Employee Handbook B

Page 1

Food Pattern Here is where your presentation begins

The people who love Food & Service are the best ! WWW.FOODXERVICES.COM

Table of Contents 目录 Page Number 页码 Introduction to Handbook 手册介绍 ●

History of X-Inc X-Inc 的历史

Welcome Statement & Acknowledgement Slip 欢迎声明和确认单

1-8 2 3-8

Purpose of X-Inc & 5 Cultural Pillars 员工价值意和五个文化支柱

9 - 18

General Policies 手册总册

19 - 50

Personal Information 个人资料


Behaviour & Conduct 行为举止

21 - 25

Policy Against Workplace Harassment 工作场所不允许骚扰的政策

26 - 29

Grievance Procedures 申诉程序

30 - 33

Attendance & Time Clocking 出勤率和计时

34 - 35

Confidentiality 保密


Dress Code 着装规范


Workplace Health & Safety 工作场所的健康与安全

38 - 42

Substance Abuse 滥用物质

43 - 44

Table of Contents 目录 Page Number 页码 ●

Smoking 抽烟


Whistleblowing Policy 告密政策

46 - 47

Company Vehicles Usage Policy

48 - 49


Open Door Policy 开放政策

Work Duties 工作责任

50 51 - 62

Delivery Attendant 送货员

52 - 55

Driver 司机

56 - 58

Warehouse Assistant 仓库助理

59 - 62

Employment 就业 ●

At Will Statement & Appointment 遗嘱声明

Flexi Work Arrangement 自由的工作安排

Mealtimes 用餐时间

Overtime Pay 加班费

63 - 73 64 - 65 66 67 - 68 69

Table of Contents 目录 Page Number 页码 ●

Bonus 奖金


Outside Employment 外部就业


Resignation & Termination of Service 辞职及终止服务


Retirement 退休


Company Insurance Policies 公司保险政策

74 - 76

Group Insurance Benefits 团体保险利益


Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Policy 人工赔偿保险政策


Staff Benefits 员工福利 ●

77 - 88

Claims Benefit Scheme 理赔费策划



E-Portal Login Procedures 网络门户登录程序

Leave Entitlement 假期权利 ➔

Various Types of Leaves (LX) 各种休假

81 82 - 83

Table of Contents 目录 Page Number 页码 ●

Leave Application Procedures & Notice of Leave Application 请假程序和请假通知书 ➔

Applying Leave on E-Portal 在网络门户登录请假期


85 - 86

Credit Card Policy 信用卡政策


Company Gifts 公司礼品


Questions and Answers 问题和解答

89 - 97

References 参考资料

98 - 105

Introduction Welcome to X-Inc’s User-friendly version of the employee handbook ! Basically, this is a simplified version of the normal employee handbook with 2 languages - English and Chinese.

Let’s get Started! 我们开始吧! 1

History of X-Inc X-Inc 的历史 FoodXervices Inc is one of the top foodservice distributors in Singapore, servicing over 2000 clients ranging from top hotels and restaurants, airlines and cafes, fast food chains and culinary institutions. More than 70% of products are imported from the US, Europe and other parts of Asia. FoodXervices Inc是新加坡顶级的食品服务分销商之一,为2000多家客户提供服务,包括顶级酒 店和餐厅,航空公司和咖啡馆,快餐连锁店和烹饪机构。超过70%的产品是从美国,欧洲和亚洲 其他地区进口的。 Driven by our mission to provide customers with the best level of service and the widest range of products possible, we are constantly adding breadth and depth to our product offerings, yet holding firm to the traditional value of delivering service from the heart. We own fabulous house brands (Xtuff, Bello, GroXers and Xin Si) which are created with key partners across the globe. Also in our line-up are products from global brands such as 3M, Divella, MUH, Bangor, Lee Kum Kee, Kimberly Clark Professional, Unilever and Gallo. 秉承为客户提供最佳服务水平和最广泛产品范围的使命,我们不断增加产品范围的广度和深度, 同时坚守发自内心的传统服务价值。我们拥有与全球主要合作伙伴共同创建的神话般的自有品牌 (Xtuff,Bello,GroXers和Xin Si)。我们的产品阵容还包括3M,Divella,MUH,Bangor,Lee Kum Kee,Kimberly Clark Professional,Unilever 和Gallo 等全球品牌的产品。 Our team comprises people who are reliable, professional, knowledgeable, and most of all, passionate about food and service. We service our customers like how a concierge would in a hotel, breaking the norms of any regular distribution company. 我们的团队由可靠,专业,知识渊博,还有最重要的是对食物和服务充满热情的人员组成。我们 为客户服务的方式就像礼宾人员在酒店一样,打破了任何常规经销公司的规范。 Over the next decade, FoodXervices Inc aims to become a truly one-stop foodservice solution provider in Singapore and Asia, one that offers everything that our customers need from dried food to paper, and from fresh to frozen food – including professional services on setting up F&B establishments. 在接下来的十年中,FoodXervices Inc的目标是成为新加坡和亚洲真正的一站式餐饮服务解决方 案提供商,为客户提供从干燥食品到纸张,从新鲜食品到冷冻食品的一切所需服务 – 包括设置专 业服务餐饮场所。 FoodXervices is one of five subsidiaries under the holding company, X-Inc. Our other subsidiaries include – GroXers Inc, our F&B business-to-consumer (B2C) counterpart; LogiXtics LLP, our provider of logistics and warehousing solution; Xproperties Inc, which does real estate letting; and PlotX Inc, a holding company for agricultural businesses. FoodXervices是X-Inc控股公司下的五个子公司之一。我们的其他子公司包括– GroXers Inc,我 们的餐饮企业对消费者(B2C)同行; LogiXtics LLP,我们的物流和仓储解决方案提供商; Xproperties Inc,从事房地产租赁;以及农业业务的控股公司PlotXInc。


Welcome to X-Inc ! 欢迎加入X-Inc! We would like to welcome you to the company, personally! X-Inc is heading towards an exciting time as we continue to expand; we strive to remain as flexible, inspired, and receptive to our new workers as we are our customers. We take joy in being customer focused, inclusive, and open-minded. We are very pleased to have you on deck! 我们希望亲自欢迎您加入公司!随着我们不断扩展,X-Inc即将 迎来激动人心的时刻。我们努力保持灵活性,启发性和对新员工 的接纳感,就像我们是客户一样。我们很高兴成为以客户为中心 ,包容和开放的思想。我们很高兴有您的加入!

We are continually changing the way we work to enhance our ability to evolve, grow and better our customer’s experience. Our staff members continue to give their best and we are immensely proud of where we are today. We welcome you aboard to be just as motivated to see where we are heading. 我们正在不断改变我们的工作方式,以增强我们发展,成长和改 善客户体验的能力。我们的员工将继续竭尽所能,我们为今天的 现状感到非常自豪。我们欢迎您加入我们公司,和我们一样朝着 目标努力前行。


Acknowledgement of Receipts of Handbook 确认手册的收据 Please sign using Adobe PDF and email a copy to your supervisor. 请用Adobe PDF把手册收据签了,然后发给您的主管。 4

Acknowledgement of Receipts I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the X-Inc’s Employee Handbook.

I understand that this employee handbook replaces any and all prior verbal and written communications regarding X-Inc’s working conditions, policies, procedures, appeal processes, and benefits.

I understand that the working conditions, policies, procedures, appeal processes, and benefits described in this handbook are confidential and may not be distributed in any way nor discussed with anyone who is not an employee of X-Inc.

I have read and understood the contents of this handbook and will act in accordance with these policies and procedures as a condition of my employment with X-Inc. I have read and understood the Standards of Conduct expected by X-Inc and I agree to act in accord with the Standards of Conduct as a condition of my employment by X-Inc.

I understand that if I have questions or concerns at any time about the handbook or the Standards of Conduct, I will consult my Immediate Supervisor, my Supervisor's Manager, the Human Resources staff, or the President for clarification.


I also acknowledge that the handbook employment-at-will provision that states:



Either X-Inc or I can terminate my employment relationship at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice;

That this employment-at-will relationship is in effect regardless of any other written statements or policies contained in this handbook, in any other X-Inc documents, or in any verbal statements to the contrary; and

That no one except the President can enter into any differing employment relationship, contract, or agreement. To be enforceable, any such out-of-the-ordinary relationship. Contract or agreement must be in writing, signed by the President, notarised, and in the employee ďŹ le.

Finally, I understand that the contents of this employee handbook are simply policies and guidelines, not a contract or implied contract with employees. The contents of the employee handbook may change at any time.

Please read this Handbook and these employee Standards of Conduct carefully to understand these conditions of employment before you sign this document.



我承认我已经收到了X-Inc的员工手册的副本。我了解这份员工 手册将取代以前有关X-Inc的工作条件,政策,程序,上诉程序和 福利的所有口头和书面通讯。

我了解本手册中描述的工作条件,政策,程序,上诉程序和利益 是机密的,不得以任何方式分发,也不得与非X-Inc雇员的任何人 讨论。

我已阅读并理解了本手册的内容,并将按照这些政策和程序行事 ,这是我在X-Inc工作的条件。

我已阅读并理解X-Inc期望的行为准则,并且我同意按照X-Inc雇 用我的行为准则遵守行为准则。

我了解如果我对手册或行为准则有任何疑问或疑虑,我将咨询我 的主管,我主管的经理,人力资源人员或总裁以进行澄清。



X-Inc或我可以随时终止我的雇佣关系,无论有、无理由,或是否 事先通知;

不论本手册,任何其他X-Inc文件或任何相反的口头声明中包含 的任何其他书面声明或政策,这种随意雇用关系均有效;和

除了总裁之外,他人不可随意订立任何不同的雇佣关系,合同或 协议。为了强制执行,任何这种非同寻常的关系。合同或协议必 须以书面形式,由总裁签署,经过公证,并在员工档案中。

最后,我了解该员工手册的内容仅仅是政策和准则,而不是与员 工的合同或隐含合同。员工手册的内容可能随时更改。

在签署本文档之前,请仔细阅读本手册和这些员工行为准则,以 了解这些雇用条件。



日期 8

Purpose of X-Inc 员工价值意


Purpose 目的 At X-Inc, we are driven by our Dream to build a bigger, better and more vibrant food sector by helping industry players realise their Dreams. 在X-Inc,我们以梦想为动力,通过帮助行业参与 者实现梦想来建立更大,更好,更充满活力的食 品行业。 We are here to Xhape the future of Food. 我们在这里塑造食品的未来。 At X-Inc, we believe that no Dream is ever too big, as long as we have people breaking free of old ways that limit our potential. 在X-Inc,我们相信,只要我们让人们摆脱限制我 们潜力的旧方法,任何梦想都不会太大。 At X-Inc, we celebrate that everyone of us and our Dreams are different, and we stand united in realizing them. 在X-Inc,我们庆祝我们每个人和我们的梦想都不 同,我们团结一致地实现它们。 Join us if you want to Fuel your Dreams, and Xpark the Future. 如果您想激发您的梦想,并点燃未来,加入我们 吧。 10

EVP Statement 员工价值意

“Fuel your Dreams. Xpark the Future.” “ 激发您的梦想, 并点燃未来。”



Five Cultural Pillars 五个文化支柱









All dreams are achievable because we are enabled to grow and learn fast

We grow fast through addressing challenges in a fail fast, learn fast way

所有梦想都是可以 实现 的,因为我们能够快速 成长和学习

我们通过快速失败,快 速学习来应对挑战,从 而快速成长

We thrive through breaking free of old ways that limit our industry’s potential

Everyone is free to break boundaries to take on different roles and challenges

我们通过摆脱限制行业潜 力的旧方法而蓬勃 发展

每个人都可以突破界限来 承担不同的角色和挑 战



We celebrate that everyone of us and our dreams are different

We enjoy the freedom to be ourselves and share our goals at work

我们庆祝我们每个人和 每个的梦想都不同

我们享受做自己的自由, 并分享我们的工作目标

Our voices get heard and changes do happen 我们的声音被听到,并且 确实发生了变化

We have the flexibility to work anytime, anywhere to achieve our goals 我们具有随时随地工作以 实现目标的灵活性



We encourage and support one another’s dreams; we stand united in achieving them 我们鼓励并支持彼此的 梦想;我们团结一致,实 现它们

We are surrounded by great vibe, food and people whom we call family 我们周围有很棒的氛围 ,食物和我们称为家庭 的人

We care for and support our colleagues and customers

We place teamwork as our priority and trust as the foundation

我们关心并支持我 们的同 事和客户

我们以团队合作为重中之 重,以信任为基础



We go beyond achieving dreams; we inspire bold dreams of a great future

We are the fore-runners, looking to shape F&B industry’s future Xhapters

我们超越实现梦想;我 们激发了对美好未来的 大胆梦想

我们是领先者,希望塑 造餐饮业的未来阶段

We always stay ahead of our customers and the industry to create real positive impact 我们始终领先于客户和行 业,以创造真正的积极影 响

We are empowered to invent bold new ways to unleash X-Inc’s potential 我们有能力发明大胆的新 方法来释放X-Inc的潜力



Our leaders believe no dream is too big 我们的领导人相信没有 梦想过大

We are guided in achieving our Dreams, vision and goals together 我们被引导共同实现我 们的梦想,愿景和目 标

We are instilled with the ambition to continuously evolve and drive the business forward 我们充满了不断发展和推 动业务前进的雄心

We can see X-Inc’s vision and we are heading there together 我们可以看到X-Inc的愿 景,我们将一起前进


General Policies (手册总册)


1. Personal Information 个人资料 Enter and update your personal particulars at: 请使用旁边的二维码输 入和更新其个人资料:

Information to be included are : 包含的信息包括 :

home addresses

mailing addresses



telephone numbers

contact details of next-of-kin in case of emergencies


紧急情况下的近人联 系方式 20

2. Behaviour & Conduct 行为举止 Staff members are expected to treat others with 员工应

Respect 尊重他人 Consideration 并给予尊重 Demonstrate qualities 表现出能使我们的客户 Create confidence in our customers 建立信心 Behave professionally in the company 并在公司中表现专业的品质 21

2. Behaviour & Conduct 行为举止 Inappropriate conduct and behaviours such as the following will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action: 员工应不得容忍以下不当行为和举止,并可能导 致纪律处分:

a. Theft, fraudulent or dishonest acts 盗窃,欺诈或不诚实的行为

b. Wilful destruction or abuse of company property 故意破坏或滥用公司财产

c. Disorderly, immoral conduct or indecency while in company premises 在公司场所内的无序,不道 行 为或不雅行为 22

2. Behaviour & Conduct 行为举止

d. Reporting to work under the influence of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, etc 不允许,在酒精饮料,违禁药物 等的影响下进行工作


Breach of trust and customer confidentiality 违反信任和客户保密


Refusal to obey any reasonable request given by the management or job scope 拒绝服从管理层的任何合理要 求或拒绝履行员工的工作范围


2. Behaviour & Conduct 行为举止

g. Unsatisfactory performance 表现没到达要求


Tardiness or absence without reason 迟到或无故缺席


Misuse or improper disclosure of company trade secrets or proprietary information 滥用或不当披露公司商业秘密 或专有信息


2. Behaviour & Conduct 行为举止



Engaging in workplace discrimination and harassment 从事工作场所歧视和骚扰

Staff members who violate any of these are subject to disciplinary action. 违反上述任何一项规定的工作人员将受到纪律处分。 25

3. Policy Against Workplace Harassment Discrimination

Sexual Harassment


3. 工作场所不允 许骚扰的政策 歧视



3. Policy Against Workplace Harassment Threatening, abusive, or insulting language/comments/non-verbal gestures

Behaviour that classify as harassment include: a. Discrimination b. Seuxual Harassment c. Threatening, abusive or insulting language/comments/ non-verbal gestures 28

3. 工作场所不允 许骚扰的政策 威胁,辱骂或侮辱语言/评论/非语言手势

归类为骚扰的行为包 括: a. 歧视 b. 性骚扰 c. 威胁,辱骂或侮辱 性语言/评论/非 语言手势 29

4. Grievance Procedure

Solving Grievances Informally


4. 申诉程序



4. Grievance Procedure Initiating a Formal Grievance Investigation

However, raising false allegations with malicious intent will result in serious disciplinary consequences.


4. 申诉程序 进行正式申诉调查

但是,出于恶意意图提出虚假指控将导致严重的纪律 处分。


5. Attendance and Time Clocking 出勤率和计时

Employees should arrive at work punctually. 员工应准时到达工作地点。

Employees must time-in/time-out via the facial recognition terminal. (Scan the QR code for more information!) 员工在计划的轮班之前和之后都必须通过面部 识别终端点名。(扫描二维码以获取更多信息!) 34

5. Attendance and Time Clocking 出勤率和计时

Official medical certificates/NS letters are required for the leave to be approved. 要获得休假或请假批准,需要提交被批准好的 办公室医疗证明或兵役信件。

All unapproved absences will be recorded, and excessive absenteeism including sick leave, will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 将记录所有未经批准的缺勤情况,包括病假在 内的过度缺勤将导致纪律处分,直至并包括解 雇。


6. Confidentiality 保密

Employees must not release information such as employee names, addresses, product pricing and costs as it is confidential. 员工不得泄露信息,例如员工姓名,地址,产品价 格和成本,因为这些信息属于机密信息。

Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 不遵守此政策将导致纪律处分,甚至处以解雇。 36

7. Dress Code 着装规范

Employees are expected to be appropriately dressed for work. 员工上班的穿着应该适当。

They must be presentable when representing the company, whether in or outside. 代表公司时,无论在公司内部还是公司外部,都 必须要端正和体面。 37

8. Workplace H ealth and Safety 工作场所的健康与安全 Employees are required at all times to: 员工必须始终:

Be responsible at work; ensure the health and safety of themselves and others 在工作中采取所有合理步骤,以确保自己和他人 的健康与安全

Comply with X-Inc’s substance abuse policy 遵守X-Inc的药物滥用政策 38

8. Workplace H ealth and Safety 工作场所的健康与安全

Do not engage in practical jokes or other conduct which may result in injury to others 请勿进行恶作剧或其他可能会伤害他人的行为

All work-related accidents are covered by the Worker’s Compensation Insurance under the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) 根据《工伤赔偿法》,所有与工作有关的事故均由 《工伤赔偿保险》承保 39

Safe Workplace Management Measures after Circuit Breaker period 阻断措施过后的安全工 作场所管理措施 a. Minimise socialising 减少社交

b. Wear masks at the workplace 在工作场所戴口罩

c. Observe good personal hygiene 遵守良好的个人卫生习惯 40

Safe Workplace Management Measures after Circuit Breaker period 阻断措施过后的安全工 作场所管理措施 d.

Record temperatures 记录体温


Travel declaration 旅行宣言


Use SafeEntry QR code 使用SafeEntry QR 扫码 41

Safe Workplace Management Measures after Circuit Breaker period 阻断措施过后的安全工 作场所管理措施 g.

Use TraceTogether app 使用TraceTogether 应用程 式

h. Observe safe distancing 遵守保持安全距离

i. Adhere to allocated lunch breaks 遵守分配的午餐时间


9. Substance Abuse 滥用物质 X-Inc’s property and vehicles strictly forbids... 严禁在X-Inc的产业和车辆上... Possessing 上拥有

Consuming 消耗或

Selling Alcohol 出售酒精

Illegal Drugs or 非法药物或

Any Prohibited Substances 任何违禁物质


9. Substance Abuse 滥用物质

The exceptions are legal drugs which have been prescribed by a pharmacy or doctor. 药房或医生开具的基于阿司匹林或布洛芬的产 品和合法药物除外。

Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action. 不遵守此政策可能会受到纪律处分。 44

10. Smoking 抽烟

Smoking in workplace is prohibited. Please smoke outside X-Inc’s premises or at smoking areas. 禁止在办公室或仓库中消费任何形式的烟草。请在 场所外或指定吸烟区吸烟。

Please put out the cigarette butts and dispose into bins provided to prevent any fire mishap. 吸烟者因该确保将烟头灭掉,并放入提供的垃圾桶 中,以防止火灾。 45

11. Whistleblowing Policy 告密政策

Employees should report cases that are non-compliant to any X-Inc's policies, rules and regulations, including malpractices and misconducts. 您应报告不符合X-Inc的任何政策,规则和规定 的案件,包括渎职和不当行为。

Employees who report cases in good faith will not be punished. 真诚举报案件的员工将不会受到惩罚。 46

11. Whistleblowing Policy 告密政策

Whistleblowers are not encouraged to file anonymous complaints or concerns. Confidentiality and privacy will be ensured unless further information is required by law. 不鼓励举报人提出匿名投诉或疑虑。除非法律要 求进一步的信息,否则将确保机密性和隐私性。

X-Inc strictly forbids reports which are false, unsubstantiated and based on personal grievances. X-Inc严格禁止虚假,未经证实且基于个人不满的 举报。 47

12. Company Vehicles Usage Policy 公司车辆使用政策


12. Company Vehicles Usage Policy 公司车辆使用政策

X-Inc does not provide automobile insurance coverage for non-business related use of Company vehicles. X-Inc不为公司车辆的非商业用途提供汽车保险。

Employees need to housekeep the vehicles. Vehicles should be tidied and maintained in good condition. 员工需要时常清理车辆并保持和确保良好状态。


13. Open Door Policy 开放政策

Employees should bring any workplace concerns or problems they might have to their Supervisor or the Management. 员工应将其可能遇到的任何工作场所问题或疑问带 给主管或管理层。

X-Inc takes employee concerns and problems seriously, values each employee and strives to provide a positive work experience. X-Inc认真对待员工的担忧和问题,重视每位员工, 并努力提供积极的工作经验。 50

Work Duties (工作责任)


Delivery Attendant 送货员 a. Pick and load goods onto trucks based on delivery order sheet 根据交货单将货物装上货车

b. Accompany partnered driver for trips and guide driver on delivery plan 陪伴合作的司机出行并指导 司机进行送货计划

c. Identify the best route for the journey by map reading or GPS and satellite navigation 通过阅读地图或利用GPS和 卫星导航等技术来决定旅程 的最佳路线 52

Delivery Attendant 送货员 d.

Guide driver to reverse and park 指导司机倒车和停车


Unload truck and carry goods into customers’ premises or home 卸下货车并将货物运送到 客户的房屋或家中


Verify invoices by obtaining POD (point of delivery) signatures and possibly collecting payments 通过获取POD(交货点)签 名并可能收集付款来验证 发票 53

Delivery Attendant 送货员 g.

Provide assistance to customers e.g. address customers queries onsite 向客户提供帮助,例如在现 场回答客户查询


Contact supervisor or manager when dealing with a difficult customer situation 处理困难的客户情况时,与 主管或经理联系


Ensure customers conduct stock checks before leaving the premises 确保客户在离开场所之前 进行库存检查 54

Delivery Attendant 送货员 j.

Ensure timely collection and delivery of goods 确保及时取货和收货


Ensure maintenance of truck cleanliness 保持货车清洁和保养


Perform other ad-hoc duties as assigned by supervisor or manager e.g. general warehouse duties such as stocktake 执行主管或经理分配的其 他临时职责,比如一般仓库 职责,列入数货


Driver 司机 a. Pick and load goods onto trucks based on delivery order sheet 根据交货单将货物装上货车

b. Operate trucks and cooperate with delivery attendants to deliver orders in a timely manner 操作货车并与送货员合作以 及时交付订单

c. Identify the best route for the journey by map reading or GPS and satellite navigation 通过阅读地图或利用GPS和 卫星导航等技术来决定旅程 的最佳路线 56

Driver 司机 d.

Follow instructions from delivery attendants for navigation 遵循送货员的口头和书面 指示进行导航


Unload goods from vehicle at delivery point 在交货地点从车辆上卸下 货物


Inspect and maintain truck supplies/ equipment to ensure that vehicles are in good working condition 检查并维护卡车用品和设 备,例如刹车,燃油和轮胎 ,以确保车辆处于良好的工 作状态 57

Driver 司机 g.

Report any problems encountered with vehicles 报告车辆遇到的任何问题


Ensure all documents are in order, signed and chopped by customers 确保所有文件井井有条,由 客户签名并盖章


Perform other ad-hoc duties e.g. carry goods into customers’ premises and address customer queries onsite 执行其他临时任务,例如将 货物运入客户的房屋或家 中,并在现场回答客户的查 询 58

Warehouse Assistant (Dry/Cold Room) 仓库助理 (干燥/冷室)

a. Maintain warehouse cleanliness and orderliness 保持仓库整洁有序


Warehouse Assistant (Dry/Cold Room) 仓库助理 (干燥/冷室) b.

Prepare storage area to receive stock 准备存储区域以接收库存


Perform quantity and quality checks upon acceptance of stock and prior to delivery 接受库存后和交付之前进 行数量和质量检查


Move, handle, retrieve and pack stock according to picking lists and the ‘First Expired, First Out’ (FEFO) method 根据拣配清单和“先过期, 先出”(FEFO)方法移动,处 理,检索和包装库存 60

Warehouse Assistant (Dry/Cold Room) 仓库助理 (干燥/冷室)

e. Operate machinery such as forklift, stacker and automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) to efficiently pick and pack goods 操作诸如叉车,堆垛机和自动存储和检索系统 (ASRS)的机械,以有效地拣选和包装货物

f. Forklift drivers are expected to help unload goods at clients’ premises 叉车司机有望帮助客户卸货


Warehouse Assistant (Dry/Cold Room) 仓库助理 (干燥/冷室) g.

Manage warehouse inventory levels through regular stocktaking 通过定期盘点管理仓库库 存水平

h. Perform duties in cold room; full suit for protection against low temperatures will be provided 在冷藏室执行任务;将提供 全套的防低温服 i. Assist in ad-hoc tasks assigned 协助被吩咐的临时任务 62

Employment (就业)


1. At Will Statement 遗嘱声明 Your employment is for an indefinite period of time and is subject to termination by either X-Inc or you, with or without notice, and at any time.

您在X-Inc的工作随心所欲。这意味着 你的工作是无限期的,并且可能随时由 您或X-Inc终止,有或没有通知。


2. Appointment 指定 It is required for all staff to provide details of yourself (i.e. : age, academic qualifications, etc…) 所有员工都必须提供自己的详细信息(即 年龄,学历等等)

All data retrieved will be kept confidential to the company 所有检索到的数据将只对对公司保密


3. Flexible Work Arrangement 自由的工作安排 Staggered working hours allow employees to vary their start and end times to suit their obligations. 交错的工作时间使员工可以更改其每日开始和结 束时间,以适合他们的工作职责和个人义务。

Choose your starting time! 7.00 a.m

8.00 a.m

9.00 a.m

However, it is compulsory to work between 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. 但是,所有员工必须在上午10点至下午4点 之间工作。


4. Mealtimes 用餐时间 Mealtimes are for employees to rest from work and have meals for their health. 进餐时间是为了让员工下班休息并进餐以保持 健康。

a. Non Pandemic Mealtimes a. 没有2019冠状病毒的用餐时间

Employees are to be completely relieved from their duty during meal break, which lasts 2 hours for logistics employees 员工在用餐期间应完全免除其职责,这对于 后勤员工而言持续两个小时。


4. Mealtimes 用餐时间 a. b. Pandemic Mealtimes b. 2019冠状病毒的用餐时间 During the current pandemic, extra precautions will be taken for the health and safety of employees. 在当前2019冠状病毒的期间,将采取额外 的预防措施以保障员工的健康和安全。

Reorganised sitting arrangements and different intervals in which groups go for meals are some initiatives implemented for your safety. 为了您的安全,采取了一些有组织的就座安 排,并安排了不同的进餐时间间隔。 68

5. Overtime Pay 加班费 Overtime work refers to any work in excess of the normal hours of work, excluding breaks.: 加班指的是您的工作时间, 不包括用餐 时间, 超越了正常工作时间。

Overtime pay is calculated by the hourly basic rate of pay x 1.5 x number of hours worked overtime. 加班费 是这样算的= 每小时底薪 X 1.5 X 几个 小时加班 69

6. Bonus 奖金 There is no Annual Wage Supplement being paid to employees. The company will pay employees an annual performance-based bonus. 公司没有向员工支付年度工资补充。该公司将 向员工支付年度绩效奖金。


7. Outside Employment 外部就业 Employees of the company are not allowed to engage in outside employment 公司员工不能从事外部工作


8. Resignation & Termination of Service 辞职及终止服务 Employees intending to resign from the company at any time after confirmation of service are required to provide one month's notice in writing or pay in lieu of one month's basic salary or per the terms and conditions stated in their letter of appointment. 员工如有意再确认服务后随时辞职,则 须提供一个月的书面通知或代替一个月 的基本薪金,或按照聘书上的条款及条 件付款。


9.Retirement 退休 The age of retirement in Singapore is 62, and only employees who have joined before turning 55 years of age and are Singapore citizens/permanent residents will be protected by the Retirement and Re-employment Act (RRA). 新加坡的退休年龄为62岁,然而只有在年满55岁 之前加入X-Inc并且是新加坡公民/永久居民的员 工才能受到《退休和再就业法》的保护。

Scan the QR code to find out more from MOM! 扫描QR码以从 MOM中查找更 多信息!


Company Insurance Policies (公司保险政策)


1. Group Insurance Benefits 团体保险利益 Group Hospital & Surgical Insurance 团体医院与手术保险

Group Term Life 团体定期生活

Group Major Medical 团体主要医学


2. Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Policy 工人赔偿保险政策 Employees injured on the job are covered by the Work Injury Compensation Act 在工作上受伤的员工将受《工伤赔偿法》的保护

The employees are to immediately notify their Supervisor of any injuries they sustain while on the job so that the company can lodge a report to MOM, 员工应将其在工作中遭受的任何伤害立即 通知其主管,以便公司可向人力部报告, 76

Staff Benefits (员工福利)


Claims Benefit Scheme

Company Gifts 公司礼品



Leave Entitlement

Credit Card Policy



Leave Application Procedures & Notice of Leave Application 请假程序和请假通 知书


Claims Benefit Scheme 理赔费策划

02 Quarterly Claims

01 For employees who don’t have company credit card


03 E-Claims Login Page 电子理赔费网站

给没有公司信用卡的 员工


E-Portal Login Procedures 网络门户登录程序

Default Password : NRIC/ EP/ FIN number 预设密码: NRIC / EP / FIN number

Employee Staff No. 员工号码

Take note: Once you login, please change your password, which should be kept personal. Please inform HR if you forgot your password. 请留意: 当您登录,请换您的密码。密码不可以透入给别人。如果忘了密码, 请通知人力资源部门。


Leave Entitlement 假期权利


Maximum of 16 days per year 一年不超过16天


Daily allowance will not be paid for leave taken 如果拿了假期, 就没有了那天的 日常补贴


If the leave entitlement is not taken, it will be snowballed to the next month and so forth until end of financial year. 如果这个月的假期没被用,它就 会被转移到下个月


If an employee is absent from work for more than 4 days consecutively, the company will have the right to deduct base pay. 如果您连续4天没上班,公司有权 利扣您的工资

>4 days

-$ 81

Various Types of Leaves 各种休假

Annual Leave 年假

14 days* *>14 days, deduct from pay 十四天* *> 十四天,口薪水

Hospitalisation Leave 住院假

53 days of leave, must inform office if warded and MC must be given to office. If more than 53 days, deduct annual leave. 五十三天住院假, 如果住院,请通 知相关部门。员工必须提交收据和 医疗证书给相关部门。> 五十三天 =扣年假

Sick Leave 病假

14 days of MC, please inform office within 48 hours. 十四天病假*, 在48小时内要通知相关部门。 *>14 days, deduct annual leave. 多过十四天,扣年假

Childcare Leave 育儿假

2 days (Child below 7 and is not Singaporean, worked with company for at least 3 months) 两天 (孩子七岁以下, 孩子不是新加 坡公民 & 父母工作至少三个月)


Various Types of Leaves 各种休假

Adoption Leave 领养假

4 weeks (adopted child is Singaporean and less than 12 months old, adoptive mother must be lawfully married at point of adoption and must work with company for at least 3 months).

Emergency Leave 紧急假

Company may grant emergency leave based on case to case basis. 公司会根据员工的的不同情况下 批准紧急假。

四个礼拜 (领养的孩子必须是少过12月的新加 波公民,领养者必须合法结婚, 领养者必须受薪工作至少三个月 )

No Pay Leave 无薪假

Compassionate Leave 丧假

3 days for death in immediate family. Please notify office immediately and produce relevant documents. 在失去亲属下,员工可申请三天的 丧假,您必须呈上相关文件。例如 死亡证书。

Submist 5 days in advance for approval, subjected to case by case basis 员工必须在五天前呈上无薪假给 上司比准。您的无薪假必须根据 情况而定。

NS Leave 国名服务假

14 days, must submit leave and SAF notice 1 month in advance. 十四天, 在收到国名服务的通知后,员 工必须在一个月前把有关信件和假期 表呈上给相关部门。


Leave Application Procedures & Notice of Leave Application 请假程序和请假通知书 Employees are required to plan their annual leave in advance. Staff may go on leave when their application is approved by the director. 员工必须提前策划他们的年假。然后得到上司 的批准,才能可以拿年假。

1 Day leave 一天假

24 hr notice 24小时前

2 Day leave 两天假

48 hr notice 48小时前

》3 Day leave 》 三天假

1 wk notice 一星期前 84

Applying Leave on E-Portal 在网络门户登录申请假期

01 02 03

Click on ‘Leave Organizer’, the menu will expands 选着‘Leave Organizer’, 以显示目录。

Click on ‘Apply Leave’. Leave application page will be displayed on the right. 选着 ‘Apply Leave’,假期申请页将显示在右侧。

Select leave type, date of leave application and fill in any other fields. Click on ‘Apply Leave’ button to apply. 先选休假类型并输入休假申请详细信息,然后选着 ‘Apply Leave’ 来提交。


Applying Leave on E-Portal 在网络门户登录申请假期



Leave confirmation page displayed. Click on ‘Cancel’ to cancel the leave application or click on ‘Confirm’ button to confirm. 在假期确认页,请选着确认或取消。

Once leave application is confirmed, an email notification will send for approval. 电子邮件通知将发送信息,批准您的假期申请。

Video on how to apply leave on E-Portal


Credit Card Policy 信用卡政策 -

Minimum $400 that rises by rank and seniority for non-LX employees Non-LX 员工最低 $400, 会根据等级和 资历上升。


$270 for LX employees LX 员工 $270


Can be used for personal purposes. Only corporate cards are for business purchases 这个信用卡是给您私人用的,只有公司信用 卡是给生意交易。


Must be returned when terminated or upon request. 当终止或上司的要求下,信用卡必须 归还给公司

PLease take note: - Keep the bank statements - If spent over employee’s maximum, transaction will be rejected - Please keep credit card details safe and secure 请注意: - 员工必须收银行对账单。 - 如果员工花了超过他们卡的极限,交易会被拒绝。 -



Company Gifts 公司礼品


Company has a budget of $15 - $20 for each employee. 公司有个$15 到 $20 的预算给每一位 员工, 当节日礼品。


The company gives each employees gifts during certain occasions as a form of gratitude. 公司会在不同的节日期间,准备不同的 礼品来奖励和感谢员工们的努力。


For example, rice dumpling during Dragon Boat Festival, goodie bags during Christmas. 列如:端午节送粽子, 圣诞节送礼包。


Questions & Answers (问题和解答)


Questions and Answers 问题和解答

What happens when I reach the spending limit for the company’s credit card? 当我达到公司信用卡的支出限 额时会怎样?

There will be insufficient funds in the credit card to make additional purchases beyond your credit card limit. The purchase attempt will fail or get rejected. 信用卡中的资金不足,无法进 行超出信用卡限额的其他购 买。购买将被拒绝。


Questions and Answers 问题和解答

What MRT station is nearest to the workplace (Xpace)? 哪个地铁站最接近工作场所 (Xpace)?

Clementi, but it is still considerably far away. 金文泰, 但还是挺远的。

To be continued… 未完待续...


Questions and Answers 问题和解答 If so, what is/are the nearest bus station(s)? 如果是这样的话,最近的公交车 站是什么? There are two bus stops that you may use for your transportation: 1. Vejoil Pte Ltd Bus Stop 20331 that has the buses 285, 30 and 51 2. Pan Tech Ind Cplx Bus Stop 20341 that has the buses 143, 176 and 285 最近的两个公交车站为: 1. Vejoil Pte Ltd 公交车站 20331,公交车有 285号,30 号 和 51号。 2. Pan Tech Ind Cplx 公交车站 20341,公交车有 143号, 176号 和 285号。 92

Questions and Answers 问题和解答 What happens if I commit a workplace error e.g. cause damage to property or not abiding by safety regulations? 如果我犯了工作场所错误该怎 么办 (例如造成财产损失或不 遵守安全法规)? You may be reprimanded by your supervisor, receive a letter of warning, have your probation period extended or even be terminated, depending on the severity of the mistake and number of offences. 您可能会受到主管的谴责,可 能需要赔偿,遭到警告或/和收 到警告信,延长您的试用期,甚 至被终止,这取决于错误的严 重程度和犯罪数量。


Questions and Answers 问题和解答

As a Driver or Delivery Attendant, when will my meal times be? 作为司机或送货员,我的用餐时 间是几点?

Your meal times are 2 hours long and there are no schedules you must follow given that you are out on the roads delivering orders. 您的用餐时间可长达2个小时, 而且您不必在用餐时执行任何 计划,因为您正在用餐


Questions and Answers 问题和解答

As a driver, should I try to get a Class 4 license? 作为司机,我应该尝试获得4级 驾驶执照吗?

Yes, drivers are encouraged to get a Class 4 license so that they can operate the company’s larger trucks. Furthermore, Class 4 drivers will get an additional allowance of $50 to $100. 是的,我们鼓励司机获得4级驾 驶执照,以便您可操作公司的 大型卡车。此外,拥有4级驾驶 执照的司机将获得$50到$100 的额外津贴。 95

Questions and Answers 问题和解答 What company operations have changed because of COVID-19? 由于新型冠状病毒,公司的哪些 业务发生了变化? Employees should wear masks at all times except during meal times, take their temperatures regularly, practise social distancing of at least 1 metre and scan in and out using the SafeEntry QR Code. Additionally, please report to your supervisor if you are unwell or is a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case. 除进餐时间外,员工应该戴口罩,定 期进行体温测量,与保持至少1米的 社交距离,并使用 SafeEntry QR 码 扫描进出。此外,如果您感觉不适或 与新型冠状病毒确诊病例有密切联 系,请向您的主管报告。


Questions and Answers 问题和解答 I don’t understand some of the policies, or some policies are not documented. Where do I go or who do I approach for more information? 我不了解某些政策,或者某些 政策没有记录在案。我应该去 哪里或向谁寻求更多信息? You can approach your supervisor, the director or the HR department for more information. Feel free to drop us further queries using the QR code below! 您可以联系您的主管,总监或 人事部门以获取更多信息。欢 迎使用下面的QR码向我们发送 进一步的查询! 97

References 参考资料 Five Cultural Pillars 五个文化支柱 <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/pixel-perfect" title="Pixel perfect">Pixel perfect</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/catkuro" title="catkuro">catkuro</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/phatplus" title="phatplus">phatplus</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="http://www.freepik.com" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/iconixar" title="iconixar">iconixar</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons" title="Smashicons">Smashicons</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/noomtah" title="Noomtah">Noomtah</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/flat-icons" title="Flat Icons">Flat Icons</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/good-ware" title="Good Ware">Good Ware</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/icongeek26" title="Icongeek26">Icongeek26</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/becris" title="Becris">Becris</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div>


References 参考资料 <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/pixel-perfect" title="Pixel perfect">Pixel perfect</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://creativemarket.com/eucalyp" title="Eucalyp">Eucalyp</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/ultimatearm" title="ultimatearm">ultimatearm</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/monkik" title="monkik">monkik</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> General Policies 手册总则 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:4ee0e6b f-4400-4358-a173-aebbbdf6d470 https://www.google.com/search?q=saf+logo&rlz=1C1CHBF_enSG883SG88 3&hl=en&sxsrf=ALeKk02kuo7tnNejlf4947sbZ23BBPnoGA:1594492056318& tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=ikq8nSUlNGgmmM%252C_HP2WPPLYlCa sM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTRnmFBeAj6UcvcUqVayFYZpohkyg&sa=X& ved=2ahUKEwilrvTk6cXqAhWSWisKHWF-Bd0Q9QEwAHoECAoQHg&biw= 1163&bih=481#imgrc=ikq8nSUlNGgmmM Icons made by <ahref="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/long-distance_2966285" title="srip">srip</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> https://www.cleanpng.com/png-computer-icons-clip-art-4076715/download-p ng.html Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/photo3idea-studio" title="photo3idea_studio">photo3idea_studio</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/eucalyp" title="Eucalyp">Eucalyp</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a>


References 参考资料 Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/pixelmeetup" title="Pixelmeetup">Pixelmeetup</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/family-insurance_3140308" title="pongsakornRed">pongsakornRed</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/phatplus" title="phatplus">phatplus</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/surang" title="surang">surang</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a>’ Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/beer_3217312" title="smalllikeart">smalllikeart</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> https://www.cleanpng.com/png-authority-competition-regulator-business-com promis-4447730/download-png.html https://www.cleanpng.com/png-2013-ukraine-pro-european-union-protests-2 017-roma-812920/download-png.html Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/late_742873" title="Vectors Market">Vectors Market</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/long-distance_2966285" title="srip">srip</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/stay-at-home_2927232" title="catkuro">catkuro</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a>


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References 参考资料 Work Duties 工作责任 Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/box_1524983" title="Icongeek26">Icongeek26</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a>

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References 参考资料 Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/work-station_3028249" title="catkuro">catkuro</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/sleeping_3107793" title="catkuro">catkuro</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Company Insurance Policies 公司保险政策 Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/healthcare_2966327" title="srip">srip</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/injury_3140357" title="pongsakornRed">pongsakornRed</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a> Staff Benefits 员工福利 <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/monkik" title="monkik">monkik</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/skyclick" title="Skyclick">Skyclick</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/nhor-phai" title="Nhor Phai">Nhor Phai</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/darius-dan" title="Darius Dan">Darius Dan</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> https://thenounproject.com/term/missing-person/1154841/


References 参考资料 <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/flat-icons" title="Flat Icons">Flat Icons</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/good-ware" title="Good Ware">Good Ware</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stockio.com% 2Ffree-icon%2Frosalinda-email-mail-notification&psig=AOvVaw3lKqNKEwEkKagTOH9Upbz&ust=1594999254899000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0C A0QjhxqFwoTCOjPzrSJ0uoCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/vectors-market" title="Vectors Market">Vectors Market</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons" title="Smashicons">Smashicons</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/pixelmeetup" title="Pixelmeetup">Pixelmeetup</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://flat-icons.com/" title="Flat Icons">Flat Icons</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smalllikeart" title="smalllikeart">smalllikeart</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div> <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/iconixar" title="iconixar">iconixar</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div>


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