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Directory of
29th to to 31st 31st October October 2014 2014 29th 29th to 31st October 2014 Messe Basel Basel (MCH (MCH Swiss Swiss Exhibition Exhibition Hall Hall 1.1) 1.1) Messe Messe Basel (MCH Swiss Exhibition Hall 1.1) Basel, Switzerland Switzerland Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Korea Scientific Instruments Industry Cooperative (KSIIC)
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (Kotra)
WORLD DIDAC Basel 2014 Messe Basel (MCH Swiss Exhibition Hall 1.1) Basel, Switzerland
KOREA Pavilion
C on t e n t s S IT E M A P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 AN IV Y S C O. , LT D . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 BAR OSN T C O. , LT D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 CHUN GPA E M T C O. , LT D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 DA E SU N G G-3 C O. , LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 EVE RT R E E C O. , LT D . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 FES T E C H C O. , LT D . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 IEG CO. , LT D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 KORE A D I GI TA L C O. , LT D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 RN w a re C o . , L td. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 Tou ch nFun I nte r a c tiv e Co . , L t d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 UIT I nc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 YE S 01 , Yo ung il E duc a ti o n S y s t e m Co . , L t d . . . . . . 3 0
C 160
C 159
RNware CO., LTD.
C 158
C 157
Kotra & KSIIC
C 161
C 162
Booth NO.
C 160
C 159
C 166
C 155
C 157
C 163
7. IEG CO., LTD.
C 164
UIT Inc. C 154
C 156
C 155
Touch n Fun Interactive CO., LTD.
C 163
C 164
C 165
C 166
C 162
9. RNware CO., LTD.
C 158
10. TouchnFun Interactive Co., Ltd.
C 165
11. UIT Inc.
C 154
12. YES01, Youngil Education System Co., Ltd
C 156
13. Kotra & KSIIC
ANIVYS CO., LTD. ANIVYS provides total comprehensive service for the vocational training and educational products based on the experience and skill of establishing vocational training institutes. Also we introduce advanced Korean vocational training system in cooperate with partners in the field of Machinery, Electricity, Electronics, Automobile, Factory Automation and all other items related to vocational training and equipment. We are specialized in Factory Automation system. Especially, our main field of business is Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Mechanics learning systems. We have built experience and know-how in this field over the years. Based on these experiences, ANIVYS has developed unique and remarkable products to meet the needs of high quality products with competitive price. We can say with confidence that customers will be satisfied with our newly launching products. Our top priority is always customer’s satisfaction and we will do our best to meet the customer’s need.---- We will dedicate to our vision to the best leading company with continuous research and challenge.
CEO : Young-sik Um
CEO Comment ANIVYS has provided our equipments to technical schools, colleges, vocational institutes and hospitals around the world for years. We always try to make various solutions so that we can meet all of our customers’ needs. From arranging concepts, drawing designs and making products to instructing and transferring the techniques, we use effective and powerful IT tools. We aim to give full satisfaction to all our customers.
Gasan Digital 1 St. 131 (371-17), Geumcheon-gu, Gasan-dong,Seoul, 153-718, Korea (BYC High City Knowledge Industrial Center) Phone : +82-2-6947-7676 Fax : +82-2-6947-7677 Web site : www.anivys.com e-mail : sales@anivys.com
Pneumatic & Hydraulic training set Pneumatic Electro-Pneumatic Hydraulic Electro-Hydraulic Proportional-Hydraulic Servo-Hydraulic
Portable Factory Automation Training System Portable electro-pneumatic training set (relay type) Portable electro-pneumatic training set (PLC type)
PLC & MPS Modular Product System PLC Trainer Robot Trainer PCS FA Application Trainer FMS
Electrical & Electronics training system Analogue Circuit Digital Logic Circuit FPGA Trainer Communication Trainer Exynos 4412 Trainer Microprocessor Trainer Mobile robot
Welding Machines Hybrid Welding M/C Monitoring System TIG, ARC, Plasma M/C
B A RO S N T C o., Ltd. 101ho, Ga-dong, 17, Geobuk-ro, (Incheontechpia) Seo-gu, Incheon-City, S.korea 404-825 Phone : 82-32-565-8589 / 82-32-575-8589 Fax : 82-32-575-8581 Web site : www.barosnt.com E-mail : yskim@barosnt.com
CEO : Jin Sun Kim
CEO Comment
DAE SUNG G-3 CO., LTD. GOOD IDEA!! GOOD PRICE!! GOOD PRODUCT!! For over 34 years, Dae Sung G-3 has been the leader in the field of development and manufacture of car and agricultural machinery-related materials for technology and engineering education in the world. We have devoted ourselves to develop and supply educational systems, which are specialized for educational purposes. These systems include car structures, electricity, simulator system, agricultural machinery, various tools and instruments. In addition, many well-trained engineers have been well organized to make mass general products, product by order, and mass production be possible. The mottos of our company are we are G-3 , we are professional , and we are the first in the world . Through good idea, good price, good quality, and professionalism, we are trying to reach the first in the world . Dae Sung G-3 now has its eyes on the world and we hope to be of great service to you. Thank you very much.
Professional in educational system for technology
DAE SUNG G-3 CO.,LTD 43-15 Hansa-gil, Hayang-Eup, Gyeongsan-si Gyeongbuk, 712-901, KOREA Phone : +(82)-(53)-854-2400, 2700 Fax : +(82)-(53)-854-2406, 2407 Web site : www.dsg3.com, E-mail : dsg-3@dsg-3.co.kr
CEO : Choi, Jae Kwan
CEO Comment Hi, I am Choi, Jae Kwan who are president of Dae Sung G-3 CO.,LTD I am really pleased that our company will attent WORLD DIDAC BASEL 2014 exhibition. In this exhibition, it will be developed more about educational equipment, and it will be displayed developed product. So expectance will be great. I think it will promote internationally development as well as Asia educational equipment part. I wish you successful exhibition of WORLD DIDAC BASEL 2014 and I hope it will be better and better advancing exhibition. Thank you Choi, Jae Kwan
EVERTREE CO., LTD. Jaekyung Lee Overseas Sales Manager : Young Hong
[Company Introduction] EVERTREE Co., Ltd was built by the Small and Medium Business Administration’s support.It is a development and production company that includes all process from design to production. We developed the Book Sterilizer and the multipurpose electric sterilizer that combined the digital signage the first time in the world at 2011, and got the Domestic Patent in that time. We provided the sterilizer to the university, primary school, middle school, high school and the General Digital Information Library and also some private hospital in the domestic market. From 2012 our market extended to Turkey, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia, Italy and Singapore. We will do our best to build the digital advanced society.
[Product Information] • Disinfect book & personal belongings, during waiting delivery target advertisement and information. • After 30 seconds disinfection (99.9%), read the book immediately. • Use the strongest254nm UV quartz lamp. • Use aluminum material to maximize the disinfection. • Use the 99.9% rate disinfection tempered glass. • Use one touch simple start button. • Use the safety UV lamps that prevent them broken.
2012 year • 01. • 02. • 03. • 03.
Obtain the test report from KTR(99.9%) (30 seconds) Obtain the electrical appliances safety certificate Obtain Quality certificated_Q-mark The President of South Korea Myung-Bak Lee with EVERTREE Co., Ltd • 11. Got a supply agreement with one of Turkish company • 11. Got a supply agreement with one of Chinese company • 12 Got a supply agreement with one of Italian company
2013 year • 01. Got a supply agreement with 3MSingapore, Taiwan, India, Hong Kong,
Special Prize
Silver Prize
[History] 2011 year • 09. • 10. • 10. • 10. • 11. • 12.
Obtain IOS 9001 certification Obtain the test report from KTR(99.9%) (1 minute) Obtain the Book Sanitizer patent NO. 10-1070401 Obtain venture business certificate ODM supply agreement with 3M Korea SIIF2011(Seoul International Invention Fair) Silver Prize by KOREA Special Prize by CHINA
ISO 9001
Jaekyung Lee
Sales Dept.
Young Hong
H.P : +82-10-4188-2412 E-mail : letter3656@gmail.com
H.P : +82-10-5886-8031 E-mail : evertreesales@gmail.com
620, 33, 132 Omokcheon-dong, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do.Korea Phone : +82-70-7699-0756 Fax : +82-31-629-5529
620, 33, 132 Omokcheon-dong, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do.Korea Phone : +82-70-7699-0756 Fax : +82-31-629-5529
FESTECH CO., LTD. Total solution provider for Factory Automation Training systems Attend Exhibitions
Asia World Didac in 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 Gulf Educational Supplies & Solutions in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 World Didac Basel in 2010, 2012 World Didac India in 2011 Brazil Educar in 2013, 2014 Production
CEO Comment
Try to make the best quality and quantity. Certificates : KS Q ISO 9001:2009, ISO 2009:2008, INNOBIZ, Promising Export Firm Training
Various courses and curriculums, practical vocational knowledge & experience. We visit and train Vocational institutes, technical schools, colleges, companies such as SAMSUNG, HYUNDAI, KIA in local and overseas.
632, Seobusaet-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea Phone : +82-2-2107-7800 Fax : +82-2-2107-7801 Contact : Kristal Pyeon (sjp@festech.co.kr) Web site : http://www.festech.co.kr E-mail : festech@festech.co.kr
We have been manufacturing various training equipments related to factory automation systems. Among them, pneumatics, hydraulics and mechatronics training systems are our main fields of business. We have a lot of experiences and many engineers who have plenty of skills and know-hows in these fields. For many years, we have provided our equipments to technical high schools, colleges and vocational training institutes around the world. In Korea, many mechanics and mechatronics department of technical high schools as well as HYUNDAI, KIA, SAMSUNG use textbooks for pneumatics and hydraulics written by our staffs. We will always try to make our various equipments to meet our customer s needs. From basic designs to final products, we will try to listen to the customer s ideas and suggestions. If you have any ideas and suggestions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much.
Product Line up
Field Bus
Hydr. Transparent
Visual Instrument System
Simulation software
PLC Trainer
Process Control
Motor training kit
Flexible Manuf. Systems
Manufacturing Automation
Modular Product System
Pneumatics / Hydraulics Training Set Training contents: - Basic Pneumatic/ Hydraulic control - Vacuum system - Control circuit for stepper module - Safety of Pneumatic/ Hydraulic system Pneumatics Training Set Hydraulics Training Set
Mechatronics Training purpose: - Various PLC exercise - Programming - Control and Operation - Maintenance - Troubleshooting MAS trainer (Standard type) BAS [Building Automation System]
11F 1107/1108, Tech chenter, SKn TechnoPark, 190-1, Sangdaewon-dong, Seongnam-si Gyeonggi-do, SOUTH KOREA Phone : +82-31-698-2206(Rep) Fax : +82-31-776-4448 Homepage : www.ieg.pe.kr E-mail : jklee@ieg.kr
#804, Ace-twin tower 2, 213-30, Guro3-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, South Korea Phone : +82-2-2109-8877 Fax : +82-2-2109-8878 Web site : Headquarter Office : www.koreadigital.com MBL : www.sciencecube.com SENSOR : www.sensecube.com E-mail : info@koreadigital.com
RNware Co., Ltd. RNware Co., Ltd RNware is a venture in field of video & wireless communication embedded based on touch sensor and video transmission technology. RNware has invested in R&D since establishment. We launched ANYSYNC Mirror series (2 products) and has 3 trademark, 6 patents including undergoing. RNware will do steady effort in R&D and personnel investment to be a leading edge.
AnySync Mirror ( Wireless video transmission )
AnySync Mirror N:1 type
AnySync Mirror 1:1 type
- Hardware device to enable wireless-transmission for screen & sound of smart pads, PC, camcorders etc into TVs, monitors, big displays, beam-projectors remotely - Without wireless AP, High quality video & sound transmission in real time - Actual mirroring showing all contents as it is - Wide compatibility independent on specific products - The world s first N:1 Switching ( AnySync Mirror N:1 type ) - No installation of S/W, No complicated set-up - Application Field : education, Company meeting room, Government, Entertainment
To make meeting and classes more effective and convenient ! To use smart devices more freely ! RNware Co., Ltd. / Sales Team / Team manager Jason, Jeon Office : #202 ICT Park Bldg, 205 Songhyun-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Rep of Korea Mobile : +82-10-5712-0411 Phone : +82-53-554-2920 Fax : +82-53-554-2919 E-mail : sales@rnware.com
Let your contents (in smart devices) play every where 1. Wirelessly real time transmission of high-definition video 2. No need wireless AP 3. Real time wireless contents transmission to your display 4. All the devices compatibility 5. World’s first N:1 mirroring by simply one-click ( AnySync Mirror N:1 type ) 6. No need S/W installation or complex setting
Mirror N : 1 N:1 wireless device that transmits videos by utilizing real mirroring
Can be Connected TX 254ea with RX 1ea
Mirror 1 : 1 1:1 wireless device that transmits videos by utilizing real mirroring
Only 1(TX) : 1(RX) Set
Touch n Fun Interactive Co., Ltd.(Nautilus Lab.)
Touch n Fun Interactive Co., Ltd. (Nautilus Lab.) 3 Floor, Gumsung Bldg, 31, Hongik-ro 5-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea Phone : + 82-1644-6710 Fax : + 82-2-333-9188 Web site : www.nautilus-lab.com / www.touchnfun.com e-mail : chinita@nautilus-lab.com / chinita@touchnfun.com
UIT Inc. Company Info UIT have been developing and supplying various educational products and solutions to schools, governments and corporations for more than two decades. The keys to our success stem from continuous innovations to overcome the ever challenging obstacles in education and business environment. Our mission is to enlighten the knowledge world by revolutionizing the school and workplace environment with creativity and inspiration. The global education field is undergoing continuous innovations toward a ubiquitous smart education setting through developments of IT and Telecommunication technologies. - New Technology in Education Our classroom solution encourages collaboration in learning. We had put a lot of thoughts into how teachers should work and students can learn to move closer to smarter collaborative learning method. - Awesome Technology in Business Walnut’s durable high-quality products will respond perfectly to your business needs and provide easier ways to interact with your colleagues, partners and customers.
UIT Inc. U-Hwan Bldg., 733-13, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea Phone : +82-2-555-5302 Fax : +82-2-555-8878 Web site : www.walnutbright.com e-mail : overseas@walnutbright.com
CEO : Chris Yoo
CEO Comment Walnut is UIT’ s Interactive LED Board, Electronic podium and Smart learning solution brand. We always explore product and solution designs that will accommodate the progress of high technology in a meaningful way. We seek and pursue value added design that will incorporate both people’ s emotions and desires to learn with advanced technology instrument. our incessant and tireless efforts toward meaningful design will never fade away. We will lead the world as the frontier innovative company in order for teachers and students to experience the optimal effects of education anytime and anywhere through collaborative and interactive learning. Thank you. Chris Yoo
Product Info Interactive LED Board / Electronic Podium - Reliable Quality: High and reliable quality with lower defective products - Clear & High Definition Screen: Samsung/LG panel - Tempered Glass: Strong and durable glass to protect the screen - Exterior Design: Optimized ergonomic at each corner for stylish look - Touch Sensor: Fast/accurate response sensor, side short-cut touch keys with lighting function - Various Writing S/W: 3 kinds of Interactive S/W for all contents - Various OS Support: MS Windows 7/8, MAC OS and Linux) for all multi-touches
Interactive LED Board
Electronic Podium
Specification(Interactive LED Board) Type Model Resolution Size 55 UIT-CU5511SE 3840 x 2160 16:9 UHD / 450cdm 2 1,433*872*75mm
Touch Area 1,210*730mm
Components LG LED Panel, SMART KEY support
Remarks Front Speaker
65 UIT-CU6511SE 3840 x 2160 16:9 UHD / 450cdm 2 1,646*989*75mm
LG LED Panel, SMART KEY support
Front Speaker
70 UIT-CF7011SE 1920 x 1080 16:9 FHD / 400cdm 2 1,776*1,066*71.1mm 1,610*924mm SAMSUNGLEDPanel, SMARTKEYsupport Front Speaker 84 UIT-CU8411SE 3840 x 2160 16:9 UHD/350cdm 2 2,080*1,240*91.1mm 1,914*1,104mm
LG LED Panel, SMART KEY support
Specification(Electronic Podium) 19 /22 Tablet Monitor(Capacitive type/Pen touch available) Manually adjust the angle with Hydraulic type motor Highly advanced gooseneck microphone Built-in Phantom Power controller & Notebook(or lap top) connector Sliding upper panel to put notebook(or lap-top) Security protection for front, back and upper panel Impact and product damage with strong steel plate for housing Powerful S/W for writing program - ChalkBox, UI Board Educational production program - DocZoom, Schoolbox
Front Speaker
YES01, Youngil Education System Co., Ltd Company Introduction YES01 is a World-class Education System Specialized Company’ of automotive, refrigeration & air conditioning, electronics, electricity, and telecommunication training equipment by developing educational equipment. We, YES01 as Hi-Seoul brand company, are strive to be a unrivaled company in the field of educational training equipment, as well as to be a leader and No.1 share in the market.
YES01, Vision Provide the vocational education support in developing countries to establish them “Happy life”through self-reliance
CEO : Park Young Jong
YES01, History & Certificate Establishment of Young-il Corp. in 1997 ISO 9001 certification INNO-BIZ certification Venture company certification R&D center certificate Trade Business Factory registration P300 project Promising Export Firm
KOTRA Global Brand 2014 Hi-Seoul Brand 2014 Acquisition of USD 3 million Export Tower No.1 Company of 2012 Turnover for Vocational and Educational training equipment Made in Korea Brand
YES01, Youngil Education System #604, 6th Fl., Samhwan Digital VentureTower, 280-13, Seongsu-dong 2 ga, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-832, Korea Phone : + 82-2-2024-0077 Fax : + 82-2-2024-0070 Web site : http:// www.yes01.co.kr e-mail : sales@yes01.co.kr
- Electricity Component -
- Engine Simulator -
- Hybrid Structure Trainer -
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioner Establishment of Young-il Corp. in 1997 ISO 9001 certification Basic refrigeration trainer INNO-BIZ certification Electric heat trainer Venture company certification Boilercenter trainercertificate R&D Ice thermal storage trainer Trade Business Steam condensing Factory registrationtrainer Air conditioner P300 project experiment trainer Heat pumpExport trainerFirm Promising Electric wiring KOTRA Globatrainer l Brand 2014
Hi-Seoul Brand 2014
Electronic, Electricity,
of USD 3 million Export Tower ControlAcquisition and Telecommunication No.1 Company of 2012 Turnover for vocational and Educational training equipment in Made in Korea Brand
Customer s Benefit Instructional video & power point Field installation & training User manual with theory and experiments
Real-time remote web training Provide curriculum & S/W
Directory of
KOREA Pavilion
Korea Scientific Instuments Industry Cooperative 7, Jahamun-ro 10-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-034, Korea Phone : +82-2-725-4492 Fax : +82-2-725-6111 Web site : www.ksiic.or.kr e-mail : ksiic@ksiic.or.kr
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency KOTRA 13 Heolleungno, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-749, Republic of Korea (Former Adress : 300-9, Yomgok-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul. 137-749, Republic of Korea) Web site : www.kotra.or.kr