1 minute read
Backstreet Cafe
from XinweiGUO_Portfolio
by Vicky Guo
Architectural Presentation
Banaux House Reborned into An Arthouse Cin ema -
1. Inspire normal film amateurs into professional film tasters. 2. All the newly-added architecture elements should be expressed in one architecture volcabulary.
All film related programmes are put into one closed circulation, in the order of Cinema1, OPEN film, Cinema2, Filmmaker Studio& Workshop, Cinema3& Auditorium, Film Gallery, and then go back to Cinema1. This circulation is expressed visually in the form of the newly added roof. This is because copmpared to traditional commercial functions, film tasting functions are more modern product.Commercial functions and other services are situated behind red-brick walls.
In the procress of circulating the film circulation, people can know more about professional film making industries.