The XPat Journal Autumn 2010 Issue

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The XPAT JOURNAL autumn 2010 issue




From the Editor


From the Point of View of... Jing Zhang



A Lump Sum Severance Payment What Are Your Options?

10 20

Expats Facing Dismissal New Migration Policy

12 16

You Have Come Here to Work Useful References





Can Childcare Contribute to Raising Your Children?


Banking Matters

26 32 30 T 34 36 38



The Hague’s Expat Outreach, With a Twist The Expatcenter - An Official Welcome to Amsterdam


Together Abroad Takes It a Step Further


Luxury Rental Apartments in Prime Locations in the Randstad New Orleans - Elegant City Living on Rotterdam’s Waterfront



Mark This Weekend; You’re Going Out Cycling Diary of Events

48 68

Art Diary PAN Amsterdam


The Residentie Bach Ensembles


Out with the Strippenkaart

56 60

Noorderlicht Photofestival I’m not a Tourist Fair 2010


Radboud in’to Languages


ABC Autumn Top 5


Cooking Is an Expression of Love


Funny You Should Ask About... Employment










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The XPat Journal ® The premier magazine for expatriates in the Netherlands Published quarterly since 1998 Volume 13 Number 3 Sep - Nov 2010 ISSN 1388 932 X PUBLISHED BY The XPat Journal c.v. Bert van Essen Van Boetzelaerlaan 153 2581 AR The Hague, the Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)70 306 33 10 Fax: +31(0)70 306 33 11 E-mail: Website: EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Stephanie Dijkstra E-mail: CONTRIBUTORS Shirley Agudo, Godelijn Boonman, Masha Bril, Stephanie Dijkstra, Patricia van der Hut, Connie Moser, Fraukje Panis, Robin Pascoe, Suzanne Schreve, Deborah Valentine, Hayley Wakenshaw, Tijmen Wisman, Pierre Wind ADVERTISEMENTS The XPat Journal c.v. Tel.: +31(0)70 306 33 10 Fax: +31(0)70 306 33 11 E-mail: TRANSLATIONS Across Borders, Driebergen GRAPHIC DESIGN Ferry Bridié BNO, The Hague PRINTED BY Offset Print B.V., Valkenswaard SUBSCRIPTIONS To subscribe for € 19.50 per year visit: For subscription service, change of address, termination and back issues, e-mail: © 2010 The XPat Journal c.v. All rights are reserved. No part of The XPat Journal may be reproduced or used in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at the time of going to press. However, the publisher and writers cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information included. The content of The XPat Journal is not intended to serve as legal, immigration or tax advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with professional advisors for advice concerning specific matters.


As you can read in our Point of View-article, our interviewee of this issue unwittingly raised an interesting question: does it take adversity to make one’s life story interesting enough to tell? Because, as any parent, I am torn between wanting to protect my children from all that life brings them, and wanting them to experience a full life - which inevitably means exposing them to risks. Risks ranging from seeing them fall in love with someone who doesn’t know they exist, to letting them ride their bicycle to a party at night, to best friends who betray them. Which reminds me of the lyrics of one of Michael Franti’s songs: “Don’t fear your best friend, because your best friend would never try to do you wrong. Don’t fear your worst friend; because your worst friend’s just a best friend that’s done you wrong...” That is food for thought: a best friend would never try to do you wrong, but then, if a best friend does do you wrong then - because they are so close to your heart, because they know so much about you - the pain they can cause you can cut so much deeper. In other words, for you to experience the best in life, you have to expose yourself to the risk of the worst in life. And allow your children to do the same. Looking at the risks I mention above, though, I also realize how lucky I am: those are peace-time risks I am listing. Imagine having to let your child go out the front door for the most innocent, or necessary, of things, such as to play or to find food - during times of war. Not that horrific things can’t happen during times of peace, but - unless you want to drive yourself crazy - you allow yourself to let go of your worst fears so that you can open that front door and send your child out into the big, wide world with confidence. And whether or not something is to be considered an adversity - or merely a challenge - is something that depends on how you approach it when it happens to you, and how you evaluate it when you look back on it. The son of a friend of mine is going through a hard time in high school. He is being teased and has come to me for advice because I have told him that the same had happened to me. Almost everyone was teased as a child at some point, I tell him. “But has it changed who you are?” he asks me, with big, sincere, brown eyes. “Yes, it has,” I answer. “It has made me a better person. Someone who is aware of the pain that seemingly innocent remarks and gestures can cause. So that I can avoid causing others that type of pain.” When he sees that the attention of the teasers is directed towards someone else, he feels relief - which is immediately followed by sadness for the other child. He is a good person and he is learning from all of this - but we all wish for him that the bell would ring on this particular class. Another friend of mine had such a tough life that he had to go through hug-therapy at age 40. They made him lie on the floor while others piled on top of him good-naturedly, so that he could learn that not all physical contact is initiated by antagonism. No one had ever touched him in an expression of love. His mother tried to toss him off a building when he was four. His uncle was shot to death before his very eyes when he was 14. His father told him to go steal his own money when he was hungry - and then told him to hand it in. Did he grow up in wartime Africa? No, he grew up in a western European country in the sixties and seventies. And, at age 40, he decided that the past was the past and that he would make his own present and future. He is a man with a heart of gold - and half his teeth knocked out in street fights and the boxing ring. So when something bad happens to you and you, through sheer force of will and positivity, manage to turn it into a lesson, a blessing, or something that motivates you to do something for others - then don’t trivialize it. It is what you do with what life brings you - and not how much it weighs - that makes your story worth telling.





In the articles entitled “From the point of view of...”, we tell the story of an expatriate who is living in the Netherlands. In each edition, we interview an expatriate, each time from a different country and each time in a different position (the person who was placed here by the employer, came here on his or her own initiative, the partner, the family members, etc.) For this issue of The XPat Journal we interviewed Jing Zhang, who is getting her MSc in Business studies at the


University of Amsterdam.

While weaving a path through the busy Hoog Catherijne

Need to Help

‘shopping mall’ in Utrecht, on our way to a quiet place for a

Jing adds; “I wanted to be more international. My next step

cup of tea and our interview, Jing Zhang says: “I read your

was to go to Beijing’s Renmin University, which was estab-

interview with the woman from Cyprus the other day. It was

lished by Chairman Mao. There, I did my graduation thesis on

quite a story! I am worried why you would want to interview

labor economics, and the labor shortage in China. It sounds

me,” she adds modestly, “I have never experienced such

ironic; a labor shortage in China. But the wages of the front-

adversity in my life!” Yet without the adversity, what Jing

line workers were so low and the working conditions so bad,

and our other interviewee have in common is their incredible

that the people were not sufficiently tempted to move to

emotional strength and can-do mentality. A gift they have

where the work was. I interviewed many laborers and this

accepted and applied through life.

sparked a need to help people, to make this a better world. I decided to study Social Service Administration in Chicago.

Small City

This is a study on how to manage non-profit organizations

Jing Zhang was born in Guilin, in the south of China. “Just a

and deal with the internal and external challenges they face.”

small city, by Chinese standards,” she explains, “only 1 million people live there.” Her childhood there was happy and when

Becoming Integrated

she was about to enter middle school, a new type of school

In Chicago, Jing did two internships; the first was in a home-

came to the city. A school that devoted more hours to learning

less shelter, where she did intake interviews. “This showed me

the English language than traditional schools, and that also

a different aspect of life in the US and allowed me to see the

promised an excellent education in all other fields as well.

social problems. It illustrated how a combination of personal

“Children who want to go to college have to take a national

choice and the system of social policy can profoundly influ-

entrance exam. How well you do on this exam determines

ence a person’s life. I met the sweetest people, people who

which college you get to go to. This, in turn, largely depends

made drawings of me during the interview, others who taught

on the middle and high school you went to. When I was to

me the street language of Chicago. It helped me integrate into

enter the school, it was only in its third year, so that there

US society a whole lot faster than my fellow Chinese students

really was no way of knowing whether or not it would turn out

who were working in computer programming.”She laughs.

to be as good as they promised. It was a bold decision on

“Eventually, I got to thinking about funding. I felt that compa-

my parents’ side to send me there. But it was a good one,”

nies could do more. They make money, if all goes well obvi-

she concludes, making a sweeping move with her arm, to

ously, so if you could just get a company on the board of the

include the whole world: “It has made me who I am now; more

shelter, then you would have more constant funding.” Soon

international. Plus, the students who went to school, soon

she was working with the shelter’s management towards

stood out on a national level; their exam scores were higher

arranging grants for the shelter.

than those of the students of the province’s most prestigious

Jing’s other internship was at Winning Workplaces, whose

schools.” The school also organized exchange placements,

aim was to help companies find a way to be a better place to

which took Jing to Charlotte, North Carolina, for a month. “I

work, based on the idea that if the company was an attrac-

had wonderful time there, and the people were so nice!” The

tive employer, it would not only attract employees, but keep

seed had been planted and Jing wanted to return to the US

them. Winning Workplaces wanted to encourage employers

as soon as she could.

to provide quality jobs and good working environments to all, especially to those living on an unemployment benefit or wel



From the Point of View of...

Jing Zhang


fare, so that they can find a job - stay in this job - and increase

afford to make, when manufacturing a green product? After

their quality of life. She worked with the Director of Consult-

all, non-green people are more likely to give critical and there-

ing on an opinion survey to determine what it was that made

fore more valuable information on this issue. You can design

employees want to work for a particular employer.

better products with their help. What you want to achieve is that, instead of having them explain away the fact that it’s less


attractive with the words: ‘yeah, but it’s green’, you want them

But that was not all that Jing did while living in Chicago. She

to be enthusiastic about the product and then to comment:

also worked for an entrepreneur who had a very success-

‘PLUS it’s green!’”

ful gift business, and ran an on-the-side non-profit initiative aimed at helping those who lived in shelters or participated in

Doing What Should Be Done

women’s programs sell the gifts they made. “Looking back, I

Jing remembers how her supervisor at Winning Workplaces

realize it was not enough to merely help people - I wanted to

once asked her what she wanted to do with her life. After

take it a step further and find the most economical way a non-

Jing had answered, the supervisor remarked: “You are always

profit program could work,” she analyzes.

saying what you should do, instead of what you want to do.” But the answer to this comes to Jing as she tells me about it:

Coming to Holland

“Maybe it’s because I want to do what I should do.” She then

Then... she met a Dutch student who was studying in Chi-

looks pleasantly surprised, as if she were wondering, ‘could

cago, but was offered the opportunity to come back to the

it really be so simple?’, and seemingly answers her internal

Netherlands and get his PhD. “I stayed in Chicago for a year,

question with a barely perceptible nod.

while he came back here to study - but eventually decided to come here too, to live with him.” Though she “was pleased

Life Partner

enough with my degree from the University of Chicago,” she

When asked about her boyfriend, Jing beams. “I haven’t

decided that the best way to fit in would be to do another

found anyone better suited to me. I established a few very

study program here - at the University of Amsterdam. After

simple rules, when I was very young. To be my life partner...” -

some thought, the choice was made. “Looking for an answer

she gives a huge grin here, remarking before continuing: “I’m

to the question; is there a way for a non-profit business to

very bossy and I have a plan for everything,” - after which she

do well? there was always one obvious answer: companies

sums up: “One, he has to respect my parents. Two, he must

need marketing to help them make money. I decided to learn

be super-smart, know more than I do and be able to give an

marketing so that I could apply what I learned towards helping

answer that satisfies me. Three, he must be kind, and care

non-profit businesses earn the money they need.”

about society. Four, he has to be tall... by my standards,” she clarifies, realizing that - in the land of the Dutch - this isn’t a

Green Marketing

tough requirement to meet. “Oh, and of course,” she adds,

Jing’s final thesis is on ‘green marketing’. “People like the

with a shy smile: “number one and number one: he has to

concept of green products, but not necessarily the products

love me and I have to love him.” She lays her hands flat on

themselves. They look at a number of attributes; for instance,

the table, palms down, as if to say ‘and he wins, hands down’.

weight, design, price - and being ‘green’ is only one of these.

The silence that follows this last sentence is rich and satisfy-

People who find it important to buy a ‘green’ product, are

ing. Her life is rich and satisfying.

willing to compromise on one or more of the other attributes - but those who don’t find it important, are not. For instance,


who’s willing to buy an IPAD that weighs 500 grams more?

You do not need to have faced adversity in your life to have

Or that has a battery life of one hour? In other words, as a

a story worth telling. In fact, in all likelihood, even if adversity

manufacturer, you do not know which compromises you can

were to present itself, Jing would likely label it ‘a challenge’

make, while keeping your product appealing enough for the

or ‘an opportunity’ and go about turning it into an adventure.

less-principled consumers. You have to find a way in which

Which, even though her story is different, is exactly what the

green contributes to a degree that will trigger a consumer to

woman she so admired in our earlier interview did. As we say

buy the product.” Jing continues: “There is an online com-

our goodbyes outside the restaurant, Jing whips out a map

munity where people can give comments on green products.

and waves it at me: “I’m going to explore,” she says. “I’ve

But marketing researchers have not yet tapped into this. What

never been in Utrecht before.” And before you know it, her feet

drives people to place their comments on these sites? What

are taking her in the opposite direction, secure in the fact that

do they want or need? How do you get ‘non-green’ people

that is where today’s adventure lies.

to give feedback so that you know which trade-offs you can



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A Lump Sum Severance Payment What Are Your Options? If your employment contract is terminated, this will most likely have financial implications for you. In this article, the financial advisers of Finsens point out the options you have with regard to a severance payment (or Golden Handshake, see also on page 24).


insurance company, a bank or your own (Stamrecht) BV. The insurance company, bank or your Stamrecht BV will then pay out an annuity, which will be subject to payroll tax / income tax in the year of payment at normal (progressive) rates. In order to arrange the transfer of the settlement, a deed must be drawn up between the contracting party and the former employer. In some situations the employer elects to request permission from the tax authorities first before the transfer can take place. Payment of the annuity can start immediately or can be deferred. If the commencement date of the annuity is deferred, the standing rights will grow with the yearly return on the investments or the interest received on the bank account.

The Settlement


If an employer wants to terminate an employment contract, he

1. Payment date: Under the Wage Tax Act, the annuity pay-

can choose to terminate this contract by mutual consent, or

ments can start at any time, but must start no later than the

by requesting permission for dismissal from either the labour

employee’s 65th birthday. The settlement can accrue until the

office or the sub-district court judge.

employee reaches the age of 65 and must then be converted

In case of termination by mutual consent, a redundancy

into a lifelong annuity.

settlement can be offered by the employer. If the employer

2. 1% mortality probability: The ‘uncertainty criterion’ must be

is issued permission by the sub-district court judge, a redun-

satisfied. This entails that the mortality probability during the

dancy settlement can be determined by the court.

term of the annuity must be at least 0.94%. Put differently: the payment period of the annuity must be at least long enough


that, according to objective mortality tables, the probability of

Once the amount of the settlement has been determined, the

death within this period is at least 0.94%. This is also known

general procedure is to have the settlement paid out on your

as the 1% criterion.

final payslip. Your employer will be obliged to withhold payroll

3. Beneficiaries of the payment: In the event of the employee’s

tax and social security contributions on the settlement which

death, the annuity payments must start with immediate effect.

means that, generally speaking, it will be subject to a 52% tax

The only persons who are entitled to an annuity are the

rate. Consequently, the net amount you receive will be 48%

(former) spouse, and partner or (foster) children who have not

of the settlement.

yet reached the age of 30. 4. Commutation of a periodic payment: The annuity cannot be

Deferring Taxation

surrendered, nor serve as collateral for other obligations the

You can defer the payment of income tax by choosing to

beneficiary has.

receive the payments in the form of standing rights, rather


than a lump sum. The full gross amount of the settlement will


then be transferred to a company that meets all the conditions

So why choose standing rights if you still have to pay income

stated in the Wage Tax Act. In general, this will be either an



By Patricia van der Hut

1. Tax advantage: The settlement will be paid out as an annu-


ity, spread out over a certain period. Consequently, instead of

Besides the incorporation expenses of a Stamrecht

paying tax over the full amount, you will now pay tax over part

BV, you also have to take into account the annual

of the settlement which could put you in a more favourable

expenses for the year-end statement, Chamber of Commerce-

tax bracket.

related expenses, corporate tax return, payroll tax returns and

2. Postponement advantage: The first instalment of the annu-

the management fee of the investment funds. With an insur-

ity has to be paid on your 65th birthday at the latest. So, if

ance company you will also have to pay for the management

you do not need the money when the settlement is granted,

fee of the investment funds, but also the upfront fee and con-

you can postpone the payment and the related taxes. This

secutive fee. Due to the great diversity of insurance options

way the annuity can be used as a supplement to your old

and fees it is difficult to tell if a BV is, in the end, less expensive

age pension. The standing rights can also be divided over

than placing your standing rights with an insurer. Every insurer

more than one right to annuity, entering into effect on different

mentions their fee in their proposal.

dates; for instance a pre-pension date and the day you reach the age of 65.

Flexibility In the situation of a Stamrecht BV, you have, in principle,

Comparing Your Options

unlimited flexibility with regard to the timing of the annuities

Whether you want to place your standing rights with an insur-

(within the legal restrictions as mentioned earlier). Some insur-

ance company, a bank, or your own (Stamrecht) BV depends

ance companies also offer this flexibility, but at considerable

on you and your situation. The most important differences are

cost. As mentioned before, you can divide the standing rights

outlined below.

into a temporary annuity and one that pays out when you

Bank: If the settlement is transferred to a bank, this can

reach the age of 65.

only be done to a special blocked bank account. The interest received will be added to the settlement. In general, you will

Longevity Risk

have a fairly clear idea of what the total amount is going to be

A disadvantage of a Stamrecht BV and a bank can be the

on the expiration date.

longevity risk. This risk will occur in the pay-out phase. For

Insurance company: If the settlement is transferred to

instance, if the payment of the standing rights starts at age

an insurance company, the settlement will be invested in

65, it has to pay out lifelong. The yearly payment is based on

accordance with your risk profile. The amount available upon

the average life expectancy. An insurer will continue paying

reaching the expiration date Your own BV: In this situation you

out, while a BV, however, may run out of funds if you live past

personally decide how to invest the settlement.

your life expectancy.

Starting Your Own Business

redundancy settlement in your Stamrecht BV, you can also

If you are thinking of starting your own company in the form of

place the money in the BV during the deferral phase and

a BV, you can use the redundancy settlement as start-up capi-

transfer the funds to an insurer for the pay-out phase.

If you don’t want to take this risk, but still want to put the

tal for your business. This will not be possible if the settlement is transferred to an insurance company or a bank.

Predeceasement In the event of predeceasement before the estimated end date

Investment Options

of the annuity, the insurance company will benefit, whereas

If you transfer the settlement to your BV, you are completely

the Stamrecht BV will have a taxable gain. After tax, the bal-

free to decide how the money is to be invested and are not

ance of the remaining lump sum goes to your heirs.

bound by any specific funds or strategies. However, currently more and more insurers offer flexible policies, so that this dif-

More and more insurance companies offer flexible products

ference is not that substantial anymore.

with a low fee. The distinction between a Stamrecht BV and an insurer is therefore narrowing. However, what can be the


ideal solution for your colleague, may be the worst for you.

A Stamrecht BV can go bankrupt, and consequently your

Therefore, solid tailor-made financial advice is crucial.

income for the future will disappear. An insurer or a bank can also go bankrupt, but this is less likely.

Patricia van der Hut works at Finsens Planning and can be contacted at 020 - 623 44 47, or For more information, visit:




Expats Facing Dismissal Finally, More Clarity

Based on two recent decisions of the District Court of Amsterdam (2009) and the Court of Appeal of Amsterdam (2010), the position of expats who are facing dismissal is finally being given some shape. Time for an outline and tips on how to handle the termination of your



Applicable Law

the consent of the sub-district court or the UWV WERKbedrijf

First of all, try to find out which law applies to your employ-

(see further on).

ment contract. In general, Dutch employment law favours employees and affords employees extensive protection

Dismissal Procedures

against dismissal, but only if Dutch law is applicable to the

In Holland, there are two dismissal procedures

contract. The main rule is that an individual employment contract is governed by the law chosen by the parties. The ‘cho-

1. Administrative procedure

sen law’, however, can never rule out compulsory regulations

An employer can request permission to terminate an employ-

of the country in which the employee is working that are more

ment contract from an administrative organisation known

favourable for the employee. In addition, if the contract does

as the UWV WERKbedrijf. The UWV WERKbedrijf verifies

not explicitly state that another law is applicable, it is gov-

whether or not there is a legitimate reason for the dismissal.

erned by Dutch law, if you work and live in the Netherlands.

If their prior permission is not obtained and the employee is dismissed anyway, the employee may claim that the dismissal

Required Consent

is void. Consequently, the employee will be entitled to receive

Secondly, it is very important to not voluntarily agree to your

his salary until the date on which his employment is legally

dismissal. Under Dutch law, an employee is not eligible for

terminated and/or the employee is reinstated to his former

unemployment benefits if he is seen as having brought about


the termination of the contract himself. This would be the case, for example, if you were to voluntarily resign for no good

2. Court procedure

reason. Furthermore, in the absence of a mutual agreement,

Secondly, to avoid the risk that the UWV WERKbedrijf refuses

an employer generally cannot dismiss an employee without

to give the requested permission, the employer can also file a request with the sub-district court to dissolve the employment

According to a recent ruling of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, prior consent or permission is also necessary when firing foreign nationals who are working in the Netherlands on a temporary employment contract. The Court had to answer the following question: “Are social and economic relationships within Dutch society and the Dutch labour market relevant in the case of a foreign national who will, most probably, return to his or her country of origin at some point in time?” Their answer: “Increasing labour force mobility makes the employee’s connection to the Dutch labour market irrelevant; however, employees must still be protected from ‘wrongful firing practices’.” Hence, better protection against dismissal for expats!

contract. This dissolution procedure differs markedly from the administrative procedure, as the court is at liberty to award compensation to be paid by the employer to the employee.

Sub-District Court Formula The compensation that is awarded by the court when an employment contract is terminated, is mostly calculated in keeping with the ‘sub-district court formula’. This formula - A x B x C - is based on the culpability of the employer/employee, the duration of employment, the age of the employee and the level of her or his last earned salary, whereby A represents: the



By Godelijn Boonman and Fraukje Panis

employee’s years of service; B, the employee’s basic salary; and C, the correction factor. As a rule of thumb, the employee is awarded one month’s salary per year of employment. C is the most uncertain factor in this formula; usually, it is simply 1 (neutral dissolution), but it can fluctuate, depending on the circumstances of the dismissal. For example, has the employer made sufficient efforts to re-assign the employee? What is the financial position of the employer? Or will it be very difficult for the employee to find other work? Despite a recent promising ruling of the Amster-

you need to make sure that you know the rules. A few things

dam sub-district court, it is still not completely clear whether

are important to remember when faced with a dismissal. First,

B also includes expat allowances when determining the basic

you need to find out which law is applicable to your employ-

salary. In other words, don’t agree too easily to a B-factor that

ment contract. Then, you should never voluntarily agree to

only takes into account your basic salary!

your dismissal if there is no good reason for it. Finally, when it comes to a settlement agreement, you should ask an employ-

On April 22, 1999, the Amsterdam sub-district court stated that expat allowances should not be included when determining B. However, on January 8, 2009, the Amsterdam sub-district court ruled that expat allowance should sometimes be taken into account. According to the court, the expat allowances should be included when determining the B-factor when the expat has a certain freedom to use the allowances for his or her own purposes (so that it therefore includes a remuneration component) and when the expat adapted his lifestyle to the allowances.

ment lawyer whether it is the best course of action - and let the lawyer negotiate. In the end, all settlement terms are negotiable.

For more information contact Godelijn Boonman or Fraukje Panis at or / 070 - 361 50 48 or go to their English-language pages under

Settlement Agreement Instead of going through one of the Dutch dismissal procedures, however, in most cases an employer will enter into a settlement agreement with the employee to terminate the employment contract. A settlement agreement is an acknowledgement by both parties that it is in their best interest to agree to settle the termination without a need for further litigation. Before signing a settlement agreement, you should hire an employment lawyer; he or she can help you determine if a settlement is the best course of action. Furthermore, he or she can negotiate the terms of the settlement agreement. All settlement terms are negotiable. Common bargaining terms used in settlement agreements include: a severance payment (the described sub-district court formula is usually a starting-point), the notice period, payment for outplacement services, release from the obligations under a non-competition clause, or a favourable reference letter. Moreover, there is no obligation on the part of the employer to factor in the costs of your lawyer, but it is very often granted as part of the settlement agreement. Finally, make sure that the settlement agreement contains an article which states that you are not to blame for the termination, otherwise you will still forfeit your rights to any unemployment benefits. In summary, Dutch law offers employees an extensive degree of protection, but in order to make optimal use of this,




You Have Come What Are Useful The Dutch job market offers international job seekers endless possibilities and has plenty to offer foreign students as well. Despite the worldwide economic crisis, the country has a relatively low unemployment rate, and is a large international and economic player.


business services (education and training institutions, employment agencies and security) will see an increase.

Multilingual Jobs When looking for employment in the Netherlands whereby you can work in your native language, you can either register with various specialized employment agencies (a listing of these can be found on page 16) or you can apply directly with companies where the business language is your native language. The job market for foreign staff encompasses a wide spectrum of professions including, but not limited to: administration, secretarial, IT, finance, marketing, support staff, sales, logistics, middle and senior management, etc.

It also has a good educational system and great internship

There are also over 150 multilingual call and shared serv-

arrangements. In this article, more on what to expect when

ice centers in the country, most of which are located in the

applying for a job, working, or losing your job, in the Neth-

Randstad region (the triangle between, and including, Utrecht,


Rotterdam, The Hague, and Amsterdam). However, you will find more and more pan-European centers in Maastricht,

The Dutch Workforce

Arnhem and other cities, particularly near the border. Within

In sync with the rest of the world, in the year 2009 the Neth-

these organizations, English is usually the business language.

erlands saw an increase in the unemployment rate. By March

International centers and companies have a preference for

of this year, it had reached 5.7% - up from 5.2% in 2009 - and

native speakers, but please do read the paragraph on Protec-

some say it might even reach more than 8% this year. This is

tion Labor Market, further on.

nonetheless a reasonably low level of unemployment, particularly given the worldwide economic downturn. And, although

Dutch Employment Law

no longer all sectors are looking to fill vacancies, there are still

As many of you will not have moved to the Netherlands on

opportunities for those wishing to find a job in this country.

an expat contract governed by your home country laws,

Particularly for new entrants, the job market has an abundant

the rules that apply to those employed directly by a Dutch

supply of jobs, though companies are applying a more careful

employer can be of great importance to you. Even expatriates,

hiring strategy compared to the past two to three years.

whose contract explicitly states that a foreign law applies to the employment relationship, will find that they are subject to


mandatory rules of Dutch employment law and/or Dutch rules

Most people hold a job in the commercial services sec-

of public order by means of binding allocation rules of inter-

tor. Other strong sectors are the ‘non-commercial’ services,

national private law. Some issues to take into account are:

industry and the health care sector. Over the last few years,


the greatest increase in jobs has been in the business and

Probation Period

financial services sector (particularly consultants, lawyers and

In most cases, you will start out your employment with a

employment agencies), while it is predicted that, in particular,

probation period. This lasts anywhere between one and two

the number of jobs in the medical (care) sector and ‘other’

months, depending on the type of contract (less than two


Here to Work

Things to Know? years: one month; two years to permanent: two months).

ship - as a general rule - cannot be terminated unilaterally. It

The probation period must always be confirmed in writing in

should be noted, though, that employment can be terminated

your employment contract. During this probation period, you

by mutual consent, during the probation period, for urgent

can resign or be dismissed with immediate effect.

reasons (e.g. theft), or when the agreed fixed period of time has lapsed.

Chain Contracts

When dismissing an employee, it is not important whether

An employment contract for a fixed period terminates auto-

Dutch law or the law of another country applies. Even if the

matically by operation of law at the agreed end date. It is

employment contract is governed by the national law of

possible to have three - but not more - separate consecutive

another country, the employee can still invoke the protection

fixed-period contracts with one employer if the contracts in

of the Dutch law, provided Dutch mandatory rules of employ-

total do not exceed the three years permitted by law. Each

ment law and/or rules of Dutch public order apply.

contract will end by operation of law. If the intervals between contracts do not exceed three months, or the total duration of

Notice Period

all contracts exceeds three years, then the last employment

When terminating an employment contract, an employer

contract is deemed to be a contract for an indefinite period

must apply a one to five month notice period, depending on

of time, even if it is explicitly stated that it is a fixed contract.

the length of employment - unless the employment contract

(If, however, the period between two contracts exceeds three

is dissolved by the courts. These notice periods are only

months, the ‘chain’ is broken and the counting starts again.)

applicable to contracts for an indefinite period of time. In the

This means that, should your employer wish to fire you, he

case of other contract forms, such as a contract of temporary

will have to either ask permission from the UWV Werkbedrijf

employment (a so-called ‘temp’ contract), termination is/can

or have the court dissolve the contract (see more about this

be with immediate effect.

further on). Note, however, that your employer is not obligated

For an employee, the notice period is always one month,

to award this permanent contract if the three-fixed term con-

unless employer and employee, either in the employment con-

tracts together do not exceed a period of three years.

tract or in a separate written agreement, agree upon a different notice period. Whereby it should be noted that any personally

Terminating an Employment Contract

agreed-upon notice period for the employee is doubled for the

The Netherlands has a unique dual system of dismissal. If

employer. Collective agreements can provide for different (and

an employer wishes to terminate an employment agreement

even equal) notice periods to be observed.

for an indefinite period of time, he has two options. His first option is to obtain prior approval from the UWV Werkbedrijf,

Severance Pay

before serving the notice of termination. The purpose of this

There are no statutory uniform rules regarding severance

procedure is to avoid unreasonable or socially unjustifiable

payments. The rule a court has to apply in deciding the issue

dismissals. Alternatively, an employer may at any time request

of compensation is the rule of ‘reasonableness’. A formula

the sub-district sector of the District Court to dissolve the

is used to calculate these payments, but there is no obliga-

employment contract. The request for the dissolution must be

tion for a court to follow this formula. Each case is decided

on the basis of serious cause, for instance poor performance

in accordance with the specific circumstances of the matter.

or redundancy.

Several years ago, the Cantonal Courts introduced a formula

Without the prior approval of the UWV Werkbedrijf or the

in cases of court termination for serious cause, referred to as

dissolution of the District Court, the employment relation-

the Cantonal Court Formula (kantonrechtersformule), which




was amended in January 2009 in the sense that it now takes

under the age of 30 who earn a minimum of € 36,801 gross a

into account the current labor market developments. When

year (2010) can also qualify as highly skilled migrants.

this formula is applied, the amount of severance pay calculated is based mainly on the number of weighed years in


employment. For more on this, see our article on page 10.

As of January 2011, an employer who wants to bring you in as

The UWV Werkbedrijf does not decide whether a severance

a highly skilled migrant must be registered with the Immigra-

package is appropriate, but only whether the employer may

tion and Naturalization Services (IND) as an erkend referent

give notice of termination. The employee may still take the

(authorized sponsor). He must submit a request with the IND

employer to court and sue for an adequate severance pack-

requesting permission to bring you to the Netherlands, in


which he confirms that you meet all the requirements. The IND

See more on the tax treatment of the so-called ‘Golden Handshake’ on page 8.

will process this request within two weeks. Once permission has been given, you contact the Dutch embassy or consulate in your country of residence to request an MVV; a sticker that

Foreign Temps

is placed in your passport and that allows you to travel to the

In September 2005, it was decided that all foreign temps

Netherlands within the next six months. As a consequence of

working in the Netherlands have a right to the same basic

the new procedure, once you have been issued an MVV, you

employment conditions as their Dutch colleagues.

will automatically be issued a residence permit by the IND eliminating the need to go through this whole process upon

Protection Labor Market

arrival in the Netherlands.

When applying for a work permit, beware of the stringent legal

If you do not require an MVV to travel into the country, your

protection of the Dutch labor market, making it difficult for

employer/authorized sponsor can request a residence permit

non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals to receive such a permit.

for you while you are still abroad.

For EU nationals (with the exception of EU nationals from Romania and Bulgaria) as well as EEA and Swiss nationals,


freedom of movement applies, in keeping with the Freedom

The so-called Admissions Scheme for Highly Educated Per-

of Labor Act (Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen, or WAV). This means

sons became effective on January 1, 2009. Pursuant to this

that, when seeking to fill a job opening, employers in the Neth-

scheme, if you have attended an institute of higher education

erlands should search not only the Dutch labor market, but the

and have obtained at least a Master’s degree, you can obtain

entire EU/EEA labor market, before endeavoring to employ

a residence permit with a maximum term of one year (called

someone from outside this market. Being a native speaker of

an orientation year) for the purpose of finding a job as a highly

a particular language will no longer automatically qualify you,

skilled migrant or to start a so-called ‘innovative company’.

if the Dutch authorities are of the opinion that your prospec-

You can make use of this possibility for up to three years after

tive employer should be able to find a Dutch/EU/EEA/Swiss

obtaining your degree.

employee who can also speak your language. Please also note that when faced with the choice, the

Citizen Service Number

employer, who will be the one applying for your work permit,

One final word of advice: everyone who is employed legally

might well choose an employee who does not need a work

has a ‘social-fiscal’ number - the Citizen Service Number, or

permit over you (if you do need one) - as the application proc-

burgerservicenummer - for tax purposes. Without this number,

ess is an expensive and time-consuming one. This is, without

your employer cannot properly pay out your salary for tax

a doubt, unfair - yet something you should realistically take

purposes or credit your contributions for your benefits. You

into account. With any luck, the new regulations, aimed at

also need this number when you register with temporary job

simplifying and shortening these procedures, will succeed in

agencies - and to arrange health insurance.

leveling this aspect of the playing field.

If you are going to reside in the Netherlands, you have the legal obligation to register with the municipality - and its

Highly Skilled Migrants

Municipal Basic Administration for Persons - within three days

Highly skilled migrants are defined as contracted employees

of your arrival. You will then be issued your personal Citizen

who earn a minimum gross income of € 50,183 gross a year

Service Number.

(2010), to be indexed annually. The annual income includes salary withholding tax, employee and social security contributions, and the holiday allowance, but excludes supplements, bonuses and payments in kind (e.g. company car). Persons



You can find more in-depth information on employment in the Netherlands in The Holland Handbook,


Specialized in work permit and MVV applications. Internet: Email:

PERSONAL RELOCATION Mollenburgseweg 88 4205 NB Gorinchem

Tel. +31(0)183 - 622 903 Fax +31(0)183 - 628 525

> Dutch tax returns > Corporate tax returns > Payroll > Business set-up > 30%-ruling > Tax advice

Utrecht Headoffice T. +31 (0)30 - 246 85 36 Amsterdam Office T. +31 (0)20 - 403 76 80 /

global employment solutions

We offer a complete range of services and support for foreign nationals coming to live and work in The Netherlands. Our services are based on flexibility, individual attention and unrivaled experience.

Looking for international tax and legal assistance?


Employment References SOCIAL SECURITY Ministry Of Social Affairs and Employment (Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid)

Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken)

Taxation In The Netherlands

P.O. Box 2133,

Published by the Ministry of

1000 CC Amsterdam.

Finance, this guide (in English)

Tel.: 020 552 35 36

Bezuidenhoutseweg 67,

gives a good overview of taxation

City of Almere

The Hague P.O. Box 20061,

in the Netherlands.

P.O. Box 200 1300, AE Almere

2500 EB The Hague


Tel.: 036 539 94 87

Anna van Hannoverstraat 4,

Tel.: 070 348 64 86

P.O. Box 90801,


National Tax Office Startersdesk

1180 BA Amstelveen

Tel.: 070 333 44 44

in the major offices:

City of Haarlemmermeer P.O. Box


The official website of the

Amsterdam, tel.: 020 687 65 00

250, 2130 AG HoofddorpÂ

Netherlands on immigration

The Hague, tel.: 070 330 40 86

Tel.: 023 567 61 39

2509 LV The Hague

City of Amstelveen P.O Box 4, Tel.: 020 540 44 23

The Social and Economic Council

Rotterdam, tel.: 010 290 53 28

E-mail: info@

Permits Foundation:

Utrecht, tel.: 030 275 26 86

Of The Netherlands (SER)

an international corporate initiative

General tel. number for


Bezuidenhoutseweg 60,

to promote the improvement of

entrepreneurs: 0800 04 43

2594 AW The Hague

work permit regulations for the

Central website:

P.O. Box 90405,

spouses of expatriate employees.

2509 LK The Hague


Tel.: 070 349 94 99


Expatcenter Amsterdam WTC Amsterdam,

Dutch Customs (Douane)

F-tower 2nd Floor

P.O. Box 4486, 6401 CZ Heerlen

Strawinskylaan 39,

Work Permits:

Tel.: 045 574 2700

1077 XW Amsterdam

Social Insurance Bank (Sociale Verzekeringsbank)


Tel: 020 254 79 99


E-mail welcome@expatcenter.

Rhijnspoorplein 1,

Expat Foundation:

1091 HG Amsterdam

an independent interest

Tel.: 020 656 52 01

organization for expatriates and


their Dutch based employers. Internet:

Uwv Werkbedrijf




TAXES General:

Internet: expatcenter

Amsterdam Airport Area P.O. Box 75700,

Holland Gateway

1118 ZT Schiphol Airport

Desk for foreign businesses

Tel.: 020 405 47 77,

offering advice on doing business


in the Netherlands, regulations for


permits, tax issues etc.

Immigration and Naturalization Service (Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst, ind)

International Tax Office Heerlen

Entrance hall of wtc Schiphol

Postal address: P.O. Box 2865,


EISC Expat Information Services Center Almere Area

6401 DJ Heerlen


Expat Desk World Trade Center

Winston Churchilllaan 293, Rijswijk

6412 CN Heerlen

Amsterdam Inbusiness

P.J. Oudweg 1,

P.O. Box 3210, 2280 GE Rijswijk

(by appointment only)

the official foreign investment

1314 CH Almere Stad

Tel.: 070 370 34 00

Tel.: 045 560 31 11 or 0800 05 43

agency of the Amsterdam

Tel.: 036 523 84 07


(National telephone number)

Metropolitan Area

E-mail to


(Amsterdam, Amstelveen,




Visiting address: Kloosterweg 22,


City of Amsterdam



West-Holland Foreign Investment Agency, WFIA Koninginnegracht 8, 2514 AA The Hague P.O. Box 16067, 2500 BB The Hague Tel.: 070 311 55 55, internet:

The Municipality of The Hague The Hague Hospitality Center Xpat Desk The Hague City Hall, Atrium Spui 70, 2511 BT The Hague Tel.: 070 353 50 43 E-mail: Internet:

Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Rotterdam, OBR Galvanistraat 15, 3029 AD Rotterdam P.O. Box 6575,


Tel.: 010 489 69 44

Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM)

Ontwikkelings Maatschappij Oost Nederland NV


P.O. Box 3240, 5003 DE Tilburg

P.O. Box 5215, 6802 EE Arnhem

Goirleseweg 15, 5026 PB Tilburg

Tel.: 026 384 42 22

Expatdesk Rotterdam

Tel.: 088 831 11 20

P.O. Box 5518,

Beursplein 37, Room 337/338


7500 GM Enschede

NFIA, Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency

3011 AA Rotterdam

Tel.: 053 851 68 51

Bezuidenhoutseweg 16a,

Govert Flinckstraat 1,

2594 AV The Hague

3002 AN Rotterdam

Tel.: 010 205 28 29 E-mail:

Brainport Development

8021 ET Zwolle

P.O. Box 20101,


Visiting address: Emmasingel 11,

Tel.: 038 456 14 56

2500 EC The Hague


5611 AZ Eindhoven

Keulenstraat 11a,

Tel.: 070 379 88 18

Tel.: 040 751 24 24

7418 ET Deventer



Tel.: 0570 85 59 17

Expat Center Leiden Stationsweg 41


Agency For International Business and Cooperation (Nl EVD International)

2312 AT Leiden

Expat Guide Holland

Tel.: 071 516 60 05

The website collates all information


and services that are relevant to

Limburgse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (LIOF)

internationals who are going to

P.O. Box 1310,

2595 CL The Hague


live and work in the Southeast

6201 BH Maastricht

P.O. Box 20105,


Tel.: 043 328 02 80

2500 EC The Hague



Tel.: 070 379 88 11

Juliana van Stolberglaan 148,

Province of Utrecht Foreign Investment Office

Internet: -


P.O. Box 80300,

3508 TH Utrecht Tel.: 030 258 23 96 Internet:




Netherlands Council For Trade Promotion Holland Trade House

Women’s International Network (WIN)

Kelly Services

you with useful insight into the


cultural aspects of working with

the international networking

the Dutch.

Bezuidenhoutseweg 181,

association for professional

2594 AH The Hague

women in the Netherlands. WIN

Octagon Professionals

P.O. Box 10,

is an affiliate of the European

Laan Copes van Cattenburch 62,

2501 CA The Hague

Professional Women’s Network.

2585 GC The Haguen,

The financial implications of redundancy

Tel.: 070 344 15 44


tel.: 070 324 93 00

This booklet discusses the



financial implications of

Connecting Women (The Hague)

Undutchables Recruitment Agency

you have when you receive a

A network of professional

Headoffice, tel.: 020 345 51 04




redundancy and the options redundancy settlement.

internationally aware women.

Amsterdam, tel.: 020 623 13 00

The Hague International Network

Juliana van Stolberglaan 154, The

Amstelveen, tel.: 020 445 97 38

Dealing With The Dutch


Rotterdam, tel.: 010 404 66 50

By Jacob Vossestein

the place for the international


The Hague, tel.: 070 711 83 00

Published by kit Publishers

community in The Hague to meet.

Utrecht, tel.: 030 238 22 28

The cultural context of business

Eindhoven, tel.: 040 237 33 95

and work in the Netherlands

year on different locations.

Women’s Business Initative International

London, tel.: 0040 (0)20 7717 8440


Contact address:

A community of entrepeneurial

Internet: -

Van Lennepweg 6,


2597 LJ The Hague

Laan Copus van Cattenburch 86,

Unique Multilingual Services

Tel.: 070 306 22 11,

2585 GE The Hague,

The Hague, tel.: 070 311 78 00

A Career In Your Suitcase


Tel.: 070 358 85 57

Amsterdam, tel.: 020 570 20 94

By Jo Parftitt

Internet: www.

Rotterdam, tel.: 010 503 29 00

300 pages of completely revised

Utrecht, tel.: 030 232 63 40

and updated information for


creating and maintaining a career

Meetings are held several times a

The Network-Club.Com A business club dedicated to facilitating business by providing a platform for members to establish, strengthen, and utilize personal business relationships. Internet:


Kea Kiwi Expat Association New Zealand Expat Network in the Netherlands this New Zealand business-

Adams’ Multilingual Recruitment




Employment In The Netherlands

Legal Aspects of Doing Business in the Netherlands

Published yearly by Loyens & Loeff

Edited by Tom Claassens

Amsterdam, tel.: 020 580 03 40

Conditions of employment, tax and

Published yearly by Loyens & Loeff

Rotterdam, tel.: 010 205 27 12

social security aspects

For entrepeneurs and their legal


Available on request by e-mail:

service providers who are or

about to be engaged in business


operations in the Netherlands

networking group has almost 300 members. kea is a global

Secretaries by Adams

networking organization, with over

Amsterdam, tel.: 020 580 03 42

9,000 members worldwide in 65



Looking For Work In The Netherlands

Tel.: Grant King 020 671 70 17

Blue Lynx Employment

By Nannette Ripmeester


The Hague, tel.: 070 311 78 22

Published by Expertise in Labour

Amsterdam (Schiphol),


tel.: 020 406 91 80

If you are looking for work in the


Netherlands, this guide provides

Available on request by e-mail:

accurate and practical information on the job hunting process. Next to careers advice it also provides



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New Migration Policy As of January 1, 2011, the Netherlands will have a new policy on migration. What are the new rules, and what are the exact consequences for those who wish to come and live - and work - in the Netherlands?


The most important reason behind the introduction of the new

any reason, they have grounds for doubting that the employer / institution is living up to their obligations. You should keep in mind though, that the Dutch embassy will still have to see the documents pertaining to your family members and that you will have to submit the required documents when registering with your municipality.

Covenant Until now, employers, institutions and cultural exchange organizations could enter into a covenant with the IND regarding the bringing in of an employee or a student; those who already have this covenant automatically become authorized sponsors.

migration policy is the desire to simplify the procedures for those who can contribute to the Dutch economy, science or

Merging Two Procedures

culture, such as knowledge migrants and students. The existing

Until now, if you wanted to enter the Netherlands, you had to

limitations to issuing a residence permit will be reduced, while

apply for an Authorization Temporary Stay ( MVV, also known

a system of permit categories has been created; exchange,

as a Provisional Residence Permit) with the Dutch consulate

study, temporary employment, regular employment, knowledge

or embassy in your country of origin - unless you were from a

and talent, family and family ties, humanitarian reasons, and

country for which no MVV was required. Once this had been

special stay. The conditions for admission to the country will

issued, you could come to the Netherlands and then apply for a

remain the same.

residence permit. Now, based on the fact that both procedures in reality evaluate the same conditions, it has been decided


that - once you have been issued an MVV - you are also auto-

If, as foreign national, you want to come to the Netherlands,

matically granted a residence permit. This procedure is called

you will need a sponsor: a business, institution, or person, who

Toegang en Verblijf (TEV).

has an interest in promoting your admission to the Netherlands.

Consequently, an authorized sponsor who is requesting an

For instance, an educational institute, an au pair-organization,

MVV for you can, at the same time, request a residence permit

or an employer.

for you. An authorized sponsor can do this not only on your behalf, but also your family’s, should they be coming along

Authorized Sponsor

with you.

In some cases, your sponsor has to be ‘authorized’. In order to become authorized, this person or organization has to register

No MVV Required

with the IND and undergo a reliability test to become approved.

If you do not require an MVV to enter the country, your sponsor

Once they have done this, they can make use of the acceler-

can submit an application for a residence permit on your behalf,

ated procedure for requesting your MVV and/or residence

while you are still abroad. This is called the VVR-procedure (Ver-

permit that should in principle not last longer than two weeks.

blijfsvergunning Regulier). It applies to students and employees

As a knowledge migrant, student, or au pair, you will need an

who are EU/EEA/Swiss nationals (as well as nationals of other

authorized sponsor.

countries, such as the US, Australia, and Canada), and knowl-

From now on, the IND and the authorized sponsor will work

edge migrants - and their family members.

with the sponsor’s ‘statement’, in which he declares that you


meet all the requirements for admission and that - if you have

Knowledge Migrant / Scientific Researcher

accompanying family members - your family relations are ‘in

The new rules are especially attractive for knowledge migrants,

order’. No documents need to be provided to prove this. In

because you are issued both an MVV and a residence permit at

other words, there is a relationship of trust. The only thing that

the same time, eliminating the need to arrange the latter upon

the IND will do is carry out random checks, for instance if, for

arrival. The employer who invites you to come here must first


become an authorized sponsor. The same applies if you are to

Transitional Rules

come here as a scientific researcher at a research or educa-

There are transitional rules for permit requests submitted and

tional institute.

permits issued before July 1 of this year, and after July 1. For

Unpaid guest lecturers also enter the country as knowledge

more specific information, visit the website of the IND,


Regular Labor If you come to the Netherlands to work, but not as a knowledge migrant, your employer is your sponsor, but need not be authorized.

Trainees/Apprentices According to the new law, if you come here as a trainee/apprentice, your employer will become your sponsor. Authorization of the sponsor is not required.

Students If you want to come to the Netherlands to study and need a residence permit to study here (not required for, among others,

Spui 12, Amsterdam Lange Poten 23, Den Haag

EU/EEA/Swiss nationals), you can only come here to study at an educational institution that has been authorized as a sponsor by the IND. An exception is available if a particular course is only available at a non-authorized education institution. As of January 1, 2009, students with a Master’s Degree can obtain a residence permit for the purpose of finding a job as a knowledge migrant in the Netherlands or to start an ‘innovative company’. The procedure for these students remains the same; you or a sponsor request(s) approval from the IND for you to be issued an MVV (unless you are from a country for which you don’t need one). Once you are issued approval, you arrange obtaining the MVV with the Dutch consulate or embassy in your country of origin, after which you enter the country and arrange a residence permit here.

Family Members Also for family reunification, a sponsor is required, however, they do not qualify for authorization. In the case of accompanying family members of knowledge migrants, employees and students, the (authorized) sponsor can request a permit on their behalf.


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all changes that are relevant to your right of residence, such as

The IBDP is an internationally recognised pre-university course of study that leads to the acquisition of the IB Diploma, offering entrance into universities and institutions of further education worldwide.

a change in your financial position.

Prinses Irenestraat 59 • 1077 WV Amsterdam • T: 020 - 5771240 • E:

Period of Validity

Amsterdam International Community School

The permit acquired through this procedure is valid for the

If you come to the Netherlands without a sponsor, you can stay here in connection with a number of purposes, such as, for instance, self-employment. You must always report to the IND

duration of the employment or the studies.



Child Care

Can Childcare Contribute to Raising Your Children?


In recent decades things have changed significantly

for families. Due to an overload of childcarerelated information and conflicting research,

parents are becoming more and more insecure about the best way to raise their children, often forgetting to follow their intuition.

Today’s children are used to being entertained and are losing the ability to entertain themselves. While electronic, educational toys - despite their bells and whistles - are interesting for a short period of time, simple (undefined) toys trigger the children to be more creative. They do not tell the child what to do, but allow the children themselves to decide what to do with the toy, stimulating their ability to use their own imagination. Without this type of stimulation, children risk feeling useless and becoming passive. By going back to the basics, parents and children are given

the opportunity to follow their intuition and explore their interests. For example, a walk through the forest or working sideby-side in the garden are simple ways to have a good time. This type of positive experience will give the parents more confidence when interacting with their children. Children are overwhelmed by impulses due to the access to the media and globalized information. It is important to help children process these impressions and information. This can be done by listening to the child and talking to him about what is on his mind, and by keeping in mind that children also process a lot of information while playing or tinkering with materials and toys that allow them to be creative. Unfortunately, there are few male role models in the children’s




environment elementary

school), as there are very few male nursery, kindergarten and school teachers. As a consequence, the boys’ mas-



culine characteristics and needs are insufficiently addressed,

construction skills, and they get to do role playing games,

potentially leading to a degree of frustration and malfunction.

and explore the senses - for instance by playing with light and dark. Furthermore, various recycled and crafts materials such

Are Childcare Centers Changing?

as paper, corks, pine cones, glue, and paint are provided,

Children have to feel at home. Every daycare center will tell

allowing the children to decide themselves what they want to

you this. But why do so many of them have orange of yel-

make. Not the result is important, the learning process and the

low vinyl flooring? Why do they look like a doctor’s office or

experience is what counts.

a hospital? You probably don’t have an orange floor in your

To meet the boys’ need for interaction of a more masculine

house, streamers in your living room all year round, or cartoon

nature, all nannies, male and female, are trained to interact with

figures painted on your windows. For a child to feel at home,

boys and to give them that extra room to develop. Furthermore

the daycare center has to look like one.

CompaNanny aims to hire more male teachers, especially for

CompaNanny is a childcare organization that looks at the

toddler and after-school care groups. CompaNanny believes

world through the eyes of children and focuses on serene

that if boys are allowed to explore the world around them in

and peaceful surroundings. In the spacious rooms - not

a more physical, tangible way, with all their senses, they will

classrooms - you will not find clashing colors, stickers on the

experience greater challenges and feel more recognized in

windows, a cacophony of sounds, or overwhelming toys with

their needs.

strident lights and noises. This may sound very strict, but the world around children offers enough impulses of its own.

You can find CompaNanny in Amsterdam, The Hague, Oegst­

Helping children develop is one of CompaNanny’s main goals.

geest and at Schiphol. In Amsterdam and at Schiphol there

Children are given the opportunity to process their experienc-

are both English-language and Dutch-language childcare

es and let these sink in, without being constantly confronted

groups for infants and toddlers. CompaNanny offers extended

by new impulses.

opening hours (7:30 A.M. - 8 P.M.), a warm meal at lunch time

CompaNanny focuses on personal attention, and the chil-

and pedagogic consultations for both parents and nannies.

dren’s need to develop, not just be entertained. Therefore all the materials the children play with are as natural as possible. In addition to ‘ordinary’ toys, the children get to play

For more information, visit or call 020 - 417 01 17.

with materials and objects that stimulate categorization and




By Masha Bril

Banking Matters Taking your Golden Handshake abroad Even for Dutch citizens, the question “what to do with my Golden Handshake?� is difficult to answer. For expats, the issue is considerably more complex. In this article, I will shed some light on a few of the


factors that could be relevant for you.

Specific Components In exceptional cases, a portion of your Golden Handshake payment can be exempted from taxation. For instance, if part of the compensation is meant to compensate you for damage to your reputation. The component that is taxed can be qualified in one of two ways: as compensation for loss of pension or as compensation for loss of income.

The 30%-Ruling Under certain conditions, being an expat, the so-called 30%-ruling could be available to you. The Dutch High Court

Your Options

has determined that the 30%-ruling does not apply to your

When you receive a Golden Handshake, you have two main

Golden Handshake, if it is subject to taxation.

options. You can opt to receive the money in one net payment, and/or you can opt to postpone the taxation of the payment

Working in Different Countries

by depositing it into a so-called stamrecht. The latter option

If, over the past four years, you have worked for the same

allows you to convert the Golden Handshake payment into

employer in the Netherlands and abroad, and this employer

periodic payments that will start paying out no later than the

is now paying you a Golden Handshake, then each country

year in which you turn 65. This is often a fiscally attractive

may levy taxes on the payments, subject to certain conditions.


Given that most nations apply a progressive tax rate, this can be to your advantage.

Stamrecht is, among others, available through professional insurers, a Stamrecht BV or foundation, or through your bank.

Moving Abroad

All of these options come with their own (fiscal) advantages

If you have chosen to deposit your Golden Handshake into

and disadvantages. The rule of thumb is as follows. If you

your own Stamrecht BV and you move abroad, your BV will

have no specific wishes to invest in stock (which could be the

move with you, unless you take certain precautions to prevent

case if you owned your own business or wished to acquire a

this. In some cases, as a consequence, your corporation may

specific stock) and your periodic payments will be taxed in

no longer be viewed as a legitimate Stamrecht BV. You could

box 1 at a maximum rate of 42%, then arranging stamrecht

then end up paying 72% tax on your Golden Handshake

via your bank is generally the best option. If your periodic

(including costs). You can prevent this by appointing a Dutch

payments are going to be taxed at 52%, a corporation (known

resident to be manager of your Stamrecht BV or by transfer-

as a Stamrecht BV) or foundation can be more attractive for

ring your stamrecht construction to a bank.

tax reasons.


When you move to another country, then you will have to

Those latter options are also likely to be your best choice

look into the taxation of your periodic payments. Here, you

if you specifically wish to invest in, for instance, stocks, a

need to distinguish between nations who have a treaty with

holiday home, or a company. You can also switch from one

your country of residence and/or the country in which you

option to the other. For instance, you can purchase a product

worked when you received the payment, and countries with

from a bank first, and then, when the payments start, switch

which there is no such treaty. In most instances, these treaties

to a life-long periodic payment from an insurer. In some cases,

stipulate that the country of residence may tax periodic pay-

however, you will need permission from the tax authorities to

ments aimed at compensating loss of pension. The taxation

do this.

of periodic payments aimed at compensating loss of earnings


Lars Tomson and Sanne Hoogendorp in Madurodam, The Hague

is often granted to the country in which the work was carried out. You then need to find out whether your country of resi-

Setting up an account

dence and/or the country in which you carried out the work

When you start a new job in the Netherlands, you need to arrange your banking matters as soon as possible. Without a bank account, it is difficult to arrange things such as renting a house, receiving your income, and signing contracts with utility companies. However, getting a bank account is difficult if you do not yet have a social security number known here as a BSN number. With ABN AMRO, you can open an account without a BSN number and you are given up to three months to obtain one while enjoying an active and unrestricted account.

indeed subject the periodic payments to taxation. In those cases in which there is no treaty between the two countries, you could face taxation in both countries. This problem can be alleviated, wholly or in part, if your country of residence has a law aimed at the avoidance of double taxation. The content of your termination agreement also determines which country may tax what part of your payments, and this in turn determines how much you can benefit from any fiscal advantages offered. Contactperson: Lars Tomson, District Director International Clients

ABN AMRO Bank The Hague - 06 1001 6512 ABN AMRO International Clients, The Hague Contactperson: Sanne Hoogendorp - 070 375 2050 ABN AMRO International Clients, Schiphol Airport Contactperson: Michiel Hilders - 020 343 3198

This all can be arranged via the International Clients Departments in The Hague and Amsterdam. Even better: you can send your details prior to the appointment via e-mail or fax, allowing all administration to be dealt with before you even arrive for your first appointment. Also when you leave, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your bank prior to departure. For instance, if you have been given a Golden Handshake (see accompanying article). This will allow you to arrange and settle everything while you are still in the Netherlands, which is always a lot simpler than arranging it from your new location.



The Region

by Deborah Valentine

The Hague’s Expat Outreach, With a Twist In an interview with Astrid Bronswijk, Director of the International Affairs Office of The Hague Municipality, and Willem Post, International Advisor to the Mayor of The Hague, it was clear that the synergistic efforts put into the city’s expat


policy these past years is coming to fruition.

Bridging a City - The Haagse Brug One year ago, Willem Post, who besides his US expertise is also a renowned city historian, posed the question: “How do we bring the city of peace and justice closer to the people?” The obvious answer was to build bridges - for, as we all know, a bridge is a connector that allows the flow to take place in two directions. Not only were more and more expats and internationals arriving in the city, the city itself was developing an international community that was relatively unknown to the city’s native population. The goals of the Haagse Brug are to connect locals and expats; to bring the City of Peace and Justice to the population and create civic pride amongts its residents.

No doubt the role of Frits Huffnagel, former Deputy Mayor


for International Affairs, and the current Mayor, Jozias van

Many Communities Within a City

Aartsen, have been significant to this development, yet there

The Hague, as a city, consists of eight seperate city jurisdic-

are many others who also deserve credit. In this issue of The

tions. Within each there are numerous neighbourhoods that

XPat Journal, we will take a look at two initiatives that highlight

have their own characteristics. While there may be an ‘inter-

the The Hague’s expat policy; the Haagse Brug and the third

national zone’, the people who are drawn there live throughout

commemoration of International Day on September 19. Both

the city, and the people who work there come from throughout

excellent examples of how you can add a twist to reaching

the city as well. Attempting to build a single bridge in one

out to expats.

fell swoop would likely not be effective, so Willem, with his

Bronswijk and Post work in tandem, bringing their own

team at the Xpat Desk and the Hospitality Centre, devised a

experiences of living and working overseas to the table. Wil-

scheme whereby several bridges would be built carefully and

lem - a local expert on US politics, history and culture - and

slowly, jurisdiction by jurisdiction. Furthermore, they engaged

Astrid - a former desk officer with the EVD (of the Ministry of

the participation of volunteer organisations such as ACCESS,

Economic Affairs) for Asia and Africa - realised that many cit-

as well as foundations within the jurisdictions, to be co-hosts

ies around the world had programmes and policies specifically

and active contributors to the programmes developed for

targeted towards welcoming foreign nationals. This hospitality

each jurisdiction. This way, the Haagse Brug is not merely a

and desire to include newcomers in the local scene meant

municipal project, but rather one which has received munici-

not only that expats felt at home, but also that they became

pal stimulus but whose engine remains the contribution of civil

future ambassadors for the city themselves. The key to this

employees, volunteers and the residents themselves - expat

was clear: creating a dynamic situation in which expats as

and local.

well as locals are engaged in the city’s international character.

At the start of each bridge programme, the Mayor - himself

It was Diane Lemieux, a former contributor to The XPat

a person with significant personal international experience -

Journal, who coined the term Expat Hagenaar, and it is clear

has been present to open the activities. As former Minister

from the efforts being made that such a citizen is definitely

of Foreign Affairs, Jozias van Aartsen, like Astrid and Willem,

in the making. Willem and Astrid concluded “...that it was a

knows about overseas hospitality and its role in welcoming

privilege to work in the City of Peace and Justice and have the

newcomers - and is committed to ensuring that The Hague

dedicated support of Mayor van Aartsen and Deputy Mayor

joins the list of international cities with a vibrant policy for

for International Affairs, Marjolein de Jong, as well as many

its international residents. The first jurisdiction in which the

earlier politicans.”

Haagse Brug was launched was the Haagse Hout, perhaps


Willem Post, Marjolein de Jong and Astrid Bronswijk

more readily known for its neighbourhoods Benoordenhout,

neighbourhoods it has thus far reached. What better way,

Bezuidenhout and Mariahoeve. It was one short year ago that

says Willem Post, “... to demonstrate our profile as the City of

the potential and impact of the initiative was experienced.

Peace and Justice”.

Since then, Hague Bridge activities have taken place in Loosduinen (home to the International School); Laak (home

Encounters with Neighbours and the Neighbourhood

to the International Court and Eurojust); and Scheveningen

Within each of the programmes which comprise the Haagse

(which include among others the Peace Palace). Completing

Brug, a walk has been set out that not only provides partici-

the series towards the end of the year and into 2011, will be

pants with a chance to learn more about the neighbourhood in

Escamp; Segbroek, Centrum (Embassies and international

question, but as Willem points out “...provides the opportunity

businesses) and Leidschenveen-Ypenburg (home to the Spe-

of personal interaction among those making the walk. What

cial Court for Sierra Leone).

better way to encourage interaction?” As a consequence of

Eight jurisdictions in two years, with signs that local initia-

the interactions that have been stimulated, small initiatives

tives will contribute towards repeating the cycle. From walks,

are taking place at the community level, long after the Haagse

to offering students and residents the chance to visit interna-

Brug has moved on. The booklets which map out the walks,

tional organisations, or inviting international organsitions talk

provide historical information and give neighbours a tool

at the schools, the Haagse Brug has been received positively

to discover the area together, are available on the projects’

in the local media as well as the local communities of the

website and thus can be used time and again, by one and all.



The Region

The Hague International Day

Fair at 11 A.M., followed by a presentation of the ‘Peace Mes-

For the third year in a row, the City of The Hague will com-

sage’ by Kon - a former Sudanese child soldier who is presently

memorate the International Day of Peace (or Peace Day). This

living and studying in The Hague. He follows in the tradition of

day, set at September 21 in 1981, was created by the UN in

the likes of Rosalyn Higgins, former President of the Interna-

order to provide “an opportunity for individuals, organisations

tional Court of Justice. The Peace Message will also mark the

and nations to initiate practical acts of peace on a shared date”.

official end of The Hague War Child City during which numerous

Regrettably, this year, it coincides with another important date

fundraising and awareness raising activities took place over the

on the Dutch Calendar; Prinsjesdag. Prinsjesdag, always on

past year. Kon will receive a cheque on behalf of War Child of

the third Tuesday in September, is historically the day on which

the funds which have been raised during this time. For more

the Queen delivers the Budget Speech, and so simultaneously

information about War Child and what it stands for and does,

planning an event such as Peace Day was simply not an option.


Yet, The Hague being the City of Peace and Justice, ignoring the date was also not an option.

Several other activities will be taking place surrounding International Day - not the least of which will be the opportu-

Astrid Bronswijk points out that “ was Marjolein de Jong,

nity to talk with Bernhard Schlink, author of The Reader. Mr

the current Vice Mayor for International Affairs, who, as a Coun-

Schlink has been invited to The Hague as the second Peace

cil member, first proposed opening up international institutions

Philosopher to discuss and explore the theme of literature and

so that the public could take a look behind the doors of peace

human rights. In his acclaimed novel, which was turned into a

and justice.” She went on to explain how Marjolein, in her new

film starring Kate Winslet, Bernhard Schlink, who is a German

role, continues to be an advocate of the idea. Again - as with

law professor and judge, explored the difficulties of Germany’s

The Haagse Brug - engagement of the local population, intro-

post-war generation in dealing with and comprehending their

ducing communities to one another, and working together, has

collective past. On the evening of The Hague International Day,

underlined efforts to establish a tradition of commemorating the

the Filmhuis will show the film and offer attendees the chance

International Day of Peace.

to engage with Mr Schlink himself.

So this year, taking advantage of another fixture in the local international agenda - the Feel at Home in The Hague - Interna-

Expat Outreach - The Hagenaar Way

tional Community Fair - several international institutions will be

Anyone who was in The Hague, say, 10 years ago, as an expat,

opening their doors to the public, while the Atrium of City Hall

and is returning today, would not recognise the welcome carpet

will not only host the Feel at Home in the Hague Fair, but also

the City has rolled out for expats, nor its full Peace and Justice

many of the activities planned for Peace Day.

stature. In those days, it was up to individuals to more or less find their home in, and way around, the city, and they may have

A Varied, Inclusive Programme

left without really knowing the city - let alone deciding to be

This year’s The Hague International Day programme, on Sep-

ambassadors for it. Today, it is the hope of Willem and Astrid

tember 19, has’ - ipv ‘programme has’ several elements. From

that not only those living here feel well and truly at home, but

11 A.M. - 5 P.M., the Peace Palace, International Court of

that they leave taking with them a certain amount of personal

Justice (ICJ), Hague Conference on Private International Law

pride in the City. Certainly the contacts with locals that have

(HCCH), the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weap-

been facilitated by such initiatives as the Haagse Brug, Interna-

ons (OPCW), the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former

tional Day and support for the Feel at Home in The Hague Fair

Yugoslavia (ICTY), the European Patent Office (EPO), and the

will have gone a long way towards providing enough local foot-

International Criminal Court (ICC) will open their doors to the

ing to feel this way. Welcomed, involved, informed and proud,

public. Visitors wishing to take a look inside these organisations

the Expat Hagenaar is proving to be further defined by this twist

need to register ahead of time via the website mentioned below.

in The Hague’s expat outreach approach.

The international governmental as well as non-governmental organisations that will not be opening their doors on this day will be present at the Fair mentioned above to provide information on their activities. For primary school students a short presentation is planned, as is the Europa Café for high school students and a Moot Court for University students. For these, and many of the other activities, the networks established via the Haagse Brug have been engaged to spread the word and encourage participation. The Mayor will officially open the International Day Information



For more information about the Haagse Brug and forthcoming activities, such as its launch in Escamp in November, visit www. For more information about the International Day on Sunday, September 19, visit for information in Dutch, and for an English summary. Do not forget to register for visits to international organisations - this is a requirement for entrance to the facilities open that day. For more information about Feel at Home in The Hague, also at City Hall on September 19, visit

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International Employees & Employment

Together Abroad Takes It a Step Further Web portals, entry points to information - there are so many these days, how to choose, which way to go? Such questions are not dissimilar to those posed by


individuals looking for employment.

Personal Experience The personal experiences of Linda Groener and Irina Eschbach are intrinsically woven into the concept of Together Abroad. Linda, who is Dutch, was confronted with the challenges of repatriation after years of working and acquiring valuable experience abroad when she returned to the Netherlands and could not find an outlet for her acquired skills and interests. Irina, Russian by birth, arrived in the Netherlands as an international without access to the support services pro-

Where to look for a job? Which job? How to prepare a CV

vided to expats. She too had a wealth of skills and a degree

for the Dutch market? Which rules apply? How to recruit a

but could not find the right path towards putting these to good

suitable candidate for my international enterprise?

use. The advice she received was not reassuring: “... invest-

Together Abroad is a business, a portal which is geared

ing in a two-year citizenship and intensive language course

towards helping individuals “... identify the correct path

was not where I expected to have to start with the skills and

for themselves,” according to Irina Eschbach - be that a

interests I had.”

candidate or a particular enterprise. As a starting point the

Eventually the two did find their way into the ‘international’

most obvious are job listings - beyond that, Together Abroad

market of The Hague and ended up working together. There

offers a variety of services, opportunities and answers tai-

was a click, a common ground of interest and over time the

lored to the specific needs of international employees as

determination to do something about the hurdles they them-

well as employers. Not all of which are quite so obvious.

selves had confronted. Furthermore, as Linda pointed out, “...

Together Abroad is a vertically organised portal, which

I saw that increasing attention was being paid to recruiting

means that in their very specific niche market - international

international SMEs to the Netherlands and I started to antici-

career development and employment - they provide infor-

pate what the needs would become”; future foreign employers

mation and services from A to Z. It is a three-dimensional

seeking support, guidance and knowledge in the process of

approach to recruitment in which they have thought of and

finding and recruiting staff locally.

considered not only the core of their business - employment

Today, less than a year since they launched Together

- but also everything that facilitates it. Supply and demand

Abroad in November of 2009, Irina and Linda continue to

are comprehensively brought together in this unique portal.

incorporate what they learned when dealing with the issues

Already clients such as ABN AMRO, Teleena, Markant

they personally confronted when they got here into the pack-

International, Worldwide Broker, Crown Relocations, Mechel

age of services they offer their clients today.

Services Global, Adams Multilingual Recruitment and Blue


Lynx are taking advantage of Together Abroad’s services.

The Obvious

Due to their web presence new clients are finding them

Together Abroad is not a recruitment agency - rather it

daily, and, according to Linda “...within two or three years,

facilitates the work of employment agencies as well as

it will be difficult to avoid us when it comes to multilingual

direct employers. Among the ‘obvious’ that Together Abroad


provides is a platform where agencies and employers can

Like the synergy created by providing services to indi-

personally upload information about jobs they have. Once

viduals as well as businesses, so has the synergy of

uploaded these are viewable, free of charge, by candidates

Together Abroad’s founders resulted in a dynamic business

looking for employment. Individuals can also upload their own

that continues to embark on new initiatives in the interests

CVs into Together Abroad’s growing database, which in turn

of international employees and employers. In the case of

can be viewed by (or hidden from) the corporate clients with

its founders, it is the synergy of a human resources profes-

which Together Abroad works. The next steps, pursuing a job

sional with that of a natural sales talent, each with interna-

or a candidate, is left to the individuals involved. If a match is

tional backgrounds.

made, Together Abroad takes no fee or credit - just the satis-


by Deborah Valentine

faction of knowing that their job is done. In their first year of operation they have already built up a

Irina and Linda

database of more than 2,000 CVs and can proudly claim that they have had more than 11,000 visitors on their site in the last month. Their continued speaking engagements, networking and presence at international fairs will ensure that these numbers continue to grow exponentially, as will the growing list of businesses seeking their advice and services.

The Not So Obvious Here is where Linda and Irina take their concept a step further. Listing employment opportunities is just scratching the surface when it comes to creating an international career portal. The additional services Together Abroad provides its individual clients include answers and guidance to the following questions; what if my job search and applications are not showing results; how does my CV and approach to interviews, cover letters, etc. need to be culturally attuned to Holland; I

local resources pool, we can provide the support that is often

have been made redundant, what is my position in the Dutch

found ‘in-house’ by larger corporations. We know the ins and

context; do I need extra training, education for what I want to

outs, what to be aware of, what not to forget, and where to

do; where can I find internship programmes; and, my lump

find the answers to specific questions.”

sum payment is running out, do I qualify for any assistance or reintegration programmes?

The Point Is

Together Abroad, unlike other agencies, has thought to

Together Abroad has been created to catch those who fall

ask the questions which may affect its clients not only when

through the net: the individual who has come to live in the

they are actually looking for a job, but when it all turns sour as

Netherlands and would like to work; the small enterprise

well. What happens then? Yes, these individuals return to the

which has spread its wings and may need one or only a few

job search market - but are they aware that they may be able

international employees, but are not sure about which rules

to take advantage of other opportunities? This is but one of

and regulations apply; the international employee who has

the ‘not so obvious’ elements of Together Abroad’s services

just lost their job but does not have access to an HR depart-

package. They think of their clients from start to finish. Some

ment that knows the applicable rules and regulations; the

answers to the questions are provided in the portal, on their

recently graduated student who would like to stay and work

website, others can be found by attending one of the ses-

for a while, and many more examples. The point is also that

sions, coaching or training, provided by them.

their services, information and expertise are as relevant to

Providing answers is one thing, being able to provide solutions, is the next. Together Abroad is a nationwide partner with

you when you are starting, have to re-start or are interested in redirecting your career.

the UWV (the Uitvoeringsinstituut werknemersverzekering -

For those who have fewer questions, but are still looking

office for reintegration (into the labour market) and temporary

for a job or an employee, Together Abroad also has a valu-

income) for the reintegration of unemployed ‘multilinguals’

able asset - their network of agencies and companies that are

who receive an unemployment benefit (IRO), and they are cur-

already participating in this portal and that provide many

rently in negotiation with several municipalities to be similar

opportunities to the international, multilingual individuals living

partners regarding the personal reintegration budget (PRB) for

in the Netherlands.

individuals who need and qualify for social assistance (administered in the Netherlands at the municipal level). For companies they can provide a full HRM package and guide newcomers in their recruitment of internationals through

Irina concludes by saying, “...we are here, all of us together, as internationals, living abroad, or having lived abroad or hiring someone from abroad - why not pool resources and be there for one another, Together Abroad.”

all stages, from recruitment, to employment to personal leave. As Linda pointed out, “...particularly for smaller Dutch companies who need to recruit foreign expertise or for smaller companies expanding into the European market from the Netherlands that require an ‘international’ employee from the

For more information about Together Abroad and their individual as well as corporate services visit or call Linda Groener at 06 - 229 667 37. You can also visit their stand at the Feel at Home in The Hague Fair on September 19, at City Hall.



The Region

photography by Karen Steenwinkel

The Expatcenter

An Official Welcome to Amsterdam Amsterdam’s appeal lies in its rich cultural heritage, creative culture, commercial dynamism and high quality of life. Ultimately, however, the city’s greatest asset is its people; a growing percentage of which are


ACCESSing Amsterdam This year also saw the launch of a partnership with ACCESS, the not-for-profit organisation that assists expats with settling into life in the Netherlands. ACCESS’s volunteer staff are now present at the Expatcenter every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning to answer questions and provide information on important issues; an excellent complement to the Expatcenter’s existing services.


Digital Pursuits The Expatcenter, along with its partners from the I amsterdam

The Expatcenter opened in June 2008 and was one of the

portal site,, continue to expand their

first of its kind in the Netherlands to cut the red tape for inter-

digital services to Amsterdam’s international community. Its

nationals and to assist in the process of settling in. After a

website offers a wealth of news, features and useful informa-

busy two years, the center still has its sights set on expanding

tion for expats. Furthermore, with pages on the popular social

services and building bridges for Amsterdam’s international

media networks Facebook and Twitter, as well as a newly


developed mobile city guide, I amsterdam and the Expatcenter are no more than a few clicks away!

Recipe for Success The Expatcenter’s appeal is clear. Employers can use its

Open Arms

services to initiate the application procedure for a resi-

This June, the Expatcenter along with Amsterdam Partners

dence permit before the new employee has even arrived

once again hosted the annual Expat Welcome Event. The

in the Netherlands. Once here, that leaves the expat just a

event welcomed incoming expatriates working in the Amster-

single trip to the Expatcenter to pick up a

dam area. As acting Mayor Lodewijk Asscher noted, Amster-

residence card and finalise the registration

dam is home to 177 different nationalities, yielding an esti-


mated 90,000 members of the international expat community.

As of this year, companies based in Alm-

Both a meet-and-greet session and networking opportunity,

ere and Haarlemmermeer can also make use

the Expat Welcome Event was pleased to welcome over 200

of the Expatcenter’s services for their highly

expats and their partners.

skilled migrants. These cities have joined the existing member municipalities of Amsterdam

Future Endeavours

and Amstelveen. The new cooperation marks

The Expatcenter has many plans to further extend its services,

an important step in the Expatcenter’s role as

including expanding and enhancing content on the current

a regional office, serving the needs of inter-

website and informational brochures and booklets. With firm

national companies in the greater Amsterdam

partnerships in place and a strong external network, the


Expatcenter has the tools in place to make an expat’s first few

The Expatcenter’s numbers speak for themselves: over 800 international companies

months go a little smoother. For, as they say, the most difficult step of any journey is the first. Welcome to Amsterdam!

and their expat employees now make use of the center’s procedures for hiring highly

Expatcenter Amsterdam - World Trade Center Amsterdam: F-Tower

skilled migrants. Over 400 new expats visit

Strawinskylaan 39 (second floor) - 1077 XW Amsterdam 020 - 254 79 99 -

the Expatcenter each month to process their paper work; clear signs of a healthy influx.



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Luxury Rental

in Prime Locations in the Randstad Are you looking for accommodation that meets all your needs in terms of luxury and convenience?

Bouwinvest rents out apartments and family homes in absolute prime locations in Amsterdam,


Rotterdam and The Hague. For those who prefer a more rural location, Leidschendam

everything. These homes also come with top service facilities

and Leidschenveen are excellent options: right in the middle

- so the choice is yours.

of The Green Heart and centrally located between the major cities. All residential sites are close to city facilities and are

Facilities and Services

easily accessible by car or public transport. No matter which

All homes are centrally located. Facilities such as shops,

location you choose, connections to Schiphol Airport, interna-

cafés, restaurants and international schools are within walking

tional railway stations and main traffic arteries are all close by.

distance. In the residential buildings in Amsterdam and The Hague, service teams offer support on a wide range of useful

Prime Locations, Top Level and Top Service

matters. “Think of a dry cleaning services, home check-up in

The homes can be rented through well-known local rental

case of absence, or the reception of parcels on your behalf

agents. “These houses are not only in prime locations, they

should you be away. All services are designed to make life

are at the top end of the Dutch market,” says Linda Vervloed

easy for you and to save you precious time,” explains Anke

of Van ‘t Hof Rijnland Real Estate Management. “You can hire

Koppen of rental agent Jacobus Recourt Real Estate Manage-

quickly and easily. Quickly, because some of the homes are

ment. “The estates of Het Kwartier in South Amsterdam, right

immediately available. Easily, because they come complete

next to the beautifully renovated 1928 Olympic Stadium, have,

with luxury fully-fitted kitchens and beautiful bathrooms, as

for the exclusive use of the residents, an indoor pool, sauna

well as with good security and parking facilities.” If you don’t

and gym. Guests can stay in comfortable hotel rooms with a

want to waste time decorating and furnishing, then, in some of

private bathroom, minibar and TV. High-class meeting rooms

the complexes, the rental agencies can take care ofjust about

are available for business presentations and the service team offers catering for lunch and drinks.”


“In the world port city of Rotterdam we rent out spacious, bright apartments in De Witte Keizer with spectacular views of the Leuvehaven, the Maas and the city centre. It is centrally located, with all conceivable facilities within easy reach. A fully automated parking garage and an Asian restaurant with a waterside terrace are useful extras,” says Mark Antonisse of Verwey Real Estate Management. “The Weena-Center is part of the high-rise block around the Central Station, which determines the look of the Rotterdam skyline. And bustling downtown is within walking distance.” In The Hague, you can choose between two exceptional residential locations in the Beatrixkwartier: Prinsenhof and CentreCourt. This high-rise building with beautiful landscaped gardens is located right behind the Utrechtsebaan. The Rand-



stadRail stops right in front of your door and the mainline train station is within walking distance. Linda Vervloed says: “In

de Witte Keizer

Prinsenhof you can combine relaxed living with urban dynamics, and the city centre is nearby. Also here, a service team is on call for you. In addition, there are childcare facilities, a fitness centre, several restaurants and a four-star hotel. Residents of the practically adjacent CentreCourt can also make use of these.�

Living in Green Surroundings Would you prefer a spacious family home? Then Park Veursehout in Leidschendam might be something for you. You can find these elegant, majestic mansions with gardens in green, child-friendly Leidschendam, which is virtually next to The Hague. The architecture is based on the acclaimed classical Hague style of the 1930s. Leidschenveen is slightly more rural. In one of five luxury Landouwen apartment buildings, you can rent a spacious apartment with a large terrace or balcony. The

More information:

buildings are surrounded by sloping park-like gardens. Within

Amsterdam Rotterdam Den Haag Leidschendam Leidschenveen

a couple of minutes, you can access the motorway, or take a walk or ride your bicycle through the famous Dutch landscape of farmland and mills.,

Welcome to the Netherlands!




New Orleans

Elegant City Living on Rotterdam’s Waterfront After a six-minute metro ride from Rotterdam’s Central Station, I have arrived at Wilhelminapier in Kop van Zuid. My next stop is New Orleans, and I don a hard hat (a solution for today’s rainy bad hair day) to have a first-hand opportunity to view the rise


of this new building. At 158.36 meters, it has the distinction of being the tallest

goods, as well as the deluxe cruise ships, putting into this

residential tower in the Netherlands. It is a real eye-catcher

exciting port of call. My host, Brent van der Putten, Corporate

with its golden natural stone façade and multiple balconies,

Relations Manager for Vesteda, the developer of New Orle-

designed by award-winning Portuguese architect, Álvaro Siza.

ans, smiles, and comments “That’s the first thing everyone

Inside the building, which is still under construction, there is a

does, go to the window for the view.” And a room with a view

swarm of activity by an army of strong men hustling about to

indeed! Inside the apartment, I am impressed by the state-

have the building completed for its November 2010 delivery.

of-the art kitchen, well-thought out living and dining areas

Movement, machines, multiple languages, protective carton

and large bathroom featuring a separate shower, bathtub and

on the floor, bubble-wrap plastic protecting the walls, open

double sinks, accented with natural stone on the walls. Each

ceilings - everywhere activity is underway. We take the eleva-

apartment also has a second, separate toilet in the entrance

tor to the 12th floor, where four model apartments await us.

hallway. The ceilings are 2.95 meters high, so the apartments

And here it is very still.

have a spacious allure.

As the first door opens, I am immediately drawn to the


window and a most spectacular sight. Awesome, breathtak-

Room with a View

ing, all superlatives apply to the view over the Maas and Rot-

And there’s more than one view. Each apartment has its own

terdam’s harbor with is landmark Erasmus bridge, its mix of

loggia, a built-in balcony with roof, accessible from three

old and new buildings, numerous container ships filled with

sides through glass doors from the living, office, and bedroom


By Connie Moser

spaces. I can imagine lounging here with friends, sipping wine

it is a lovely area for lounging in the sun, or

and enjoying yet another spectacular view from this side.

just walking about. This vantage point by the

The 45-story building offers 50 short-stay serviced apart-

poolside creates a feeling of being on vaca-

ments, 138 apartments for rent, and also 47 apartments for

tion at a posh hotel, and is very nice indeed.

sale, should home investment appeal to you. Rentals range

And of course there is a health club, fitness,

from €1,077 to €1,889 per month exclusive of service costs.

saunas and another stunning city view from

At the top of the building, the crown, one penthouse is still

behind a glass walled façade.

available. The fully-furnished serviced apartments can be

In essence, you need not go far for a good

rented for one month, or two, to six, or longer, whatever you

time. Under the rooftop terrace is Lantaren-

may need. This is ideal for corporate rentals, as everything is

Venster, an entertainment facility with five

included; utilities, cleaning, towels and linens, Internet and TV

cinemas, a jazz club and a concert hall, as well as a top-notch

as well as an integrated security system. There is plenty of

restaurant with a water-side terrace. Sounds wonderful...

storage space within, and a pantry/washer/dryer room. There

Moreover, from an energy standpoint, the entire building

are also extra storage facilities available in the building, as

contains floor heating and floor cooling for optimum comfort,

well as a huge parking garage underneath (paid parking) and

(and no radiators to dust). It makes use of sustainable energy

a bicycle parking area. “For New Orleans’ new residents our

by utilizing city heating, using warm water from industrial

on-call staff provides a high-level of service, with someone

processes for heating, and for cooling, the cold water of the

always on hand to assist and answer your questions,” Van der

Maas River. This combination results in a 40% reduction in

Putten pointed out.

CO2 and less wasted energy.

Amenities After viewing all four apartments, from simple to deluxe, it is obvious that a great deal of attention has been paid to the quality of the materials and finishing details. The largest apartment has walls of built-in closet space, as well as a walk-in closet in the master bedroom, definite plus points. “Our serviced apartments are aimed at the B2B sector, and they have generated a lot of interest, in particular from a number of multinationals who need quality accommodation for their international employees,” explained Brent van der Putten, “We also have a number of ‘guest rooms’ available;

Over the past 20 years, Rotterdam’s Kop van Zuid has

small studio apartments for when you have visitors. They can

undergone a fantastic urban transformation. The conglomera-

enjoy having their own space, and privacy, on the 4th floor.

tion of high-rise structures has gained the nickname ‘Man-

The fully-serviced apartments start at €1,900 excluding 6%

hattan on the Maas’ but that doesn’t do this unique location


justice. It is a stunning skyline in its own right, with its mix of

But that’s not all. As we continue the grand tour, New Orle-

skyscrapers, former warehouses and the famous Hotel New

ans also features a large indoor swimming pool, overlooking

York, which in its heyday was the port of call for international

a 1,000m rooftop terrace, which has been attractively tiled

travelers on the Holland America Line. The hotel now appears

and landscaped, with a grass field and plants. We joke about

as a miniature, dwarfed by its modern neighbors. Plans are in

someone having to come up to mow the roof, but seriously,

place for a double tree-lined boulevard along the waterfront,


additional restaurants, cafés, terraces and shops. As for location, it’s 10 minutes from the Ring roads (A16, A20 and A15) and 20 minutes from the Rotterdam airport, or 30 minutes by HSL train to Schiphol airport. And if you desire living in pure elegance, New Orleans is a very appealing address.

For additional information, and an appointment to view the apartments, contact Brent van der Putten, Vesteda Corporate Housing, Tel: 020 - 524 69 16. At the Wilhelminapier Information Center located on Otto Reuchlinweg 1002 in Rotterdam, have a look at all the exciting developments planned. Internet:




Mark This Weekend

You’re Going Out Cycling We aren’t quite up to snuff on our way out of town. Taking our own rides, a rickety Oma (grandma) bike and a rusty iron horse, we have planned a twoday bike trip to Marken. I attach a basket to the steering wheel, full of food, drinks and maps, and strap my smallish weekend bag on the back. I’m thinking that this will be the first trip since backpacking that I only bring what I actually need (and did I bring enough?), but I’m distracted by Tijmen who is wrestling with his oversized bag and too-tight bungee strap. 38


Photos and article by Suzanne Schreve & Tijmen Wisman

Tijmen: The Fairy Tail Winds Northeast Behind Central Station lies the ferry that will take us to the other side. Packed between other bikers we chug along on the boat, until a big roar and fumigating waft from the scooter in front of us indicate that we’ve arrived. Just before we leave, I feel as though the lenses through which I view life are clouded with exhaust fumes most of the time. But when I step out of the smoke, heading to Waterland alongside the river, I find myself easing into a more relaxed pace. All along the side of the road signs indicate the main villages on the way to Marken. Our first stop-off is Broek in Waterland and although we’ve only been riding on the other side for twenty minutes, a cute little corner café in this ridiculously cute village beckons for a coffee break. Back in the early 18th century, Broek in Waterland was a popular residence for merchants and seafarers from Amsterdam and its rich history are still in evidence today, not only thanks to the many Jaguars and vintage Porsches parked in the driveways. Each house is unique, constructed from either wood or stone, and painted in soft colours. The widening of the river in the middle of town gives it the appearance of a little pond, softening the whole view into one of a rustic, quiet village you might find on the Shire. As we leave this charming town behind, I remember how a wise woman once told me that turning your life into a fairytale is merely a choice, depending on the way you perceive your surroundings. Although I like to view myself as a down-to-earth type of person, her words become hard to ignore as my iron horse starts to stagger only fifteen minutes down the brick road. We’ve just been pulled onto a winding lane that suddenly stretches out like a red carpet. It stretches all the way into the horizon, with fields of green embracing the sides and water streams guiding our path. All the oppressiveness I felt in the city clears in this spaciousness, all noise floats away in the silent calm. Clouds dot the sky like tufts of whipped cream, creating a magnificent display of light and shade. In the glare of the sun peeking through, I watch Su take pictures of a couple of cows grazing nearby. Playful adolescents who run with It involves a lot of paroxysmal limb movements, heavy gusts

her as she runs along the path, trying to stir them up as they

of breath and a stand-off stare each time the bungee snaps

poke their noses in the wind trying to catch a whiff of some-

off. Ten minutes later we’re on our way, somewhat exhausted

thing new. And that’s what I do, standing here and watching

but definitely not defeated. I’m sure Steve Irwin would have

blades of grass dance amongst the daisies, I’m experiencing

been proud of us.

something new. I’m drawn to the field behind me, where a

You could say our start is not very promising. Probably flat

donkey and a white mare rub their necks against each other.

tires, bum aches, getting lost, riding in wind and rain, mis-

A black stallion joins the gang, while Su comes up next to

placed reservations and a lost wallet. Ah well, it could have

me and we both lay down our bikes to edge closer to this

happened, but this weekend turns out to be a living fairytale

display of amorous behaviour. We cross a small wooden

only fifteen minutes from Amsterdam city centre. Because

bridge and shuffle through the grass. The mare and donkey

there once was a little country called the Netherlands with a

continue their game, but the stallion saunters up to us. “Fee

small town called Marken, where a boy and a girl went out

and toll please,” he says. “Toll?” I reply. “This land is free for

riding. And this is their story.

everyone.” The stallion tells me that we are actually on his




boss’s field and that if I do not share my freshly bought Elstar

The next stop-off is Monnickendam and we get there

apples with him, he will tell on us. “Now how about them

three hours later, which if we had taken the non-fairytale

apples?” Still a bit confused I hand them one Elstar a piece,

route, would have taken us only forty minutes. This town is

failing dismally at concealing the other three in my pocket.

slightly larger and actually has side streets. Just like Broek

Five minutes later I am empty-handed. Next, we spread out

in Waterland, Monnickendam is part of Waterland. Water-

our picnic blanket and enjoy fresh bread with honey while the

land was once all swamp along the shores of Zuiderzee, but

animals keep us company and tell jokes about the donkey

around the year 1000 they started efforts to recapture the

and the farmer. Now you might think that a talking stallion

land. In the seventeenth century, this area flourished due

is a bit of a miracle, but in the first thirty minutes that we

to the presence of the harbour of Monnickendam. Now the

are there, we’re completely unaware of the miracle hap-

harbour is only used for pleasure boats, yet it still remains

pening behind us. In the field across from us, another white

one of the largest in the Netherlands. The town has many

horse has been fretting. We first thought she wanted to join

monuments, from the town hall and the Waegh, which stem

her friends, but as we watch her a little longer, we see that

from the seventeenth century, to the St. Nicolaas church,

behind her a cow has just given birth. The cow starts clean-

which was built in the fifteenth century. Although we would

ing her calf just as he is taking his first breath of air. I watch

love to spend more time discovering its history, we make a

as the little calf, not more ten minutes on planet Earth, makes

quick ride through as it is already late and we still need to

an effort to stand up. It will take him another half hour and I

get to Marken. The final kilometres take us along a dike with

am amazed that just half an hour outside Amsterdam, life is

Waterland on our right and Gouwzee on our left. We pass

lived so naturally, beautifully and in the slow lane.

lovely sailing boats that colour the water, but while we pedal, I mainly concentrate on staying behind Tijmen to find some

Suzanne: My Bum Aches But I Don’t Mind

shelter from the north easterly gale that has suddenly sprung

Riding a bike for more than going to work is not really my

up. Tijmen’s bike is old, but it has gears and thinner, faster

forte, but I am going to change that. After we leave donkey,

tyres, and Tijmen has stronger, faster legs pushing the ped-

mare, cow, calf and stallion behind, the scenery just contin-

als around. People passing us in the opposite direction wear

ues to dazzle me. It’s not like this is any different from other

smiles as cutting as the wind and just as I’m ready to start

big stretches of flat countryside. Old farmhouses stand like

walking (and sulking), a little yellow cabin appears before us.

sculptures in fields separated by canals, where cows, sheep

There’s a constant flux of people coming and going, because

and goats graze. This is a typical Dutch panorama, so what

GeeJee’s is a box full of golden fries and special sauce - a

makes this so special? I don’t think I’ll ever figure it out as I

greasy beacon for battered bike riders. Their hand-cut potato

watch a cat jump like a rabbit through the high grass and a

fries are famous throughout Waterland and the secret sauce

mouse leap through the air, its tail straight and all four paws

is pure magic. I don’t think an arrival has ever tasted this

stretched out, and land safely on a raft in the middle of a

sweet and it will make the last leg down to Marken a piece

water stream.

of cake.

Marken Made Marken is just a piece of polder land, as big and flat as a pancake, that became disconnected from the mainland and thus became an island by the end of the twelfth century. Monks first introduced agriculture, which remained the main form of livelihood until the soil turned brackish, rendering the land more or less useless. As a result, more islanders turned to fishing and although this industry was thriving already in the sixteenth century, it wouldn’t be until 300 years later that they would construct a harbour. That was around 1870, just when plans to create the IJsselmeer were taking shape - plans that would eventually finish off the fishing activities in Marken altogether. Today, Marken is connected to the mainland once again, but it also has a strange two-kilometre long blind dike that stops just short of Volendam. This pointless appendix is a left-over of reclamation plans interrupted by war, postponed



Lighthouse 'Paard van Marken'

by officials, opposed by locals and eventually discarded by its

A Night on the Town

makers. But if you want to go for a nice long walk...

In between the authentic green wooden houses lies a grand

And this is not the only quirky feature that makes folklor-

stone building, a hotel-cum-restaurant with a nice balance

istic Marken special and somewhat timeless. After our sweet

of comfort and luxury. The owners are no strangers to the

fix, Tijmen and I explore our new surroundings. An old car in a

hospitality business, which is reflected in not only the décor

field set against rows of coloured houses induce a real vintage

and bedrooms, but also in the food. The menu is small, freshly

feel. We ride past clumps of brightly green and blue painted

prepared, uncomplicated, but big enough for any palate. They

wooden houses stacked together like a gingerbread village.

use as many local ingredients as possible, so we are treated to

One of the inhabitants informs us that just like on the other

duck and fish. The rooms themselves have a lovely nostalgic

Dutch islands, the people of Marken had to arm themselves

feel; big wooden beds and slanted roofs keep it intimate and

against the water. However, instead of just building dikes,

from the window we watch sparrows fly low over the typical

they put their homes on mounds, also called ‘werven’. Over

Marken rooftops.

time, some got swallowed by the sea, but of the 15 original

Hof van Marken is not just the only hotel in town, all the

‘werven’ 12 are still in use today and we are looking at one of

locals seem to come here too - to play a game of billiards, but

these right now.

mostly to talk with the visitors. Our hosts tells us about one

We pass through the gate onto an uneven, grass-grown

of the local ladies who usually sits at the end of the bar. She

dike on our way to the lighthouse. The lighthouse is commonly

has red hair, is maybe in her fifties and within minutes she’ll

known as the ‘Horse of Marken’ because of its characteristic

know all your stats and if you’re lucky, she’ll take you to see

shape and stands on its own tiny island at the end of a nar-

her characteristic wooden house. In this way, she has enter-

row causeway almost completely surrounded by water. Here,

tained and informed bunches of happy tourists. Unfortunately

we dip our feet in the shell sand and listen to the sloshing of

she’s not there when we take our seats at the bar, but such is

waves and the wind singing in our ears. This peaceful corner

Marken hospitality that we immediately meet two other lovely

could only be disturbed by a bet to see who can get into the

ladies who take it upon themselves to show us Jantje’s, their

ice water first and furthest. Two speed changes, the dodging

local pub. We join a row of beer-drinking men at the bar and

of slippery rocks and one freezing winner later, we quickly

sit down next to Marken man Marcel. Several stories and four

head back into the centre of town for dinner, drinks and duvet

drinking games later, the empty shot glasses, beer pints and

at the only hotel in town, Hof van Marken.

one Apple Schnapps bottle on the counter paint a picture of



parking the boat illegally. Watching Marken from the other side though is when I probably understand the slightly contradictory island freedom feeling the best. The vastness of the IJsselmeer makes you forget that this is not really a sea anymore, that there are no remote coasts beyond that horizon but just a prosaic dike. Looking out over the sea you can feel the presence of the mainland at your back, the mainland that you belong to but are not a part of. With or without such philosophic thoughts, the herring tastes pretty bloody the night’s events in alcoholic order. We listen to 80’s music

good. We ease back over the water, belly stuffed with salt,

and slur answers to random questions. Showered with atten-

grease, left-over alcohol and breakfast. It’s a good time to get

tion and swaying beers, we decide it is time to go home, but

back on the bike and paddle our own way home. We choose

not before we have accepted Marcel’s invitation to go out on

the eastern route, which takes us all the way along dikes, the

the boat the next day.

wind blowing from behind making us surge like kites. Again it takes us three hours because we stop off to watch all the

Herring for Breakfast?

birds. A quail couple scurries near the shrubs, many geese

We are woken up with a superbly made continental breakfast

species lay down in the fields, black swans, redshanks and

in bed. Not that we ordered it, but news in Marken travels fast

godwits strut about without a care. These watery lands are

and since we stumbled home last night, our hosts figured we

like a bird 24-hour-diner with an all-you-can-eat buffet. We

could do with some rest. I open up the windows and smell

decide to join them, watch the sun go down and pack out the

the water - I can’t wait to go out on the boat and let the wind

last of our picnic, while sinking back into the fairytale we can

blow us wherever. We meet Marcel on the dock as promised

live time and again. Who would have thought, only 30 minutes

and as we make our way to Volendam for a piece of fish, he

from Amsterdam lies more than a world beyond.

tells us about growing up in a place like this. What defines Marken seems to be a sense of freedom contained in an island mentality. Yeah, I couldn’t figure that one out either, but at the time I thought it was my hangover banging on my cortex. Back on the boat I focus on the horizon instead and watch Volendam outgrow its dollhouse appearance. Volendam is only a stretch away, but busy and touristy, so we really only stay to get food and try to dodge the dock master when Hotel & Restaurant Hof van Marken

Buurt II, nr. 15, 1156 BC Marken Tel.: 0299 - 601 300 - For more information, please visit: (Site in English. Rooms from 95 euros) Foodie Tips

Thai Restaurant in Monnickendam Tel.: 0299 - 655 415 - l Michelin Star Restaurant Posthoorn in Monnickendam Tel.: 0299 - 654 598 (Site in English) l GeeJee’s - Zeedijk, Uitdam Order home-made fries with their special GeeJee’s sauce. l




Fish! - Order kibbeling or herring for the brave (at any time of the day)

City Bike Rental behind Central Station Note: Get your maps from the VVV, there is no need for a guided tour! Just pick a place and follow the signs. You will be fine!

Exclusive Serviced Apartments in Rotterdam

Residential tower ‘New Orleans’: complete to the smallest detail Experience the luxurious and excellent services of New Orleans at De Kop van Zuid in Rotterdam. Surrounded by top restaurants, magnificent theatres and museums and with shopping streets and parks in the vicinity. In the highest residential tower in the Netherlands, the sense of hominess is combined with extensive facilities and personal service. Enjoy the best Rotterdam has to offer during your stay in a wonderfully spacious and luxurious Serviced Apartment in New Orleans.

• • • • • • •

fully furnished apartments with two bedrooms (from 87 m2 to 132 m2) complete kitchen en luxurious bathroom spacious and private loggia with beautiful views weekly cleaning service in the apartment Private Health club with swimming pool, fitness area and sauna underground parking garage Rental price from € 1900,- per month (excl. 6% V.A.T.)

Experience dynamic life at the Wilhelminapier in Rotterdam. Call Vesteda, Brent van der Putten, 010 404 46 11, or send an e-mail to for further information and a tour in New Orleans and the apartments.


Events Diary: Autumn 2010 The list of events contained here is only a selection of the many activities, shows, exhibitions, etc. taking place in the Netherlands from September through November. We do not pretend to be complete, but we do hope this list offers you an interesting and varied selection. Holland + - Photo Hans Gerritsen




The Dam tot Damloop - which runs from

guage of movement lingers

Amsterdam to Zaandam - is so popular

a structure wrought with a

that the opportunity to participate in the

precision even Bach would

10-mile run sold out in two hours in April

have envied.

- 35,000 participants in all! However,

The new piece by dancer/choreographer

HOLLAND + After last years’ triumph, Scapino is proud to present Ed Wubbe’s masterpiece Holland Plus, in a performance with two premières by Marco Goecke and Loïc Perela. In expressing his feelings about his native land, Wubbe returns to the Golden Age, to the origins of Holland’s identity. Against the backdrop of dramatic skies in the tradition of the Dutch masters, Wubbe sublimely integrates the contrasts between the spirit of free enterprise and narrow-mindedness in the dance. In this exhilarating group choreography with invigorating solos and superb choreographic twists, Wubbe paints a picture of a country where you can be yourself. The anarchy of dance star Marco Goecke and Bach’s orchestra suite fuse seamlessly in the piece Suite, Suite,



Dam Tot Damloop

bizarre yet arresting lan-

don’t let this discourage you, because


there are also the 4-mile run, the Run-

Perela is awaited with great

2Day Ladies Run (also 4 miles), the

anticipation. Perela was the

Mini Dam tot Dam, for children, and the

jewel of last season’s per-

Maandag® Businessloop, for company

formers, skillfully entrancing

teams. At least as popular is the enter-

the audience with his infec-

tainment and atmosphere around the

tiously loose, natural style of

Dam tot Damloop; 200,000 enthusiasts


come along to encourage the runners,

Date: through December 1 Location: various locations, including Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht For more information please visit:

accompanied by dozens of live music performances.

Date: September 19 Location: Amsterdam For more information please visit:

Atrium, City Hall, The Hague

Feel at Home in The Hague Fair On September 19, the international community can find out about the major international culture and leisure events taking place in The Hague and it’s surrounding areas during the cultural season 2010/2011.

Date: September 19 Location: City Hall Atrium, Spui 70, The Hague For more information please visit:

Body Worlds & The Story of the Heart


Body Worlds (German title: Körperwelten) is a traveling exhibition of preserved human bodies and body parts that are prepared using a technique called plastination to reveal inner anatomical structures. It focuses on the inner workings of the most mysterious of organs, the human heart. More than 200 plastinated specimens will showcase the cardiovascular system and includes translucent slices and whole organs to view the network of blood vessels. The exhibition’s developer and promoter is German anatomist Gunther von Hagens, who invented the plastinaBody Worlds,The Wave Roller, 2007

tion technique in the late 1970s at the

side their home countries before. The

Copyright: Gunther von Hagens

University of Heidelberg. The exhibition

festival offers cinema as a vehicle for

has been to places as Denver, Singa-

a greater understanding and apprecia-

pore, Sevilla and Brussels, attracting

tion of Buddhism by general audiences,

millions of visitors.

especially with respect to the ethnic and

Dates: September 23 - January 23, 2011 Location: LPII in Las Palmas, Wilhelminakade 326, Rotterdam For more information, please visit: or

cultural diversity of the rapidly growing international Buddhist community. The movies are in Dutch or English or subtitled programs from other countries. The opening film will be Zen by Takahashi Banmei, a fascinating film about the life

Buddhist Film Festival Europe

of the 13th-century monk Dogen, found-

The BFFE / Buddhist Film Festival Europe

er of the Zen Buddhism Soto Sect. The

is a unique international platform for spir-

closing film Howl by Rob Epstein and

itual quality movies with a high contem-

Jeffrey Friedman, a drama centered on

plative content, particularly feature films,

an obscenity trial that Allen Ginsberg

documentaries, experimental works and

faced after he published his poem Howl.

television programs that are inspired or

Dates: October 8-10 Location: Pathé Tuschinski Movie Theater, Amsterdam For more information, please visit:

influenced by Buddhism. Many of the programs have never been shown in Europe or the Netherlands before and many have never even been shown out-




Beurs van Berlage, Photo Sonya Nagels

Preljocaj | Bolshoi

MECC Jazz Maastricht

Angelin Preljocaj presents a unique

A fresh jazz festival will be presented on

fusion of two distinct styles of move-

October 29 and 30; the new jazz festival

ment: the earthy, flowing style of his

of Limburg where quality and enjoyment

contemporary work and the grand clas-

come first, accompanied by a wide range

sical ballet of the Bolshoi dancers. The

of national and international artists - in

sets are designed by Indian visual artist

the style and image of Limburg. MECC

Subodh Gupta, whose work was shown

Jazz Maastricht will present not only

at the last edition of the Venice Biennale.

quality regional, national and interna-

French DJ Laurent Garnier creates the

tional jazz (and related music genres/

music for this promising interMECC Jazz, Lizz Wright

national co-production. Besides his choreographic

I Am Not a Tourist Fair

creations for his own company,

The “i am not a tourist” Fair 2009 will

the French-Albanian choreogra-

have all the valuable resources from

pher Angelin Preljocaj regularly

previous years, but with extra attention

creates works for other lead-

given to lifestyle and community-related

ing ballet companies, including

resources for the experienced expat.

the Ballet de l’Opéra national

Those of you that already have your

de Lyon, the Ballet de l’Opéra

bearings in the Netherlands can there-


fore enjoy as many of this year’s features

Staatsballett Berlin. He has also

as can the newcomers - including food,

received commissions from vir-

entertainment and networking fixtures.

tually all of the most prestigious

For more information, see our article on page 60. Date: October 10 Location: Beurs van Berlage, Damrak 277, Amsterdam For free registration visit:

festivals, opera houses and arts






Dates: November 10, 11 and 13 Location: Muziektheater, Amsterdam For more information, please visit:

Preljocaj Bolshoi Photo JeanClaude Carbonne styles), the visitors will also be treated to a diversity of quality food and drinks. The program includes approximately 50 acts, spread over 7 venues and includes names such as Angie Stone, Wayne Shorter, Mezzoforte, Monty Alexander, Roy Hargrove, Tuck&Patti, and Pee Wee Ellis.

Dates: October 29-30 Location: MECC Maastricht For more information, please visit:



Royal Schouwburg, The Hague

Crossing Border Festival

IDFA - International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

discovering new documentary trends. It

Crossing Border is one of the largest literary and music festivals in Europe,

Over the last 19 years, the IDFA has

producers, buyers, and financiers. Come

and boasts a well-deserved reputation as

become one of the most prestigious

and have a look at this cultural and cre-

a unique international festival where the

and leading documentary film festivals

ative event!

combination of literature, music, film and

in the world. With approximately 300

visual art are central. A fantastic company

documentaries from across the world,

of writers, musicians, artists and filmmak-

IDFA offers a diverse platform for screen-

ers will share the respective podia of the

ing and debating films, as well as for

offers a meeting place for film makers,

Dates: November 17-28 Location: Various locations in Amsterdam For more information, please visit:

Koninklijke Schouwburg (Royal National Theater) and the Nationale Toneel

IDFA, Still from Over the hills and faraway

Gebouw (National Stage), as well as a festival tent next to the Schouwburg and the Duitse Kerk (German Church), right up the road from the Toneel Gebouw. Worldclass musical stars and big names from the literary world, along with relatively unknown musicians and the most important writers of tomorrow will congregate and share in the city’s Toneelkwartier (Theater Quarter). The line-up is yet to be announced, so be sure to visit the website closer to the date. Names that have already been released include Rufus Wainwright, Jamie Lidell, Naima El Bezaz, and many more.

Dates: November 17-20 Location: various locations, The Hague For more information, please visit:



Art Diary

Autumn 2010

The Collection Two

Collection Two, photo Kees Spruijt

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is 160 years old this year and for the first time the museum’s world-famous collection of prints and drawings is being combined with paintings, sculpture, the applied arts and design. The Collection Two highlights the largest yet least visible aspect of the museum’s collection. Works on paper are fragile and sensitive to light and so are rarely exhibited publicly. This Collection presents the prints and drawings alongside paintings, sculptures and household items from the same period, thus emphasising the functional relationships between the various art forms. The public will gain an insight into the meaning, context and creative processes behind the works of art. The structure of Collection is essentially chronological, but certain art-historical periods receive particular attention. Within painting there is a focus on Rembrandt, Rubens and the Surrealists, and within drawing on Dürer, Michelangelo, Fra Bartolommeo, Rubens, Piranesi, Boucher and Cézanne. Among the highlights of the presentations of household objects are dining culture of the Renaissance, the 17th-century bourgeois interior, modernist design of the 1920s and 1930s, and contemporary design. The displays of modern art begin with the Dutch Romantics and end with the art of the interwar years. Highlights include the French Impressionists and works on paper from around 1900. Iconic modernist works by Magritte, Dalí and Kokoschka are combined with recent acquisitions by Yves Tanguy, Joseph Cornell and Max Beckmann.

Dates: until December 31, 2010 Location: Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam For more information, please visit:

PAN Amsterdam PAN Amsterdam is the most important national art and antiques fair and a must for every art lover. PAN Amsterdam has many faces: contemporary and modern art and design go hand in hand with objects that have a long history. For more information, see our article on page 68.

Dates: November 21 - 28 - Location: RAI Parkhal, Amsterdam For more information visit:



Duane Michals, Magnus was burnt by Solange’s fiery mane, 2008

Duane Michals

it can also tell stories and portray the inner sides of the human exist-

The American photographer Duane Michals (1932) is maybe the most

ence. Humour is also typical for Michals’ work. The exhibition Mr.

appealing en influential founder of staged photography.

Duanus contains a selection of old photo series, (staged) artist and

Michals pioneered with photo series in the sixties, where he told short stories about the human side of life: love, dreams and also fears and disappointments. The short, handwritten texts he placed at the photo series became characteristic and a part of his work. Michals showed that photography is more than registering an unique moment,

self-portraits, parodies on well-known artists and their work, like the Japanese iconography inspired by colour photography.

Dates: September 18 - January 2, 2010 Location: Netherlands Photography Museum Rotterdam, Rotterdam For more information, please visit:

Louise Bourgeois and Hans Bellmer - Double Sexus Although Hans Bellmer (1902-1975) and Louise Bourgeois (19112010) were both in touch with the Surrealists in the 1930s, the two artists never met. Despite this, their work displays striking similarities. In both cases, the human body plays a major role. Bodies are deformed, limbs are missing or duplicated, and male and female characteristics are melded together to produce androgynous beings. In Double Sexus, the oeuvres of Bellmer and Bourgeois are brought together for the first time ever in an intriguing dialogue. Shared themes like female fantasies, male angst, sexual ambiguity and the search for personal identity correspond to the concerns of today’s world, where the emancipation of women has undermined the traditional gender roles of both sexes. Louise Bourgeois, the ‘grand old lady’ of contemporary art, achieved artistic renown only at an advanced age. Her work sits firmly in the Surrealist tradition but has a more universal quality. Through her Cells, sculpture (including various fabric dolls), drawings and celebrated spiders, Bourgeois always sought to express the pain of human relationships. At the age of 30, Hans Bellmer produced his first doll, made of broomsticks, tubes, plaster and papier-mâché, which he then photographed in many different ways. The pictures he made of his dolls stand in sharp contrast to the ideal of the strong, healthy, fertile female body extolled by the Nazi propaganda of the period.

Dates: September 11 - January 16, 2011 Location: Gemeentemuseum, Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague For more information, please visit:

Louise Bourgeois and Hans Bellmer, Couple, Alluminium



Dreamland. American Artists in Holland 1880-1914 The late 19th and early 20th century drew a lot of American painters to the Netherlands. Attracted by the pastoral surroundings, the great tradition of the Dutch 17th century and the contemporary Hague School, they settled in artists colonies such as Laren, Katwijk and Volendam. There they created a vision of Dutch society underpinned by a nostalgic yearning for a pre-modern way of life, full of references to America’s own colonial Dutch heritage and the values and virtues the Dutch exemplified in their eyes. The exhibition is organized in association with the Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah (GA) and shows some 70 paintings by artists such as William Merritt Chase, John Singer Sargent, George Hitchcock and Gari Melchers, who all made fame with paintings for which Holland served not only as an example but also as a guide.

Dates: September 17 - January 16, 2011 Location: Singermuseum, Laren, province of North Holland For more information, please visit:

Edvard Munch The



overview of Edvard Munch’s oeuvre in the Netherlands brings together more than 150 paintings and works on

Gari Melchers, The Sisters - ca. 1895, oil on canvas

paper. The Norwegian painter, one of the most fascinating artists of the late 19th and early 20th century, is primarily known to the public through his painting The Scream (1893). The works on exhibition at the Kunsthal Rotterdam - all from private collections - will be shown together only once, a chance in a lifetime for anyone wanting to learn more about the oeuvre of Munch. Munch paints about life, love and death. Complex emotions like loneliness, dread and anxiety are the main themes of his work. The subject matter, the powerful compositions, the fluid lines and the clever use of colour and materials make his paintings reach out to us to this day. Munch had a major influence on the development of expressionism in the late nineteenth and early 20th century. From the start of his artistic career in 1880 he radically broke with all prevailing artistic conventions. With exceptional sensitivity he depicts in his paintings, lithographs, drawings and engravings the helplessness and fear that death, illness and degeneration bring. The exhibition shows the development and formation of Munch’s impressive oeuvre. Edvard Munch, Madonna, 1896-1902

Dates: September 18 - February 20, 2011 - Location: Kunsthal, Rotterdam For more information, please visit: Stater, Macedonie

The Immortal Alexander the Great

336 - 323 B.C.,

No ruler in antiquity appeals to the imagination as much as Alexander the Great (356 BC


- 323 BC, king from 336 BC). From his youth, he inspired the people around him. During his campaigns in the East, Alexander went in search of the origins of Dionysus, who, according to the ancient Greeks, came from the exotic East, possibly India. Alexander followed in Dionysus’s footsteps and reached many countries: Egypt, Syria, Bactria, Persia, India and Mongolia. Everywhere he founded new capitals and named them all Alexandria. He left behind a legacy of Greek culture in the form of Hellenism. His fame lived on, long after antiquity. He was an example to many European, Russian and Islamic rulers. Paintings, tapestries and decorative art depicted Alexander’s life and history. The exhibition covers all these aspects, with objects from classical antiquity to the modern age, of Western and non-Western origins.

Dates: September 18 - March 18, 2011 - Location: Hermitage, Amstel 51, Amsterdam For more information visit:



Illusions of Reality The last quarter of the 19th century saw Naturalism become one of the dominant movements in painting. This photographic style transcended national borders, and fanned out throughout all of Europe and the United States. The themes were drawn from daily ‘modern’ life: labourers, farmers, the affluent middle classes; all layers of society served as subjects. Naturalism in painting focused on subjects from the daily lives of ordinary people. Artists tried to approximate reality as closely as possible, and made frequent use of photography. The central themes within Naturalism include labour (in the country, in cities, and in industry), religion, and youth. The painters often used simple peasants as their subject material, or the hard life of workers in the cities. The style of painting was particularly detailed, and the Thomas Anshutz, Afternoon break for the metal workers, 1880

works have the appearance of snapshots of real life. Yet the subjects of these paintings were carefully composed and were meant to tell a story, sometimes

Highlights from the Khalili Collection

with a moralistic message.

Since 1970, Professor Nasser David Khalili has been assem-

This exposition sheds light on the various aspects of Naturalism: its

bling his historic collection of Islamic art, under the auspices

themes, painting practice and the response of critics and the public. More than

of The Khalili Family Trust. With holdings of more than 20,000

50 works, many of which are extremely large, will be on display in the exhibi-

objects documenting the range of artistic production of the

tion wing of the Van Gogh Museum.

Islamic lands over a period of some 1,400 years, the Collection now ranks among the best in the world. Its holdings

Dates: October 8 - January 16, 2011 - Location: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam For more information visit:

include an outstanding array of miniature paintings and illustrated manuscripts, and the coverage of the decorative arts Calligraphy of a Lion, Ahmed Hilmi, 1913

Made In Holland, Old Masters from a Private Collection in America Not all Old Master paintings are in museums; superb works also grace the walls of fine private collections all over the world. One of these is an American collection of Old Masters that is not open to the public. The Mauritshuis has secured the loan of the best works from this collection for an exhibition in the fall of 2010. A selection of paintings has been made that are not only extraordinarily beautiful, but also in excellent condition. Works from this collection have occasionally been lent out to exhibitions in the United States and abroad. However, this is the first time that a broad selection from this outstanding collection will be presented in the Netherlands. The exhibition features

- ceramics, textiles, glass, metalwork and others - is compre-

paintings by famous art-

hensive. It has been formed with an acute awareness of the

ists such as Rembrandt,

criteria by which Muslims themselves have judged and still

Frans Hals and Hendrick

judge their art. The Collection’s holdings of manuscripts of the


Holy Qur’an are the first to have been assembled systemati-

artists are represented as

cally in order to illustrate the whole history of Qur’an produc-

well, including Gerrit Dou

tion, both in terms of timespan and geographical range - from

with one of his rare still

the 8th century AD to the 20th century, and from Morocco

lifes, and Frans van Mieris

to China. Similar sequences have been assembled for the

the Elder with a genre

decorative arts and for painting. Glass and metalwork, for


example, are represented in the full range of techniques over a period that runs from Late Antiquity, through the heyday of Islamic production in the Medieval period, to the 19th century. Miniature painting is represented by masterpieces from the Mongol period onwards, album paintings and an extensively illustrated Book of Divination produced in the Deccan in the same period. This exhibition will display approx. 500 highlights of the collection.


Gallery Prince Willem V - Museum Gevangenpoort


Dates: November 4 January 30, 2011 Location: Mauritshuis, Korte Vijverberg 8, The Hague For more information, please visit:

Dates: December 11 - April 17, 2011 - Location: De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam - For more information, please visit:




The Residentie Bach Ensembles

Masterpieces by Bach Do you know Johann Sebastian Bach? Of course you do! What you probably do not know is that the Residentie Bach Ensembles, consisting of the Residentie Bachkoor, the Residentie Kamerkoor and the Residentie Bachorkest, have been performing various compositions by Bach in some of the most atmospheric churches of The Hague for more than a century. sion in the Grote Kerk in the city center, once again conducted


by Jos Vermunt. He will be joined by six soloists of outstanding quality. Every last Sunday of the month, the Ensembles perform one of the Bach cantatas during the service in the Kloosterkerk. Entry to these very impressive events is free - after the service you can make a donation if you like. Check the website for details. Many have asked whether the choirs only perform pieces by Bach. Well not exactly. Although Bach plays a leading role


in the seasonal performances, both choirs do other repertoire as well. The Residentie Kamerkoor has a reputation of giving concerts with modern compositions. For instance, you are most welcome to attend their concert with American 20thcentury choir music on Friday November 5, in the Paleiskerk in the Paleisstraat.

Every year, the grand works for Choir and Orchestra are

The Residentie Bachkoor, on the other hand, tends to

performed in celebration of Christmas and Easter. During

do more oratorio-style compositions. Last season they per-

this year’s holiday season they will be bringing you Bach’s

formed Britten’s War Requiem in a tribute to the end of World

Magnificat and an anthology of his Weihnachtsoratorium, as

War II in the Netherlands, 65 years earlier. This October, they

well as Corelli’s famous Christmas Concerto. This concert

will open the season with the Requiem by Duruflé, preceded

will take place on Friday, December 17, in the Kloosterkerk

by works by Bruckner, Brahms and Cornelius. This concert

on Lange Voorhout. Artistic leader Jos Vermunt will conduct

is on Friday October 8, in the Lutherse Kerk on the Lutherse

the Residentie Kamerkoor, the Residentie Bachorkest and five


soloists with international reputations.

As you can see, the Residentie Bach Ensembles are promi-

In keeping with tradition, the Ensembles perform one of

nently present in The Hague’s musical scene. They strongly

Bach’s passions during the Easter period. Recently they had

support the city as the International City for Peace and Jus-

the St Matthew Passion translated into Dutch and achieved

tice, by regularly organizing concerts with a peace and/or jus-

great success with both their concerts and the Deutsche

tice character. Another good reason to attend their concerts.

Grammophon CD recording of this work. This season it is St John’s turn, when they perform Bach’s St John Passion. On Maundy Thursday, April 21, the Residentie Bachkoor and the Residentie Bachorkest will perform this more dramatic pas-



For more information or to order tickets, please visit their website; If you would like to have their season brochure sent to your home, just send an e-mail to:

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La Table

Naarden - November 11 through 14 From Thursday, November 11, through Sunday, November 14, the Grote Kerk in NaardenVesting will be hosting the Lifestyle Fair La Table. This year, the theme will be “Silent Enjoyment”. In a time where our lives are dominated by bits and bytes, the need for intimate


get-togethers is increasing. At the same time, the latest trend is tailor-made services - a

Tech, High Touch’ in the

trend that is easy to combine with tradition. A festive dinner,

future. The call for nos-

prepared by a private chef, creating a combination of romance

talgia is becoming greater

and personal preference - but also table linen and napkins that

as our communication is

have a personal message - create both a touch of atmosphere

reduced to Tweets.

and a personal touch.

And what better place for a festive get-together

Romantic Dining

and an old-fashioned con-

Famous futurologist John Naisbitt (megatrends 2000) pre-

versation than a beautiful-

dicted towards the end of the 90s that all would be ‘High

ly decorated table? Decorator Alex Janmaat, from Oudewater,


simplicity and originality. Mark Baatje, of Nimmerdor, will be presenting a table set with surprising and colorful details, while artist Maroeska Metz will be displaying her modern tabledecorating ideas.

A Day Out in Het Gooi During the La Table-weekend, the shops and antique stores in Naarden-Vesting will be open, including interior decorating paradise Het Arsenaal, of Jan des Bouvrie - as antique and modern have always combined well. Location: Grote Kerk, Marktstraat 13, Naarden-Vesting Dates: Thursday, November 11, through Sunday, November 14 Opening hours: Thursday: 10 A.M. - 6 P.M - Friday: 10 A.M. - 9:30 P.M. - Saturday and Sunday: 11 A.M. - 6 P.M. For more information, visit:



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Land - Country Life in the Urban Age

the questions that Noorderlicht is placing at the heart of its

Since the beginning of the 21st century, over half the world’s

photo festivals for the coming two years.

population now dwell in cities. That means 3.3 billion people

We like to think of the countryside as idyllic: life in harmony

live on only 3% of the earth’s surface. What are the con-

with nature, in self-reliant communities where everyone knows

sequences of this shift? Can the countryside survive the

everyone else and family ties are strong. Perhaps the work is

economic, demographic, cultural and ecological ravages of

hard, but it is truly satisfying. And Sundays there is the rest

this abandonment? Is a decent, humane life possible in the

and regularity of strolling through the village.

modern megalopolis that is bursting at its seams? These are

© Rafal Gerszak U.S. Army Sergeant John Villibos from 101st Airborne Division, 506th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Delta Company, 3rd Platoon lays exhausted after his unit’s convoy was attacked by over 70 Taliban fighters killing American 1st Lieutenant Nick Dewhirst and injuring others in Qalandar district, Khost province, Afghanistan, Sunday, July 20, 2008.



That world - far distant from the impersonal roller coaster of

the urban 24/7 economy - no longer exists. UN reports sketch a gloomy picture, particularly of rural life in the non-Western world. Poverty is the norm, social mobility is limited to the departure of the young, the countryside is ageing. In the West the decline in rural living standards is not yet that serious, but where would life in the countryside be without agricultural subsidies? Moreover, here we can also see how the level of services is crumbling and that population centres in rural regions are shrinking. Land - Country Life in the Urban Age shows that the city and countryside have developed a symbiotic relationship. The city is the focus of economic and social activity; the country supports it. The consequences are far-reaching. Agriculture

© Nadav Kander Chongqing II, Chongqing Municipality, 2006

is oriented towards large-scale production at minimal cost, the growing demand for agricultural products accelerates the destruction

fought for their beliefs, politics or ideals, where they lost their

of the tropical rain forest, whole regions are allocated new

innocence, and sometimes their lives.

uses as a result of increasing need for water, while the intensi-

The cemeteries and history books serve as reminders, but

fication of production with modern agricultural and bio-tech-

the battlefields themselves are transformed once more after

nologies leaves its own marks. Add to that picture the continu-

the battle is over. Time erases the traces - the rubble is cleared

ing exploitation of increasingly scarce natural resources, and

away, the craters become overgrown, the hills re-conquered

the economic and demographic consequences of migration to

by nature. Who can still see the difference from a normal

the cities, and it is clear: the countryside faces serious chal-

beach, an ordinary hill or an average city?

lenges in the 21st century.

But is the inner landscape of the soldier as resilient as

On the basis of work by about 30 photographers, Pho-

the landscape in which he fought? How is someone who

tofestival Noorderlicht sketches a picture of a countryside in

has armed himself for life on the battlefront changed? What

crisis. From Nadav Kander’s journey along the Yangtze River

images and experiences lodge in his mind? Is it possible

to Rodrigo Zeferino’s look at the industrialisation of the inte-

for someone who does not know war to understand what it

rior of Brazil, from Ian Teh’s almost extraterrestrial panoramic

means to live in the confusing reality of an armed conflict?

photographs of the Chinese hinterland to Larisa Sitar’s series

Through the work of top photographers like Ad van Den-

of Romanian villas, built by migrants who want to guard their

deren, Martin Specht, Paul Seawright, Peter van Agtmael and

place on the social ladder in their absence, from the struggling

Antonin Kratochvil, Warzone pauses to examine the experi-

industries in Bangladesh to the strength that emanates from

ence of soldiers who have been dispatched to the warzones

Jackie Nickerson’s Zimbabwean farm workers, the question is

of our recent history. The traces in the landscapes in which

always the same: what role does the countryside play in our

they lived have been covered again by time, but the world of

contemporary, urbanised and global economy? And is it pos-

war will - for better and worse - continue to exist in their inner

sible, against all economic logic, to give rural life a new value?


Warzone Verdun, Omaha Beach, Hamburger Hill, Srebrenica, Mogadishu, Fallujah: names of places that are lodged deep in our collective memory. Places where the once serene landscape was transformed into a battlefield, where young men and women

Dates: September 5 - October 31 Locations: Land - Country Life in the Urban Age: Fries Museum, Turfmarkt 11, Leeuwarden Warzone: Blokhuispoort, Blokhuisplein 40, Leeuwarden For more information, visit




Radboud in’to Languages The Intensive Dutch Programme is one of several Intensive Language Programmes offered by Radboud in’to Languages. Other languages offered


include German and English. Radboud in’to Languages’ Intensive Programmes are similar

The Intensive Language Programmes The exclusive Intensive Language Programmes allow you to improve your language skills rapidly and effectively. Radboud in’to Languages offers high-quality training programmes in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Dutch as a foreign language. Their experienced (near) native training professionals will provide you with personalised training within an intensive course programme with, as mentioned earlier, a maximum of six participants.

to other language immersion programmes, but there are a number of aspects that set them apart;

The Intensive Dutch Programme

1. their personal approach, exclusivity, and small groups: the

This intensive training is a great way to improve your Dutch

maximum number of participants per week is six, which

language skills significantly in just five days. The programme

allows them to maintain their distinct personal approach at

has been developed for professionals who want to learn

all times

Dutch or improve their Dutch skills rapidly and effectively for

2. a special focus on expats

professional or academic purposes.

3. Radboud in’to Languages is part of Radboud University. The highest level of academic expertise and education is


therefore ensured

At Radboud in’to Languages, they strongly believe in the

4. a programme that focuses on practical Dutch usage.

motto ‘target language = classroom language’ and therefore you will be communicating in Dutch only during this week.

Radboud in’to Languages’ target group is highly educated

This will not only benefit your language knowledge, but also

professionals. In fact, to keep up with the pace of the training,

your ability to put newly acquired knowledge into practice,

a higher vocational or academic background is required. The

thereby increasing your confidence and your problem-solving

language programme can be called exclusive, as Radboud

skills. Registration for the programme is preceded by an

in’to Languages does not work with standard material or

elaborate intake interview, during which you and your future

course contents; the courses are completely adapted to the

trainer discuss your personal learning needs and objectives.

learning goals of the participants. Needless to say, the sup-

On the basis of this information, your personal programme is

porting factors (transport, catering, etc.) are also planned to

put together. The intake interview is free of charge and does

perfection. A team of dedicated staff members caters to every

not commit you to anything.

wish of the course participants.

Afterwards After the training week, your trainer assesses your final proficiency level. All the courses are linked to the proficiency levels defined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Experience has shown that the average person progresses one level by participating in one of the intensive language programmes. You are issued a certificate providing a progress evaluation and a recommendation for further study and the option of follow-up days and exam trainings to help maintain and improve your proficiency.

Trainers Radboud in’to Languages is part of the Faculty of Arts of Radboud University Nijmegen. The trainers keep themselves



Huize Heyendael

informed of the latest insights and developments, which are

in focus. Practical exercises

used to keep the programme up-to-date at all times. During

and digital web quests provide

the intensive training week, you are taught and supervised by

important learning experiences

a team of very experienced language trainers.

and your progress is documented in a comprehensive


personal portfolio.

The courses are given at a special location on the Radboud University campus, Faculty Club Huize Heyendael, and also

Evening Activities

include attractive evening activities, including dinner and the

The evening activities are var-

option of an overnight stay in a comfortable environment.

ied and attractive. After dining

Huize Heyendael offers an inspiring learning environment and

at one of the finer restaurants

state-of-the-art facilities.

in Nijmegen, you might attend a lecture or debate hosted by a


prominent guest teacher from

Individual sessions, workshops and self-study are interspersed

Radboud University. Other evening activities include film

with more relaxing learning experiences during lunches, din-

showings and literature discussions.

ners and evening activities. Your programme is fully tailored to meet your needs. The training focuses on language skills and

Rates in 2010

(intercultural) communication competencies, which are geared

The price of this intensive language training is € 3,850 includ-

to your specific position and learning needs.

ing overnight stays, meals and drinks, training materials and transport. The price excluding overnight stays is € 3,650.

Training Material Radboud in’to Languages has developed a teaching method (Contact!) that includes a thematic grouping of vocabulary and grammar around communication situations. The Contact! book serves as the basis. Daily private training and coaching

Additional information can be found at: Feel free to contact Radboud in’to Languages at: Tel.: 024 361 61 66 or E:

sessions ensure that your personal learning needs are always




What’s New At “I Am Not A Tourist” 2010 The Original Expat Fair

Expatica’s trademark event for internationals living and working in the Netherlands returns on Sunday, October 10, to the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. This one-day event is the largest fair of its kind, with between 4,500 - 5,000 visitors, and has become an expat institution.


The fair offers internationals a wealth of information and the chance to meet with dozens of expatriate-oriented service providers and mix with thousands of other internationals all under one roof. Now in its 7th edition, i am not a tourist is a

bona fide Amsterdam institution and this year there’s plenty of new exhibitors to keep things fresh. i am not a tourist is the only fair of its kind for internation-

als living across the length and breadth of the Netherlands. Not just an employment, housing, services or lifestyle fair, this event is an engaging mix of of all four, with a fun character all its own. Expatica’s event follows a tried and tested formula, designed to assist the broadest possible range of international people. Visitors include newcomers hunting for work or shop-

tive writing workshop and, on a lighter note, Carina van der

ping around for a Dutch bank account, housing deals, financial

Kloet will be available to offer fashion advice / personal styling.

services or educational programmes. Alternatively they may

Exhibitors - The library of Haarlem and Laureate online

have been in the Netherlands for some time and want to mingle

education will both have stands and will be available to speak

with the expatriate community at large, join a social group or

to the public on matters concerning e-learning and library

club or just check out the entertainment on offer.

services in the Netherlands.

Over 55 companies will be available to offer advice on

In the words of the event organisers: “i am not a tourist

housing, employment, relocation, taxes, and banking. In

2010 will offer all the basic resources that are so important

addition, approximately 10 educational institutions, including

for newcomers, but also present entertainment and culture for

schools and universities, will be present and several new per-

those who have already found their way in the Netherlands...

formers, exhibitors and workshops are scheduled to pull in the

In this respect, i am not a tourist 2010 is a lifestyle fair for even

crowds, such as:

the most experienced international.” - Event Manager, Danielle

Comedy - Amsterdam comedy institution Boom Chicago will have a stand and will be running an afternoon workshop after their live performance at midday. Music - Jazz singer Dolores Valasquez will be entertaining the crowd in the late morning and country music will be sup-

de Groot. “It’s always a great time for everybody! Whether they are a newcomer, a single person, a family, or someone that is only on temporary assignment, attendees will surely walk away with something worthwhile.”- Managing Partner, Mark Welling.

plied by singer Pam MacBeth later in the day. Workshops - Amsterdam Writing Workshops will run a crea-



Check out for more information.

Intensive Dutch Programme Boost your Dutch skills in just 5 days!

committin to excellence

• • • • •

Immersion course at an academic level Two levels: beginners and intermediate Unique training concept Attractive evening programme Personal and 100% tailored to your needs

If you would like to receive more information, feel free to contact us: T: (024) 361 61 66 E:

Radboud in’to Languages is part of Radboud University Nijmegen.

Dual Degree in Psychology and Sociology Webster University Leiden offers you the chance to earn both an American and a Dutch accredited Bachelors in either Psychology or Sociology. One study, two degrees. Dutch, American and truly international - with this program in Applied Behavioral and Social Sciences students from the Netherlands and other EU countries receive an education that is absolutely unique. Contact Webster University today for more information and call +31 (0)71-516 8000 or look at

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26-08-2010 09:53:27

recommended Reading

ABC Autumn Top 5 In 1972, a couple of young enthusiastic Americans came to Amsterdam, the city where anybody, anything and everything goes, and decided to open a store with American erotic magazines and book remainders bought for 10 cents a pound dry weight.


That was almost four decades ago.

One Dog At A Time - Pen Farthing € 13.99 Posted with his troop of young marines in Afghanistan, Pen Farthing came across a horrific dog fight. Unable to stomach the cruelty, he stepped in to free the dogs and was nearly lynched for doing so. One of the dogs from the fight found its way into his marine compound, then more strays, including a mother and pups, crawled under the fence to seek sanctuary and steal Farthing’s heart. Soon Farthing had a makeshift pound in the middle of the desert and an urge to do more. This is the story of his tour of duty and of the charity he set up with his wife to help the stray dogs of Nowzad. Contrary to expectations, this is not just another biography of a man and man’s best friend. Farthing’s keen sense of

Today the American Book Center has grown into one of the

observation brings to life the horror and hardship of the war

biggest, maybe even the biggest source of American (and

in Afghanistan, and the difficulties and rewards of dealing with

British) English-language books and magazines on continen-

the local people. The story of his first rescue is told with all

tal Europe. For general information about the store and their

the excitement and action of any bestselling thriller, while the

stock, visit

broader story of life as a marine on duty is handled with heart

Especially for the readers of The XPat Journal, the staff of

and a good dose of trench humour. This is a touching and ulti-

the ABC has compiled a list of books that tell us about the

mately captivating book that has caught us quite by surprise.

workings of our brain, our household, and history.

Cleopatra: A Life -Stacy Schiff € 32.99

The Shallows - by Nicholas Carr € 27.99

Most of what we think we know about Cleopatra is colored by

New media is always eyed with suspicion; even Socrates

sexist bias and clouded by myth and fable, some of it created

lamented that being able to write ideas down in books caused

by Cleopatra herself. Schiff digs through the layers of fiction

forgetfulness. Books, telegrams, radio, music and television

to uncover the real queen: an influential, loyal, manipulative,

have all been accused of weakening our minds, and now,

and powerful ruler who spoke many languages and ruled as

inevitably, it’s the turn of the Internet. But are these fears

peacefully as she could for 22 years. She was perhaps less

unfounded? Or could the way in which today’s new media

beautiful than Hollywood would have us believe, but certainly

serves up knowledge really change the way in which our

much more complex and interesting.

brains process information?

Pulitzer-winner Schiff conjures up the vast opulence and

By linking anecdotal evidence to scientific research on the

decadence of the Egyptian court in a luminous reconstruction

plasticity of the brain, Carr explores his suspicion that we are

of Cleopatra’s daily life, and chronicles the murderous, inces-

losing our ability to concentrate, to read deeply and to digest

tuous, but ultimately inspiring story of her rise to power. This

difficult texts, all because of the distracting nature of the

is an accessible, entertaining book that will no doubt become

Internet. It’s fascinating stuff - providing you can manage to

the definitive biography of history’s most intriguing queen and

read it all. (Carr even applauds the reader for making it to the

her extraordinary world.

half-way point.) Carr has a wonderfully narrative - and sometimes witty -


At Home - Bill Bryson € 24.99

voice, and The Shallows is a treatise that balances personal

When you think about it, most of history - the bits that affect

accounts, history and science to create an engaging and

us in our daily lives at least, like the invention of the light bulb -

informative read. The result is a provocative and enjoyable

didn’t take place on the battlefield or at court, but much closer

book, not only for geeks, but for anyone who has ever sus-

to home. In this sequel of sorts to the phenomenally popular

pected that advancing age might not be the only reason they

romp through science that was A Short History of Nearly Eve-

still haven’t read War and Peace.

rything, the ever witty and curious Bryson takes us through


By Hayley Wakenshaw

the rooms of his house and gives us a short history of nearly

was always assumed that it can only tell us about how we can

everything else: Why do we put salt on our fries? Why does

think and behave. It cannot tell us how we should think and

rat poison work? Why are the doorways in old houses so low?

behave. Those questions are thought to be best answered by

(And it’s not because people were shorter in ye olde days.)

religion or culture. It is against this form of moral relativism

If you’re expecting a cosy little book about the history of domesticity, be warned: for Bryson, most of history was

that Harris now takes a stand, seeing it as a dangerous split between reason and values.

dark and horrible, and he depicts with relish many gruesome

In this new book Harris offers an alternative, suggesting

stories of childbirth, cholera and chimney sweeps against the

that our thoughts and actions can be seen as movements

backdrop of the Industrial Revolution.

across a moral landscape. The mountains and valleys of the

Bryson is at his best when straying off topic and there

landscape correspond to the measurable states of well-being

are interesting tangents, and tangents of tangents, each

in the brains of conscious creatures, and can be analyzed

full of trivia, anecdotes and wonderfully odd characters, all

objectively. The resulting information can be used to answer

described in Bryson’s unmistakable voice. Hardly a serious

questions about our morals and values without the subjective

history, but more an enjoyably lengthy miscellany, At Home is

influence of regional culture or religion.

a lively look at how we have lived.

It’s a bold idea, but Harris backs it up with plenty of convincing evidence. The Moral Landscape is educational -

The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values - by Sam Harris € 20.99

even Richard Dawkins has said he came away from it with a

For hundreds of years it has been agreed by scientists and

Combining arguments from philosophy and neurobiology,

philosophers that science cannot offer any guidance on the

The Moral Landscape is a bold and fresh re-examination of

subject of human values. While science can answer questions

old questions that really will make you look at the world in a

on the underlying neurobiology of the evolution of morality, it

new way.

fresh perspective - but also readable and even entertaining.



recommended Reading

CRAVE Amsterdam For women who CRAVE the very best, shopping in Amsterdam just got better! CRAVE Amsterdam is a celebration of local women entrepreneurs that showcases some of the most creative, interesting, and gutsy proprietors throughout the greater Amsterdam area. CRAVE Amsterdam is a savvy, quality-of-lifestyle book devoted entirely to the best local businesses, owned by women. Featuring over 100 women you need to know, CRAVE Amsterdam directs you to top boutiques, spas, cafés, stylists, fitness studios, and more, and will introduce you to the inspired, dedicated women responsible for these exceptional enterprises. At these locales, creativity, quality, innovation, and customer service are paramount. Beyond your shopping desires, CRAVE celebrates women whose business services are dedicated to helping run a successful business from behind the scenes. Not only is CRAVE Amsterdam an intelligent guidebook for those wanting to know what’s happening throughout town, it’s a directory for those who recognize and value the contributions that spirited businesswomen make to the city.

For more information, visit:

Dealing with the Dutch - 19th edition By Jacob Vossestein Since this book was first published in 1997, it has been a great success. More than 70,000 copies have been sold and it has been through a fourth, thorough, revision for this 19th edition. In Dealing with the Dutch, Vossestein, successful author of several publications in the field of cross-cultural work contacts, describes the Dutch behaviour and attitudes which those who have come to work and live here have to deal with. In explaining these, he goes into the country’s history and society and - as part of the process - the supposed tolerance and freedoms in the Netherlands, which seem to be challenged by some of the recent societal developments This fully revised edition of Dealing with the Dutch uses the same light-hearted tone as the first edition to describe the typically Dutch way of living and working.

For more information, visit: or




Out with the Strippenkaart In with the OV-Chip Card Until now, when traveling by public transportation in the Netherlands, you had to make use of


the somewhat dubious-sounding ‘strip card’.

at train stations, supermarkets, tobacco stores (yes, still the tobacco stores) and, sometimes, on buses. The automatic top-up option allows a transfer of a fixed amount that you have determined in advance onto your card, once its balance dips below € 5. Once you have purchased your OV-chip card and are about to use it for the first time, you have to activate Reizen

Once you realized you had indeed got the name right - strip-

op saldo on the card. This is only required once. To travel,

penkaart - you had to figure out The System.

you check in by holding the card in front of the logo of a

How many zones will you be traveling? How do you figure

hand holding the card on the card reader; for instance on the

that out? How do you stamp that off on your card? Is it true

metal column next to the doors allowing access to the metro,

that you buy the strippenkaart in a tobacco store? And so on

or when entering a bus or tram. If the card is valid, a green

and so forth.

indicator will light up and - as the case may be - the access

Enter the new OV-chip card; a credit card-size card with

door will open. When you hold the card in front of the logo,

an invisible chip that you load up with Euros = miles (or kil-

it checks whether you have a valid travel product - if you do

ometers, to be more in sync with the local measurements).

not, it will use the balance on the card to pay for the trip. If

There are three types of chip cards; personal, anonymous,

you do not have enough balance, you cannot travel using this

and disposable.

card. When traveling by train, you hold your card in front of

The personal card contains your name, and date of birth,

the reader on the platform, or at the access door to the sta-

as well as a passport picture. It can be bought online or

tion, doing the same when leaving the platform or station. The

from the public transportation company, such as at the train

conductor checks your card by scanning it in his machine.

station. This card offers you the most benefits, such as age-

When you have arrived or have to transfer, you check out

based discounts, topping up and checking up on the balance

using your card. In case of a transfer, you check in again.

via a vending machine or online, and the ability to block it in

When changing trains, you do not have to check out and

case of loss or theft.

check in again. The cost of your trip is calculated based

The anonymous chip card does not contain any personal

on three components: a basic rate, the kilometers you have

data and can therefore be used by multiple persons - though

traveled (rather than the zones, which were used in the old

not at the same time. Also this card can be topped up via

system), and whether or not a discount applies to you - such

vending machines at the train station and the Internet, where-

as for children or senior citizens.

by you can also check your balance.

The infamous strippenkaart will be phased out over the

In buses and trams, you can use a disposable card, which

next couple of years, and there are already some areas where

you can buy at the vending machine at the train station, or

you cannot use it anymore. Visit where

in the bus or tram. You can use it straight away, but cannot

you have to use which system.

recharge it or use it for any other type of travel.

If you have an NS season ticket (for example, your off-peak

You can top up the e-purse balance, add a travel product

discount pass called voordeelurenkaart), this can also be used

(such as a season ticket for a specific route) or activate the

as an OV-chip card. You can verify this by checking whether

automatic reloading option for your OV-chip card on the web-

your card has an OV-chip card logo.

site or at a service desk. Once you have done this, you pick up the card at one of the pick-up locations. On the website, you can select a convenient location to do this. Throughout the country, there are hundreds of vending machines where you can top-up your card - they can found



The customer service number for the OV-chip card is 0900 0980. English-language information can be found on and then clicking on UK.


PAN Amsterdam 2010 PAN Amsterdam is considered one of the most important national art and antiques fairs in the world


and a must for every art lover.

advisors and interior designers. It is an inspiring place for anyone who loves beauty, wants to give their home an individual touch, is looking for a gift with a history, or simply falls in love with that beautiful little cabinet or that painting that sends shivers down your spine.

Rondje PAN

It has many faces: contemporary and modern art and design

Every-day art lovers who would like to spend an hour getting

go hand in hand with objects that have a long history - a

an idea of the diversity of PAN Amsterdam can take part in

beach scene by Cézanne, a 16th-century Madonna, a spec-

Rondje PAN (“Around PAN”), a guided tour in Dutch that pro-

tacular glass chandelier.

vides a more detailed explanation of a number of top items.

Quality is all-important. Every object is vetted for authen-

Price € 5 per person.

ticity, artistic quality and condition before the fair opens. More than 80 experts are responsible for this and any object that

Dates: Sunday, November 21, to Sunday, November 28

does not satisfy the strict criteria is immediately removed from

Location: Parkhal of the Amsterdam RAI

the fair. This inspires confidence and assurance, whether you

Opening hours: Daily from 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. - Open until 6 P.M. on

are buying a costly old master or a Roman glass for € 800.

Thursday, November 25, and Sunday, November 28 Entry p.p.: € 15; for those holding a CJP or 65+ pass € 12.50; passe

An Art Fair with Many Faces

partout € 40.

PAN Amsterdam attracts more than 35,000 visitors every year

For more information, visit:

- young and old, from museums to private art enthusiasts, art

Bernardus Johannes Blommers (1845 - 1914), The Selling of Fish on the Beach, Oil on Canvas



You have arrived And we’re here to make it easier for highly skilled migrants like you to work and register in Amsterdam. Qualifying companies can start the paperwork before arrival and a single visit to the Expatcenter will complete the process. What’s more, our website has loads of valuable information on a wide range of topics including housing, education, taxes and healthcare. The cities of Amsterdam and Amstelveen are working with the Immigration and Naturalisation Services (IND) to bring you the Expatcenter services free of charge. To learn more please contact us or visit our website. +31 (0)20 254 7999


Cooking Is an Expression of Love As apprentice-cook, you usually start with the vegetables, after which you graduate to the appetizers, then to the desserts and - if you have really done your best - you finally end up with the entrees. It could take years before you are ready to prepare your first steak.


Yes, also in the kitchen, there is such a thing as hierarchy. At home, it’s much harder; you have to learn it all by yourself

you, because I expect every member of the team to have

- unless you were to imitate the restaurant scenario, placing

some basic knowledge: a main course weighs, on average,

each member of the family in his or her little corner, and having

between 500 and 600 grams. If it is not preceded or followed

them do their thing. Which, by the way, is a lot of fun. A real

by another course, you can add 100 grams for someone with

party: everyone with their own responsibility. Everyone looking

a bigger stomach. The more extensive the menu, the smaller

like they are working in a professional kitchen. Everyone with

the main course - but it seems to me that that should go

the beatific smile that comes with having a great profession.

without saying.

Yes, it would almost look like a real company.

The average main course consists of 200 grams of veg-

Because the truth is that every household is a com-

etable, 150 grams of carbs (pasta, potato, or rice), 200 ml of

pany. With a variety of servants. And the chef; isn’t he or she

sauce, and 160 grams of fish, meat, or a replacement thereof.

the hardest-working servant? Does that sound crazy? No,

The weight of a course, of course, is not merely an issue of

because how many companies say that they want to create a

grams. The type of product, the combination of its elements,

home-like atmosphere for their employees. A place that feels

and the way in which it has been prepared also play an

like home. In fact, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to ‘play res-

important role. Poached or cooked result in a ‘lighter’ creation

taurant’ with the employees - it could help you test their social

than baked or fried. Cooking is an expression of love, though

skills... and stress resistance...

you’re not expected to love someone to death.

At this point, I should share a few fundamental facts with

Pumpkin Soup Ingredients for 6-8: 1.5 l vegetable bouillon • 500 ml orange juice • 2 kg pumpkin • 300 ml crème fraîche • Pepper and salt to taste Decoration: 2 apples • 24 sprigs of chives Optional: 100 gr chopped bell pepper, fried till glazed-looking • 100 gr ham cubes • 100 gr crisp bacon With a sharp knife, remove the skin of a 2 kg-pumpkin, and remove the seeds. Cut into big chunks. Place in a pan and pour on the vegetable bouillon, making sure the pumpkin is completely covered (more or less the depth of an average hand). Bring to a boil and let it simmer until the pumpkin is done. Use a hand mixer to puree the pumpkin. Add pepper, salt and 300 ml of crème fraîche. Add orange juice until it has the consistency of yoghurt.




Trio of Beer: Beer Shake, Beer Whipped Cream, and Beer Pancake with Chocolate Strawberries Ingredients for 1: Beer Pancake • 10 gr sugar • 25 gr melted • butter • Pinch of salt • 1 tsp oil • 620 ml milk • 170 ml beer • 80 gr sifted flour • 1 tbsp honey • Beer Mousse • 100 ml whipping cream • 10 ml beer (appr. 1 tbsp) • 2 leaves of very finely chopped mint • 15 gr sifted powdered sugar • Beer Shake • 1 scoop vanilla ice cream • 75 ml beer • 4 leaves basil • Chocolate Strawberry • 3 strawberries • 50 gr melted dark chocolate • Decoration • 1 small glass of beer This is only the basis; you can add all sorts of things, such

Pancake: mix the sugar, melted butter, pinch of salt, oil, milk,

as glazed bell pepper, ham cubes or crisp bacon. The soup

beer, and sifted flour until smooth. Bake golden brown, thin

could be a top-notch amuse, or a simple, but very filling, main

frisbees in a non-stick pan. Spread on some honey.

course. It is up to you...

Beer Mousse: in a mixing bowl, put the whipping cream,

Soup usually does not look very exciting, but it can. You

beer, finely chopped mint, and powdered sugar. Mix until stiff,

can decorate it with an apple rose or a marinated pumpkin

using a whisk. Don’t whip too long, or it will turn and become

rose. On the photograph, you see a composition of three

an unsavory lumpy mass. Which is not what we want...

rectangular slices of apple and a few sprigs of chives. It looks very appetizing.

Beer Shake: in a mixer, place the vanilla ice cream, beer, and leaves of basil. Mix until it has become a smooth drink. When it becomes creamy, it is done. Pour into a small glass.

Cornflake Schnitzel with Yoghurt Sesame Dip and Purslane

microwave or au bain Marie: a pan with the chocolate, in

Ingredients for 1: 1 pork schnitzel without the bread crumbs •

a pan with boiling water. Make sure the chocolate and the

Cup of flour • 1 egg white • 40 gr cornflakes •20 gr bread

water don’t mix). Cover a tray with non-grease paper. Take

crumbs • Parsley, from one twig, finely chopped • Thyme,

the strawberry by the crown. Dip it two-thirds in the melted

from one twig, finely chopped • Rosemary, from one twig,

chocolate, leaving the crown free. Place the strawberry on

finely chopped • Butter • ½ onion, finely chopped • 150 gr

the non-grease paper. You can put the strawberries in the

well-rinsed purslane • Pepper and salt • Olive oil • 1 gr white

refrigerator, but you don’t have to, as the chocolate will harden

sesame seeds • 250 ml yoghurt • 2 cloves of garlic, minced

under ‘normal’ temperatures as well.

By using your own bread crumbs for the schnitzel, you can

same plate is the finishing touch.

Chocolate Strawberries: melt the dark chocolate (in a

Place all dishes on a plate. A small glass of beer on the give it its own character. For the creative among us, there is a lot of fun to be had. For instance, run the schnitzel through bread crumbs with a liberal amount of pepper, then through loosely beaten egg white, then through a mixture of ground corn flakes, bread crumbs, and chopped spices, such as parsley, rosemary, and thyme. Bake golden brown, in butter but do make sure the meat is done. While the meat is in the pan, prepare the purslane in a wok. First pour a shot of olive oil in a heated work, then add 1 minced clove of garlic and the finely chopped onion. When this is light brown, add the purslane. Put the heat up high for four minutes, and then add pepper and salt to taste. Serve with a yoghurt sesame dip: mix 1 gr of sesame seeds, fried till golden brown, 250 ml of yoghurt, and 1 minced clove of garlic.




ACCESS is here to help inside front cover


page 73

Bouwinvest -

page 7

The American Book Center -

page 22

The American International Community School -

page 21

The American School of The Hague -

page 75

Amsterdam Expat Center -

page 69

Bicycle Mania -

page 75

BMW Diplomatic Sales - -

All too much?

Telephone & e-mail help desk

Counselling referrals

Expecting a baby?

Looking for a job?

Courses & classes

page 19

The British School in the Netherlands -

page 29

A Dictionary of Dutchness -

page 73

Compananny -

page 33

Elca Media -


back cover

Expatax -

page 15

Feel at Home in The Hague Fair - page 72

Want to find your way?

in Amsterdam & The Hague ACCESS DEN HAAG City Hall (Atrium) Spui 70 Den Haag Helpdesk (070) 3462525

Job hunting courses Want to volunteer?

Use skills & meet people ACCESS AMSTERDAM Prinses Irenestraat 59, 1077 WV Amsterdam Helpdesk (020) 4233217

Frisia Makelaars -

page 29

The Holland Handbook -

page 15

I am not a Tourist Fair -

page 67

Want to really understand the Dutch?

The International Herald Tribune -

page 2

The International School of Amsterdam -

page 55

An insider’s guide to the acronyms, abbreviations and weird words used in everyday Dutch.

Lassus -

page 65

Makelaars Associatie -

page 55

Nova Relocation -

page 29

Personal Relocation -

page 15

Quality Rentals -

page 29

Radboud Universiteit -

page 61

Rotterdam Expat Desk -

inside back cover

Résidence L’étoile Amsterdam -

page 53

Some-Buddy -

page 55

Stradmeijer -

page 53

Vesteda -

page 43

Webster University -

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Funny You Should Ask About...

Running (or Ruining) Your Own Business

Last week at Albert Heijn I saw a woman pushing her no-more-than-forty-five-year-old husband in a wheelchair. He had obviously been the victim of a


debilitating stroke. I know what stroke looks like.

“But... but... but...,” you say. Yes, I know full well the advantages of self-employment, but sometimes I wonder whether they outweigh the disadvantages. Hmmm, let’s see.... Advantages: Well, I can sleep in as long as I like. The fly in that ointment, however, is that, if you’re self-employed, you can’t sleep in. Period. Time is literally money. So, I am up every day, including most weekends, no later than 7 A.M., and very often at 6 A.M., to start working. Discipline is key to self-

My father, only a year after retiring from an American company

employment, and if you don’t have it, you’re simply dead in the

where he had worked for 40 years, had a severe stroke that left

water. You see, there’s that one powerful little word - ‘just’ - that

him paralyzed and bedridden for eight years - unable to even

kills many people who think they can run their own business.

sit up on his own.

Here’s what I mean:

Yes, I know, there are many good things about owning my

“I’ll just put a load of laundry in before I start working,” or “I’ll

own business (will someone please remind me what they are?)

just go for a jog first,” or “I’ll just read The International Herald

- but right now I’m feeling a bit out of stock on positive reasons.

Tribune before I start,” and on and on. ...I actually do read the

I knew I was suffering from a severe case of self-employ-

IHT in the morning while I’m having my cappuccino, but I get up

ment affirmation deficit syndrome when people in the Nether-

an hour earlier to do so. Discipline. Or madness?

lands kept asking me “So, where did you go on holiday this

Another advantage? Well, to be quite honest, there are some

summer?” - assuming that I had gone away like most every-

really good ones - like working in my nightgown all morning (my

one else for two or three weeks.

secret is out now) and not having to get dressed until I feel like

“Oh...,” I said rather innocently, “was I supposed to go on holiday?”

it, which is often after lunch. As a creative soul, my most creative hours are before noon, so I discipline myself to use them to

“You see,” I explained time and again to various people

the fullest. If I had to take a shower and get ready (female-style)

with rather perplexed looks on their faces, “I’m self-employed.

before noon, I’d lose an entire hour of quality work time. (Yes, it

No one told me it was time to take a vacation. No one asked

takes me a full hour to get ready - shower, make-up, and hair.)

me to fill in my holidays on the company agenda. No one said,

What I also like is being able to take a break and eat lunch

‘You have 37 paid days off plus another umpteen national paid

whenever I darn well please. In fact, I often eat lunch quite early

holidays.’ ...I work for myself, and there are no such holidays. In

- at 10:30 or 11 in the morning - since I’m often up at 6 A.M. and

fact, I also work almost every weekend. I write and edit books,

having only a light breakfast then. Strange, but true.

and publishing deadlines wait for no one. In fact, there’s always an urgent one pending.”

Plus, I totally enjoy being able to take a break and sit in the sun in my garden - once, twice or even three times a day (pro-

“Holiday?” I quipped. “What’s that?”

vided there’s actually sun, that is). I do appreciate that for sure.

Oh yes, the joys of self-employment: no set holidays or even

I don’t need to ask anyone’s permission or, worse yet, miss the

a reminder to take them, the maddeningly gruesome adminis-


the latter). I can just hear readers wanting to interrupt me now.

sun because I’m stuck in some office.

tration and constant invoicing to clients (no automatic monthly

It’s the same with going out and about. If I’ve finished what

deposit into my bank account from an employer), the intermi-

I need to do for the day and the deadlines are either behind me

nable fee negotiations that always seem either ‘too high’ or

or, as is more often the case, avoidable for a while (don’t tell my

‘too low’, and the overriding disadvantage: the lack of a stabile

publishers), I can leave it all behind and go out to wherever I feel

income (it’s always feast or famine, with a huge emphasis on

like - to a museum, to shoot photos, to sit in a café with another


By Shirley Agudo

cappuccino and a good book, or whatever strikes my mood. That part of the self-employment dynamic - being able to make my own schedule - is undeniably good. I love the freedom of it. Granted, the fact that there’s nobody hovering over me and telling me what to do - or when to do it - is a decided plus. Sure, I have to answer to my clients and publishers but, in the end, I control my own space and my own days, and I prefer that. In fact, I know I could never work for an employer again, with strict hours and the inherent constraints, though I did many times in my ‘previous life’. I manage my own life now and, from that standpoint, self-employment is great. But, a brief word of advice to those of you who are thinking about starting your own business. The ‘Catch-22’ is that if you don’t have the discipline to be a good boss to yourself - to create a strong framework for self-discipline - you’re doomed. You may as well pack it up and head to the beach. ...Which is exactly where I’m planning to go soon. I’m look-

Shirley Agudo is an American author and photographer.

ing, seriously, for a very remote, deserted island for a much-

Her latest book is ‘Bicycle Mania Holland’. For more

needed holiday/sabbatical. Anyone out there know one?

information, visit: and

But first, duty calls. And then off to that island...

Success today and in the future! International Baccalaureate Diplomas Class of 2010 ...another year of 100% awards.



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