Self Care Self Love Pocket Zine

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“I fell back into depression, so as an act of self care I wrote. I still feel like shit but at least I’m on the right track.” – Tzara Aran

A Square Called Ol' Five Letters (the Un-Loving of Thy Self) 4:17AM on a southside January. Let me begin by addressing the fact that I've done enough drugs to kill a small child in my short 27 to know that I'm all too familiar with the frenzied reaction to the anxiety of mania.

At the moment (if anyone actually cares) there's waves in my hand and under the skin in my ear. Both are repeated. Both are consistent. Neither are relevant. The cage I built for myself has dulled my senses with it's half-minimalism, half-shrine to meaninglessness approach. "How much longer could I possibly hold onto the wheel during the millennial drought when my mind was in fact not minding the fact that it was dying? I began looking for answers on the soapboxes of cliches. First came love than came drugs than came sorrow than came the inevitable realization that the mind I thought I knew no longer resembled that of a young buck of a rising star. When found in a situation like this, a person exits living and is pushed into existence. "It's alright. There's no need to worry anymore." They assure the existers. Though I suspect concepts such as self-love become antiquated and humorous when you exist. Not many have the good fortune to witness the land of the living, much less be allowed to return. I stayed there for a bit at times. It was nice. I smiled. But for now, no more lines, no more words, no more art, no more thought. Existence is my home now. And in a final fuck you, the joke was on me. Because the Square called Ol' Five Letters saw it coming

To My Blood Sisters Don't you worry Hermana, no estas sola. Every month the pain flows out of us. Our bodies are cleansed and recharged. painful, pero luchamos. The mood swings, the cravings, our emotions take us on a wild but sensitive roller coaster. A veces cabronas At times we may feel like ripping out our uterus, chopping it up and throwing it into our boiling cauldron, but remember, no estas sola. You will make it through, te lo juro. So cuando estas cansada, boobs sore, back hurting, horrible sharp pains con antojitos de algo dulce light that sage, drink your tea, roll up a joint and breathe. Breathe in and out.

Tu eres fuerte, y remember que es un bendición ser mujer.

porque somos Chingonas 🌹Ari

By: Adrian Quinn

Lizmarie P

I The Reptilia by Anabella

I the Reptilia Take care of my skin It's everything I have that holds my within I the Reptilia Sun bathe for my skin It provides me with energy Warming my heart and relaxing my muscles I breathe with earth's rumbles My heart, I take care It's my guide, I'm aware My intuition My vibe I myself love every part of me My thick skin, built over time, protects and repels what can harm me And it's my sharp teeth that tell, I don't resist, I eat well. In order to survive I must not fear the waters I swim Aware of myself, I am aware of others We are meant to explore, combine, and adore This land we create As we live out our time It's how you survive That tells you, you are wise I live with grace Sit here with sun in my face And it's warm soothing rays With my feet in the water And my heart fully opened My senses aware Therefore I take care

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