Baskets Catalogue

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Diseño, Automatización y Centrifugas S. A. de C. V.

For any type, make and model of centrifuge.

BASKETS FOR BATCH CENTRIFUGALS The basket is an essential part of the centrifugal and its the adequate design, its manufacturing and its maintenance are important points to take care of for the production and safety of the equipment, as well as the safety of the personnel in the sugar mill. At DACSA, we have been manufacturing baskets for batch centrifugal of any model and brand. With more than 15 years of experience in the market, we oer innovative solutions that always brings the best optimization of results.

The baskets are an important component and the most critical from the point of view of mechanical design, due to the high forces involved and the direct contact with the product make this piece a master key for the sugar mills. At DACSA, we know the importance of this component, which is why we are committed to quality and precision during manufacturing.


MANUFACTURING Results with precision and quality.

We offer an effi cient service manufacturing basket for batch centrifugal; Either in Stainless Steel, With or Without Rings and in Duplex Steel that guarantee the optimum performance, the innocuousness of the product and safety in the operation.

We manufacture: Cover plate, Tripod and Basket Floor.

REPAIRING • Change of Cover

DACSA offers complete repair or re manufacturing of components of any type and size for batch centrifugal; this process carried out with the material that the client will decide:

• Change of Floor

Stainless steel, duplex steel or carbon steel.

• Adjust the Tripod Cones

• Change of Ring

If the components are damaged or cracked due to the force of operation, do not take any risk and make the correct preventive analysis of your centrifugal:




Practical (e=0.120)


48x30 (Normal Duplex)




50.75x30 (Extended Duplex)




48x36 (Normal Duplex)




50.75.36 (Extended Duplex)




54x40 (Normal Duplex)




57x40 (Extended Duplex)


D= Diameter of the basket in inches H= Height of the basket in inches

26 2

Vt=0.000226 D H


Vt= maximum theoretical loading of the basket in P3 Vp= maximum practical load of the basket in P3

Duplex Steel´s technology, the best material for your operation, with safety protection factors, great mechanical and chemical strengthness will permit less expose to any fractures by corrosion protecting from the effect of mechanical fatigue.

When eliminating the rings of the basket, we increase the diameter of the baskets one inch per side in the case of the baskets 48X30/36, raising the outer diameter of the basket to 50.75X30/36 with which benefits us since the inner diameter also grows.

The perforations of the baskets installed in the mills are mostly made in straight lines with a distance between centers of about 22 mm, which stands for to approximately 190 holes / P To a better draining of the sugar honeys, the holes should be as large as possible without damaging the structural part of the body of the basket, in a ringed basket the diameter of the hole used is approximately 8 mm. That is why, taking into account this observation, the Duplex Steel Baskets have elliptical holes with greater area, made with water cut in a CNC equipment, which guarantees that the plate does not suffer any damage due to the heating as observe in a basket with holes or cut with plasma. Altogether, the sum of all these ellipses beats the area that a basket with holes without compromising the mechanical structure of the basket, nor risking the technical personnel that operates in the sugar mill area.

The third benefit is the inertia, required to rotate a 48” ringed basket is almost equivalent to that required to rotate a basket without ring for a 50.75” basket (both during loading and unloading). Therefore, the torque/time required to accelerate and decelerate the unit at maximum speed are similar.

BASKETS CONTINUAS CONTINOUS Las Canastas son una parte imprescindible de las centrifugas, el correcto diseño, manufactura y mantenimiento son puntos importantes para cuidar de la producción y seguridad del equipo, personal e ingenio.


Con el paso del tiempo dacsa ha perfeccionado la manufactura de Canastas para Centrifugas Continuas, siempre procurando por la inocuidad del producto y obtener excelentes ofresultados operación. DACSA is well aware of the importance the basketsenin cada the adequate function and production in this field, which is why, we are fully committed during the manufacturing processes, with highly specialized equipment in the design and manufacture of the components.

SOME HEADINGS OVER We offer the manufacture of baskets, basket center, plate.

Screen fastener, straight and conical defl ectors made of carbon steel and stainless steel. The Foundry meets the quality standards. DACSA has worked hard to achieve optimum performance and results in its products. Designing Cones accelerators and receivers of Mass with defragmenter, Las in thecanastas un comwhich guarantees a high productivity equipment. son ponente importante y el mas critico desde el punto de vista de diseño mecánico debido a las elevadas fuerzas involucradas y el contacto directo con el producto hacen de esta pieza fundamental para los ingenios En Dacsa conocemos la importancia de este componente, razon por la cual nos comprometemos con la calidad y precicion durante la fabricación.

DO NOT TAKE RISK Basket Repair The baskets suffer constant technical wear on their components generating bad conditions that can cause fatal accidents and substantial economic losses, it is imperative to perform preventive and corrective technical surveys to detect anomalies in duly time. DACSA has specialized in these services for about 15 years, guaranteeing the best quality and precision in the repairing, re manufacturing or mechanical adjustment of: -Basket center -Screen fastener Plate -Conical defl ector

-Straight deflector -Screen



Resultados con Precicion y Calidad.

Ofrecemos un eficaz servicio de fabricacion de canastas para centrifugas Intermitentes; Ya sea en Acero Inoxidable, Con Anillos o Sin Anillos y en Acero Duplex que garantizan el optimo desempeño, la inocuidad del producto y seguridad en operación.

Acero Duplex Tecnologia en Acero Duplex, el mejor material para tu operación, con factores de protección de seguridad, gran resistencia mecánica y quimica al ser menos susceptibles a fracturas por corrosión protegiéndola del efecto de fatiga mecánica.

Diagnostic Tests

Perform your maintenance on time

Ademas de añadir nuevas perforaciones en cortes elípticos que permiten una mayor extend the resistencia life of your equipment, the necessary preventive área abierta yToa la vez mayor mecánica a losand esfuerzos de tensión. corrective maintenance is necessary. DACSA puts at your ser-

vices the best techniques to identify failures in your equipment, to be able to act on time, to take care of the quality of your equipment, to maintain safety for your operators and machines. Penetrating Liquids Welding Centering Diameters

X-rays Variations Balancing

Reparación de Canastas Re manufacturing Dacsa te ofrece la completa reparación o remanufactura de componentes para cualquier tipo y tamaño de centrifugas intermitentes; este proceso es realizado con el material que el cliente elija: Acero inoxidable, acero duplex o acero al carbon.

Due to the high cost of a new Basket, interest has been placed on the rehabilitation of baskets, with the aim of taking advantage of the components that do not suffer technical wear under the same conditions as the others, thus replacing the damaged components. For these repairs the appropriate technology is used so as not to damage any component that is going to be reused and to be able to offer the total guarantee.

Los componentes se lastiman o agrietan debido a la fuerza de operación, no te arries-

ARROWS/AXLES FABRICACIÓN Resultados con Precicion y Calidad.


For Batch Baskets: DACSA specializes in the manufacture of axles to complement the optimal performance of the operation of its equipment. We offer quality in 4140T that guarantees a high durability, for its mechanical strenghtness of the proper operation of the centrifuges.

Ofrecemos un eficaz servicio de fabricacion de canastas para centrifugas Intermitentes; Ya sea en Acero Inoxidable, Con Anillos o Sin Anillos y en Acero Duplex que garantizan el optimo desempeño, la inocuidad del producto y seguridad en operación.

Acero Duplex


Tecnologia en Acero Duplex, el mejor macon factores de gran resistencia mecánica y quimica al ser menos susceptiDACSA provides the necessary technology to develop bles a fracturas por corrosión protegiéndola efecto de and fatiga machining mecánica. thedel design of arrow and fl ange: in carbon or stainless steel; Machined in CNC that Ademassteel de añadir nuevas perforaciones en cortes elípticos que permiten mayor guarantee the adequate anduna appropriate adjustments. área abierta y a la vez mayor resistencia mecánica a los esfuerzos de tensión. terial para tu operación, For Ball Bearing: protección de seguridad,

Reparación de Canastas Screws: For any type of Axles/Arrow DACSA manufactures the screws to fix the baskets to the axles, manufactured and adapted.

WE ARE PRESENT IN MORE THAN 15 COUNTRIES Dacsa has expanded beyond the horizons Mexicans to ofer the market solutions and improvements in treatment, quality and production of sugar.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE México Guatemala Belize El Salvador Dominican Republic Cuba Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Colombia Venezuela Ecuador Paraguay Perú

International representatives

Caribe Comercial, S.R.L.

Jamhesa S.A.S.

Comercializadora Industrial de Centro America, S.A.

Dirección: Av, San Martin No 253 Edificio Santanita l. Santo Domingo República Dominicana

Dirección: Calle 42a #9a-83 Palmira, Valle Colombia

Dirección: 10 Avenida 15-82 Zona 10 Guatemala, Guatemala.

Tel:(809) 541-7411 Fax:(809) 566-4375

+57 2 3006523785 +57 2 2874611

PBX: (502) 2385 3909 FAX: (502) 23854 4267

Diseño, Automatización y Centrifugas S. A. de C. V. Av. El León #503 El León Atlixco Puebla México. 74360 +52 244 446 3600 +52 244 446 3601

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