Student Life
March 7, 2013
e c a l p k r o W g n i n Lear Connection Through Workplace Learning Connection, Xavier students have the opportunity to learn more about hands-on experiences with the profession that they are thinking about pursuing. Students can choose from a list of careers that they find interesting and apply for either a job shadow or internship. Internships are an opportunity to earn 45-90 hours of experience with the job and can give the student academic credit. Job shadows are ways to get a bit of insight on different careers.
Job shadow
Joe Worden
Kristin Swanke
Diagnostic Cardiology
Winter 2012 at Edgewood Pancheros
Summer 2012 at St. Luke’s Hospital
Talked with the head of marketing about the job
Observed procedures such as EKGs, cardioversions, and TEEs
1 hour during the school day
117 hours of work
“It helped me decide that I want to go into the marketing and advertisement branch of business. I am also planning on doing another job shadow at the University of Iowa for coaching. ”
“It was a great experience because it exposed me to the actual working world. I also learned a lot more about cardiology. It assured me that I would like to pursue a career in medicine.”
How to Get involved
Go to and click on the “Students” link on the right side.
Click on either the “Job Shadow Links” or the “Internships” link.
Explore the different job shadow opportunities from the “Career Choices” list.
Fill out the job shadow application, print it off, and return it to the Xavier Guidance office.
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Workplace Learning Connection will make contact via e-mail or mail regarding the date of the job shadow. After the job shadow, fill out the “Evaluation” from the website.
Contact Workplace Learning Connection (319) 398-1040
Explore the different internship opportunities in each county by clicking on the “Internship Specifics” link.
Return to the “Internship Specifics” page and fill out the internship application by clicking on the “Application” link.
An interview is required for an internship, so practice the sample interview questions provided on the “Internship” home page.
Attend three career development meetings with a Workplace Learning Connection coordinator.
Complete the “Guided Student Journal” that is provided during the internship.
Page Design: Jenna Fenske Information: Jenna Fenske, Colette Miller, Lauren Lutgens Photos: Lauren Lutgens