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East Gambier East Gambier
Red & Black
The weather is looking perfect too should be a good night so thank you to Millicent for agreeingtothetimechange.
Alsoit'sourrayAdairmemorial game so it will be good to see a few family and friends of Ray's abouttheplace.
VA massive welcome to one and all into what will be the final season of WBFL as we know it with much still to be written though and a lot to get excited aboutin2023.
To all the League sponsors, who have once again come to support us in our endeavors, Thank you and rest assured we willdoourverybesttoprovide a great league to be a part of And to Michael Summers and the league executive, great worksofarandkeepitup.Your effortsareappreciated!
Welcometoalloursupporters, playersandfamiliesinwhatwe hope will be a year we strive anddriveformoresuccess!We have done our very best to fill our coaching ranks with great junior coaches and personnel to complement our wellestablished senior coaches. It isalwaysouraimtobethevery best development club we can be and that will drive us forward.
To the various committees, and in particular Volunteers, welookforwardtoyourefforts on behalf of the MFNC in m a k i n g e ve r yo n e fe e l welcome, feeding the masses and keeping the machine that isourclubrunning.
Red, Black & White
Finally,toourmajorsponsors, Somerset Hotel Motel, Millicent Sportspower, Trav Taylor Building, J and M Shanks, The Professionals Real Estate, SECO Homes, All In Balance, OGR and TDH Partners – Thank you for all support!
And to the myriad of other sponsors, we have onboard, we appreciate each and every oneofyou!
Bringon2023,CarntheSaints! Best wishes and good luck to allclubs.
Coach: Jason Dunn
1 Cody Williams
3 Dom McDonald
4 Talan Daltan