Portfolio Fall 2014 ARC 107 Shank’s Studio
Xianrui Wang
Contents Assignment 1A PONCHO........................................................1 1B POCHE............................................................3 1C MOVING ON UP...........................................7 Assignment 2A CASE STUDIES..............................................9 2B MANTAGE......................................................11 Assignment 3A TERRITORY....................................................17 3B WORKLIVE.....................................................19 3C FINAL REVIEW..............................................21
Assignment 1A PONCHO
Final Poncho 1
For the poncho, my partner and I started with the basic units and tried different connections like thread, pins and clips. (the four small images on the right show the process) In the final one, we decided to show the feeling of flowing. The poncho is made up with three groups of units in the same style but different sizes and colors. The units go from big to small show a tendency direction of flowing and form a shape of “V”. So we named it “Spring” to show its dynamic shape. The connections between the units are safe pins which are not hidden but take parts in the project. And they are less likely to hurt who wearing the poncho.
Final Poncho
Option3 2
Assignment 1B POCHE
Museum-board Model Final Model
Four Plans
My partner and I developed the study models based on the curves and the overall outlines of the poncho. The final one is made up with some fanshaped foam, which keeps the idea of using single units to form a whole object in the poncho project. But the blocks of foam were arranged in a disorganized way to keep the similar outline of the original poncho.
Four Interior Perspective Drawings
Final Study Model
Study Models
Study Models
Section 1
Section 2 6
Assignment 1C MOVIN ON UP
Circulation Tower In Wood Final Model
Plan 1
My partner and I decided to build stair in the hollow space that our model already has, so the walls around the stair can keep a more interesting shape. And some properties of our original poncho can reveal in the space of staircase.
Section Plan 2
Axonometric Drawings 8
Assignment 2A CASE STUDIES
Axonometric Drawing Double House
MVRDV (Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries) Utrecht, Netherlands 1997 9
Double House was built based on the needs of the owners of it. The owners were two families. One family wanted to live above the ground, meanwhile another one wanted to cook and eat on the ground level; One family wanted to have a bedroom under the top level, however, the other family wanted the bedroom place on the same level with the television; and etc. The house was for people with different life styles living together. MVRDV architects didn’t separate the house with a simple vertical line in the middle, but they let the two spaces intersect. The space was divided into two but still connected closely. The walls stopped people from hearing each other or involving in others’ life, but they could feel the existence of the neighbor with the space.
Double House Photo
Wild Card
Grid of the Outside Wall 10
Assignment 2B MONTAGE
30” ×30” ×30” Final Model 11
Added Tower
After deciding where we were placing the tower in Mies Van der Rohe’s Crown Hall, we found it was best to work alongside Mies. In order to not intervene with Crown Hall, the project was designed with the main focus of ‘hiding in plain sight’ . As you view Mies at different perspectives, our tower either comes into exposure or dissapears into the original hall.
Key Plan Hidden Hidden Exposed Exposed Hidden Exposed
Transparent Transparent
FirstFirstGlimps Glimpse
First Glimpse First Glimps
Concept Diagram 12
External Monage 1
External Monage 2
Internal Monage 1
Internal Monage 2
Cafe Cafe Cafe New Circulation New Circulation New Circulation Storage Area
Storage StorageArea Area
Plan 1
New Walls New Walls New Walls
New Circulation New Circulation
New Circulation
Lecture HallHall Lecture
Lecture Hall
Skylight Skylight
Plan 2 15
Storage Storage Storage Coffee Coffee BarBar
Coffee Bar
Seminar Room Seminar Room
Seminar Room
NewNew StairStair
New Stair
Section 1 Storage Storage Coffee Bar Bar Coffee Seminar Room
Seminar Room
New Stair
New Stair
Section 2
40’-0”(max) 32’-0” 24’-0” 20’-0” 19’-0” 17’-0” 8’-0”(min) 0’-0”
Key Plan Key Plan
Assignment 3A TERRITORY
Rhino Site Model
100% Coverage Mass Model
Assignment 3B WORKLIVE
Building Footprint Right of Way
Property Line Major Topography Line (every 1’-0”) Minor Topography Line (every 0’-6”)
Axonometric Drawing
Living Working
Concept Diagrams
I made this building based on the topography lines. The angles of the roof are just the same as that of the ground, but part of the bottom goes underground to make the building a flat floor. I divided the programs by the topography lines as well. Generally, the working space is like a ring surround the living space. The two parts are separated but still have connections between each other. For instance, one side of the sitting room, which is in the center of the studio, is consisted by columns, for visitors who are in the sitting room can still have a view of the working place. And wherever the sculpture is working in the studio, he/she can see the living space for relaxing is nearby. The working space also contains a gallery for the sculptor to show his/her works. And both of the studio and the gallery can get good natural light from the roof which is made by semitransparent glass and the light can go inside through the gaps of the facade too. I set less windows in living space than in the working space, as I think the working space should be active and open to outside and the living space is more private and for resting quietly. Part of the sitting room is in the center of the studio on the ground floor. And another part of it goes up to the first floor. As a private space, the bedroom is on the second floor, far from the working and public space.
Study Model 1
Study Model 1
Study Model 2
Study Model 2 20
Study Model 3
Assignment 3C FINAL REVIEW
Circular House Final Model Facade
External Rendering
Internal Rendering 22
1.Studio (Ground floor) 2.Sitting Room (Ground &1st floor) 3.Gallery (Ground floor) 4.Kitchen (1st floor) 5.Bathroom (1st floor) 6.Bedroom (2nd floor) 7.Storage (basement)
Ground Floor Plan
4 2 6
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Basement Plan
Eas Elevation
North Elevation
1.Studio (Ground floor) 2.Sitting Room (Ground &1st floor) 3.Gallery (Ground floor) 4.Kitchen (1st floor) 5.Bathroom (1st floor) 6.Bedroom (2nd floor) 7.Storage (basement) 6
Section 2
Section 1