FREE! 22 500 copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop Ladies Canvas Pumps
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7 JUNE 2013
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KDM full council meeting ‘intense’ issue of the upgrading of the community facility at Townsend Park in Ballito. KDM House Speaker Councillor Thulani Khuluse's patience was stretched to the limit as he was called to maintain order throughout the meeting. He threatened to 'eject' people. Khuluse allowed three speakers from the public gallery three minutes each to address council on the “Townsend Park” issue. First was Louis Luyt, Chairperson of the Dolphin Coast Residents and Ratepayers Association (Docrra), who addressed council and made it clear that his organisation opposed the upgrade. “Docrra is opposed to the Townsend Park Upgrade. There is no communication between the Mayor and Docrra and he has denied
By Xpress Reporter
receiving our complaints,” said Luyt. He said that KDM wanted to evict a he KwaDukuza ratepayer's organisation and Municipality held a full questioned if there was a political council meeting at the strategy in place. KwaDukuza Provincial Library on Some people in the public sitting Wednesday afternoon, 29 May 2013. area were visibly dissatisfied with Opposition party councillors, Luyt's speech and interrupted ruling party councillors, KDM him at certain points. directors from various departments Fafie McKenzie from a and public guests attended what was Ballito ward committee in his an intense meeting. speech expressed his favour of Members from the public made the the upgrade by KDM and biggest impact in what was a meeting asked them to 'proceed.' far from normal. “ We a r e a l e g i s l a t e d In a nutshell a new Inkatha committee. One voted against Freedom Party (IFP) councillor was and eight voted in favour of the introduced, Councillor TK Gumede Townsend Park upgrade,” said from the Democratic Alliance (DA) McKenzie. was given a moratorium to return to A member of the Lions, Paul work, the passing of the budget took Naidoo, club took the podium place under torchlight and and explained how the club overshadowing all of the above was works and its recruitment methods. “The Lions Club is a service organisation and a member has to be screened,” said Naidoo. He then said that his NO DISRESPECT: organisation 'gives leftover KDM Mayor NR food to the township children' Mthembu who which drew the ire of says: “We must councillors and the public not use sensitive alike. He later explained that race issues that divide us” the food given to the township children was 'food not already dished out.' KwaDukuza Mayor NR Mthembu took to c l e a r i n g u p HALAAL misconceptions when in the middle of his address, Luyt interrupted him with his MEATS Tel: 032 551 5935 arms in the air asking Shop 3, 1 Carnation Road, Stanger Manor (Opp. Rambros) M t h e m b u : “Where…where?” ½ Lamb As the mayor continued Luyt stood up, 99 kg walked towards the Or mayor and placed a document in front of 99 kg Thulani Khuluse saying 99 99 99 If Purchased “this is an interdict” and each kg kg With A Kilo walked out of the Of Wors or meeting. In spite of the NO CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD ACCEPTED Sausages interruption the mayor was continued. ½ Sheep The Mayor said: “We B GRADE must not use sensitive 99 race issues that divide kg 99 us.” He said he was very 99 99 ½ Sheep C2 Grade each concerned about the Pkt 99 municipality and also CASH ONLY!! From NO CARDS ACCEPTED ON PROMOTIONAL ITEMS kg said 'we need to see the ALL SPECIALS WHILE STOCKS LAST needs of the Lions Club.'
Opp Hesto’s Main Gate Next to Tim Pallets, Stanger WE ALSO WHOLESALE
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What will the Mayor do to root out blatant corruption?
He said 'I feel sorry' for all KDM councillors because they are treated unfairly. An important point he brought to attention was, in his words that there is a 'coalition within management involved in corruption.' Ed's Note:
Mthembu in passing the 'Rerecommendation of the Budget speech' did so, amidst darkness saying 'now we know how people suffering without electricity feel.' “I am calling this the Budget of the people. We have heard the view of our community.”
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Specials available at Stanger Tops Only from 05/06 to 08/06, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices Include VAT. No Traders. E&OE Trading hours: Mon - Fri: 08h00 - 19h00 | Sat: 08h00 - 17h00 | Sun: Closed | TRADING HOURS FOR PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: OPEN 08:00 TO 17:00
Page 2
June 7, 2013
June 7, 2013
Page 3
Page 4
June 7, 2013
iLembe Mayor reveals expenditure policy By Xpress Reporter
The iLembe District Municipality (IDM) Mayor Sbusiso Mdabe spoke about the 2013/14 medium-term revenue and expenditure policy statement at the Ndwedwe Civic Hall on Wednesday, 29 May 2013. Mdabe addressed local municipality mayors, senior management, councillors,
members of the board of directors of Enterprise iLembe and other guests. “It is indeed a priviledge for me to be afforded this opportunity to present the Mid-Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework 2013/2014, which is a significant policy statement that maps out our expenditure patterns as per our electoral mandate, espoused in our IDP and other related policies,” said the iLembe Mayor. He said that this Medium Term and R e v e n u e Expenditure Framework is informed by the N a t i o n a l Development
Box Typek Paper
Plan (NDP), The Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS) and the iLembe Vision 2027. The district mayor also said that a n i n d i c a t i o n o f s t a b i l i t y, continuity and progress has been made as a family of municipalities within IDM. “We now have a deeper sense and an in-depth understanding of what is working or not working in government, and therefore there is no excuse for us to be found wanting in addressing challenges we met along the way.” The Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS) is aimed at growing the economy for the development and improvement in the quality of life of people living in the province. In terms of the environmental management framework, the
sanitation programme is contributing to the green revolution. IDM has received R1 500 000 from the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs for the development of the framework. An amount of R1, 3 million has been committed towards the enhancement of the Disaster Management Centre as well as installation of Lightning Conductors in communities that are vulnerable to lightning. In the past 11 months a total of 11 237 households received clean and drinkable water. “We acknowledge the challenges of continued shortages of water due to aging of water infrastructure, hence we have a budget allocation to deal with aging infrastructure and the upgrade of water treatment works,” said Mdabe.
He was also pleased to report that three of IDM's water schemes received a Blue Drop Score of 95.38% during the assessment by the Department of Water Affairs in 2011. The Department of Human Settlements has approved the followed for KwaDukuza Municipality: Driefontein (Planning stageR1.2million); Groutville P2 (Construction- R20.9million); Groutville P5 (construction R20.4million); Sakhamkhanya phase 2 (Planning-R3.5million); Groutville P1 phase 2 Ntshawini(Planning R880 000); Groutville P1 phase 2 Chris Hani(Planning R880 000); Groutville P1 phase 2 Lloyd(Planning R880 000); Rocky Park (Construction- R1.3million); Nonoti mouth (Planning R2.4million) and Sokesimbone
Stolen vehicle recovered
TRACKED: A stolen Toyota Corolla 160i GLE '95 model was recovered in Lindley Street on Wednesday, 29 May 2013. It is alleged that the vehicle was stolen in 2012. The vehicle was recovered by Car Track, who claims that it took close to a year to track down the vehicle because it was idle until recently
Min 10 Boxes
83 KING SHAKA STREET PHONE: 032 5511159 FAX.: 032 5511176
SAPPI in need of KDM’s help By Xpress Reporter
Price •Birthday •Wedding •Get Well
•Sympathy, Etc
PADAYACHEE BROS. 83 KING SHAKA STREET PHONE: 032 5511159 FAX.: 032 5511176
L.B. Tombstones t/a
Cell:072 576 2691 Eskay Centre, 20 Hulett Street
is enjoying a preferential pricing since its establishment in KwaDukuza Municipality. In the current financial year they are getting R1,4 million per month based on the 40 year old agreement which has been reviewed twice before to accommodate their needs; • The municipality is investing a lot of new infrastructure to support the mill; • The Tugela Plant (Mandeni) retrenched a number of people in 2012 where electricity was supplied by ESKOM. Therefore, the argument that they will save jobs if we give them this discount does not hold water based on the Mandeni experience; • KDM if it decides to accede to the request will have to transfer the burden to the ratepayers, of which they can't afford any further increase on
our charges; • The company has failed to explore other methods of reducing their costs i.e. changing to energy efficiency systems and clean technologies; • The impact of losing the income that SAPPI and its employees are spending in our economy will be severe; • Our position is that we can't use the ratepayers' money to 'bail out' this business in trouble might be interpreted in other quarters as if we are not investor friendly. • Any decision to give further concession to SAPPI might create a wrong precedent and the municipality losing a lot of income. The Xpress Times did ask the S A P P I R e g i o n a l Communications officer to comment on the above proposal.
n i a g r Centre Ba
Lindley Street (Next to Silverstream wholesalers) Tel: 032 552 5474 Cell: 078 669 1332
Stanger, made applications to The SAPPI Stanger Mill, the statutory body called according to a KDM tabled I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r a d e item entitled C 724, sent a Administration Commission of 'business rescue proposal' South Africa (ITAC) for regarding reducing their protection of their industry c h a r g e s t o w a r d s t h e i r against foreign competitors. electricity account. Recently the Tugela Mill in According to the document Mandeni had to be closed. KDM was approached by In discussions between the SAPPI to reduce the electrical multinational company and charges or to charge them the KDM, SAPPI indicated that cost price of the ESKOM bulk the cost driver of their business purchase price. It further states is energy (electricity) however that SAPPI requested to source KDM got information that the their electricity from ESKOM. company used 48 percent of One of the biggest employer's coal. in KwaDukuza, SAPPI According to KDM, the 'merits and demerits FACTORY PRICES, FREE INSTALLATION of the & WORDING ON TOMBSTONES ON S A P P I TIME DELIVERY proposal 12 Months Lay Byes available has many * Special Eng. Foundations implicatio * Quality & Excellence ns: * After Sales Service FREE of Charge • SAPPI Certain stones available within 12 hours
Manufacturers of Granite & Concrete Stones
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No interest on lay-byes
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Branches in: Pinetown - Crompton St • Umzinto • or Buy Direct from the factory in Park Rynie
Glass Table
Dining Room Chairs to clear
June 7, 2013
Page 5
RPIRDP set to improve lives By Xpress Reporter
HOME SWEET HOME: KwaDukuza Mayor NR Mthembu (left) with the KZN MEC for Public Works and Human Settlements Ravi Pillay (right) during the Rental Strategy tour last week
The IRWC benefits from workshop The Insika Reading and Writing Club (IRWC) of KwaDukuza attended the Literature Indaba that took place at the Olive Convention Centre in Durban on Thursday, 30 May and Friday, 31 May
2013. The workshop, hosted by the Department of Arts and Culture KZN, included training in the fields of radio drama, poetry and short story writing
The Rocky Park Integrated Residential Development Project (RPIRDP) in ward 19, under the auspices of KwaDukuza Municipality is set to improve the lives of its residents. A total of 776 housing units are currently under construction and 24 of these units are classified as community residential units in terms of their design and capacity. The KwaDukuza Municipality (KDM) Mayor NR Mthembu was addressing provincial delegation that was graced by dignitaries which included members of the KwaZulu Natal (KZN) legislature, the MEC for Public Works and Human Settlement, Ravi Pillay, Mayors from various municipalities and high level government officials on Thursday, 30 June 2013. “This project will certainly improve the standard of living of citizens who migrate to urban centers of KwaDukuza for employment and other urban markets.” said the Mayor. According to the Mayor, the housing scheme is part of national governments undertaking to provide low earners with descent human settlements with government's aim to strike a
balance between low income earners and residents who are able to afford semi-urban rent options from estate agencies. The units are located on prime areas reportedly cutting down on transport costs to benefit residents who migrate into the outskirts of KwaDukuza CBD. Councillor Mthembu said that providing affordable housing system also promotes sustainability which is an approach KDM contributes to that is a 15 year rental stock strategy that models on this project. It will be rolled out by the provincial Department of Human Settlements. “Following government's undertaking to ensure citizens receive decent and affordable housing, we have committed ourselves and also looking into integrating different economies in urban KwaDukuza,' he says. Although in construction stage, the project promises a better lifestyle for residents with the provision of security, maintenance and some built-in household appliances. The units will be managed and maintained by Simsi Construction and Project Management over the long term.
letter to Councillor Gumede stated that in the meantime and 'being mindful' of Gumede's circumstances that he report for duty with effect from Sunday, 1 June 2013. Hoosen said that he consulted with the provincial leader and constituency leadership. “You will be assigned a ward
where you will not have contact with any of the individuals who have made threats against you,” said Hoosen referring to Gumede. The DA Constituency Chairperson, Madhun Sobram Sing, will reportedly assign 'new tasks and targets' to Councillor Gumede.
The Democratic Alliance (DA) councillor Thokozani Gumede, a PR councillor, who was on a three month hiatus after claiming his life was in danger, was asked to return to work. The proportional representative (PR) councillor was issued a letter from the office of the speaker of KwaDukuza WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO PUBLIC Municipality (KDM) asking him to report to work. “Council at its ordinary sitting on 30/05/2013 dealt with SPECIAL OFFER your application and ON CULLS resolved to approve 3 FOR your leave from AVAILABLE AT KWA JUSTICE LIVESTOCK Doesburg Road (Before Crematorium) 13/05/2013 to CONTACT 0824274293 032 5512408 2/06/2013. You are requested to resume your duties on 3/06/2013, by reporting at the Speakers Office at 8h00 on 3/06/2013.” Gumede did approach the SAPS and a case of conspiracy to murder was investigated with Experience a visible reduction in redness while the resulting threat soothing for lasting relief! assessment report indicating to KDM that Serious relief for sensitised skin. he needed protection. New UltraCalming contains our exclusive complex In a letter sent to KDM clinically proven to control inflammatory pathways, from the Office of the helping to dramatically reduce redness and soothe Provincial Head Crime irritation. Sensitised skin comes in many forms. The Intelligence SAPS KZN solution comes in one. it states that “this office If you suffer from sensitised skin, visit your nearest recommends that professional skin therapist for a Dermalogica Face KwaDukuza Local Mapping analysis - you’ll discover just how effectively Municipality provide UltraCalming can ease your skin’s troubles. subject (Gumede) with security bodyguards.” available at DA Member of Parliament (MP) and Provincial Chairperson Hannif Hoosen in a
1499 Outside light fitting
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Household Globes 60 watt Pack of 10 00
Councillor asked to return to work By Xpress Reporter
Schoolwear & D.I.Y.
new look
29990 LADIES
53a King Shaka Street, Stanger 032 551 1140 w w w. t o o t e l s . c o . z a
Page 6
Mayor attends to ward 13 roads By Xpress Reporter
K w a D u k u z a Municipality (KDM) M a y o r, C o u n c i l l o r Ricardo Mthembu has responded to the complaints of Nyoni Yamanzi (Ward 13) residents in the Glenhills area by upgrading their roads. According to Mthembu, people in the area raised concern about the condition of the roads and expressed that it is d i ff i c u l t f o r p o l i c e vehicles and ambulances to make their way to the houses. “We were here a few weeks ago and people complained about the state of the roads. There is also a small area that is flooding and we are responding to these problems,” said Mthembu. He added that they were mandated by the ANC to speed up the issue of electricity. “People complained to the
June 7, 2013
• Umhlali SAPS 032 9479900 • KwaDukuza SAPS 032 5518200 • Newark SAPS 032 4570320 • Glendale SAPS 032 9479001
The contents of this column are provided by the South African Police Services ,and does not in any way reflect the views of this newspaper, and no correspondence will be entertained.
Slippery character When Sithembiso Buthelezi of Checkers Hyper noticed a youth behaving suspiciously in the store he realised something was amiss. He followed the youth who slipped a bottle of Vaseline Lotion and Nivea roll on into his underwear. Buthelezi was not prepared to allow the youth to slip away and followed till he passed the till point. Terence Msomi (20) of Melville, home of the majority of this area's criminals, was arrested and pleaded guilty. He was fined R1000 or 2 months imprisonment.
Intoxicated by her Love!
UPGRADE: Seen is Ward 19 Councillor, Sandeep Oudhram (front left); Ward 13 Councillor, Bonisile Dlavana (centre) and KDM Mayor, Councillor Ricardo Mthembu (second from right) with officials involved in the project
ANC about the issue of electricity and we are adhering to the call to address these issues,” he said.
Mthembu said that the housing project in the area will begin in time to come. “The housing project is still
coming to this area but while people are waiting, we are working on the electricity.”
Local Telkom employee to jet off to Italy
An embarrassed Goodman Zungu (43) of Groutville appeared in court on a charge of assault. Thandi Mbambo alleges that the somewhat reserved Zungu arrived home at about 2pm on Saturday after drinking with friends. Inspired by his state of intoxication he began making sexual advances towards her and she ignored him. He then broke out in a rage and began chasing her around the village, cursing and swearing her. He managed to grab her and began slapping her. Police arrested Zungu who was armed with a screw driver. His screws were tightened by police who detained him over the weekend. He is due in court on 17 July.
Letting his hair down!
HONOURED: Seen is Dr Brian Armstrong (Group Chief Operating Officer), Sam Phajane (Acting Managing Executive), Nisha Chetty and Thami Msubo (Chief: Human Resources)
94 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza (Next to T.T.Co). Tel:(032) 551 1434
Plastic Wall Clocks
Large Cutlery Rack
Dish Rack
4 tier Round Veg Rack
Microwave Covers Entrance Door Mat
Black Chairs
R47 each
Large Salad Bowl with lid
All not happy in the valley! When a Happy Valley resident woman experienced ongoing abuse by her husband, she turned to the courts and was granted a Protection
THE Country Kitchen NOW AVAILABLE!
90 litre Oval Bath
R20 R55
Nisha Chetty, a Consultant at Stanger Telkom Direct, and her spouse will be heading to Venice, Italy after she was awarded her distinguished sales and customer service achievement. Chetty received the coveted award at the prestigious Telkom Sales Conference and Gala Dinner at Sun City on Thursday, 30 May 2013.
Toasted Steak Sandwich
By Xpress Reporter
Sphiwe Ndimande's day went from bad to worse last Friday. The hairdresser was having a quiet day at her salon when a youth entered the premises. The drunk youth began shouting and swearing at her for no reason. When she tried to calm him down he damaged the shelving and dropped all her hair products. The local Business Watch police were sent to the scene and arrested Nkosi Jali (27) of Ntshawini for damage to property. He was granted bail and is due back at court on 27 July.
Succulent strips of rump steak carefully marinated in our family secret peri sauce smothered with generous helpings of hand cut fresh chips and salad for that hunger busting taste CALL AISHA OR HUMEIRA KOYA ON 032 552 1298 OR AZHAR KOYA ON 083 488 4088
Order during November 2012. Despite the Order, the husband continued the abuse. Finally, last week he abused her once too often and she reported the incident to the police. She alleges that her husband returned home drunk and began assaulting her with a rake. In self defense she threw a cup of tea at him and fled with her two children to her neighbour's house. The 28-year-old husband, who cannot be named because he has a protection order against him, is due back at court on 22 June.
Disrespect for little girls A father of a 10-year-old girl is fuming and angry with his ex. He alleges that during June 2011 his daughter, then aged 8, visited him for the holidays. He noticed her limping. During December 2011 he noticed the same action. He discussed the child with his ex and they agreed that the child could live with his parents. In January he noticed a difference in the child and questioned her. The child confided in him and reported that she was continuously raped by her step-father. The matter was referred to the police and the 36-year-old fisherman from Thembeni was arrested and charged with rape. He is expected in court on 24 July.
Special Diabetes solution A SAPPI Mandeni employee was granted bail after the alleged rape of his 26year-old niece. According to the victim, she and two school-going children reside with their aunt and uncle. The aunt is an educator at Nongoma and only comes home on weekends. She alleges that on 21 May she was feeling weak and went to lie down. Her uncle approached and enquired about her condition. He informed her that he had a solution for low sugar levels. He returned a while later clad only with a towel wrapped around his waist and allegedly raped her. She discussed the incident with her sister and finally took a taxi to Nongoma to report to her aunt. The aunt advised her to report to the police and the man was arrested. The 53year-old driver is due back in
DOCTOR ADAMS Specialist work on appointment 100% Guaranteed • Bring back lost lover in 1 day • Erection problems, Pregnancy problems • Witched people can be helped • Can see your Enemy in the mirror • Finance difficulties and trouble marriages • Lost properties
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June 7, 2013
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University will be hosting a unique, interactive exhibition which will showcase an enlightening exploration of profound wisdom that has the potential to restore human consciousness. We envisage that this will be a stimulating and fascinating event, as we explore the timeless wisdom of our ancient past and its relevance and significance for current times. The information and meditative experience gained will certainly add value to an individual's spiritual journey. The context for this programme: The time that we are sitting in is perhaps one of the most powerful moments of human history. There are challenges on all fronts personal in terms of emotional crisis, poor health and difficulties in relationships and finances as well as wider challenges in terms of social, political, environmental, poverty and crime. In response to these challenges, there is a rapidly growing awareness of the impact of our individual and collective spiritual consciousness. Indeed, we are in an undeniable time of change, and if we choose well and learn the way of energizing, of empowering ourselves, then the change can alchemically become a transformation taking us to a new level of being and living. This exhibition will make divine revelations available to the entire community, at no cost, and will provide insights and reflections which will be a support to all. The event takes place at Ayer Rock Guest House, 74 Geranium Street, Stanger Manor on Saturday, 22 June 2013. Timeslots from 10am to 12:30pm or from 12:30pm to 3:00pm. Entrance is free of charge. For an interview or further information please contact Kamla: 0329416031/
Security Company gets their man
Brahma Kumaris to host Spiritual Exhibition
Page 7
Shop 5, 38 King Shaka Street, Stanger Tel.: (032) 551 4825
Mutton Culls With leg,breast, Eggbags Chops R 4299
½ Lamb from
4999 Kg
½ Sheep B Grade from
Thurs & Fri & Sat only
By Xpress Reporter
The team at Ultimate 4 Security in the form of patrolling officer, Rufus Pillay tracked down a possible syndicate member and suspect in the Nyoniyamanzi informal settlement in Glenhills. According to Pillay, a Pluto Drive home, in Glenhills, was broken into, allegedly using the toxic fumes from burning a CD thereby allegedly drugging the victims resulting in them sleeping for hours. Pillay claims the CD burning technique is what a seven member gang used on the Pluto home family. Upon questioning the captured suspect, Pillay alleges that said suspect spoke of the method and of others ransacking the home while the family was asleep. At the suspect's shack, Pillay says he recovered ID's, cellphones, a microwave oven, camping gear and other items.
Frozen Chicken Fillets
Fri & Sat only Cubes 99 R 99 R
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NYONIYAMANZI: Security officer Rufus Pillay (right) with the suspect
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For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165
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5kg Microlite Bodyfiller
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Page 8
If it matters to you, it matters to us
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• When Alexander Bell invented the telephone, he had 3 missed calls from Chuck Norris • Fear of spiders is aracnaphobia, fear of tight spaces is chlaustraphobia, fear of Chuck Norris is called Logic • Chuck Norris doesn't call the wrong number. You answer the wrong phone. • There used to be a street named after Chuck Norris, but it was changed because nobody crosses Chuck Norris and lives. • Chuck Norris died 20 years ago, Death just hasn't built up the courage to tell him yet. • Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear carpet in his room. The bear isn't dead it is just afraid to move. • Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.
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WE ARE NOW AT 3 Cato Street Ex-Blue Flame Motors TEL : 032 551 2033 CELL : 072 150 1359
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Fadouk double beans
R1999kg Cauliflower R699Each Dukes Waffers 3 For 00
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Home Made Rice Papads
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21/2 kg
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7kg Debit & credit cards accepted.
Sanash Liquors 2 Smithers Road, Stanger (opp. Stanger SAPS) contact: 032 552 2769
June 7, 2013
PRESS WORLD Making the world local
Bollywood actress Jiah Khan found dead in Mumbai
Bollywood actress Jiah Khan has been found dead at her apartment in the Indian city of Mumbai, police say. Khan's mother found her body hanging at her home, police told the BBC. No suicide note has been found, they said. A post-mortem examination is to be carried out to establish the cause of death and police say they are seeking information from her neighbours. The 25-year-old actress made her debut in 2007 with Amitabh Bachchan. She also acted with Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar. “Nafisa Khan, who is known as Jiah Khan, was found hanging by her mother at around 22:45 India time (17:15GMT) at her residence on the first floor of Sagar Sangeet [apartment],” deputy commissioner of police Chhering Dorje said. “Her body has been taken to the hospital where a post-mortem will be conducted to find the cause of her death,” he added. (BBC News)
Essence of Life 20 health benefits of Tumeric Turmeric is one of nature's most powerful healers. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Tumeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye. The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing th e m s e l v e s o v e r th e centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's disease.
“Violence against foreigners... not xenophobia” Somali president urges Jacob Zuma to investigate killing of Somali in South Africa after graphic video goes viral. Somalia's president says he “wants answers” from South Africa after the brutal murder of a Somali man in Port Elizabeth. The Somali man, 25-year-old Abdi Nasir Mahmoud Good, was stoned to death on May 30 by a mob. The violence was captured on a mobile phone and shared on the internet. Sheik Mohammed, Somalia's president, called on his South African counterpart Jacob Zuma to “act immediately” to arrest those responsible. Kamal Gutale, chief of staff in the Somali presidency, told AlJazeera on Monday: “The president has asked Mr Zuma and his foreign minister to look into the matter and investigate the brutal killing and violence.” The murder is the latest in a number of attacks on Somali immigrants in South Africa. Police are investigating the death but no one has been arrested. (Al Jazeera)
Pistorius judge attacks 'scandalizing' media coverage A South African judge postponed the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius on Tuesday and criticized the media for sensationalist reporting of the Olympic and Paralympic athletics star's shooting of his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. Pistorius (26) remained composed throughout the 10-minute hearing at the Pretoria Magistrates Court when he made his first formal public appearance since his release on bail in February. He was driven away afterwards in a sports utility vehicle with tinted windows. Judge Daniel Thulare postponed the case until August 19, which would have been Steenkamp's 30th birthday, after prosecutors asked for more time to prepare their case. They did not provide details. (Reuters)
Royals mark 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation Queen Elizabeth II marked the 60th anniversary of her coronation Tuesday with a ceremony at Westminster Abbey attended by some 2,000 people, including nearly two-dozen members of her immediate family. Various members of the Royal Family arrived at the abbey ahead of the Queen, including Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry. Prince Philip, who missed a gala event Monday evening due to illness, was at his wife's side for the service. The Queen arrived at the abbey in the Coronation Carriage, the same one she rode in 60 years ago. (CTV News)
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Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet: 1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns. 2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer. 3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice. 4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide. 5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia. 6. It is a natural liver detoxifier. 7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain. 8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer. 9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects. 10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression
of multiple sclerosis in mice. 11. It is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor. 12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management. 13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression. 14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel (which is a generic for Taxol is an a n t i - c a n c e r ) chemotherapy drug and reduces its side effects. 16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer. 17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma. 18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors. 19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin. 20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions. Turmeric can be taken in powder or pill form. It is available in pill form in most health food stores, usually in 250-500mg capsules. Once you start using turmeric on a regular basis, it's fun to find new ways to use it in recipes. My favorite way to use it is to add a pinch of it to egg salad. It adds a nice flavor and gives the egg salad a rich yellow hue. Contraindications: People with gallstones or bile obstruction should not use Turmeric. Though turmeric is often used by pregnant women, it is important to consult with a doctor before doing so as
750ml Jack Daniels
750ml Johnnie Walker Red
Offers valid from 5 June till 8 June 2013 or while stocks last, call & collect prices. We now accept Credt & Debit cards T&C apply. E&OE only.
June 7, 2013
Page 9
Great Value & Great Savings
Friday 7 June, Saturday 8 June, Sunday 9 June 2013
Ramadaan & Baby Promotion still available 200g Bakers Choc Kits / Romany Creams
150g Willards Cheese Curls
1.25 litre Halls Thick n Fruity 2 litre Coke
99 3 per family
3 per family
3 per family
500g Frisco (Granules only)
1 litre Ultra Mel Custard
106g Jutland Sardines
250ml Nando’s Sauce
1.5kg Real Dairy Ghee
69 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Open Monday to Friday from 7:30am - 6.00pm Open Saturdays from 7:30am - 3pm Open all Sundays & public holidays from 8am- 2pm Closed on Fridays from 11am - 1:30pm for Prayers
1.5kg Rainbow Drumstick
3 per family
16 29 99
Orders can be Phoned in 032 551 1234 / Faxed 032 552 3615 / Email ATM Instore - Pension Cards Accepted - Debit & Credit Cards Accepted
Welfare Cards Accepted
Page 10
June 7, 2013
Great Value Great Savings Ramadaan & Baby Promotion still available 400ml Maq Fabric Conditioner
500g Maq Greenbar Soap
Maq Auto Washing Powder
180ml Airoma Air Freshner
1 litre Whipp Bleach
21 4199 99
100ml Colgate Regular
1.5 litre Whipp All Purpose Cleaner
85g Lux Soap
10 50ml LCC Cough Mixture
1kg Rainbow Livers
3495 94
3 x 5kg caselots @ R284.85
500g Fry’s Hot Dog
3 per family
1.5kg Pink Lady Apples
12 x 1kg caselots @ R179.88
6 x 2kg caselots @ R209.70
2kg Rainbow Mix Portions
5kg Rainbow Mix Portions
Laundry Basket Round
300g I&J Tasty Fish Fingers
700g Albany Superior White / Brown Bread
1 litre Clover Sachet Milk
6 5 69
180 Twinsaver Tissues
99 3 for
1 litre Lifetide Free Range Milk Sachet (RBST hormone growth free)
50ml Axe Roll On
14 8
+ FR Toothb EE rush
Milk and
150ml Axe Deo
275ml Plush Supreme Multi Surface Cleaner
50ml Ponds Vanishing Cream
2 litre Whipp Liquid
Wacky Wednesday & Thursday is
5 for
Per kg
2 litre Clover Nectar
250g Harvestime Stew Mix
8kg Healthy Paws Dog Food
Nu Dawn Large Eggs
500g Rama Spread
TREATS Imitation Cream Melting Moments
from our
299 4x1 Assorted Snowballs
2.5 dozen
2999 99 59
1099 Jam Tomatoes
1kg Harvestime Mix Veg
Dessert Topping Victorian Cake
5 dozen
Unit R3.00
June 7, 2013
10kg Aunt Caroline Rice
Page 11
10kg Real White Sugar
5 litre Sunfoil Oil 10kg Sasko Cake Flour
1 litre Wild Island
2 litre Kingsley
10kg White Star Maize Meal
125g Beacon Toff Choc
150g Simba Niknaks
200g Bakers Lemon Creams
1,5 litre Aquelle Still Water
40’s Freshpak Rooibos
6 49 4 99
200g Risi Six Love
100’s Phendula Tips Tea Bags
2.5kg Atlanta White Sugar
73g Maggi 2 Minute Noodles
250g Melrose Cheese Spread
750g Kelloggs Corn Flake Porridge
350g Nestle Milo Cereal
50g Rajah Curry Powder
1kg Ellis Brown Coffee Creamer
24’s Imana Cubes
500g Top Class Soup
200g Imana Soya Mince
500g Pasta Grande Spaghetti / Macaroni
410g Tomango Baked Beans
410g Koo Chakalaka
425g Lucky Star Middlecut 425g
400g Lucky Star Pilchards
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Open Monday to Friday from 7:30am - 6.00pm Open Saturdays from 7:30am - 3pm Open all Sundays & public holidays from 8am- 2pm Closed on Fridays from 11am - 1:30pm for Prayers
12 x 400g caselots @ R155.88
12 x 425g caselots @ R143.88
700ml All Gold Tomato Sauce
15 18 99
OFFERS VALID FROM WEDNESDAY 5 JUNE 2013 TILL TUESDAY 11 JUNE 2013 OR WHILE STOCKS LAST Orders can be Phoned in 032 551 1234 / Faxed 032 552 3615 / Email ATM Instore - Pension Cards Accepted - Debit & Credit Cards Accepted
750g C&B Mayonnaise
Welfare Cards Accepted
Page 12
June 7, 2013
Great Value Great Savings Ramadaan & Baby Promotion still available TRADERS DEALS
10kg Pro Cake Flour
2 litre Sunshine D Oil
10kg Tri Star Rice
15 x 1kg Huletts Brown Sugar
Wabona Maize Meal
15 x 1kg King Korn Malt
10kg Golden Delight Rice
Aunt Caroline Rice balers 20 x 1kg
39 99 99 12999 15999 6599
15999 15999
Unit R8.00
10 x 2kg
24 x 155g Lucky Star Pilchards
24 x 215g Saldanha Pilchards
12 x 400g Seafare Pilchards Tomato only
Unit R8.67
10 x 1kg Morvite
5 x 400g Knorrox Soya Bag
20 x 12 Knorrox Cubes
Unit R16.00
Unit R10.67
12 x 150g Casa Mia Time Biscuit
Unit R2.50
12 x 26 Trinco Tea Bags
155g 215g 400g
Unit R10.49
143 13199 75
Unit R6.99
Unit R5.99
Unit R11.00
Cabbage Bags
Unit R6.60
1kg Mor Cream Coffee Creamer
Unit R11.80
50 x 22g Simba Niknaks
Unit R3.50
48 x 5 Casa Mia Real Tea 6 x 250ml Chubby
24 x 1 Cadbury Dairy Milk Mini
Unit R1.67
6 x 200ml Pure Joy
50 x 1 Monster Pops
Unit R0.37
60 x 2 Clorets Gum Box
Unit R1.62
Unit R0.60
10 x 250ml Clover Nectar
12 x 600g Rainbow Supa Chunks
Unit R4.00
1 dozen Nu Dawn Large Eggs
12 x 800g Rainbow Necks
15 x 1 dozen caselot @ R187.50
6 x 500g Maq Washing Powder
Unit R0.56
Unit R0.32
Unit R14.50
6 x 40ml Blue Ice / Sadie Roll On
10 x 100g Doom Blue Death
Unit R1.54
Unit R8.99
10 x 1 Carlton Matches
24 x 1 Classic Touch Toilet Roll
Unit R1.70
Unit R11.67
6988 3299 Unit R6.99
Easigas 9kg 19kg 48kg
Unit R5.50
Open Monday to Friday from 7:30am - 6.00pm Open Saturdays from 7:30am - 3pm Open all Sundays & public holidays from 8am- 2pm Closed on Fridays from 11am - 1:30pm for Prayers
Orders can be Phoned in 032 551 1234 / Faxed 032 552 3615 / Email ATM Instore - Pension Cards Accepted - Debit & Credit Cards Accepted
Welfare Cards Accepted
Unit R4.00
12 x 125g Tru Essentials Soap
Unit R2.25
June 7, 2013
Page 13
Hiltop Pre Primary host Sports Day Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us
Please send in your community notices to Shop 2, Inzhar Building, 9 Lindley Street, Stanger or fax 032 552 2133. Notices must reach us by Monday 12h00 to appear in the same issue. No late notices will be entertained.
• The community of Lot 14, surrounding areas, Nonoti and Doesburg will hold the Annual Rain Prayers on Sunday, 9 June 2013 at 8am at Prayer site Near Hillview Stores, Lot 14. Cow feeding on 9 June. Cow donated by T Moodley and family JR S u g a r. M e a l s w i l l b e provided. All welcome. Contact: Kishore on 073 546 1676 or Rajiv on 082 494 2662. • The Brahma Kumaris will be hosting a Spiritual Exhibition involving the practice of Raja Yoga Meditation and guiding you in the practice of meditation on Saturday, 22 June 2013 at Ayer Rock Guest House, 74 Geranium Street, Stanger Manor. Time: From 10am to 12:30pm OR from 12:30pm to 3pm. Entrance is FREE. RSVP: Kamla on 032 941 6 0 3 1 , e m a i l : or Rhamba Hira on 083 242 6142/032 551 4666/032 552 7864. • The Family and Marriage Society of South Africa (FAMSA) offer FREE help for domestic violence, divorce counselling, extramarital affairs and generic services. Contact: Child Welfare SA: KwaDukuza's Penny Dhaver on 032 551 2129. • Destiny Life Darnall Community Church hosts Kids church at 8:30am. Sunday Celebration: 9am11am at Nonoti Library Temple Road, Darnall. Tuesday's Home Cell's at 6pm. Wednesday's Youth at 5:30pm. Thursday's Ladies meeting at Zamani T/S at 10am. Desk Counselling Tues/Thurs 8:30am-11:30am and 2pm-4pm. Prayer and Counselling: 084 230 1655 Pastor NB Mkhize: 082 403 8880.
ast north co
Advice Desk
Straight TALK
ISMAIL ASMAL Cell: 0832558337 Email:
READY FOR FUN: Hiltop Pre-Primary School held their Sports Day on S a t u r d a y, 1 J u n e 2013. Seen above are some of the learners
MEMORABLE DAY: Patients from the Dolphin Coast Hospice Association (DCHA) also participated
• All Ward 19 (CBD, Erasmus Dam, Larkfield, Newtown, Rocky Park, Townview, Gledhow Farm, Thornhill and the RA Moodley Homes) residents are advised to attend ward meetings every Tuesday at 5:30pm at the RA Moodley Homes Hall. • The Hare Krishna Ashram Darnall holds weekly services on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm. The community is invited to attend and engage in Satsang, Hari-Katha and Bhagavad-Gita discourses. Sunday classes will start in July. Contact: 076 685 0035. • The 5th Annual Festival of Chariots (Ratha Yatra) hosted by the Hare Krishna Ashram Darnall will take place on Friday, 7-9 June 2013 starting at the temple. Watch this space for more details
The Xpress Times will be visiting various businesses in KwaDukuza to find out the story behind their name. This week we kick off with Manjra's, a household name and one of the oldest stores in KwaDukuza.
Manjra's Manjra's Seed House, as it was originally known, was established in 1966 and specialized in agricultural seeds for farmers, spices and groceries. According to owner, Mohamed Manjra, the business came to be known as Manjra's when it was revamped 17 years ago. “My son Aslam Manjra, a qualified Horticulturist, joined me and has been part of the business for the past 16 years. We were seed merchants initially and then diversified and got involved in electronics, cellphones, watches, gifts, spices, etc. thus making this a one-stop shop,” said Mohamed Manjra.
SMA hosts free Health and Wellness Day The Stanger Muslim Association (SMA) will host a free health and wellness day on Sunday, 23 June 2013. The free medical awareness programme is being held to promote health and wellness to underprivileged communities who do not have the resources to obtain professional medical assessments and advice. The chairman of the SMA, Mr Zaf Khan said, “The SMA's mandate is to assist all people in our community irrespective of race, religion, colour or creed. The high costs of medical treatment prompted us to host a free health seminar so that impoverished people in our community have access to appropriate medical care.” There will be a large contingent of experienced doctors, nurses
and other healthcare practitioners such as pharmacists, dentists, optometrists and chiropractors to consult with patients attending t h e f r e e m e d i c a l d a y. The Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMA) will also be present to conduct free screening and health education for hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes (sugar), TB, HIV/Aids and many other health related matters. Sister Honey Allee of the IMA said, “We are proud to be associated with the SMA and our nurses are keen to be of service to your wonderful community free o f c h a r g e . ” The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) will conduct a blood donor clinic on the day and members of the
community are encouraged to donate life-saving blood. Mr AK Hoosain of the SMA organizing committee said, “Many local doctors and other healthcare practitioners have readily agreed to provide free consultations to patients. We are also overwhelmed with the generous support from pharmaceutical companies who have sponsored medication for the event.” The event will be held at the Zakariyya Muslim School (ZMS) from 9am to 3pm. The SMA encourages all members of the community to attend the Health & Wellness day and to utilize the free medical services on offer. For more information, please email or
It's not a laughing matter Mr President! I was absolutely flabbergasted when the President appeared on TV last week to address the nation on the state of the economy. His first response was, 'How are you? How's the economy? Heh, heh, heh,' he grinned in his usual way, adjusting his glasses and trying to disguise the stark reality that every thing is not right in South Africa. As chief- of- staff, he may be in the fortunate position to joke or even laugh about the current state of affairs, but deep down he and his cabinet know that 'something is rotten in the state of Denmark'(Mzansi). What with the rand taking a terrible pounding against the d o l l a r, t h e M a r i k a n a upheaval, the Gupta gate scandal, the unacceptability high unemployment level, the insane cost of fuel, the outrageous price of basic commodities amongst other critical issues, how can the president sleep peacefully? With the looming elections, this is the time for him to gain back a shred of respectability.
Wi t h s u c h m a s s i v e amounts being spent on his private mansions to secure his future, the exorbitant amounts squandered on his private jet, the unnecessary sums spent on 'imbizos' and parties almost every week, the massive renovations on the long road to Nkandla, and other related indulgences, who wouldn't be all smiles and rub their hands in glee and laugh everything away? What makes this situation more despicable and shameful is that there are so many crises taking place around him. It is the middle of strike season, there's barefaced poverty, mayhem, turmoil and discontent, yet the president seems to be unfazed and undaunted, and simply continues on his jetsetting jaunts, hob-knobbing with civilized nations, grinning and adjusting his glasses. Sometimes the feeling is that he is naïve and really cannot read a situation and understand the gravity of what is happening, as his response to a direct question is simplistic, evasive and way off the mark. Right now he is in Japan with his begging bowl, but he should be trying to stomp out the domestic fires with all the intelligence at his disposal. As head of a nation you cannot simply entrust your responsibilities to your subordinates and try to solve problems outside your domain. But he can take comfort in the knowledge that the country's shortcomings and failings can be blamed on apartheid, even after almost two decades of 'democracy'. Heh,heh, heh. Keep your thoughts flowing and the letters rolling.
Stanger Muslim Association PBO 930037576
presents a
Date : Sunday, 23rd June 2013 Venue : Zakariyya Muslim School
63 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger
Time : 9am to 3pm
The event will promote health and wellness to local underprivileged communities Utilise the services of experienced doctors, nurses and other healthcare practitioners. Free screening and health education will be provided for : •T B • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) • Diabetes (Sugar) • Eye Care • HIV Aids • Dental Care • Chronic Pain • Hearing And many other ailments and health related matters
Light refreshments will be provided
Page 14
June 7, 2013
Hare Krishna Letters to the Editor spiritual masters come to Darnall Fax 032 552 2133 or email your letters to STRICTLY NO LETTER WILL BE USED WITHOUT A PROPER NAME, ADDRESS AND CONTACT DETAILS. The Editor cannot be held responsible for any information in the Letters to the Editor column. This column is intended to be a platform and forum for those members of the community who have an opinion on a certain issue, which does not necessarily reflect the views of the Xpress Times. Please note some letters will be shortened to accommodate all correspondence. Those utilizing the column must please ensure that your name, address and telephone numbers are submitted for our reference; however, a pseudonym will be used when requested by the writer. The Editor reserves the right not to publish a letter.
Sripad BV Vishnu Daivata Maharaja and Sripad Bhakti Vedanta Dandi Maharaja will be at the Hare Krishna Ashram Darnall (HKAD) Festival of Chariots. Bhakti Vedanta Dandi Maharaja is a teacher and practitioner in the ancient Gaudiya Vaisnava line. He is a disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja, the world-famous preacher of Krishna Consciousness, and has also travelled widely throughout India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore and the United States, preaching the message of pure love. Maharaja has arranged many interfaith conferences around the world, to bring forth harmony and understanding among different faiths, and has written the book, “Vegetarianisma scientifically proven and time honored path to peace.” In particular his speciality is to speak on the meeting point between modern science and ancient wisdom. With his extensive background in modern science he can explain the essential truths of the Eastern scriptures in the language of modern science. Wi t h h i s b a c k g r o u n d i n c o m p u t e r programming languages, artificial intelligence, computer security, quantum mechanics and medical science, Maharaja easily and expertly shows how modern thinkers are striving for a perfect understanding of reality, and that this perfect conception is found fully in the Vedic s c r i p t u r e s o f I n d i a . Maharaja has worked with RCA, GE, US Army Corps of Engineers and taught at City University of New York. He has three US Patents issued. Now Maharaja is a full-time practitioner of the path of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. He also continues to travel and preach this divine song.
Change...the only constant! I read with great interest and disappointment about the recent electricity disconnections conducted by the KwaDukuza Municipality (KDM). Whilst the municipality has every right to collect its debt, it is sad and unfortunate that KDM would target private consumers whilst millions are being owed by industrial and business users. It is even more depressing that this system of debt collection will continue since the municipality has no other means of retrieving outstanding monies - OR IS THERE? A wise man once said: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!” There currently exists a system of purchasing prepaid electricity. All the municipality needs to do is to incentivise households and businesses to "change"' to prepaid electricity metering. KDM should consider providing the prepaid meters free of charge due to the massive savings it stands to benefit in the form of reduced administration and staff costs and lo and behold!....absolutely zero debt collection charges! The same prepaid water system, currently in trial phases in Lindelani, should be implemented throughout the region by the iLembe District Municipality. I challenge both our municipalities to a race to see w ho implements the faster 'change.' A study commissioned by KDM revealed that they could earn between R300 000 to R400 000 per month with the introduction of parking meters in the KwaDukuza CBD. Does it make business sense that the KDM is spending money to collect outstanding debts when the opportunity to earn additional revenue is literally 'staring them in the face'? The second challenge to KDM is when will you make the 'change' back to parking meters? The main entrance to our town via the N2 is an absolute disgrace! It actually has the potential to
turn visitors away rather than enter the town. The road is in disrepair, there is no pedestrian sidewalk (and in some places no safety barriers), there is no welcome signage and no street lighting. The municipality has a standard response when it comes to enquiries about this stretch of road 'it is not our jurisdiction and is under Provincial control'. Does this rationale absolve KDM/iLembe of its responsibility to create a safe and aesthetically pleasing entrance to the town? Either haul a Provincial official from his cosy office in Pietermaritzburg to revamp the road or fund it ourselves (and claim the cost from Province) as has been done in Ballito when the Provincial contractor stopped work. Business advertising signage boards can be placed on street lighting thus earning the municipality more revenue. Last but not least our municipalities can achieve further cost-saving by reducing inefficiencies to create optimal performance by all staff. It is not a larger workforce that is required but rather one that is educated, dedicated, professional and service-orientated. It is so wonderful that KDM vehicles are now identifiable on our streets but what about staff who can come to work dressed in a T-shirt and jeans! Is this professionalism? Let's not even mention how many telephone rings it takes to get a municipal receptionist or official to answer the call! Another wise man one said: “You cannot change what you refuse to confront!” My challenge to our municipalities is to confront issues head on and efficiently implement 'change' for the better. I assure you that the result will not be small 'change' but 'millions of rands' in costsavings and additional revenue! Shain Manjoo
Public Servants Unethical behaviour
I was shocked to read in the Xpress Times about ratepayer and businessman Younus Moorad having his power disconnected. After all, his payment was up to date without arrears. What was very sad, his 78-year-old mother who I know from my childhood was using a medical apparatus that used electricity when this happened. The municipal public servant was very rude to him and failed to lend a sympathetic ear. I believe it's very clear that Moorad was waiting for his bill to make his payment which he does monthly. This shows its KwaDukuza Municipality's (KDM) problem. It's a shame on KDM for bringing down a faithful ratepayer and well known businessman's name. It's shocking to see millions of rands being owed by big businesses and government departments. I MAHARAJA AND presume that these accounts are not paid for years, then my question is: “Why is big business and government departments privileged and the poor ratepayer is not?” Is KDM transparent to its ratepayers? I also want to commend Ismail Asmal from the Advice Desk for his personal visit to these government departments and also
THE HARE KRISHNA ASHRAM DARNALL - SOUTH AFRICA invites you and your family to the
Festival of Chariots & Devotion
sharing with readers about how people are treated with disrespect and offensive behaviour by the so-called public servants. I also commend DA Councillor Madhun Sing for assisting Mr Moorad. That's TRUE BATHO PELE PRINCIPLES. Keep it up. I have written to the Public Service and Administrative Minister Lindiwe Sisulu about a year ago about the unethical behaviour by Public Servants. I am proud to hear that she has now taken steps to act. Lindiwe Sisulu is seeing ghosts and she is determined to get rid of them next year. She believes that we should have professional public servants to serve the nation with respect. Soon about 1.5 million public servants are going to be trained on how to behave and respect the nation. I call on the Mayors of both KwaDukuza and iLembe to use this platform that's going to be laid by the Minister on ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR by Public Servants. I am saying, only respect and discipline is the key to success. I hope this “back to the training board” helps those incompetent public servants to learn to show respect and care for the people that are putting food on their plates. God bless South Africa. Community Activist Roy Naidoo - Darnall
“Stop behaving as if you lot are a law unto yourselves” I am bemused by the plans the Mayor has for “Service Delivery Month”. What are normally routine tasks and responsibilities of various departments in his Municipality should not be interpreted by the community as something special nor extraordinary. If each department of the municipality was focused on service delivery daily, this town and the surrounding areas would not be in the state it is in at the moment. Residents have been bemoaning their fate for months. Now in one month of the year how much do they hope to achieve? Workers will be happy as they will surely receive thousands in overtime pay trying to hoodwink us into believing that the Municipality really cares. This is a P.R exercise aimed at scoring points and nothing more! To the spin doctors in the Municipality, remember this “Always bear in mind that the people are fighting neither for ideas nor for the things in anyone's head. They are fighting to win material benefits to live better and in peace, to see their lives go forward to guarantee the future of their children.” (Amilcar Cabral). Is one month going to provide this? I wish to point out some relevant quotes the Honourable Trevor Manuel made in his speech at the conference of Senior Management Service in Pretoria which saw him publically attacked by certain sectors. I quote 1. “Let me unequivocally state that the public service is a calling and a responsibility. It is a choice exercised. We choose to serve or we enter the private sector in pursuit of wealth. We cannot do both.” 2. “Humility towards the poor is the greatest attribute of a civil servant.” 3. “They include the need for accountability for professionalism, for service to the citizens, for being neutral in relation to party-political contestation, for public servants to be dynamic agents seeking to change society whilst adhering to the law at all times, for public servants to be prudent with the use of public funds and to be responsible stewards of the public trust.” Please remind yourself and your council that you are our servants and should stop behaving as if you lot are a law unto yourselves. Listen to us.
7 June 2013 - 6.30pm 37 8 June 2013 - 6.30pm Park Drive 9 June 2013 - 9.30am Darnall Bhajans and Kirtans will be rendered. Hari Katha by the Maharajas will be given.
ALL WELCOME. Prasad will be provided. Contact Murari Mohan Prabhu 079 513 4229 / (a-h) 032 486 1080
The sheriff’s department and debt collectors have been harassing me for three years due to debts that have been lingering with me. Other events have happened including the department cutting off my electricity, cutting my telephone line and eventually my water supply was cut off. I was black listed, could not apply for credit and became a declined client everywhere I went. This was putting a strain on my family especially my son who was an alcoholic and was not employed. My son;s depresson led him to taking drugs. This was getting too much and in the end i ended up borrowing money from my friends because the banks did not want to loan me money because I was unemployed. As a pensioner i realised on the small income I got but was not enough also. Things got worse when some of my friends wanted their money back. One day I got home I see the local community paper in my post box. The first thing that captured my attention was a testimony by a women who had been saved saved from her debts by a Godly man called Dr Raj. I could not believe this and for a few hours I thought if I should consult Dr Raj. Finally I decided to call Raj and ask him if he can help me as well. When I called him first thing that he had said that he knows I am in debt and should not stress. I felt relieved after that I decided to see Raj the following morning when I booked my appointment. During our consultation the man gave me a Magic Ring and told me that things were going to get better and that I would be able to get through my debts. Eventually after sometime I am debt free with Dr Raj’s miraculous help and his Magic Ring. I assisted my son to also get a good job at Toyota. This have been better for my family and we are growing stronger thanks to Dr Raj.
Do You Have Any Problems Troubling You
Contact Dr Raj on:
031 829 2935/078 360 0213 Skype us on : online.doctor1
June 7, 2013
Page 15
Page 16
Factory / Warehouse to let. 2000m 2 includes mezzanine floor. R70 000 pm. Stanger Industrial Area. Contact 082 424 1885.
Factory / Warehouse to let. 350m2 . R12 250 pm. Stanger Industrial area. Contact 082 424 1885.
Workshop to let for TVs, Hi Fis and Dvds. Immediate occupation. Contact 0325521144, 084 393 8982.
Code 10 Driver required, minimum 5 years experience, traceable references, own transport. Able to work flexible hours. Salary negotiable. Fax maximum 2 page CV to 0325544003. Closing date for application 21 June 2013.
2006 Ford Bantam 1.6 XLE bakkie with canopy. Full house. R50 000 neg mileage 164000km. 2010 Opel Corsa 1.4 bakkie. R75 000 neg - mileage 71000km. Contact 078 264 5098. 1. 1994 Toyota Venture 1800 (2Y engine) R25 000. 2. 2002 Toyota Raider diesel LDV R46 000. 3. 1994 Toyota 2.4 diesel LDV (non runner) R19 000. 4. Mitsubishi Colt 2.8 diesel double cab (cylinder head damaged) (non runner) R49 000. Or R110 000 for the lot. Contact 0325511316, 072
Quality WENDY HOUSE from new pinewood. All sizes available. Contact Aubrey 076 298 3184. Sony Bravia LED 32cm flat screen. R1000. Contact 083 447 3622.
Major appliance. Side x side. Fridge and freezer. Like new. R8500. 2 x Dish washers. Still in original condition. Box/carton. Tumble dryers, washing machines. We buy second hand fridges, Pentium 4 towers and laptops. Strict conditions applies. Contact 0325521144, 084 393 8982.
Contact 032 551 1013 office hours only or 084 828 6834
Transport required from Stanger to Isipingo, Prospecton (SA Breweries) 8 to 4 or Gateway. Sms or phone 0825911244.
Contact Nishara for all your classifieds, service guides, legal notices, birthday message, memorium, vacancies, etc on 032 552 2165 or Fax 032 552 2133.
KING STHABISO Ngisiza wonke umuntu onezinkinga. Uma uhluleka kwabanye abantu woza kimina ngokushesha ngitholakala eStanger
071 704 6275
REAL STORY- PRAYER ONLY ADAMS SHOWED ME PROBLEMS IN A MIRROR After many years in pain, I finally got happiness, for 3 years I had lost my job and my husband had left me for another woman and I suffered in silence but after I went to Adams he made a simple prayer with candles and a mirror and in 5 days i was phoned for a job and when my husband heard that I am working he came back willingly. My life is now better and my child can go to school. I promise if you contact Adams for any long problem, life, finance, luck and love. He charges a small consultation fee.
CONTACT: 078 877 8838
Happy Heavenly Birthday
Call us now on 032 551 6180 or email your CV to alternatively fax your CV to 086 683 5937
Ganesha (Gunny)
For 3rd June
From : Mum,Kathrine, Damian,Wayne Family & Friends
CONTACT ENOCK 074 407 5771, 078 054 0346
If it matters to you, it matters to us
press times
Shop 2, Inzhar Building, 9 Lindley Street, Stanger
t north coas
P.O. Box 1387 Stanger 4450 Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 Fax: 032 552 2133
You Have Brought Great Joy Joy into into Our Our Lifes We Love You Lots
GENERAL MANAGER: Ahmed Desai - 083 6900707
Transport available from Stanger to Ballito or join lift club. Monday to Friday. Time 8am to 4.30pm. Contact 078 176 0321.
We are looking for Call Centre Agents Are you : •Self Motivated •Career Orientated •Goal Driven
Opposite Natures Best. Secure complex with gated area, driveway and pedestrian gate.
BEE Compliant Level 3-110%
2 Bedroom, lounge, diningroom, kitchen, toilet, bathroom, balcony and 1 parking bay.
Specializing in tiling, painting, paving, driveway, plastering.
EDITOR: Ismail Asmal - 083 255 8337 REPORTERS: Vernon Pillay - 032 552 2167 Purdy Pillay - 032 552 2167
From: Mum(Candice) & Dad(Logan) & Grandparents
ADVERTISING: Cookie - 032 552 2165 CLASSIFIEDS: Nishara Avathar - 032 552 2165 LAYOUT & DESIGN: Anesh Duwarka - 032 552 2167 DISTRIBUTION: Yunus Dalliah - 083 948 7517 SPORTS: Anil Singh - 078 224 6023
If it matters to you, it matters to us
press times
ast north co
TYPING PROFESSIONALLY DONE Letters, Assignments & General Typing
C.V’s 22 448 copies distributed FREE
Shop 2, Inzhar Bldg, 9 Lindley Street, Stanger (next to Delight Spices)
per page
per page
FREE PICK UP AND DELIVER. Repairs to all makes of TVs, DSTV decoders, computers, etc at low prices. We also buy TVs, laptops and computers. Dead or alive. GLOBAL DISCOUNT WORLD, 33b Hulett Street. Contact 0325522052, 083 369 7788.
WANTED 2007 / 8 /9/10 Isuzu bakkie 2.5 diesel with aircon, power steering. Mileage under 150 000km. Contact 083 786 1611.
HERBALIST - CONSULTANT “PALM READING, FORTUNE FORTELLER” A Traditional Doctor Spiritually Inspired Ancestors Guidence, Works 24hrs 100% Guaranteed Jobs In All, Failed, New, Unfinished Jobs Sangomas & Inyangas Are Treated & Trained
073 057 3960 NEVER LOOSE HOPE TRY DR MED Get Healed The African Way
• Lost lovers & permanent relationships • Financial problems & customer Attraction • Sexual problems & pregnancy difficulties • Win court cases, interviews & exams • Stopping of drugs & alcohol • Magic ring miss oil for casino • Manhood erection & early ejaculations
079 Stanger/ 249 3526 Isithebe
SERVICE GUIDE You have been trying to look different herbal but you got nothing Vukaniiz here to solve your matters not to look your money but to assist. My muti is 100% guaranteed Call now! *Bring back lost lover *You have bad luck *You have tokoloshe at your home *Painful body, Chest and legs ets. *Finishing unfinished job guaranteed *Foreign trips anywhere *You spent your money unnecessarily *Enlargement penis, breast, hips etc. *Stop smoking and drinking *Be strong during sex time *Family problems *You got problem at work *Win court cases police cases *Pass exams, school, driving *Bust your business your property *Win casino and Lotto same time. All your most welcome. Call now.
078 049 3126 Pay after job is done
Here is Dr Maama Aisha
• Bring back lost lover in one hour. • Financial problems • Boosting business • Court Cases • Family matters• Cleansing all bad luck • Pregnancy difficulty • Penis enlargement • Msondo charm oil for casino •Sexual problems All the work done is guaranteed Come for help Stanger Near FNB
073 557 1514
Traditional Healer: Dr Likonde Once you see him your problems have solved. Likonde he is challenging you anyone who got mankinds problems he can change your life same day. Eg. Bring back lost lover, win lotto, casino, enlargement, muti for business, stop your partner cheating on you, pregnancy problem, financial problem get good job unfinished job same day protect your family and your body. Short boys for renting. Problems during period, money in your house, weak elections and many more. Its guaranteed 100%. Call him now and pay after job is done
Cell: 071 765 1913
Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us
ast north co
For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165
DR MAMA KADU DR VUKANI Is here to solve the following problems •To bring back lost lover relative • we make mens penis big & strong permanently • Financial problems/ boosting business • bad relationship/ unfaithful lover •women who can’t ejaculate during sex •quick marriage/ vaginal tightening •Business problems •Education - Pass Exams •Luck/ Court Cases •Promotion at work •Protection of property •Pregnancy problems •bewitched people •Men/ Women who can’t produce •sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) - “All failed jobs elsewhere, come to old man fortune teller with supernatural powers”
SERVICE GUIDE DEADLINE: Strictly 10am on Mondays
“MAGIC RINGS” 2013 Specials
VACANCY Colour match / tinter for household paints. No chancers. Contact 084 455 1955.
June 7, 2013
This is the oldest powerful mystic ring organized by great magicians improved by Pharaohs in Egypt. And change you success in love, business, make you look attractive, protect you in your journey, it will prevent you from being fooled from other people, great miracles will come in your life. It will protect you from evil powers, witchcraft and even water or fire will not be able to harm you. Give you promotions in any field you want, remember diifficult answers in exams or tests and attract the opposite sex. Any type of lottories, bingo’s etc. When this ring is worn, its powers in contact with the fingers produces a gentle spark which quickly circulates throughout every part of the body, blood, veins, and muscles. Recharges the whole system with power and destroys diseases.
Stanger 078 446 7588
With strong Muthi he is here now in Stanger to help people in different ways stop crying, King he can make things come right to your life. Eg. Win lotto, Casino and other competitions, Tokoloshe 4renting, Enlargement vagina tightening, Financial problems, Remove bad luck, Fortification the yard, Business family and body unfinshed job, stop drinking alcohol, drugs, pass exams and many more. Pay after job is done.
078 791 0830 DR RASHIDI
With strong Barraka water from Egypt My family members were treating me like half father because I didn’t give them enough support and yet my job was not paying me well. I decided to go to see DR RASHIDI. He charged me for consultation and later said that he has possibility to make me smile. He gave me Barraka water to bath and played lotto after. I had to win 1.7 million on my first day. I am now a good and caring father. He also told me to continue using my luck by also playing casino machines. I usually play them and walk out with good amounts. Try DR RASHIDI and your life will change in few days. Reyaaz Pillay from Tugela My husband’s family had really turned up against me. He was told not to support me because we had no child and he was always telling me to leave his house and yet I was an orphan. I decided to seek for help from DR RASHIDI. He believed me, he gave me small water and told me spill it in the house and wait for results. After 5 days, my husband’s family came and apologised and even said that they were also behind our not having a baby. They dug away the muti that they planted behind our house. I am now 16 weeks pregnant and expecting a baby boy. All my thanks go to DR RASHIDI. Fellow women should not be treated that way in the absense of DR RASHIDI. Marriam Mukes from KZN. DR RASHIDI has barrat for every kind of problem, so don’t suffer in silence, rush for help now.
074 771 1803
June 7, 2013
Dr. Headlight
Restore your vehicle’s headlights at a fraction of the cost of replacing them.
Tel: 032 551 2440 Cell: 084 7117 651 email:
l rcia me m o C
ioning & rcondit rial Ai t s u d & In
in se iali pec 7 HIBISCUS ROAD Kwa Dukuza 4450 s We
T: 032 552 5652 F: 032 5525657 Cell: 084 500 7253 / 082 871 7652
•Aids & HIV solutions •Cancer & diabetes •Pregnancy problems •Marriage Problems •Bring Back lost lovers •Financial problems/ boosting your business •Magic Ring •To get promotion at work •To chase away tokoloshe • Quick buying & selling of properties •Win gambling •Win casino or Lotto •Win court cases •do you want to gain or loose weight. •Do you want to remove a black spot quarrels betwwen couples, family, relatives, employees etc. Man power penis enlargement • Enlargement to permanent size, ejaculation control, strong erections, low libido. No side effect 100% sure. • Any unfinished spiritual jobs. All failed jobs else where come to fortune teller with super natural powers.
073 394 4712 PAY AFTER SUCCESS
MAMA MADINA with Samuli Powder Potel in Pretoria: I was playing lotto and casino but without winning any money, that made me get crazy. Then one day, I saw the advert of Mama Madina and I just went to try her. Oh my, when she gave me the powder I went to play and won 4.4 million rands. I went and I gave her a huge prize since I regard her as my life. Try her and you will not regret. Phinkile in Tongaat: My husband’s family was forcing him to send me away and get another woman. I was so stressed because I never wanted to lose my marraige then I tried MAMA MADINA and she gave me small powder that made miracles for me and I am very happy again and my husband loves me so much. MAMA MADINA does many miracles, so if you have suffered enough, rush to her for help guaranteed. You will be happy again. NB: Don’t consider your problem too big because its very small compared to MAMA MADINA’S POWERS
Call: 071 054 2151
ASHWIN : 0827 099 088
CPA (S.A.)
Practice No : 7969 51 Mahatma Gandhi St Stanger
dZone KidZ Jumping Castles
Cell: 083 587 8687 Tel: 032 552 5424
“Mama Fati with Musiru Powder and Magic ring” My friends were visiting different casino after one to another but they were not winning and interesting amount. One morning I was walking on the street and I had people talking about the miracles performed by Mama Fati. I kindly asked them to also give me her contact then I went there to her office and see Mama Fati. She gave me Magic Ring and said that I should put on my right hand when I reach casino, I surprisingly win R37000 on my first day and I went back to enquire if I would play lotto for better amounts. She told me to use the same Ring, to put Magic Ring under my pillow to enable me dream of the lucky number. It shocked me when it perfectly happened and I had the number in my head in the morning. I later filled in my numbers in the lotto forms and I managed to win R4.3 million rands. I will never forget the happiness I had after winning that much. May God bless Mama Fati. I had suffered for so long without a smile in my face. Like my husband was turning against me as the business he had opened for me was going down and all my customers had run away from me with my money. I decided to go and look for help from Mama Fati. He gave me Musiru Powder and said that I must pour some around my shop doors way and also rub around my body. After just 3 days all my customers who had run away came back and paid me and later apologized and as I am talking now my business is booming and my husband is in my hands once again. Live long Mama Fati, she also does the following lost lover, family problem, court case, promotion at work, make men penis big and strong in all sizes permanently.
Now in Stanger
Call: 078 380 4288
Jas Sweetmeats and Snacks
Moreen - Stanger (28). I got fired at work last year in April, I tried everywhere to get a job but didn’t get a job until i went to Sofia. After using her Muthi 47 within two days I got a call from adgers store and Cell C Ballito now I’m working well, thank you Maama Sofia. Fathima - Chatsworth (68): I have 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy. My daughters are educated beautiful ladies but no man wants to marry them and a boy he’s drunk. I saw Maama Sofia’s Muthi 47 Confessor last week and I went to see her and she told me my children are witched they put them under spell of ghost that’s using them like their husbands making sex with them when they are sleeping and boy they put him under the spell of a drunkard ghost and it’s true whatever she told me and she told me to bring my children and I did bring them to her she washed them and she gave me Muthi 47 but after doing whatever she told me one of my girls her boyfriend on Sunday he proposed her asking her to marry him. I’m very happy that’s why I send that message to all people that when ever you are in problems, at last there’s solution. Please go to that lady, her muthi’s strong.
Sales, service, installation and maintenance of all types of domestic and industrial air conditioners
Jewel Box • Gold Jewellery repaired and re-designed • Your old gold restyled and manufactured to suit you. • WATCHES - Batteries and straps fitted to all makes. • Qualified repairer in store.
032 551 2701 (
62a King Shaka St, KwaDukuza
Specialising in: Mawa and Pista “Everything Homemade” Burfee, Chana Magaj, Laddoo, recipe books also available Halwa (Badam & pecan nut), Kopra Paak, Gulab Jamboo, Penda, Mawa Gharie, Mesoor, Jilabee, Chevda, Suttar Finni, Sev, Ghantia, Naan Khatais and assorted parcels.
Fresh dry Pecan Nuts from Mpumalanga - 076 493 1199 Contact Mrs Kajee : (032) 552 2924 / 551 1059 / 072 906 0450
Visit our showrooms for...
DR LUCK INTERNATIONAL HERBAL AND SPIRITUAL HEALER GOOD NEWS TO MY PATIENTS. HE IS NOW IN STANGER *Penis enlargement permanently *Bring back lost lovers within 2 days guaranteed *Help in gambling & win lotto *Muti to win court cases *Passing exams and interviews *Solve financial problems & customers attraction *We do also help in promotions and to be liked at work *We have short men who brings money on account and at home *We have mizzi oil for casino *Muti for home protection and binding properties NB: All the work done is guaranteed and we work only by appointment 24hrs
071 003 2294
Good news to those people who have been looking for help. Bring back lost lover same time. Stop cheating and abusing and make him/ her love you alone and make the one you love to think about you each and every moment and virgin tightness and reduce water and enlargement using chinangwa oil (any size) in just 10 mins and remove unwanted people and remove bad luck and tokoloshe in your house and win gambling and boosting business bring more customers and get double salary at work. Binding your body get rich quickly in 1 hour by using chiteba. Short girls and sort boys and ngalala help you get money in your house and many more just put your trust in Kulewa
Call: 073 989 6524
MUTHI 47 CONFESOR The Great Prof. Dean Nadia - Stanger Manor (42): Thank you Maama Sofia, you saved my life after my best friend witched me and I got fired at work because we were working to the same company but she was jealous of me but when I heard about Maama Sofia about Muthi 47 Confesor I went there after three days my real friend confessed infront of my boss including my work mates that she put muthi in my office chair that makes people to sleep all the time and feel lazy and it happened to me but after confession, Maama Sofia she gave me another muthi for protection. Next day my boss called me back to work. I trust Muthi 47 Confessor. Thank you Maama Sofia.
CALL 0861 10 14 14
Authorised Dealers of
Sunil Pranpath
Specialised Tax Auditors: CC Reg. 24 Hours, Personal & Company Tax returns, Annual Financial Statements and Vat Audits, BEE Accreditation
Expert in solving issues like:
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Perfect health for 10c a day Now available at
STANGER Unit 1, 24 King Shaka Rd, Stanger T 032 552 1648 F 032 552 5671
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36 Hulett Street, KwaDukuza
parties & events
•R & S hand and nail cone •Rizwana Nail cone •Bridal Mehndi •Annique Products •NMC Cookware •Almond Slicer
Page 17
R&S Mehndi Salon
For trade enquiries UMVOTI BEANS Tel.: (032) 5514175/6
Sashnee CC
Liquid Gold
We Come to You!
Who tell things that really happens before you mention anything to him and he will be able to show you your enemies in a mirror and water : • Anaconda cream for penis enlargement • Financial problems • Bring back lost love in one week • Getting married to the one you want • Pregnancy difficulty • Boosting your business • Promotion at work • Luck all unfinished jobs • Removal of black magic • Show your enemies • Winning of casino or lotto • Stopping of drugs and alcohol • Court cases Dr’s who answer to your problem testimonial available come and change your life for the better. Contact for an appointment (Private Confidential)
078 849 5284 073 385 2278 Stanger
FABRICS FOR ! Lounge Suites,Taxi Seats, Car Seats ! Wide range for upholstery at wholesale prices
2 Croton Place, Stanger Industrial Park, Old New Guelderland Road, Stanger (ex-Design 3 building, opposite Jacksons) Telephone: 032 551 1470 email:
! ! ! !
Chrome legs P.U. Foam in sheet form Staples & brad nails Rubber webbing, etc
LOUNGE FURNITURE ! Lounge suites in leather, leather touch & various other fabrics ! Sleeper couches ! Chaise and Ottoman
! Old/favourite lounge suites Specialist in ! Car/bakkie seats Color Restoration and Repair ! Taxi/bus seats AGENTS FOR ! Diningroom chairs, etc S T A N G E R
We won the Jackpots in Sibaya Casino using Mama Faiths Mizz Oil: G. Nelly - Richards Bay: We first heard about MAMA FAITH’S Mizz Oil last year but we couldn’t believe it at first until last month when our aunt went to her and her life changed financially after she won a lot of jackpots at Sibaya casino (2m). She paid all debts, bond and house was almost going away by the banks, cars were already repossessed.
She showed me my problems in pot water with mirror I, Mrs K. Govender (Chatsworth) After being referred to Mama Faith, she looked in pot of water and mirror, Immediately told me all my problems and my enemies, after few minutes she prayed to me with strong blessings surprisingly my enemies came back to me for apology Mama gave me a mirror to protect me at home to see bad people who are coming to witch. MAMA FAITH doesn’t use animal sacrifice and herbs (Muthi) . Long live MAMA
What good Valentine’s Day in my life I, J. Pillay (Ballito) 30 yrs it has been 5yrs my husband wasn’t performing sexually very well, he consulted MAMA FAITH, now he has no.1 erection, strong and powerful with normal size, I enjoyed that day, even she binded him for me only.
Try this Mama, Call her
074 319 2703 Stanger for appointment
Page 18
June 7, 2013
Singh/Naidoo extract revenge for Neville’s Auto Sanjay Singh and Pragasen Naidoo extracted sweet revenge for Neville's Auto I when they defeated arch rivals Darnall Action Sporting I 23-13 in the Isithebe Paints and Signs Darts League hosted by the Dolphin Coast Darts Union at the Action Sports Bar Darnall. They had lost the Action Building and Civils league to Darnall, suffering their only defeat to them. Singh and Naidoo were in prolific form registering a perfect 6 out of 6 wins with
good help from Paddy Padayachee (5) and Sidney Naicker (4). The Darnall players seemed to be firing blanks with only Devan Gounden, Jerry Govender and Nine Pillay putting up some resistance winning 3 games against the fired up Neville's Auto squad. Neville's Auto got off to a perfect start winning the first frame 4-2. They then stepped up a notch to win the second frame 5-1 to take a 9-3 lead. The writing was on the wall for
Darnall when Neville's Auto turned on the heat taking the 3rd and 4th frame 4-2 for an unassailable lead of 17-7. With the game almost in the bag, Neville's Auto seemed to step off the gas and the last two frames resulted in tame draws of 3-3 to give Neville's Auto an incredible 23-13 victory. Despite playing with a player short, Gledhow showed no mercy to Neville's Auto II trouncing them 22-14 with Rajesh Parasaraman leading the charge with a perfect 6.
There were plenty of top scores in this encounter with Leon Moonsamy (Neville's Auto) and Terrence Pillay (Gledhow) scoring the maximum of 180 (three triple 20) and Neeran Somnath (Gledhow) registering 171 (three triple 19). In the other fixture play, Gledhow United hammered Darnall Action Sporting II 2511 with Charlie Pillay of Gledhow winning all his 6 games. Tonight (Wednesday)Darnall
Daga Salmon caught at Tugela by Cameran using live mullet as bait
Live webcast brings Mr Price Pro Ballito to Global Surfing Audiences Mr Price will this year offer worldwide access to it's ASP Prime rated Mr Price Pro Ballito event, thanks to a new and improved webcast, giving viewers the opportunity to experience the thrill of South Africa's premier surfing event, from the comfort of their own homes. The event runs from July 1 -7, 2013 and will be broadcast live on You Tube's exclusive Mr Price Pro Ballito channel ( ito) where viewers may acquire their daily fix of Ballito barrels via the multi streams available to all platforms. "As the Mr Price Pro enters it's fifth year at Ballito we are privileged to be broadcasting this amazing ASP World Tour
Prime event showcasing the world's best surfers at a popular surf destination on the North Coast of KZN. Mr Price and the KwaDukuza Municipality have gained invaluable experience broadcasting the event in previous years and we have now put together a professional team of video production crew and web commentators who will deliver an entertaining show for all the viewers tuning in from around the globe," said Mr Price Pro Ballito event director Graham Daniel. Partnering with leading internet provider Neotel, the live surfing action will stream in High Definition via a secure fiber optic cable feed providing 12MB of exclusive line dedicated to the Mr Price Pro Ballito. Thank You “ We ' v e m a d e s m a l l b u t Prof. Kaly N. significant changes to this year's production to ensure the delivery For All You Did of a high standard webcast that I thought my grandfather (Mr Rajesh) was lying, Prof surfing fans across the globe have Kaly Naidoo made me to win R10 million, he gave come become accustomed too,” me some muki water applied on my palm and feet said webcast producer Greg Kitto suddenly after 45mins, asked me to make up my choice at casino, lotto or any other gambling. of White Hot Media. (Veronica 39 Yrs) Loans and other credits are paid up With an OB van broadcasting now. I created a lot of investments thanks Prof Kaly N. live from on site, viewers at home Mr Roy (59 Yrs) was directed by my cousin Veronica to will enjoy a multifaceted approach this Prof Kaly N, but who was like aren’t perspective of this prestigious other healers, oh please, this blessed man from God event. With a total of six camera saved my marriage because my wife had a lot of men and asking me for divorce all the time but now angles and the addition of two no more and she is now listening to me with a lot of slow-mo cameras providing the caring. Our court cases were stopped and our best in slow-mo action replays, children are performing well at school, no more sick. viewers are guaranteed not to miss He charged me R133.50 only. a beat! Other problems include, lost lovers, men’s manhood, Leading action sports cameras big and strong, Sandawana Oil with tenders etc. He will help you, Magic Ring, take guard at work, women Drift have also come on board who can’t produce pass exam witchcrafts & evil with the Drift HD Point of View spirits Ghost camera. This cutting edge camera technology will be Find the Prof in Durban And Stanger broadcasting live via Wi-Fi from Tel 071 7566 247/ 031 837 2749 the water, adding yet another Call for appointment unique perspective of live HD
footage to fans around the world. “This is the first event in South Africa to be sponsored with the freshly released Drift HD Ghost,” said Chantelle Mitchell of Drift Cameras. “The Mr Price Pro Ballito event was a perfect fit to showcase our camera's innovative features to ultimately capture all the excitement of the week. We believe there is no better camera for The Mr Price Pro Ballito to be filming action footage with than Drift.” By broadcasting live from the contest waters, surfing fans may watch every moment of a surfer's wave from take off to exit and with exclusive behind the scenes coverage, will have the unique opportunity to hear surfers providing their experiences and perspectives on the day. Narrated by ASP World Championship Tour anchor Joe Trupel, audiences will be guided through the highs and lows of competitive surfing live from the commentary booth. With intimate knowledge of the professional surfing circuit, Trupel brings endless insight into board selection, surfer's backgrounds and competitive statistics binding the Mr Price Pro Ballito story together. The webcast will kick off prior to the start of competition each morning with a 40minute morning show, taking a look back at highlights from the day before, prior to previewing the action ahead. Upon completion of the day's competition, a highlights package will run through the night, ensuring that viewers around the world are able to watch their favourite surfers compete, no matter what time zone they're on. The Mr Price Pro Ballito will run in conjunction with the Mr Price Pro Ballito Beach Festival featuring an array of beach and extreme sports as well as the popular Free Music Concerts over three days from July 4- 6, 2013 and the Food and Wine festival running from July 2 to 4, 2013.
SAFA iLembe Regional League: Northern Stream Results of Matches: 31 May -02 June 2013 Nono Eagles conceded walkover to Peace Makers (19 May) Metso Mineral beat New Love Mighty Rovers beat Black Lions Real Chappies beat Isithebe United Mambane claimed a walkover against Real Ireland Tsunami beat Walter Cosmos SP Calles and Peace Makers DREW Shooting Stars and Real Benfica DREW Metso Mineral beat Mighty Rovers Thokoza Happy Boyz and Nono Eagles DREW Real Chappies beat Walter Cosmos Mambane beat Isithebe United Metso Mineral claimed a walkover a g ainst Real Benfica Tsunami beat SP Callies Lacoste beat Peace Makers Black Lions beat Shooting Stars
2-0 2-1 1-0 5-3 2-0 2-0 1-1 2-2 3-2 1-1 5-0 2-0 2-0 3-0 3-0 2-0
Log position as at 02 June 2013 Team P W D L GF GA GD PTS 1. Real Chappies 31 22 07 02 59 23 +36 73 2. Mighty Rovers 33 21 06 06 77 30 +47 69 3. Metso Mineral 29 21 05 03 68 20 +48 68 4. Mambane 30 19 09 02 52 24 +28 66 5. Black Lions 31 18 06 07 50 26 +24 60 6. Lacoste29 17 07 05 62 23 +39 58 7. New Love 30 16 06 08 57 41 +16 54 8. Tsunami 28 09 10 09 36 30 +06 37 9. Isithebe United 30 10 05 15 48 62 -14 35 10. Walter Cosmos 28 09 05 14 40 50 -08 32 11. Nembe Citizen 25 09 04 12 33 42 -09 31 12. Shooting Stars 30 05 12 13 25 43 -18 27 13. Real Ireland 29 06 06 17 25 55 -30 24 14. SP Callies 28 05 06 17 27 56 -29 21 15. Peace Makers 28 05 05 18 27 52 -25 20 16. Nono Eagles 28 04 08 16 21 50 -29 20 17. Thokoza H. Boyz 29 03 07 19 27 63 -36 16 18. Real Benfica 28 03 06 19 21 65 -44 15 TOTAL 524 202 120 202 755 755 00 726 SAFA iLembe Regional League Co-Ordinator: Isaac Abraham SAFA Ilembe Regional League-Fixtures Northern Stream Wednesday, June 5 5.30pm-Metso Mineral vs Walter Cosmos (Ncedomhlope) 7pm-Mambane vs Real Benfica (Ncedomhlope) 8.30pm-Real Chappies vs Thokoza Happy Boyz (Ncedomhlope) Thursday, June 6 5.30pm-Real Chappies vs Nembe Citizen (Ncedomhlope) 7pm-Mambane vs Shooting Stars (Ncedomhlope) 8.30pm-Metso Mineral vs Isithebe United (Ncedomhlope) Friday, June 7 3.30pm-Metso Mineral vs Tsunami (Isithebe Ground) 3.30pm-Nembe Citizen vs Mambane (Plaza Ground)
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Saturday, June 8 9am-Isithebe United vs Real Ireland (Isithebe) 11 am-Walter Cosmos vs Thokoza Happy Boyz (Plaza) 11 am-Shooting Stars vs SP Callies (Isithebe) 1 pm-Nembe Citizen vs Metso Mineral (Plaza) 1 pm-Mambane vs Lacoste (Isithebe) 3 pm-Black Lions vs Real Benfica (Plaza) 3 pm-Tsunami vs Peace Makers (Isithebe) Sunday, June 9 11 am-Real Ireland vs Nembe Citizen (Plaza) 11 am-New Love vs Thokoza Happy Boyz (Isithebe) 1 pm-Lacoste vs Walter Cosmos (Plaza) 1 pm-Isithebe United vs SP Callies (Isithebe) 3 pm-Real Benfica vs Peace Makers (Plaza) 3 pm-Tsunami vs Nono Eagles (Isithebe)
As a matter of fact
Shop 5, 14 Gizenga Street
In the article: “Manor Primary trounce ZMS in U13 cricket final” published last week, the photo captions should read Desigan Pillay presenting the batting award to Alex Pillay (centre) and the bowler of the tournament to Nikhil Singh (right)
June 7, 2013
Page 19
Grove End/KSST to SA runners ‘lack discipline’ contest Pie World final
Teachers Style stay in the hunt for league title
Grove End and KSST will contest the final of the Pie World sponsored Stanger and D i s t r i c t Vo l l e y b a l l Association mid season knockout tournament that is scheduled to take place tomorrow (Thursday) at the association courts commencing at 8pm. Grove End were in a titanic battle against their arch rivals Randsons in the first semi final last Thursday. The first set saw both teams play attractive attacking volleyball and they matched each other point for point and in every department. Nothing could separate the teams in the points department
as the lead changed hands on numerous occasions. It was eventually Grove End that took the advantage with a narrow 25-23 win. This seemed to have lifted the spirit in the Grove End camp as they came out firing on all cylinders in the second set. Randsons seemed to lack any motivation and self confidence as they just went through the motions. Grove End wrapped up the game with a 25-17 victory to book a place in the final. In the second semi final, KSST hardly worked up a sweat as they raced to an emphatic 25-14 win over S&S
in the first set. However, S&S came back in the second set but KSST held on to a hard fought 25-21win to set up a mouth watering clash against Grove End in the final. In the KDSA social league, Teachers Style stayed in the hunt for league honours when they came from a set down to beat Virgo 2-1. Teachers won 21-25, 24-16, 15-11. Titans continued their dominance of the social league with a hard fought 26-24, 2513 victory over Cool Leaders whilst Darnall Action Sporting had to dig deep in their reserves to beat Sunbrook 2521, 18-25, 15-9.
New Comrades Marathon champion Claude Moshiywa has warned that a lack of discipline by South Africans may prevent them from dominating the race in the future. The Johannesburg-based runner comfortably won the 88th edition of the world famous ultra-marathon from Claude Moshiywa: South Africa's own champion Durban to Pietermaritzburg on Sunday, finishing more than nine minutes ahead of disciplined enough to make S a t u r d a y I t h e n t r a i n normally," he said. closest rival Jonas Buud from sure it happens. "So it's quite difficult and I "You find that when you Sweden. Moshiywa took the lead invite guys to come and train hardly get any time to rest in from countryman Johannes together, they don't want to. the week. From 07:00 until Kekana after four hours on So we need to change our 16:00 I work." Moshiywa was left on his the road, and charged ahead attitudes in that sense. "We need to work together own for the final quarter of in the warm KwaZulu-Natal conditions to secure a historic and make this the time for the Sunday's 86km race. While he wasted no time victory in five hours, 32 South Africans." Moshiywa's victory was building a significant lead, he minutes, 08 seconds just reward for the hard- struggle up the notorious (5:32:08). It was the first time in over working 39-year-old and Polly Shortts hill in the two decades a local had won improved on his consistency closing stages, where he was the "up" run - the last man in recent years that had seen reduced to walking. "It was a case of being him secure four previous was Jetman Msutu in 1992. L a s t y e a r L u d w i c k gold medals. He was third in mentally strong at that point," he said. Mamabolo ended a seven- the last "up" run in 2011. "It was very tough but I Born in Sebokeng, year South African "down" run drought when he was Moshiywa now lives in knew I had a good lead." Russian twins Elena and Johannesburg where he victorious in the men's race. The latest triumph by mixes training with a full- O l e s y a N u r g a l i e v a Moshiywa sparked hope that time job at a bank, and time d o m i n a t e d t h e 8 8 t h Comrades marathon, it could be the start of a new with his wife and two sons. f inishing 1-2 in "It's very difficult because I era, but the new winner p l a y e d d o w n t h a t wake up at 03:00 every Pietermaritzburg on Sunday. Elena picked up her eighth morning and do at least 20 to expectation. "It depends on us to keep on 32 kilometres from Monday title in a time of 6:27.08. working hard at winning," he through to Thursday. On said. Stanger and District Volleyball 8pm-KSST vs Grove End (umpire"Most of Randsons) us are not Association - Fixtures Club on Duty: KSST
High mountain adventure The Smurfs Hiking Club recently ventured deep into the mountains of Garden Castle, Southern Drakensburg. All in the hiking party successfully completed the testing and tough 3 day adventure. The two major hikes accomplished were the pillar cave trek (altitude reached 2000m) and the sleeping beauty cave trek (altitude gained 2350m). A special mention must be made to the firsttimers, especially the
brave ladies who dared to step outside their comfort zones and showed what women power is all about. They braved the cold, wind and
steep terrain to reach the ancient caves. This is a lesson as well as a challenge to all others. Till the next adventure, remember, it's not about the altitude, it's the attitude!
SPI Corporate League Wednesday, June 5 7.30pm-Cool Leaders vs Grove End (umpire-Team Style) 8.30pm-Powertrans vs Team Style (umpireGrove End) Club on Duty: Team Style Official on Duty: Alvin Moonsamy Pie World K.O. Cup - Thursday, June 6 7pm-Randsons vs S & S (umpire-KSST)
Official on Duty: Kruba Jaram KDSA Social League - Thursday, June 6 7pm-Sunbrook vs Virgo (umpire-Teachers Style) 8pm-Teachers Style vs Cool Leaders (umpire-DAS) 9pm-Darnall Action vs MOB (umpire-Cool Leaders) Club on Duty: Virgo Official on Duty: Revy Harryprasad
Strongest Of All No More Stress Overcome the misery and bad spells tormenting your daily life using the Great Sacred spiritual powers of the Magic Rings, Prophecy
From: (L-R): Ajen Beersingh, Dasrath, Dino and Neshani Moodley, Sumaya Bhorath, Vijay Dhanraj, Ebrahim Mansoor and Vimal Mothilal
The Ballito Street Heroes
In an effort to grow the local economy through events driven tourism and position the north coast as one of the hottest destinations in the country, the iLembe Chamber of Commerce has managed to secure one of the biggest events ever to come to Ballito. The event was officially launched to the media off the back of the cannonball run on Friday the 24th of May by the same organisers of the Top Gear Festival, Edusport and Travel.
With the rings your spiritual and financial problems will be history, binding or breaking relationships, getting promotions, tenders or contracts, bring back stolen properties & money, removing or casting evil spirits to mention but a few. Don’t stay in the dark. Know your spiritual revelation now Contact Dr Salim on his helpline
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Page 20
S tyle
June 7, 2013
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DEBUT: The Stig will drive the Infiniti Red Bull Racing F1™ Car at Top Gear Festival Hot on the heels of last week's news that Triple F o r m u l a 1 T M Wo r l d Champions, Infiniti Red Bull Racing will join the grid at next week's Top Gear Festival, there's even more good news. Not only will fans see the recordbreaking RB7 Formula
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1TM car but it will be driven by none other than Top Gear's mystery racing driver The Stig. The celebrated car will appear both on the street circuit, where it will be driven by highly acclaimed Red Bull Junior Team member António Félix da Costa, and also in the Stadium show when The Stig will get behind the wheel. Hosted by Top Gear trio Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May the 2013 edition is shaping up to be one of the most thrilling
to date. Even Jeremy has expressed his delight with the announcement; “I thought our Durban show couldn't get any faster, noisier or more exciting. Then I discovered that Red Bull is bringing an actual F1 car along and letting The Stig drive it, which is very excellent news indeed.” The tens of thousands of fans visiting next week's event will be the first to witness a Formula 1™ car being driven on the specially laid tarmac inside the Moses Mabhida Stadium. Further
stadium highlights will include Clarkson taking on The Stig with help from the armed forces; world leading precision driving by the fearless Top Gear Stunt Team and a game of motorised sidecar polo which will inevitably, and repeatedly, end in disaster. The Top Gear Festival will take place from June 15-16, 2013 at Durban's Moses Mabhida Stadium. Tickets are on sale now and range from the Basic Ticket at R250 to R2 100 for an Ultimate Package. For more
Who will triumph? Man or Machine?
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information on ticket prices or to book, v i s i t www.topgearfestival For travelling Top Gear enthusiasts and guests, there is a full range of travel packages, from selfdrive packages and luxury coach packages to flight packages, which include travel, and accommodation on a B&B basis in a Tsogo Sun 3 star or 4 star Hotel.
History will be made on Saturday, 3rd August 2013 when man and machine will come together to do battle in a bid to win the inaugural North Coast-Zululand Great Train Race. A first for the region, the unique and epic showdown will commence at 06h00 from the stunning New Guelderland Railway Platform in KwaDukuza to finish 106.7 kilometres (66.3 miles) later at Empangeni Railway Station in the City of uMhlathuze. Spectators are in for an unforgettable experience as the train and athletes traverse the glorious Northern KwaZulu-Natal coastal areas. Runners will enter in relay teams of five or iron man individuals to run the entire distance mostly on R102, P415 and R459. Cyclists will enter in teams of two and four to compete in 3 heats until they reach the finish line at Empangeni Railway Station. The train's passengers will be treated to a relaxing and luxurious journey through the countryside. Towns such as the ever beautiful Zinkwazi, old manufacturing hub Isithebe and magnificent Mtunzini are on the line-up of places to see.
The Stig who will get behind the wheel of the RB7 Formula 1™ car
For more information on packages, visit ckets/travel-packages or
The North Coast-Zululand Great Train Race is not only about man competing against a train. It is about adventure and community involvement exploring the boundless tourist attractions, and investment and community opportunities offered by the North Coast and Zululand Coast. The area is steeped in history, boasts an abundance of heritage sites and cultural activities, and is rich in rare flora and fauna. Visitors are encouraged to take in the sights and sounds, and enjoy the hospitality before and after the 3rd of August 2013. “In addition to its tremendous adventure appeal, the North CoastZululand Great Train Race is an employment creation vehicle; tourism, sport and economic enhancement tool for the region, and a unifier that will have us cheering and working together towards a common and positive purpose,” says Project Manager, Diane Wessels For more information or to pledge your support, contact 078-400 6373or visit or Email .
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