Briging urban gaps-the university of Tokyo studio

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Kawazoe Laboratory — Research and Design Graduate Studio Autumn Semester 2020

The University of Tokyo

Kawazoe Laboeratory—Autumn Studio 2020


(above) Concept sketches showing the relationship between urban gap spaces and the opening street

In the process of comparison, I noticed that the “disorderly space” of the two cities was very interesting. In the process of urban design, we tend to make the urban view more complete and orderly, and tend to show the clean and bright side of the city to the pedestrians along the main passageway of the city. Therefore, in this process of development, the disorderly space in the city is often hidden. In the overall design of the city and the fragmented design of the city, the distribution and shape of disorderly space also have different growth models. So while comparing the two different cities, I also focused on the location of the disorderly space, the pattern of growth and the reasons for its formation.


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Framing in-between spaces


Kawazoe Laboeratory—Autumn Studio 2020

Total and Fragmentary Approach. Amsterdam and Tokyo I chose Amsterdam as the representative of the overall design city, while the Kawagoe area as the representative of the fragmented city . Amsterdam is divided into square blocks along the three main inner-to-outer semicircular canals and rays from the center of the city. The satellite camera in Amsterdam above shows exactly one of the blocks. The layout of the Kawagoe area is more interesting. As the impression of the city to attract tourists, the facade of Kawagoe First Street is very neat and has an overall planning building model. But at the back of this street, the buildings are like other parts of Tokyo-kind of fragmental.

(above left) Map of the selected area of study in Amsterdam (above right) Map of the selected area of study in Tokyo

(below left) Map of the selected area of study in Amsterdam (below right) Map of the selected area of study in Tokyo (first from above) massing diagram of the selected area of study in Amsterdam (second from above) massing diagram of the selected area of study in Tokyo

It is very obvious that the buildings in Amsterdam are relatively large, and the building height is also relatively high, which can be easily seen from the comparison of the latter two facades. This explains the phenomenon that occurs when comparing the disorderly spaces of the two-because Amsterdam is an whole design and there are no gaps between the buildings, so a large number of disorderly spaces appear on the roof of the buildings. especially the roof where people can go up, as well as private courtyards. In Kawagoe area, there are many gaps between buildings because the buildings grow spontaneously. And the disorderly space appears in these gap spaces.


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Volume articulation


(example of total character)

(left) street opening part

(right) street opening part

(left) street vegetation/green boundary diagram

(right) street vegetation/green boundary diagram

(left) access diagram

(right) access diagram


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Diagrams of Tokyo, Kawagoe (example of fragmentary character)

Kawazoe Laboeratory—Autumn Studio 2020

Diagrams of Amsterdam


(example of total character)

(example of fragmentary character)

(left) street boundary diagram (fences, privacy walls, etc)

(right) street boundary diagram (fences, privacy walls, etc))

(left) south street elevation

(right) south street elevation

(left) north street elevation

(right) north street elevation

(left) street section

(right) street section


Diagrams of Tokyo, Kawagoe

Kawazoe Laboeratory—Autumn Studio 2020

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Diagrams of Paris


Kawazoe Laboeratory—Autumn Studio 2020

Concluding the research. Fragmentary interior courtyard In the city total designed, the disorderly space appears on the roof, but due to the good planning of the plan, there is no possibility of disorderly space from the plan, even the central part which is surrounded by buildings around, it has also been used by the setting of the guiding route between the private courtyard and the public courtyard, and has become a public space of excellent quality. According to this idea, the guidance route can also be set up through the gap space sin the fragmented growing city Kawagoe, so that the abandoned central open space surrounded by the fragmented urban complex can be reused.

(above left) Amsterdam

(above) master plan sketches

(above right) Tokyo Kawagoe

(below) concept sketch of the idea of gap spaces

(left) series of sketches showing the idea exploration

Designing at the gap spaces of total and fragmentary


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By setting up functions in the gap space-setting the promenade space like the entrance to attract people to enter or to use the gap space to guide the line of sight, so that people stay in the gap. People can notice something interesting happening at the other end of the gap.


Kawazoe Laboeratory—Autumn Studio 2020


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Kawazoe Laboeratory—Autumn Studio 2020

(above) plan

(right) perspective view from the main street outside the neighbourhood

(right) view on the interior of the building block

(right) view towards the individual courtyard and entry

(right) section of the building


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(below) plan L2


Kawazoe Laboeratory—Autumn Studio 2020

(right) section of the building (above left) view (above right) view

(left) view (below) perspective from the interior

(right) section of the building


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(right) section of the building


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