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Xavier High School


Pandora vs. 8tracks Senior Eileen Fagan Station: Today’s Country Genre: Country or Alternative “I listen to Pandora every day while getting ready, and I listen to it on my phone because I just got a smart phone!”

Today’s Country Smack That Radio 2000s Pop Radio Lana Del Rey

Junior Collin Schmitt

Frank Ocean

Station: Jason Aldean Genre: Country “I listen to Pandora on my phone and country music because it relates to real life.”

John Mayer G-Eazy Taylor Swift Beyonce


*Can choose a specific song and have a similar playlist created *Can listen to favorite artist and have similar artists suggested *Can give feedback (like or dislike) and have similar songs played accordingly

Freshman Jeff Vipond & Junior Molly Vipond

Mix: Good Vibes Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap “We like to listen to hip-hop and rap together because we both love Kid Cudi.”


Junior Clancy Haase

*No audio ads *Can upload personal songs to create mixes *Can comment on mixes to give feedback *Can select moods, genres, and artists to listen to create unique Moods: Acoustic & Alternative playlists “I prefer 8tracks because the music selection is better. You can mix two ‘moods’ as opposed to genres. I feel like I don’t skip as many songs on 8tracks as I do on Pandora.”

Information & Pictures gathered by: Ameena Challenger & Rachel Brady Page Edited by: Anna White

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