural environment. Most of the current professional designers in Valencia have been students of our school. The School of Art and Design of Valencia (Escola d’Art I Superior de Disseny de Valéncia) is a public school which depends on the Generalitat Valenciana. Studies offered by the school involve those Plastic Arts and Design studies regulated by the LOGSE (Ley Orgánica General del Sistema Educativo. Ley 1/1990 de 3 de Octubre). If we can be of any further help, please, do not hesitate to contact us again. Looking forward to welcoming you. Best wishes, ELENA DE FUENTES TORRES International Relations Coordinator


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The school

Welcome to EASD

The school has two sites, which are situated in different areas of the city of Valencia SEDE VELLUTERS


C/Pintor Domingo, 20 46010 Valencia

C/ Pintor Genaro Lahuerta, 25 46010 Valencia

Velluters campus is located in the neighbourhood of the same name, right in the historic heart of Valencia, close to Quart towers. It was in this neighbourhood where all the workshops of the textile industry were located until the 19th century. Most of them produced silk and, above all, velvet (vellut), and so giving the name to the neighbourhood.

Vivers campus was the headquarters building in the past (formerly called Escuela de Artes Aplicadas y Oficios ArtĂ­sticos). It is located in the neighbourhood of the same name, in Pintor Genaro Lahuerta Street, whose name is dedicated to this outstanding artist who also was a Headmaster of our school.

This tradition from the past is related to the presence of the School of Design and its technological projection towards the future.

The building faces Real Gardens (Jardines del Real), a huge green area in Valencia located in the site where the ancient Real Palace of Valencia (Palacio Real de Valencia) was built.


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Welcome to EASD

The schools organisation





Mr. Xavier Giner Ponce

Mr. Xavier Giner Ponce

Head of Studies

Deputy Directors

Mr. Javier Mestre Beltrán

Ms. Tana Capó Moreno


Heads of Studies

Ms. Rosa Esteban Esteban

Mr. Javier Mestre Beltrán Ms. Concha Pascual Bernabeu Ms. Isabel Jiménez Gutiérrez

Teaching Staff Counselors

Ms. Raquel Damià Levy Ms. Nieves Torralba Collado Ms. Maota Soldevilla Liaño Mr. José Martínez Escutia


Ms. Rosa Esteban Esteba International Relations

Students’ Counselors


Ms. Beatriz de Nova García Ms. Edith González Redondo Ms. Vanessa Moreno Pérez Ms. Diana Baidal Morell

EASD Password

City Hall Counselor


Ms. Mª José Penadés Ballester

To use the computer in our school you have to bring your own mouse.

Administrative and Service Staff Counselor

Mr. Vicente Moya Blázquez

Ms. Elena de Fuentes Torres


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Four subjects

Welcome to EASD

Come here to improve your facilities in product, fashion, interor or graphic design EASD Valencia organizes its curricula according to the following specialities: Product, Fashion, Interior, Graphic (taught in the Velluters building ) and Sculpture, Photography and Artistic Jewellery.




Basics of this higher vocational speciality comprise the analysis and development of basic processes regarding the performance of volumetric objects in the different aspects of sculpture, where the awareness and use of systems to create, elaborate, reproduce and diffusion of prototypes will lead students to value their artistic needs positively in order to achieve the best outcome.

Since the photography was born, it has played a very important role in the development of our civilization. There is no area of knowledge that can exist without it; furthermore, it is used as a tool, means of artistic expression or communication system in areas so varied as science, arts or the media. This fact makes necessary the formation of professionals with a higher qualification than the current ones, who may overcome the traditional and selftaught craft formation that remains insufficient at present.

These studies provide the necessary background and skills to create author pieces of jewellery as well as knowledge of the required reproduction, manufacturing and organizational systems in order to perform different projects within a global vision of jewellery that is always focused from the point of view of art and design.

These studies are developed according to Spanish legislation published under the Real Decreto 2438/1994 of 23/12(BOE nยบ 32 of Tuesday 7th February 1995).

These studies are developed according to Spanish legislation published under the Real Decreto 340/1998 of 6th March (BOE nยบ 73 of Thursday 26th March 1998).

These studies are developed according to Spanish legislation published under the Real Decreto 1474/1996 of 28th June (BOE nยบ 221 of 12th September 1996)


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Product Design

Welcome to EASD

PRODUCT DESIGN Curriculum of Studies for Product Design Product Design is a speciality addressed to explain the genesis of the objects that make up our homes. The complexity of industrial design processes makes necessary the integration of different levels: theoretic, conceptual and materials awareness as well as about processes and aspects regarding the distribution of products, which allows students to develop their own proposals, in which innovation is addressed to improving the quality of life and to optimization of objects capabilities, with the idea of an ethical responsibility towards people and their environment. Erasmus Coordinators of Products Nacho GutĂ­errez Carmela Fore

Product Design


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Fashion Design

Welcome to EASD

FASHION DESIGN Curriculum of Studies for Fashion Design This speciality is addressed to the world of costume and dressing in every production aspect. The functional components of clothing are linked to very strong cultural aspects (performance, communication and image definition of individuals). Thus, projects involve the most varied creation fields, where students cover every possible situation that fashion professionals may experience. Erasmus Coordinator Moda Elena de Fuentes

Fashion Design


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Interior Design

Welcome to EASD

INTERIOR DESIGN This speciality develops the creation of spaces that enable daily life, work, time for rest and human relations. If Architecture is the science that organizes space for life, Interior Design is intended to qualify those spaces from their essential basics distribution and management - to their most specific aspects - human action, textures and surfaces. Erasmus coordinator de Interiores Santiago Pascual

Interior Design


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Graphic Design 10 Welcome to EASD

GRAPHIC DESIGN Visual communication is set as an essential element in the mass media era, which makes the profession of graphic designer one of the emerging fields in the different levels of the current productive world. Speed is an important feature in this creative field that sets a difference from other fields of design, whose aspect is accompanied by the ever constant technologies innovation that provide instrumental support. This speciality proposes a wide range of projects that cover the different professional situations. Erasmus Coordinator of graphics Genoveva Albiol Edo Nacho Lavernia

Graphic Design

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Useful Vocabulary 11 Welcome to EASD

OPINION That sounds very sensible I think so I don‘t think so I believe so I don‘t believe so I expect so I don‘t expect so I hope so Good idea! That‘s a grand idea I think it would be wonderful I think you are right I suppose so I don‘t suppose so I imagine so I don‘t imagine so I dare say it‘s all right I doubt whether it‘ll be all right Of course Of course not What do you think of it? Don‘t you think so? Don‘t you think it‘s a good idea? What‘s your opinion? Do you think that‘s right? Do you agree with what I‘ve said? Not bad I couldn‘t say I suppose so I expect so I‘m afraid I can‘t tell you Perhaps

EVERYDAY WORDS Me parece muy sensato Creo que sí Creo que no Eso creo No lo creo así Así lo espero No lo espero así Esa esperanza ten go Buena idea Es una idea estupenda Creo que sería magnífico Creo que tienes razón Supongo que sí No lo supongo así Me imagino que sí Me imagino que no Me atrevería a decir que está bien Dudo si estará bien Desde luego Desde luego que no ¿Qué te parece? ¿No lo crees así? ¿No crees que es una buena idea? ¿Cuál es tu opinión? ¿Crees que está bien? ¿Estás de acuerdo con lo que he dicho? No está mal No podría decir Supongo que sí Espero que sí Temo que no te pueda decir Quizás

Congratulations! Happy Birthday! Happy Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Easter! Good Luck! Enjoy the meal! Have a safe journey! Have a good holiday! Take Care! art board English notebook notice board pen pencil rubber ruler subjects technical drawing technology designer


¡Felicitaciones! ¡Felíz cumpleaños! ¡Felices Navidades! ¡Felíz año nuevo! ¡Felíz Pascua! ¡Que tengas suerte! ¡Comer con gusto! ¡Buen viaje! ¡Buenas vacaciones! ¡Cuidados! arte pizarra inglés libreta de apuntes tablón de anuncios bolígrafo lápiz goma regla asignaturas dibujo técnico tecnología diseñador

¡Hóla! Buenos diás Buenos tardes Buenos noches Adiós Hasta luego Sí No Depende No lo sé Creo que no Creo que sí No importa No me molesta ¡Claro! Es verdad Con gusto ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué? ¿Quién? ¿Cómo? ¿Cuántos / cuánto? ¿Hay? Por favor (Muchas) Gracias ¡Perdone! Lo siento, pero... Es una lástima ¿Puedo...?

Hello / Hi! Good day Good evening Good night Good bye See you soon Yes No That depends I don‘t know I don‘t think so I think so It doesn‘t matter I don‘t mind Of course! True With pleasure Where? When? Why? What? Who? How? How much/many? Is/are there? Please Thank you (very much) Excuse me I‘m sorry, but... That‘s a shame May I... ?

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The City of Valencia

The City of Valencia Valencia is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city on the Mediterranean coast. Once the capital of its own kingdom, it is now a regional capital and Spain’s third largest city. Surrounded by orange orchards and sandy beaches, the city enjoys year-round sunshine and has become a popular conference centre. The city was founded by the Romans, taken by the Visigoths, and prospered under the Moors. Each civilisation has left its mark and the historic centre includes a 13th century cathedral (La Seo) with paintings by Goya, and a splendid gothic 15th century silk exchange (La Lonja). However, the city is looking to the future and is now home to one of Europe’s most exciting urban development projects. Some $200m has been invested in building an immense and futuristic Arts and Science Centre ( Ciutat de les Arts I les Ciencies ) near the port area. Valencia’s mild climate is another reason to come for a stay. Its warm atmosphere is always inviting and hospitable. Ready to be enjoyed. Valencia means commerce and culture, cinema, theatre, museums, music and business. It is a centre for industrial design and avant-garde movements.


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CLIMATE AND SITUATION Valencia is a city which is situated on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Capital of the Comunidad Valenciana, it has a population of 800,000 inhabitants, which is increased by some 1,500,000 if its metropolitan area is taken into account. Valencia experiences a hot-summer Mediterranean climate with Semiarid climate influences. Its average annual temperature is 17.8 °C, 22.3 °C during the day and 13.3 °C at night. In the coldest month - January, the average sea temperature is 13–14 °C. In the warmest month - August, the typically temperature during the day ranges from 28–34 °C, above 23 °C at night, the average sea temperature is 28 °C. Average number of days above 21 °C is 200, average number of days above 32 °C is in June, 4 in July, 4 in August and 2 in September). Average morning relative humidity: 82%, evening relative humidity: 55%.Sunshine hours is till 2,594 per year, from 150 in November (5 hours of sunshine every day) to 310 in August (10 hours of sunshine every day).

Geographic and climate 13 The City of Valencia

Valencia is situated at the eastcoast of spain: 39° 28‘ N 0° 23‘ W Barcelona Madrid



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Ciudad des las Artes y de las ciencias The „City of the Arts and the Sciences“ is a entertainment-based cultural and architectural complex in the city of Valencia, Spain. It is the most important modern tourist destination in the city of Valencia. The City of the Arts and the Sciences is situated at the end of the old riverbed Turia. Designed by Santiago Calatrava and Félix Candela, the project underwent the first stages of construction in July, 1996 and the finished „city“ was inaugurated April 16, 1998 with the opening of L‘Hemisfèric. The last great component of the City of the Arts and the Sciences, El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, was presented in October 9, 2005, Valencian Community Day. The complex is made up of the following buildings, in order of their inauguration:

Places of interest 14 The City of Valencia L‘Hemisfèric This is an Imax Cinema, Planetarium and Laserium. Built in the shape of the eye and has an approximate surface of 13,000 m².

L’Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe An interactive museum of science but resembling the skeleton of a whale. It occupies around 40,000 m² on three flats.

Valencia is a city with many interesting atractions.

The city of arts and sciences is one of them.

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Places of interest 15 The City of Valencia L‘Àgora A covered plaza in which concerts and sporting events (such as the Valencia Open 500) are held.

The Valencia Towers forming part of a project of the construction of three skyscrapers of 308, 266 and 220 m. The project has been put on hold and the possibilities that it will be finished are seen by many as doubtful.

L‘Umbracle A landscaped walk with plant species indigenous to Valencia (such as rockrose, lentisca, romero, lavender, honeysuckle, bougainvillea, palm tree). It harbors in its interior The Walk of the Sculptures, an outdoor art gallery with sculptures from contemporary artists. (Miquel from Navarre, Francesc Abbot, Yoko Ono and others).

L‘Oceanogràfic An open-air oceanographic park. It is the largest oceanographic aquarium in Europe with 110,000 square meters and 42 million liters of water. It was built in the shape of a water lily and is the work of architect Félix Candela.

El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía An opera house and performing arts center. It contains four large rooms: a Main Room, Magisterial Classroom, Amphitheater and Theater of Camera. It is dedicated to music and the scenic arts.

El Puente de l‘Assut de l‘Or A bridge that connects the south side with the street Minorca, whose pillar of 125 meters is the highest point in the city.

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Places of interest 16 The City of Valencia Architecture The ancient winding streets of the Barrio del Carmen contain buildings dating to Roman and Arabic times. The Cathedral, built between the 13th and 15th century, is primarily of Gothic style but contains elements of Baroque and Romanesque architecture. Beside the Cathedral is the Gothic Basilica of the Virgin (Basílica De La Virgen De Los Desamparados). The 15th century Serrano and Quart towers are part of what was once the wall surrounding the city.

UNESCO has recognised the Late Gothic silk exchange (La Lonja de la Seda) as a World Heritage Site. [11] The modernist Central Market (Mercado Central) is one of the largest in Europe. The main railway station Estación Del Norte is built in modernisme (the Spanish version of Art Nouveau) style. World-renowned (and city-born) architect Santiago Calatrava produced the futuristic City of Arts and Sciences (Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències), which contains an opera house/performing arts centre, a science museum, an IMAX cinema/planetarium, an oceanographic park and other structures such as a long covered walkway and restaurants. Calatrava is also responsible for the bridge named after him in the center of the city. The Music Palace (Palau De La Música) is another good example of modern architecture in Valencia.

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Places of interest 17 The City of Valencia

IMPORTANT MUSEUMS Prehistory Museum of Valencia www.xarxamuseus/prehistoria IVAM – Julio González Centre – Valencian Institute of Modern Art Prince Felipe Museum of Science (The City of Arts and Sciences) The Oceanografic (The City of Arts and Sciences) ‘‘San Pío V“ Museum of Fine Arts Fallas Museum Plaza Monteolivete, 4 Museum of History of Valencia Plaza de Arzobispo 3, Valencia 46003 La Almoina Bullfighting Museum Valencia Pasaje Doctor Serra 10, Valencia 46004 MuVIM – Museum of Enlightenment and Modernity National Museum of Pottery and Sumptuary Arts González Martí Bioparc

Parks and gardens The Turia River was diverted in the 1960s, after severe flooding, and the old river bed is now the Turia gardens, which contain a children’s playground, a fountain, and sports fields. The Palau de la Música is adjacent to the Turia gardens and the City of Arts and Sciences lies at one end. Other gardens in Valencia include the Real, Monforte, and Botanical gardens.

Mercado Central Right opposite La Lonja, this is one of the oldest running food markets in Europe, although the building itself was constructed in the beginning of the XX century, in genuine Valencian style, with lots of colours, ceramics and mosaics. It is really worth seeing - go all the way around it to appreciate different angles. The market is still as lively as ever, as if centuries have not passed by. A snapshot of real Valencian daily life and, needless to say, a perfect place to buy some local delicacies .

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Nature and street art 18 The City of Valencia Nature surounding Valencia

The Albufera Nature Park Lying to the south of the city of Valencia, the Albufera freshwater lagoon is one of the most important nature areas in the Land of Valencia. A slim strip of coastline protects it from the sea, and on this strip of land, sand dunes have formed, plus a curious Mediterranean pine forest growing in sandy soil with rich shrubbery. This area is called the Devesa del Saler, a word derived from a kind of pastureland. Three canals (two natural and a third man-made), connect the lagoon and surrounding wetlands with the sea, and each has its own characteristic flora and fauna. La Albufera is an important stopover point for migratory birds and a nesting area for resident birds.

During your stay in Valencia, you will also be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of several exceptional natural sites. Between the sea and the rice paddies, closed in by two river mouths, the Albufera Natural Park is a paradise for migratory birds and a recreation area for the city. Along the coast next to the Albufera are broad sandy beaches. There are pleasant recreation areas where people come to enjoy the sun and the sea.

Street Art Valencia is a hotbed of vibrant street art. The artwork brings the walls, alleyways and buildings to life. Utilizing rain gutters, window frames, doorframes and other such urban surfaces the city’s street artists work their images and designs into the city’s surfaces in a way that makes them seem like they’ve been there all along. This specific quality of Valencia’s streets is very interesting. .

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Useful Vocabulary 19 The City of Valencia

WEATHER It‘s very hot It‘s cold It‘s hot, isn‘t it? How hot! How cold! The weather is getting colder It‘s beginning to get quite cold It‘s raining It‘s pouring It‘s raining rather hard I think it‘s going to rain Let‘s hope it will stop raining soon It‘s been pouring for hours What a downpour! I think we shall have fine weather; has left off raining now What nasty weather ! It‘s snowing I wish the sun would come out! I wish it was fine weather! What a lovely day! What fine weather! It‘s very fine weather! The weather is very fine The sun‘s shining It‘s sunny It seems like a fine day The weather is getting warmer It has turned quite warm again

CITY Hace mucho calor Hace frío Hace calor, ¿eh? ¡Qué calor! ¡Qué frío! Va a hacer más frío Está empezando a hacer frío Está lloviendo Llueve a cántaros Llueve bastante Me parece que va a llover Esperemos que deje pronto de llover Hace horas que está diluviando ¡Qué chaparrón! Creo que tendremos buen tiempo; .......ya ha dejado de llover ¡Qué tiempo tan infame! Está nevando ¡Ojalá salga el sol! ¡Ojalá haga buen tiempo! ¡Qué día tan hermoso! ¡Qué tiempo tan hermoso! ¡Hace un tiempo magnífico! El tiempo es estupendo Ha salido el sol Hace sol Parece que va a hacer un buen día Está haciendo más calor Ha vuelto a hacer calor otra vez

avenue bank buildings bus station bus stop car park library museum pedestrian area police officer post office railway station shop assistant shopping centre shops tourist info town hall traffic lights traffic signs

avenida banco edificios estación de autobuses parada de autobús aparcamiento biblioteca museo area zona de peatones agente de policía correos estación del tren dependiente centro comercial tiendas información ayuntamiento semáforos senales de tráfico

weather degrees cloud cloudy cold dry fog horrible day hot lovely weather rain rainy snow snowing sun sunny thunder wet wind

tiempo 45 grados nube nublado frío seco niebla día feo calor buen tiempo lluvia lluvioso nieve nevando sol soleado trueno húmedo viento

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The first days GENERAL INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS ACCOMMODATION Concerning accommodation, we cannot provide accommodation service in our school. During the first days in the city, ERASMUS students often stay in a hostel, or cheap hotel, until they find an apartment or flat. Students usually tend to live in shared flats, because it is less expensive than the Colegios Mayores and also allows for the contact and cohabitation with other students.

There is also the possibility of arranging an exchange of residence between a student from Valencia and another European student who is participating in the reciprocal interchange between the two Schools. For this, you must mention this option in the proposal for exchange directed to the Erasmus Coordinator of the Valencia School of Art and College of Design

The fisrt days


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Hotels 21





BLUE MOON APARTMENTS C/ Portal de Valldigna, 8 46003 Valencia; +34 689 314 813


One good option is the youth hostal, Alberg Juvenil Ciutat de València, situated in the historical centre of the city, and very close the Velluters building, one of the locations of the the Valencia School of Art and College of Design . There are several possibilities as far as hostels are concerned. The following list has been made by selecting those that are most convenient due to their price/quality relation from information provided by ERASMUS students themselves.

If you rent an apartment or flat through an agency, you will have to pay one or two months deposit, which is returned at the end of your stay if there is no damage that has been done to the flat, and once the gas, light, water bills, etc. have been settled. You should insist on a signed contract in which the names and obligations of both parties are included.

50 FLATS C/ Espinosa, 13 46008 Valencia; +34 963 918 199 PETIT PALACE BRISTOL C/ Abadía San Martín, 3 46009 - Valencia +34 963 945 100; Fax: +34 963 943 850 AD HOC MONUMENTAL C/ Boix, 4 46003 Valencia; +34 963 919 140 HOTEL NH C/ Ricardo Micó, 1 46009 Valencia; +34 963 475 000 HOTEL DEL CARMEN C/ Blanquerías 11 46003 Valencia; +34 962 057 700

RED NEST HOSTELS +34 963 427 168 C/ Paz 36 46003 Valencia PURPLE NEST HOSTELS +34 963 532 561 Plaza Tetuan 5 46003 Valencia CENTER VALENCIA +34 963 914 915

For longer stays, there are a number of Colegios Mayores, or Student Residences, which offer room and board for a variety of different prices.

HÔME YOUTH HOSTEL +34 963 916 229


RUZAFA YOUTH HOSTEL +34 963 289 460

Upv residencias y colegios mayores in valencia Collegi Major Rector Peset (student residence) / + 34 96 316 60 00

The easiest way to find a room in Valencia is by using the internet:

The rental of a flat or apartment is done by complete month, which is paid for at the beginning of each month, so if you are going to vacate the flat, you must give notification one month before in writing, signed by you and addressed to the person from whom you rented the flat. You must also make sure that if you decide to leave the flat before the months that you agreed on have transpired tht they are going to return your deposit, as the law does permit the landlord to retain the two months that were paid as deposit. Flats and addresses of flats to share can also be found in several homepages like:, pisocompartido etc. Its maybe the easiest way to find a room.

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Searching for a room 22 The fisrt days

REGISTRATION When you arrive to Valencia, you need to go to the Erasmus office with the following documents: Registration certificate from your university of school . Accreditation from your professor that you are an ERASMUS student Passport or identification card 2 passportsized photographs. Photocopy of form E-111 from Social Security or a copy of your medical insurance policy. In the Erasmus Office they will register you and provide you with an Erasmus student certificate, which, together with the registration envelope, you must then take to the Secretary where you will be registered and will pay 1.13 for school insurance (if you are under 28 ), which will provide you with coverage for schools accidents. Before leaving your country you need to ask for information about the medical coverage that you have a right to as a European student, and also obtain from the pertinent authorities the E-111 form, which gives you the right to medical attention in the Spanish public hospitals. If you are not a European citizen you need to find out if there is some health care agreement between your country and Spain, and if not, take out an insurance policy that will cover you while you are in Spain.

If you are searching a room it might be helpful to know the different districts in Valencia to find the places much faster.

CIUTAT VELLA: La Seu, La Xerea, El Carmen, El Pilar, El Mercado, San Francisco.

POBLATS MARÍTIMS: El Grau, El Cabanyal, El Canyameral, La Malva-Rosa, Beteró, Nazaret.

EXTENSIÓ: Russafa, El Pla del Remei, Gran Via.

CAMINS DEL GRAU: Aiora, Albors, Creu del Grau, Camí Fondo, Penya-Roja.

EXTRAMURS: El Botànic, La Roqueta, La Pechina, Arrancapins. CAMPANAR: Campanar, Les Tendetes, El Calvari, Sant Pau. LA SAÏDIA: Marxalenes, Morvedre, Trinitat, Tormos, Sant Antoni. PLA DEL REAL: Exposició, Mestalla, Jaume Roig, Ciutat Universitària OLIVERETA: Nou Moles, Soternes, Tres Forques, La Fontsanta, La Luz. PATRAIX: Patraix, Sant Isidre, Vara de Quart, Safranar, Favara. GABINETE DE EXTRANJEROS Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 13 46.023 Valencia Tlf.: 34 - 963983391 Fax: 34 - 963864841

JESUS: La Raiosa, L‘Hort de Senabre, The Covered Cross, Saint Marcelino. QUATRE CARRERES: Montolivet, En Corts, Malilla, La Font de Sant Lluís, Na Rovella, La Punta, Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències.

ALGIRÒS: Illa Perduda, Ciutat Jardí, Amistat, Vega Baixa, la Carrasca. BENIMACLET: Benimaclet, Camí de Vera. RASCANYA: Orriols, Torrefiel, Sant Llorenç. BENICALAP: Benicalap, Ciutat Fallera. POBLES DEL NORD: Benifaraig, Poble Nou, Carpesa, Cases de Bàrcena, Mauella, Massarrojos, Borbotó. POBLES DE L‘OEST: Benimàmet, Beniferri. POBLES DEL SUD: Forn d‘Alcedo, Castellarl‘ Oliveral, Pinedo, el Saler, el Palmar, el Perellonet, la Torre.

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Language 23



The two official languages spoken in the city are Valencian and Spanish. Due to political and demographic pressure in the past, the predominant language is Spanish, but Valencian is predominant in most of the surrounding metropolitan area and province of Valencia. [25] In fact the government weakly emphasizes the usage of the local language. It does this, for example, by posting all signs and announcements of the Metro in Valencian and Spanish translations in smaller type underneath. Valencian is also used when naming streets. New street signs, when erected, are always given the Valencian name for street (Carrer). However the older street names bearing the Spanish names are only replaced when necessary. This results in a situation where in longer streets both languages can often be seen on street signs

It is recommended that you have an adequate knowledge of the Spanish language, as generally all teaching in the university is in Spanish, or if you should so wish, in Valencian. And in the Valencia School of Art and College of Design almost everything is in Spanish. You do need to learn the language before coming to Valencia. Even so, language classes are available in Valencia. The University of Valencia organises different course n Spanish for Erasmus students as a low price. The 50 hour course up until now has cost 121 Euro. These classes are given at all levels (Beginning, Lower-Intermediate and Intermediate) and are given at the beginning of each fourmonth period. For further information, contact the Foreign Bureau, or Gabinete de extranjeros . On the other hand, the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, of state run Official School of Languages, offers course in Spanish at different levels throughout the year. For further information, contact:

Come here and learn spanisch!

ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS Llano de Zaidia 19 46.009 Valencia tlf.: 34 - 963405022 If you are interested in learning Valencian, you can attend free classes by contacting SERVEI DE NORMALITZACIÓ LINGÜÍSTICA Artes Gráficas 13 Tlf.: 34-963864784 Fax: 34-963864841

PRIVATE ACADEMIES There are also private academies that teach Spanish:

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Useful Vocabulary 24 The fisrt days

THE TELEPHONE Who’s calling, please? Is that you, Jean? Yes, who is it, please? It’s me, Paul Hello, this is Peter Jones here. ...Can I speak to Tony Smith, please? Hallo! I call you because i´m interested in the room you offer. Hallo! Could you please tell me the price for the bus ticket? Good evening. I would like to know teh price for the room you offer. to ask for something/ somebody the wrong number to give an advice to speak louder to concern something one minute please to confirm something having a meeting to call back maybe at two o´clock The telefono

AN APPOINTMENT ¿De parte de quién? ¿Eres tú, Jean? Sí, ¿quién llama? Soy yo, Paul Soy Peter Jones. ...¿Puedo hablar con Tony Smith? Hola, buenos días. Llamaba porque tengo interés en la habitación Hola, podría decirme el precio de un billete de autobús? Buenas tardes. Quería saber el precio de la habitación. preguntar por algo/alguien el número equivocado el servicio de información hablar más alto tratarse de Un momento por favor confirmar quedar/encontrarse con alguien volver a llamar como a las dos el teléfono

YOU CAN‘T FIND THE WORD Do you understand? Do you know what I mean? I can‘t think of the right word I think you understand what I mean The thing is that... ... or whatever you call it ... or something like that

¿Entiende? ¿Sabes lo que quiero decir? No se me ocurre la palabra exacta Creo que entiendes lo que quiero decir La cuestión es que... ... o como se llame ... o algo por el estilo

I shall be very pleased to see you I’ll call and see you if you like Let me know when you’re free I shall ring you up Ring me up at eleven Give me a ring whenever you like Can you make it later? Where shall we meet? Will six o’clock suit you? Are you free this afternoon? Are you free today? At what time shall I see you tomorrow?

Me alegraré mucho de verte Iré a verte si quieres Hazme saber cuándo estás libre Te llamaré por teléfono Telefonéame a las once Llámame cuando quieras ¿Puedes arreglarlo para más tarde? ¿Dónde nos encontraremos? ¿Te viene bien a las seis? ¿Estás libre esta tarde? ¿Estás libre hoy? ¿A qué hora te veré mañana?

YOU HAVEN’T HEARD WELL Pardon? I beg your pardon? Say it again, please What did you say? What was that? What did you say it was called? I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name Would you mind saying it again? I didn’t get it I didn’t catch it

Perdón, ¿cómo dice? Perdón, ¿cómo dice? Repítelo, por favor ¿Cómo has dicho? ¿Cómo has dicho? ¿Cómo ha dicho que se llamaba eso? ¿Cómo ha dicho que se llama usted?

¿Le importaría repetirlo? No lo he oído bien No lo he oído bien

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The school 25

Moving Welcome to/in Valencia to EASD

TRAVELLING TO THE REGION OF VALENCIA By car, plane, train, boat or bus.. whatever your means of transport, travelling to and around the Region of Valencia is very easy. Thanks to the modern network of road and rail links, you can travel from one end to the other in great comfort. This extensive network of roads and railway connections provides a perfect link with the international airports of El Altet (Alicante) and Manises (Valencia), as well as the ports of Alicante, Valencia and Denia. Undoubtedly, the ability to reach the beaches of Benidorm or travel to the beautiful landscapes of Castell贸n Costa Azahar in the blink of an eye is another great advantage of visiting the Region of Valencia.

Moving to/ in Valencia

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TheArrival school 26

Moving Welcome to/in Valencia to EASD PLANE


Travelling by plane might be the most comfortable and cheapest way to come to Valencia. If you wish to travel by airplane, you will be interested in knowing that the Valencia airport (known as the Manises airport) has connections with the principal Spanish capitals and with most of the foreign ones, too. Airports in Alicante and Valencia with national and international flights:

Valencia has an important commercial harbour, and right next to it is the maritime station from where some of the regular lines embark for the Balearic Islands and other destinations. Information can be obtained in:

VALENCIA AIRPORT Tel.: 96 159 85 00 Ctra. del Aeropuerto s/n 46940 Manises (Valencia) ALICANTE AIRPORT Tel.: 96 691 90 00 03071 L‘Altet (Alicante)

The cheapest airlines are in general the following ones. But you have to be careful with the weight of your baggage:

TRANSMEDITERRÁNEA Tel: 34-902 454 645



The Valencia Bus Station, located in the West zone of the city, has lines with the main spanish and european cities. From the central station, the best way to access other points in the city is by bus or underground (there is a stop 200 m from the station), or by taxi

From the centre of Spain and city of Madrid, A-3 highway. From Barcelona and Castellón, N-340 and A-7 (exit 51), called Autopista del Mediterráneo (Highway of the Mediterranean Sea), because it connects the coast with the european net of highways.From Zaragoza and Teruel, N-224. From Alicante and Murcia, N-332, and A-7 alongthe coast.

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PublicThe Transport school 27

Moving Welcome to/in Valencia to EASD PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN VALENCIA



There are many ways to travel around the city. Valencia has a bus, metro and train system. Anywhere withint the centre of Valencia it is actually easier and faster to walk. But beyond the centre - here are your options:

Valencia has a great bus network and it is the preferred way of getting around Valencia. The tickets are 1.25 Euro and you can by travel cards for a number of trips that will work out cheaper the more you buy. When the bus that you want to catch approaches, you must make a signal with your hand to the driver that indicates your intentions of getting on to it. Make it with sufficient anticipation so that the driver can stop.

There are many taxi companies in Valencia and taxis are easy to find. Further, there are several taxi ranks in the city. The taxis in Valencia are white and and a green illuminated light on the top of the taxi indicates that it‘s available for hire. To hail a taxi all you only need to do is to raise your hand. You may reserve a taxi and most taxi companies offer long distances.



Why don´t we use a mean of transport that offers freedom, is fast, cheap, environmentally friendly, fun and besides improves our physical and mental health eliminating stress? All this and much more means Valenbisi. A new concept related to the individualized urban transport thanks to a bicycle. An ecological and healthy challenge available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The Metro Network in Valencia is excellent, but not too helpful for small scale travel. It does not go anywhere in the centre, for example (that has to do with the consistency of the soil in the centre), and it tends to skip other important destinations, such as Canovas and the City of Arts and Sciences. So it is most useful when you need to cover a long distance. In partaicular, it is the best way to get to the beach. In order to obtain a discounted ticket price (normal ticket costs 0.9 ), you have to purchase the bonosmetro (10-journey subway ticket) at any metro, or underground, station. There are 10-journey tickets with which you can combine underground and bus routes.

There are more and more cities offering to their citizens the chance to move by bicycle. Valencia now incorporates this modern initiative offering the citizens and visitors a total of 2.750 bicycles distributed in 275 stations, in close proximity to each other in different parts of the city.

METRO VALENCIA Tel: 34-963 974 040

The bus within the city: EMT (colour red). This is the means of transportation that is most used by students. The price of an urban ticket is 1.25 Euro, and a card for 10 trips costs 6.00 Euro. Bono 30: Unlimited number of trips in Zone A for the 30 days following the date of issue: 39.20 Euro. Bono 30 Jove: Same as the previous modality, but for those is possession of the Jove card (youth card): 29.40 Euro. EMT Offices C/ En Sanz, 4 2º 3ª Tel: 34-963 528 399

Rates: General rate: 1,25 Euro + 0.77 Euro per Km. (14,40 Euro for one hour waiting) Night and weekend rate: 1,6 Euro + 0.89 Euro per Km. Minimum rate: 2,75 Euro. (5 Euro by night) Service to the airport have a supplement of 3,5 Euro. Journeys should be paid for in cash, since very few taxis accept credit cards. Taxi driver have change only for 20 Euro notes or less. There are several private companies that can be called to order a taxi. You should bear in mind that in these cases the taxi meter starts running at the point where the taxi driver is when (s)he picks up the call

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Useful Vocabulary 28 Moving to/in Valencia

FINDING THE RIGHT WAY This way, please This way, to the right Go straight on You‘re going the wrong way You‘re going the right way Turn to the left Go along this street Cross over Go straight along this street ... then turn left It isn‘t very far from here It‘s too far to walk‘d better catch a bus It‘s at least a mile away It’s quite near here The best thing is to go by bus Once you are at... ask your way from there It‘s the third turning on the left It‘ll take you about twenty minutes Could you tell me the way to...? I wonder if you could tell me the way to...? Am I right for...? Is this the right way to...? Can you direct me to...? Which is the shortest way to...? How far away is it? How far is it from... to... ? Is... far from here? I want to go to... Would you tell me the way to... ? Would you mind telling me the way to...? Can you tell me where... is? Which bus must I take to go to... ?

Por aquí, por favor Por aquí, a la derecha Sigue recto Vas en dirección equivocada Vas bien (dirección correcta) Dobla a la izquierda Ve por esa calle Cruza Ve recto por esta calle ...dobla a la izquierda No está muy lejos de aquí Está muy lejos para ir andando ... mejor coge un autobús Por lo menos está a una milla Está muy cerca de aquí Lo mejor es ir en autobús Una vez en... pregunta el camino Es la tercera calle a la izquierda Tardará unos veinte minutos ¿Podrías decirme por dónde ir a...? ¿Podrías decirme cómo se va a... ? ¿Voy bien por aquí a...? ¿Es éste el camino correcto para...? ¿Puedes indicarme el camino a...? ¿Cuál es el camino más corto para..? ¿A qué distancia está? ¿A qué distancia está... de... ? ¿Está... lejos de aquí? Quiero ir a... ¿Querrías decirme el camino para.. ? ¿Te importaría decirme el camino...? ¿Puedes decirme dónde está... ? ¿Qué autobús cojo para ir a... ?

Which bus will take me there? Does this bus go to... ? Could I get there by bus? How long does it take by bus? how long will it take to get there?

¿Qué autobús va allí? ¿Va este autobús a... ? ¿Se puede ir allí en autobús? ¿Cuánto se tarda en autobús? ¿Cuánto tiempo tardaré en llegar?

ON THE AIRPORT arrivals boards case clock customs delay departures flight gate hand luggage holiday maker journey label passenger passport pilot plane runway seat belt takeoff connection destination travel agency wings

llegadas tableros maleta reloj de pared aduana retraso salidas vuelo puerta equipaje de mano veraneante viaje etiqueta pasajero pasaporte piloto avión pista cinturón de seguridad despegue enlace destino agencia de viajes alas

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If you want to get to know the Country of Valencia, its museums, gardens and picturesque areas, below we have included addresses that can be of use: You will find that there is a wide variety of cultural offering in the city of Valencia. There are several theatres, of which the Principal is the most important, the Palace of Music, a modern auditorium which features a number of renowned orchestras each year, and several museums, particularly for example the Museu de Belles Arts, with a lrge collection of Gothic paintings, and the Institut Valencià d‘Art Modern (IVAM) with permanent and temporary expositions of contemporary art .

As Valencia has a student population in excess of 80,000 students, there are a number of zones where students get together and entertainment areas with different nighttime atmospheres. The entertainment guides „Turia“ and „Qué y dónde“, which are sold in the kiosks and come out once a week, provide information on the theatre, cinemas, cultural activities and a selection of cafeterias, bars, restaurants and other places, and recommendations on the leisure offerings that are to be found in the city . And you should not miss the traditional festival of Valencia, the Fallas.


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Come and enjoy the evenings and a vibrant nightlife in Valencia Gastronomy Although the most normal thing students do when they share a flat is to buy food in the supermarkets or other food stores and cook themselves, it is also possible to eat at midday in the faculty cafeterias in the University area or in restaurants in the area for approximately 4 to 6 Euro. A cheap alternative, and very much in vogue with students, is to have dinner in a bocatería, or submarine sandwich shop, which is more or less the Spanish version of the American hamburger places. In the bocaterías, they use bakery bread, baked fresh every day, and it is filled with a wide variety of hot or cold food, with the only limit being that of one‘s own taste and imagination. But during your stay in Valencia you really must try, and if possible accustom yourself to, the famous and healthy Mediterranean diet in which the vegetables, the fruits, the legumes, the fish and the meats are prepared in many different ways. And of course, the Valencian rice dishes, of which the internationally famous „paella“ is just one of its many varieties, which include for example „arròs negre“ (black rice), „arròs al forn“ (baked rice) or „arròs a banda“ (rice cooked by itself, separate from the fish or shellfish which typically accompany it). The best Valencia restaurants can be found all over Valencia - in the city, by the beach and in the nearby surrounding areas of l‘Albufera and Valencia. As well as having a very exciting nightlife, Valencia has a wide variety of restaurants. In fact there are approximately 1,500 Valencia restaurants in all so a good selection to choose from

Gastronomy & Nightlife 30 Entertainment Nightlife Valencia is famous for its vibrant nightlife. In the 1980s and 1990s the town was famous for the so called ruta del bakalao. [citation needed] Today, the more alternative/bohemian bars and nightclubs are concentrated in the Carmen, while the student nightlife is found around Blasco Ibáñez and Benimaclet, the more mainstream weekend nightlife has its clusters in the areas of Cánovas and Joan Llorens. In the summer, there is also nightlife on the beach and at the Port. Agua de Valencia is the city’s unofficial cocktail. BARRIO DEL CARMEN The historic centre of the city is a maze of little streets full of small boutiques, restaurants, bars and shops by day. At night it becomes a thriving hotspot. Bars and clubs cheek by jowl, vie for your attention. Calle Caballeros is at the heart of all this hustle and bustle. But take a walk down any of the little side streets and you‘ll stumble on some great chillout bars and clubs. HERON CITY Out of town on the CV35 to Lliria and Ademuz is a leisure complex, Heron City. Bars, restaurants, cinemas, fitness centre, Bowling alley and a club called Guru.

ARAGON/POLO I PEYROLON Over the river towards the university is Avenida Aragon, to the left is the Mestalla, Valencia Football Club‘s home ground, on all down the right of the Avenida there are streets with clubs restaurants an bars - all the way to the area known as Polo i Peyrolon MALVARROSA/PORT AMERICA‘S CUP Valencia‘s beach is right next to the port. The seafront is made up of excellent bars and restaurants. Just back from here you‘ll find clubs and now with the impending America‘s Cup, they are being upgraded and this area is fast becoming the new place to be! The actual port area is also now filled with great restaurants, chillout bars and clubs. It‘s all very cool and smart. CANOVAS At the river end of Gran Via Marques del Turía is the Plaza Canova. the streets surrounding this area are packed at night until the early hours of the morning with partygoers milling from one bar/club to another before moving on to one of the bigger out of town clubs

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Valencia is known for Las Fallas, which is a famous local festival held in March, for paella valenciana, traditional Valencian ceramics, intricate traditional dress, and the striking new architecture of the City of Arts and Sciences designed by its own son, architect Santiago Calatrava. Other notable festivals and events in Valencia include the Semana Santa Marinera (Holy Week) around Easter time, the Procesión del Corpus Christi in June, and the Noche de San Juan at the end of June - famous for its fireworks and bonfires. Also worth a mention, the Feria Internacional de Valencia (FIV) is a major event and takes place in December. Here are Valencia‘s main annual festivals, events and things to do.

Culture & Events 31 Entertainment FALLAS

FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI Celebrations go back to 1355 in Valencia city. The Traslado de las Rocas takes place on Friday, in which those monumental and spectacular triumphal carriages, that are typical and exclusive to the Valencian celebration, are taken out of the housemuseum where they are kept all year and are driven to the square known as Plaza de la Virgen where they are exhibited. The Corpus Christi celebration has been held for centuries with different religious, cultural and festive events in a large number of towns and cities throughout the whole region of Valencia, and in some places with great splendour in their events and amazing processional parades. The Misteris (Mysteries) takes place on Saturday afternoon: narrations of Biblical events written between the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century and that are performed on a stage set up in the Plaza de la Virgen.

This festival is held between March 15 and 19, and during these days the whole city is a mass of fireworks, flowers, music, typical dress, and immense colourful papier mâché monuments, the „fallas“, which the people of Valencia use to make entertaining satire about the reality of daily life, the politicians, artists and important local or international figures, and which culminates on the last night when the monumental figures are all burned to the awaiting expectation of the public. You‘ll never forget it!

Come here to visit the most famous festivals and events of Valencia.

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EASD Events 32 Entertainment

diálogos / 08



diálogos / 08 /encuentros diseño en Velluters 2 marzo 09:30 /Inauguración 10:00 /RAMÓN ESTEVE 11:30 /ATELIER VOSTOK 13:00 /MATALI CRASSET 17:00 /PETER BAUHUIS 18:30 /ANATXU ZABALBEASCOA 20:00 CON EL PALO DE UNA ESCOBA 10 PROYECTOS DE LUIS ESLAVA STUDIO /inauguración 3 marzo 10:00 /IGNACIO CARBÓ DEL MORAL 11:30 /PILAR SANZ 13:00 /FRANCESC RIFÉ 17:00 /STUDIO DVEIN 18:30 /ROBERTO PIQUERAS 19:30 /LA MOSCA + VICTOR PALAU 4 marzo 10:30 /XAVIER MAÑOSA/APPARATU 11:30 /MARC MORRO 12:00 /ANA LOCKING entrada libre Salón de actos de la EASD Plaza Viriato s/n 46001 Valencia

The school organizes a lot of arts & design events

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Sports 33


There are many different kinds of sports in Valencia to participate in or to simply just watch and enjoy With miles and miles of beautiful coastline and sandy beaches, Valencia is the ideal location for sports such as swimming, sailing and scuba diving. The backdrop to this idyllic setting are the vast mountain ranges which offer nature enthusiast a variety of sports such as hiking, mountain walks, climbing and horse riding. FOOTBOL VALENCIA CF Valencia is also famous for its football club Valencia C.F., which won the Spanish league in 2002 and 2004 (in which year it also won the UEFA Cup), and was also a UEFA Champions League runner-up in 2000 and 2001, it is one of the most famous football clubs in Spain and Internationally. Its city rival Levante UD currently plays in the second division. Tickets: Oficial Shop / Pintor Sorolla, 25 /46003 Valencia


Valencia is the current location of the Formula One European Grand Prix, first hosting the event on August 24, 2008. The city will host the event until at least 2014. VALENCIA GRAND PRIX Spanish racing driver Fernando Alonso won the 2007 European Grand Prix and in 2008, Valencia will stage the European Grand Prix which will be held on the streets of Valencia. It will be similar to the course in Monaco as the track will be located around the city’s brand new Americas Cup Port. This is going to be a fantastic event for Valencia sport and the city of Valencia.

SAILING - 2009 AMERICA‘S CUP The coastline of Valencia offers perfect conditions for sailing. Valencia hosted the 2007 America‘s Cup here and the 2009 America Cup will also be held here. It is the most prestigious sailing event in the world so don‘t miss it. GOLF COURSE IN VALENCIA The mild and inviting climate of Valencia is one of the reasons why Valencia is so popular for golfers. Due to It‘s location, it‘s the perfect place to combine a city break with a few rounds of golf. The coastline of Valencia is full of excellent golf courses and the city of Valencia also boasts a few with the number one golf course in Spain only a short drive from the centre of town.

VALENCIA CYCLING The Vuelta Cyclista de Communidad Valencia is a five day event which is held every year in February/March in Valencia. If you‘re not up to this standard do not despair as Valencia is a very bicycle friendly city with many places to hire a bike. There are cycle tracks all over the city and also running along the coast. For a great day out take a trip to the Albufera Nature Reserve which is only a short ride from the center of Valencia. BICYCLES HIRE Orange bikes Do you bike?

VALENCIA MOUNTAIN WALKING TOURS For many visitors to Valencia the less strenuous sport of a walking tour of the city is the most enjoyable. For those who prefer a walking tour of the mountains and countryside then we have everything to suit your needs. The tranquil and very beautiful inland regions have magnificent mountains which are only a few miles from the beaches of Valencia. VALENCIA WALKING TOURS Enjoy a walking tour of the lovely city of Valencia and enjoy Old Quarter of Valencia and the amazing City of Arts and Sciences. SCUBA DIVING IN VALENCIA There‘s lotS of scuba diving around the coast of Valencia and the nearest to the city of Valencia is in Cullera near the Albufera. Ideal spots for diving are in the area surrounding Faro de Cullera and Peña del Moro. Sporting enthusiasts can reach these areas by renting boats and day trips. The beaches at Cullera have summer activities such as windsurfing and paddle-boat.

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Useful Vocabulary 34 Entertainment

MEETING A FRIEND It’s so nice to see you again! I haven’t seen you for years How are you getting on? How’s life treating you? How are things? What are you doing now?

IF YOU DONT LIKE SOMEBODY ¡Qué agradable volverte a ver! Hace años que no te veo ¿Cómo te va? ¿Cómo te va la vida? ¿Cómo van las cosas? ¿A qué te dedicas ahora?

BEGINNING A CONVERSATION I want to speak to you I’d like to speak to you I want to ask you something Are you very busy? I’ve got something to tell you May I have a word with you? I would like to speak to you I would like to talk to you about ... ...a very important matter I won’t keep you long It won’t take long I won’t be long It’s only for a few minutes

Quiero hablar con usted Quisiera hablar con usted Quiero preguntarle una cosa ¿Está usted muy ocupado? Tengo algo que decirte ¿Puedo hablar con usted? Quisiera hablar con usted Quisiera hablar con usted de .... ... un asunto muy importante No le entretendré mucho tiempo No llevará mucho tiempo No tardaré mucho Solamente unos minutos

HE’S A VERY PLEASANT MAN He’s a very pleasant man He’s very nice He’s one of those nice people He’s very kind He’s a very interesting person He’s very intelligent He’s very clever

Es un hombre muy agradable Es muy simpático Es una de esas personas agradables Es muy amable Es una persona muy interesante Es muy inteligente Es muy list

I can’t stand him I can’t bear him He’s unbearable He’s a fool He’s foolish He’s quite stupid He puts me off He’s very rude I detest him I hate him I don’t trust him He’s always boasting He shows off I don’t mind him He talks too much I’m fed up with him I’m sick of him He has a quick temper He has a bad temper He’s very dull He annoys me intensely You can’t trust him How can you bear him

No lo puedo soportar No lo puedo aguantar Es insoportable Es tonto Es tonto Es muy estúpido Me saca de quicio Es muy grosero Le detesto Le odio No me fío de él Siempre está presumiendo Es un vanidoso Me es indiferente Habla demasiado Estoy harto de él Estoy harto de él En seguida se enfada Tiene mal humor Es muy aburrido Me fastidia enormemente No se puede confiar en él ¿Cómo le puedes soportar?

FRIENDS He’s a friend of mine He’s a great friend of mine He’s a good friend of mine He’s my best friend I know him very well I know him intimately We’re on very good terms I’ve known him for years We went to school together We get along quite well together

Es un amigo mío Es un gran amigo mío Es un buen amigo mío Es mi mejor amigo Le conozco muy bien Le conozco íntimamente Hay muy buenas relaciones Hace años que le conozco Fuimos al colegio juntos Nos llevamos muy bien

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Surviving in Spain

Surviving in Spain

Useful to know Valencia is a city which has welcomed people from many places throughout its history, so the Valencian people will try to understand you, rather than laugh at your mistakes. If you spend all your time with your own group and don‘t meet new people, you will miss out on getting to know an impressive and varied Valencia. In fact, it is much stranger here to see a group of people from just one country than to see a group of mixed nationalities.


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CULTURE SHOCK The difficulties that lead to culture shock are very real. Everything from the climate change, food (which is always different from that which we‘re used to), and the water. Another difference is the Spanish business methods (the corner shopkeeper might not open on time), and their concept of time (things that at home were urgent have suddenly lost their importance). Isolation due to language barriers is also a real problem. But eventually, you adapt to the environment and have a changed attitude, which helps you accept and enjoy this experience. With time you will adjust and see the experience as the great opportunity it is. It is important that you realize that the feelings you are experiencing are normal, and will eventually subside. In doing this, you will be better able to adjust and come away from this experience with a greater understanding of the culture in which you are immersed and, more importantly, of yourself. Surviving

Useful Information 36 Surviving in Spain TIMETABLES When you get to Valencia, you will have to accustom yourself to our timetables, which are different form other European countries. We eat lunch at some time between 3:00 and 4:00, and dinner between 9:00 and 10:00. Trying to keep one‘s own timetables will have you arriving too late or too early to places, and it will be difficult for you to fit in the sessions of the cinema or the theatre. In the bars and taverns you can eat at almost any hour, but in the restaurants it is very difficult to get served before 1:00 at midday or before 8:00 in the evening .

TELEFONE / INTERNET The majority of student housing does not have its own telephone, but there are many phone booths in the city, many of which function with phone cards (which can be purchased in the tobacco shops, or estancos) or with credit cards This latter option is only recommended for long distance out-ofthe- country calls, as there is a minimum cost per use, which would make local calls very expensive As in other countries, Spain has a national prefix and another, different, international one. To call Spain from another country, you must dial the prefix 34 followed by the telephone number in Spain, which always begins with 96. To call to another country from inside Spain, you must dial the prefix 00 followed by the national and provincial codes and the telephone number of where you are calling to.

CARNET JOVEN If you are under 25, you can obtain the „Carnet Jove“,or Youth Card, by taking a small photograph, your passport and 6 Euro to the IVAJ (Institut Valencià de la Joventut); with this card you have the right to discounts in public transportation, cinemas, theatres, travel, etc.. For more information, contact : INSTITUT VALENCIÀ DE LA JOVENTUT C/ Hospital 11 46.001 Valencia Tel: 963 869 700

The following facts are maybe interesting for you to know...

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Medical Care 37

Surviving in Spain WHERE CAN I FIND... ?


Art & Design Materials

Organic Food & Coffee Shops

CASA VIGUER C/ Correjería 22 / 46001 Valencia SUMO C/ Tejedores 8 / 46001 Valencia MODULOS C/ Gorgos 18 / 46021 Valencia

ECORGANIC Avda. Blasco Ibañez 66 46021 Valencia NAVARRO C/ San Vicente 6 46002 Valencia ESENCIAL C/ Calabazas 21 46001 Valencia BIO CAFÉ C/ Murta (Benimaclet )

Cinemas BABEL C/ Sancho Tello 10 ALBATROS C/ Fray Luis Colomer 4


Tourism Officees:

LIBRERÍA VALDESKA C/ del Mar 47 LIBRERíA RAYLOWSKY ( specialized in photography) C/ Grabador Esteve 34 LIBRERÍAPARIS-VALENCIA C/ Pelayo 7 LIBRERIA SORIANO C/ Xativa 15 CASA del LIBRO C/ Ruzafa 11

C/ Paz, 48 46.002 Valencia Estación del Norte C/ Xàtiva, 24 46.007 Valencia Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 46.002 Valencia Avenida de Catalunya, 1 46.010 Valencia Aeropuerto de Valencia 46.940 Manises

PHARMACIES In Spain, medications are obtained at pharmacies. They are all marked with a green cross. You will get your prescriptions from your doctor. If you come from a country in the European Union, or your country has health agreements with Spain, you will have the same prescription drug benefits as Spanish citizens. They are usually open straight through from 9am to 14pm and 16pm to 22pm. They take it in turns to close on Sundays and holidays. When a pharmacy is closed, the addresses of the nearest duty pharmacies are displayed on the door. A few pharmacies remain open late and even all night. The emergency phone number is 112, valid and free in the entire Spanish territory. EMERGENCY SERVICE Phone: 112 HEALTH CARE PHONE (24 Hours) Phone: 900 161 161 AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone: + 34 963 67 73 75 RED-CROSS Phone: + 34 963 67 73 75

LA FE HOSPITAL Avenida de Campanar 21 46009 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 862 700 Fax: + 34 961 973 007

CASA DE LA SALUD HOSPITAL Dr. Manuel Candela 41 46021 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 897 700 Web:

CLINICO HOSPITAL Avenida Blasco Ibáñez 17 46010 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 862 600 Fax: + 34 963 862 644

ARNAU DE VILANOVA HOSPITAL San Clemente 12 46015 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 868 500

GENERAL HOSPITAL Avda. Tres Cruces 46014 Valencia Phone: + 34 961 972 000 9 DE OCTUBRE HOSPITAL Valle de la Ballestera 59 46015 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 179 100 Fax: + 34 963 460 033 Web: Hospitales Nisa QUIRÓN HOSPITAL Avenida Blasco Ibáñez 14 46010 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 690 600 Fax: + 34 963 931 706 Web:

LA MALVARROSA HOSPITAL Isabel de Villena 2 46011 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 989 900 Fax: + 34 963 989 926 DOCTOR PESET HOSPITAL Gaspar Aguilar 90 46007 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 862 500 VALENCIA AL MAR HOSPITAL Río Tajo 1 46011 Valencia Phone: + 34 963 352 500 Web: Hospitales Nisa

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Useful Vocabulary 38 Surviving in Spain

HEALTH You don’t look very well. I’m not feeling well You look ill I hope the doctor will put me right Do you normally sleep well? Aren’t you feeling well? I’ve got a terrible headache I think I’ve got a temperature I’ve caught a cold. I’ve got a persistent cough Does your throat still feel sore? It’s quite painful How are you feeling today? I’m better thank you I’m feeling a bit better, thank you I’m so so I’m worse I’m better I’m much better I hope you will soon be well again Get better

TRYING TO SPEAK ENGLISH No tienes buen aspecto. No me encuentro bien Parece que estás enfermo Espero que el médico me ponga bien ¿Duermes bien normalmente? ¿No te encuentras bien? Tengo un terrible dolor de cabeza Me parece que tengo fiebre Me he resfriado. Tengo una tos persistente Tienes la garganta aún mala? Duele mucho ¿Cómo te encuentras hoy? Estoy mejor gracias Me encuentro mejor, gracias Estoy regular Estoy peor Estoy mejor Estoy mucho mejor Espero que pronto estés bien Que te mejores

I’m afraid I don’t understand Speak slowly, please Speak more slowly, please I don’t know much English I can just make myself understood I can understand quite well I can understand when you speak slowly My English is rather elementary Your English is quite good I don’t hear English spoken much Can you speak English? Do you speak English? How do you spell it? Do you understand me? Is this expression all right? Is there any other way of saying it? What does this word mean? What’s the meaning of this word? What’s the English word for “cartera”?

Me temo que no lo entiendo Habla despacio, por favor Habla más despacio, por favor No sé mucho inglés No puedo hacerme entender Lo entiendo bastante bien Lo entiendo cuando hablas despacio Mi inglés es bastante elemental Tu inglés es bastante bueno No oigo hablar mucho inglés ¿Habla usted inglés? ¿Habla usted inglés? ¿Cómo se escribe? ¿Me entiendes? ¿Es correcta esta expresión? ¿Hay otra forma de decirlo? ¿Qué quiere decir esta palabra? ¿Qué quiere decir esta palabra? ¿Cómo se dice en inglés „cartera“?

EXCLAMATIONS Oh! Oh bother! Confound it! I see! Here you are! I give up! Nonsense! How strange! What bad luck! Well I never! What cheek! How funny!

¡Oh! ¡Qué lata! ¡Maldita sea! ¡Ah ya! ¡Aquí tienes!¡Me doy por vencido! ¡Tonterías! ¡Qué extraño! ¡Qué mala suerte! ¡Nunca lo hubiera creído! ¡Qué cara más dura! ¡Qué gracioso!

Of course! Well done! At last! Good luck! Quite right! Congratulations! No wonder! I’m not surprised! What a shame! What a pity! What a nuisance! How annoying!

¡Desde luego! ¡Bien hecho! ¡Por fin! ¡Buena suerte! ¡Perfecto! ¡Enhorabuena! ¡No me extraña! ¡No me sorprende! ¡Qué lástima! ¡Qué pena! ¡Qué fastidio! ¡Qué fastidio!

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