Working sample of Teng Xing, MAUD 17' GSD

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TENG XING WORKING SAMPLE Selected works 2010 - 2016

Master of Architecture in Urban Design Harvard University Graduate School of Design 2017 Candidate

TENG XING / +1 617 477 7721 / 203 Apt, 175 Beacon Street, Somerville, MA 02143 EDUCATION

Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA

Master of Architecture in Urban Design | 2014.09- 2017.05 (Expected)

School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Master of City and Rural Planning | 2012.07 - 2014.05 Bachelor of Architecture - 2008.09 | 2012.07 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

Dominique Perrault Architecture, Paris, France Intern Architect | 2016.01 - 2016.07

ODA Architecture, NY

Intern Architect | 2015.06 - 2015.08

Research Center for Detailed Planning THUPDI, Beijing, China Intern Urban Planner | 2013.09 - 2013.12

CCDI Architectural Consulting firm, Beijing, China Intern Architect | 2012.05 - 2012.08

gmp Architekten con Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Beijing, China Intern Architect | 2012.01 - 2012.04 ACADEMIC HONORS

Nominated GSD Platform 10 | 2017. 05 Nominated GSD Platform 10 | 2017. 01 Nominated GSD Platform 8 | 2015. 05 Distinction in 2016 Fall Harvard GSD Option Studio:

Le Havre: Transformation of the Reconstructed City | 2017. 01 Distinction in 2015 Spring Harvard GSD Option Studio: Craft, Politics, and the Production of Housing in Oaxaca | 2015. 05 DESIGN COMPETITIONS & AWARDS

1st Prize, Best Neighborhood Design, Shanhai International Hotel Design Competition | 2016 1st Prize, UIA HYP cup 2013 International Student Competition in Architectural Design | 2013 Finalist, Fentress Global Challenge International Competition | 2012 Honorable mention, UA Creation Award & International Concept Design Competition | 2011 SKILLS

Revit, AutoCAD, SketchUp, Rhino, Adobe Suite(Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, After Effects), ArcGIS, Vray LANGUAGES

Mandarin Chinese (Native), English (Proficient), French (Basic)




01 LAB CITY Competition of Laboratory Building in Campus Saclay Polythechnique, France


02 123 MELROSE

Residential Complex in Brooklyn, NY



03 BLURRED BOUNDARY - COMMUNITY CENTER IN MEXICO CITY Moving things around, Exploring Rossi’s Small Scientific Theatre, Mexico


04 HOMOGENEITY AND DIVERSITY - TRANSFORMATION OF LE HAVRE Le Havre: Transformation of the Reconstructed City, France


05 EXISTING AND DISAPPEARING - IMPRINT LIFE The Disappearance of Architecture, Historical Museum Design in Beijing, China


06 INTERFACE: SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE School of architecture building


07 ECONOMIC AND ARCHITECTURAL STRATEGIES - ABOVE OAXACA Craft, Politics, and the Production of Housing in Oaxaca, Mexico


08 THE SECOND NATURE: HOUSING RENOVATION IN BEIJING The Renovation Project for Traditional Housing in Fukangli, Beijing, China


09 REPROGRAMMING TYPOLOGIES: TWISTED U Domesticity and Urban life, Rethinking Affordable Housing in Manhattan, NY



10 GREEN LOOP - Dagu Urban design, Tianjin


11 THE LONELY CENTER - Community center design for Hengluxiang


12 LA MER - Hotel design for Rizhao


13 CORRIDOR AND COURTYARD - Competition of Baitasi Reinventing




COMPETITION OF LABORATORY BUILDING DESIGN IN CAMPUS SACLAY POLYTHECHNIQUE Intern Project in Donimique Perrault, 2016 Spring Location: Palaiseau Project Team: Dominique Perrault, William, Bérénice Curt, Teng My work: Concept design, Site model, Study model, Requirements analysis, Design of plan, Drawing of plans, Drawing of sections and facades, Document preparation The project is a new architecture for two prestigious engineering schools in France. This building will be located between l’Ecole Polytechnique and the l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées and become a connection underlying the overall planning for the educational cluster of Saclay, Paris whose goal is to become one of the largest educational centers in the world. The project aims at converting a campus of a virtual appliance on the edge of the city into a place activating social life. The aspiration of this development is to use the new infrastructure attract not only researchers and students to work here but also the visitors to enjoy and participate in the social life in the campus. Therefore, the project will seek to achieve the balance between technicality and openness of the workplace by adding transparency while ensuring optimal conditions for daily work inside of the building. However, according to the potential demands of further extension, the project will provide and establish a flexible and modular spatial system waiting for further development, which is a lab-city, instead of a completed new building. This strategy will be built align the logic with its context, in the other word, the master plan. An agglomeration of small architectures will be constructed along permanent public spaces. These open space will play as the skeleton for advanced changes.





PROGRAM REQUIREMENT Shared by four departments with laboratories and offices in each, the functional requirements are complicated. On the other hand, it is also an opportunity in balancing the demands of each department to generate an original layout and a new type of campus building.

TYPOLOGY STUDY As a connection between two schools in the educational cluster of Saclay, the layout should reflect the response to the environment in the aspect of building typology appropriately. Meanwhile, it also has to adapt to the functional requirement in different levels.



GROUND FLOOR PLAN Different colors in the plan show various departments. Four major units are distributed and shape four courtyards. They are independent on the ground floor due to the security reason, and the way laboratories are used. Meanwhile, courtyards provide enough space for public activities while retaining the possibility and flexibility of future extensions.

FIRST FLOOR PLAN: Offices of each department locate above their laboratories while the 'passerelle' in the center keeps their proximity with each other.


VIEW FROM WEST Different from the traditional campus buildings with big gates as the main entrance, public is welcoming to enter through a central corridor guiding towards the lobby in the center of the cross.

WEST FACADE: Fifty percent of the facade on the ground floor is removable, which ensure the convenience of laboratory activities. Offices floating above the labs with smaller rooms are using denser window frame.

SECTION D-D: Offices and Laboratories from same departments have a vertical proximity relation. The large space on the ground floor permits a more flexible way of using.





02 123 MELROSE

LARGE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD, NY Intern Project in ODA Architecture, 2015 Summer Location: Brooklyn, NY Project Team: Kristina Kesler, Hadas Brayer, Heidi Theunissen, Steven Kocher, Teng My work: Participation of DD phase, Design and Refinement of the Housing Type, Drawing of the plan (CAD / REVIT) The project will provide 1,000,000 square feet of apartment units in Bushwick, 20% of which will be affordable. The building is perforated by a sequence of the interconnected courtyard on the ground floor, which will become a platform for activities and interactions for the community. Meanwhile, the green promenade on the roof will also encourage multi activities in this increasingly vibrant area.* Floor plan becomes organic due to the idea of constructing the meandering courtyards on the ground. To adapt to the notion, to design and to refine the plan with a both flexible and standardized plan for each floor become inevitable. In this process, to balance the distribution of affordable housing and other housing types while keeping a high quality of apartment design becomes the focal point. In this period, over 150 house types are formalized and reduced to less than 100, within which three typical studio types composite the major part of each floor.







03 BLURRED BOUNDARY COMMUNITY CENTER IN MEXICO CITY GSD 2017 Spring Option Studio Moving things around, Exploring Rossi’s Small Scientific Theatre Instructor: Wonne Ickx Individual work Nominated for GSD Platform 10 Plaza Zarco, an intersection of several communities including the center of the city in its east, the Reforma avenue in its south, and the Guerrero area in its north, represents a diverse and mixed urban condition in Mexico city. The project start from the idea of establishing the interaction between the architecture and the urban context by manipulating the boundary conditions of the building. In Mexico City, in opposite to establish a distinct boundary between indoors and outdoors, there is a variety of approaches in defining a space such as the portico that divides the plaza and the garden, the canopies that define the area of street vendors, the street trees that separate the pedestrian and the avenue, etc. The design focuses on the two main qualities of the various conditions of the boundary; the first is the capability in accommodating different events between layers and the ability in rearranging the sequence of the events. This quality is fit for the life in Mexico. The second is the ability to built an uncertainty and ambiguity between several pairs of relationships such as the private and the public, the interior and the exterior, the existence and the nothingness, the centrifugation and the centralization, regarding the spatial organization in Mexico City.


SPACES BETWEEN BOUNDARIES The space generated by the boundaries create various spatial states that are both independent to and dependent on the adjacent spaces. Each two boundaries share one same line in one side, so the moment the boundaries separate from or integrate with each other is the moment the ambiguity starts. The columns De-materialize the boundary and also critic the sense of weight. The layers of boundaries become the organized artificial forest of columns. It blur the boundary between the permanency and the transiency. 11

GROUND PLAN The ambivalent and uncertain condition of the building will captivate the passerby. While the building possesses the ability to communicate with the surfaces around it, and to create new urban conditions together with them.

SECTION I - I The project creates four canopies in four sides welcoming the visitors. Meanwhile, the design talks about the centrifugation and the centralization. The way of getting into the center of the exhibition is also the way of getting away from the center of the building. This ambivalent relation amplify the ambiguity between the inside and the outside.


THE FOREST OF COLUMNS The columns create a series of visual perceptions that during the move of observers, the space changes from narrow to wide, from close to open. All of them bring the building into a smog-like atmosphere that the boundary between in and out disappeared. While on the other hand, the items or the objects including the restroom, the core and the sculpture, they re- materialize the building. These elements with distinct materials perform like the shining stars behind the mist.


MODEL OF SCIENTIFIC THEATER (EXTERIOR): Aldo Rossi made the model of Scientific theater regarding it as a tool to investigate the urban composition. Similarly, the exterior model shown here depicted the object composition happened in the main entrance of the building, where the gap between two layers opens and becomes a plaza welcoming the visitors.

MODEL OF SCIENTIFIC THEATER (INTERIOR): Standing as a coordinate, the columns and the cores inside of the building create a grid, on which the nine square grid lies. In the exhibition space, the people, the furnitures, the events, and the objects compose the irregular beats out of the regular grid..



04 TRANSFORMATION OF LE HAVRE START AT THE TOP GSD 2016 Fall Option Studio Le Havre: Transformation of the Reconstructed City Instructor: Michel Desvigne, Inessa Hansch Individual work Distinction Honor Nominated for GSD Platform 10 With lots of monuments and visual corridors designed for them, Le Havre could be regarded as a city dedicated to the view. It is clear that the visual communication is a way of connecting relations between places while re-understanding or re-forming the meaning of a place. The need of visual connection, which is one character of the city, has been strengthened by a variety of types of architectural components in Le Havre. However, the roof or the fifth facade of the building, which is a potential space for people to enjoy the view and also the subject of an unfinished proposal by August Perret, has been forgotten for decades. As Perret thought, this place should be designed in continuity with the gardens on the ground, and be perceived from the window overlooking*. Now it is time for the roofs, but not only the roofs. The project will take the roof as a new layer for spaces, for views, and for new functions to revive its surrounding neighborhoods. Furthermore, it has always been a challenge to bring the residents back to the city, especially when the center of Le Havre has been experiencing a population decline for 30 years. This project tries to anchor in the belief that a socially balanced city would benefit from greater social , economic diversification. Therefore, the introduction of these beautiful vantage points is supposed to bring new values and meanings to the other layers, including streets, courtyards, and spaces composed of them, and re-organize those different places in the city. The provision of three various types of programs, which are housing, working place, and cultural facility, will 1. Complete the Perret’s proposal; 2. Densify and diversify the city by the provision of new functions; and 3. Improve the environment of the town by re-defining the courtyard as an integrated part with the roofs. The project, to illustrate the strategy as a representative and reproducible case, will take three sites illustrating how different programs could be connected with city context respectively.

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STRATEGY OF The redefinition of co


HOMOGENEITY vs. DIVERSITY Here comes the juxtaposition of homogeneity and diversity along Rue de Paris. All designed by August, the feeling of this main street in Le Havre is a combination of solemnity and uniformity. The strategy to open the courtyard adds another dimension to the city, which is, by regenerating and reconnecting the courtyard, the diversity of activities inside of courtyards.

STRATEGY OF THE PROJECT To achieve the three goals mentioned above the project will introduce a series of new architecture and landscape facilities to provide housing, working, and entertaining facilities which will first make use of those idled roofs and then re-organize the space of blocks. This drawing shows that by adding 1600 m2, the FAR of a block would increase from 1.7 to 2.4, which is the average lever of blocks in Le Havre.


THE PROJECT ourtyard in Le Havre


A PLAN FOR THE SECOND RECONSTRUCTION This proposal will start from the roofs, but not only the roofs. The project creates other new layers for the city generated by the discovery of the roof, for energy, for new functions, and for beautiful views. The introduction of those beautiful vantage points brings new value and meanings to the other layers in the city, including the streets and courtyards, as well as reorganizes and redefines those different space in the city. 18



The first two typologies are located in two courtyards are the typical continuous blocks along rue de Paris. A spatial gradients from the center to both sides of the street, regarding function of buildings and the public - private space, is built here while providing working and living spaces through the strategy mentioned above. This site demonstrates that the provision of a progression of the perspectives over the surroundings and other activities as people re-occupy the roof would give the steps a vital role in the whole system of creating an entirely new texture. This strategy does not only providing access to the roof but also connecting different layers and surfaces in the city. This two typologies could be reproduced in other blocks along Rue de Paris.



ENTRANCE ALONG THE AVENUE: Acknowledged that the interaction created by opening is also one character of Le Havre, the design creates an opening to the street allowing passerby to have the possibility to peer into the spaces beyond the homogeneous street scene, and have a chance to use the spaces re-opened to the public behind the facade along the street.

OFFICE DETAIL: The transformation between interior and exterior is the key part of the design. Different spatial situations will provide abundant spatial experiences to the users. In the design of offices block in the first courtyard, transparent facades, belvedere and open terrace create a hospitality situation for citizens to discover the transformation while keeping an accord with the spatial legacy of Perret.



VERTICAL PARTITION / SPATIAL TRANSITION Further away from Rue de Paris, the second courtyard is shaped into a common space for the residents around it. Different from the first courtyard which diversifies the city by providing working space, this typology densifies the city by adding more housing on the top. Keeping the same idea of August Perret, the design will focus on the vertical partition of the refined building. Meanwhile, the spatial transition becomes the key point since new relations is built in between the blocks by the intervention. The public environment will also be re-defined and weaved by this strategy, which contributes to the preparation of a creation of urban landscape on a larger scale.



THE REDEFINITION OF COURTYARD IN LE HAVRE: By re-programming the public, massive and private domains in the third site, the strategy is proved to have a further potential in redefining the courtyard typology in the city of Le Havre. A new layer is added onto the top of commercials facing to the residential blocks. The public could be introduced into the block while sharing the benefit of it without disturbing the privacy of the community. In the same way, by adding a new platform on the top of the garage, an integrated layer of common space is created for the residents. New interactions are expected under the new circumstance while the block is becoming an autonomic community connecting with different groups of people as a whole.



IMPRINT LIFE, THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ARCHITECTURE, HISTORICAL MUSEUM DESIGN UIA HYP Cup International Student Competition in Architecture Design, 2013 Autumn Location: Beijing Jury Chairman: Dominique Perrault Collaborator: Xiaoyang Liu My work: On-stie research, Architecture design, all drawings in this portfolio 1st Prize, UIA HYP Cup International Student Competition An architecture, like a theater, acts like the background of events. But it performs not only for the events occur inside, but also for an empty state and finally for a condition caused by the acting force between the events and the emptiness. The museum is located in a demolition area in Xuan Wu District, Beijing, which is also a historic site with lots of local memories. The site has been wasted and idled for almost ten years. However, the memory for the location did not disappear along with the trees growing on the site. In discussing what is disappeared and what is not, the project starts with the memory of a place and tries to materialize it. Two goals will be achieved in this project. 1. to extend the meaning of architecture. It won’t be a monumental structure. Instead, it will work as the background environment for the residents around it by hiding the building underground according to the topography of the site; 2. to materialize the memory and the sense of a place by preserving the trees, which would tell the location of original courtyard, on the site. In this process, the physical form of a building disappears while the collective memory of a place could still be perceived through the feeling of the time by those preserved trees. Just like the old saying that the greatest benevolence is like water, which means water possess the ability to accommodate everything while influencing the character of them subtly, the best architecture should have the same spirit. Therefore, it is rather more appropriate to shape a place accommodating and welcoming everything than to build a monumental sculpture in this case.


TRACING OF TREES The site is called Chunshu Park, or the park of the tree of heaven, which indicates its’ close relationship with plants. To express the memory of the site and to convey the feeling of time, the project keeps all the trees, seven of which will vary with the season, in this area. Therefore, every visit will be a unique one with these changing lives.



By keeping the existing trees and designing routes according to old paths, the project preserves the history of the site. Meanwhile, three bodies of the museum embedded in the place to integrate with surrounding landscape and form an open space for residents. Three types of space are introduced here interacting with the existing trees. The first one is linear trees standing along the routes; the second is private courtyard with the individual tree inside of it, and the third is a common yard for woods surrounded by three museum volumes.

GROUND FLOOR PLAN G: gallery 1000m2 ; O: office 300m2 ; T: theater 360m2 ; C: cafe 500m2 ; M: multi-function room 180m2 ; L: library 100m2 ; Med: meditation garden Lo: lobby 80m2 ; Area: 2500m2



PERSPECTIVE (DAY & NIGHT) The idea of time (different times in one day / different seasons in a year) could be perceived through changing scenes of the site.

DETAIL SECTION Because the building is hidden under the soil, ceiling and roof are designed to ensure a good light environment. Visitors are welcoming to reach the nature on any level. This smooth transition blurs the boundary between the architecture and the landscape.

AXON Various routes are designed for accessing and meeting the building and the landscape. In the central part of the building, three rooms are faced to each other, forming a courtyard where people can seat and have a relax.


FOUR SEASONS IN THE BUILDING By viewing the architecture as a background for activities, the project is adaptable to the use of different groups of people. Meanwhile, since the time is a key factor of the design, the introduction of plants ensures the environment will be interacting with the season actively. The central yard is a place designed for people to enjoy the beauty of the site. Different species of trees will have various appearances along with the change of season. This is the way of preserving and creating memories of the place.



SCHOOL OF ARCHTECTURE, BEIJING Campus architecture design, 2010 Autumn Instructor: Xiaoxi Cheng Individual work The surface differentiating interior from exterior gives the identity to a building. At the same time, this surface as an interface communicating between inside and outside also established infinite relations between each other. In this project, the notion of identifying a building by defining its surface becomes the main issue, since it is a way of reconciling and connecting two groups of people in and out of the building. In this way, each facade reflects a given situation in each direction, creating spaces with different characters towards different sides. For instance, the rotated southern facade posts a welcoming gesture by creating a public space in the front with a perception of the enclosure, while the eastern facade an exhibition space with a lifted platform. In this process, interior space affected by the facade plays as a feedback towards the external system, forming an open and flexible studio space for architecture students.




ATRIUM - STUDIO CONCEPT DRAWING The surface in between the atrium and the studio is identified with interior southern facade since both of them share the same idea of spiraling. It is supposed to be a way facilitating the communication between students.


As one of the most distinct and important spaces of a design school, the studio located along the southern facade is conceived as a continuous public space. Due to the rotation of south facade, the area becomes spiral with various views, where promising students communicate with each other.

KEY 1. Entrance; 2. Multi-function classroom; 3. Exhibition; 4.Classroom; 5. Studio; 6. Library; 7. Public space; 8. Core; 9. Model room



07 ABOVE OAXACA DENSIFICATION OF HISTORIC CENTER IN URBAN OAXACA GSD 2015 Spring Option Studio Craft, Politics, and the Production of Housing in Oaxaca, Mexico Instructor: Daine Davis, Jose Castillo Collaborator: Yuxiang Luo, Man Su My work: On-stie research, Conceptual and Architecture design, all drawings in this portfolio, model making Distinction Honor Published in GSD Platform 8

“We have paid so much for INFONAVIT, but they are not providing the housing that can benefit our employees!”. The critique by the owner of a local manufacturing company shows the inefficiency and inability embedded in the current housing development model of Mexico, in terms of addressing home buyers’ specific local demands. Applied all around the cities in Mexico, the housing provision model supposed to link the Developer, the INFONAVIT (the federal institute for worker’s housing that act as a mortgage lender), and every individual housing buyer failed due to the lack of agency that can mediate the national scale (INFONAVIT’s funding range) and the local community (housing is a territorial issue). This problem is getting worse in Oaxaca, another likely “living museum“ with its tourist-to-local ratio of 3.82, where the government is seeking to densify the city while its’ citizens are denied access to many services and infrastructure in the center.





The project innovates INFONAVIT’s business model, by bringing the employer back to the partnership of housing provision with introducing the LIVE-WORK TYPOLOGY, while the company is a form of territorial community that workers belong to ,and it can become INFONAVIT’s local mediator. The reintroduced affinity between the worker and the employer for housing production may result in the physical proximity between place of residency and place of production. Meanwhile, to break the rigidity of workers’ house, both in terms of space and in terms of demographics, is to infuse the typology with the city dynamism. In this process, the courtyards, which provides physical spaces, located inside of the companies, and profound tradition of manufactured industry that links living and working play a role as catalyst. By redefining the densification as socio-economic diversification instead of adding physical FAR, the acupuncture of housing addition will strategically infuse residential life into the city, preserving the life ambiance. Model: 1: The front elevation of Mayordomo; 2: The first courtyard; 3: The second courtyard


CASE: REPRODUCIBILITY The chocolate producer and seller Mayordomo De Oaxaca is chosen here as a representative case in its following qualities: 1. Diversified industrial chain; 2. Various physical properties across the city; 3. Well-located commercial outlets with courtyard typology; 4. Distinct public presence for the people in the city. And similarly, the employers that are 1. Formally registered on INEGI; 2. Employing 6-100 people; 3. Listed as manufacture industry; and 4. Having commercial outlets would also be regarded ideal sites for the replication.


LIVE - WORK TYPOLOGY The Live-Work Typology becomes available by bringing the employer back to the partnership of housing provision. As a result, the approaches of housing provision are unobstructed. Moreover, benefits can be derived from this typology while using the courtyard of the company as a container of the city dynamism.



SECTION & ACTIVITIES These diagrammatic sections show the idea of the courtyard as an incubator space for other activities. The project expands the meaning of courtyard to craft innovation and housing provision, testing three possibilities. 1. Using courtyard induce new business functions for the firm; 2. Increasing the home’s value by establishing a community base on the patio; 3. Linking the city and the firm by providing public space and public events in courtyards.



INCENTIVE ALIGNMENTS With the innovative housing provision model, various stakeholders could benefit from the new partnership across different sectors.

PLUG / FRAME The housing structures are built upon the original building with a system of “plugs“ that consists of solid structural frames, circulation systems, building infrastructures, and various small-scale public/private spaces.

GROUND FLOOR PLAN Mayordomo’s restaurant, store, bar, kitchen, and the production site

UPPER FLOOR PLAN Boutique rental apartments, and workers’ housing units



REDEFINITION OF DENSIFICAION IN HISTORIC CENTER It is not feasible to drastically increase the physical FAR in Oaxaca’s historic center, due to the preservation of historic buildings and their facade. However, acupuncture of housing addition can strategically infuse residential life into the city, as the UNESCO Vienna Memorandum in 2005 extends the meaning of heritage from physical to intangible culture heritage, preserving the life ambiance.

NEW URBAN GEOGRAPHY -- Housing Blocks, Courtyards, and Streets The city will be able to enhance the local residential presence by providing around ten housing units in each block. The proposal strengthens the connectivity between public and private life in the city because the housing provided are based on numerous idiosyncratic courtyards.

DOMESTIC LIFE - HOUSING FOR EMPLOYEES Each employee of Mayordomo can be provided a two-bedroom apartment with an area of 60m2, bigger than that of the affordable housing in average around Mexico, to house his/her family. Two house types can be distinguished from whether the living room is integrated with the kitchen.

DOMESTIC LIFE - CRAFTSMAN’S HOUSE The housing for craftsman will be introduced on the 1st floor. Living space is separated from public corridor linking the front and backside courtyard by a craftsman-operated functional block composed of a kitchen, a manufacture workshop and a small shop that play an intermediate role of serving public as well as residents.



THE RENOVATION PROJECT FOR TRADITIONAL HOUSING IN FUKANGLI, BEIJING Commission Project, 2015 Autumn Location: Beijing Collaborator: Xiaoyang Liu My work: Conceptual Design, Construction Design, all drawings and photos in this portfolio The project rethinks the lifestyle of Beijing critically and tries to reconcile the needs of different generations in one building. The site is beside the wall of the Temple of Haven, which becomes one of the biggest parks in the historic center of Beijing. Paradoxically, the friendly environment around the site is excluded from the housing due to the lack of light and ventilation, let along any interaction with its neighbors. The project deals with the problems with removing all the walls that divide the space and simplifying the distribution to obtain large and opened spaces that multiplied light. The other outcome is a linear succession of different spaces representing a sequence from the nature environment to a living space. An interior garden is placed at the end of the series, which refers to the exotic, exclusive Peach Colony from a traditional Chinese thought of intention that represents the state of inner peace of a person, implying the spiritual pursuit of the owner. Therefore, the interior of the housing becomes a series of thresholds that are successively connecting one world to the next, while the beginning becomes and links to the ending. Because the building was built in the 1970s as compensation, neither bathroom nor kitchen has been equipped in the building. In the project, they are distributed into two linked boxes, the outer one of which is regarded as the kitchen communicating interior and exterior, which is followed the tradition of this neighborhood.

The interior is important: one must always imagine the effect produced by a person who leaves a room unexpectedly -- Aldo Rossi


THE ELEMENTS OF DESIGN Serving apparatus: necessary that should be read as the basic elements that establish new matrix and dimension of the project; Serving infrastructures: provide the framework of the project; Potential events: a suspension state with the same idea of Aldo Rossi that provide an imagination of potential movements and events in the house; Environment demands: anchorage point of the project which implies the culture legacy and the limitation of current situation.


Materials chosen: Brick Concrete Stave wood Corrosion resistant plate Plants



PRIVACY PROTECTION: By hiding the bed behind the bathroom while marking the space by hanging the curtain, the private part could keep away from the outside.

THE MATERIALITY OF SPACE: In order to provide a vibrant spatial experience, different materials were using. The concrete bonding plaster wall indicates the old space division and the mirror finished stainless steel plate of the bathroom enlarges the space visually while hiding toilet facilities inside of it.



The main idea of the partition is to reorganize the space for a new lifestyle while containing necessary functions and increasing the variability.

AXON A new sequence implying the nature elements on both sides of the site was built while recalling the traditional lifestyle. 39

COMMUNICATION: Being regarded as a mediator between interior and exterior, the window of the kitchen provides the opportunity for communication.

PARTITION OF SPACE: Since it is impossible to divide the space with walls, a set of metal frame system which could be used as bookshelf and clothes hanger is put into use as a soft partition to differentiate public and private functions.





DOMESTICITY AND URBAN LIFE, RETHINKING AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN MANHATTAN GSD Elements of Urban Design Core Studio, 2014 Spring Instructor: Anita Berrizbeitia Collaborator: Man Su My work: On-stie research, Conceptual and Architecture design, all drawings in this portfolio As written in his ‘Delirious New York,’ Rem Koolhaas believes Manhattan’s identity comes from ‘the culture of congestion’ which has been being tested by enormous architectural inventions. This statement implies the potential of both architecture and social policy embedded in the affordable-housing-provision agenda in present and future New York. Tomorrow’s New York residential buildings, when considering the implication behind the task of reconciling market-rate housing and income housing in one site, have to put openness, social activities and public engagement center stage. Those exclusive, monolithic communities are buildings of the past. As a result, by challenging the traditional distinction between the high-end apartment and income housing and proposing new domestic space where it is possible to accommodate an increasingly flexible relationship between but not limited to the living and working, the project attempts to regard the housing as the key element for a social scale transformation. The woven landscape of the project enables citizens to discover a new cultural center in this neighborhood through a pedestrian system that solves the problem of the height difference on each side of the site and connects the urban to the East River. By systematically accommodating various activities through carefully arranging different spatial typologies on the location, the Twisted-U becomes a shared space that encourages a conversation between the residents, the public, the visitors, the life and the work. The living experiences are not fragmented pieces of perception anymore. An articulation of living and working activities could permeate the area through flowing and open spaces in both horizontal and vertical direction. Therefore, the project stands as a complex of various urban functions: the landscape, the waterfront park, workshops for manufacturers, studio for creative workers, galleries, retailers, and the impressive art center. After all, by establishing an ecosystem that enables new social links beyond the spatial boundary, the neighborhood gains its quality of congestion where working and living converge.



REDEFINE THE RIVER BANK OF MANHATTAN The site besides the United Nations Headquarters is the joint of two axes in two directions, of which the public instructions including public housing programs and medical facilities define the south-north direction, and the extension of public services from the west to east define the other. The project aims at responding and making use of the publics expectation of it.

STRATEGY I: A VERTICAL ECOSYSTEM The basic building form for a vertical autonomic system is shaped according to the typological study, which is mainly focused on ‘tower,’ ’slab,’ and ‘plinth‘.



STRATEGY II: A LANDSCAPE SYSTEM Far away from dividing the site into pieces aligned with the famous Manhattan grid, the project tries to generate the congestion in a larger scale. The woven landscape, which becomes the base of the design, enables the place to accommodate various activities systematically.



THE PERMEABLE OPEN SPACE With planting on top of the existing soil, a permeable open space with a spatial sequence from artificial to nature is established between the 1st Avenue and the East bank.

SECTION - VERTICAL CONNECTION Three typologies (plinth, tower, and slab) are used as the basis for the projects. They are vertically integrated into a united space that hosts a multiplicity of working, living, commercial and producing activities. Due to the flexibility of the spatial organization, this connection can also be regarded as an independent system where production materials can be transported, stored, processed, sold to the public or consumed by residents. The goal of this arrangement is to reveal the potential productivity of the domestic space and the domesticity of the workplace.








TWO HORIZONS The site which used to be a wasteland blocked, together with other exclusive blocks along the East River, citizens’ way towards the bank of the river. The project tries to re-connect both sides of the site (the 1st Ave on the east and the bank on the west), by inviting pedestrians to treat the ground of the community as a layer of the landscape, which generates the redefinition of the site’s boundaries as new horizons.




DAGU URBAN DESIGN, TIANJIN Urban Design Studio, 2013 Spring Instructor: Michele Bonino, Lanchun Bian Collaborator: Yifan Wang, Jianzhu Wang My work: Conceptual and Architecture design, all drawings in this portfolio It is always risky design something out of nowhere, it becomes more complicated when creating an urban area from zero, but in fact nowhere is empty, and those factors dispersed become the context of the project. The strategy is, by gathering and then re-organizing every element of the place, to build a flexible frame, on which the urban grids is superimposed, on the site. Various networks can be generated from the frame, while the potential of each place will be further excavated. The spatial arrangements make possible the coexistence of standardized urban structure and the particular architectural design.


By reducing a vast area into different small clusters with various emphasis, the project is conceived at the scale of both a super block and multiple single blocks, and the strength of the project resides in the duality to accommodate various lifestyles on different levels.





ASC International Youth Competition in Architectural Design, Rural sustainability in China, 2015 Autumn Collaborator: Xiaoyang Liu My work: Conceptual and Architecture design, all drawings in this portfolio The community center would redefine sustainability in the context of contemporary Chinese rural area. In the background of rapid urbanization, how to keep and re-shape a sustainable social relationship on the level of the village is much more important than to build an Eco-architecture.


On one hand, the design should respond to the basic needs of ‘left behind elderly. Furthermore, the provision of space will play the role of linking the whole area together by concentrating daily activities. On the other hand, new functions are necessary since the village is going to stay inertness without providing new activities attracting newcomers when those younger generations left countryside and poured into the cities. By the introducing of the concept of ‘corridor‘ and ‘room‘, the communal center keeps it’s openness and flexibility. Three corridors following the topology of the site provide space for relaxing while those dispersed rooms accommodating specific functions including a library, stage, and teahouse will gather the villagers from nearby villages.





HOTEL DESIGN FOR RIZHAO, SHANDONG Shanhai international hotel design competition, 2016 Spring Collaborator: Zhe Peng, Zhuoxing Liu My work: Conceptual and Architecture design, all drawings in this portfolio 1st Prize on Best Neighborhood Design


Typically, hotel development in China is an individual activity without planning from the government. This traditional strategy will make an unhealthy competition between each other in a place where the tourism resources are limited. The project tries to propose a new approach by connecting and integrating each house in the village to solve the problem. By the establishment of a public spatial system, in which include the landscape, transportation, and public service system, the development of hostel can be concentrated in the apt houses instead of a dispersing and inefficient situation. Moreover, the traditional strategy, which is excessively depended on the economic and spatial condition of a certain holder, is hardly providing a living environment with flexibility and high quality. New design will combine two adjacent neighbors into one main body. The sharing of entrance and public space will reduce the waste of space for both neighbors, while the enlarged area ensures more flexibility in the design of housing Type.







Baitasi 2016 International Design Competition, 2016 Summer Collaborator: Yutian Wang My work: Conceptual and Architecture design, all drawings in this portfolio The site is an irregular courtyard narrow in its south-north direction which has the potential in connecting west and east hutongs on both sides. This project aims at providing a working and living space for craftsman while holding exhibitions sometimes. In the context of Chinese architecture, the boundary between three basic typologies ‘courtyard(院),‘ ‘garden(园),‘ and ‘park( 苑)‘ is vague. In this design, by the introduction of small gardens with different themes, a courtyard, which used to be an introverted space, becomes a public garden or a park following a zigzag path while remaining rooms for private use.



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