Booklet architecture1o1 rz

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my personal journey in Architecture 101

©feb 2015

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

Part 1: What I’ve learned (a selec:on of images you made during the course)

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#50000YearsAgo something with no name: crumpled paper

#ThingsWithNoName again something with no name: a liquid on the asphalt

#TVWithoutSignal television without signal: fastness, cornfields plowed, speed

week 1: taking pictures

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#Ques:onWithutAnsw er2r reproduce a face by sketching

#SomePeopleTheyKno wThigs a leave sketch without looking at what I was sketching

#PlayItByTrust sketching my hand wearing a blindfold

week 2: learning to sketch

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#DoorOfPercep:on a nega=ve space research week 2: learning to sketch

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#RomanceInManyDime nsions a collage represen=ng myself

#InsideNoOutside a collage represen=ng the way I “feel”

#StealingThingsIs a collage represen=ng the place I am at with abstract surface stealing from Piero Manzoni

week 3: making collages

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#BrianEnoSays myself in the place where I am week 3: making collages

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

##ExcuseMeWhile the sky through a kaleidoscope

#MySunMachine trying to render the sun through a kaleidoscope

#VoyageDansLaLune trying to evocate the moon

week 5: shaping diagrams

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#SomePeopleWalk trying to render the rain using a weather effect week 4: observing the weather

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#YourMindWill a diagram of my mind

#YouGoOaHave a diagram of my body

#IfYouStartToThink a diagram of mind and body

week 5: shaping diagrams

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#OnesDes:na:on my place in a diagram week 5: shaping diagrams

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#BeSureYou a diagram with mind, body and place week 5: shaping diagrams

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

Part 2: What I’ve learned from others (a selec:on of images from what other people made during the course)

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#Rela:veSizeOfThings by chibi_totoro the wonderful complexity come up!

#50000YearsAgo by nesmaat the rela:onship between object and shadow

#ThingsWithNoName by gabasmil the complex geometry inside the clear shapes

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#TVWithoutSignal by viniyata the introduc:on of the colors

#MusicWithoutSound by siamorphe minimal image for a clear effect

#Ques:onWithoutAns wer by roxana clear drawing with a bright color

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#DoorsOfPercep:on by mucci.m contrast by the colors in the shapes

#SomePeopleTheyKno wThings

by vitalivprivalove the spontaneity in the drawing

#Day:meNighSme by patricia2as the ability to synthesize with unusual colors

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#PlayItByTrust by xuelinginging a single strong line

#RomanceInManyDime nsions by ta:anabranco the two layers of complexity

#InsideNoOutside by mer_cedy dynamism and overall armony

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#WhatMakesTheDesert by marciacal01 simple composi:on with a bit of tridimensionality

#StealingThingsIs by Mallu_archit complexity and clarity simultaneously

#BrianEnoSays by kris:naneral I like the idea of geOng lost in a texture

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#ExcuseMeWhile by arqcarmen2012 different focuses give dinamism to the image

#MySunMachine by gipeve the novelty of a laced sun

#SomePeopleWalk by viviane.btk a rain evoked on different levels

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#MyBusinessIs by unepe:touche the depth evoked by many shades of a single color

#VoyageDansLaLune by valvaai the holed moon it is a news

#YourMindWill by huhog simplicity with a graphics depth

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#YouGoOaHave by sedaayvazyan interes:ng mixture between circles and symbols

#OnesDes:na:on by elena_demchenkova a special place in the chain of DNA

#IfYouStartToThink by nkanoma the sense of movement in one frame

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#BeSureYou by alexfontes_id the person at the center of a evoked complexity

#ALineIsADot by silvawood the single line became also the signature

#YouCantCri:cize by superflaja a dynamic symmetry

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#HumanBehaviourFlows by marco.giovannone the charm which transmits a map

#NoManIs by lisbonstories

the idea of secret codes hidden in the representa:on

#ThisWorldIs by n_ega:ve_snippets the control panel of the situa:on

what I’ve learned from others

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

Part 3: My place (selec:on of images dedicated to “my” special place.)

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#ALineIsADot mapping my place using a line

#HumanBehaviourFlows mapping my place as if it were a sea

#IfYouStartToThink mapping my place as if it were a starry sky.

Week 6: making maps

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#YouCantCri:cize mapping my place using a geometrical system Week 6: making maps

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

#NoManIs mapping my place as if it were a island Week 6: making maps

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101

My place is where I fell well, with people in touch, with a wifi connec:on and immersed in the love.

Week 6: making maps

ROBERTO ZANON my personal journey in Architecture 101


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