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Traffic Fresh Review - SEO is Dying (Do This Instead for Free Traffic) I have a question for you: What’s the longest amount of time you’ve spent creating a single piece of content? And did that content get you the viral flood of traffic, subscribers and sales you hoped it would? Chances are, it didn’t. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Way too many of us spend way too much time creating content that most people ignore. In fact, many people are now PAYING to promote their content on Facebook or Google (ouch... spending days creating content and now paying to get it seen?!) It’s rough out there. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re tired of SLAVING over content that doesn’t get seen or shared, and if you’re tired of “paying to play...”... then it’s time you knew the truth. There’s an incredibly powerful traffic technique that experts like Neil Patel, Mark Schaffer and Gary Vaynerchuk are raving about. And, there’s also a brand new app that makes this traffic-getting technique a gazillion times easier than ever.