Volume 1 / Issue 3 / June 2013
收稿时间 / Received Date
中图分类号 / TU982.3
文献标识码 / B
Landscape Architecture Frontiers
类设计: 沉积物基础设施的关键过程 索 与
Experiment and Process
Quasi Designed: The Throttle of Sedimentary Infrastructure
过 程 布雷特·米利甘
摘要 ……
Abstract ...
Dredging is typically understood as a linear industrial activity:
dredge channel here, deposit waste there. The work of the
Dredge Research Collaborative argues that dredge must be
understood within a broader context of human technologies,
tools, organizations and practices that manipulate sedimentary
Quiet Babylon设计事务所总监,《连线》杂志设计频道创办作家;
processes across wide geographic and temporal scales.
Dredging is a key moment within this cycle of activities — the
moment at which human influence over sedimentary processes is
most intensely concentrated — but never an isolated moment.
We refer to these relatively new sedimentary regimes as
Assistant Professor in the Department of Landscape
the dredge cycle to emphasize the key position of the activity
Architecture and Environmental Planning at the University
of dredging within this set of anthropogenic sediment-handling
of California, Davis; Co-founder of the Dredge Research
practices. This broader understanding of our influence upon such
processes advocates for a set of changes to the way that this
influence is designed.
One of the primary ways that the Dredge Research
Collaborative has sought to pursue these changes is through the
organization of an on-going event series called DredgeFest. This
Director of Quiet Babylon; Founding Staff Writer at Wired
article describes the Dredge Research Collaborative’s motivations
Design; Co-founder of the Dredge Research Collaborative
for organizing DredgeFest, recounts lessons drawn from the
Stephen BECKER
inaugural DredgeFest as well as the Hurricane Sandy, that struck
Co-founder Mammoth and the Dredge Research Collaborative
New York City a month after the festival, and sketches future
directions for the Dredge Research Collaborative and DredgeFest.
关键词 ……
Key words ...
Co-founder of Mammoth and the Dredge Research
翻译 Translated by / 刘琴博 Qinbo LIU,陆小璇 Xiaoxuan LU 校对 Proofread by / 李舒雅 Shuya LI
疏浚;沉积;人类纪;反馈;基础设 施;海岸弹性
1 1. 1.
桑迪飓风在新泽西州曼托洛金海岸线上“割”出了一个新入海口。© NASA Earth Observatory A new inlet cut across coastal Mantoloking, New Jersey by Hurricane Sandy © NASA Earth Observatory
Dredging; Sediment; Anthropocene; Feedback; Infrastructure; Coastal Resiliency
Volume 1 / Issue 3 / June 2013
Landscape Architecture Frontiers
Experiment and Process
探 索 与 过 程
纽约疏浚节 2. 3. 2. 3.
疏浚循环 © The Dredge Research Collaborative 牙买加湾:人为土(纽约土壤普查)、历史填埋区以及沼 泽岛的历史边界。© The Dredge Research Collaborative The Dredge Cycle © The Dredge Research Collaborative Jamaica Bay: Anthrosols (per NYC Reconnaissance Soil Survey), Areas of Historic Filling, and Historic Outlines of Marsh Islands © The Dredge Research Collaborative
无效/缺乏管理 重力作用
纽约市土壤勘察分类 疏浚人为土
长满植被的沼泽岛屿(根 据1924年勘察结果)
沉降与泥沙淤积 0
Volume 1 / Issue 3 / June 2013
Landscape Architecture Frontiers
Experiment and Process
探 索 与 过 程
新近沉降场地 当前的疏浚渠道 深挖 维护 处理分类 湿地 高地 填海 水下压实 压实
未来 4.
纽约/新泽西河口疏浚工程:美陆军工程兵团与合同商共 同疏浚淤积在河口的沉积物。他们的疏浚方式通常分为 “维护性疏浚”或“深挖性疏浚”两种措施。维护性疏浚 需要维持海床的现有深度,这意味着人们试图从上游流域 抵消沉积物流动所带来的影响。深化性疏浚现在成为了河 口的主要疏浚工作,主要是为了应对巴拿马运河扩建工程 完成后到达纽约和新泽西的超大型集装箱船。因此疏浚工 程不应只被理解为一个解决由人类活动带来的不断增长的 沉积侵蚀现象的行为,它更是对跨洋航道沿线上的原料、 制造商品以及其他产品的全球循环不断加速的过程的一种 回应。© The Dredge Research Collaborative Dredging the New York/New Jersey Estuary: Sediment that arrives and settles in the Estuary is dredged by the US Army Corps of Engineers and its contractors. Their dredging operations are typically classified as either "maintenance" or "deepening" operations. Maintenance
operations are required to maintain existing channels at their current depths, and so represent the direct attempt to counteract the effects of the flow of sediments from the upstream watershed. Deepening operations, which currently comprise the great majority of dredging operations in the Estuary, are primarily in anticipation of the ultra-large container ships that are expected to begin arriving in New York and New Jersey once the Panama Canal Expansion is completed. Dredging is thus properly understood as a reaction to not only the accelerated pace of sedimentary erosion resulting from human activities, but also a reaction to the accelerating pace of global cycling of raw materials, manufactured goods, and other products along transoceanic shipping lanes. © The Dredge Research Collaborative
Volume 1 / Issue 3 / June 2013
Collaborative, we were tracing Sandy’s
practice that spans the globe, tracing the
consequences for a more hidden but still
Dredging is never an isolated moment.
contours of economics and history. To
essential topography: the carefully-managed
It is globally networked with a vast array
understand it, we must begin somewhere, so
underwater contours of the harbor and its
of other processes and landscapes: erosion
we will begin with a storm and a city.
bays. After Sandy, ports along the east coast
control technologies like silt fences and
path of the hurricane were closed, including
cellular confinement systems;; dams, arresting
Hurricane Sandy
the Port of Virginia in Hampton Roads and
vast quantities of river-borne sediment;
1100 AM EDT WED OCT 31 2012
the Port of New York and New Jersey, in
urbanization, agriculture, and deforestation,
T h e N a t i o n a l We a t h e r S e r v i c e ’s
large part because the underwater approach
all accelerating erosion; techniques of
Hydrometeorological Prediction Center issues
terrain — usually groomed by dredgers
recovery, remediation, and disposal; and
its final official prediction for Hurricane
to match the lines delineated on NOAA’s
landscapes and products made from the
Sandy, Remnants of Sandy Advisory Number
navigational charts — had suddenly been
sediments collected in dredging, from new
3 7 : “ . . . W I N D S . . . A C C U M U L AT I N G
rendered uncertain, potentially containing
islands to decorative urns. Collectively, these
hazardous underwater debris or blocked by
manipulative acts can be understood as a
storm-induced shoaling. In order to re-open
cycle, analogous in scope and ambition to
the ports, NOAA deployed its “navigation
familiar natural cycles such as the water cycle
response teams” to urgently re-chart harbor
and the rock cycle, though operating with
The damage wrought on the New York
bathymetry in a vital act of emergency
much greater speed.
and New Jersey coast by Hurricane Sandy
landscape measurement. After the surveys
We refer to this relatively new sedimentary
(Fig. 1), the subsequent efforts to cope with
were completed, emergency dredging began,
cycle as the dredge cycle (Fig. 2) to
that damage, and plans for better coastal
repairs to ensure that no unseen hazards
emphasize the key position of the activity
defense systems against future storms all
would interfere with the arrival and departure
of dredging within this set of anthropogenic
received significant media attention in the
of container ships, oil tankers, and other
sediment-handling practices. Dredging is the
wake of the storm.
commercial vessels plying the harbor.
switch in the cycle between erosive processes
A wide variety of coastal defenses and
This hidden topography does more than
driven by gravity and the deployment of
responses to the storm were broached in the
maintain commerce. Dredging, the very
energy and counter forces to defy gravity.
press by politicians, designers, engineers,
activity that restored the clean geometries
Dredging is also the point of the most intense
and scientists: multi-billion dollar surge
of the harbor channels after the storm is, in
and rapid movement of sediment within the
barriers permanently emplaced in the harbor;
conjunction with a range of other sedimentary
cycle; if human influence over sediment is
home buyouts in flood-damaged areas with
handling practices, also responsible for
one of the ways that we behave as geologic
the intention of retreating from the most
exacerbating the damage produced by the
agents, then dredging is the point of initiation
heavily impacted zones, a “grassy network
storm. Dredging alters hydrological flows
for our most overt acts of making sedimentary
of land-based parks accompanied by watery
and increases erosive forces, depleting the
patches of wetlands and tidal salt marshes”,
fragile coastal ecologies — such as sea grass
and “breakwater islands made of geotextile
beds, marshes, and dunes — that buffer
tubes and covered with marine plantings”;
littoral cities against storm surge. Dredging
strategically hardening infrastructures to
also produces sedimentary surpluses, mobile
better absorb the impact of and ride out
reservoirs of sediment that can be deployed
flooding when it does occur; and “a system
to restore and create. If dredging constitutes
of artificial reefs in the channel and the bay
a sedimentary infrastructure essential to the
built out of rocks, shells and fuzzy rope that
functioning of contemporary coastal urban
is intended to nurture the growth of oysters”,
systems, then the first important thing to
“nature’s wave attenuators”.
recognize about this infrastructure is that it is
In our role as the Dredge Research
rife with feedback mechanisms.
Experiment and Process
Landscape Architecture Frontiers
The Dredge Cycle
This is an investigation into a landscaping
探 索
5 5.
黄栏草地再生疏浚过程与盐沼湿地的创建:牙买加湾的黄 栏草地正在进行持续改造。几十年来,由于牙买加湾滨水 区受到城市的强烈影响,沙丘岛不断萎缩,乃至消失。在 陆军工程兵团的指导下,这一格局最近正在转变。兵团将 这一岛屿作为处理疏浚材料的场地,也将它作为一个应对 扩大不断退化的生态系统的实验场地。© Gena Wirth Yellow Bar Hassock reclaimed dredge and salt marsh creation: Jamaica Bay's Yellow Bar Hassock is in constant transformation. For decades the island-sized hummock has been shrinking and losing ground due to intensifying urban impacts in the Jamaica Bay watershed. This pattern recently reversed course under the direction of the Army Corps of Engineers, who use the island as a site to dispose of dredge material and as a test case for expanding ecosystems in decline. © Gena Wirth
geology. Within geology, biological sciences, and
geologic scale. This new era is called the
sheer scale of human activity”, “elemental
in its force”. The Anthropocene forces us
environmental studies, there is established
First proposed in 2000 by geologist Paul
to recognize that anthropogenic influence
awareness that human alterations of
Crutzen, the Anthropocene is a useful way to
is pervasive and endemic. We are far too
biogeochemical cycles, such as the nitrogen,
understand the scale and intensity of human
enmeshed within such material processes
phosphorous, and carbon cycles, have
influence on global systems, “capitalizing on
to ever be able to extricate ourselves,
transformed the planet at a global and
the way in which (the term) dramatizes the
which brings us back to design. Wherever
Volume 1 / Issue 3 / June 2013
largest ships that can currently transit the
led the Dredge Research Collaborative to
of industrial engineering) toward awareness
opportunistically designed to improve upon
Canal carry — is expected to significantly
conceive of a participatory event series. We
of its ever-aggregating scope and influence
degraded biogeochemical systems, building
“alter patterns of trade”, “mean(ing) faster
have observed that there is a growing interest
— towards a recognition of the broader
better and more inclusive natures.
and cheaper shipping of some goods between
in dredging and related landscape processes
context of the dredge cycle, though not
the United States and Asia”. On the Atlantic
within design fields. We have also observed
typically articulated in those terms. Dredge
and Gulf coasts of the United States, the
that this interest has remained primarily
is increasingly understood as a resource,
B e f o r e H u r r i c a n e S a n d y, o n e s u c h
imminence of the Expansion has produced
speculative, in large part because of a scarcity
rather than a waste material. The management
synthesis was already underway in Jamaica
intensive pressure on ports to “deepen harbors
of working relationships between landscape
of sediments is now matriculated through
Bay, which lies on the southeastern edge
and expand cargo-handling facilities” to
architects and those actors with practiced
extensive regional plans and strategies
of New York, past Coney Island (Fig. 3).
accommodate the New Panamax ships that
agency in the landscapes of dredge. In an
that include multiple stakeholders and a
Recognizing the degradation of the bay’s
should begin docking in 2015.
effort to grapple with these limitations, we
variety of agendas, including community
索 与 过 程
salt marsh islands complex over the course
For the Port of New York and New Jersey,
launched our event series in September 2012
and environmental concerns. The growing
of the twentieth century (feedback: dredging
this has translated into a massive rise in the
with DredgeFest NYC, little more than a
movement of citizen gardening of oysters
in the bay is thought to be one of the
amount of dredging done in the harbor (Fig.
month before Hurricane Sandy hit.
(for the creation of reefs to stabilize channels
primary contributors to the degradation), a
4). Before Panama began the Expansion
DredgeFest NYC brought together
and improve water quality, rather than for
complicated network of federal, state, and
Project, the US Army Corps of Engineers
corporate practitioners, government agencies,
gastronomical consumption) and community
local entities have entered into a partnership
dredged hundreds of thousands of tons of
scientists, designers, theorists, industry
efforts to regenerate the industrial banks of
to actively rebuild several of the bay’s most
sediment from the harbor annually. Since the
experts, and the public to talk about dredging
the Gowanus Canal demonstrate that public
severely degraded islands utilizing sand,
Expansion Project began, the Army Corps
and how it manifests in the New York / New
participation in the dredge cycle is already
itself dredged from the New York Harbor.
has dredged millions of tons of sediment in
Jersey region. Our intent was to open up a
happening, and offers new potentials beyond
Again, feedback: the majority of the sand
New York Harbor annually, a more than ten-
conversation about the dredge cycle, at once
the exclusively governmental and corporate
being used is only available as an unintended
fold expansion. This dredging surge has been
documentary and speculative, while using the
manipulation of dredge.
consequence of a massive earthmoving
composed of sandier and cleaner sediments
event as an opportunity to build connections
Yet dredging and other dredge cycle
project over two thousand miles away: The
than maintenance dredging, which typically
between disparate communities and to frame
processes are still implicated in steep
Panama Canal Expansion Project.
contains more polluted silts recently washed
new design questions.
challenges, including legacies of toxic
The Expansion Project, which will permit
in from upstream sources. While only a small
The festival had three main components:
sediments, logistical and economic hurdles,
the Canal’s locks “to handle ‘New Panamax’
portion of this vast new stream of sediment
fieldwork and research preceding the
compartmentalization into political and
ships — 25 percent longer, 50 percent wider
has been diverted to Jamaica Bay for marsh
event (products of which included both an
disciplinary silos, and adapting to effects
and, with a deeper draft as well, able to
building (Fig. 5), without the quantity and
exhibition at the symposium (Fig. 2, 6) and
induced by climate change. Although
carry two or three times the cargo” that the
quality of material dredged in the Expansion
on-going work with videographers Ben
attractive in both theory and practice, there
Project, a marsh rebuilding project would
Mendelsohn and Alex Chohlas-Wood on a
are, as of yet, no proven design frameworks
be prohibitively expensive. The same kind
documentary about the dredge cycle), a public
for physically manipulating, detoxifying and
of globally-networked economic forces
boat tour (which visited landscapes of dredge
choreographing sediments at a regional scale.
that are implicated in the degradation of the
around the harbor from Manhattan to Jamaica
(Nor are there any established frameworks for
marsh islands are now making possible their
Bay), and a symposium, itself composed
involving design professionals.) Because of
resuscitation. This is typical of the dredge
of three topical, interdisciplinary sessions
the unpredictable nature of dredging cycles
cycle, full as it is of peculiar assemblies and
(“Dredge and the Anthropocene”, “Circularity
and volumes, combined with other logistical
relationships that can be directed to either
and Feedback”, and “Regeneration and Public
uncertainties, sustainable models of dredge
accretionary or erosive ends.
decontamination choreography have yet
帕塞克流域 6.
纽约湾南部 6.
加速沉积:河口的疏浚沉积物来自河流上游——在那些流 入河口的流域中,帕赛克河流域、拉里坦河流域,特别是 哈德逊河流域的沉积物最多。该图指出了与主要沉积物分 布相结合的用地性质分布:在橙色的农业用地中,包括行 间作物与牧场;在灰色的城市用地中,市区边缘的低密 度发展用地中伴随着特别严重的侵蚀。洋红色表示在河 口分水岭处发现的几个露天矿与采石场。© The Dredge Research Collaborative Accelerating sediments: The sediments that are dredged in the estuary originate upstream, in one of the watersheds that drains to the estuary — with the largest being the Passaic, Raritan, and, particularly, the Hudson. This drawing maps land uses which are associated with major disturbance of sediment: in orange, agriculture, including both row crops and pasture, and in grayscale, urban land — low-density development at the urban fringe is associated with particularly severe erosion. In magenta, the few open pit mines and quarries found in the Estuary's watershed are also highlighted. © The Dredge Research Collaborative
Over the course of DredgeFest NYC it
to be discovered. Increased analytical and
became clear that dredging in the NY / NJ
forecasting rigor is required if we are to shift
The possibility of redirecting these
Harbor, as a process and set of operations, has
from hard and static infrastructures to those
feedback loops to generate new landscapes,
evolved in conceptualization from an isolated
that are more responsive and resilient.
new ecosystems, and new infrastructures,
and rather simplistic proposition (a linear act
DredgeFest NYC
Perhaps most ominously, it remains
Experiment and Process
possible, human inputs can and should be
Feedback and Synthesis
Landscape Architecture Frontiers
Volume 1 / Issue 3 / June 2013
索 与 过 程
unclear whether there are limits to this ever-
and accreting, coastal development, or sea
phenomena like illicit and destructive sand
expanding anthropocentric geology. At
level rise and ever-increasing frequencies of
piracy, the exceedingly rapid geology of
the festival, University of Maine geologist
intense storms. Observing and acting upon
dam removal, and the near-future impacts of
Roger Hooke presented us with timelines
these networked material relations is at least
emerging technologies such as robotics and
quantifying the exponential growth in the
as critical to the resilience of urban systems
advanced, sensate geotextiles on sedimentary
amount of earth humans move per capita per
as dealing with any individual component
management regimes.
year as observed through history. This growth
in isolation. Re-designing the dredge cycle
How do we situate ourselves in a world
that is now accelerating logarithmically
for the Anthropocene will require observing,
where such (bizarre) human operations
toward pure horizontality, implying that the
designing, and manipulating such feedbacks,
cumulatively move more sediment and rock
human manipulation of sediment is steadily
harnessing their aggregate energy so that they
than all the non-human force of winds, waters,
pulling us across an event horizon into a
strengthen rather than undermine landscape
and ice combined? And what role can the
world unlike the one that we have known.
design professions, specifically and landscape
Future iterations of DredgeFest will aim
architecture play in coping with, organizing,
to chart this territory, with DredgeFests
and harnessing these movements? These
If events such as DredgeFest and the
distributed around not only North America
are the questions that DredgeFest and
concept of the dredge cycle have something
(the next DredgeFest is scheduled for the
the Dredge Research Collaborative are
unique to offer in this conversation, it is first
great Mississippi River Delta in southern
recognizing the quasi-designed linkages
Louisiana), but, eventually, toward global
between multiple anthropogenically-driven
sedimentary hotspots: thickly-inhabited deltas
landscape processes, be they dredging
like the Mekong, Rhine, and Yangtze, land-
itself, beach nourishment, the Panama
building operations powered by exported
Canal Expansion, wetlands both eroding
Dutch dredging expertise, and even stranger
NOTE An original version of this article was published in Scenario Journal, Issue 4: Rethinking Infrastructure, in Spring 2013.
National Weather Service Hydrometeorological Prediction Center. (2013). Remnants of Sandy Advisory Number 37. Retrieved from http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/tropical/ tropical_advisories.php?storm=SANDY&adnum=37&dt=2012 103115&status=remnants Navarro, M. (2012, November 7). Weighing Sea Barriers as Protection for New York. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/08/nyregion/after-hurricanesandy-debating-costly-sea-barriers-in-new-york-area. html?pagewanted=all Kaplan, T. (2013, February 4). Cuomo Seeking Home Buyouts in Flood Zones. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes.com/2013/02/04/nyregion/cuomo-seeking-homebuyouts-in-flood-zones.html Feuer, A. (2012, November 4). Protecting the City, Before Next Time. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes. com/2012/11/04/nyregion/protecting-new-york-city-beforenext-time.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 Rob H., Tim M., Brett M. (2012). The Dredge Research Collaborative is Stephen Becker. Retrieved from http:// dredgeresearchcollaborative.org/ NOAA’s navigation assets complete primary post-Sandy assignments remain available to assist. (2012, November 4). NOAA Coast Survey. Retrieved from http://noaacoastsurvey. wordpress.com/2012/11/04/noaas-navigation-assets-completeprimary-post-sandy-assignments-remain-available-to-assist/ US: emergency dredging gets underway at Rudee Inlet. (2012, November 13). Dredging News Online. Retrieved from http:// www.sandandgravel.com/news/article.asp?v1=16546 Dredge Research Collaborative. (2013). Dredge. In N. Bhatia
[9] [10]
[15] [16]
and L. Sheppard (Eds.), Bracket [goes Soft]. Barcelona: ACTAR. A Man-Made World. (2011, May 26). The Economist. Retrieved from http://www.economist.com/node/18741749 Jamaica Bay Marsh Islands. (2013). USACE New York District. Retrieved from http://www.nan.usace.army.mil/ Missions/CivilWorks/ProjectsinNewYork/EldersPointJamaica BaySaltMarshIslands.aspx The coalition includes the US Army Corps of Engineers, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, National Park Service (Gateway), New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York City Department of Environmental Protection, the National Resources Conservation Service, the New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Fountain, H. (2011, August 16). Panama Adding a Wider Shortcut for Shipping. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/17/science/17canal. html?pagewanted=all Dredging Information System. (2013, February 8). USACE Navigation Data Center. Retrieved from http://www.ndc.iwr. usace.army.mil//dredge/drgcorps.htm The Dredge of a Lifetime. (2012, October 5).The Atlantic Cities, Retrieved from http://www.theatlanticcities.com/jobsand-economy/2012/10/dredge-lifetime/3483/. The schedule from DredgeFest NYC. (2012). Retrieved from http://dredgeresearchcollaborative.org/dredgefest/ Hudson-Raritan Estuary (HRE) Comprehensive Restoration
Landscape Architecture Frontiers
Experiment and Process
Plan (CRP). (2010). USACE New York District. Retrieved from http://www.nan.usace.army.mil/Missions/Navigation/ NewYorkNewJerseyHarbor/HudsonRaritanEstuary.aspx The EPA’s “Beneficial Use of Dredge” Programs and the NY/NJ Sediment Decontamination Demonstration Programs (1994~2008) are evidence of extensive research into regional management of sediment, revealing challenges still to be overcome. See NY/NJ Sediment Decontamination Demonstration Program, U.S Environmental Protection Agency: Retrieved from http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/ CLEANUP.NSF/PH/Technical+Documents/$FILE/PH-SternPresentation.pdf Gray, D. (2011, August 22). Sand for Sale; Environment Ravaged. Retrieved from http://www2.irrawaddy.org/article. php?art_id=21935&page=1 A d v a n c i n g D e l t a s . ( 2 0 11 , 2 0 1 2 ) . F r e e A s s o c i a t i o n Design. Retrieved from http://freeassociationdesign. wordpress.com/2011/08/09/advancing-deltas/ and http:// freeassociationdesign.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/therecruitment-of-entropy-advancing-deltas-v/ Cantrell, B. (2012, January 4). Responsive Systems Studio Fall 2011. Reactscape. Retrieved from http://reactscape.visuallogic.com/2012/01/responsive-systems-studio-fall-2011/ Syvitski, J., Vörösmarty, C., Marx, S., Bhaduri A. (2013, May 22). Changing the History of the Earth: The Role of Water in the Anthropocene. Retrieved from http://conference2013.gwsp. org/fileadmin/Conference_2013/water_anthropocene_A3.pdf