QUARANTINE QUIZZES Places round 5: Australia 1. Most British convicts who were sent to the penal colony of Australia had been found guilty of what type of crimes? Theft - people were mostly transported for petty crimes, as more serious crimes were generally punishable by death 2. Which city is the capital of Australia? Canberra 3. How many time zones are there in Australia? Three 4. In which month is ‘Australia Day’ celebrated? January (26th) - it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson 5. What type of food is a Lamington? A cake 6. What is the most popular lager in Australia? Victoria Bitter (VB), Coopers (green), Carlton Lager, Tooheys, Resch’s and XXXX Gold were voted the best in a poll of 36,000 people. Fosters doesn’t even feature! 7. How many vaginas does a female kangaroo have? Three 8. What shape is an Aussie rules rugby pitch? Oval 9. Australia is home to the largest structure built by living organisms on the planet. What is it? Coral - The great barrier reef 10. In Australian slang, what are Blueys, Kelpies and Bitzers? Dogs - Blueys and Kelpies are both types of sheepdog, while Bitzers are mongrels (bits’a this, bits’a that)