1 minute read

South Gambier South Gambier

Red & White

A big welcome to the 2023 season to all the families, players, supporters and sponsorsoftheSouthGambier FootballNetballClub.

WelldonetotheUnder16girls and Senior women’s teams over the summer, a tough year b u t s h o w i n g h u g e improvement through the season giving something to build on, thanks to Heath, Tracey & Damo for their work throughtheseason.

We have had a few departures this year and we wish those players well in their new direction and hope we see them back in the future. We have a new look young and excitingteam;itwillbegreatto see you out at the club watchingtheirprogression.

Thanks to the volunteers who have worked hard over the off seasontorenovatethefrontof the club to provide a better viewing area and to the committee for their work in getting prepared for the season There are plenty of things planned throughout the s e a s o n b y t h e s o c i a l committee so please support thefunctions.

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