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Typhoon In-fa Zhengzhou
Location:SHKOULU Station,Zhengzhou
201.9mm = Typhoon Cempaka
SHAKOULU Station,Zhengzhou
On July 20, 2021, a heavy rainstorm occurred in Henan Province, and the representative event was the 7.20 incident of Zhengzhou Line 5. The design problem faced is the inversion of rainwater from urban rainstorms. The design strategy is urban sponge . The design site is located at the subway Shakou Road Station.
Location:Bell and Drum Tower Square
In March 2021, the sandstorm on the Mongolian plateau caused a prolonged sandstorm weather in Beijing. The design problem faced is sandstorm. The design strategy is to absorb the sand and reuse it with a city vacuum cleaner. The design site is located in the Bell and Drum Tower Square in Beijing.