1 minute read
by Xiaoji Zhou
# machine-learning
# climage change
# social equity
“an imaginary future of street cooling with an artful, just, temporary, yet utilitarian experience”
Harvard Graduate School of Design | Spring 2021
Individual Project Charles Waldheim
Sunset Boulevard represents an iconic streetscape of Los Angeles that is automobile-based and that is disproportionately impacting heat events across class and race. Poorer districts suffer from the scarsity of resource and maintenance for green canopy in an overwhelming built environment. Breathing Sideway is an imaginary desirable future for a more socially equitable and comfortable streetscape that does not necessarily ask for a dramatic change of the relocation of capital. The historic photos of Ed Ruscha’s Sunset Strip provide an archival fundament for the generative neural network, which studies and questions the existing fabric of city on its relationship to shade, depth, and movement. Machine learning proposes an urban landscape and shading stracture that could have happened from what have happened.
Shading Prosthetic for One-Story Building

Shading Prosthetic for Multi-Story Building