Wang Szu Hsin portfolio 2014

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Wang Szu-Hsin 2014 Design Portfolio

Hi, my name is

My name is Wang Szu-Hsin. Background I was born in a small family in Taipei. As the elder

It was a posi on that offers a challenge. Further-

child in my family, I have an Independent personali-

more, my teacher nominated me as a leader of

ty. I always try to solve problems by myself. My

graphic design for 2012 gradua on exhibi on

father is a commercial film director. And my

because of my good performance before. In order

mother is a housekeeper. When I was young, I was

to improve my design skill and be familiar with the

deeply influenced by my father due to his occupa-

real world of design industry, I had worked in two

on. I like pain ng, playing with clay, making some

different types of companies as intern, one is a

handicra s since I was a child. I am deeply involved

company of anima on produc on, and the other

in those interes ng things.

one is a Technology company. Undoubtedly, this is

Educa on

a memorable experience to me. I am glad that I

Fortunately, I have a smooth and deligh ul in the

have learned a lot from these training and it makes

course of my schooling. When I was in high school,

me have capability to deal with design problems

I found that art or design is the best way that I can

and organize resources.

choose. For this reason I went to pain ng class to

A er gradua ng from Tatung University, I entered

learn pain ng skills and accumulated some works

the Na onal Taiwan University of Science and

for preparing my por olio. Luckily, I got an admis-

Technology (NTUST) for my master degree in 2012.

sion to Tatung University. And my major is industri-

I follow my academic advisor to conduct research

al design.

studies in the field of human factor engineering.

Studying design is quite hard but very interes ng. I

And I found that I have a strong interest in the field

enjoyed learning new things that differ from high

of user interface and user experience. So I start my

school. I was deeply involved in my study during

research on it. I was well aware that changing

that me. And I have done my school work whole-

environment can promote me to learn new things.

heartedly. Therefore, I was academically excellent

Adjus ng to the new culture forced me to change

in the class. Addi onally, I was a graphic design

my thinking ways. For this reason, studying abroad

leader of Industrial design of student organiza on

could be a good choice for me.

in Tatung University when I was in my junior. And I was responsible for making various posters and graphic design.

Extra Ac vity When I was in Tatung University, my partner and I were invited by Taipei MOCA Art Museum to manufacture a huge fes ve lantern for Chinese New Year display. I also joined the photo club in Tatung University. I not merely concentrated on my study but also took part in various ac vi es. Such as different kinds of design compe ons. Par cipa ng in design compe on can cul vate my express skills and design capabili es. What is worth to be men oned is I also have got some design awards. Like golden award and Taipei Mayor Award of Taipei Interna onal Design Awards and Red Dot Design Award winner. Besides, I joined design workshops posi vely. Seeing that it was a good opportunity to make new friends who came from different study fields, countries and languages. Trying to communicate with foreign friends is fun. And we can also get confidence from coopera ng to complete a project. In these few years, I went abroad to explore different countries such as Germany, Czech, Thailand and Japan. I am deeply a racted by the dis nct design style of every country I visited. As a student in the field of design, I think it is nothing more important than realizing different types of design.

Wang Szu-Hsin Born in 1990/05/16, Taipei, Taiwan E-mail: Phone: +886.973317120 an (R.O.C.) 5F., No.19, Ln. 64, Shuanghe St., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan EDUCATION September 2012 –present Na onal Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan Candidate for Master of Design, department of Industrial and Commercial Design Major in User Interface and User Experience. September 2008 –June 2012 Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan Candidate for Bachelor of Design, department of Industrial design Dean’s List 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 WORK EXPERIENCE Industry-academic Coopera on July 2012 – December 2013 Par cipated in Apacer Technology Inc.「An interac ve UI design of JoiiUP J-Box」Indu stry-academic Coopera on Project, Project number: 4300 (R&D number) 0066 (Industry & Commerce number). Par cipated in Apacer Technology Inc.「An interac ve UI design of JoiiUp Web Link」Industry-academic Coopera on Project, Project number:4301 (R&D number) 0067 (Industry & Commerce number). Par cipated in Apacer Technology Inc.「An interac ve UI design of JoiiUp Mobile App」Industry-academic Coopera on Project, Project number: 4304 (R&D number) 0068 (Industry & Commerce number). Par cipated in BRAND'S®˥䓝Ḕⷳ㜂Ə䶇剙倽婼˦Industry-academic Coopera on Project of Green Christmas Tree Design, Project number:4284 (R&D number) 0065 (Industry & Commerce number). Par cipated in Industrial Technology Research Ins tute (ITRI)「廆『ㄆ㸓凮桖䤡㨈䴫Ḳὦ䔏Ẳ杉䟻䩝˦ Industry-academic Coopera on Project, Project number: 4061(R&D number) 0061 (Industry & Commerce number). Par cipated in Sharptek Corpora on, Ltd.「Innova ve design of the headphone」Industry-academic Coopera on Project, Project number: 4061(R&D number) 0052 (Industries Center number). Par cipated in in Industrial Technology Research Ins tute (ITRI)「Exterior Design of Flexible Screen」 Industry-academic Coopera on Project.

INTERN June 2008 - August 2008 NITELY Co., Ltd, Taipei, T N 3D Animator, IMAGE INFINITELY TAIWAN dering, Composi ng Com o po possi s ngg si n Modeling, Anima on, Rendering, July 2009 – August 2009 nology Corp, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan T iwan Ta ID Designer, Proware Technology D modeling, Rendering Ren ndering ng Idea genera on, sketch, 3D rd disk box and Server S Chassis Appearance App ppea eara ranc ncee Design for computer case and 3.5-inch ha hard SOHO October 2013 – Present Bo le design of PonPon Shower gel. le. Pa ern design of PonPon Body Lo on bo le. December 2013 – Present t. Bo le design of Bai-go Laundry detergent. July 2010 – August 2010 Package design of Hwa Yuan potato chips. July 2010 – August 2010 Package design of ice lolly for TRIKO FOODS Co., Ltd. July 2010 – August 2010 Graphic design of TEACHER CHANG FOUNDATION Graphic design of 566 Shampoo. COMPUTER SKILLS 2D Graphic: photoshop, illustrator, indesign 3D Model and Render: Rhinoceros, Keyshot, V-ray Media: A er Effect CERTIFICATION and LICENSE April 2010 Complete Level 2 Rhinoceros Training Course, Authorized by Rhinoceros Training Center. September 2009 Complete Level 1 Rhinoceros Training Course, Authorized by Rhinoceros Training Center. LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE September 2011 –May 2012 Graphic design leader of 「ACCIDENTAL CHORD」special issue, Tatung University. September 2010 –September 2011 Graphic design leader of Industrial design student organiza on, Tatung University. June 2010 Graphic design leader of final Exhibi on in Huashan1914, Tatung University.

SCHOLARSHIP and HONOR April 2014 「Double Lock」, iF Concept Design Awards 2014, TOP 300. March 2014 「E-drip stand」, IDEA awards 2014, Shortlisted and candidate for finals. 「Easy Pin」, IDEA awards 2014, Shortlisted and candidate for finals. August 2013 「Easy Pin」, Taipei Interna onal Design Awards 2013, Taipei City Mayor Award and Golden Award. 「Easy Pin」, Sichuan-Taiwan Industrial Design Awards 2013, Future Star Award. July 2013 「Fetus Care」, reddot Design Award, Winner. July 2013 「Flip」, 1st Make it Real! Aivia mouse design compe on, Shortlisted. June 2013 「Inflatable Joys ck」, 2nd Thermaltake’s Fantasy World crea on & design compe on, Bronze Awards. June 2013 「Birds」, 2nd Glenlivet Design Compe on, The Best Crea ve awards winner.

October 2012 「Illusion」, BRANDS˥䓝Ḕⷳ㜂Ə䶇剙倽婼˦Green Christmas Tree Design Awards, Golden Awards. September 2012 ˥憿憿䬭˦, Young Designers’ Exhibi on Most Crea ve Talent Award of Tainan, Shortlisted. May 2012 ˥忶㗵棆Ⰱ˦, 12th Young Designers’ compe on, Product Design, Honorable Men on. ˥憿憿䬭˦, 12th Young Designers’ compe on, Product Design, Honorable Men on. October 2011 「Easy White Cane」,Taipei Industrial Design Award, Honorable Men on. April 2011 「ecobo le」, YSED compe on, Taiwan, Honorable Men on. April 2010 Mother's Day card design compe on, Tatung University, Silver Award. December 2010 ˥會ヶ˦,「Between the light and shadow」Photography Awards, Tatung University, Award for Excellent. ˥ℰ⽘Ḳ敺˦,「Between the light and shadow」Photography Awards,Tatung University,Shortlisted. May 2010 「Just do not let it happen」, series graphic design, 19th Times Young Crea ve Awards, graphic design compe on, Taiwan, Top 20. 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 Best-all-round Student scholarship, Tatung University.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES and WORKSHOP July 2013 OPEN HCI 2013, an assistant of the 4th Student-Organized Workshop on Human-Computer Interac on, Taiwan Tech. July 2012 OPEN HCI 2012,the 3th Student-Organized Workshop on Human-Computer Interac on,Taiwan Tech. September 2012 The 2th Cultural Crea ve Design Workshop with Art Center College of Design, Taiwan Tech, Golden Award. December 2008 Invited to par cipate in making large-scale lanterns for「FUN牛吃草」party in MOCA Art Museum. September 2008 – June 2012 Tatung University photo club.

CONFERENCE, RESEARCH and RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS September 2012 – Present Par cipated in Research on the Design and Applica on of Smart Mobile Devices with Cloud Compu ng and Social Interac on Model, Na onal Science Council Research Project, Project number: NSC 101-2221-E-011-002-MY2. March 2014 Chen, C.-H., Wang, S.-H., Huang, Y.-C. User Preference Study on the Applica on Interface of Social Album Layout Style of Mobile Devices, The 21st Annual Mee ng of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan (USB Edi on), Na onal Chin-Yi University of Technology. October 2012 – May 2013 Par cipated in Research on the Wearable Device「Fetus Care」, Na onal Science Council Research Project, Project number: NSC 101-2218-E-011-040. December 2013 Chen, C.-H., Hsiao, W.-H., Wang, S.-H., User Recogni on on the Tab Bar Loca on and Screen Size of the Mobile User Interface Design, The 20th Annual Mee ng of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan (DVD Edi on), Na onal Taipei University of Technology, p.1-7. December 2012 Chen, C.-H., Chen, S.-C., Hsiao, W.-H., Wang, S.-H. and Huang, Y.-C., 㕟ἴ䦸㉧㕀備⹚ḲẲ杉娔姯凮ὦ䔏俬 䵺樾䟻䩝Ə2012㙡ㅎ曢⬷ㆰ䔏娔姯䟻姵㛪媽㕮暭(DVD Edi on)(invited paper)Ə㗌㛯㽔㕀⸒㛪椏Əp.1-8。

November 2012 Chen, C.-H., Hsiao, W.-H., Chen, S.-C., Wang, S.-H. and Huang, Y.-C., Research on the Photo Sharing Interface Func ons of Social Network Applica ons in Smart Phones, 2012 Taiwan Ins tute of Kansei Conference Proceedings (DVD Edi on), Na onal Dong Hwa University, p.587-591. November 2012 Chen, C.-H., Hsiao, W.-H., Chen, S.-C., Huang, Y.-C. and Wang, S.-H., ㆰ䔏Persona方㲼㖣≜㖗䔉⒨敲䙣Ḳ 䟻䩝,2012㗵⾾䦸㉧⤎⭟㉧堺凮㕀⭟䟻姵㛪媽㕮暭(DVD Edi on),Ming Chi University of Technology, p.1-6.

March 2012 Wang, S.-H. and Leung, C.-Y. An Ergonomic Scissor Handles Design for Elder, The 19th Annual Mee ng of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan (DVD Edi on), Na onal Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology.

Contents Industrial Design

Sta onary

Medica on

Easy Pin


Pin S ck




Fetus Care


Double Lock


Tac le Medicine Package 43 Household Appliances Mobility Life

Future Life

Products for Children

Blood Glucose Stamp








Inflatable Joys ck


Easy White Cane


ecobo le


Flood Traffic Light


Floa ng-mini kitchen


Crayon Sharpener


Chick Chick


Recognizable bo le


Around the music


Rock with me


Plumbing crayon


Graphic Design

User Interface Design


Accidental Chord


Just do not let it happen


Poster design for TTU


Charaters graphic design


co2 CI design


T-shirt pa ern design


Illustra on of CF


WiFun App design


Joiiup icon design


Joiiup UI design


Joiiup web design


personal web design


Show me












Easy Pin Pin s ck EZruler

Easy Pin

size:16x16x14 mm material: metal, plas c designer: Wang Szu-Hsin and Lee Yin-Kai Easy Pins combines clips and pushpins. User can use Easy Pin to clip their notes and photo. And it will not make unsightly holes on your paper and precious photos. It is user-friendly by applying a holding way to fix a paper or photo, and can avoid the hassle of extrac ng a thumbtack. The special angle help users to pick and pull EasyPin easily. Furthermore, the shape keep EasyPin stable on the table.

Pin notes in a new way!




Easy Pin

IDEA design award 2014,Shortlisted and candidate for finals.

19 180

Taipei interna onal design award 2013, Taipei City Mayor Award & Golden Award.

The pins will leave annoying holes on the paper

Replace a new one without taking off pins and protect your papers and pictures.

While using tradi onal thumbtack: Using the sharp end of thumbtack to pierce through paper and fix paper on the board. Tradi onal thumbtacks will leave annoying holes on the paper. On the other hands, it is not convenient to take pins and pull up. While using Easy Pins: Using the spring of clips to fix paper and photo, and avoid piercing through paper. We do not need to pull up thumbtack for changing paper.

Pull out with difficulty.

Pull up easily.

It is easy to roll or fall.

Stable and easy to puck up.

21 180

Because Easy Pin is one of common daily commodi es. And the gap of manufacturing this kind of merchandise is not so high. For this reason, we want to produce our design in mass produc on. Ini ally we tried to modify our 3D model to fit the limita on of mold. We have changed the appearance of Easy Pin many mes, and have ameliorated the func on and durability with experienced professional. We must reduce the cost of packages as well due to the limited funds, and make our design be­er and be­er.



Silver color prototype

Texture EasyPins are made of transparent plas c which will not blank your documents and photos.On the other hand, metallic EasyPins are durable. On the other hand, we also plan to offer Easy Pin with various color in the limit of cost.

transparent plas c prototype

ABS prototype

acrylic prototype

25 180

Young Designer’ Exhibition

12th Young Designers’ compe

on, Honorable Men on.

! ch Oo

Pin S ck Aim it, nail it !

designer: Wang Szu-Hsin and Chang Yi-Hsin Tradi onal pushpins have alway or Spill on floors, which troubled people for a long

me. The Pin S ck is designed to change the way we use and store pushpins. To reduce the volume of pin, we redesigned the pin to connected head and tail, and store in the Pin S ck. Pin S ck works just like a clutch(mechanical) pencil, it can keep pushing pins out con nuously. You will not need to pick out pins from the li‰le case and fear of being stabbed anymore. To avoid pushing pins out Inadvertently, Pin S ck has a Safety mechanism that the


bu‰on could release only while pressing the safety p on to Cork mat.


Bu on Refill Pack

An -slip Rubber Grip

Pin Holder

Hole Aimpoint & Safety Tip


The hole on the top of pins can make pins stack in to strips easily, and make pins storeed in the Pin S ck.

29 180















size:16x16x14 mm material: metal, plas c designer: Wang Szu-Hsin and Huang Yu-Chang Ezruler is a ruler which can record the measuring path and show the distance which users measured immediately on the top window of the EZruler. As the way to use the tape measure, EZruler is portable and useful to be a measuring tool and make people finish their jobs more easily.


However some mes it is not convenient that we need to ask for friends’ help to hold the other side of the tape measure. Now we can use EZruler to do it in a more efficient way.

30cm + 22.5cm + 18cm + 13.5cm = #%@#^$@....

If people want to measure the distance con nuously, using the EZruler, they can easily get the sum of different distances without calcula ng by themselves.

By using EZruler, we don’t have to endure the messy storage way with normal rulers.

We can check the measuring result on the top window of the EZruler immediately and clearly.



31 180

Fetus Care Double Lock Tac le Medicine Package Blood Glucose Stamp

Belt and App design for premature delivery With the appropriate suppor ng of novel belt dress design and a smart phone app to record the detected data, the related informa on are sent onto the cloud, health care system, to assist an establishing online medical care database and an emergency contact system, providing users and doctors the informa on about the baby.

Pregnant mothers couldn’t be cared for instantaneously outside hospitals. The health care system can’t reach into homes.

Premature delivery is hard to foresee due to the unprofessional devices. Pregnant women get confused with these devices.

It is hard to no ce the signs of premature delivery, such as uterince contrac on and fetus heart rate.

Designer Wang Szu-Hsin, Cho Szu-Yang Kao Yu-Chung, Lee Chih-Hsin


Pan Chang-Yu


Suppor ng belt

Sensor system

Control unit ECG sensing posi on

Device pocket

Design Features: Detachable design allows ease of use when taking apart for washing.The ECG and EMG send the signals of uterine contrac on and fetus heart rate to the control unit, and then update to cloud ECG


Abnormal warning

Emergency call bu on

Warning Mode When the suppor ng belt detects an abnormal condi on in the fetus heart rate or uterine contrac on, it vibrates and begins to alarm. At the same me, the app warns the pregnant woman and her family. They can quickly press the emergency call bu on and call the


judge the situa on.


doctor for help. Doctors would receive the signals and

Opera on step

Bu on up the ECG pads.

Put the control device in the pocket.

Adjust the right sensing posi on.

Fasten the suppor ng belt.

Turn on the sensing device .


Cloud database

Smartphone Healthcare pla orm

Pregnant women


A real- me physiological monitoring system of pregnant women provides pregnant women, family members and medical personnel, with a communica on pla­orm of immediate medical care cloud. We employ the projected contrac on of the abdominal muscles (EMG) to conduct contrac ons frequency detec on, and non-invasive way of monitoring maternal fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) signal, to assess fetal heart condi on. With wifi wireless transmission, physiological informa on is sent to the cloud database.


App design and Belt design (Leˆ page) The suppor ng belt monitors the fetus heart rate and uterine contrac on, and then transmits the signals to the cloud and App. Pregnant woman and her family can get her body condi ons through App. The green circle indicates the condi on of uterine contrac on, and the orange circle shows the condi on of fetus 39

heart rate.





Capsules are properly protected

Push the capsules into “prepara-

Push the capsules out of pill

in the "security zone"

­on zone”

blister pack.

Double Lock

designer: Lee Yin-Kai, Lai Chih-Wei, Wang Szu-Hsin and Hang Yu-Chang The squeezable drug packaging make us use conveniently. However the aluminum foil some­mes make people feel vulnerable to protect capsule. Child could squeeze out of the medicine easily. In par­cular, carrying the capsule on one's person, the aluminum foil may break by the crash or squeeze in our bag. ‘’Double lock’’ is a new medicine package design. We need to take two steps of squeezing for a capsule. In this way, we can prevent the capsule from squeezing easily and effec­vely. We not only worried about children ea­ng by mistake, but also give one more protec­on for the expensive drugs.

PVC shell medicine PVC shell Aluminum foil



41 180

iF concept design award 2014, TOP300.




Tac le Medicine Package

designer: Lee Yin-Kai, Lai Chih-Wei, Wang Szu-Hsin and Hang Yu-Chang This design is for the pill blister package that will display a tac le message not to take the drugs once enough me passes. The material would consist of two layers, with the top containing the original drug’s info label and a bo om layer with ink that slowly seeps into the top. In addi on to the visual message, there is a tac le clue will appear a er enough me passes. The tac le warning message will become clear as a raised cross pa ern and the visual impaired pa ent can immediately know to get a fresh refill.

43 180

Problem that user might face The visual impaired pa ent and elder people can’t not immediately know the info of the expired medicine.

Visually Impaired


Soul on



Oops! It has expired!

Users can’t dis nguish the expira on date on the package if the sight and context on the package are not clear.

red ink aluminum foil


plas c

When enough me passes there will be some gas


released from medicines.


Blood glucose meter


Blood Glucose Stamp

designer: Lee Yin-Kai, Lai Chih-Wei, Wang Szu-Hsin and Hang Yu-Chang The disease called “Diabetes” is caused by a fault in the insulin produc on of the body. Diabetes has to keep their blood sugar in a good range in case of losing of consciousness. So they must aware of the glucose values measured by blood glucose meters tes ng regularly. Because some mes the process of blood tes ng is inconvenient and uncomfortable, we combined the electronic stamp into the portable blood glucose meters and let Diabetes operate it more efficiency. Diabetes can easily stamp their measuring values on the recording list. Only two steps they need the blood glucose tes ng is finished.



Three steps and different tools.

108 mg/dl










108 mg/dl ?


4 7




(A) Blood collec on. (B) Measuring the glucose values by diabetes measurement device. (C) Write down glucose values we measured. But they o en record wrong numbers easily. (D) It is easy to make mistake that heavy pa ents write down the Glycemic Index (GI.) many mes by themselves in a day. Step 1

Step 2

The other end of the pen is an electronic stamp which can be adjusted along with values we measured.


Figures can refresh immediately!


LCD screen

157 mm


The Index ring Axis Slip area Pin box Protec ve cap pin 49 180

24 mm

Birds Chair


size:60x54x74 mm material: glass, metal designer: Wang Szu-Hsin and Hunag Yu-Chang The concept of this glass cup is from the image of birds. Just like bird watching while we are enjoying the wine tas ng. We would have fun with the cup as birds hooking on our fingers. On the other hand, we would appreciate the beauty of light reflec on and color change along with shanking the cup and wine. We also design a cup holder for hanging cups. Like the way that the bird take its perch on a tree branch.

2nd Glenlivet Design Compe onThe Best Crea ve awards winner.



glas gl a s vveerssio ion n

We cooperated with the experienced cra sman, Mr. Liou, who is skilled at glassblowing ar stry in Hsinchu. Because we don’t have mold, Mr. Liou had to guess the shape of modeling from our design and therefore there is li�le different on the appearance from acrylic prototype.

55 180

We can hang the cups on the special holder we designed for falling preven on.

We hold the cups just like birds hooking on our fingers.

57 180

Base on the surface of hexagonal and extend the smooth curve to the feet of the chair. The form is not only as elegant as flower but also symmetrical structure. Otherwise one foot of the chair is designed to different shape to hang on bags. People will get more fun when si ng on the chair.

The so cushions is suitable

People can hang on their

for sedentary.

bags on the feet which can prevent bags to be stolen by others.

59 180

FLIP Inflatable Joys ck Easy White Cane


size:105x66x30 mm material: ABS, metal, ruber designer: Wang Szu-Hsin and Hunag Yu-Chang We oˆen stuff a bunch of computer peripheral devices in our bag when going out. It is very inconvenient and easily to get messy as we are using computers with bunch of wires. We can use FLIP to solve this problem. FLIP is a 3 in 1 mobile device with func ons of joys ck, mouse and presenter. Users can change different mode in an easy way. For example, when we are ring of working for a long me, we can change the gaming mode by turning the mouse up-side down to be a joys ck. Want take a rest? Just need to flip your hand!

63 180

Make it Real! Aivia mouse design compe

on, Shortlisted.

Prototype %XVLQHVV



FLIP can change different module which depends on users’ needs.It is very convenient to carry FLIP for people on business because they don’t have to bring a presenter in addi on.On the other hand the gaming users also don’t need to bring a joys ck of enormous size and mouse in the same me. They can remote control computers and enjoy playing their games when si ng on the sofa during play me.

The Micro USB can connect to the computer and supply FLIP with power. On the other hand users also can remove the wireline and use Bluetooth to connect to computers.

Mouse Mode

Presenta on Mode

Gamming Mode

65 180

Various colors FP



Power Indicator The green light means that FLIP is full of power. It can be used as a wireless mouse when removing the Micro USB. When the red led lights is on it means Flip needs to be charged.

Module contact points

Micro USB

Side quick func on keys


Replaceable module The concave surface keeps

Quick func on keys

bu on from the desk.

for module

Presenta on module

Gamming modules

There are metal connectors in the back of mouse. Users can freely change different module by their needs. 67 180

Func on


Inflatable Joys ck Jo

designer: Wang Szu-Hs Szu-Hsin and Huang Yu-Chang ne type form of game control device Inflatable Joys ck is a new for people who have to sspend long me traveling and taking the public transporta o transporta on. The tradi onal joys ck is heavy and big that we can’t bri bring them out easily. The concept is came from the swimming ring which needs to be inflated. It offers players another choice to storage it in the bag because it is small, light, joins convenient and reliab reliable. On the other hand, it can protect phones well w while we are playing games by its so and flexible surfac surface. Combining the APP games of mobile phones brings us more fun because we can play games everywhere!

2nd Thermal Thermaltake’s Fantasy World crea on &


design comp compe on, Bronze Awards.


A er

Comfortable and easy to hold!

Before It is not easy and comfortable to hold the joysÂ?ck. On the other hand it may get broken when users drop their phone on the ground. A er PVC material makes the joysÂ?ck easy to hold and protect the cell phone when falling down on the ground.








Stept 1

Stept 2

Flexible and foldable

Enjoy it! PVC

71 180

Easy White Cane size:1300 x 33 x 38 mm

designer: Wang Szu-Hsin and Chang Yi-Hsin The blinds o en encounter problems when crossing roads and taking buses. Because they could not see the bus number, only by stopping every bus and asking the driver, or ask passers-by to help could they get on the right bus. While crossing the road, although there are audio signals for blinds, but the start bu on is hard to find.


Taipei Industrial Design Award, Honorable Men on.



凡⋾ⷌ㥔娔姯䌵 7$,3(, ,1'8675,$/ '(6,*1 $:$5'

%2 2 * 2 2

Aid for taking the bus With the "visual a erimage marquee", we can significantly reduce the size of the LED panel, making bus drivers more Corresponding point mindful of the blind’s request of ge ng onto his or her bus. Braille figures

Aid for crossing the road Built-in RFID chips, link with the Audible Traffic Signal. When the blinds come near a junc on, the Audible Traffic Signal will


automa cally start and does not need to search for the


bu on. This func on can also avoid the con nuous noise


which is quite annoying to the neighborhood.

flexible rope Ma e Acrylic bu on


Sha Sha Track of wire

75 180

Prototyping In order to present the real circumstances cir that the blinds use this design, we had soldered circuit boards and made a shell to fix it. And we demonstrated the visual a erimage marquee in the compe on. My partner and I also got the honorable men on and had the chance to par cipate in Taipei design exhibi on in 2011.



ecobo le Flood Traffic Light Mini Kitchen

A eco way of living , a way of eco-living. Eco-Bo le has color e-ink that provides the demand for packaging design, but also makes it recognizable of Beverages. E-inks can show the informa on of the drinks and more, including weather forecast, news and adver sement. Therefore, the eco-Bo le will be an all new Ad Pla orm that will update data while consume. Even be er is the e-ink consumes electronic power only while updating, to achieve the purpose of saving energy. designer: Wang Szu-Hsin and Chang Yi-Hsin


YSED compe on, Taiwan, Honorable Men on.

See a video!

4.6 billion/year The use of PET bo les in Taiwan is about 4.6 billion, the volume is equal to 3 Taipei 101 !


Lower Packaging, shipping costs

Lower Recycling costs


Convenience Stores &Vending machine Subsidize


Cash Back

Buy Pla orm



About PET

Convenience Stores

PET bo le is the most commonly used plas c

The Density of convenience stores of Japan and

product of modern, it is produced easily and keeps

Taiwan is at the top. In the metro area, there are

drinks in good condi on that makes Japan produces

several within hundred meter. If we can fill the

more than 54 tons of PET bo le every year. Howev-

drinks up in the convenience store will lower the

er, manufacture of a PET bo le produces 93 grams

cost and waste of package and transporta on. It will

of greenhouse gases, although the recovery rate of

be an all new consump on pa ern in ci es.

PET bo les is gradually increasing, the process of

And E-ink

regenera on funds spent and the resul ng pollu on

E-ink products launched in recent years, and flexible

s ll cannot be ignored.

color e-ink paper is ready to come out. If we can change the current packaging into reusable e-ink


plas c paper will decrease.


paper, then the cost and waste of the print and

How It Works The auto fill-up and clean-up vending machine makes bo le reuse effec vely. With big size touch-screen, consumers can easily find out the drinks they want. It also show the detail and the picture of the drinks as reference. The system recognize users by the chip on the bo les that allow users to save their favorites list on web server. Even more, when the screen is not in use, it will change into a wonderful commercial pla orm spread all over the city. E-Wallet Consumer can pay by cash but also by electronic wallet (RFID smart card), such as “visa pay wave” or “Sony FeliCa (ᤂᥠ᥏ᦀᥜᣵᥪ᥏®) ” which shorten the progress. QR-Code Consumer can get all the infoma oin via the QR-Code system on cell phone.


エコボトル ピュアホワイトとダークエネ ルギー 使いやすい ポータ タブル Push-to-Openキャッ ップ





Flood Traffic Light

designer: Lee Yin-Kai, Lai Chih-Wei, Wang Szu-Hsin and Hang Yu-Chang When road is flooded, it is hard to tell how deep the water is. Risky drivers may hence get stuck in the flood with careless a­tude to water deep. This can make a serious damage to vehicles. To prevent life and financial damages, we take original traffic light to evolve into "Flood Traffic Light" as a solu„on. When flooded, original traffic signal will be replaced by blue arrows. Driver can see this indicator to turn before get into dangerous zone.

Safe to pass. Flood Traffic Lignt equips tradi onal traffic signals in usual days.


Flood should stop or turn.

When flood reaches 20cm dangerous deepness, Flood Traffic Light will display icons to prevent driver from ge ng close and remind drivers for detour direc on.

Stop and rota on

Turn le or right Flameout:30cm

20 cm water a on n detec on

Warning deep:20cm 85 180

Scenario - Flood Traffic Light system

Warning deep:20cm


20 cm water detec on

The sensor of the water detec on will be ac vated if water reaches 20cm high. Then the Flood Traffic Lights will turn into emergency mode automa cally to lead drivers to 180

and accidents.


save roads. This can decrease the chance of cars damaged

Scenario - Emergency Rescue

The top of Flood Traffic Lights can help SAR (Search and Rescue) teams find the flood area in the dark quickly, and 89 180

control the scope of flood efficiently.

Fashion and clear mini kitchen

Young Designer’ Exhibition

12th Young Designers’ compe on, Honorable Men on.

Floa ng

Size:135 x 50 x 53 cm designer: Wang Szu-Hsin and Chang Yi-Hsin With natural wood color, shape in simple lines; the high-tech kitchen is equipped with powerful cookware: sink, stove, oven, range hood, appear in elegant and light a€tude hanging on walls. Apart from the requirements of beauty, simple opera on, more demanding on the posi ve impact of humans and the environment; non-toxic, low electromagne c waves, low-power appliances, people eat at ease and also energy and reduce carbon. We invite you to feel the magical transparent film hea ng technology, taste of fashion design, and eat healthy, here


in my li‡le take a cooking mansion.


We hope to reserve the core values and image of kitchen design; clean, bright and professional atmosphere are just standard condi ons. Moreover, the kitchen is the base of taste and smell; we try to put these percep on factors into the design, like the choice of materials: wood, warm color to bring up the taste of foods, but also bring people increase fresh, natural feelings. In addi on, the warm lights can also increase appe te.

The process of UI icon design, we tried to make them simple, beau ful, and understandable. 93 180

The tradi onal kitchen o en gives a huge, heavy impression, but there are many single or small families in modern, they usually do not have much living space, and small amount of cooking needs, then they need a mul func onal and small kitchen. When we designed the appearance of the mini-kitchen, we found out lines at right angles are likely to cause the pressed space, the feelings of oppression. So we tried to shape lines outward, a er several angles, we and found that the structure of 120 degrees can bring a wide, stable but lively atmosphere.



Technology To save energy and take care of human health, we use the glass film hea ng technology, it can save 50% of energy than Induc on Cooker (IH heater), at a conversion rate of 85% with Low electromagne c wave, can reach the temperature in few seconds. Not limited to the use of pot material, can even put foods directly on the glass top to cook. Honor The mini kitchen also got the honorable men on, and demonstrated on the Young Designers’ Exhibi on in 2012.



Crayon Sharpener Chick Chick Recognizable bo le Around the music Rock with me pulmbing crayon

25 mm

shape A

75 mm


shape B

Crayon Sharpener C Sh

What would you do when your crayons are too short to use?


Throw away or buy a new one? yon Sharpener" Now we can solve this problem by "Crayon o connect two to reuse this old crayons.Only need to available pieces of crayons , though the length will be available ed at opposite opposite to use. There are two sharpeners located of the body to each other.A er paring crayonss to two yons together specific shapes, kids can put crayons yon which was endways.Then they can get a new crayon composed of different colors.In addi­on to color-sensiun in learning ­ve ability, kids would have more fun drawing.

I have a new one!

dfifferent crayons could be stacked to many groups.

101 180

Chick Chick

If there are cute animals around while being having meals, isn’t it more fun and more desire to eat?The design concept came from the image of chicken pecking rice, and transferred to that kids should have ea ng inten on to grow up. This design concept improved tableware safety and provide the interes ng use experience while the kids having the meal, and happily using this design tableware. Each part of the design has correspondence func on and color plan, which could enhance children’s cogni on abili es. The storage form of nest came from bowls combina on and presented the “home together” image. From each func onal part to combine to a complete chicken form make kids have the indica on of storage a er


they used the tableware and have fun like the toys combina on.


I tried to merge the animal images into tableware. Besides, I also took the storage of tableware in to consider. So I designed a pair of stackable bowls with image of birds or chicks. The cute appearance and interes ng usage might make children have strong inten on to set up and clean up the table and enjoy their ea ng me.



Color plan:

Storage to a nest form make the design more interesting and fulfill with storytelling content.



tail-soup spoon


For safety dining environment of kids, the bowls coated silicone to cut off heat and increased the fric on while put on the table. children can pull and share food easily by the design of the beak.

The bowl bo om designed more higher in center than the sides to let the soup or sources le�, and avoid kids


took extra salt.



30 3

Recognizable bottle bottle

designer: Huang Yu-Chang and Wan Wang ng Szu-Hsin Increase the capacity of the scale wh when the nurse and mother can provide in understa understanding feeding the baby milk in good condition, through this design, as long as the scale aimed at the bottle, do not break the baby's milk situation ca can understand the speed of the baby's milk and obs observation and to determine whether the baby to co concentrate on eating, or have other physical cond conditions by the


impact of loss of appetite.


With recognizable bottle, Interrupting g baby Becau use the drinking milk is no longer needed. Because reco ognized scale on the bottle is easy to be recognized o the when feeding the baby or standing on table.

How much milk is le ?




Have Fun



on !

Around the music

The concept is about transforming the piano to a new form of the musical instrument.It is a breakthrough design in this product to be a round piano.Children can easily arrange the piano to be one or many groups.Otherwise they can make an arrangement of these parts in different shapes to get more fun.Vivid colors and pa erns design bring life to this product. We want to create a joyful atmosphere that kids could enjoy learning music while they are using these products. In the east, the circle pa ern is a symbol of working together gratefully. With this design, kids may understand the deeper meaning of corporaÂ?on and share their happiness with each other.

Woo !Woo !


Do on!


113 180

I tried to capture the cute animal image to a ract children's a en on. Through different combina ons and permuta ons, children will get more fun and flexibility. And create a joyful playing me.



+ Toy box


Rock with me size:60x30x34 cm

material: wood, ruber “Share” make individual quickly involved into group by ini a ve sharing and interac on. “Rock with me” is a new type of toys box, which could not only use to storage toys but to transform to seesaw while kids got together. The core value is corpora on idea, which could let kids to find others and interact with each other. The joyful and interac on experience could be came from the toys they shared.

120 cm

Rubber wheel

15 cm

Toy storage box 30 cm

rail 22 cm 60 cm


34 cm 117 180

connec on

The mul forms design makes the toys boxes have more diversity and flexibility. The wheels and handles let kids move the box more easily and interact with each other. The main component is bone design to connect two toys boxes, and the two dogs fight situa on became interesting image. (Right page)

Step 1. Invite your friend!

Step 2. Move toy res.

Step 3. Put on the toy bones!

Step 4. Have Fun! 119 180


3D rendering

paper prototype I have merged many kinds of animal images, such as rabbits, dogs, fish and cats and so on. I have done the paper prototype to test the feasibility as well. Finally,


image as the final design.


a er discussing with my teacher, I choose the dog



Size: 30x30x30mm

Plumbing Crayons

"Plumbing Crayons" is a kind of adapter that could be used to grouping crayons. Kids can easily put different color of crayons together and paint on papers by their unlimited imagina on. Connec on and recycling used crayons are the core values of this product. The silicon casing design stands a center role for forms transforma on and used in different situa on. Plumbing Crayons could let kids arrange variety forms with their imagina on.

123 180

Children could share their works or imagina on drawings by using the combina on of crayons.

The silicon casing design could let kids arrange variety forms with their imagina on.

Children could be developed their color cogni ve abili es through the different casing forms design process. Through different crayon color mixing, kids can present different color on the paper at the same me. The storage silicon casing design could be a decora on on 125

the table and become a colorful and interes ng stuff.


ࡧᆲм౫ ౫Thoughts ap ppears out of nowhere. ‫ש‬উ‫ࡧױ‬ ࡧᆲЩൖԚ࣐ ࡧ ࣐࢒౩‫ޠ‬ঐᡞȂܺΤ‫ܫ‬ຬ‫ޠ‬Ԉ‫ۥ‬Ȃᇨആя឵ ࣐ ឵ܼࡧ ᆲ‫ޠ‬ਣ໣ ໣ᇅޫ໣Ȃࡧ ໣ ࡧᆲԇӶ຀өᆎ‫ם‬ԓȂԼ߇ኪ༅Ȃԥ‫ޠ‬ϣด ࡧ ดԥ‫ז‬ ȃԥ‫ޠ‬һ һᓀી༅ һᓀી༅Ȃ‫܅‬ һ ᓀી༅Ȃ‫܅‬ ‫܅‬ԫϟ໣Ϥࣻኈ៫ȂӶӤኻ‫ޠ‬ਣ໣၈Ȃϛᘟ ‫܅‬ ᘟԥུ ‫ࡧޠ‬ᆲм м౫ȂᒋӬ ȃ м ȃһ᠓ȃ࿧ኢȃ࿦ບ///࿌ࡧᆲತᑗ‫ژ‬Κۢ ۢ ૗໕ ࡤȂ໡ۗ ۗ‫ܫ‬ᚕ/// ۗ We metaphor p thoughtts as individual planets.Put into an abstract ga alaxy, creating a space that belongs to certain time and thoughts.Thoughts s take manyy forms rm ms and shapes, variety in all sorts.Some are lined up in

‫ܫ‬ᚕᙾඳ!Detaching and Transform ‫ܫ‬ᚕᙾඳ Transforming ming Expanding of energy, violent impact betwee between n like a black hole.effected by a very strong pull.f floating away, pull.floating detaching the form it used to take. d istorted and distorted

harmony, some are tw wisted, mixed in chaos.They all effect one an w nother

transformed within the dimension of the blackk hole.looping

in some w way.In the s same time.There will be new thoughts eme erging

endlessly.after a chaos burst of light and sh shadow.slowly hadow.slowly

nonstop.Merging, nonstop M Merging erging, sta acking, colliding, fracturing…When thoughts stack

dies eventually settles down.thoughts down.thoughts spirals

up a certain a amount of o energy, it then begins to detach itself…

and merges itself around a center point.


special issue for gradua on exhibi on, Tatung University. This is a series of graphic design for gradua on exhibi on in 2012. Our topic is ACCIDENTAL CHORD. As I was the team leader of graphic design group, my team members and I made much efforts to create many images for gradua on exhibi on. My team members and I tried to show different type of thoughts. So we used great number of lines and Illusions in our design project. We totally designed one poster, three post cards, name cards and bookmarks as a series. Then we sold them all in the gradua on exhibi on.

҂ᓘ‫׈‬ᐍ!Silent and Complete ‫ڻ‬᎐‫ޠ‬ી༅ጦጦ‫ؖ‬ᐧȂਣ໣჌࢑ᓘЦΚૢȂ Ϝ໣᝛ਜ਼຀ංߗ‫׈‬ᐍ‫ࡧޠ‬ᆲȂ೪ॏ‫ࡧޠ‬ᆱӶ ࢛ঐਣ໣ᇅਣޫϲᗎߗ༬ᅗȂ࿌ίԪࡧᆲӕ Ԫឤ୞ਣȂ߰໡ۗᒋӬίΚঐ໧ࢳ‫؂‬ђԚዤ ‫ࡧޠ‬ᆲȄ surrounding chaos slowly dies down.time seems like it has stopped.Nearly complete thoughts float in midair.Design thoughts getting close to become full in a specified time and area.The next time thoughts are disturbed.It begins to merge into the next stage of a more mature thinking.

129 180


Graphic design for gradua on exhibi on, Tatung University, department of industrial design. poster size: A1 postcard size: 14x9 cm

131 180


Graphic design for gradua on exhibi on, Tatung University. Bookmarks size: 52x182 mm name card size: 5x9 cm

133 180




If there are 99 different kinds of thoughts.each controlling a specific domain. 12



Some ignoring one another, some mixed with one us





unexpected and surprising results.we put up our 99 thoughts within our Accidental Chord exhibi this bright and amazing universe.Maybe you can find the most special 100th thought that belongs only to you. 23



























































































Ta tu ng U ni 娔

t of









ve n








36 th

Behind the Scenes

Graphic Design Publica on Crew in Tatung University.

Ta i


iW or

ld 3

Tr a u






gdgagj skjhaij askjcaoier jthvrh sde

T a t u n g

I n d u s t r i a l

d e s i g n

3 6 t h







: :0





Just do not let it happen / series design 19th Times Young Crea ve Awards, graphic design compe on size: 297 x420 mm so ware: illustrator , photoshop

If we don’t stop the global warming, maybe one day we will see penguins living in 139

our refrigerators and polar bears swimming in our swimming pools.


Poster design for Tatung university Industrial design student organiza on Books exhibi on wallpaper design size: 297 x420 mm / illustrator Singing contest posters size: 210 x 594 mm / illustrator Final exhibi on of 100 years size: 297 x 420 mm / illustrator tea party posters size: 420 x 594 mm/rhinoceros,photoshop



Characters graphic design

The text upside down, with nails and screws to lock the text together with the mo led walls, wall pain ng graffi le by the decision to show "upside down" size: 142 x 300 mm rhinoceros,photoshop

143 180

O=C=O co-sprit

Corporate Iden ty design for CO2 / 2010

145 180

C:84 M:44 Y:0 K:0

Color Implementa on T-shirt


C:0 M:24 Y:98 K:0

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100

C:67 M:12 Y:0 K:0

C:0 M:24 Y:98 K:0

C:4 M:83 Y:9 K:0

T-shirt pa ern design

Industrial design student organiza on, TATUNG University / illustrator

147 180



T-shirt Pa ern design Industrial design student organiza on, TATUNG University 149

pa ern size: 210 x 594 mm / illustrator


Illustra on of commercial film Materials: Ink and water color



Since it is quite hard to control the ink and water color, I failed so many mes. I tried different ways and tools to spread out the color naturally. I tried many kinds of water paper as well. 153 180

WiFun x Apacer Technology Inc. Graphic User Interface / 2013

C00 M00 Y00 K50 C00 M00 Y00 K30





Do Document ocumen nt

Se ng

C42 M00 Y97 K00 C30 M00 Y80 K00 C00 M51 Y91 K00 C00 M20 Y90 K00

& This is an App that can manage your file in smartphone system. You and browse your document, photo by this App. And I design two series of color for this app. Now the dark style is available on app store and google play. In addi on, it 157

is free.





No ce Board

Share Files

Web Radio

Web TV

Friends List

Se ng

Joiiup icon for Apacer Technology Inc. 3D Icon design for Joii up smart TV / 2012-2013

There are three different types of icon design. One is 3D-style icon design. The most difficult part is all the icon should be designed in the same perspec ve and selected color. If I don’t keep in the same perspec ve and color, this series of icons might lacks of consistency.

C00 M00 Y00 K50 C00 M00 Y00 K30 C42 M00 Y97 K00 - main color C30 M00 Y80 K00 C00 M51 Y91 K00 C00 M20 Y90 K00

JoiiUp Box

Google Play


Web Printer

159 180

Google Play




Web Radio

Friends List

Share Files

Joiiup box

Se ng

No ce Board


Web Printer

Web TV

Google Play




Web Radio

Friends List

Share Files

Joiiup box

Se ng

No ce Board


Web Printer

Web TV

Joiiup icon for Apacer Technology Inc. 2D Icon design for Joii up smart TV

flat Icon design for Joii up mobile phone App / 2012-2013 The 2D-style icon was required designing in two colors. So I tried to use highlight and shadow to enhance the contrast of icons. On the other hand, in designing the line-style icon, I have to think about how to express the meaning well of icons with such simple line-style. And I took so much me to complete 161

these icons more than I had expected.



Welcome to joiiup

Welcome to W ID sdjkfh Password ******* Log in Cancel


I post a memo on JBox01. JBox U ser post a memo UserA on JBox01. J

Search/Filter mode

U ser post a memo UserB J on JBox01 .

....... ......

I post po os st a memo m on JBo oxx0 0 JBox02.

Public Space ......

Folder Name Folder Name Folder Name Folder Name File Name File Name

Sharing 10/10 0/10 J-Box2 shares a file to J-Box01. User A invites you to join Jbox02. User A shares a file to user B.

Joiiup for Apacer Technology Inc.

User Interface design for Joii up in android system and iOS system design style one (selected) 2012-2013 163

User A accepts your friend request.


Welcome to ID


Password Log in Cancel


I post a memo on JBox01. UserA post a memo on JBox01. UserB post a memo on JBox01 .


Log out

I post a memo on JBox02.

Log ou

I post a memo on n JBox01.

Welcome to ID




UserA post a memo on JBox01.

Log in Cancel


UserB post a memo on JBox01 . I post a memo on JBox02.

Joiiup for Apacer Technology Inc. User Interface design for Joii up android system and iOS system design style two (dark) & design style three (bright) 165



Joiiup for Apacer Technology Inc. User Interface design for Joii up NAS web / 2012-2013 design style one (selected) I have designed two different style for joiiup website. The dark one can show that the company is professional, and the dark style can also make users feel the website is stable. On the other side, the bright style can bring the vivid image to their user. In the end, the company choose the bright one for their web pages which can fit their smart TV product.

Log in JBox01 ID

Password Remember Me

Log in


JBox File management



Home System Memo List:



ằ㙁⛅⮝⏪棖 ằ㙁ᷴ⛅⮝⏪棖 ∌⾿ṭ⑏㜒偁棷 姿⽾乚㈦岟 ῄ暑岢 庱⬷怙⠛ῄ棱 棖參✏↗䮘 ⛅⮝⾕㳉⊇䆘Ⱈ⏖




Joiiup for Apacer Technology Inc.

User Interface design for Joii up NAS web / 2012-2013 design style two (dark version)

169 180

XIN’s personal page design size: 1024 x 768 pixl / liiustrator & Dreamweaver This is my personal web page design, and I finished it in my second year of college. I used various gradients in the main page to dis…nguish design into different topics. And I also designed the special buˆon which is irregular and incomplete to add some interests to the page.

about me

industrial design

illustration Wang szu xin


a sophomore of Tatung University industrial design email/MSN: blog:


Color Implementa on


171 180

A B C D A Show Time f/5.6 1/100sce B ℰ⽘Ḳ敺 f/32 1/200sce 「Between the light and shadow」Photography Awards, Shortlisted. C 會ヶ f/5.6 1/100sce 「Between the light and shadow」Photography Awards, Award for Excellent. D rotate f/22 1.6sce

175 180


㠷劘 f/5.3 1/160sce 「Between the light and shadow」Photography Awards, Shortlisted.


Stare f/32 1/200sce 「Between the light and shadow」Photography Awards, Merit Award.



Thanks for your reading. If you like my works, please contact me :) phone +886.973-317-120 eamil

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