Xenios January 2010

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www.xeniosworld.com E-magazine & Guide for the MICE & Tourism Professionals





Vol. 13

Meeting Planner: One of the 50 best careers of 2010 10 Hot Holiday Trends for 2010

Top Ten Adventures for 2010

No 5

Travel Trends

Traditional Travel Agents Back in Business

LONDON, /PRNewswire/ — Since the dawn of the web-based travel industry and low cost, no frills airlines in the 1990s, pundits have been predicting the demise of the traditional travel agency. However, rumours of its death appear to have been, to paraphrase Mark Twain, greatly exaggerated. After going through a difficult period in the early to mid 2000s, travel agencies in the UK are now very much in the ascendant. A spokesperson for DialAFlight said ‘A few years ago, everyone was predicting that the days of the traditional travel agent were numbered. More and more people seemed to be booking their own holidays over the Internet, in order to cut out the middleman and save some money.’ ‘However, it seems that a lot of people are starting to appreciate the value of using a middleman when booking a holiday. Booking your own holiday over the internet might save you a little bit of money, but it is a lot more hassle than just calling up a travel agent and having them sort it all out for you.’ ‘The internet is great for booking simple point to point journeys by air, such as London to Madrid, and the success of no-frills airlines such as Easyjet and Ryanair is proof of this. However, the best prices for long haul flights are rarely to be found on the Internet.’ ‘Also, the public seems to be becoming increasingly aware that low frills does not always equal low cost. When the budget airlines started off, they caught the traditional scheduled airlines on the back foot with seemingly incredible deals, such as 99p air fares.’ ‘In recent years, though, the scheduled airlines have caught up, to the extent that they are often cheaper than the budget airlines once you add on all the extras, such as tax and booking fees.’ ‘Another reason why an increasing number of people are turning their backs on budget airlines is that, on the whole, the level of customer service is extremely poor, particularly when something goes wrong, and it seems that more and more people are willing to pay a little extra for a higher level of customer service.’



NEUROPATHIC PAIN CONGRESS, ATHENS, 2010 The 3rd International Congress on Neuropathic Pain welcomes basic scientists, clinical scientists and practicing clinicians with an interest in discovering exciting new developments in the understanding and care of

fessionals from diverse fields of pain management enjoyed a stimulating scientific and social programme. We expect a similar number of participants at the Athens Congress and an equally inspiring programme.

patients with neuropathic pain. The Special Interest Group on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP®) promises an advanced scientific program, presented by global experts, featuring plenary sessions, topical workshops and poster presentations. The congress is designed to further the Group’s goal to promote the understanding of mechanisms, assessment, prevention and treatment of neuropathic pain. The first two NeuPSIG meetings were held in Madrid, Spain, in 2004 and in Berlin, Germany in 2007. Since then, there have been many exciting new developments in science and in patient care. Updates on present evidencebased research and medicine will be covered by world-renowned experts. There will be ample time for discussion during the workshops. At the 2007 Berlin Congress, over 1,600 pro-

Venue Megaron Athens International Conference Center – M.A.I.C.C. Vass. Sofi as Avenue & Kokkali Street 115-21 Athens http://neupsig.org/ The 3rd International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) will take place in Athens, Greece, May 27-30, 2010

Top Ten Adventures for 2010 “Staring down into the smouldering eyes of a tiger from the back of an elephant in India’s Kanha National Park“: that has been selected as the world’s greatest travel adventure by a jury of the UK’s top explorers, adventurers and award-winning writers. The list was drawn up on behalf of Adventure Travel Live, which takes place in London from 29 to 31 January. For the past two months, travel luminaries including Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler, explorer Benedict Allen and broadcaster Simon Calder have been assessing the most intense adventures on the planet. And the chance of getting close to a tiger in the wild – while such a possibility exists – was judged to be even more thrilling than skiing down a live volcano on the Japanese island of Hokkaido or diving with hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos. Another wildlife experience – an encounter with mountain gorillas in Rwanda – took fourth place, just ahead of two great hikes that shared fifth spot: the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru, and the Larrapinta Trail in Australia’s Northern Territory. “The ultimate railway adventure,” Russia’s Trans-Siberian, took seventh place, just ahead of hot-air ballooning over Tanzania’s Serengeti. A hike through the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar took ninth position, while South America’s third appearance completed the top 10: exploring the wildlife of Brazil’s Pantanal. Simon Calder said: “Whatever tribulations the economy may deliver, the British spirit of adventure is alive and well. Travellers are turning their backs on the beach and going to extremes to satisfy a craving for adrenalin-fuelled experiences.” Top 10 adventures 1 Tiger tracking on elephants, Kanha National Park, India “You’ll never get so close to a tiger in the wild.” – Bryn Thomas 2 Skiing on Asahidake, Hokkaido, Japan “Asahidake is the island’s highest mountain and sends out a stream of smoke from its vents. Hokkaido enjoys eight metres of snow a year, and the powder is some of the most consistently excellent in the world.” – Perry Wilson 3 Diving with hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos “With basic scuba skills you can safely dive with these fabulous, iconic sharks – in the company of so many of them that you lose count.” – Paul Rose 4 Encounter with mountain gorillas in Rwanda “Nothing rivals a close-up with our closest relatives. It is at altitude, in a rainforest, with no paths. The trek can take five hours. Worth it – massively, emotionally – and it helps this poor, war-ravaged country.” – Paul Goldstein 5 = Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru “Popular though this three-day trek is, nothing can prepare you for the awesome first sight of the ‘lost’ city of the Incas as you round the trail on the last day, seeing it perched high above the Urumaba with the mist swirling around it.” – Bryn Thomas. 5 = Larapinta Trail in Australia’s Northern Territory. “Classic Outback country: dry, dramatic, lots of wildlife … the

‘dry’ component would normally make it unwalkable, until the establishment of regular water tanks made it one of Australia’s best hikes.” – Tony Wheeler 7 Trans-Siberian Railway, Russia. “The greatest rail adventure of them all. I’d suggest the weekly Moscow-Mongolia-Beijing train. It’s six nights and over 5,000 miles across Siberia, the Gobi Desert and through the Great Wall for as little as GBP410. You can even start your trip at St Pancras.” – Mark Smith

8 Hot-air ballooning over the Serengeti of Tanzania. “Even if there are no migrating herds, just to pass over the African savannah in silence is something you will never forget.” – Benedict Allen 9 Hiking the Grand Tsingy Circuit, Madagascar “Tsingy are grotesque pinnacles and spikes of limestone creating the world’s most exotic rock garden. Rare succulents shelter in the gullies that visitors cross using boardwalks, ladders and bridges. An extraordinary experience on an extraordinary island.” – Hilary Bradt 10 The wildlife of the Pantanal, Brazil “Check out giant otters, caimans, jaguars, green iguanas and more.” – Tim Fryer So if you want to do something more adventurous than sunbathing on the beach this year, blaze a trail to Adventure Travel Live to learn about some of the most inspiring adventures on the planet. Adventure Travel Live takes place at the Royal Horticultural Halls, London SW1 on 29, 30 and 31 January 2010.



Travel Trends

9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security Hosted by strategyinternational.org and the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. 1-2 July 2010

Main campus – University of Macedonia Conference Co-Chairs: Ioannis Mavridis, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece Vasilios Katos, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece Programme Co-Chairs: Josef Demergis, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece Marios Efthymiopoulos, Strategy International, Thessaloniki, Greece The 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security is hosted by strategyinternational.org with the support of various IT departments from Greek Universities. The conference is being held at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki.

Meeting Planner: As one of the 50 best careers of 2010, this should have strong growth over the next decade By U.S. News Staff The rundown: T h e increasingly global nature of commerce kept meeting planners on their toes during the b o o m y e a r s : There were plenty of off-site corporate events, trade shows, and association meetings to put together. But the recession killed corporate budgets, and off-site meetings in Vegas became unfortunately associated with corporate excess. Today’s meeting planners have to be tougher and willing to negotiate for lower costs and better perks. They also have to be willing to face tough questions on budgets and return on investment. But most organizations recognize the value of the face-to-face meeting—as not just a perk but an imperative for companies that have greater global reaches. The outlook: Employment of meeting and convention planners is expected to grow faster than the average for all professions over the next decade or so. The number of jobs planners hold is forecast to jump 16 percent, thanks to the growing importance of meetings to increasingly global companies.

Upward mobility: There are a few ways to advance as a meeting planner. You might move from a small organization to a larger one. You might gain additional certifications or credentials through continuing education that may help with finding higher-paying work. Over time and with experience, you could open your own meeting planning firm or become an independent consultant. Activity level: Can be high. When you’re running the meeting or convention, you’re on your feet and the work is fast-paced. The rest of the time, you may be in your office quite a bit, working at a computer or on the phone. Stress level: Also can be high. You’re required to be a very good juggler and also be highly flexible when clients or employers make last-minute changes or when problems arise with vendors. Even weather can derail your plans and cause abundant stress. The hours can be highly varied and are likely to sometimes include evening and weekend work. Education and preparation: A bachelor’s degree is generally the preferred academic education. Some schools offer meetings management degrees, but realworld experience may be the most important factor in getting a job. The best opportunities may come with a bachelor’s plus some meeting planning experience. Money: Median pay for meeting and convention planners was $44,260 last year, and earnings ranged from about $25,000 to $75,000. Source: www.usnews.com


PR & Sponsoring Supporting Committees The support Committees will be headed by: Maria Papadaki (Event Makers), Membership Chair Photis Photopoulos (Metropolitan Travel) Education Chair The General Assembly was followed by an educational seminar presented by the president of Alpine College Sybil Hofmann, (Education & Experience: The pillars for quality and success”) and a very pleasant cocktail reception at the Galaxy bar of Hilton hotel, where the members celebrate the X’mas Holiday period and networked with, guests, and site friends. At a special drawing the Christmas Gift was won by the Dean of the Alpine College Mr George Papageorgiou. The gift was a long weekend for two persons, graciously offered by Elounda Hotels & Resorts Our special thanks to our sponsors for this evening, Hilton Athens, Elounda Hotels & Resorts, Chocolate Graphics.



As in previous years, ECIW will 2010 Board of Directors address elements of both theory The Greek and practice of all aspects of Chapter of Information Warfare and t h e Security, and offers an opportuSociety for nity for academics, practitioners Incentive and consultants involved in these & Travel areas to come together and Executives exchange ideas. The programme (SITE), for the event promises an extenhas electsive range of peer-reviewed ed its papers, networking opportunities and presentations from leaders 2010 Board of Directors, during its Annual General Assembly (GA) on 21 December, at in the field. Hilton Athens. Early bird registration closes on The 2010 Board consists of: Tasso Pappas CITE (TP Consulting), President 22 April 2010 Special reduced rates for group Giannis Balakakis (Gnomon Events) V.PPresident Elect bookings. Lisa Lehmann (Festivities) Secretary General Michael Argiri (Conceptours DMC) Treasurer George Barboutis (Rodos Palace) Director, Education Constantinos Doucas (Doucas Travel) Director, Membership Vicky Evangeliou (Marketing Lead) Director, 6



Acute Cardiac Care 2010 – 16 Oct 2010 – 19 Oct 2010 , Copenhagen

Copenhagen will host the third Acute Cardiac Care Congress organised by the ESC Working Group on Acute Cardiac Care Alexandria, Va - While many signs suggest the economy is stabilizing and the global recession is ending, the majority of business travel managers will continue to seek out alternatives to travel provided by technology in 2010. A new survey conducted by Kotler Marketing Group, in conjunction with the Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE), entitled “2010 Corporate-Travel Spend Plans & Tactics,” released today provides a detailed analysis of enterprise travel spend plans, including breakdowns by region, industry sector, and company size.

in the use of electronic alternatives for purposes ranging from team meetings to large events, to meetings with suppliers and partners. More than 40% even see their organizations replacing more sales-related travel with conferencing over the next few years. Despite these plans to rely more on conferencing technologies, doubts and confusion persist about the effectiveness of these technologies as travel replacements. For example, respondents were asked about the effectiveness of conferencing in lieu of travel for five common meeting purposes:

The study includes an in-depth analysis of the growing use of electronic alternatives (e.g. web- and video-conferencing) to offset travel. Findings include:

There was only one meeting type where a majority of respondents said web-conferencing was “usually” an effective replacement. Video-conferencing was not rated as “usually effective” by a majority of respondents for any of the five purposes. The full report provides a detailed breakdown of the findings by industry, geography, company size, and offers key insights into planned travel replacement and travel spend tactics for 2010 and beyond.

More than half (55%) of respondents say they will rely on electronic alternatives more in the future than they have previously, in order to meet their travel spend reduction goals. Those companies who had widely deployed conferencing technologies saw, on average, greater travel spend reduction in 2009, with conferencing having the biggest impact on internal travel. Following best practices for conferencing deployment and demand management correlated with even greater travel reductions. Most respondents expect continued increases

The Acute Cardiac Care congresses are specifically designed to be forums where physicians, nurses, and all health care professionals involved in acute cardiac care can meet, share their experience, and exchange ideas. They also represent unique opportunities to discuss the results of clinical trials and recent scientific data in the various fields of acute cardiac care, such as acute coronary syndromes, acute heart failure and lifethreatening arrhythmias. Important dates January 2010: online services open for abstract submission, registration and hotels Abstract Submission deadline: 26 March 2010 Abstract selection results online: May 2010

“Travel managers expect to continue to balance the conflicting pressures of maintaining Early Fee registration deadline: savings with the need to travel as they start 16 July 2010 the New Year,” said ACTE Interim Executive Director Megan Costello. Pre-Registration deadline: 13 September 2010 Acute Cardiac Care 2010 16 – 19 October 2010 VENUE Bella Center Copenhagen Center Boulevard 5 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark Tel: +45 3252 8811



Travel Trends

ITB Berlin – a barometer for travel technology and mobile travel service trends International exhibitors will present their latest travel technology and innovations at ITB Berlin – after a four-year absence Sabre Travel Network, the world’s largest global distribution system (GDS), is back at the world’s leading travel trade show with its own stand Berlin, December 2009. “The market offering mobile communications and technological solutions for the global travel industry is expanding rapidly“, said David Ruetz, Senior Manager ITB Berlin, underlining the positive reactions from international technology companies to the Mobile Travel Services and Travel Technology sections at ITB. Sabre Travel Network’s return to the Berlin Exhibition Grounds after a four-year absence in particular emphasises ITB Berlin’s role as a barometer for new technology and software trends in the tourism industry. A world leader in the global distribution system (GDS) field, the company will be exhibiting at its own stand in Hall 8.1. David Ruetz: “The fact that the Travel Technology section in Halls 8.1 and 6.1 has attracted so many new exhibitors sends an important message to the industry. Only companies making the right decisions now will be able to reap long-term benefits from new technology.“ Other companies represented at ITB Berlin for the first time include XClirion, Lute Tec, Hotel Net Solutions, Vertical Booking and Hotelreservierung.de. A number of technology companies will be showing new products exclusively at the world’s leading travel trade show.

2010: 30,000 delegates expected A highly intensive year is in store for Fiera Milano Congressi , the business convention company of the Fiera group. In fact, to date, approximately 30,000 are expected to attend the conferences hosted in its facilities. The programme is extremely rich and involves, besides the many meetings taking place throughout the year, a series of particularly important events for the medicalscientific sector. Ecopram, the convention devoted to preventive and regenerative medicine, kicks off the spring calendar in March, while the 21st Smart convention for the world of intensive care is to take place in May. June sees the National Transfusion Medicine Convention, now in its 35th year, with 1,500 delegates set to attend the 44th edition of the Cardiology Convention scheduled for the autumn, and the 35th Esmo Congress (dedicated to medical oncology) which will draw 15,000 professionals. Still in the health sector, the 16th IFHRO Congress for health records is due to take place in November. 2010 will also be an important year for the conference facilities of Fiera Milano Congressi. By the end of the year, Mic Plus will be completed, the largest convention centre in Europe, involving the expansion and conversion of part of the no longer used exhibition space of Fiera Milano in the city (pavilions 5 and 6), for conference purposes and its integration with the adjoining MIC, which already stands as the leading conference centre in Italy. 8


With the introduction in Hall 7.1c of its Mobile Travel Services section ITB Berlin is hosting its own representative platform for the first time, along with a stage for presentations and accompanying exhibition area. International companies will be represented, among them Netbiscuits GmbH, leading global innovators and mobile internet page operators, the network operators Ecocarrier, the Canadian mobile communications operator QiiQ, the audio guide portal for art and cultural tourism Pausanio GmbH & Co. KG, and Tourias, travel guide suppliers for mobile phones. Europe’s leading hotel portal HRS and the car hire company Sixt, who operate throughout Europe, will also be presenting their new mobile travel services products to visitors on a stand at ITB Berlin. In order to make the many aspects of mobile travel services more comprehensible to visitors experts will be on hand to answer questions. Topics such as “Mobile services and applications for the travel industry“, “Working with mobile networks“ and “Working on the move? Yes, of course!“ will be aimed at providing transparency for visitors. The ITB Berlin 2010 Convention, which boasts a number of high-ranking participants, will also focus on the topic of mobile travel services. At the ITB Hospitality Day on 11 March experts will highlight how smartphones, BlackBerry devices and iPhones are influencing hotel booking patterns, and at the ITB Business Travel Days on 12 March the keynote speaker Gerry Samuels, founder and executive director of Mobile Travel Technologies Ltd., will talk about how mobile travel services are changing the world of business travel.

Expanding the Network The Board approved, unanimously, a new term in office for the current Bureau – to co-ordinate the Federation’s activities for another two years until May 2012.

EFAPCO now has its 11th full member. The Federation’s Board welcomed The Association of Irish Professional Conference Organisers into its network at its pre-Congress meeting in Brussels. According to President Nicolas Le Brun: “This means the Federation now embraces all national associations of PCOs operating in Europe. Future recruitment will focus on other EU countries where - with some help from EFAPCO local PCOs form their own associations, and join in with the Federation’s activities. “Every new member association strengthens our profile within the European meetings and events sector – and enhances our drive to secure proper economic and cultural recognition for our industry from the EU, and in promoting Europe as the world’s leading conference destination.”

The EFAPCO Bureau comprises: President, Nicolas Le Brun (Belgium); VicePresidents, Irena Sokolowska (Poland) and Helena Weinstein (Portugal); Secretary General, Sissy Lignou (Greece) and Treasurer, Katalin Matray (Hungary). And Susan Spibey, EFAPCO’s Adviser on Professional Development, has been appointed Chair of a new Special Committee on Standards with a brief including pan-European development of the initiative taken by the UK through the introduction of BS8901 on sustainable events management. The 2010 Congress, which followed the Assembly, was organised jointly by EFAPCO and BAPCO – the Belgian Association of PCOs. BAPCO President and genial cohost, Sam van de Kerckhof said: “I was absolutely delighted that we welcomed over 180 participants from 17 countries. This record-breaking attendance was generated thanks to tremendous help from fellow BAPCO members, plus support from a strong array of sponsors.”

Travel Trends & Analysis 2010: Skyscanner Reveals Top 50 Destinations for UK Travellers

Crete EDINBURGH, Scotland, /PRNewswire/ — Travel search site Skyscanner (http://www.skyscanner.net) reveals the top 50 most searched for destinations from UK airports for travel in 2010. In the top spot is Malaga, moving up one place from last year. Tenerife and Alicante are second and third, meaning Spain takes the top three positions. Orlando is a new entry into the top ten, rising 12 places since last year. Dalaman holds its position as the 5th most searched for destination for a second year in a row, whist New York also brakes into the top ten, up five positions from last year. Palma comes in 8th, losing one spot since last year; Lanzarote is 9th, rising four places, and Geneva is 10th, dropping two places. Overall Spain is yet again the most popular country for Brits to visit, with 11 Spanish destinations within the Top 50, five of which are in the top ten. “These early indications show that Spain is still by far the most popular destination for British travellers. Medium and long haul locations also seem to be on the rise compared to last year, suggesting that holiday budgets may be growing after a tough financial year” said Barry Smith, Skyscanner co-founder and business director. Brand new entries to the top ten are Johannesburg and Cape Town, which will be welcoming the World Cup in 2010. Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong also entered the top 50. Destinations dropping most in search volume are Edinburgh, Salzburg, Murcia, London and Fuerteventura. Top 50 Most Searched for destinations for 2010, from UK airports 1. Malaga, (Spain) [+1] 2. Tenerife (Spain) [+2] 3. Alicante (Spain)[0] 4. Orlando (USA) [+12] 5. Dalaman (Turkey) [0] 6. Faro (Portugal) [0] 7. New York (USA) [+5] 8. Palma (Spain) [-1] 9. Lanzarote (Spain) [+4] 10. Geneva (Switzerland) [-2] 11. Bangkok (Thailand) [+11] 12. Paphos (Cyprus) [-3] 13. Barcelona (Spain) [+1] 14. London (UK) [-13] 15. Bodrum (Turkey) [-4] 16. Paris (France) [+1] 17. Rome (Italy) [-2] 18. Gran Canaria (Spain) [+1] 19. Larnaca (Cyprus) [+1] 20. Sydney (Australia) [+7] 21. Johannesburg (South Africa) [New Entry] 22. Amsterdam (Netherlands) [-4] 23. Murcia (Spain) [-13] 24. Dublin (Ireland) [-1] 25. Ibiza (Spain) [+5]

26. Prague (Czech Republic) [-2] 27. Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt) [+11] 28. Auckland (New Zealand) [+11] 29. Venice (Italy) [+4] 30. Luqa (Malta) [+5] 31. Krakow (Poland) [-5] 32. Las Vegas (USA) [+13] 33. Cape Town (South Africa) [New Entry] 34. Melbourne (Australia) [New Entry] 35. Fuerteventura (Spain) [-10] 36. Berlin (Germany) [+1] 37. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) [New Entry] 38. Marrakech (Morocco) [-9] 39. Milan (Italy) [-7] 40. Dubai (UAE) [New Entry] 41. Madrid (Spain) [-5] 42. Hong Kong (Hong Kong) [New Entry] 43. Perth (Australia) [New Entry] 44. Edinburgh (UK) [-16] 45. Munich (Germany) [New Entry] 46. Salzburg (Austria) [-15] 47. Crete (Greece) [-6] 48. Brisbane (Australia) [New Entry] 49. Sofia (Bulgaria) [-2] 50. Nice (France) [-2] New Entries 1. Johannesburg (South Africa) 2. Cape Town (South Africa) 3. Melbourne (Australia) 4. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 5. Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 6. Perth (Australia) 7. Munich (Germany) 8. Brisbane (Australia) Going Up: Highest Climbers 1. Las Vegas (USA) [+13] 2. Orlando (USA) [+12] 3. Bangkok (Thailand) [+11] 4. Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt) [+11] 5. Auckland (New Zealand) [+11] Going Down: Lowest Fallers 1. Edinburgh (UK) [-16] 2. Salzburg (Austria) [-15] 3. Murcia (Spain) [-13] 4. London (UK) [-13] 5. Fuerteventura (Spain) [-10] Key Findings 1. Spain remains by far the most popular country for the UK market, with 11 Spanish destinations within the Top 50, 5 of which are in the Top 10. 2. All the new entries to the Top 50 are long haul, apart from Munich. 3. South Africa has seen the biggest new entry rises, likely due to World Cup 2010 traffic. 4. Highest climbers are all long haul or medium haul destinations. 5. Biggest fallers are all for short haul destinations, and include two UK and two Spanish destinations. Data is based on searches from UK airports for travel in 2010, using search data collected in Q4 of 2009. About Skyscanner Skyscanner provides instant online comparison on flight prices for over 670,000 routes on over 600 airlines. http://www.skyscanner.net



European Travel Industry Likely to Stay Flat in 2010 on costs, economised in the first eight months 2009 by hitting the road to travel. There was a 2% increase in car travel, while air travel declined 8%.

ITB World Travel Trends Report says small gains from Asia won’t be enough to offset low demand from economically uncertain American and European travellers Berlin, 29 December 2009 – Decline in demand for European destinations in 2009 will ease, with some instances of growth in 2010. But any upturns in demand from emerging markets in Asia won’t be enough to offset continued flat or negative demand from American and European markets. These are just some of the key issues highlighted in the latest ITB World Travel Trends Report, commissioned by Messe Berlin, the organisers of ITB Berlin, and compiled by IPK International. The report quotes IMF predictions that developed economies are shaping up for an average 3% decline in GDP for 2009, compared to 2% growth in emerging economies, led by top performers China and India However, salvation from Asia is far from certain, says the report. Factors such as oil price volatility, H1N1 fears, the Chinese government directive that government employees shouldn’t travel abroad, and a general trend to domestic, cheaper short haul travel in Asia – and worldwide – all indicate that European destinations are likely to have a lean 2010. The ITB World Travel Trends Report notes that the impact of the global recession on travel and tourism demand has been severe. In the first eight months of 2009, international tourist arrivals fell by 7%, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which is now forecasting a decline of 4% to 6% for full year 2009. The long-term trend in European travel has been for a steady increase in the use of air travel. Car travel has been weak for several years. However, Europeans, with a keen eye

The report also noted that rail travel had been enjoying a recovery in tourism demand, from lower levels, associated with the introduction of new highspeed services. However, demand for rail travel in Europe declined 3% in the first eight months of 2009. Cruising had been a booming market. Ferry travel had been doing well. However, trips by ship declined by 10% in the first eight months of 2009. Coach travel, among European travellers also continued to slide, suffering a drop of 20% for the first eight months of 2009. However, IPK cautions that such trends in the first two-thirds of 2009 may only be indicative. Full-year results may reveal new or modified trends. Sun and beach holidays, which form by far the most important category of outbound holidays among Europeans, have performed relatively well in both 2008 and 2009, following three years of only modest growth. However, holidaymaker’s preferences for traditional destinations such as Spain, France and Greece have changed. Market shares were lost to newer holiday destinations in North Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean and further a field. Making forecasts is difficult. Dr Martin Buck, Director of the CompetenceCenter, Travel & Logistics at Messe Berlin said that there were currently too many uncertainties to make accurate forecasts for 2010. “Depending on developments over the next few months, the best ‘guesstimates’ suggest that neither Europe nor North America will do better than achieve a flat 2010 in terms of growth, unless the economic recovery is much stronger in the USA than currently expected.” However, on a cautiously optimistic note he added: “Asia Pacific should see at least a modest increase in outbound trip volume, mainly for intra-regional destinations, a trend also forecast for South America and the Middle East.”

Vienna lands 2013 World Congress of Neurology

With the World Congress of Neurology, the largest scientific convention for neurologists in the world, Vienna has landed yet another major congress. Some 10,000 delegates are expected to attend the event from Se xpected September 22 ptember 22-27, 2013, at Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center Center. Vienna was selected in d . direct competition with Helsinki and Valencia. rect “Vienna’s successful bid for this congress further reinforces our city’s reputation as a city of science. In economic terms, the city will benefit from around 50,000 additional overnights and a contribution to GDP of around 25 million euros,” enthused Christian Mutschlechner, Director of the Vienna Tourist Board's Vienna Convention Bureau. The decisive factors behind Vienna’s success were the outstanding collaboration between the Austrian Society of Neurology, the Austrian delegate to the World Federation of Neurology, Professor Wolfgang Grisold, and Ulrike von Arnold, who has been handling the competition for the Vienna Convention Bureau from the word go. Another benefit of Vienna's successful bid is that the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) has decided to combine its annual congress in 2013 with the World Congress of Neurology in Vienna. “The decision for Vienna is a feather in the cap of Austrian neurology, which has some outstanding accomplishments to its name in many areas, even by international standards. Furthermore, Vienna is one of the most important congress cities in the world and has often been the choice venue for international neurology congresses,” commented Michael Ackerl, President of the Austrian Society of Neurology. Xenios


IMEX 2010 – on target for bigger business

Four months out from the opening of the eighth IMEX in Frankfurt organisers, the IMEX Group, have announced that they are on course to deliver more business opportunities than ever when the doors open on 25 May. The trade show’s performance to date confirms the results of the latest IMEX Global Insights Report (last quarter 2009). The Report asked a standing panel of 45 senior international meetings industry and corporate professionals for their views about the coming year. 57% expected the number of meetings, events and incentives they organised to remain the same. A further 33% confidently expected the number of events they held to be even higher in 2010. Says Ray Bloom, Chairman of the IMEX Group, “Our experience of both exhibitor and hosted buyer numbers upholds these findings. It suggests that the underlining fundamentals in our industry are robust, despite a changing global economic outlook. This bears out the fact that virtually every sector of our industry is consistently prepared to commit to IMEX knowing they have the opportunity of meeting the right people, doing good business and being assured of getting all the support they need.” Strong hotel representation Hotel groups will continue to be represented strongly at IMEX with many of the larger global groups bringing in additional hosted buyers for 2010. Ritz Carlton, Moevenpick Hotels, Fairmont/Swissotel Raffles and Starwood Hotels & Resorts have all increased their stand space. Scandic Hotels and Albert Management of Latvia will exhibit for the first time and Warwick International makes a welcome return.

Other new exhibitors so far confirmed for 2010 include Columbia, Meeting Point International and Showcare. The IMEX Wild Card Winners for 2010 are also all first-time exhibitors in the international meetings and events industry. The Wild Card Pavilion will host one of the fastest emerging destinations in Africa – Uganda – together with the mountain town of Morzine in France and the new Hof Conference and Cultural Center, Iceland. Demand for exhibition space has been particularly strong from Asian meetings and events industry suppliers with Macau, Sri Lanka and Indian Holiday all expanding their presence. US exhibitors have also confirmed their enthusiasm and commitment with Anchorage, Arizona, Chicago, Texas and New York City already contracted and all those who attended in 2009 expected to exhibit on the IMEX US Pavilion again in 2010. The Spanish Tourist Office is now firmly established as the second largest exhibitor at IMEX with just over 800 square metres of floor space. Both Madrid and Valencia will be taking their own exhibition stands. Other exhibitors who have also increased their exhibition sizes at the Frankfurt show so far include the Czech Tourism Authority; Luxembourg; Carat Tours; Liberty International and Discovery Jordan. Visitor and hosted buyer registration is now open. For more information visit www.imex-frankfurt.com.



The Grand Hotel Europe is the leading luxury hotel in the world agencies and transport companies from 160 countries. The Grand Hotel Europe is the first Russian hotel to receive an award in the top category.

St Petersburg, November 2009 – The Grand Hotel Europe, St Petersburg’s oldest luxury hotel, has been named the Leading Luxury Hotel in the world by World Travel Awards – travel industry’s equivalent to the Oscar’s (quote by Wall Street Journal). The Grand Hotel Europe has added yet another prestigious award to its collection of accolades. World Travel Awards, an international organisation that stimulates innovation and creativity and encourages hotels to strive to provide travellers with the best price-quality ratio, thus facilitating competition in the sphere of tourism all over the world, has declared the Grand Hotel Europe the winner in its key category, “Leading Luxury Hotel in the World.” The awards ceremony took place on 8 November, 2009 in London, on the eve of the World Travel Market.

Grand Hotel Europe deserves this award the most. I highly respect the active position of hotel management who is always on the move to improve and advance hotel services at the same time preserving the best. This historic hotel is already a symbol of the city which constantly

On 17 October, the Grand Hotel Europe was named “Leading Luxury Hotel in Europe” by the same organisation, as a result of which the hotel was nominated for the world’s top tourism award.

supports various city projects on tourism development. We are partnering with the hotel since a long time and hope for the further continuous cooperation. Congratulations on this world acknowledgement!’

Vise President of Russian Union of Travel Industry (RUTI) and Director of the North-West regional branch of RUTI has congratulated the Grand Hotel Europe and said: ‘I am delighted that St Petersburg hotel is acknowledged as the leading luxury hotel in the world. The

The World Travel Awards were founded in 1993 and are now considered the top accolade with which a tourism business can be rewarded. The association’s jury is made up of professionals from the travel and tourism industry, including from 183,000 tourism organizations, excursion

Voters are obliged to take into consideration not only their personal experience in working with a specific company, but also factors such as consistently good results, whether the company effectively anticipates the needs of travelers, and a high level of feedback from satisfied customers. World Travel Awards are constantly increasing standards inside the industry, which helps the tourism business to develop and exceed tourists’ expectations. As a result, when planning their trip, many travellers make an effort to choose a company that has been awarded a prize by the organisation. “Our hotel is a truly historic and cultural landmark of St. Petersburg and Russia, and we work hard to ensure that our guests enjoy a level of comfort and service appropriate to a hotel with such a history,” said Thomas Noll, the Managing Director of the Grand Hotel Europe. “I am happy to see that our clients and partners appreciate our efforts and work aimed at improving the hotel’s infrastructure and perfecting our service standards. The Grand Hotel Europe has had many awards conferred on it, including such prestigious prizes as the annual Travel + Leisure magazine’s list of the 500 best hotels and resorts in the world, on which the hotel has been featured for five consecutive years; Wine Spectator Award of Excellence 2008 & 2009 from Wine Spectator magazine, the most respected American publication devoted to wine; Grand Prix of the Best Hotel in Europe 2008 by Prix Villegiature; an honorary place in Forbes Traveler 400, a list of the best hotels in the world 2008/2009; Best Hotel in Russia 2008 by Afisha World magazine; and in October 2009 the hotel was named the Leading Luxury hotel in Europe by World Travel Awards. This award is particularly important for us. The Grand Hotel Europe has been named the leading luxury hotel in the world. For us, luxury means attention to every detail, it means fulfilling all our promises to our guests, and anticipating their every desire. It is above all a general impression, the ambience of the hotel, and we are proud that our efforts have been recognized with such an award. Xenios


10 Hot Holiday Trends for 2010

LONDON, December 23 /PRNewswire/ — From “pound-stretcher” holidays to girly getaways for “football widows”, 2010 is set to be a year dominated by recession-busting travel deals, big sporting events and “micro” bursts of luxury as Brits seek a quick antidote to frugal living. There’ll be no getting away from the continuing economic downturn, but key travel trends are emerging for the year ahead, according to a new report from Teletext Holidays. “Pound-stretcher” holidays for budget conscious travellers will be big to places such as Tunisia which is being put on the map in 2010 as travel firms increase the range of holidays outside the Euro zone. The 10 hot holiday trends for 2010 according to Teletext Holidays are: 1. Pound-stretcher holidays: Holiday resorts are being more creative with their pricing so keep an eye out for deals with “resort credits” and “sun dollars. 2. All-inclusive: All-inclusive searches were up 40 per cent this year according to Teletext Holidays and their popularity is set to grow in 2010. 3. Cruising: In 2010 Cruising will be huge – literally – with new superliners such as the Oasis of the Seas, Allure of the Seas (which can host around 5,500 passengers each). 4. Connected holidays: Viewing photos in real time rather than sending postcards and tweeting pictures of your hotel live to office colleagues. 5. Sporting widow: The period during a World Cup is a great time to take a break as there are plenty of bargains around because most of the world stays home to watch the action from their living room.

6. Micro-luxury: 2010 will see an increase in “micro luxury” – little treats for one or two nights as an antidote to frugal living. 7. Sun and tum: Both women and men want to come home from holiday with a tan, but in 2010 people will want that healthy glow to be accompanied by a fitter physique too. 8. Child-free holidays: With budgets tighter than ever right now, 2010 will see an increase in parents heading off to enjoy child-free short breaks. 9. Status breaks: It’s all about the Facebook status update! Yes people are happy to lie on a sunlounger but they also want to be able to brag about their holiday. 10. More last minute: In 2010 people will remember that life isn’t a standing order that has to be the same month in month out. More details about the 2010 holiday trends are online at http://www.teletextholidays.co.uk/offer s/holidays/trend/2010_trends/ Mark Bloxham, head of marketing, Teletext Holidays, said: “The travel industry has had to adapt quickly to the changing economic climate. But far from taking fewer holidays in 2010, it’s clear that travel is high priority for singles, couples and families.”

The XII ISSIS meeting will be held in Chania – Crete, on April 06-09th, 2010, the annual event of the International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies – ISSIS

The meeting is locally organized by the Institute of Veterinary Research of Athens (NAGREF) in collaboration with Benaki Phytopathological Institute, and will take place at Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in Chania. It will cover all aspects of scale insect studies, including systematics and morphology, genetics and evolution, zoogeography and faunistics, biology and population dynamics, natural enemies, monitoring and pest management. It is also intended to be an opportunity to bring together people dealing with coccids and to discuss the most recent research achievements in scale insect studies. www.xii-issis.gr , www.maich.gr



Travel Trends

Bruised Asian Travel Industry Recovering Slowly

ITB World Travel Trends Report says Asian travel demand will perk up in 2010, but spending is likely to lag Berlin, 21 December 2009. – Asian travel demand will close 5% down for 2009 in part due to sharp declines in travellers from South Korea. Longhaul destinations such as Europe are being hit hardest as Japanese, Chinese, Indians and Thais also choose to stay home or travel within Asia. Travel demand for 2010 is likely to pick up, but spending is likely to lag at around 2005-2006 levels. Prospects for 2010 will be greatly determined by any return of consumer confidence in Japan and China. These are just some of the key trends highlighted in the latest ITB World Travel Trends Report, commissioned by Messe Berlin, the organisers of ITB Berlin, and compiled by IPK International. The full report is now available free online at www.itbberlin.com/media centre/publications. The ITB World Travel Trends Report findings show that Asian travel demand averaged a more than a 10% decline JanuaryJune. However, some market recovery has been recorded since July 2009, indicating that the Asian travel industry is over the worst. IPK forecasts of a total-year decline of 5%. While intra-Asian trip volume fell by only 5% from January through August 2009, travel to Europe (14% of total trips) was down 10%. Asian travel to the Americas (9% of all Asian trips) slumped by a more hurtful 15%. The report notes that Chinese travellers may be more recessionproof than the Japanese, but they don’t spend as much. In Europe, for example, the total spend by Chinese tourists on transport, accommodation, food and beverages and incidentals (i.e. excluding shopping) was €240 per night, as against €320 for Japanese, €185 for Koreans and €180 for Taiwanese. In 2009, destinations dependent on Chinese travellers were also disappointed for different reasons. The Chinese government issued an edict earlier in the year stating that no Chinese government employee could travel abroad in 2009. The biggest decline so far in 2009, in terms of outbound travel, has come from South Korea, down more than 10% over the same period in 2008 – a decline due in large part to exchange rates. In the six months from September 2008, the won went through a period of great volatility, involving massive depreciations. The report notes that South Korea was already weak as an 18


outbound travel market in 2008 following several years of consistently strong growth. Even within Asia, the once high-flying low cost airline sector suffered in 2009. Despite rock-bottom airfares, the sector has experienced capacity cuts, which resulted in lower seat availability and, inevitably, rising airfares. According to Dr Martin Buck, Vice President CompetenceCenter Travel & Logistics, at Messe Berlin, the big question now is, how sustainable are the first signs of recovery in Asia? “Analysts are divided,” he said. “Some see a 2nd dip into recession. Others think government stimulus packages have got us through the worst of it. The price of oil and the threat of H1N1 are unknown factors.” He added: “The report predicts a modest increase in outbound trip volume for Asia, but expenditure and yield levels will still be at pre-2008 levels. Within Asia we can still expect to see shorter, cheaper trips, closer to home and at off-peak times.” The report also predicts that, globally, business travel will stay flat, with many companies saying they had introduced stricter travel policies. One consequence is likely to be a rise in the price of economy tickets as airlines losing money at the front end of the plane raise economy class tickets to compensate. The findings in the ITB World Travel Trends Report were based on the assessments of 60 tourism experts from 30 countries, on a special IPK International trend analysis undertaken in leading source markets, and on core data supplied by the World Travel Monitor®, recognised as the largest ongoing survey of global travel trends in some 60 source countries. The report concludes: “There are currently too many uncertainties to be able to predict with any real confidence the likely trends in terms of travel and tourism demand from the world’s leading source regions. For the time being, pending developments over the next few months, the best ‘guesstimates’ suggest that neither Europe nor North America will do better than achieve a flat year in terms of growth, unless the economic recovery is much stronger in the USA than currently expected. But Asia Pacific should see at least a modest increase in outbound trip volume – mainly for intra-regional destinations – a trend also forecast for South America and the Middle East.”

International Tourism Trade Fairs Association

For information into the world’s top travel trade shows…

www.ittfa.org SUPPORTED BY ITTFA

Affiliate Member of World Travel Organization

Travel Trends

Deloitte Holiday and Winter Travel Survey Suggests Cautious Optimism Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Sector May Stabilize as Signs of an Economic Recovery Take Hold NEW YORK, /PRNewswire/ — While the tourism, hospitality and leisure (THL) sector continues to be challenged by current economic conditions, a new survey from Deloitte suggests reason for cautious optimism heading into the holiday and winter travel season. Deloitte’s survey of 2,000 consumers in the United States revealed that almost half (45 percent) will take a vacation or leisure trip that involves staying overnight in a lodging facility, such as a hotel, motel or a timeshare, from the beginning of Thanksgiving week through March of next year.



Additionally, the survey showed:

Additional survey results include:

18 percent will travel overnight and stay at a lodging facility during the Thanksgiving week and weekend 22 percent will travel overnight and stay at a lodging facility during December through New Year’s Day 32 percent will travel overnight and stay at a lodging facility after New Year’s Day through March

70 percent of travelers will visit a U.S. state and/or city 74 percent will visit relatives or friends 16 percent will visit a foreign country 38 percent will spend at least one vacation doing warm-weather activities (swimming or golf) 18 percent will take a ski vacation or do other cold-weather activities 34 percent will visit a historic site or a national park 22 percent will visit an entertainment park or facility 8 percent plan to do philanthropic or environmental work while traveling

When asked to compare their overnight travel plans for the same time period a year ago, 45 percent of respondents said they will take the same amount of trips this year involving an overnight stay at a lodging facility, while 25 percent said they will take more and 28 percent said they will take fewer trips. “Conditions appear to be stabilizing in the travel industry as signs of an economic recovery take hold. Room rates are still low, which is impacting revenue, but consumers are finding special offers and incentives on hotel accommodations which is helping to increase occupancy,” said Adam Weissenberg, U.S. Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure leader, Deloitte LLP. Weissenberg added, “Hotel companies should continue focusing on driving demand and building long-term customer relationships with their guests through innovative marketing and loyalty programs. When business travel gets back on track, the industry will see further improvement leading to a more complete recovery.” Survey results also suggest that some respondents may still have concerns about economic conditions, with 64 percent saying they are more cost-conscious when traveling. With the economy only in the early stages of a turnaround, respondents appear to remain cautious and are fairly evenly divided on spending plans. Almost a third (35 percent) report they will spend less this year; 37 percent expect to spend the same amount; and 27 percent plan to spend more money while traveling. As might be expected, those planning on spending less were younger, with lower incomes, and more likely to have children in the household. “This season, spending likely won’t return to levels that the industry enjoyed prior to the recession, but some segments of the population are showing more confidence in the economy,” said Weissenberg. “This could lead to some improvement over the near-term for hospitality companies and restaurants and should translate to improved long-term conditions as the economy strengthens further.” Reflecting on activities planned during the holiday/winter travel season, the majority of respondents will travel domestically and visit family and friends.

Additional Key Findings The Digital Traveler Fifty-seven percent of respondents say they often read consumer-written reviews or comments online related to travel. Interest was high across all age groups except retirees, 65 years-old and older. Further, 41 percent have used mobile devices for travel-related assistance, such as reservations or obtaining information. More than a quarter, 26 percent, have visited a travel-related company’s social media fan page. Upper income households were the most active group among all three activities. Customer Loyalty Programs Forty percent of travelers say they currently belong to at least one rewards or customer loyalty program from a hotel or other lodging facility. Travelers with the highest income levels were most likely to belong to a program. “With 60 percent of travelers not belonging to any loyalty program there is an opportunity for hotel companies to build new relationships with these travelers through programs that create long-term brand loyalty and drive repeat business,” said Weissenberg. Sustainability Remains Important Being green may still be an important factor to respondents who are traveling, with 59 percent saying they try to be environmentally conscious when traveling. Almost half, 45 percent, said they generally think that lodging facilities are acting responsibly with regard to green issues. “Hotel companies are continuing to pursue sustainability initiatives that are reducing operational costs through increased energy and water efficiency,” said Rod Millott, sustainability leader for Deloitte’s Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure sector. “There are also significant tax credits and incentives available that are making these initiatives more financially attractive. Many of these initiatives are backend and not visible to guests, so there is a real opportunity for hotel brands to communicate their sustainability success and build loyalty with their guests as environmental stewardship continues to be important.”

Tourism Ministers give insight into 2010

UNWTO Ministers’ Summit at WTM and individual minister interviews available at www.wtmlondon.com World Travel Market 2009 hosted the largestever UNWTO Ministers’ Summit which involved 147 tourism ministers and their aides. The ground breaking summit – Roadmap for Recovery: Sustainable Tourism in Challenging Times - is available to watch at the World Travel Market website (www.wtmlondon.com), which includes presentation from a number of senior private sector leaders including Thomas Cook Chief Executive Manny Fontentla-Novoa. Also available on the website are a number of individual minister interviews carried out with the support of Sky News and National Geographic. Listen to; - Jamaican Minister of Tourism Mr Edward Bartlett fear some Caribbean destinations may lose out by up to £100 million following the UK Government’s recent increase in Air Passenger Duty - Kenyan Minister of Tourism Najib Balala reveal how the country is targeting two million tourists by 2012. This follows an 87% increase in arrivals in 2009, taking the number of arrivals to just under one million - Caribbean Tourism Organisation Secretary General Mr Hugh Riley discuss the Caribbean’s focus on sustainable tourism, and - South African Deputy Minister of Tourism Ms Tokozile Xasa reveal how the country is using tourism and the hosting of the 2010 football World Cup as a catalyst for its economy, while also focusing on eco-tourism.

World Travel Market Chairman Fiona Jeffery said: “The third UNWTO Ministers’ Summit at WTM was a great success with largest ever turn out of ministers and aides. “The summit has helped to shape the future roadmap for the travel and tourism industry and will be critical in its recovery and commitment to sustainable tourism. “The summit itself and the individual minister interviews make fascinating viewing and I am delighted World Travel Market, the premier global event for the travel industry, is able to offer the industry the opportunity to watch this footage.” UNWTO Secretary-General ad interim Taleb Rifai stressed: “Travel and tourism stakeholders must work together in same way as world leaders, we have to move forward on the spirit of global cooperation. “Tourism needs to win positions on national and global agendas. Our industry can build effective and longstanding bridges between the public and private sector, be a reliable job creator and as a global industry contribute to both climate change response and poverty alleviation.”

Leading global communications company to meet at ACC Liverpool

MCI, the foremost global association, communication and event management company, have chosen to bring their prestigious management board meeting to Liverpool in 2010. The award winning ACC Liverpool, comprising BT Convention Centre and Echo Arena, will be the backdrop for the noteworthy event in April 2010. The two day event will draw together leading conference and event figureheads and decision-makers from MCI’s global offices. Following in the footsteps of other previous host locations (Monaco, Montreal, Paris and Amsterdam) ACC Liverpool will be given a platform to present the city of Liverpool as a key business travel destination for meeting and event planners. Already voted 3rd as the ‘city Conde Nast Traveller’s readers would like to visit for a short break’, ACC Liverpool also sits in 86th position of worldwide top conference destinations according to ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association) rankings. ACC Liverpool was chosen not only for its world class event facilities, but also for its location and accessibility from major European airports.



Travel Trends

HotelsCombined.com Commemorates National Hobby

Month, Naming the Top 10 Places in the United States to Pursue Hobbies - HotelsCombined.com Offers Unbeatable Hotel Deals in these Top Destinations WILMINGTON, Delaware, January 6 /PRNewswire/ — In recognition of January as National Hobby Month, HotelsCombined.com names the Top 10 Places in the United States to Pursue Hobbies, including suggested hotels in those destinations. Whether spending the day golfing at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, skiing at Amangani Resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, or collecting shark’s teeth off the coast of the Inn at the Beach Resort in Venice, Florida, travelers can rest assured they found the best hotel deals at HotelsCombined.com – the world’s largest hotel search engine and price comparison site. HotelsCombined.com Top 10 Places in the United States to Pursue Hobbies Sawgrass Marriott Resort & Spa

1. Golfing - Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. – Sawgrass Marriott Resort & Spa. TPC Sawgrass–home of the PGA TOUR Headquarters–is the ultimate golf destination. The Sawgrass Marriott offers golfers exclusive access to the PGA TOUR’s most respected tournament course – THE PLAYERS Stadium Course. 2. Cooking - New Orleans, Louisiana. – Edgar Degas Historic Home, Courtyard & Inn. The renowned culinary school, The New Orleans Cooking Experience, is located just minutes from

Amangani Resort

this luxurious Inn and grants budding chefs personalized cooking classes and vacation programs that teach authentic Creole cuisines. 3. Motorcycle Riding – Las Cruces, New Mexico. – Hotel Encanto. Motorcyclists tour Southern New Mexico on the back of a Harley and take in six different climate zones in less than an hour. After a long day of exploring New Mexico’s snowy mountains and white sand dunes, riders unwind at the Hotel Encanto. 4. Photography – Denver, Colorado. – Hotel Teatro. The traditional and contemporary feel of Denver is perfectly emulated by the Hotel Teatro, which provides photographers a great starting point to capture this city’s diverse historical architec22


Huntington Beach

ture, vibrant nightlife and beautiful natural scenery. 5. Skiing – Jackson Hole, Wyoming. – Amangani Resort. Nearly 7,000 feet above sea level, the Amangani Resort showcases panoramic views of snow-capped peaks around the Grand Teton National Park and direct access to some of North America’s most thrilling skiing terrain. 6. Fishing – The Emerald Coast, Florida. – Pelican Beach Resort. Nicknamed the “World’s Luckiest Fishing Village,” the city of Destin is a fisherman’s paradise. The resort offers access to private and group fishing charters that include a variety of half-day and full-day deep sea, inshore and bottom fishing options. 7. Antique Shopping – Hudson, New York. – Union Street Guest House. Antique collectors searching for period American furniture and fine art will revel in the Union Street Guest House central location next to 65 antique shops and five historic walking blocks. 8. Surfing – Huntington Beach, California. – Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa. Wave hunters staying at the Hyatt Regency wake up to the invigorating scent of the Pacific Ocean breeze and enjoy some of the world’s best swells in this dynamic coastal town known as “Surf City USA.” 9. Beer Tasting – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. - Penn’s View Hotel. Philadelphia’s storied brewing history and its emerging microbrewery scene is ideal for tasting countless unique ales. Situated next door to several famous brewers, this historic hotel is an easy walk home after a carefree night of sampling the local beer. 10. Collecting Shark Teeth - Venice, Florida. – Inn at the Beach Resort. Known as the “Shark Tooth Capital of the World,” Venice, Florida and the Inn at the Beach resort allow beachcombers, snorkelers and scuba divers the opportunity to discover rare shark teeth fossil buried in and around the resort grounds. HotelsCombined.com is the world’s leading hotel meta-search engine and world’s largest online hotel rate aggregator, with the largest database of 200,000 hotels in 20,000 destinations, across 195 countries. HotelsCombined.com laser targets its resources to deliver more than 900,000 real-time hotel deals which can be compared and booked directly through leading supplier partners such as Expedia.com, Booking.com, Travelocity.com and Hotels.com as well as via corporate hotel partnerships with InterContinental, Hilton and many others. More than 4.5 million HotelsCombined.com monthly worldwide visitors utilize 4.5 million hotel images, 2.5 million hotel descriptions and maps and 1.5 million customer reviews to help choose the best hotel and best available deal. For more information or to find unbeatable hotel deals, visit www.HotelsCombined.com.

TripAdvisor Travellers Reveal 2010 Trends

- Virgin Atlantic and Ryanair (4th Year Running): Best & Worst Airlines - Nearly Three-Quarters of Brits will Spend GBP1,700 or More on Leisure Travel – ‘Add Ons’ Add Uncertainty: 73 Percent of Travellers Surprised by Final Flight Price LONDON, /PRNewswire/ — TripAdvisor(R), the world’s largest and most popular travel community, today announced the results of its annual travel trends survey of more than 700 Britons, revealing that travellers are unable to predict the final cost of their flight, with nearly one-third paying unexpected additional costs at check-in. Flight Costs Travellers have become more surprised by the final price of their air ticket in the past three months. As a result of ‘add-ons,’ 73 percent have been surprised by the final cost of flight, up five percent from a survey conducted in September.* Additionally, 32 percent, up 18 percent from three months ago, have checked in at an airport and paid additional costs they were not expecting. Top Airlines The favourite airline for British travellers is Virgin Atlantic, for the second year running, followed by British Airways and Singapore Airlines. For the fourth year in a row,Ryanair is travellers’ least favourite airline by an overwhelming 41 percent, up from 30 percent last year. Eighty-two percent of travellers said that the brand of airline is at least somewhat important when making a booking decision, with 41 percent identifying it as very or extremely important. When choosing an airline, the most important factor is price followed by preferred route. Twenty-three percent are willing to fly the same airline, if it’s the cheapest option, after a really bad experience on a flight. Leisure Spending Nearly three-quarters (71 percent) of travellers will spend more than GBP1,700 on leisure travel next year, with more than onequarter (28 percent) spending more than GBP5,300. Mobiles and Wifi British travellers are in favour of staying connected while flying, as 62 percent think Internet access should be allowed on flights, up 16 percent from last year. Nine percent are even willing to pay extra for it. In regards to mobiles, 13 percent think they should be allowed on flights, compared to 10 percent last year. Germs While Travelling H1N1 virus threats will cause British travellers to be more con-

cerned about germs when travelling this year, with 26 percent packing hand sanitizer and 28 percent washing their hands more frequently. Seven percent of travellers’ holiday plans are likely to be affected by concerns about illness or the flu in the upcoming year. Additionally, 10 percent of travellers find the biggest traveller faux pas is sneezing or coughing without covering up. Environmentally Conscious Fourteen percent of British travellers will be more environmentally conscious in their travel decisions in 2010 than they were last year, far less than the French (20 percent), Italians (30 percent) and Spaniards (23 percent) revealed in a survey of 2,800 European travellers. According to Brits, the most suitable country to plan an eco-friendly holiday is Sweden, followed by Norway and Switzerland. One-fifth (21 percent) of travellers said there aren’t enough resources to easily plan an eco-friendly holiday. Holiday Activities Over three quarters of British travellers will visit a historic site in the next year, 68 percent are likely to visit a national park and over half (52 percent) will go to the theatre or opera. Nearly one-quarter (22 percent) are likely to attend a festival and 27 percent will go hiking. Additional British Traveller Tidbits: - Fifteen percent have taken slippers from a hotel room, while 10 percent have taken a washcloth and 9 percent towels. - Thirty-three percent would do a holiday “house swap” if given the right opportunity. - Perhaps because of its implementation at some U.K. airports in the past year, only 67 percent are comfortable with the new body scanners, compared to 80 percent last year. - Sixteen percent of travellers will book their holiday earlier this year than last year. - Rude seat recliners (33 percent) and children kicking the back of seats (32 percent) top the traveller faux pas onboard a flight. Troncones, Mexico is TravelCast’s Emerging Hotspot for 2010 The TripAdvisor TravelCast identifies up-and-coming travel destinations based on site data**, including increases in search activity and postings for the past year on TripAdvisor. TripAdvisor TravelCast Top Five World Destinations for 2010 1. Troncones, Mexico 2. Nairn, Scotland 3. El Chalten, Patagonia 4. Patara, Turkey 5. Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany *600 Britons took part in the TripAdvisor survey (September 2009) **Site data on TripAdvisor.com Xenios


Travel Trends EIBTM’s annual Meetings and Incentive Industry Awards were presented . The Awards, an integral ele-


ment of EIBTM and now in their 9th year, encourage creativity and reward excellence in the meetings and incentive industry. They offer recognition for the many talented event creators and marketers for their highly imaginative skills and professional execution, ideas and services. The judging panel, chaired by Jeremy Garbett, formerly MD of JMW and now founder of a new agency Deeper Blue, were looking for truly outstanding events and campaigns that were highly imaginative in concept and execution. Creativity, innovation, impact, production, expertise, interactivity, sustainability and evaluation were all key factors in the judges’ final decisions.

Winners and runners up 1st Category: Best Special Event

2nd Category: Best Conference with more than 250 attendees

Winner: Hagen Invent GmbH & Co. KG for Life is running! – HDI-Gerling Leben

Winner: Face to Face GmbH with Cast Off! Takeda Pharma

This special event was part of a change management project for HDI-Gerling, a German insurance company following the merger with HDI Lebensversicherung to form one of the largest insurance companies. The analogy of a marathon race was transposed into a strategic motivational project: to train the employees and get them fit to run – in the figurative sense to reach corporate goals – as well as to take part the Cologne Marathon which the company sponsored.

The key objective of this conference was to help communicate changes in the Pharmaceutical company Takeda by creating a collective experience for 500 delegates.

‘Life is Running’ established itself as the main internal employee programme. 263 employees participated in the marathon; 600 runners and non runners involved themselves in leisure activities and a total of 2,800 employees watched the marathon from the fan grandstand in the Centre of Cologne. The company also donated €100,000 to broadcaster’s RTL Donation Marathon. Highly commended: Insglück Gesellschaft Für Markeninszenierung mbH for International Opening Ceremony CeBIT 2009



Key highlights of the day included welcoming delegates into a harbour; nautical charts were used to manoeuvre delegates into the future and implement strategies; logbooks and modern sailing equipment were used to highlight key performance indicators and explain future targets; teams assembled boats which were then donated to kindergartens; new company guidelines were presented through role play and Tim Kroger, German America’s Cup sailor provided delegates with a motivational keynote presentation. The result was an original, well executed company event that successfully communicated core values and messages to the company. Highly commended: Torino Convention Bureau for MPI’s European Meetings and Events Conference, Torino 2009

3rd Category: Best Conference with less than 250 attendees Winner: Face to Face GmbH for We Write History (Bayer Health Care) In October 2008 Bayer Health Care launched Xarelto, a new blood coagulation inhibitor on the European market and one of the company’s most important recent launches. The task was to train and build a new team over one year into a tight and motivated business unit. The company organised five conferences around the theme of ‘We Write History’ with a kick off conference in Zugspitze, teambuilding at the Spitzingsee, a competence workshop in Königswinter, training in Warnemünde before the final launch, a five day conference in Valencia. In Valencia delegates were personally collected by ‘Fink’ the reporter and then whisked to a tapas bar to interview management. Other highlights included a visit to a monastery, a white party in the Americas Cup harbour and a press ball all culminating in the publication of Xarelton News’ – the work of all those involved who had taken on the role of journalists to ‘Write History’. Highly commended: The Companies GmbH for Funds Go 3D – Real I.S Annual Customer Meeting

Highly commended: Tourism Australia 6th Category: Sustainable Initiative of the Year Winner: World Events for World Events Company Conference 2009 World Events is a full service event management company with 120 staff in its global offices. This winning entry’s objective was to source an environmentally, eco-friendly and socially responsible venue to accommodate 120 people for a company conference and evening social with the aim to make it the company’s green ever. Based on the theme ‘Our Business Rocks’ the event featured Papakata tents used to create a sustainable village; the publication of a ‘Green guide for events’ to generate ideas on minimising the impact the event would have on the environment; locally sourced food served in recyclable boxes with vegetarian options encouraged; clothing, food and book donations to local charities and the creation of the World Events logo using the charity donations. The event was delivered to the same budget as previous years despite a 15% increase in head count demonstrating the company’s sensitivity to the current economic climate. Highly commended: Adelaide Convention Centre

4th Category: Best Incentive Programme

7th Category: Best Product Launch

Winner: Grupo Pacifico for a cinematic event for Chiesi España

Winner: Vok Dams Gruppe for Skoda World Dealer Conference

Making a movie for an incentive trip for pharmaceutical company Chieisi España was the task set for Grupo Pacifico.

Vok Dams challenge was to launch the new Skoda Yeti – the company’s first compact SUV – to 4,000 dealers attending their conference in the mountains of Austria. Not all events have the wow factor. This one did! Using the theme of the Yeti, dealers were welcomed at base camp, with views of the mountains and slopes where by magic Yeti footprints appeared in the snow. After ten steps the Yeti disappeared behind an obstacle and miraculously reappeared as the Skoda which approached the base camp tent at speed, disappearing again before reappearing in the tent in front of the guests for the first time. Other highlights of the launch included a huge Yeti ice sculpture and the opportunity to drive the car both on and off the road. The Yeti Expedition 2009 perfectly reflected the brand slogan ‘Simply Clever’. Rarely is it possible to run a central theme through all campaign activity – from product to event motto and the actual event – so cohesively as the launch of the Skoda Yeti Highly commended: Global Events for Lipton Tea

All those involved in the incentive, together with actors, were sent a script outlining their role in the movie during their time in Jordan. Nobody knew the movie plot. The scheduled cultural and tourist activities laid on were interspersed with the shooting of the film which involved a plane highjacking, Roman spies, thieves, hired assassins and heroes in the spirit of James Bond and Indiana Jones. The incentive was completed when the group flew back on a private charter flight to Madrid and the film was premiered in one of the city’s leading cinemas. Highly commended: EVT Marketing Group for ‘Hot Sales, Cools Rewards’ 5th Category: Best Destination Marketing Campaign Winner: Sarawak Convention Bureau for ‘Awaken the Warrior Within’ The campaign’s objective was deceptively straightforward – to generate new international bid opportunities for Sarawak in Borneo. The components of the campaign included a series of three full page advertisements placed in international trade publications and a five minute sequel to the Award winning ‘Recharge in a New World – Sarawak, Borneo’ destination video used in destination and sales presentations.

Commenting on the Awards, chair of judges Jeremy Garbett said: “We have been delighted this year by the highly innovative concepts of the events submitted. We have been particularly impressed with the quality of entries received in our new Award for Sustainable Initiative of the Year. It is clear that the industry, particularly from the entries received from Australia, is taking sustainable issues to heart and putting words into actions.”

The campaign generated during the period July 2008 to end August 2009 148 new bid opportunities from international organisations. Of these 93 were successfully converted and 24 are still under development. The Bureau has achieved an overall bid success rate of 68.5% with an overwhelming majority of wins being regional or international conventions



Travel Trends

Russian Tourism Industry Shows Growth of 1012% in 2010

The crisis in the Russian tourism industry is ending, and in 2010 the industry will show growth of 10-12%, announced Transaero President Aleksandr Pleshakov at the Tourism Business conference.

and reduced their profitability, and even led to bankruptcy for some. And thirdly, the intensification of the struggle of tour operators in major regional markets, which led to greater losses,” says Mr Pleshakov.

“My forecast is generally positive. At the moment we can see a clear end to the decline in the volume of tourism services. And the fall in the cost of air travel that happened this year, of about 2540%, will provide additional opportunities for growth in the tourism market in the near future,” said Mr Pleshakov.

From all this it can be concluded that the main problem of the tourism industry remains the complicated economics of tourism and excessive price competition, which has spread from the Moscow market to the regions. The Transaero president identified the situation in the Egyptian market as another challenge for the Russian travel market. “Tourist travel to Egypt is entirely subsidised by all the market participants, both tour operators and air carriers, but not by the Egyptians themselves.

According to him, market growth will be about 10-12% in 2010. At the same time, the price increases for tourism services predicted by the expert will, undoubtedly, affect operators’ revenues, which will require more effective sales management. Next year, travel agents will start to advertise more actively, which they all but stopped in order to save money. Mr Pleshakov highlighted a number of problems in the tourism market: “Firstly, the fall in prices, which played a positive role in increasing customers, but decreased revenue for the whole tourism industry. Secondly, the reduced access for a number of tourism companies to significant and cheap financial resources, which limited their ambitions 28


And as the Egyptian market has become a year-round tourist destination for Russia, this has further increased our net losses and exacerbated the situation in the industry. This loss-making destination draws in a large number of tourists from other areas,” said Mr Pleshakov. At the same time, not counting the loss of GTI-travel, tour operators have, in general, survived the crisis, says the head of Transaero. “In our view, all the major and medium-sized market participants have overcome this difficult peri-

od and shown their viability. The strong growth demonstrated by Intourist and Pegas Touristik, and the systemic development of Natali Tours and Coral Travel has forced Tez Tour and Capital Tour to regroup their resources before the next stage of their activities. We are seeing a positive new stage in the activities of the travel company Neva. And ‘second tier’ tour operators, which include Yuzhny Krest, Transaero Tour Centre and Biblio-Globus, have shown strong growth and are trying to move closer to the market leaders,” said Aleksandr Pleshakov.

1st Moscow Medical & Health Tourism Congress

18 March 2010 Within the MITT exhibition The 1st Moscow Medical & Health Tourism Congress is the biggest event in this sector in the CIS, and an ideal platform for meeting major suppliers of medical services and representatives of the tourism business from around the world. The congress will be held within the MITT 2010 exhibition in Russia, where the potential of the medical tourism market is huge, and the final formation of the sector far from finished. This is a unique chance to develop your business and increase profitability. Dedicated section at Mitt 2010 Exhibition: To supplement the Congress, exhibition space is available at the special Medical Tourism section within Mitt 2010. This is a perfect opportunity to hold talks at your own stand during the whole Mitt 2010 show, March 17-20.

Congress participants: Medical providers Tour operators and travel agents Clinic representatives and practising doctors National tourism offices from around the world Russian regional tourism administrations Health resorts and spas Insurance companies, hoteliers and airlines Consulting companies and marketing offices Plenary sessions, seminars, roundtables and working meetings: to reserve the speaking slot, please choose one of the following topics

The pace of development of medical tourism worldwide; economic indicators. Key trends and increasing sales. The effect of the economic crisis on medical and health tourism: Successful strategies and anti-crisis measures for companies in this sector. The effect of the new conditions on the structure of effective demand. Increasing the profitability of tourism companies through medical and health tourism Expanding company activities with minimal expenditure. Developing products and an optimal sales scheme (agents and direct sales). A financial mini-plan. Foreign medical tours: The main factors of demand for medical services abroad. Looking for quality medical assistance for patients from the CIS. Key criteria for choosing a foreign clinic, doctor or health resort. Medical tourism in Russia: Increasing sales by using the benefits of health tourism programmes and treatment in Russia. The best examples of the quality/price ratio. Special considerations for providing services to foreign patients. The role of the travel agent in medical tourism: The specific features of selling health and medical tours. Relations in the supplier-operator-travel agent chain. The legal framework and an optimal scheme of work. Increasing the competitiveness of companies. New ways of attracting clients: Internally auditing company activity. Simple technologies. Internet marketing, email marketing, blogs and social networks. Company websites as a tool for sales. Insurance and supplementary services: Insurance for medical and health tourists.Medical flights and emergency transportation of passengers with limited movement by regular flights. For more information about how you could take part in this important industry forum, please contact: Nikolai Asatiani ITE Moscow asatiani@ite-expo.ru Tel.: +7 (495) 935–7350 (ext. 4202): http://mitt.ru/en/congress/

Medical and health tourism as a profitable business: The rules of the business and market participants. Xenios


Adding Value Makes the Difference Industry Comment from ITTFA

Time and research have shown that exhibitions are undoubtedly an important part of the sales and marketing mix, however they do involve a considerable investment and it is therefore imperative for exhibitors to make the right choices. This decision has never been more important as we struggle through a period of recession and money has to be spent wisely. With so many exhibitions to choose from, event organisers have to work hard to ensure that they are among the chosen ones. Selling the space should only be the beginning of the story and not the end. So how do organisers retain those important exhibitors, attract new ones and add value to the cost of exhibiting? Exhibitors need to know that the visitor quality and mix is appropriate for their product or service. Visitor numbers are not necessarily an indication of success, far better to have one visitor who is the decision maker and key to your business rather than 3 who are not. So drawing in the top buyers and decision makers is a must for successful trade events. A good organiser will find out all about his exhibitors business, how they function, understand their product and customer base, what their future goals are. They will build a relationship with each client and prove that they are targeting visitors on their behalf. ITTFA member, TTG ITALIA which runs two major travel shows in Italy, TTG Incontri and BTC, achieves this in several ways including running educational and training programmes and via targeted and crossed communication on selected groups of potential visitors and exhibitors. Antonio Dell’Aquilano, Exhibition & Event Manager TTG Italia explains further. “In 2009 we organized over 100 one hour training courses during the three days of the fair, dedicated to all segments of travel professionals. We want to repeat the same successful experience in 2010. We believe that if companies have to invest their money and personnel time in participating at exhibitions, as well as the business opportunities made by the meetings at the fair, they have to come out with added professional value for their personnel too. For the same reasons, we invest money in bringing very high caliber Italian and foreign speakers for seminars. We also select segments of exhibiting companies and communicate their presence to a particular segment of potential visitors – for example we have hundreds of tour operators dealing with, among other products, golfing holidays; we target golf clubs, which are not normally associated with travel exhibitions, but they contribute by creating travel demand organizing golf holidays for their associates. We do the same with many different segments. On the other hand, we attract more exhibitors, telling them what we are doing, in terms of targeted communication, to bring specific visitors to the fair.”

“We have an on-going project at the Swedish Fair in Gothenburg where we analyze the future for fairs in general and then try to break down the conclusions as to how this will affect our fair. There is no doubt that every participant (exhibitor and visitor) are looking a lot more at what they get for their money. We have to give them a tool so they can measure their ROI. We have to have an even more direct and open discussion with the business itself so we are aware of what is real for them. Therefore we have tried to be more involved in the on going discussion of businesses and also provide different platforms where they can meet. In our business plan for TUR we have highlighted that it is vital for us to get even more involved with all the players in the business. The main thing is to be a platform for the business to meet, to be the natural meeting place and outside the fair, provide conditions where the business can meet in real life and in the digital world. We want to be on show all year in a variety of places. In order to achieve this we have tried to build up our webpage (tur.se) to provide news and topics for the business rather than only provide information about the event thus extending the life of the fair. For 2010 we will look at articles on our webpage and give our whole customer base an opportunity to comment on certain topics on our new Facebook group. We have also started “BookTUR”, a webpage where all the exhibitors can promote their best offers during the fair. You can´t buy anything on”BookTUR” you have to come to the fair to buy it. We use the BookTUR in all our public advertising which means that the exhibitors get free marketing for their products through our market. They sell more products and the public loves the good prices. It is a clear win-win! We work harder to collaborate with all the different organizations in the business and together we carry out seminars, galas, dinners etc. Thus providing more opportunities to market the show and build our network. All this will hopefully lead to the conclusion that TUR is the natural meeting forum for the business – not for our sake – but for themselves. To participate in a fair is a cost-efficient way to keep up the most important thing in all business, the personal meeting itself. There is no substitute for that. From such meetings you can build faith with your partners for successful long term relationships. TUR and TTG Italia are setting high standards and like other ITTFA members go the extra mile to prove their commitment. This is what helps exhibitors choose one show over another and in these challenging times it is important to build a close relationship for both parties to maximise results. ITTFA is dedicated to the continual development of the travel trade show industry, increasing participation and setting high standards worldwide. For details on all members visit us at www.ittfa.org For further information please contact: Wendy Walker / Sara Armitage Evans, International Tourism Trade Fairs Association (ITTFA), Email. info@ittfa.org

TUR, leading Scandinavian travel trade fair held in Gothenburg each year also looks to going that extra mile and getting closer to its exhibitors. Johan F Lundberg, Exhibition Manager of TUR gives us an insight into why TUR is so successful. Xenios


International Tourism Trade Fairs Association

For information into the world’s top travel trade shows…

www.ittfa.org SUPPORTED BY ITTFA

Affiliate Member of World Travel Organization

Travel Trade & MICE Exhibitions

International Fair of Tourism (IFT) takes place together with the Sailing Fair in three Belgrade Fair exhibiting halls, having the total area of 10,000 sq. m. The fair event is 60% oriented toward travel abroad, 20% local offer oriented toward sales at foreign markets and 20% local offer toward local buyers. The number of countries having their program presentation at the event is 50.


Date 24 - 28 February 2010 Venue Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro Edition 32nd Telephone 00 381 11 2655 377 Fax 00 381 11 2655 722 E-mail nikola.andric@sajam.rs www.ift-belgrade.com

Special topics for IFT are: 1.IT technology in tourism, software applications, booking systems 2.Short Stay Holiday presentation – programs European cities There is also a special chapter intended for the promotion of hotel chains, since only Hyatt Regency, Intercontinental and Best Western, among international hotel chains, are present in Serbia and Montenegro.

Firmly established as the leading travel trade event for Russia and the CIS, MITT annually welcomes some 3000 companies from over 100 countries and regions world-wide. MITT is also a member of the WTO and has an UFI accreditation. For further information, please contact the organisers. Participants Apartments, Camping, Hotels, Resorts, Villas, Activity & Adventure Travel, MITT-MOSCOW Airline, Airport, Business & Incentive Date 17 - 20 March 2010 Travel, Car Rental, Venue Moscow, Russia Children’s Travel, Edition 17th Coach Travel, Telephone +44 (0) 207 596 Conventions & 5043/5083 Visitors Bureau, Fax +44 (0) 207 596 5102 Cruise Lines & E-mail travel@ite-exhbitions.com Ferries, Eco-Tourism, www.mitt.ru Educational Travel, Conference/Meeting Venue & Organiser, Fishing & Hunting, Golfing Holidays, Health Resorts & Spas, Luxury Service,

Participants National Tourist Boards, Regional Tourist Boards, Tour Operators, Tourist Agencies, Spas & Health care tourism, Hotels, Transit Tourism, Railway, Air Transport, Latest Technology in Tourism, Media Parallel Activites Workshops, press conferences, presentations, video/cd showrooms, seminars, awards ceremony, dedicated technology & telecomms area Opening Hours 24 25 26 27 28

February February February February February

11.00-19.00 trade 10.00 -19.00 trade 10.00-19.99 trade and public 10.00-16.00 trade and public 10.00-16.00 trade and public

Price Per Square Metre (space only) EUR 90 / sqm + VAT per sqm (space + shell scheme) EUR 120 / sqm + VAT per sqm 2008 Figures Total space exhibition area 33,000 sqm Total net space 15,000 sqm Exhibitors 650 Main standholders 219 Sharing companies Trade visitors 8901 Mass media 981 Represented countries 40

General & Travel Trade Publications, Medical Tourism, National/Regional Tourist Board, Pilgrimage, Safari, Senior Citizen Travel, Shopping Tour, Skiing Holidays, Special Needs Holidays, Technology, Ticketing Service, Tour Operator, Tourist Attraction, Trains, Travel Trade Association, Travel Agency, Yachting. Parallel Activites

Entrance Fee: Pre registration - free entry

Seminars, presentations, workshops, press conferences Russian Travel Awards ceremony (in association with TTG Russia)

Management: Mr Nikola Andric Project Manager

Opening Hours

Member Of: ITTFA - International Tourism Trade Fairs Association YUTA - Yugoslav Travel Agencies Association

Price Per Square Metre

Organised By: Belgrade Fair 34


€ 399 per sqm space only € 499 per sqm equipped space

2009 Figures Total space exhibition area Total net space Exhibitors Trade Visitors Mass Media Represented countries Public 30,000

55,000 sqm 40,000 sqm 3000 88,741 410 157

SEK 1,640 for areas of 12-100 sqm, SEK 1,500 over and above 101sqm, for entire area. SEK 2,995 for space and rent + shell stand All in one “Basic”. Application fee SEK 5,000. 2009 Figures Total Space Exhibition Area: 37000 sqm. Total Net Space: 15,000sqm

Entrance Fee

Exhibitors: 952 exhibitors repr. 1 900 companies

USD $5 for general public

Trade Visitors: 23 000 incl entrance with exhibitor badges


Mass Media: 510. Public: 30,800

Ms Zeljka Tomljenovic, Senior Event & Sales Manager, ITE Group Plc- UK Ms Maria Badakh, Event & Sales Director, ITE Group Plc – UK Mr Sergei Gorski, Event Director, ITE LLC Moscow

Represented Countries: 102

Member Of ITTFA – International Tourism Trade Fairs Association, WTO - World Tourism Organization, PATA - Pacific Asia Travel Association, CECTA – Central European Countries Travel Association, ICCA – International Congress & Convention Association, UFI – Union de Foires Internationales

Entrance Fee Thur – Fri SEK 400 / Sat – Sun SEK 120 incl. VAT Management Mr. Johan F Lundberg - Exhibition Manager, Mr Per Magnusson - Deputy Exhibition Manager, Mrs Jane Ringenson - Sales Manager, Mrs Lise Backby-Moberg - Marketing Manager, Mrs Eva Bursell - Sales, Ms Jessica Santesson - Administration

Organised By ITE Travel Exhibitions ITE Group PLC 105 Salusbury Road London NW6 6RG UK

TUR in Gothenburg is Scandinavia's largest and leading trade exhibition gathering some 2000 exhibitors from some 100 countries- the place where the world meets the Scandinavian tour operators to do business.

TUR-GOTEBORG Date 25 - 28 March 2010 Venue Goteborg, Sweden Edition 27th Telephone (46) 31 708 80 00 Fax (46) 31 160 330 E-mail tur@svenskamassan.se www.tur.se

Participants National and International Tourist organizations, Tour Operators/travel agencies, Carriers, hotels/conference venues, SPA, rental companies, data communications, reservations systems, literature (guides, maps)

Member Of ITTFA – International Tourism Trade Fairs Association PATA – Pacific Asia Travel Association RTS – Swedish Travel & Tourist Industry Federation BTC – Baltic Sea Tourism Commission Organised By THE SWEDISH EXHIBITION CENTRE backed by:

Parallel Activites

RTS (Swedish Travel & Tourist Industry Federation); ANTOR (Association of National Tourist Offices Representatives in Sweden); The association for Swedish Tourism; PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association); VisitSweden

Seminars and conferences, appointments forum

Represented Countries: 102


Opening Hours March 25

09.00 – 18.00 trade only

March 26

09.00 – 18.00 trade only

March 27 09.00 – 18.00 trade visitors and general public March 28 10.00 – 17.00 trade visitors and general public Price Per Square Metre Xenios


Travel Trade & MICE Exhibitions

Ukraine's largest and most wellknown travel and tourism event! 761 exhibitors from 71 destinations, attracting 15,000 visitors.

TOURSIB-2009 international specialized exhibition for tourism. TourSib is the main exhibition for the tourism industry in Siberia. It offers forward-looking companies the opportunity to make their mark on the region’s tourism industry and ensure their destination attracts the attention of Siberia’s traveling population. Exhibitors from other countries and regions will find this event to be a perfect doorway to the burgeoning tourism market of Siberian region!

The Ukraine International Travel & Tourism exhibition (UITT) is the largest and most important travel industry event in Ukraine. It attracts key international travel industry players looking to promote their services and increase their presence in the Ukrainian market.

OFFICIAL SUPPORT: Russian Federal Agency for Tourism Russian Union of Travel Industry Administration of Novosibirsk region Committee on International Cooperation and Foreign economic relations, Novosibirsk Major’s Office CO-ORGANIZERS: Novosibirsk Association of Tourist Organizations (NATO) Committee for International Relations and Tourism, Administration of Novosibirsk region MAJOR EXHIBITS CATEGORIES Tourist Boards Tourist organizations and associations Travel agencies Tour operators Airlines Health resorts Hotels, hotel chains Insurance companies Transportation companies Children camps Ecological tourism Car rental companies Travel multimedia Travel clubs Professional publishers Cargo and customs companies SPA-TOURISM SPA - tourism SPA - centers SPA – resorts SPA hotels Tour companies providing SPA rest Specialized magazines of tour companies TOURSIB – 2009 FACTS & FIGURES Number of Exhibitors: 240 Represented countries: 15 Number of visitors: 3700

UITT-KIEV ITE Group Plc 105 Salusbury Rd, London NW6 6RG, UK Ph.: +44 (0) 207 596 5043 / 5083 Fax: +44 (0) 207 596 5102 web-site: http://www.travel-exhibitions.com/

Outbound tourism in Ukraine has been boosted by recent growth in the economy. As a result, more and more Ukrainian travellers are discovering new destinations. In 2009, more than 15 million Ukrainians travelled abroad. Click here for news about Ukraine's tourism industry. Representatives from all over the world come to the UITT travel exhibition to develop new international channels to increase the volume of tourism and investment in their respective countries. Many established exhibitors are stepping up their marketing activities in Ukraine. Furthermore, UITT is attracting increased attention from long haul destinations, which reflects the growing number of Ukrainians keen to explore exotic locations. Click here for the latest exhibitor list.The Ukraine International Travel & Tourism Show (UITT) is universally recognised as the leading travel industry event in Ukraine. With over 70 destinations and a substantial audience, UITT is an effective way to build your business in Ukraine. Size (2009 event): 12,500 m² Total number of exhibitors (2009 event): 761 Number of countries & regions represented (2009 event): 71 Overall number of visitors (2009 event): 15,000 (national and international) UITT is supported by: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine Kyiv City State Administration UNWTO UFI — the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry

TOURSIB-NOVOSIBIRSK 220/10, Krasny Prospekt, Novosibirsk, 630049, Russia. telephones: +7-383-2106290, 2106298, 2255151. fax: +7-383-2209747. e-mail: strutz@sibfair.ru http://www.sibfair.ru/ http://www.travel-exhibitions.com/

TOURSIB’2010 XX International Specialized Exhibition for Tourism, Leisure and Sport. Airlines.

APRIL 15-17, 2010 NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION ITE SIBERIAN FAIR is pleased to invite you to participate in

Destinations: Russian Federation, Greece, Egypt, Vietnam, Italy, Mongolia, Tunisia, Thailand, Turkey, Kazakhstan, China, Kirghizia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland. TOURISM IN NOVOSIBIRSK REGION Novosibirsk is the administrative centre of the Siberian region and the capital of Western Siberia. The region serves as a major transport hub and the biggest industrial, cultural and scientific centre in Eastern Russia. The international airport Tolmachevo links Novosibirsk with many countries of the world. Regular flights connect Siberia with Europe (Frankfurt, Munich) and Asia (Dubai, Tel-Aviv,

There is no doubt that exhibitions are an extremely

members of the travel-buying public. Relationships

powerful sales and marketing tool for the travel

are built, contracts are signed and business gets

industry, whether they are exhibitions aimed at the


international travel trade itself or those targeted at



Seoul, Beijing, Urumqi). There are charter flights to Thailand, Hainan, Czech Republic, and up to 12 flights a day from Novosibirsk to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Over the last few years, with the help of the local authorities, the tourism industry in Siberia has developed considerably and become an attractive prospect for investors. The region boasts over 1,000 travel companies, with 260 based in Novosibirsk. Most offer outbound tourism services, 20% deal with inbound tourism and approximately 80% promote regional tourism. Tourism business in Siberia is one of the industries, which are prospering in Russia, and “TOURSIB – 2009” offers a great opportunity for Siberian market development.


In 25 years in the business, BTC has helped promote meetings between service contractors and customers, inviting and hosting conference organizers and promoters from Italy, Europe and the rest of the world. In BTC the Meeting and Events Industry can find a qualified and well-organized showcase where promoters and professional event and conference organizers can meet new and interesting suppliers. The BTC fair is a 'must' for anyone planning their business and keeping up to date with the latest developments in the Meetings and Events market.

Exmedia Srl Foro Buonaparte, 74 20121 Milano Tel. Fax: +39 02 86998479 http://www.btc.it

BTC is the place where you can give selected customers the chance to live this experience. There are many benefits for exhibitors at BTC: • a complete and expert overview of the Meeting and Events industry in Italy • many meetings with experienced buyers in a short space of time.The format of the fair, based on 2 working days, allows you to develop your business without having to be away from the office for too long, so optimising time and costs • effective meetings, because the Online Agenda allows meetings aimed at satisfying mutual requirements to be set up by exhibitors and buyers, prior to the fair • networking is the order of the day, because relationships are the key to success: with customers, suppliers, colleagues and competitors • top quality training and updating, through a programme of seminars dedicated to the various types of profession • the experience of people who, for 26 years, have been bringing together customers and suppliers of the Meeting and Events Industry in Italy • assistance: our exhibitor office is available to update and assist customers at every stage. BTC is organised by Exmedia, a company of TTG Italia, part of the Rimini Fiera Group a leading group in the Italian tourist market.

Meet the experts Continuous updating and in-depth knowledge of the market are indispensable requisites for everyone and are a guarantee of quality. In particular for people, such as meeting industry professionals, who operate in a global context. BTC's aim is to consolidate its support role to operators in the sector by offering training opportunities designed to meet their various needs. The programme being prepared will include events devoted to young professionals and to the more experienced, as well as to buyers and sellers and will provide opportunities for networking. The seminars will be devoted to in-depth analysis of basic techniques, meetings with the best experts and information on market trends. The prospectus with details of the seminars and round tables will soon be on line.

KITF-ALMATY ITE Group Plc 105 Salusbury Rd, London NW6 6RG, UK Ph.: +44 (0) 207 596 5043 / 5083 Fax: +44 (0) 207 596 5102 web-site: http://www.travel-exhibitions.com/

Kazakhstan – big tourist opportunities

STARTING FROM 1993 KAZAKHSTAN IS A FULL MEMBER OF UNWTO. The Governments of foreign states consider Kazakhstan a promising partner with a great potential for tourism, and the number of international agreements on co-operation in the sphere of tourism is increasing year by year! Kazakhstan’s participation in the “Silk Road” transcontinental tourism route carried out under the aegis of UNWTO in co-operation with UNESCO opens great opportunities for the development of outbound and inbound tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. IN THE STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN - 2030 Tourism industry has been recognised as a priority sector of the Economy. In 2008 according to the statistics the main figures of tourism industry development saw an impressive increase compared to the previous year. The Kazakhstani tourists continue to travel to other countries: outbound tourism grew by 15,3 %, last year, domestic travel increased by 8.2 % and reached 4.2 million people, the total number of tourism organisations increased by 16%. TODAY KAZAKHSTAN has air communication with all countries in the World. International flights are performed by the leading international air carriers along with local air companies. Up to now 1000 tourism agencies are operating in Kazakhstan. The overwhelming majority of Kazakhstan’s travel companies provide human services to welcoming foreign citizens from CIS and non-CIS countries to Kazakhstan and outbound services for Kazakhstan’s citizens. ALMATY CITY is going to host the 2011 Winter Asian Games, and the main goal is to adequately represent the Republic of Kazakhstan to the international community.

In this dynamic and ever challenging environment,

exchange knowledge and aspirations that will help

travel trade fairs provide the backbone to the indus-

our industry grow stronger and become even more

try and a place in which we can all meet and




Meetings and Incentives in Kos Island


The island of Hippocrates, the founder of medicine

Origin of Hippocrates, Kos is the 3rd largest island of the Dodecanese and a particularly popular destination of leisure travelers in Greece. The Hippocratic Birthplace is naturally a most interesting conference location for the Medical and Pharmaceutical sciences. Medical associations and the pharmaceutical industry give their conventioneers and members the opportunity to visit the place where Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was born and bread (460-377 BC). Descendant of a whole family of renowned doctors, Hippocrates traveled around the world researching and collecting medicinal information only to return to the island of Kos where he founded and taught at his Medical School. His scientific writings, still studied today, are known as the ''Hippocratic Collection.



Origin of Hippocrates, Kos is the 3rd largest island of the Dodecanese and a particularly popular destination of leisure travelers in Greece. The Hippocratic Birthplace is naturally a most interesting conference location for the Medical and Pharmaceutical sciences. Medical associations and the pharmaceutical industry give their conventioneers and members the opportunity to visit the place where Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was born and bread (460-377 BC). Descendant of a whole family of renowned doctors, Hippocrates traveled around the world researching and collecting medicinal information only to return to the island of Kos where he founded and taught at his Medical School. His scientific writings, still studied today, are known as the ''Hippocratic Collection. Since 1996 Kos has been incorporated in the European Federation of Conference Towns (EFCT). With the privilege of having bred the father of science, on that same year the island organized and held the 1st International Medicinal Olympiad that took place jointly with the 35th Conference of the History of Medicine at the International Hippocratic Institute of Kos. The Institute is located near the Asclepeion and is equipped with a conference center, the Hippocratic Library and a Medical Museum. Kos Marina came under the management of KOS Ependitiki SA (a company owned by the Municipality of KOS town) in 1999. Since then 8 million Euros was invested, applying the ambitious program of building the

best Marina in Greece! Three years later Kos Marina is ready to offer an extensive range of services to yachts from 7 to 50 meters. Kos Marina KOS Marina is located one mile SE from Kos old harbor (Entrance: 36o 53' N 27o 18' E) and offers today: 250 berths with Mooring lines, water supply, Electricity supply 220 & 380 V from 16 to 125 Amps, Telephone connection, Satellite TV. Security/Safety Kos Marina premises are patrolled 24 hours by guards. Cameras cover the whole area of Kos Marina. Fire Precaution. All piers are equipped with fire stations with fire extinguishers; alarm system; fire hoses with both fresh and seawater circuit. All piers are equipped with emergency stations comprising lifebuoys, lifelines, emergency tele-phones and rescue ladders. Facilities & Services: Pilot speedboat, WC-showers, Trolleys, Parking Lot, Bilge pump out, Sewerage pump out, Waste oil disposal, Refuse containers, Fuel station. Administration Building with Reception, Authorities, Info center, Meeting room, Clinic & Guests' Suites. Weather report, Internet, telephone and facsimile services are offered in the Marina's Info Center, where meetings and events can be organized. Bank ATM, Baggage storage and Postal services are available. Shopping center with Cafeteriabistro, Mini Market, Laundry, Yachts Chandlers Shops, Souvenirs shops, Boutique, Rent a car, Yacht Brokers, Yachting & Travel Agencies.

Boat Yard Dry storage area adequate for 150 yachts: available in October 2001, 100 Tone Travelift Technical Services An extensive range of technical services (yacht paint & antifouling, mechanical-ElectricalElectronic repairs, yacht cleaning services, sail maker, etc.) is available upon request. Only approved technical service contractors are allowed to operate in KOS Marina. HOTSPOT - WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS Fast wireless INTERNET access in Kos Marina: your communication needs onboard and online without cords or additional installations KOS PORT MANDRAKI Since June 2004 KOS EP SA operates the Kos Mandraki Port, part of Kos historical harbour along the castle, with 40 berths, straight in the heart of the town.

Events in Kos European Beach Volley under 20 Championship in Kos For the first time in Kos Island took place, the "European Championship Beach Volley U20" with athletes of 24 countries under 20 years old. The games were held in Kos Marina in a specially designed area in accordance with the requirements of the European Volleyball Federation .

National Jet Ski Championship in Kos Hosted by the Municipal Sports organization of Kos Island in cooperation with Tritons and the Hellenic Speed Club by the categories: Racing, Stock, Novic , Pro Ski and Free Style.

Contact: Kos Municipality Akti Koundourioti 7, 85300 Kos Greece Tel.: +30 22420 24460 E-mail: kosinfo@kos.gr www.kos.gr




Kos International Convention Centre

It's of Kipriotis Hotels' great pleasure to present you an impressive proposition for conferences that really want to make a difference! On the beautiful island of Kos, birthplace of Hippocrates - father of Medicine - next to Kipriotis Hotels (5 luxury properties - 1,450 rooms total capacity) and along the azure Aegean coastline stands Kos International Convention Centre (KICC)



With 40 meeting rooms of 7,000 people total capacity (5,500 KICC and 1,500 Iberostar Kipriotis Panorama Hotel), main auditorium 2,300 seats and 3,000m2 of exhibition space, Kos International Convention Centre is the largest autonomous, purpose-built, multi-functional Convention Centre in Greece. The globally known Kos International Convention Centre is an impressive 3 level modern building, situated directly adjacent to Kipriotis Village Resort - the biggest hotel of the group- and only a breath away from the remaining 4 Kipriotis Hotels. KICC is one of the most luxurious Convention Centres offering the latest in meeting technology. High standard materials, modern ideas and excellent space design were adopted and applied in order to achieve maximum comfort, prestige and splendour that will make your meeting, conference or convention special! With excellent infrastructure, designed and built with the conference market needs in mind, Kos International Convention Centre (KICC) offers state of the art conference facilities and is justifiably placed on the top of the list as one of the best Convention Centres in the Mediterranean.

More specifically Kos International Convention Centre (KICC): -Is the only Convention Centre that can host in the same building and operate at the same time - in parallel - 25 meeting rooms -Is the only Convention Centre with completely autonomous catering facilities that can cater for more than 1,000 people -Is the only Convention Centre supported by accommodation facilities of 1,450 guestrooms next to it. As one of the most important Convention Centres in Greece and Abroad, with state of the art infrastructure and a number of years of experience in the organization and execution of multiple, highly important Meetings and Conferences, Kos International Convention Centre doesn’t only promise but guarantee the success of any event that really wants to make a difference!

18th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution Kos, Greece

This is the 18th Annual Meeting in the successful series of International Conferences dealing with Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution. This successful series first started in Mexico (1993) and continued in Barcelona (1994); Halkidiki (1995); Toulouse (1996); Bologna (1997); Genova (1998); San Francisco (1999); Cambridge (2000); Ancona (2001); Segovia (2002); Catania (2003); Rhodes (2004); Cordoba (2005); New Forest (2006); Algarve (2007); Skiathos (2008) and Tallinn (2009).

willingness of governments to regulate air pollution is often balanced by concerns over the economic impact of such regulation. Science is the key to identifying the nature and scale of air pollution impacts and is essential in the formulation of policies for regulatory decision-making.

economic systems. Venue : Kipriotis Panorama 85300 Psalidi, Kos, Dodecanese Greece Tel: +30 22420 55564 Fax: + 30 22420 55570 Email: p.papachristou@kipriotis.gr

Continuous improvements in our knowledge of the fundamental science of air pollution and its application are necessary if we are to predict, assess and mitigate the air pollution implications to local, regional, national and international

All these meetings have attracted outstanding contributions from leading researchers from around the world with all papers since 1993 permanently stored in the WIT eLibrary at http://library.witpress.com. Air Pollution is one of the most challenging problems facing the international community; it is widespread and growing in importance and has clear and known impacts on health and the environment. The human need for transport, manufactured goods and services brings with it impacts on the atmospheric environment at scales from the local to the global. The rate of development of the global economy brings new pressures and the




Rhodes: A Cultural & Congress Destination

Rhodes is the third in size island of Greece and one of the most developed Mediterranean islands. Rhodes was one of the first Greek areas which develop infrastructure for the tourism and meetings industry.

The medieval city of Rhodes, a place characterized by UNESCO as a monument for the worlds cultural heritage, is the largest medieval city in Europe inhabited today. Other places to visit is the Grand Master's Palace, the Archeological Museum, the Decorative Museum, the National Gallery, the Acropolis of Rhodes. The island of Rhodes has an ideal winter climate and holds the European sunshine record, with an average of 330 sunny days per year. The island's International airport 'Diagoras' is located 15 km from the city centre.

-Rhodes has a developed tourism infrastructure. Many incoming, Rodos-based travel agents operating conference and incentive brands. -Easy air and sea access to the surrounding islands, Athens, Turkey and elsewhere -Rhodes sporting infrastructure includes a 18-hole golf court, horse riding, tennis, mini-golf, water-parks, scubadiving and sailing.

Meetings & Incentives in Rhodes The same attributes that made Rhodes a particularly popular cosmopolitan tourist destination for over 30 year are still today those that make the island very attractive to the organizers of conferences and incentives seeking for novice qualitative ideas. It comes as no surprise when an organizer returns with a group that has been on the island for an unforgettable holiday trip for a conference or an incentive this time and vice versa. Rhodes enchants each year more and more holidaymakers from the thousands of conventioneers it receives each year. The island provides to a meeting planner all the necessary contemporary facilities of a complete destination complemented with an identity rich in heritage and culture and an array of picturesque locations.

-Exquisite endertainment possibilities include the new Casino in Rhodes town and a numerous restaurants, bars and night

Rodos features include: -Excellent conference and incentive facilities, Rodos has more than 16,000 conference seats -Many large, modem hotels of world-class standards. Only in Ixia, within 5 minutes distance, more than 10,000 luxury beds can be found. 42


-The Sound and Light performance takes place at the Palace of the Grand Masters.

clubs with local and international origin.

Conference Venues in Rhodes Rodos Palace Few venues can lay claim to having forged the image of a privileged conference and holiday destination. With more than 2500 conferences, incentives and exhibitions held in its premises, the Rodos Palace has braced an international reputation as a top meeting venue, that lends its legacy of success to grant you the assurance that the hotel you select is capable of handling every aspect of your meeting with the confidence borne of 30 years of experience. -9000 sq.m. meetings, pre-function & exhibition space -4800 delegates total seating capacity -2500 conferences, events, incentives & exhibitions Lindian Village In Lindian Village, a modern equipped

Conference Hall for special meeting or summits accommodating up to 350 persons equipped with individually controlled air conditioning and state-of-the-art technological equipment. Lindian Village is the latest arrival in the Mediterranean hospitality business, owned and managed by Sviriades S.A., a succesful presence in the Greek Hoteling since the early 60's. Located on the idyllic beach on the South-eastern tip of the island of Rodos, compining the Aegean island style architecture with modern cutting edge aesthetics, this deluxe resort offers high level facilities and impeccable personalized service, satisfying the needs of today's discerning traveler. Rodos Park Suites Hotel Looking across the soft green swathes and the medieval city, Rodos Park Suites & Spa is one of the most desirable places to stay. Luxurious and stylish, yet cosy and inviting, all 59 renovated rooms and suites reflect a distinctive design with exclusive materials. Whether for 10 or 320 people, a dedicated team ensures that even the last detail of your event will be just perfect, combining perfection and imagination to ensure that every function is well remarked and happily remembered.

Symi island "Symi has the most beautiful harbour in Greece. On either side of a steepsided fjord rise tier upon tier of houses, some white, some pastel yellow, but virtually all with Neo-Classical pediments - a reminder that 100 years ago this was one of Greece's most prosperous islands. There has been virtually no modern concrete construction here and now these fine old houses are being resurrected for visitors. The spirit of the island remains intact." ABOUT SYMI Symi is located in the Southern Dodecanese, north of Rhodes and close to the coast of south-west Turkey. Symi is just over 13 km north/south and about 8 km east/west with an area of some 68 square km. SYMI FESTIVAL Symi Festival is organised every Symi Festival is organised every summer for the last thirteen years. The idea is based in the disenterested participation of artists and organisers. There is neither ticket in the cultural events nor payment for the artists. The Town Hall covers the expenses of going and stay of the participants. Symis Festival has to do with several cultural activities like classical and modern music con-

certs, dance, thetre, cinema, literature evenings, conferences. All these manifestations take place in buildings with traditional architecture of 17th, 18th, 19th century like the famous manor house of Chatziagapitos, the courtyard of Saint John and the monastery of Panormitis. Symis Festival popularity has attracted famous artists to participate like NANA MOUSCHOURI, LEONIDAS KAVAKOS, LAVREDIS MACHAIRITSAS, STAVROS XARHAKOS, THANOS MIKROUTSIKOS, DIMITRA GALANI, MARIA FARADOURI, STEFANOS KORKOLIS, ORCHESTRE OF MOSCOW Symi has also put up with important conferences such as EMIGRANT HELLENISM, NEOCLASSICAL ARCHITECTURE, LITTERATURE OF EMIGRANT HELLENISM, HEALTH NURSING IN SMALL ISLANDS OF SOUTH AEGEAN www.symi.gr Xenios


RODOS PALACE CELEBRATED Closing Ceremony- Grand Masters’ Palace



Prestigious Rodos Palace , Greece’s leading convention resort celebrated in a spectacular way its 35th year of successful operation with a series of inno-

Especially, in the MICE sector, the year 2009 proved to be another extraordinary year for the company. A prominent number of international conferences, meetings, events and incentives were organized, from a wide collection of fields such as politics, science, medical, art, culture & tourism , which coupled with prestigious corporate meetings and incentives from Greek and multinational companies that have taken place, reaffirmed Rodos Palace’s eminent position as an internationally acclaimed meeting venue with the confidence born of its 35 years of experience. Indicatively are mentioned: 11th European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery(ESPRAS Congress) 41st European Brain Behavior Society Meeting (EBBS 2009)

vative and pioneering

2nd International Conference from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N-2009)

management actions,

7th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering ICCMSE 2009

such as the full completion of an extensive renovation & transformation program both in the resort and in the confer-

2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering COMPDYN 2009 36th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2009) 4th International Tourism Scientific Conference NATO Information Systems Committee Meeting (Data Link Working Group) Independent Democracy Group in European Parliament Women of Europe “AGORA 2009 Meeting ”

ence areas of the estab-

2nd Piano Forum & International Music Festival Gina Bachauer

lishment, as well as, the

HEWLETT PACKARD (Euro Mediterranean Meeting of Top Executives)

lavish investment to the addition of outstanding

L’ OREAL Portugal (Incentive Program) Reception of Candidate U.S. President JOHN McCAIN

amenities & services offering superb value-formoney to its distinguished leisure guests and conference delegates.




11th European Plastic Congress

35 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL OPERATION Newly redesigned Indoor Pool

Bungalow suites

Rodos Palace! A meeting place that combines the efficiency of an internationally acclaimed Convention Center with a capacity of 4800 delegates in 20 distinct meeting rooms and 100 The investment plan consisted of the radical redesign of 220 Garden & Pool adjustable break-out rooms and the VIP Suites, including also the 20 New Bungalowsuites and the lavishly appointed Imperial Suite. The Bungalowsuites, located on the top of the hill enjoy fascinating views pleasure inherent to a deluxe Resort Hotel of 785 rooms and suites together of the Aegean Sea. They consist of 3 levels in maisonette style and their d?cor blends with a dedicated Executive VIP Wing and luxury with minimal touches of natural materials and soft color schemes. They are ideal the new 200 Luxury & Garden VIP Pool for families who seek privacy, autonomy, elegance and relaxation. Suites to create synergies. Bracing this combination, the experience A significant part of the investment plan was also the restructuring of the borne of more than 2500 conferences, landmark for the hotel Indoor Pool which is covered with a gigantic plexi-glass dome incentives and exhibitions held in Rodos unique in Europe. Constructed in an ultra modern architecture blending interior landPalace grants you the assurance that the scape with contemporary and natural materials, the Indoor Pool can host splendid venue chosen is capable of delivering events, dazzling parties and outstanding functions for up to 3.000 persons . what it promised. After all‌ these have A number of world-known personalities and celebrities have visited Rodos been the main keys of success of a Palace in 2009 and had the opportunity to choose for their stay the Garden VIP Suites World of Meeting Hospitality just waiting and the new lavishly appointed Imperial Suite. to welcome you. More specifically, from the world of international politics the candidate The International Convention President of U.S. John McCain, the American Senators Joseph Lieberman and Susan Collins, the President of the Central commission of the Republic of China He-Guonqiang, Center and the Prime Minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina Milorad Dodik. From the world of sports A pioneer since its inception, an ever the President of FIBA George Vassilakopoulos, from the world of culture and show biz the famous artist Alekos Fasianos , the fashion designer Vasilios Kostetsos, the American anticipator of changing needs, the Rodos singer Adam Cohen, the TV showman Nikos Aliagas, and Eurovision singer Sakis Rouvas Palace has followed its mission at the forefront of international meeting venjust to name a few. ues and evolved into its current status as Greece's Leading Convention Resort, The 35th Anniversary of Rodos Palace was stamped with a three-day celebrawith a legacy of more than 2500 confertion which included a fashion show from the famous Greek designer Vasilios Kostetsos , ences, incentives, exhibitions and a concert from international singer Tamta, followed by a glamorous anniversary party, which was thrown in the newly redesigned Indoor Pool area of the hotel, where singers events held in its premises over 35 years of experience. and artists gave their performance and invited celebrities who honored with their presence the event. The extremely flexible nature of the Convention Center is legendary among meeting planners, as it offers 9000 sq. m. of meetings, pre-function and exhibiThe new Imperial Suite tion space, within which the halls, lounges and rooms can be used individually or combined, in terms of total combined capacity, the Center accommodates 4800 delegates, but versatility gains equal importance, since, whatever size of event you are planning, there is the just perfect venue for it among 20 purpose-built meeting rooms, ranging in capacity from 20-1350 persons. Additionally, the venue offers 100 hospitality suites and adjustable break-out rooms. Besides sophisticated AV Equipment, the venue now offers in all areas Wireless Internet Access with WiFi. In addition, in the leisure sector Rodos Palace, after the successful completion of its 3 year investment plan, offered high quality hospitality services even to its most discerning and demanding clientele.




Crete: The Warm Welcome of Europe

Crete is Greece’s largest island and fifth in the Mediterranean. Crete is the southernmost region in the EU and is a natural border between the Aegean and Libyan Sea marking the boundary between Europe and Africa. As legend has it, it was here where Zeus (the Father of all Gods) was born and Curettes danced their pyrrhic dance to muffle his cries. Crete was his burial ground as well. Crete encapsulates the beauty and calm of the Aegean with the mysticism of the East combined with a diverse landscape. Its scenery enraptures visitors due to its strong contrasts from snowcapped mountains to palm fringed beaches. It is estimated that the island has 155 kilometres of sandy beaches making it an ideal destination for water sports, leisure activities or simply swimming.



With its marvellous climate – the sea is warm enough for swimming from the middle of April until November - unique natural beauty and vast conference infrastructure; Crete is an ideal destination for every kind of congress, summit, business meeting and product launch. Crete is commutes directly by air with most European cities from March to November and via Athens all year. On the island there are 2 airports: one in the city of Heraclion and the other in the city of Chania. Crete’s conference and incentive infrastructure includes: Nine purpose built facilities in all four prefectures with capacities ranging from 110 to 2000 delegates 53 hotels ranging from five to three star hotels all with in-house facilities with capacities from 16 to 5,000 delegates Cretan Diet During all historic times, Crete has been the sunray of the Mediterranean, the one that has always been shining connecting civilization and the population of three continents. The outcome of this union, has been the Minoan Civilization, that was born in Heraklion and the monuments that it left behind (Knossos, Festos, etc). Its soul remains unchanged, its character has not been altered and the essence of life stable.

“The miracle still works”. The tasty fruits of Cretan earth and the gourmet secrets of the locals will make its visitors forget their homelands, just as it's happened with Ulysses in the island of Calypso, Gavdos, a few millenniums ago. Leaving Crete, the visitor will only make one wish to come back soon so as to continue his journey in the beautiful island, that even after a civilization of 4.000 years, still remains undiscovered. The traditional Cretan nutrition has been scientifically proved to be the healthiest in the world. Traditional restaurants serve exclusively traditional Cretan cuisine to the visitors whilst providing information on its secrets and attributes. It is not without good reason that Cretans hold the record of long living. Crete Golf The Crete Golf Club offers the best of golf. 18 holes in a desert course design. Each hole individually sculptured, seamlessly blending into the existing landscape. Designed by PGA Design Consulting of Great Britain, this course offers dramatic views and truly tests every aspect of the golfer's repertoire. Continually breezy conditions allow play in summer, the mildest Mediterranean climate invites you to each season. Enjoy life in the opulent clubhouse catering to your every need and meet the friendly team, all ready to serve you.

The Crete Golf club lies approximately 24 km east of the 'Nikos Kazantzakis' International Airport of Heraklion and 7 km south of the town of Hersonissos, favourite with tourists. Heraklio of Crete aims to hold more meetings and incentives all year round as well as sportsteams' training and golf tourism . Civilization Crete, and Heraklion in particular, has one of the oldest histories in the world, since this is the place, where the first European civilization developed, and one of the most important of all times. The Minoan Civilization, that reached its peak 3000 years ago in Heraklion and left us significant archaeological sites, such these of Knossos, Festos, Mallia, Tilisa, Archanes and many others. The well known archaeological sites and Heraklion's museums, attract every year millions of tourists from all over the world. The Cretan land, nevertheless, is full of remnants of many different civilizations that passed from there, developed and left precious cultural traces. So, except for the Minoan monuments, one can find Hellenistic and Roman monuments, Byzantine churches and monasteries, Venetian castles and forts. Later on, Crete became famous for its Hagio-

graphic School, and its famous children, the painter El Greco and the author Nikos Kazantzakis. The Cretan culture and tradition, is strongly connected to the renowned Cretan hospitality that finds multiple ways to express itself, through daily life. As far as, the Cretan civilization is concerned, it still lives and continuous to thrive, through literature, theater, music dance, local festivals and other cultural activities that one can see in Crete, all year long in all traditional areas, cities and provinces. Nutrition

In Crete, there are 1.700 kinds of self-growing plants, 200 of which can be eaten and 130 are pharmaceutical. The opportunities for an escape, offered by the various and wild Cretan landscape, are unique, throughout the year and for all kinds of holiday makers, who wish to combine the high quality of services offered with the discovery of a different experience. A walk through the countryside, the exciting sports, the sightseeing in the archaeological sites and the contact with the locals and their daily life, as well as, the Cretan cuisine, are only few of the experience that the visitors can have. Often, the only things required are a basic gear and the necessary excitement.

The Cretan nutrition is strongly connected to the Cretan tradition and cuisine, based mainly on olive oil. Legumes, wild vegetables, honey and wine that has a tradition of over 3.500 years. The Cretan nutrition and oil, constantly acquire scientific acceptance, for its characterization as extremely healthy, since it contributes to longevity and of course, the praises of all gourmets. The modern life style has not affected the nutrition of the locals and the old recipes reach our days. A glass of local wine or 'tsikoudia', will be holy communion to that sacred mystery with the secrets of local tradition.




Gran Melia Luxury Resort & Villas Daios Cove Crete

Created in 2009, the resort brings together traditional Cretan architectural forms and avantgarde design, designed by the prestigious architecture firm, 3SK STYLIANIDIS. A unique place of rejuvenation and relaxation, perfect for sampling the joys of Crete. The resort is situated in the famous area of Agios Nckolaos, just ten minutes away from Elounda village and 50 minutes from Heraklion airport. From the sanctuary of 300 Suites & Villas and 165 independent swimming pools, the Gran Melia Crete, offers the guest a reassuring spectacular views of the cove and the turquoise sea at sunset. 48


‘Gran Melia Hotels & Resorts’ is the premier collection of Sol Melia and represents the company’s more than 50 years of knowledge and strong values. Architecturally significant, this portfolio of first-class hotels and resorts are designed to completely engage the multi-cultured expert traveler. ACCOMODATIONS 300 Suites & Villas. 238 Junior Suites & Suites with living area and private balcony. Most suites with independent heated swimming pools 4 J.Suites Handicap accessible 18 One Bedroom Suites with independent pool and Sundeck. 11 Spa Villas with independent swimming pool, sauna and fitness area 28 One-, two- and three-bedroom Luxury Villas with independent pools and Sundecks. 1 Daios Mansion (720 m2), with private indoor and outdoor heated swimming pools and Sundeck. RED LEVEL ACCOMMODATIONS Red Level takes luxury service to an even higher plane. Where limits drop away, replaced by possibilities. Our most elevated service program features: The discreet, dedicated assistance of personal Butlers throughout your stay Exclusive VIP access to the Red Level

Lounge for private check-in and check-out Media lounge with wide-screen TV and selection of international newspapers Access to computer terminals with complimentary high-speed Internet Daily continental breakfast, coffee and beverages served all day, evening cocktails with hors d’oeuvres Preferential reservations for dining, spa treatments, activities and more Personalized pillow menu and wake-up calls Special in-room aromatherapy menu Private parking RESTAURANTS AND BARS Greek Tavern Serving local specialties, overlooking the sea with our genuine raw bar. Also servicing the beach with refreshing cocktails and seafood specialties Ocean Club Fun, fresh fare served in a spectacular setting; full of culinary surprises Ocean Club Wet Bar Have your favorite cocktail while still at the swimming pool Pangaea International food bazaar Cristal Box Where chic travellers come for night-time cocktails, live chill-out DJs and lots of fun.

LOCATION Gran Melia Crete is an architectural masterpiece perfectly integrated into the surrounding landscape. Perched on the north-eastern coast overlooking Daios Cove, it boasts the rare privilege of an east-west orientation for enjoying both sunrises and sunsets, and offers guests a private bay and white-sand beach. The resort is just 10 minutes from the village of Elounda – an area emerging as the Aegean’s premier luxury destination – and less than an hour from Heraklion Airport. LOCAL ATTRACTIONS within 60 minutes drive • Knossos Palace - The largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and the ceremonial and Political centre of the Minoan civilization and culture. • Archaeological Museum – Housed in an old Venetian church, this fine collection of sculpture,

Mosaics and pottery dates back to The Neolithic • Samaria Gorge, 2,5 hrs drive – A national park with the longest ravine (18 km) in Europe, boasting Spectacular landscapes. A rugged walk down to Agia Roumeli takes six or seven hours • Spinalonga – A short boat trip from Elounda, this small islet is the site of one of the most important Venetian fortresses on Crete built in 1579 to protect the harbour • Lake Voulismeni – Myth holds that the goddess Athena used to bathe in this small circular lake in the centre of Crete.

YHI SPA An oasis for recharging the mind and body. Hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, facials, massages, wraps, workouts and salon treatments. At the accompanying health club, stateof-the-art equipment and personal trainers will let you put fitness first. Five Treatment Rooms Spa Suite, with private sauna/steam room capacity up to 4 people. Master Spa Suite with sauna/steam

room up to 6 people. Indoor infinity pool Indoor floating pool with water ritual circuit Sauna and Steam Room. Contrast Thermal Shower Circuit State of the art Gym Outdoor and indoor Studios

MEETING FACILITIES GRAN MELIA CRETE EVOKES THE INTIMATE CHARM OF THE traditional village found throughout the Greek islands, expressed in an elegant, contemporary aesthetic. In this dramatic setting of incomparable beauty, Gran Melia delivers a bold new statement on the nature of hospitality, delivered through signature RedGlove Service.SM From banquets to intimate meetings and outdoor facilities, Gran Melia Crete has the space, style and service to make any event a memorable success.




8th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media

6th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2010)

17-20 MAY 2010, Athens, Greece The Mass Media & Communication Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (AT.IN.E.R.) organizes its 8th annual international conference on Communication and Mass Media, 17-20 May 2010. The registration fee is â‚Ź250 (euro), covering access to all sessions, two lunches, coffee breaks and conference material. Special arrangements will be made with local hotels for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of special events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment, a special one-day cruise in the Greek islands and a half-day archaeological tour in the wider area of Attica (Athens) tour.

5 May - 7 May, Eugenides Foundation The 6th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2010) will be held in Athens, Greece on May 4-7, 2010 and is organised by the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos, in collaboration with the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN). The conference aims: to bring together researchers who work actively on the field of Artificial Intelligence, to support the exchange of opinions and the formation of new research groups and collaborations, to disseminate original and highly-qualitative results of the Greek AI community and Greek research labs, fostering international collaborations, to inform undergraduate and postgraduate students about the current state of affairs of AI research as conducted by scientists in Greece and worldwide, to promote research results to companies and facilitate the development of innovative products.



The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars and students of Communications, Mass Media and other related disciplines. You may participate as panel organizer, presenter of a paper, chair of a session or observer. Past conferences drew participants from five continents and more than 50 countries, presenting papers on diverse topics such as political communication, EU enlargement, Website design, cross-media ownership, war correspondence, cultural studies, film, public relations, telecommunication policy, advertising, agenda setting, juvenile audience preferences, and cross-national communication, among others. Papers (in English) from all areas of mass media and communication are welcome. Selected papers will be published in a Special Volume of the Conference Proceedings or in Edited Books as part of ATINER's mass media and communication book series. For Books and Proceedings of previous conferences you may visit

http://www.atiner.gr/docs/MEDIA_PUBLICATIONS.htm where you can download tables of contents and order forms. The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) was established in 1995 as an independent academic organization with the mission to become a forum, where academics and researchers from all over the world could meet in Athens and exchange ideas on their research and discuss the future developments of their discipline. Since 1995, more than 100 international conferences were organized and more than 80 books have been published. The Institute is organized into four research divisions and 19 research units. Each research unit organizes at least an annual conference and undertakes various small- and largescale research projects.

Destination Athens... revisited Presenting more choices for things to do or see while in Athens.

The ACB workshop took place at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre as part of the International Meetings and Incentives Conference 2010 with the participation of distinguished speakers and a huge response from individuals in the tourism sector, representatives of the foreign media and diplomatic missions, tourism enterprise executives and others. During the workshop, unknown aspects of tourist Athens were presented, along with a variety of alternative activities that visitors to the city could choose from, regardless of whether they are in Athens for professional reasons - conferences, company meetings, etc. - or taking part in an incentive travel programme. The main conclusion drawn from the workshop was the fact that Athens is a destination that uniquely combines the basic characteristics of a business travel destination (access, infrastructure, quality hotels, security, etc.) with a multitude of options of an ideal destination for city and pleasure tourism (culture, entertainment, tours-excursions, outdoor activities and water sports, etc.). As it was noted, the ACB uses these advantages in every one of its promotion and marketing activities abroad, strengthening the image of Athens in the "pre/post congress" activities sector. City of Athens Council Member and

President of the Athens Tourism and Economic Development Company, Dr Katerina Katsabe, in opening the workshop, referred to the tourism policy framework that is being implemented on the initiative of Mayor Kaklamanis and presented ATEDCo's activities.

Capital Link Greek Shipping Forum: Accessing Capital in Today's Markets

"The City of Athens and the Athens Tourism and Economic Development Company, in rising to the challenges and overcoming difficulties they have faced as a destination, invest in activities that reinforce existing tourism infrastructure and develop new ones, communicate a unified and competitive identity for Athens and promote the city beyond the country's borders with professionalism, creativity and expertise," she said. The workshop included presentations and interventions by Giorgos Angelis, Director of the ACB; Artemis Skoubourdi, tour guide and writer on Athens; Diana Kohyla, journalist-author and expert on traditional cuisine and nutrition; Dimitris Efremoglou, CEO of the Foundation of the Hellenic World; Christos Anagnostou, winemaker and President of the Association of Wineproducers of Ampelonas Attikis (ENOAA); Penny Doska, Senior Project Manager for Kipling Events; and Giorgos Pittas, hotelier and author.

23 February, Athens Ledra Marriott Hotel The 2010 Greek Shipping Forum in Athens, Greece debates the current trends in the shipping, financial and capital markets and focuses on the latest capital raising methods and various alternative funding options in a tight credit market for public and private ship owners. Also, how to manage risk in today's global and highly volatile market environment. The Forum will also evaluate new and emerging business models by the Greek Shipowning community in response to asset value reductions and volatility in the global shipping markets. Taking a hard look at new global investment strategies and risk, the Capital Link Shipping Forum is designed as an interactive informational and networking forum for addressing a range of current opportunities and challenges specific to the shipping community but relevant to all global financiers and investors.




AIA recognises airlines with greatest growth in 2009

Athens International Airport recog- At the same time, in recognising the

growth recorded by airlines in 2009 -- a nised the airlines showing the most particularly difficult year for this sector -AIA awarded airlines which achieved the marked growth in 2009, as it does best performance, showing increased passenger numbers on regularly scheduled every year, as part of the Airline flights to and from Athens. It should be noted that last year, the Athens airport was the only large airport in Europe to see Marketing Conference it hosts an increase in the number of flights (+5.4%), while it came in second place in annually. Europe for the smallest reduction in passenger numbers (-1.5%).

Celebrating 10 years in existence, AIA's 10th anniversary Airline Marketing Conference was held at

AIA presented awards to the following airlines: A. Award for the fastest growing new company at Athens International Airport The award was presented to Swiss compa-

the City of Athens' Technopolis and ny Baboo, which recorded the highest number of passengers in 2009 among

was attended by 200 airline repre- companies which became active at AIA sentatives. As always, the conference was a unique opportunity for

during 2008. B. Award for the fastest growing company among 10 companies recording the highest passenger numbers in 2009

the airport administration to com- Emirates was the recipient of the award

for the fastest growing company among 10 companies recording the highest passenger numbers in 2009. ics such as: an overview of the air- C. Award for the fastest growing company operating schedules on thin routes

municate with the airlines on top-

line market in 2009, the international economy and airports, the impact of Athens Airport on the

Bulgaria Air was the recipient of the award for highest percentage increase in annual passenger numbers for 2009. D. Award for the fastest growing company with seasonal routes

Greek economy, modern modes of Air Baltic was the recipient of the award

for highest percentage increase in annual

communications, airline passenger passenger numbers during the summer bonus programmes and others.

season of 2009. E. Award for the fastest growing company in a geographic area (highest percentage increase in passenger numbers 20082009) Aegean Airlines was recognised in this category as the fastest growing company in the Western European market. LOT Polish Airlines was awarded the fastest growing company in the Eastern



European market. Emirates was awarded the fastest growing company in the Middle Eastern market. Delta Airlines was awarded the fastest growing company in the American market. Aegean Airlines was recognised for showing the highest percentage increase in passenger numbers in the domestic market. Aegean Airlines was also recognised as the fastest growing company in the African market. Aegean Airlines also earned recognition as being the company with the highest increase in passenger numbers at "Eleftherios Venizelos" Airport in 2009. Guest speakers at the 10th AIA Airline Marketing Conference included Titos Simitzis, CEO of Alternative Research Solutions; Nigel Newman, Global Master Trainer - De Bono Thinking Systems; and Petros Petrogonas, Director of Strategic Planning at Leo Burnett.


Yperia 2010: an International Meeting for culture and tourism


Yperia 2010:


an International Meeting for culture and tourism which has been successfully organized since 2003, by Aegialis Hotel & Spa in cooperation with the Cultural Association of Tholaria Women in Aegiali – Amorgos island.

The First Short Film Festival of Amorgos is being organized for the period between 8th and 11th of April 2010, as part of the 8th International Convention for Culture and Tourism “YPERIA 2010” which will take place at Aegialis Hotel & Spa in Aegiali. Other related activities are: International Meeting of Tour Film Festival Organizers from different countries. Greek Film Academy. The Festival aims : To promote Short Films and to develop a spirit of friendship and cooperation among producers from around the World. To create a New Meeting Place for presentation and discussion on maters of information, technology and techniques, for the benefit of Amorgos and the surrounding areas. Films can participate, if the production was concluded after January 1, 2008, and the duration is no more than 25 minutes.

Culture and Tourism are two meanings closely influenced by each other. For this reason, all the years of Yperia organization, the topics of the conventions are related to the Cultural Heritage , the Civilization and the environment of Amorgos, which are promoted through articles and films of Greek and International Media by the invited journalists, photographers and film makers from different countries around the world.. “YPERIA” was one of the ancient names of Amorgos.(Other names were Pagali, Karkisia, Melania) The inspiration for organizing the 1st YPERIA 2003, happened when the President Mrs. Irene Giannakopoulos and other members of the board of the Tholaria Women Cultural Association, realized during their visit to the Scandinavian Travel Shows, that there was not enough information for the public, related to the upcoming Olympic Games of 2004, in Athens. The ladies, under the Presidency of Mrs. Irene Giannakopoulos, thought that this information could be easily spread around the world, through the Media, so journalists were invited from different countries, and representatives from the Olympic Committee, to give the journalists all information and details regarding Olympic Games 2004. It was also decided, this International Meeting, to be dedicated to the French producer Mr. Luck Besson, as an honor and recognition for his contribution to the development of Amorgos island through his successful movie “The Big Blue”, filmed on Amorgos, which made the island famous around the world. At YPERIA 2009, there was representation from 22 different countries.



The main topic of this year’s Convention will be “Alternative forms of Tourism”, including: Eco tourism and environment. Health tourism Hiking and herbs on Amorgos Amorgian - Mediterranean Gastronomy Religious Tourism A new entry to YPERIA 2010 will be : Amorgos Festival of Short Tourist Films Meeting of Tour Film Festival Organizers from different countries. Greek Film Academy Distinguished people from Greece and countries from around the world are invited for the occasion, mainly journalists interested in Tourism and Travelling, but also local authorities, Political Representatives, Scientists, people from the Theatre and Arts. There will be the opportunity to develop contacts to promote the development of sustainable tourism. Views will be exchanged and there will be an introduction to the History and Culture of Amorgos. There will also be photograph & painting exhibitions, workshops in Greek language and dancing, cooking, wine tasting and evenings of Traditional local Food and Music. Access to Amorgos island for the Event: By Blue Star Ferries at 17.30, April 7th, from Piraeus Port. Arrival to Aegiali Port – Amorgos. Departure 6:00 on April 12th- Arrival to Athens at 15.00 hour. For participation and more information visit our site www.yperia.gr or call +30 22850 73393

The Magic of a Greek Wedding by Aegialis Hotel on the island of Amorgos

Declared by it's guests as the "jewel of Amorgos", Aegialis hotel is the best that Amorgos has to show. Between the main sandy beach of Aegiali & the sandy beach of Levroso, Aegialis hotel is a maximum 710 minutes walk away from the crystal clear waters of Aegiali bay.

meeting your bride on the streets of a mountain village from the back of a donkey! Whatever your dream, your wedding day is something to cherish forever, and a wedding on the Greek Island of Amorgos is a day you will never forget.

The summer is full of musical and cultural events. Moonlit island nights featuring diverse musical & dancing performances, all promising a good time.

Amorgos is the Eastern-most of the Cycladic Islands in the Aegean Sea of Greece. It is off the regular path of most tourists and package tours, which has enabled it to maintain its unspoiled, traditional atmosphere, making it a unique and unforgettable place to visit.

The Magic of a Greek Wedding Does the image of an endless, sandy beach, of sparkling aqua depths stretching away from the shore, of the hills rolling in flowers and greenery behind you, and of the glorious reds and golds as the sun sets, come to your mind when you think of your wedding plans? Or is it a small chapel in the midst of the wildflowers, the steady drone of bees and the sun warming you as you make your vows. Maybe you picture

In the Northern region of the island, the town of Aegiali welcomes you from the port. Tiers of fertile farmland and olive groves rise up the mountain slopes behind the perfect curve of the sandy bay. Opposite the town, the Aegialis Hotel is strategically located to provide peace and serenity along with proximity to the expansive beach and nearby villages. For an undeniably romantic atmosphere, you couldn't ask for a more ideal location.

Live island Experience

Amorgos is the most easterly of the Cycladic islands, and largest of the Small Cyclades, lying between Naxos and Astypalea. It is a mountainous island with many rocky cliffs, but it is worldwide famous for its unique beaches and the colours of the sea. Amorgos is a perfect destination for those looking for the unspoiled Greek hospitality and traditions. On this island the Cycladic way of living is complemented by the dramatic beauty of the landscape, which offers to our guests a memorable experience. Give yourself the opportunity to satisfy all of your five senses. Experience the aromas, the tastes, the sounds of nature, the views and the feeling of touching the rocks. There are also many summer festivals that the guests can attend and learn more for the island's customs. Xenios



Naxos Island

Naxos: “Big Sweet has this island, virtuous are the faces of people, piles are shaped by melons, peaches, figs and the sea is calm. I looked at the people - never this people have been frightened by earthquakes or by Turks, and their eyes did not burn out. Here freedom had extinguished the need for freedom, and life spread out as happy sleeping water. And if sometimes was discomposed, never rose tempest. Safety was the first gift of island that I felt as walking around Naxos." (N. Kazantzaki - "A Report to El.Greko").



Naxos: In the heart of Cyclades, in the heart of Aegean, Naxos has, always, followed the destiny of adventure of residents of Aegean. This destiny is interwoven with travel, exchanges, new techniques and pioneering ideas, but also with wars and conflicts over the hegemony of sea. Everything is big - imposing -, compared with the rest of Cyclades islands. The extent of the island is 435 sq. km and the length of coasts 91 km. The form is an ellipsoid and with a mountainous volume from North to South across the island. In the backbone of this ridge dominate Za Mountain (1004 m.) and Fanari (908 m.) the highest in Cyclades. The landscape of the island has many rotations. Plains succeed barren areas, marble mountains lead in deep shadowed glens, areas with vegetation host all white villages and sandy beaches meet the sea. The coastline of the island is almost straight and not forming large natural harbours, which affected the occupations of residents from the ancient years. In the island from end to end beautiful and clean coasts are situated next to small solitary coves. The ground of island is blessed and provides self-sufficiency to life of this place.

The rich aquifer of Naxos offers drinking water to wells and streams of the island. The fertile land produces citrus fruits, olives, fruits, vegetables, potatoes Naxos specials and amazing wine. Livestock-farming and the apiculture are particularly developed and offer exceptional quality meats, milk, cheeses and thyme honey. From geological aspect the subsoil presents great interest because of the presence of emery, of marble and granite that are exploitable products. The rocks constitute solidly foundations of Naxos and make the island stable against earthquake. In this imposing and big island of Cyclades, where mountainous volumes dominate, with the highest altitudes in the Aegean, - with the highest peak of Cyclades, the top of Za (1004 m.) - immediately gives a sense of security and "stable", in this turbulent marine state of Cyclades. Naxos itself is a whole universe.

Traditional architecture and urban planning Looking at the buildings of Naxos, we can see that history has left its marks on the architecture of the island. Rich variety of architectural monuments, which had been left over by different peoples and cultures, make up the image over the years. The period, which shaped decisively Naxos, is the Franks sovereignty with the medieval castle of Chora and the dispersed imposing stone Venetian towers, throughout the island. The villages are still traditional, because the building was based on the climate, the topography, the needs and all these in charge of the local artisan and with materials from the nearby mountain and river. The Naxos picture is not different from the Cycladic architecture. All-white buildings, white-washed that have at the most two floors and no surface is perfectly flat ,the one next to the other, with their courtyards united with paved alleys and stairways. Sports Naxos offers chances for activities to the friends of sports. There are centres for windsurfing and kitesurfing for the lovers of water sports in Mikri Vigla, Agios Georgios and Plaka, fully organized with full equipment. The endless sandy beaches in conjunction with the north winds offer…

really unique emotions, while for the visitors who are not funs of extreme sports, there are jet ski, canoe, sea bicycles… for quiet roaming on the waves.

Taste of Naxos

Also, there are courts for beach volley, next to the sea, in Agios Georgios, Agia Anna and almost in every beach. In an island, with a coastline of 90km, it is easy to practice diving… The rocky clusters, the reefs, the underwater caves and the small islands around Naxos, create conditions for an enjoyable dive in the all blue and crystal clear waters of the Aegean. In Agio Prokopio operates diving school which provides courses and the necessary equipment to the nes who want to explorer rich sea bottom of Naxos. Naxos, also, offers chances for sport as trekking & mountain bike in beautiful routes. The route Chora –Agia AnnaOrkos-Alikos and the access to Mountain Naxos for the most demanding cyclists, is unique options that combine exercise with the acquaintance of the beautiful landscapes of the interior of the island. Basketball, volleyball, mini soccer and tennis courts are scattered on the island.

Each island has its own sense of taste and its own cooking. The cuisine of Naxos is famous for its simplicity, variety but above all, for a great strong taste that is a result of the abundance of fresh material. Herbs, exceptional olive oil and high quality meat are produced on the island. Naxos is famous for products such as potatoes, dairy products, citrus, wine, thyme honey and many other showing that Naxos has a tradition of quality Greek cuisine and pastry making. The housewives of Naxos have learned to keep the taste balance, to respect the clock of nature and create with passion and imagination dishes that look like works of art, leaving the visitors of the island astonished and putting Naxos at the forefront of Cycladic cooking. Correct Diet was and is an important part of our lives because, as my friend and Frenchman gastronome B. Savarin said «Nothing is more precious in the universe than life and everything, that live, needs of food».




Naxian Collection

Naxian Collection (Naxos Villas) is a brand new hotel complex (opening in the summer of 2009) which provides high standard accommodation. It consists of 8 luxury villas with a size of 85 - 100 m² and two suites sized 30 - 45 m², each having their own private swimming pool and panoramic view to the sea . The complex is located ten minutes away from Naxos Town and five minutes from St. Prokopios Beach, and it is perfectly situated on the wonderful area of Stelida, from where you can enjoy the magnificent view (from one side of the complex you can see from Naxos Town until the island of Mykonos and from the other side St. prokopios Beach until the island of Ios. It is built with respect to the environment and Cycladic architectural standards.



Naxos Villas(up to 6 people):8 Villas with private swimming poolEach villa is twostoried and consists of two bedrooms: individually designed oak furniture and iron bed on the master room. There is a spacious living room with fireplace and a fully equipped kitchen: inox refrigerator and ceramic cooker, espresso coffee machine, kettle and complimentary branded tea and coffee. Both bathrooms (one on each floor) have a shower and on the upper floor there is a bathtub Jacuzzi where someone can indulge their body and mind by relaxing. It is an ideal choice for a honeymoon trip. Your pleasant accommodation will make you fall in love once again! Each villa also offers satellite TV (flat) in each room, DVD/CD player with a vast variety of films to choose. In order to make the accommodation easy and pleasant for you each villa has a hairdryer, air-conditioning, telephone, safe box, free Wi-Fi and cable internet access and laptop PC on request . The large exterior verandas with the spectacular view of the sea and the Aegean landscapes will amaze you. Naxos Suites (up to 4 people):2 Suites with shared swimming poolGrant suite (2 to 4 people): The Grant Suite will offer you the privacy and elegance that you need. It should accommodate 2-4 people. It consists of a double room with individually designed oak furniture and an iron

bed. There is a large living room with fireplace and a fully equipped kitchen that will certainly make you feel satisfied: inox refrigerator, ceramic cooker, espresso coffee machine and complimentary branded tea and coffee. The grant Suite also contains a bathroom with shower, a satellite TV (flat) in each room, DVD/CD player with a large variety of films to choose when you want to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of your suite. The hair dryer, the air-conditioning the direct dial telephone, the safe box, the free Wi- Fi and cable internet access and a laptop PC on request will only make your staying more comfortable. The share swimming pool with another suite and the exterior verandas with the amazing view of the Naxos Town and the Aegean Sea will rejuvenate you for sure. Junior suite (2 people): This suite will make you relax and enjoy the romantic atmosphere that offers. Designed for two people to share special moments during holidays. The "junior suite" consists of one double bedroom, a bathroom with bathtub Jacuzzi and a share swimming pool with another suite. Also, the suite offers you a satellite TV(flat), DVD/CD player with a variety of films to choose. The air-condition, the direct dial phone, the safe box, the hairdryer are just a few of our services. Amongst the above, this suite also contains a mini refrigerator, an espresso

coffee machine, kettle and complimentary branded tea and coffee, a laptop PC on request, a cable and Wi-Fi internet access. Finally, the large exterior space of the suite with the panoramic view of the sea will please and relax your senses. Facilities & Services Private swimming pools Panoramic sea view Wine bar TV lounge Dailymaid Car / Bike rental service Internet facilities Post service Parking place Safe Free transfer to/from airport/port

Astir of Naxos

Laundry & dry cleaning services Laptop (on request) Baby sitting (on request) Hairdresser (on request) Massage sessions (on request) Chef (on request) Doctor on call Complimentary wine and fruit basket upon arrival All major credit cards are accepted Distance From: Beach: 500 meters St. Prokopios Beach: 700 meters Aqua Fun Park: 200 meters Airport: 1,5 km Naxos Town: 2,5km

son to make Cyclades – Naxos your next destination

Hotel Astir of Naxos is one of the newest and most luxurious hotels in Cyclades at Naxos Island. Close to the beach (just 2 minutes from St. George beach), to Naxos centre (just 10 minutes on foot) and to the Naxos airport (5 minutes by car), Astir of Naxos offers accommodation for single or family travellers.

Its excellent location attracts both business and vacation travelers. It is one of the most modern hotels in Naxos Island build according to the traditional Naxian architecture, combined with modern and luxurious facilities and services.

It boasts a variety of rooms that can satisfy every need and every budget. Your accommodation will be in a quiet surrounding, ideal for relaxation

Don’t miss the opportunity to relax and enjoy your vacation in Astir of Naxos hotel. The nicely and above standards equipped rooms with the view to Naxos Town, the sea and the mountains in the background make your holidays in Naxos an experience.

This is maybe one of the most beautiful hotels in Cyclades at such reasonable prices. Our hotel, Astir of Naxos is a good rea-




Halkidiki, Greece’s secret paradise!

Today's Halkidiki : a wide choice of hotels, offering luxury and comfort , a casino and blue flag awarded marinas , spas and shopping centres, fully equipped conference halls, good food and wine, beach bars and clubs . International festivals, cultural events, popular celebrations, local feasts and in addition to that countless opportunities for exercise and entertainment . Modern facilities for tourists accompanied by top quality services that the people of Halkidiki know how to proAn unspoiled natural paradise that har- vide without sacrificing the region's special monizes tradition with modern character. life.Aristocratic mansions , fine handmade textiles , exceptional local cuisine BLUE FLAGGS and wine , ancient legends and popular With 34 awarded beaches and 2 marinas songs , festivities and feasts enriched by with the BLUE FLAGG for the year 2005, 2.500 years of history . Olynthos, Halkidiki reached the 2nd place in Greece Akanthos, Afytos. Potidea : powerful for its clear waters. The programm BLUE ancient cities whose walls were built by FLAGGS awards a certification to the the colonists from Eretria.Stagira : the beaches, according the following criterias: birthplace of Aristotle where he lived clear water and beach, degree of the and taught. Petralona: a cave of stun- organisation of the beach, safety of the ning natural beauty, sheltering the visitors and the active environmental prorenowned “Archanthropos (ancient tection of the nature. More specifically for man) of Petralona” who lived 250.000 the year 2004, the above BLUE FLAGG years ago. The cape of Poseidi : the certification was awarded to 32 beaches most ancient sanctuary of Poseidon, and 2 marinas in Halkidiki. with the dog face fairies. Kassandra : the peninsula named after the Kassandra Macedonian King Kassandros, brother- A real heaven on earth, with incomparable in-law of Alexander the Great. Sithonia : natural beauty, clean seas, perfect beachthe peninsula named after the son of es (most of which are awarded every year Poseidon, the ancient Greek god of the sea . Ouranoupolis, Nea Focea, Sani, Toroni, Galatista: towers of rock and stone, magnificent jewels of the Byzantine era . Nikiti: ancient Christian churches with their characteristic architecture . Ierissos and Nea Potidea: where martyrs suffered under the Turkish domination. Athos : monasteries which are real fortresses built on the tempest-lashed rocks of Mount Athos , ramparts standing firm against the impious intruder . Shady and tranquil gardens, refuges for contemplation and meditation, silence that sharpens hearing, harmony. Unique holy images and church treasures. Boundless blue … endless sandy beaches and beautiful shores in over 550 km , awarded with 32 blue flags . Deep green … fragrant pine trees embracing the waves , a smell of resin and salt sea air. A unique combination in the Aegean ! Halkidiki , a fertile place, rich in flora and animal life , colours and scents , fertility and harmony . Silvery olive groves , golden fields of grain and endless vineyards produce rich harvests .



with a "Blue Flag" by the EC), beautiful forests, prehistoric, ancient and Byzantine monuments, traditional villages and modern tourist resorts - this is Kassandra, the first "prong" of the Halkidiki peninsula and the closest to the city of Thessaloniki.Kassandra extends from northwest to southeast. The Canal of Potidea connects it to the mainland . It is 50 km long and 15 km wide at its widest point. The highest hilltop is 353 m from the sea level. The coastline is famous for the clean beaches, the picturesque capes, and the green hills, where the trees reach up to the seashore. The Gulf Toroneos or Kassandra washes its east coastline and the Gulf Thermaikos the west. At the south end of the peninsula is the cape Kanastreo or Paliouri , from where the Aegean Sea extends, and at the west end the cape Possidi or Kassandra. The climate is healthy Mediterranean . The whole of Kassandra offers the visitor, besides the endless variety of beaches, unequalled environmental diversity, where the scenery changes continuously between beautiful beaches, hills and pinewoods, overwhelmed by the sweet smell of resin and thyme, incomparable beauties! The variety of its settlements is also admirable. Small churches, old monastery properties, traditional settlements combine

harmonically with modern holiday houses and big hotel complexes, with every imaginable facility. Kassandra is full of life. Its 44 villages and settlements house more than 13.000 permanent residents and hundreds thousands of visitors in the summer. It has wonderful hotels and other tourist centres, nightclubs and entertainment facilities to provide the visitors with every comfort. It is a worldwide famous modern holiday resort. Most villages and settlements are on the coastline, built on beautiful beaches. Others, like Kassandria , are in the mainland of the prong of Kassandra. Fresh fish is one of the famous delicacies of our region. The visitor can enjoy this delicate gastronomic delight at picturesque little taverns or modern restaurants. Furthermore, the oil, the olives, and the honey are of the finest quality and the demand for them from all over Greece is high. Our agricultural products, as well as the local Kassandra wines, specially the wine from Mendi , are famous since the antique years.

Sithonia Sithonia is the middle peninsula - "second prong" - of Halkidiki. It extends between the Gulfs Toroneos and Siggitikos and ends south at Cape Drepano . It is mostly a mountainous region with beautiful forests. The coastline is full of little gulfs with picturesque bays, capes, white, sandy beaches with wonderful turquoise, blue and green, shallow and warm waters, surrounded by thick pines and shiny grey rocky formations. It is less developed than Kassandra and offers the visitors quieter vacation close to nature on some of the most exotic beaches in the whole Aegean Sea area The region is famous for the magnificent honey it produces (Nikiti is the biggest honey producing centre in Greece), but also for the oil, olives, fish, wine, grapes and cheese, which are delicious and of the highest quality.

Athos It is the third and most special peninsula of Halkidiki , also known as Agio Oros ( Mount Athos ). The part of the peninsula, where all visitors are allowed, includes the Gulf Akanthios, from the border of Mount Athos and upwards, as well as the northern coast, which is washed by the Gulf Strymonikos.Agio OrosFar away from the rest of Macedonia and the whole world as well, there is a natural and spiritual paradise with a special glory and magnificence, namely the eastern peninsula of Halkidiki , Mount Athos (Agion Oros), the bay of ancient Greeks or as monks put it, the " land of Virgin Mary ". Mount Athos consists of twenty monasteries, several skites (hermitages) and places of absolute tranquility. This is the religious community of Mount Athos , with historical monasteries, cells in caves or between the rocks, towers, domes, belfries, chants, etc. Mount Athos is a big temple under the sky; it is the main carrier of Orthodox Christianity. Mount Athos covers an area of about 336 sq. kilometers, with 112 kilometers of coastline and 1.550 inhabitants; it is an imposing place in the northern Aegean, surrounded by trees and bluff cliffs. Its mountains are 2.033 meter high, extend to the sky and approach the clouds. When the atmosphere is clean you can see from the little church of Metamorphosi Sotiros (Transfiguration of Christ) nearly half the Aegean; the bays of Troy in the east and the mountain Olympos in the west. Some of the monks claim to be able to see the dome of Agia Sofia springing like a flower from the earth in the East. Today in Mount Athos there are 20 monasteries and 12 skites.




Festivals & Events in Halkidiki

In a place with such rich history, the events provide a variety of choices and create a communication bridge between inhabitants and visitors. There are two international festivals – one in Kassandra and one in Sani with the international section of Jazz- and more than 60 festivities during the summer time that make life in Halkidiki a continuous celebration! CULTURAL EVENTS During the summer, several cultural events take place that include concerts, dance and music shows. For information, you must contact the municipal offices. AFYTOS OF ATHYTOS This is a series of events that include art, street art, concerts of folk music and dance, but also classical and modern music. From July to August. Information: Community of Athytos tel:+30 23740 91239



SANI FESTIVAL The artistic events started in 1991 with an art exhibition and were driven by the love for art. In 1992, the events were enriched with the organisation of the first “Jazz on the hill”, three days dedicated to Jazz. Since 1993, the events that take place in the area of the Sani Beach Holiday Resort in Kassandra, were named “Sani Festival”. That is how this festival started and every year the organisers try to include more art events of high quality and innovation. During the last years, many popular Greek and foreign artists charmed an audience that sometimes numbered more than 3,500 people in concerts and exhibitions. Part of these events take place on the Hill of Sani, especially the music and dance events. Such a location, surrounded by the sea, the sky and the greenery, creates the conditions that can awake the senses and gives the audience and the artists the chance to lift up away from routine. The program of the events is divided in three categories: :: Concerts of jazz under the title “Jazz on the hill”, which is the only international jazz festival in Greece that takes place for ten years :: Concerts of Greek artistic music :: Concerts of classical music under the title Sani Classic, which promotes young, talented Greek artists. Dance shows and exhibitions of painting, sculpture and photography also take place.

Information 317327





FESTIVAL OF THE SEA Amphitheatre of N. Moudania, tel.: +30 2373 0 21210 Concerts with popular Greek artists, dance and theatrical events. It lasts from July to August and it is organised by the municipality of N. Moudania. KASSANDRA FESTIVAL Amphitheatre of Siviri, tel: +30 2374 0 23997, 24851 During the summer season, in the amphitheatre concerts and performances happen. The festival takes place every year for the last 10 years. It lasts from the beginning of July until the end of August and it is a summer oasis, as it combines for the thousands of visitors the relaxing holiday with culture and art. Apart from the events of the amphitheatre, there are other events that take place at the same time in other parts of the municipality of Kassandra (happenings, artistic events, cinema shows, shadow theatre, painting exhibitions, sculpture exhibitions, theatrical poster exhibitions, costume exhibitions etc). The entrance is free. Information: Municipality of Kassandra tel: +30 23740 22001


TCEB draws up three-year progressive strategic plan

TCEB has formulated a strategic plan for 2010-2012 that is in line with various national development plans: the National Economic and Social Development Plan, the Strategic Formulation Plan 2008-2011 and the Tourism Recovery and Promotion Strategic Plan 20092012. TCEB’s strategic plan is aimed at driving Thailand to be a prime destination in Asia for world-class MICE venues, based on culture and potential, through the collaborative network of the Asean Economic Community. The aim is for Thailand to be internationally recognised as a preferred destination for both the Asian and global MICE industries within the next seven years..



Akapol Sorasuchart, President of Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau, said that the growth of the MICE industry in 2008-2009 had slowed as a result of both internal and external factors, which includes the global economic crisis. In 2010, the economic trend is expected to be more positive, which will help to drive the MICE industry to meet a growth projection of 25 per cent. This year, TCEB estimates more than 780,000 MICE visitors coming to Thailand, generating about Bt56 billion in revenue. TCEB has established the three-year strategic plan under three key concepts: WIN (win more international bids), PROMOTE (promote Thailand as a world-class MICE destination) and DEVELOP (strengthen the Thai Team collaboration and build a stronger MICE industry through Intelligence, Training, Education and Certification). The plan is made up of six major strategies: 1. Accelerate and expand the MICE market through public and private secsector channels to promote and win more international events. 2. Build the MICE industry’s image and enhance the perception of the importance of the industry, as well as TCEB’s own role and responsibility, with various activities such as the Thailand Creative Event Awards. 3. Support value-added activities, develop MICE organizing standards,

promote new and mega events that are held in Thailand. 4. Develop the capability of MICE infrastructure so that it is internationinternationally recognized. In 2010, TCEB will also carry forward the implementation of green meetings – environmentalfriendly meetings – as a selling point for Thailand. Green meetings are becoming a concept of international interest and many Thai MICE operators have developed infrastructure to supsupport the demand. 5. Create local and international netnetworks through both the Thai Team, and Team Thailand. 6. Boost the potential and role of TCEB’s management system and human resources development in correlation with the industry’s development. TCEB received a 2010 budget of Bt934 million, of which Bt749 million is the fiscal budget, broken down as follows: Bt200 million for the ‘Pid Thong Lang Pra’ project (domestic MICE campaign), Bt145 million for marketing campaigns to win more international bids (WIN), Bt240 million for public relations and roadshows (PROMOTE), Bt55 million for MICE industry development (DEVELOP) and Bt110 million for TCEB’s operations. The remaining Bt185 million is from the Thai Khemkhaeng (Invest for Strength)

Akapol said that TCEB is pushing to make the MICE industry an issue on the national agenda. The bureau will urge the government to further drive the MICE business. The proposal will request that the government set a policy of asking state agencies to hold meetings in the country, and also support them in bidding to host international meetings. TCEB expects to submit the plan for the government’s consideration at the end of this quarter. If the government endorses the proposal, it will lead to budgets being allocated in line with the MICE promotional plan of each agency as well as TCEB. This would provide support for personnel, as well as bidding documents and promotional campaigns, as bidding to host international events must be conducted well in advance.

project budget’s Creative Economy scheme, which is aimed at generating revenue for the country. TCEB plans to implement five projects using the Thai Khemkhaeng budget. Firstly, “Better the Best” will support international exhibitions that have the potential to grow into “Champion” events in the region, including the exhibitions of major industries such as food, machinery, automobiles and energy. The bureau has allocated a budget of Bt50 million for the “Better the Best “project. Secondly, the “Domestic MICE” project will promote meetings, conventions and incentives in Thailand. This project has a budget of Bt30 million. Thirdly, the “MICE Thai Khemkhaeng” project is aimed at helping all parties to better understand TCEB’s role. The project will also increase cooperation with local agencies in order to decentralize MICE through MICE Cities. TCEB will spend

Bt50 million on this project, which will substantially stimulate the regional economy. Fourthly, the “Thailand: The place to meet” roadshow will boost international confidence in the readiness and potential of Thailand to be a preferred destination for the MICE industry, with a budget of Bt20 million. The first activity in this campaign was TCEB’s “Japan Roadshow 2010: Thailand’s readiness to host MICE events”, which was held between January 30 and ebruary 3 to further expand the Japanese market.

Meanwhile, TCEB has discussed the possibility of closer collaboration with the private sector in organizing roadshows in new markets. The bureau will also revise its existing overseas representations, as well as consider appointing representations in new markets. Although the global economy is now recovering, competition in the MICE industry is intensifying. TCEB has therefore adopted a more aggressive and creative marketing plan by initiating the Thailand Creative Event Awards, which will promote creative events, as well as result in the publication of a MICE catalog for use in overseas roadshows. The catalog will be a guidebook for MICE organizers when choosing venues for meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions in Thailand. “In every roadshow, and not just promotions under the Thailand Maximize campaign, the most important thing is to present Thailand’s potential and readiness to host international events, including the infrastructure, facilities, venues and Thai hospitality,” said Akapol.

Finally, there is the “Better Be in Bangkok” project, which has a budget of Bt35 million. This is a promotional campaign to encourage MICE travelers to stay in Thailand for longer through incentives such as an extra night’s stay for free.




London benefits from £11bn investment in lead up to 2012

A report by Visit London has revealed that in excess of £11bn is being invested into business tourism projects and venues as a direct result of the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. The developments cover a huge range of facilities. These include improved and new transport links such as the East London line extension, the upgraded DLR and new cycle tracks and walkways. The report also includes new hotel openings such as the 1,021-bedroom Park Plaza Westminster Bridge and the renovated Savoy, as well as attractions across the capital including Stratford, East London, where the new urban park is being built – one of the biggest in Europe for more than 150 years.



As part of the report, Visit London has also compiled a timeline indicating when and where some of the key launches and openings will be happening in the run up to 2012. Tracy Halliwell, Director of Business Tourism at Visit London said: "With less than 1,000 days till the 2012 Games, we can already see how significantly the UK capital has changed. What is so exciting for business visitors is that they really don't need to wait – the transformation and benefits are happening and are on offer right now. We have an unprecedented opportunity to show the world exactly what London has to offer and these new developments will benefit business and leisure visitors alike for many years to come." London will also provide the setting for major new architecture including the London Bridge Tower otherwise known as The Shard with a six-star Shangri-La hotel, and the Heron Tower in the City, which is set to have breathtaking views across London from its rooftop. Other key investments include: King's Cross re-development – completion of parts of this project from 2012 with an investment of around £2bn London Bridge Quarter including The

Shard and New London Bridge House – due for completion in 2012 with an investment of around £2bn The Heron Tower, City – due for completion in 2011 with an investment of around £1.85bn East London Line extension – due for completion in June 2010 with an investment of around £1bn Westfield Stratford – due for completion in 2011 with an investment of around £1.45bn There are many other smaller projects underway which will have a major impact on business visitors coming into the capital. These include the re-opening of the Cutty Sark in spring 2011, the new wing of the Tate Modern – Tate Modern 2 – in time for the Games, and the launch of the Meantime Brewery in Greenwich early next year. Barbara Jamison, Visit London's Sales Manager Europe added: "The London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games provide a unique opportunity to showcase the capital's attractions, venues and activities available to the whole world. The amount of investment in London reveals a long-term confidence in the city that can be experienced by business visitors in the run up, during and after the Games."

13,300 new hotel rooms will be available throughout London by 2012

New Openings 1. November 2009 - Apex Hotel, City http://www.apexhotels.co.uk/hotels/london-wall/ 2. January 2010 - Wyndham Grand, Chelsea Harbour www.wyndhamgrandlondon.co.uk 3. Early 2010 - Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, Lambeth http://www.parkplaza.com/hotels/gbwestmi 4. April 2010 – Savoy Hotel, The Strand http://www.the-savoy.com/ 5. October 2010 - W Hotel, West End http://www.starwoodhotels.com/whotels/p roperty/overview/index.html?propertyID=3 464 6. 2010 – Renaissance Hilton, St. Pancras chambers 7. 2010 - Hotel Verta, Battersea http://www.hotel-verta.co.uk/ 8. 2010 – Hilton Wembley, Wembley http://www.hilton.co.uk/Wembley 9. 2010 - Four Seasons Hotel, Park Lane http://www.fourseasons.com/london/

10. 2010 - 45 Park Lane, Mayfair 11. 2011 – Hilton Heathrow T5, Poyle 12. 2011 - Metropole, Westminster http://www.thecrownestate.co.uk/newscontent/92_the_metropole.htm 13. 2011 - City Inn, Tower of London http://www.cityinn.com/toweroflondon/ 14. Late 2011 - InterContinental Hotel Westminster 15. 2012 - Shangri-La, London Bridge Tower (The Shard), London Bridge http://www.shangrila.com/en/property/london/shangrila 16. 2012 - The Regent Palace Hotel, Regent’s Street http://www.regentstreetonline.com/crowne state/quadrant.asp 17. 2012 - Travelodge, six new hotels across London

Many investors are targeting their openings before the 2012 games and, looking at the spread of new and renovated hotels, there are set to be five major development ‘hot spots’ across London: Hillingdon, Westminster, Southwark, the City and Lambeth. The Borough of Hillingdon is home to the UK’s largest airport Heathrow and, as such, will be accommodating a number of large scale developments including the new 350 room Hilton T5 hotel which is due to open in 2011. In the established high-end areas of the City and Westminster Londoners will see luxury launches for The Metropole and InterContinental amongst others. In Lambeth and Southwark, hotel investment is likely to make the biggest impact in terms of regeneration. The 195 room Shangri-La at the new London Bridge Tower and The Park Plaza in Lambeth with over a thousand rooms will have a major impact on the local area as well as providing a topquality tourist experience.



2012 Events Group extends reach


as World attention turns to London

London 2012 Open Weekend returns with a challenge

More than a million people have taken part in Open Weekend over the past two years Registrations for London 2012 Open Weekend 2010 opened . Arts, culture and sporting organisations are invited to challenge audiences to try something new or take an existing interest to a new level. Supported by BP, Open Weekend will run from 23-25 July 2010. Launched in 2008 with the start of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad, more than a million people from around the UK have taken part in Open Weekend activities in the past two years. This year will build on that success, with organisers creating a challenge for the public to be involved with. It could be creating an artwork in just 24 hours, a sporting-themed treasure hunt or a mass aerobics session. Online registration for events is now open and organisers are invited to find out more about how they can get involved. London 2012 Organising Committee Chair Seb Coe said: The London 2012 Open Weekend is something we developed to help people see, touch, hear and take part in new things to spark interest and enthusiasm in the run up to the Games in 2012. ‘This year we’re adding an exciting ‘challenge’ element, so I’m looking forward to seeing what event organisers come up with as we approach the two years to go countdown on 27 July this year.’ 70


The Events 2012 Development Group, the industry body tasked with maximising the benefits of the London Olympic Games to the UK events industry, is extending its reach as the host city prepares to take centre stage from Vancouver as it in turn gets ready to host the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. The stakeholder group, created by Visit London and VisitBritain with the support of LOCOG, is now working with a wider range of Olympic related organisations including the City Operations Group, IOC sponsors, NOC’s and official agents. David Sharpe, Managing Director of the London Eye, and Head of the Events 2012 Development group says; “This extended network is designed to ensure the UK events industry continues to be at the very heart of the games. In recent months, our emphasis has moved from information gathering and communication to the visitor experience and delivery as we head towards the 900 day milestone and as the focus moves from Vancouver to London.” At the same time the group is seeing renewed support for its ground breaking Fair Pricing & Practice Charter, the first of its kind for a host city, which now has over 350 members including iconic venues such as the Natural History Museum and Twickenham Stadium and experience marketing agencies including George P Johnson and

Imagination. Signatories to the charter undertake that their pricing for the period around the 2012 Olympic Games be both fair and reasonable and that they will not artificially inflate prices for goods or services. In turn, charter members are promoted to organisers seeking venues and suppliers via Visit London’s enquiry service and through Visit Britain’s network of overseas offices. Visit London Director of Business Tourism, Tracy Halliwell comments; “With Vancouver just around the corner London is determined to highlight that it’s a city that is ready to welcome the world both pre and post Olympic Games. London is the first Olympic city to create a charter like this and for Visit London as the official Business Convention bureau it’s all about maintaining the business tourism we have and looking after that future business legacy for the city and country.” Venues and suppliers can sign up to the Charter, by visiting www.visitlondon.com/business/2012Charter

The O2 finishes the decade as world’s number one music venue

The O2 has been named as the world’s number one music venue for a third consecutive year after selling 2.3 million tickets. According to figures from Pollstar, The O2 sold 75% more tickets than any other venue worldwide with just two other venues selling over a million tickets. It also smashed its previous record of 1,806,447 tickets by 30%. The Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “Congratulations to AEG for the astonishing success of The O2. The superb facilities it offers have increased London’s ability to attract the biggest music stars in the world and an increasing number of international sporting events. It is without doubt an important addition to local life around Greenwich and, as a world beating attraction, an important part of London’s economy as a whole.” Gary Bongiovanni, Editor-In-Chief for Pollstar commented: “For The O2 to still be the number one arena in the world, especially in light of the tragic death of Michael Jackson, is incredible. Further to this I get the sense that on a worldwide basis the reputation of The O2 is rapidly growing to an iconic status.” London deserves a world-class entertainment destination David Campbell, President and Chief Executive of AEG Europe, owners and operators of The O2, added: “These results really are quite amazing. I want to thank all the artistes, agents, man-

agers, promoters, the more than 2,500 people who work at The O2, and all our partners. Events like the ATP Tour Finals at The O2 really did put the eyes of the world on us. London deserves a worldclass entertainment destination and we will keep working hard in the next decade to ensure we remain a world leader.” Since opening in 2007 The O2 has taken the music world by storm and has consistently hosted the world’s best music, sport and entertainment. 2009 highlights included five nights of Tina Turner, seven from Beyoncé, an eight-night residency from Britney Spears, The Killers, Paul Weller, AC/DC, Bob Dylan, Kings of Leon, Cliff Richard and The Shadows, Paul McCartney, as well as venue exclusives Star Wars: A Musical Journey, Ben Hur LIVE and the inaugural Barclays ATP World Tour Finals. This year is looking like another blockbuster for The O2 arena with more exclusive and top-class content including the world’s biggest screening of Mamma Mia! The Movie, Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton, Lady Gaga, Dizzee Rascal and Lily Allen, Peter Gabriel, Whitney Houston, Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna, Michael Buble, Rod Stewart, as well as content only available at The O2 including the return of Julie Andrews to the London stage after 30 years, the venue’s first full-blow opera, Carmen, and a summer residency by Bon Jovi.

Hotel and event space planned for The O2 AEG Europe has applied for detailed planning consent for a proposed fourstar hotel and large event space next to The O2. The proposed 450-bed hotel will also include adjoining serviced apartments, according to the application, submitted to the London Borough of Greenwich earlier this month. The complementary event space will be the largest bespoke space of its kind in London and will accommodate a broad variety of uses, including banqueting for up to 3,000 people, state-of-the-art facilities, and dramatic river views across the Thames to Canary Wharf. David Campbell, CEO of AEG Europe, said: "The O2 has already created more than 2,500 direct jobs in Greenwich. However the real economic prize for Greenwich and East London is adding overnight visitors. The creation of this hotel, alongside high-quality event space to match our established world-class entertainment space, is a not without challenges, but it is a project we embrace enthusiastically." Alistair Wood, AEG Executive Director for Real Estate and Development, commented: "There remains a significant lack of hotel space in this area, and a highquality hotel built alongside the venue will be welcomed by the more than 7.5 million annual visitors to The O2. We also see strong demand from the surrounding area including the soon-tobe Royal Borough of Greenwich, Canary Wharf, ExCeL London, London City Airport and new regeneration in this part of the Thames Gateway. The Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands design, we believe, works very well alongside existing and proposed development on the Greenwich Peninsula."




Top Ten Adventures for 2010 Meeting Planner: One of the 50 best careers of 2010 Top 50 Destinations for UK Travellers 10 Hot Holiday Trends for 2010






Top 10 Places in the United States to Pursue Hobbies


TripAdvisor Travellers Reveal 2010 Trends


Exhibitions & Destinations (Greece, Uk, Thailand)


www.xeniosworld.com X E N I O S T O U R I S M & B U S I N E S S T R A V E L EURO 8 No 5, Vol.13 January 2010

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