Xavier High School
Student Life
International Love International Love This year there are four seniors and one sophomore from other countries attending Xavier. A lot can be learned from their unique experiences and perspectives. Both the international students and the Xavier students can benefit from their stay. These students from other countries are able to learn about the U.S. culture and improve their English, and at the same time Xavier has the opportunity to learn about other cultures of the world.
lia) e C ( e j Sil Haga
Norway Town: Stavanger Grade: Senior Host family: Karas Date arrived: August 28, 2012 Involved in: Cross country and soccer Weirdest thing Americans do: Have an obsession with football Languages: English, Norwegian, Spanish
Carlos N egrin Bolanos
Ann-Kristin (Kristine) Skoglund
Norway Town: Oslo Grade: Senior Host family: Lessman Favorite food: Rice Krispies Weirdest thing Americans do: Go to Walmart in pajamas Languages: English, Norwegian, German
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Jingyu (Lucy) Liu
C h i n a Town: Shanghai Grade: Sophomore Host family: My uncle’s family Plans for the future: Planning on finishing high school at Xavier and going to college in the U.S. Miss about home: Food, family, and my cats Languages: Chinese and English
International Roundtable
S p a i n Town: Los Palmas de Gran Canaria Grade: Senior Host family: My uncle Miss about home: The ocean Plans for the future: Staying in the U.S. and going to college Favorite food: Grilled ribs Languages: Spanish, English, and German
C h i n a Town: Shenzhen Grade: Senior Host family: Sorsby Date of arrival: Last August Biggest difference: There are fewer buildings. In my city there are tall buildings everywhere! Also, there are traffic jams where you are stuck for hours. Favorite food: Spaghetti Languages: Chinese and English
International Round Table will be held this year on November 2nd. It is an annual event at Xavier where international students from schools around the area come together to share their home country’s culture and have an opportunity to meet other international students. The day will consist of three cycles: one in the theater answering questions from Xavier students, one in the LMC being interviewed by various student journalists, and one in which they go to foreign language classes to talk in small groups with Xavier students.
Page Design: Jenna Fenske Information: Jenna Fenske, Colette Miller, Lauren Lutgens Photos: Lauren Lutgens, IClipart for Schools, AP Images