Student Life
Xavier High School
Show Me the money Money is something high-schoolers never seem to have enough of. Between paying for gas, clothes, food, and going out with friends, things can get expensive. Budgeting money can be a challenge, especially when trying to save for college on top of having weekly expenses. Below are some tips from the professionals and from Xavier students to make the most of money earned.
s p i t ing
Sav 1. Get a job
6. Carpool to save money on gas 2. Budgeting money 7. Watch little money wasters 8. Wait for sales 3. Use cash more often 4. Keep a record of spending 9. Save change 5.Find cheap ways to socialize 10. $5 challenge Having a job during the summer is a good option because there is more time to work and make money.
Take turns driving with friends who live close by so that everyone doesn’t waste gas and money.
Budgeting money allows smart money management. For example dividing a paycheck into spending, saving, and charity.
Little spending adds up quickly, so be aware of the money wasters such as snacks and other things that are not needed.
Money feels endless when using a credit card where as using cash limits spending.
Shopping is okay, but there are times when waiting for sales can be worth it. Most of the time full prices reduce after some time.
By keeping a record of spending, money is used more responsibly and is a reminder of how much there is to spend.
Extra change is an easy thing to ignore but “a penny saved is a penny earned.” -Ben Franklin
Instead of going to a movie or going out to dinner, money can be saved by renting a movie or eating at home with friends.
An easy way to save money is to set aside every five dollar bill obtained for instant savings.
“Saving money is important because with college approaching I think it is important to have money handy for things you might need. I work at Panera and I save 25% for college, 25% for spending, and 50% for savings.”
“Getting a summer job that you enjoy is easy and you can make a lot of money.”
Kara Zwanziger ‘14
Zach Schowalter ‘13
“Think about purchases before you make them and decide wether your long term purchases will be worth it in the long run.”
“I work at Hy-Vee year-round and detassel during the summer. I only spend 20% of the money I make and the rest goes towards college. I use my spending money on gas and clothes.”
Page Design: Jenna Fenske, Colette Miller, Lauren Lutgens Information: Lauren Lutgens, Colette Miller, Photos: Lauren Lutgens