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Editors Editor in Chief: Bettya Burgess Editor at Large: Tiara Etheridge Writers Bettya Burgess Aleecia V


4. 7. 12. 16. 20. 22. 24.

Editors Letter

Deborah Almaroof Beauty in the Eye Summer Sneak’s

Featured Models Erin Maldonado Akia Harvey ROE The Agency Model Agency: bookings@roetheagency.com Rikia Cleveland Wiebke Plate Denzel Hamilton Nadia Ferrell

Photographers Tracey Hawkins ; traceyhawkport@ gmail.com Brandon Alanso Porsche Collins; collinsporsche@ gmail.com Bettya Burgess bettya@xifashionmag com Advertisments Demeanr www.demeanr.com XI Fashion Magazine www.xifashionmag.com

Politics: Police Brutality

Makeup Shanda J of Facetime w/ Ms Pretty Jehan Henry

The Art and Style Affair

Hair by Jessica, IG @Trudyydohair

Tantric Sex

Fashion Designs Wizzolx Fashion Editor Frenche Stylist Keyonna Lindsay Fashion revoltclothing.com Wizzolx Cover Rikia Cleveland


Artist The Real Painta Deborah Almaroof Jah Bey


Community Highlight

Editor’s Letter Welcome back! We have surely missed our XI community! So much has happened since we last met in our DOPE LOVE issue, good, bad and ugly, but we are back on the scene even better than before! This year has been a prophetic, enlightening journey and we are going to share every element we learned and continue to learn in order to change our community one magazine at a time, so lets’ get started! Between these pages you are holding and about to explore are stories that teach, show and express different types of energy. This new knowledge and awareness of energy will open your eyes, ears and hearts to a new beginning and world. There is an epidemic on the rise and it is called “Revolution”. It has always been said that, “The Revolution will not be televised” and it won’t.


The revolution is a silent awakening within us all, it is the quiet shift of energy and consciousness that is elevates good when all seems like turmoil. This issue, Chi is empowering us all to love and know thyself. We are unblocking your mind and opening your spirit to the oneness that surrounds us all. Our 5th issue, Chi is discussing everything from elements to energy, interviewing amazing artist that use thier energy. We are opening doors that many have yet not to explore. So sit back, relax and explore the amazing energy of XI 5th issue, Chi; The Energy issue.

LOVE, B. B. Bey

DanceOVisions F ART O

ff yonder in the Northeast side of Washington DC, in Mayfair Mansion lie two prestigious woman who are reviving the life in what was once a dying community. Establishing Dance Visions of Art in 2013, Brittany Clark and Crishon Pellham have developed an all-star team coaching and involving a thriving 50+ students from ages 3 and up giving them the opportunity to learn how to dance. As the organization is growing life and business was not always as easy. “When I met Crishon we were young, and we also got pregnant young, actually we were pregnant together, but we always had a dream of dancing which kept us especially connected”, says Clark. I can remember never having extra activities anywhere near my home, but my drive was so strong I didn’t let that stop me”. On top of the lack of resources in urban communities the government has also cut many afterschool programs in urban areas. This cause has negatively affected the communities in the surrounding areas due to lack of constructive activities for the youth. “Our number one goal is to provide a safe haven for the children and youth and to show students how to use and reach their innate potential”, says Clark.


Statistics prove that it is less likely for students whom are involved in constructive activities to become involved in gangs or trouble, Dance Visions of Art is an organization that is actively stimulating and changing the statistics in the community one child at a time. “We provide dance classes as well as tutoring and an experience of other programs,” says Pellham. Dance Visions of Art offer free classes to students and are continuing to change the tone of their lives and community around them by learning a range of dance, specializing in hip hop, beginner’s ballet and contemporary. “Dancing is fun!” Screams 6 yearold dancer, Amari Wallace. She is right dancing is fun, and it is also a skill that teaches students self-confidence, teamwork, and discipline which are skills that resonate in their everyday lives.

-B.B Bey



Deborah Almaroof

Q&A XI: When did you start writing poetry?

I began writing poetry around the age of 20. I was a sophomore at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University at the time.

XI: What experiences led you to start writing? Honestly, depression led me to write. I transferred to A&T from Clark Atlanta University the second semester of my sophomore year. So I was sort of the “new girl” on campus. The majority of my peers entered as freshman and already formed their “circles”. During my initial months on campus, I hadn’t quite figured out where Id fit in.

I felt alone during my first semester at A&T. Searching for a coping mechanism, I tapped into my gift. I just desired to be around my sisters. So I wrote my first poem, Family Tree; the poem is a tribute to that sisterly bond. So initially I was inspired to write in moments of sadness, frustration and loneliness. Later on in life I honed in on the gift and I now can acquire inspiration from any source. I have work that touches on my love for travel, enduring my first broken heart, the struggles of female friendships and the beauty of being an African American woman. Seeing the greats before me pass and leave a void that needs to be filled inspires me to write. Watching my peers chase their dreams inspires me to enter my space of creativity. Life simply inspires me to write.


Deborah Amaloof Q&A continued..

XI: Tell us the name of your book and give us a taste of what it expresses DEB:The title of my poetry book is ‘Forbidden Truth’. I am a VERY private person and I believe some things should not be spoken to others or shared publicly. Somethings should remain private. As an artist I typically only create work when I am inspired to do so, typically after something has occurred in my life. So my poems capture very intimate parts of me and my heart. With this book, I compiled all my poetry but decided to also include an in depth description of each life experience that inspired each poem; this feature of the work is identified as reflections. One must reflect on their life’s successes, trials and tribulations to learn the lessons God put in place to grow you. The collection is the truth about me, my real story, behind the daily mask we all wear, truth behind the smile we all wear, my naked truth, the real me that only God knows. Some of the things in life we view as maybe even shameful, like suicide. The Lord gave me the idea to include photography for the majority of the poems, to bring a visual piece to the work. Readers are given the opportunity to explore real life joys, pains, failures and success. All my life experiences that shaped the woman I am today.


“As an African American and a darker tone woman, I have never let society's idea of beauty dim my light. I always viewed myself as beautiful and worthy. “ Do you have any advice for future writers and publishDEB: Be true to yourself, I know that sounds cliche but nothing is more authentic than you. No one can do you better than you. There’s something you’ll bring to this creative world that is missing. I would also say research publishing companies thoroughly.

XI:Where can people get your book? DEB: Let me first say thank you for this opportunity. I put my heart into Forbidden Truth, I am very proud of the work. Forbidden Truth can be purchased NOW at: www.authorhouse.com, amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com Thanks in advance to your readers for all support. I hope the book blesses all who have the opportunity to read. Love and Happinesss

www.demeanr.com IG: @Cluniebravo Twitter: DM_Clunie


Poetry in Motion


“The Queen Remains Queen Even when the King loses his crown.” - Deborah Almaroof

Height 5’8


Weight 138lbs Measurements 35B, 26W, 38H

FOR BOOKING email: leigh.jmaldonado@gmail.com



It is time to redefine beauty and start recognizing beauty for what it is;

Beauty in the Eye Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Every day we wake up and trying to figure out how we are actually going to fit into the world each day. We wear the flyest clothes, keep up with the latest lingo and post on the most relevant media sites. Every day we do this, hiding our true selves and character. In the type of world we live in today, the average woman would not dare to leave the house without makeup beat to the gods on their faces or 6 inch heels on their feet. When we consciously leave the house and are viewed in the world, what message are we sending our children and society as a whole?


The social pressure and expectation of the man being beautiful is slim to none when compared to the expectation of the woman. Woman have tried everything to stay “beautiful”, from dying their hair, to injecting concrete into their behinds, and still are not satisfied from within, all woman are not like this but many of them fit this description. When I was a young girl, I remember getting teased because of my skin complexion; I was darker and different from the rest. Very seldom did I see advertisements that included a person of my stature, posing in a magazine advertisement. The teasing was to the point that my mother had to talk to me and tell me how beautiful I really was.

As a child you are blind to the strategic ways companies advertise to create a stigma in the community and amongst people as a whole. Usually promoting white products, white people or any image close enough to carry out the message that “light is right”, or just better than anything dark effects not just people of darker melanin, but all shades of melanin people. Now, let’s be fair there are people of a less melanin stature and they need media and advertisements that relate to them and that is understood, but the pressure to reform, due to these existing ads and commercials have become a toxic epidemic to reach perfect.


People claim that nothing is perfect but still pursue to become perfection instead of accepting the beauty of flaw in that which finds and become perfection. Whether you’re the next Nicki Minaj, or the next Precious beauty can be found in both, just as unattractiveness. Beauty is not perfection; beauty is an energy that anyone or anything can hold. If your soul is not right, your physicality’s are not right.

My destiny was written before my conception Therefore I have destroyed the concept of second guessing Who I am was created for me Meaning my success was determined by HE Therefore your hatefulness and underlined tries Will not break me or stop a destined climb Lost souls with envious eyes Your eyes will witness a glorious rise My destiny was written before my conception you see So your hate for me destroys only you, internally.

Photographer: Tracey Hawkis Models: Coutsey of ROE The Agency Makeup: Shanda J


Stylist: Frenche

It is time to redefine beauty and start recognizing beauty for the energy it is; which entail flaws and imperfection. If a person has a gorgeous face but a low energy attitude there is no authentic identified beauty compared to if a person is considered to be less attractive but has a good energy, spirit or personality might be considered beautiful just because of their positive energy. -B.B Bey

-Deborah Alamaroof









Introduce yourself. Hi Jah Bey , Im a 35 year old artist originally from the tri state area born in Ct and influenced by the tri-state and new England . I am both a fine artist and muralist as well as a craftsman, I also dabble in astrology. How did you start making jewelry? Well that’s an interesting story, a few years ago while working with an organization called the Prison Arts Gallery, we received a large donation from a arts and crafts supply store here in DC. Most of the items were distributed to the organizations members who where incarcerated except for a big box of beads, wire and jewelry making tools which none of the prisons would allow in. So they were given to me, I eventually started to make beaded necklaces and began to wear them when I went out , finally people would ask me where I got it and how they could get one and the rest is kinda history. Is jewelry the only art you create? No I am definitely a creator I paint , write and make jewelry , I’m currently working on a line of hand made clothing called Urbaculture. Talk about the name Waters of Nu The waters of Nu in Egypt or Tamry was the beginning of all existence , what in Indian spiritual systems is known as the akasha , the potential for all things in existence and to exist. This in my opinion is the place where all art comes from. The land of ideas and ideals so to speak . How did the name originate? When we think of the word Nu ( New) it brings to mind that of something

Venus and has been used in talismans where you need to work with either Venus, Libra or Taurus energies. Because of the Venus connection it has a strong association with the feminine energies also. On the Tree of Life , in qaballa it is in the Sepiroth of Victory and relates to the number 7. Copper is a good physical conductor or electricity and heat, . Copper has the ability to conduct spiritual energy back and forth from individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. it is also believed that it has the power to amplifying thoughts in receiving and sending psychic communication and is used in channeling hoaxes throughout the world. New Age followers also carry it with their stones and crystals to “straighten” the properties of the crystals and use it when creating crystal wands. It is also instrumental in physical and mental healing rites. Healers base their belief in Copper’s power to heal the mind and body based on the metal’s energy conducting properties. it can even facilitate this process and use it for creating crystal wands and other means of transferring the energy of crystals. They also attribute many of the same healing qualities to crystals and minerals that contain Copper traces. Mental Healing According to New Age healers, Copper can stimulate the flow of energy and hence move Psychic or Mental energies thereby helping the wearer overcome lethargic tendencies, resulting in a more vitalized person with amplified thoughts.

Jah Bey: Waters of Nu never seen before when in actuality nu is ancient its a transmission from our ancestors to bring their reality to the present.

What is the purpose of Waters of Nu? The purpose of waters of nu and the temple of Nu is to preserve or bridge the gap between us in the modern and the ancient to offer us access to that wolrld of magic and the unseen. How do you make your wire wrapped jewelry? And why do you choose to use copper? Copper is a really interesting metal. Because of it’s ability to heal itself by oxidation it has been associated with all sorts of mysticism for a long time. In Ceremonial Magick copper is related to the planet


flow of energy and hence move Psychic or Mental energies thereby helping the wearer overcome lethargic tendencies, resulting in a more vitalized person with amplified thoughts. They also attribute powers of communication, channeling, cleansing, purification, increasing self-esteem and freeing the wearer of mental burdens. Explain the stones, what they are & what they do? Oh Im not sure if we have enough time for that but there are hundreds of mineral combinations that form into the various gemstones giving each its individual properties, gemstones are mentioned in every religious system as a mean s tol get closer to the higher power if you will.

Which stones are your favorite and why?

I carry emerald selinite, Celestine with me they help keep me connected to the source. What is the significance of this jewelry that stands out over other types of jewelry made for people? Our jewelry is not only for adornment, we continue a tradition that is 2.6 million years old, by providing distinct unique amulets and talismans truly the accessories for awakening.

www.watersofnu.com Jahbey@gmail.com


Politics Police brutality is at an all-time high on earth during our time. It is not a new problem, it is a problem that has existed for years but never properly reprimanded. If we as a people want a better world developed for our children, we will begin to take charge NOW by taking the proper lawful steps to start fixing the situation. There are moments in life that occur and sometimes come unexpectedly. After it happens, how you handle the situation determines the outcome of the situation. Day to day I hear the concerns of people complaining about how the police have too much power. I am a melanin woman, and my melanin fellows have been brutally harassed for years because of their color, but now it is a different situation, not only our melanin people the ones getting brutally beaten and abused by the police but now everyone that is not a government worker or official.


I don’t know if you have heard of the new world order, but it is here. First thing first, control the masses. Now how do you think they will enforce that? The government is now merging the military with the local police forces and reforming policing into a more militant style of operations, that invade and disable the people to stand up for their rights without actually going to war. We all know that our government does everything but protect us and serve, but we also have to protect and serve ourselves and stop waiting for another entity to do so. Enough murders have happened and been accepted without consequence which gives authority the green light to continue the madness. Enough small talk! It is time for solution and resolution. We as a people have the proper knowledge and motivation to actually change the way America is conducted. We must first understand the law and that it is what allows us to operate the country, and then we must operate in it according to our needs.

According to the Inquisitr (www.inquisitr.com) , a town in California conducted a controlled study; the hypothesis of the study was to prove whether or not police wearing cameras on their uniforms developed a more positive outcome other than police brutality. The study came to show it was a very big difference in police brutality which fell 60 percent due to cameras being worn on the officer’s uniform. These are the steps communities’ worldwide need to begin to take to maintain justice on a mass level. Individual victims like Michael Brown did not have an opportunity to live and make changes to the justice system but his life served as an example and a motivation to get things in its proper ordered perspective. Proper order prospective gives everyone a universal understanding to what is ethically accepted and not accepted. If this procedure is properly completed it will lead the generations to an evolved political state and plain site justice will be served.

-B.B Bey








n 2009 two people came together and decided to make a full commitment to each other. They decided whether they knew it or not to create a power that stands to be the greatest power of them all, love. Love is an energy that stands next to what it accepts and believes in no matter the circumstance. Walking into the essence of the loving home of Shawn also known as ‘The Real Painta’ and Keyonna Lindsay, love was the feeling that I captured in the air. Live paintings were gracing the walls, detailed by the one and only fine artist himself, The Real Painta. I was directed to make myself comfortable, and then Keyonna led us downstairs to get set up. As we passed time with conversation a little 4 year voice, Kayla Shawn Linsay, excitedly announced her and her father’s presence entering the door. Sometime after the little one was settled, we got a chance to dive into the style and art love affair. “2009”, says Shawn”, Keyonna followed up with a stern, yet playful, “July 4th 2009!”, “Anyways”, Shawn states, “it was at her father’s cookout on the 4th of July”…. “I’m dooone,” shouted Kayla’s precious 4 year old voice from the top of the steps. “We’re not done yet though, I’ll come get it in a second”, Keyonna replied in a motherly tone. We continued to reminisce on the beginning of their love story. They began to talk while finishing each other’s sentences and adding on to each other’s details. Keyonna began to sulk into the moment that pulled her into Shawn’s arms forever. “He went to the Art academy of Cincinnati, and was just home for the summer, so we chilled that entire summer and then I was like oh shit, he has to go back to school! I’ll never forget, we decided to meet at Parkland’s bowling alley at Penn Station in District Heights, and that’s when I actually realized I liked him because I could not stop crying! And I was like, this is stupiiid, what is this?!” She laughs and continues. “We had spent so much time together so separating was just a lot.” As he consoled her before the departure they both realized that there was something special worth perusing. But Even the distance could separate their new found love. When Shawn returned to art school all their late night face time calls from the student studio center and text messages kept their relationship close through space. “Then I couldn’t believe it, he was having his senior show,” says Keyonna, “and I wanted to go. I asked my mom, can I go to Shawn’s senior show? Can you buy my ticket?” she laughs. “And she did, she brought my ticket! My mom is not super strict but very conservative and when she said yes, “it shocked us,” Shawn’s states as he finished his wife’s sentence. 23 Continue on page 26...

Tantric SEX Look at me....No,

really look at me... Gaze into my eyes. Lose yourself into the connection in which we have built. Breathe slowly… in through your nose and out through your mouth. For every breath you release, a piece of you heightens me. Enjoy this moment in detail. The passionate kiss; the faint smell of rose oil on our sheets, the slow caress of your…wait! No you are not reading an erotic novel. You’re just having Tantric Sex. Tantra is a practice originating from the Hindu culture over 5,000 years ago. The purpose of Tantric Sex is to fully connect with your partner. See, the goal of Tantric Sex is not getting to the season finale, also known as the orgasm. That is actually not the focus of this practice. Sex has steps, we are taught that when we have sex there is a concrete beginning, middle, and end; the foreplay, the actual sexual act, and then for those of us who are lucky, the amazing orgasm. With Tantric you are looking beyond that, it’s all about the connection and the intimacy. You eliminate all the outside distractions. This practice is perfect for those who are looking to spice up their relationship, increase intimacy, or just looking to have fun in bed.



Sex has steps, we are taught that when we have sex there is a concrete beginning, middle, and end; the foreplay, the actual sexual act, and then for those of us who are lucky, the amazing orgasm. With Tantric you are looking beyond that, it’s all about the connection and the intimacy. You eliminate all the outside distractions. This practice is perfect for those who are looking to spice up their relationship, increase intimacy, or just looking to have fun in bed.

To some this practice may seem a little intense, and believe me I understand. But there are other ways to experience Tantra without “sex”, for example Tantric massage, or even Tantric yoga. Whatever you choose, just allow yourself to be open. This is an experience of enlightenment, deep connection, with a dash of sexual freedom. Just enjoy the ride!

Pick your “perfect” partner. This is the most important tip. It may seem easy to just choose the next Tom, Dick, or Harry to sleep with (no pun intended), but we have to remember this is not just sex. You and your partner are about to embark on a new sexual fantasy here, you need someone you can trust.

Set the scene Bring on the Clap On lights! Well not literally but you get the jest. I’m talking intimacy. Set the mood; heighten all five of your senses. This is how we relax, or better yet get turned on. Imagine making “love” where all 5 of your senses are triggered at once! Dim those lights, burn candles, put on the Marvin Gaye, and do not forget a beautiful fragrance.

Release any tension in the body... Shake it off. No literally shake it off. Wiggle your limbs, stretch out your body, and roll your neck. This helps you prep yourself for what’s about to go down.

Four Play (DO NOT RUSH THIS) This is the highlight of Tantric Sex girls and guys. Wait, you mean to tell me that sex is not the main part of Tantric Sex? No. No it’s not. See Four Play is where the connection begins to build, and the intensity starts to rise. Be slow, take your time, and don’t allow your thoughts to wonder.This step is more intense when you are having skin-to-skin contact.

Eye Contact This is actually harder than you think. When you make steady eye contact with your partner during sex, you are becoming more and more vulnerable; the connection gets deep. Try to keep eye contact the entire time, but do not make it a mandatory action. If you lose focus it’s ok, just let it happen. When you’re ready refocus yourself.

Extra TantricTips!!! When you feel like you are about to reach your orgasmic peak, breathe slowly. This helps bring that intense feeling back down. Remember having an orgasm is not the main focus here; it’s the connection that you are trying to build.

-Aleecia V


Then arose, The Real Painta. “I couldn’t talk, I had staples, and it felt like I got stabbed. I was looking around, and feeling my face which told me the amount of time that passed”, says Shawn. After surgery Shawn had tubes in his chest and a brace on his neck but even that major accident couldn’t keep a good man down, because he walked out of the hospital a month later. After the accident, Keyonna made sure people always knew, by hosting healing campaigns like #Prayforpainta, #longlivepainta, “I tried to keep his work going while he was in the hospital to let people know that his name and his art still lives.”

The Real Painta

Family Challenge & Inspiration In 2013 on September 17th, “I put Kayla to sleep I wanted to paint and decided to go to the store to get some paint. I just remember I was on my skateboard; so I was coming out and came out to the main street on my way back. I saw my friends’ brother, and I waved to him and I was told that people heard a loud ass boom! They called the police.” “Wait let me take it from there, Keyonna exclaimed. “I was in the bed at 2am, and then I got a phone call, it was a police officer asking me if I knew a Shawn Lindsay, then he said he got hit by a truck and he is going into surgery. I called my mom and told her, we waited because Shawn was in surgery and when the doctors came out they said, Shawn had lost his kidney, Shawn had lost his spleen, his lungs collapsed and his diaphragm had ruptured. They showed me a t-shirt that was created for him that represented this challenging moment the family was facing, it was a picture of him layed down, with tubes coming out of his mouth. “They told us that they just didn’t know, and that they did everything little thing that they could. They said we mine as well go home until he recovers from surgery. With a swollen face, and lack of memory, “after two weeks Shawn finally decided to wake up.


Career Later, Shawn began to elaborate on his purpose for making fine arts a career which of course is solely indulged and inspired by the foundation and stability of his family. “I am a working fine artist, I want to paint and people collect the paintings.” His work is defined in different shades, shapes colors and textures.”Yes, people need to realize that Shawn is a fine artist, he has training,” Keyonna explains.” And don’t get me wrong”, she continues, “there is such thing as artists with natural talent which he has as well, but he has fostered his talents by going to school and learning under people. Like learning about colors, Shawn’s doesn’t just use a red, he makes a red, he doesn’t just paint, it takes him a week’s process and layers of paint.” While learning the culture of art, and admiring the essence and techniques of her husband, Keyonna has talents and goals of her own.

“Shawn doesn’t have any pet peeves and that’s why we work, we are startling different people, so where I am nit-picky about things, Shawn lets it roll off his back.” No, they don’t live in traditional gender roles, as Shawn takes over a lot of the domestic work and Keyonna takes care and keeps organization of the bills, they accomplish what is needed. This love dynamic maintain balance, and their harmonious conversations help keep their relationship going while allowing them to continue to be lovers and friends. -B.B Bey

“People don’t take you seriously if you are in fashion and don’t know about fashion, and my styling is fun for me, and I want to keep it pure and I want to keep it fun.” With the hopes of working with innovative artist with good energy, Keyonna is taking her time as she transitions into styling from the communications field working for CBS Radio. “I just want people to know my name. I am a creator, I do so much; I make clothes, I am a writer, I am a business woman and I just want them to know me, and know how to spell my name.” LOVE : Water and Fire When we explored the balance of their love connection we discovered that they are two opposites with the perfect attraction. He is a reserved Aries and expresses his thoughts through his art while she is an outspoken, social Scorpio and growing butterfly. ”I try to pay attention, Shawn says, and I can be lazy, but I work on it”, pleads Shawn. “You’re not malicious”, Keyonna stated. Stylist, Keyonna Lindsay Photographer, Brandon Alanso Makeup, Jehan Henry



& Meditation


There are a lot of emotions stirring around everyone daily, some people can control these emotions and some cannot, and many don’t even know where their emotions derive and lose control of their lives simply because they cannot control their emotions. Usually when someone loses control it means they have not arrived to a place of acceptance and understanding. That is why at this moment you are reading this article, so that you can finally meet your emotional energy and take control of your life. If you are a human you are a vibrant light being that was sent to earth to fix or do whatever your life mission to reach your true complete self. While we are walking around this big earth everyday there is a certain light each individual holds, this light is ignited by your emotional energy wheels, the chak-ras’. The chakras are the energy centers we hold and use daily. Starting from the base of your spine, also known as the the pelvic floor is your root chakra; this chakra is represented by the color red. The root chakra harvests your earthly foundation, safety, security and physical stability. When you balance the root chakra you create a solid foundation for opening the other chakras. The root chakra keeps you grounded, and can be obtained by eating healthy root chakra foods, and also meditating on the root chakra. Once this chakra opens it gives you access to explore the others such as the next chakra, the sactral chakra.

The sacral chakra stores your sexual energy, relationships, empathy, movement, change and creative energy. This chakra is located in the area of your naval, lower abdomen, low back and sexual organs. The sacral chakra area is represented by the color orange. To stimulate the sacral chakra you can meditate on the sacral area, or listen to vibrating music, while dancing while using your sacral chakra areas. As we move up the energy spectrum, we are led to the solar plexus. This energy center is represented by the color yellow. The Solar Plexus represents the core of your personality, the identity of our ego. When this center is balanced you heighten your will power and self discipline. Foods that feed the solar plexus are bananas, honey, pasta, yellow peppers, corn and other healthy natural yellow foods.

Once one learns how to feel, they eventually know what to say and how to say it according to the moment. The throat chakra is represented by the color blue, it is the energy we channel to speak and voice our opinions. Learning the balance of the throat chakra helps one to express accordingly, and consciously control their vibration and tone. Stimulating throat chakra substances are liquids, water, herb teas or fruit such as lemons, kiwi and so forth.

Our next chakra is special as all the others, the third eye chakra. This chakra holds the intuitive energy you hold and use daily. When you think of someone and they call all of a sudden or if you imagine that things happen and see them come to pass. Sky blue is the color that represents this area, which is located right in the middle of the forehead; you can open this chakra by reciting certain chants and through meditation. Good 3rd eye chakra foods are dark blue foods like blue berries, black berries and so on.


Next is the heart chakra, this chakra is very important. It holds the compassion, love you have or hold for anything. This chakra is located in the area of the heart, this chakra allows you to recognize that we are a part of something that connects us all. The heart chakra is represented by the color green, healthy green food are good for the heart such as limes, broccoli, cabbage green beans and more. This impersonal chakra opens an access of a new light of energy, called the throat chakra.

Last but not least the crown chakra! The crown chakra is represented by a purple color; this chakra is our divine and cosmic connection. Activating this chakra allows you to experience unity, connection and selfless realization. Meditation and certain crystal stimulate and open the crown chakra.

Now that you know what your chakra energy centers now it’s time to learn how to align them. One major way to align your chakras’ is to use a method called meditation. Meditation is a breathing exercise that calms the body and distresses the mind. Simply take a seat, upright in a comfortable position, fold your hands or place your hands in a meditation position of your choice, and start breathing. Take deep breathes in through your nose and take a deep breath out of your mouth. Continue breathing, you will notice random thoughts and that is ok. Simply focus back on the breath; this will redirect your thoughts to oneness of self and peace. Now have fun and breathe easy, Ase’. -B.B Bey

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