QUARANTINE QUIZZES Science round 3 1. What did John Logie Baird invent in 1926, which is now in the living rooms of most homes around the world? The television 2. J. Robert Oppenheimer was an American scientist in charge of The Manhattan project. He later campaigned against his invention. What was it? T he atomic bomb 3. What is Scottish inventor Alexander Bell credited with inventing? The telephone 4. What is the name of the man credited with inventing the lightbulb, the phonograph, the motion picture camera and hundreds of other inventions (he’s sometimes called “the greatest inventor of all time”)? Thomas Edison 5. What inspired Louis Braille to develop the Braille language? He was blinded in a childhood accident 6. What did Karl Benz invent? The clue is in his name… T he petrol powered car 7. Despite never finishing a working model, which inventor is considered “the father of the computer”? a) Tesla b) Turing c) Babbage Charles Babbage 8. Who invented the world wide web? T im Berners Lee 9. What did Allesandro Volta invent? Again, the clue is in his name… Electrochemical batteries 10. Which of these things did Benjamin Franklin NOT invent? a) bifocal lenses b) the Franklin screw c) the lightning rod - t he answer is b) the Franklin screw doesn’t exist. The Archimedes screw does and it is used to lift water out of wells though!