Freesurf Magazine 9-5 MAY 2012

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G I R L S Free in Hawai’i May V9#5

of S U M M E R Malia Manuel photo : kenworthy / a-frame

DUSTY PAYNE Phot o: Ke nw or t hy


f r e e

p a r k i n g / The pure, unadulterated look of stoke on Koa Smith’s face. Only a grom knows the feeling. Photo : Pete Frieden





42 Malia Manuel New on Tour

16 Editor’s Note Crushing the Big Blue

Table of Contents

56 Aperture Groms Shredding Stylishly


36 Summers Buyers Guide The latest and greatest goodies

26 Leila Hurst Junior World Champion


Girls of Summer Talent & Grace

V9#5 MAY Malia Manuel Photo : Kenworthy / A-Frame

THE LANAI E d i t o r i a l Publisher : Mike Latronic

orange carrot karma

Editor -at- Large : Chris Latronic Managing Editor : Matt Luttrell Guest Editor : Tiffany Foyle Photo Editor : Tony Heff Art Director : Chance Carpenter Multimedia Director : Tyler Rock Copy Editor : Lauren Shanahan

Free Thinkers : Casey Butler, James Stone, Jordon Cooper Staff Photographers : Eric Baeseman, Tony Heff, Mike Latronic, Tyler Rock

apple ‘n greens

acai fruit & veggie bowl

C o n t r i b u t i n g

P h o t o g r a p h e r s

Nathan Adams, Erik Aeder, Kirk Lee Aeder, Jamie Ballenger, Brian Bielmann, John Bilderback, Chris Burkard, Tom Carey, Vince Cavataio, Kanoa Dahlin, Hilton Dawe, Quincy Dein, Patrick Devault, Jeff Divine, Willi Edwards, Grant Ellis, Paul Fisher, Isaac Frazer, Pete Frieden, Jeff Hall, Noah Hamilton, John Helper, Dave Homcy, Ha'a Keaulana, Ehitu Keeling, Kin Kimoto, Ric Larsen, Tracy Kraft Leboe, Bruno Lemos, Mana, Mike McGinnis, Allen Mozo, Zak Noyle, Carol Oliva, Tom Sanders, Kaz Sano, Epes Sargent, Bobby Schutz, Jason Shibata, Batel Shimi, Pake Salmon, Pat Stacy, Vince Street, Spencer Suitt, Bill Taylor, Steve Thrailkill, JP VanSwae, Jessica Wertheim, Jimmy Wilson.

S a l e s

full servings of fruits and veggies NEW! ACAI FRUIT AND VEGGIE BOWL Acai & Veggie Juice Blend mixed with Bananas, Strawberries and Blueberries then topped with Granola, Fresh Banana, Almonds, Honey and Blueberries.

Senior Sales Executive : Sean Wingate Advertising Executive : Shaun Lopez Business Coordinator : Cora Sanchez

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I n q u i r i e s

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rock /

A u g u s t ,

Editors note :

This new millennium has ushered in a curious new

surfing is progressing, and the technical skills the

the FreeSurf crew has collected all the must have

No longer is it an

era in surfing. No longer is it an anomaly to see a

ladies now dish out on the waves is absolutely

gear for this summer season to make your life that

anomaly to see a

pretty, vivacious woman surfing better than you. It

phenomenal. Yet for all the progression, one bench-

much easier. Enjoy the longer days of summer!

pretty, vicacious

is now commonplace. Radical tailslides, finners and

mark remains to be broken by a woman. Pipeline.

- Matt Luttrell

women surfing

even airs have become de rigor for the new breed

When will a top woman surfer decide to dedicate

of women surfers. This evolution was made appar-

herself to surfing on the world’s greatest stage? To

ent during the 2011 Triple Crown. Carissa Moore’s

date, Keala Kennelly has surfed the place best. It

wildcard seed into the Haleiwa and Sunset events

should be interesting to see if Carissa Moore, Ma-

had some of the men scared at the thought they

lia Manuel or Coco Ho is willing to dedicate them-

would fall to a woman (world champ or not). While

selves to earning a spot at the world’s heaviest

Moore failed to advance through a heat, the idea of

lineup in the next few years.

seeding the top women professionals in the men’s events is certainly a valid idea.

This issue sees the return of Tiffany Foyle. Tiff was the editor of this publication back in 2008. For this

2012 also marks the ten year anniversary since

issue, Tiff caught up with new World Tour competi-

Blue Crush opened in theaters. Love it or hate it,

tor Malia Manuel to find out about life on the wom-

the film has rippled through surf culture. More girls

en’s tour. FreeSurf also got the chance to catch up

surf now than ever before. Every facet of women

with some of Hawaii’s top female surfers. Finally,

better than you.

16 2002

heff (lifestyle) kenworthy / a-frame (action)



WITH MALIA MANUEL What Happens When a Good Girl Surfer Grows Up?

As the youngest ever U.S. Open of Surfing Cham-

“When I was young, every year I wanted to be

pion at age 14, and the top competitor on the ASP

something different,” the hapa (Hawaiian, Filipino,

Women’s World Rankings at age 18 currently, Malia

French, German) beauty confesses. “Like a teach-

Manuel is one of Hawai‘i’s next generation female

er, stewardess, dancer, and so on. I never really


planned to be a competitive surfer. It was something I did for a social thing on the weekends. How-

As one of the three Hawai‘i representatives cur-

ever, as opportunities started to arise, it was a path

rently on the Women’s World Tour, Malia, along with

I couldn’t give up and now I’m really happy to be a

Carissa Moore and Coco Ho, embody the next gen-

part of this industry.”

eration of locally grown, competitive female surfers since the likes of Rochelle Ballard, Megan Abubo,

Industry it is. With a very professional website and

Keala Kennelly, and Melanie Bartels.

all the sponsorships a surfer could want, Malia embodies the next generation of female surfing—a

“Without watching their generation surf, we

generation that is equal parts talent and lifestyle.

wouldn’t be where we are today,” Malia relates.

Her surf skills score points that keep her on tour,

“So I want thank them for paving our way.”

but her good looks and feminine style sells product that keep the wheels of the industry machine

The Wailua, Kaua‘i native went to Kapa‘a High School, but after some teachers were not supportive of her traveling for surf contests, Malia got her GED in tenth grade. She grew up in a neighborhood full of boys and is a self-professed tomboy.


Humble confidence is the best thing a woman can wear.

kenworthy / a-frame

“Being from Kaua‘i, my style has a strong empha-


sis on comfort, functionality, and a casual allure,” Favorite thing in the whole world : Hawai‘i.

Malia says. “Usually, you’ll see me with a flower in my ear. I like having a little Hawaiian twist to my

Passions : I really enjoy being active. I love

style and try to carry that wherever I may be.

running, hiking, and practicing yoga. I am also passionate about health food and like to cook.

While she says she doesn’t feel pressure to be

Dry Time : There’s a lot of down time while

specifically feminine or girly in order to be relevant

traveling on the road, in between heats and

in the surf industry, Malia does, for her own sake,

such. When the waves are flat I enjoy running

want to look presentably chic when she walks out-

and walking around the towns we stay in. I’m more of an introvert so I enjoy those types


of things. Biggest Influence : Gabby Reece is a huge

She adds, with wisdom beyond her years, “Humble

inspiration. She has fulfilled her passion as a

confidence is the best thing a woman can wear.”

professional athlete, gone above and beyond as a host for several TV shows, and is a

Part of Malia’s confidence comes from fueling her

family woman. She also is in top shape and

body right. Nutrition is important for her so she’s

has circuit training classes to keep us Kaua‘i ladies fit!

pretty strict about eating organic and raw foods. She admits that she is “quite obsessed” with working out in addition to her clean diet. Being self-disciplined is a huge feat at 18, but Malia says she has her family to thank for everything. While she keeps her website and social media up to date, her dad helps with equipment and is always good for a surf session after work. “My mom

Being from Kaua‘i, my style has a strong emphasis on comfort, functionality, and does so much for my career,” Malia says. “She exa casual allure ceeds what mothers should be doing. I’m so thankful. She is the most proper, well-organized woman.” Since Malia feels like surfing chose her and not the other way around, she isn’t looking too far ahead with her expectations of the future. “I haven’t even thought about next year,” she admits. “Since this season just started, hopefully I’ll be having a good rhythm on the Women’s World Tour…. I just want to keep healthy, live simply and enjoy my opportunities.” - Tiffany Foyle

hank / a-frame

this is leila Leila Hurst is a straight shooter and a do-gooder.

onships. The world title contender was not in the

Snagging a spot on the Women’s Tour isn’t an ur-

Leila actually moved to Newport Beach last year to

ated a video about their experience and posted it

tures. I think a lot of the time, people get really

She’s assertive, but approachable, with an endear-

water during the Burleigh Heads final. She was bit-

gent priority for the 18-year-old and she’s not sure

be closer to her sponsors. “Newport is okay,” she

on Offthewall.TV. Leila’s developing a foundation of

over traveling--especially professional athletes,

ing, self-deprecating sense of humor. She’s also

ing her fingernails while watching her friend, Alessa

whether she’ll go for another junior title. “I’ll be do-

hedges. “We’re so spoiled [on Kauai]. It’s hard be-

her own, though she’s hesitant to talk about it--“in

because they’re doing their jobs--but we’re so

the current Junior Women’s World Champion.

Quizon, take down Aussie Philippa Anderson.

ing some QS events and contests, for sure,” she

ing fully clothed everywhere I go. [Laughs.] And it’s

case it doesn’t work out.”

lucky to be able to travel the world.”

says, “but I’m not going to be bashing my head

so hard for me to get used to wearing a wetsuit.

Growing up on Kauai’s North Shore allowed Leila to

“I had never been in that position before--not hav-

into the wall if I don’t qualify this year. Vans has all

Other people who grew up there are psyched in a

“It’s not really going yet,” she says, “but some-

Ultimately, Kauai is home, and that’s her favorite

fully utilize and hone her natural ability. “The waves

ing any control over winning or not,” she says. “I

these trips set up for me. I’m surfing and going to

wetsuit. But it’s fun.”

thing’s going to come out of it because I’m really

place to be. I ask her to forgive my cheesiness

are always really good and you’re always bettering

didn’t even want to watch and I felt like I was going

shoot and film. The CT is in my future, but it’s not

passionate about it and so are my sponsors. You

and tell me what being from Hawaii means to

your surfing,” she says. She’s focused almost exclu-

to throw up. It was super weird, but I’m happy it

right this second.”

have to watch the movie. It’s really cool.”

her. “It MEEEEEEAAANS,” she begins theatri-

sively on competition surfing since the age of 10,

turned out the way it did. Alessa is such a good

but these days, her objectives are enjoyment and

friend of mine, it was cool to be able to have that

“Vans is really into lifestyle, and it’s better to live

fida and she’s physically disabled,” Leila explains.

Further conversation about life outside of surfing

a sense of pride. I’m just so lucky.”

life experience. Her competitive style, while clearly

moment with her.”

like that: being yourself,” she says. “They just want

Leila and Sophia recently teamed up with Life Rolls

reveals that food and travel are Leila’s other pas-

--Casey Butler

potent, is also relaxed--unless, of course, her fate

me to enjoy surfing. They’re really mellow and I’m

On, a non-profit that helps people move past pa-

sions. Leila reckons that traveling is the best possi-

is out of her hands, like at World Junior Champi-

a way happier person being a part of their team.”

ralysis to live exciting and fulfilling lives. Vans cre-

ble education. “I love seeing all of the different cul-

Leila emphasizes that her world doesn’t begin and end with waves. “My sister Sophia has spina bi-

cally, “that… shizzle. I don’t know. It’s definitely








Hawaii’s Hot Up-and-Comers

They have their own promotional websites before

They are the next generation of female surfers who

they have driver’s licenses. They have sponsors be-

are the hybrid of sheer competitive talent and a

fore they get braces. They have magazine spreads

marketer’s dream in a tiny bikini. They can be con-

and surf video sections before they can legally see

test or lifestyle surfers since they grew up in a time

Rated R films. But most of all, they are young, fun

when the surf game is as much about a bag full of

and fearless.

surf tricks as it is aesthetic appeal. For any sport that is also a big industry that sells product, being physically attractive and talented is the winning combination. These girls of summer seem to intrinsically know and exemplify this at younger ages than ever before. Let’s meet the ladies, shall we?—TF

Name : Alessa Quizon Age : 18


Hometown : Makaha School : Waianae High School Best Result : 2012 Billabong ASP World Junior Gold Coast Champion Best Advice : No matter what, win, lose, always keep a smile on your face.—Dad

Friends, Family, Fun


Best Maneuver : Ah, I don’t have one. Just the basics. Double Grab Air - Old or Gold? I think any air is pretty awesome. Scariest Moment in the water : I would have to say just recently I had a contest to do at Gum’s.

Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner

It was like six feet closeout beach break and I got sucked all the way to Backdoor and got pounded. That was a little bit of a freakout. Last Facebook Status Update : I deleted my facebook.

Name : Bailey Nagy Age : 16


Hometown : North Shore, Oahu School : Kahuku High School Best Result : 3rd Place, Pipeline Women’s Pro. Best Advice : Gather your marbles. —Rainos Hayes Best Maneuver : Probably top turn or bottom turn. I don’t do anything crazy like airs or anything. Double Grab Air - Old or Gold? Old. Scariest Moment in the Water : Getting taken over the falls on a ski while I was towing Phantoms. It was scary. My vest ripped open and I had to take an 8-foot set on the head, which sucked. Last Facebook Status Update : I actually deactivated my facebook account believe it or not.

Name : Brianna Cope Age : 17


Hometown : TK School : Kaua’i High School Best Result : Won the North Shore Surf Shop Pro Junior at Sunset Beach Best Advice : Never give up.—Sister Best Maneuver : I like throw tails. Double Grab Air - Old or Gold? Depends on who’s doing it. Scariest moment in the water : I don’t get that scared, unless it’s huge, like ten-hundred feet. Last time I remember being scared was when I surfed the beach park and it was 8-foot closeouts. The jet skis couldn’t even take us out. Last Facebook status update : “Waves are fun.”

Kea‘au Shopping Center Old Volcano Road, Keaau, Hawaii 808-966-5560

Name : Dax McGill Age : 14


Hometown : North Shore, Oahu School : Hawaii Tech Academy Home School Best Result : NSSA 2012 Hawaiian Open Women’s Champion Best Advice : Actions speak louder than words.—My Dad Best Maneuver : Air Double Grab Air - Old or Gold? Gold Scariest Moment in the water : Last contest [Pipe Pro], I was paddling back out, and I got sucked down to Off-the-Wall as I was trying to paddle back out to Pipe. All of a sudden a second reef roll in comes through. I’m paddling up the face of it, like, ‘Oh no, I hope I don’t get lipped by it. I had to underdunk it. I came so close, I was screaming. Last Facebook status update : “Day one of Regionals. So stoked to start off.” Name : Honolua Blomfield Age : 13


Hometown : Sunset Beach, Oahu School : Waialua High & Intermediate Best Maneuver : Helicopter Best Placing : 2nd at U.S. Championships Best Advice : Hard work will always beat talent when talent refuses to work hard! —Coach Mike Fowler Double Grab - Old or Gold? Old Scariest Moment in the water : At ‘Ehukai during the last Junior Pro, I got pounded a lot. The sets just kept coming and I couldn’t get back out. Last Facebook status update : “So I’m giving up candy. If you see me with candy, I give you my permission to take it from me and eat it all right in front of my face. Please help me make it through the next month candy free!” Name : Kelia Moniz Age : 19 Hometown : Honolulu, Hawaii School : Class of 2011 Best Result : 2nd Swatch Pro China 11’ Best Advice : A smile makes all the difference! Best Maneuver : Smile Double Grab Air - Old or Gold? Hmmm Gold! I think they’re cool! Scariest Moment in the water : About three years ago one of my lovely friends Coco took me out on a nice size day at Sunset and I swear I saw my life flash before me! Big waves aren’t my thing. Last Facebook status update : “Love me a cold rainy sunday to do absolutely nothing!”


Name : Mahina Maeda Age : 14


Hometown : Sunset Beach, Oahu School : Kahuku High Intermediate Best Result : 2nd at North Shore Surf Shop Pro Junior at Sunset Beach. Won at the NSSA’s at Salt Creek. Best Advice : Keep on believing in yourself. Don’t let anyone get in your way. I just thought of that. Best Maneuver : People love my bottom turn, I guess. Double Grab Air - Old or Gold? Old Scariest Moment in the water : I’ve never seen a shark. There’s nothing scary about the water for me. I love the ocean. Last Facebook status update : I don’t post any facebook updates. I post Instagram photos instead.

Name : Moana Jones Age : 12


Hometown : North Shore, Oahu School : Home schooled Best Result : 3rd at NSSA Best Advice : I don’t know. Best Maneuver : Power turns. Double Grab Air - Old or Gold? Old Scariest Moment in the water : Getting worked at the last contest at Ehukai. Last Facebook status update : Can’t remember.

Name : Tatiana Weston-Webb Age : 15

ryan foley

Hometown : Princeville, Kauai School : Kapaa High School Best Result : Probably the International Rip Curl Grom Search Final Champion. Also Pipe Champ when I was 14, but hopefully I will be getting more soon. Best Advice : My parents. “Breathe. Stay focused.” Best Maneuver : Off the lips. Barrels. I don’t know, all maneuvers are fun. Double Grab Air - Old or Gold? Gold for me. Double grab is air is definitely gold. Scariest Moment in the water : Would have to be a two-wave hold-down I got at a wave on Kauai. Last Facebook status update : Tomorrow is the day, let’s do this Hawaii Surf Team.

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Summer’s Summer’s B u y e r s

As surfers living in Hawaii, we are fortunate. We

pair of boardshorts? Is it because Dane Reynolds

Patagonia. I love their shorts because Patagonia

have an abundance of sunny weather, warm water

wears them? Maybe you dig Bruce Irons’ style and

makes odd number waist sizes, unlike most com-

and great waves. All we need for a surf session is

want his signature trunk. Or perhaps you like the

panies. Another bonus is that Patagonia will fix any

our surfboard and boardshorts, making our pursuit

fact that Billabong makes boardshorts out of plastic

damage to your boardshorts for free. Rounding out

of wave riding quite simple. A lot of us practically


my quiver of boardies are a limited edition pair of

live in our trunks. While the surf industry contin-

Analog shaka shorts that photographer Mike Coots

ues to invent new fabrics and technology to make

Personally, I choose my boardshorts on comfort and

the ultimate boardshort, the design and style have

durability. At present, I own 4 pairs. My Quiksilver

changed very little since surfers first began order-

boardies are my oldest at 13 years. I bought them

What each of these boardshorts have in common

ing custom fitted surf trunks from M. Nii out of

at the Boadriders Store on Front Street in Lahaina

is that they are things of beauty. Each are stream-

Waianae and the H. Miura General Store in Haleiwa

back in 1999, when people were starting to get

lined, light, and made with durable material. In

back in the 1950s.

freaked out about Y2K. They are so old they have

short, these boardshorts are perfection. Heres hop-

lost color and have multiple holes, yet they feel like

ing your next summer purchase lasts you 13 years.

Which begets the question, why did you buy your

my second skin. Two pairs of boardshorts are from


G u i d e

Company : Aerial 7 Product : Phoenix Headphone Description : The PHOENIX headphone is the perfect accessory to hear your tunes this summer. The mid-sized headphones deliver massive sound with a slim profile in-line microphone and adjustable headband for the perfect fit. Contact : Price : $60.00

Company : Alpinestars Product : HD2 Velocity Boardshorts Description : 89% polyester / 11% elastane, Nano stretch (8-way), Sonic welded throughout Slimmer, shorter, faster version of the HD Boardshorts, 20’’ outseam performance fit. Contact : Price : $89.95

Company : Analog Product : Seven Mile Description : 22” zip fly board short collaboration with The Defend Oahu Coalition and Hawaiian photographer Mike Coots with a portion of proceeds going to help protect communities on Oahu from the dangerous effects of large-scale development. Engineered horizontal photo stripe and contrast waistband and side pocket. Anti-slip draw cord with anti-rash lycra at front fly and rise. Signature selvedge denim belt loop and branding detail. 100% Polyester 2 way stretch. Keep the Country Country. Contact : Price : $56.00

Hawaii’s Biggest and Best Selection of Surf Gear OFF THE WALL

Photo: Zak Noyle

Round Pin Model by Eric Arakawa: 6’6” X 18.31” X 2.31”

Ala Moana Center


Company : Billabong Product : Party Wave Tank Description : Ringer Tank Top with a softhand front screen print. 50% RECYCLED POLYESTER/ 50% ORGANIC Contact : Price : $20.00

Company : Box Eleven Product : Hi/Lo Dress Description : This dress was designed and handmade on Maui with thrifted fabrics. Contact : Price : $96.00

Shane Dorian

Company : CAMP NINE GRAPHIC SURFBOARDS Product : White surfboards are boring...get graphics. Description : Check it out today at our exclusive dealers: SURF GARAGE : 808-951-1173 DRIFT SURF : 808-941-6699 Contact : Price : Varies










Company : DAKINE Product : Section Wet / Dry Surf Pack Description : Trust your mission to DAKINE with the new Section ultimate surf pack with waterproof roll top wetsuit pocket, built-in insulated cooler, fleece lined sunglass pocket, tarp wax pocket, water bottle pocket, and waterproof electronics pockets. Contact : Price : $130.00

Company : DIZM Eyewear Product : DIZM Dempsey (polarized) Eco Collection in cobalt blue Description : Brief Description of Product: Classic with a twist, the Eco Dempsey features polarized lenses and a frame made from 100% biodegradable and renewable acetate! Contact : Price : $109.95

Company : Dragon Product : Viceroy Sunglasses Description : The Viceroy sunglass is inspired by the vintage street scene, taking craftsmanship to the next level with intricate detailing and enduring aesthetic. The frame is a high quality acetate with spring hinges and gold ionized lenses. Contact : Price : $120.00


Also Featuring: LEVI GONZALES




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Photo: Joe Foster



INTRODUCING THE DIZM ECO COLLECTION FEATURING HANDMADE RB CELLULOSE ACETATE Handmade RB Cellulose Acetate is a 100% Renewable and Biodegradable (RB) plant based material. As opposed to being made from post consumer recycled products, our optical quality frames are made from renewable raw materials: cotton, wood and palm oil. With the appropriate environmental conditions the frames will decompose into water, carbon dioxide and biomass. No, they will not decompose on your face. Meets compliance with the American and European certification for biodegradation. These frames are lightweight, durable and allow for a variety of vibrant colors.















Company : Fyasko Product : Nostalgic board short Description : 18-inch, scalloped retro board short, fashion not function, get some throwbacks for your summer steez. Find them at HI-tech Maui and online. Contact : Price : $51.00

Company : Hawaiian Island Creations (HIC) Product : “Pidgin English” Boardshort Description : Printed boardshort in HIC’s “Octo Stretch” fabric. Includes lycra in fly and internal front rise for maximum comfort while paddling and during long sessions in the ocean. HIC embroidery on waistband and Island chain embroidery on pocket cap off one killer Hawaiian boardshort. Find it at HIC Stores across the Hawaiian Islands. Contact : Price : $64.00

Company : Honey Girl Water Wear Product : JAIMIE REVERSIBLE SPORT TOP WITH EMILY BOTTOMS Description : Halter top and bottom reverses to brown Contact : Price : Top $42 / Bottom $37

Company : Hurley Product : PHANTOM BLOCK PARTY Description : A perfect blend of classic style and future-minded technology, the Block Party pairs a 19” outseam silhouette with Phantom performance fabric. Available at HIC. Contact : Price : $59.50

Company : Hurley Product : ROYALE ANYWAY HALTER & TIE SIDE Description : Not your average bikini, the Anyway Halter can be worn and styled countless ways for a look that’s one-of-akind. Available at Local Motion. Contact : Price : Top $49, Bottom $41

Company : Island TAT Clothing Product : Ikaika Rey (right), Bronze Queen (left) Description : Ikaika Chest : 100% Pre-Shrunk Cotton White Crew Neck Tee Shirt, Light Grey Print, Also Available in Black Tee, Available Sizes: Small - 5X Bronze Queen : 100% Super Soft Pre-Shrunk Cotton, Black Teardrop V Neck Tee, Bronze Shimmer Print, Available Sizes: Small - 2X PRICES AND ORDERING INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE Contact : Price : Varies


Whalers Village, KaĘťanapali Front Street Lahaina Cannery Mall South Kihei Shops At Wailea

Big Island

Kona Inn Shopping Village Kings’ Shops Waikoloa


Outrigger Waikiki Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Walk Sheraton Princess Kaiulani


Poipu Shopping Village Anchor Cove

Company : My Evolution Product : Summer Party Shirt Description : Since 2002 My Evolution (ME)- To evolve from what was primitive to a state of evolution. A Revolution for progressing lifestyle. This is our Summer party design. Contact : Price : Varies

Company : Out Bluff Lures Manufacturer : Eric Baeseman Product : Rahjah Description : Out Bluff Lures are great fishing lures to take with you on your next surf trip or in between flat swell spells. All lures have a stainless steel wire that runs from front to back. All hooks are gladiator 6x with triple strength split rings. Bruce Irons, Jaimie O’brien, and Ikaika Kalama have been test casters for Out Bluff Lures and J.O.B. say’s he had a good strike on one! Contact : Find us on Facebook Out Bluff Lures Price : $9.99

Company : SACRED Kine Product : Kine Truckers Description : Uniquely embellished, artistic trucker hats designed with a splash of paisley, some with Swarovski Crystals and a diverse patten palate. The SACRED Summer 2012 line features also photographic series in a Men’s boxier fit, larger than the women’s hat selection. SACRED is an island inspired line, created by an artist with an outdoor fantasy. Sold at select retailers throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Contact : Price : $32.00

alex rocks the helm_ Step up to the Helm with vintage inspired design and modern construction. For some different shades of Gray, point your phone here and see Alex handling. Follow his blog at

Company : Spy Product : Surfrider Hawaii Dirk Description : Mama didn’t raise a yes man… Put some tough on your face. A percentage of SPY + Surfrider Hawaii Dirk sunglasses sales go directly to the HI chapter of the Surfrider Foundation Contact : Price : $129.95

Company : Spy Product : OMG! Description : As hot, smooth, elegant and grooving as the Kauai Girl that inspired it, the OMG! will keep aloha in your eyes and inspire breathless adorations about you, dawn to dusk, town or country. Contact : Price : $84.95

Company : Spy Product : John John Florence Kubrik Description : Two first names are always better than one. Inspired by classic rock and life on The Rock, John John’s signature Kubrik features a matte black frame, gunmetal accents and black mirror lens. Contact : Price : $104.95


Company : susu Product : Rubber beach sandals from hawaii. bright colors. 0% sugar. 100% sweet Description : slogan- “always see the sunshine side� dealers - marqet, driftsurfhawaii, happy haleiwa, spiral girl, slipperhouse, surf n sea, island energy, san lorenzo, northshore swimwear, oshima surf Contact : Price : $14.00

Company : T&C Surf Designs Product : T&C Surf Junior Rashguard Description : Description: Solid or duall color block rashguard available in short or longsleeve in a variety of color ways. Contact : Price : $24.95

Company : Tonic Shop Product : Luster : Leave-in conditioner & luxurious moisturizer. $14 Threesome: 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner and stimulating body wash. $12 The Chronic Shampoo: Daily shampoo specially formulated for normal and color treated hair. $14 The Chronic Conditioner: Daily conditioner specially formulated for normal and color treated hair. $14 Description : Tonic products are good to you and Mother Earth: organic, free of sulfates and parabens, not tested on animals and environmentally friendly. Contact : (promo code: freesurf) Price : Varies


Company : Vans Product : OG Slip bright colors. 0% sugar. 100% sweet Description : The OG Slip sandal is a super comfy Vanslite compression molded footbed, a Surf Sider inspired outsole and waffle tread pattern and classic prints and materials, the all new Sandal Sider is an innovative new sandal design with all the technology and style you expect from Vans. Available in four great models this season including a cool acid washed canvas and vintage aloha print. Contact : Price : $34 .00


NANO-STRETCH fabric technology provides 8-way “Perfect Stretch�, which allows complete freedom of movement, but never sags.

Ultra-light, quick-dry, and non-rashing material.

Heat-sealed reinforcement and stretchable seams.

Water-Resistant Zippers for weight reduction and less drag.

Seamless technology throughout.

Non-rashing, waffle-core waistband.

Carissa Moore, leading the youth. Photo : heff

a t

p u

e r

r e


aperture : in youth we trust

Kaoli Kahokuloa , committed. Photo : baeseman

Kaimana Jaquias, flaring. Photo : jason shibata

Landon McNamara, perfect pipe line. Photo : heff

Koa Rothman, tunnel vision. Photo : latronic

Keoni Jones, late afternoon spin. Photo : heff

They Will Surf Again WHO : Life Rolls On Foundation (LRO), founder Jesse Billauer, and 20 paraplegic and quadriplegic surfers. WHAT : The 2nd Annual Hawaii ‘They Will Surf Again’ event WHEN : March 24, 2012 WHERE : White Plains Beach, Oahu HOW : With the help of qualified volunteers to assist, adaptive surfboards, and wheelchair accessible equipment and beaches, paraplegics and quadriplegics are able to experience the freedom of surfing a wave. WHY : To improve the quality of life for people with

spinal cord injuries (SCI), using outdoor sports as a platform to inspire perseverance and infinite possibilities. “In the beginning, I was young and I liked all the attention. Now I’m older and like everyone else to have the attention. I’m like the proud father looking at everyone doing things for the first time, coaching them a little bit, letting them use my board, watching them grow up and sharing whatever knowledge I have. I just play the wall and observe now.” —Jesse Billauer, Life Rolls On Founder

STATS : • Life Rolls On’s signature program, “They Will Surf Again,” hosts 9 events each year in 7 different states, including Hawaii, California, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas, Florida, and Virginia. • Currently, there are more than 5.6 million Americans living with paralysis. • Jesse has been growing the foundation for the last 11 years and in 2010, Life Rolls On partnered with the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to create one of the most dynamic paralysis resource organizations in the country. LRO now serves as a subsidiary of the Reeve Foundation and its West Coast headquarters.


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Surfing Jaws Legendary surf photographer Erik Aeder has just released a book documenting the most famous big wave on the planet, Jaws. Aeder has been there since the beginning, and Surfing Jaws documents the evolution of the tow surf movement and the monstrous waves that have been ridden since the early 90s. It even shows a photo of Shane Dorian’s recent exploits at paddling the place. The book gorgeously displays Aeder’s photos of Peahi, all the while properly conveying the otherworldly nature of the place. Huge gaping barrels and cartoon sized surfers on gigantic blue faces make the place seem like a futuristic version of surfing. The photos begin in 1993 when Laird Hamilton and Darrick Doerner first began tow surfing Jaws. Interestingly enough, a photo in the book shows Laird’s first wave at wave at Jaws, and it wasn’t of him towing but rather Laird paddling into one on his yellow and green Gerry Lopez gun.



3:28 PM

Page 1

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Pipe Master Gerry Lopez wrote the introduction for the book, as well as the captions for all of Aeder’s photos. Lopez’s introduction is splendid and gives the proper context to his own personal history to the break. While the Hawaiians called the place Peahi, Michael McCurdy, the man who showed it to Gerry Lopez had named the place Atom Blaster. Whatever name you choose, this wave is still the benchmark that all big waves are measured by. You can purchase Surfing Jaws online at or

Innersection 2012 continues to be the year of Albee Layer. Fresh off his Surfline Punt of the Month win, the regular-footer from Maui has just won Taylor Steele’s 2nd Annual Innersection contest. Albee’s winning video has just made him $100,000

richer and also keeps the Innersection crown in Maui, as 2011’s inaugural winner was Albee’s best friend Matt Meola. Coming in 2nd place this year was Jamie O’Brien, whose section gave Albee’s video a run for the money. When asked what he plans to do with this big paycheck, Albee said he is going to take his friend Dege O’Connell on a surf trip, and also start a food truck over in Maui. Congrats Albee!

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Pyzel Surfboards We goofed! Back in our March Board Buyer’s Guide, we mistakenly left out Mr. Jon Pyzel’s phone number and website info! You can reach Jon Pyzel at 808-223-3305, email him at or check out his website at Sorry about that John. In other Pyzel Surfboard news, be sure to visit as we catch up with Mr. Pyzel to check out John John Florence’s brand new quiver for the WCT event in Brazil. Good luck John John!

L a s t

l o o k / Flynn Novak, finding paradise in Waimea’s Cathedral. Photo : Clark Little

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