3 minute read
Help find natural parents
by Ahmed Desai

athinte usonhlalakahle Zanele Linda ku (032) 481-2093.
· Osonhlalakahle KwaMaphumulo bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaWanele Gcwensa ozalwa nguMakhosi Gcwensa, ongasekho. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte usonhlalakahle Zanele Linda ku (032) 481-2093.
· Osonhlalakahle KwaMaphumulo bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaLuyanda Mbuyazi ozalwa ngu-Mcineka Boneni Nomasonto, ongasekho. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte usonhlalakahle Zanele Linda ku (032) 481-2093.
uyacelwa axhumane nosonhlalakahle uK Mntungwa ku (032) 5525246.
· Osonhlalakahle KwaDukuza bacela ukufuniswa umama kaAmanda Madikane ozalwa nguNozuko. Ongaba nolwazi athintane nosonhlalakahl u-K Mntungwa ku (032) 552-5246 ngezikhathi zomsebenzi.
requested to contact social worker Ms N Madiba on (032) 4812093/2098.
Please ensure that the minimum requirements stipulated on the application form are adhered too. All Late applications and applications via fax or email will not be accepted. You are advised to apply for more than one school. Kindly note that filling of the application form does not guarantee you a place at this school.
supporting documents must be accompanied with the application form.
For enquiries please contact: Principal : Mr H. Naidoo Receptionist : Mrs
Weekly satsangs are held on Mondays from 6:30pm - 7:30 pm. Shree Hanuman Temple, 19 Rose Road, Stanger Manor. Transport, contact us on 073 152 8910 or WhatsApp us.
· Osonhlalakahle KwaMaphumulo bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaSenzo Zondi ozalwa nguThembisile Zondi ongasekho. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte usonhlalakahle Zanele Linda ku (032) 481-2093.
· Osonhlakakahle baKwaDukuza bacela ukufuniswa abazali bakaAphelele Njoko umama wakho nguCebisile Shongwe. Onolwazi
· Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the biological father of Mpungose Nosipho Amahle (DOB: 2010-0910). The biological mother of the child is late. Anyone with information is requested to contact social worker Ms N Madiba on (032) 4812093/2098.
· Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the mother and father of Mbatha Khetha (DOB: 2020-0107). The mother of the child left the child with a friend at Maphumulo and never came back, while the father's whereabouts are unknown. Anyone with information is
Date : 7 June 2023, Wednesday (COLLECTION OF APPLICATION)
Final Date : 14 June 20232, Wednesday (12:00) (RETURN OF COMPLETED FORMS)
Collection Time : Strictly from 8:00 to 11:30 must be turning 5 years between 01 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.
- Learners entering Grade 1 must have turned 6 years by the year 2024.
1. As per Admission Policy- Preference is given to learners from Ward 17 Kwa-Dukuza.
2. The completion of the application form does NOT guarantee admission for grade R or Grade 1 at Stanger Manor Primary School.
3. Admissions for grade 1 will be done space permitting.
4. You will be informed telephonically if successful. If not contacted by 28 July 2023 deem your application unsuccessful.
5. Successful applicants will be guaranteed:
5.1 For Grade 1 after part payment of school fees of R1000.
5.2 For Grade R after part payment of school fees of R2000.
6. Note: Grade R successful applicants must make full payment (as per Budget Meeting, TBA) before Thursday 30 November 2023, to secure place in 2024.
Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the father of Zondi Kwanele (DOB: 2000-05-16). The biological mother of the child is late. Anyone with information is requested to contact social worker Ms N Madiba on (032) 481-2093/2098.
· Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the mother and father of Makhanya Mnqobi (DOB: 2016/03/10) and Makhanya Sakhile (DOB: 2011/07.27). The biological parents of the children re both not known. Anyone with information is requested to contact social worker Miss N Madiba on (032)
· Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the biological father of Ngcamu Mnqobi Xolisa (DOB: 2012/06/13). The biological mother of the child, Ngcamu Ntombifuthi Sylvia, is late. Anyone with information is requested to contact social worker Miss N Madiba on (032) 481-2093/2098.
· KwaDukuza DSD social worker would like to be assisted in finding the whereabouts of the father of Hadebe Amahle and Hadebe Njabulo Revaldo. The late mother of the children concerned is Hadebe Pretty Ntombenhle. Kindly phone (032) 552-5246 during working hours
Letters to the Editor
Open letter to Cllr Dolly Govender
Dear Cllr Dolly Govender, what legacy are you going to leave once you leave office because ever since you were elected as a Ward 19 councillor, Ward 19 has collapsed with a high rate of crime, grime, badly maintained pavements and walkways that are a danger to cause bodily harm to shoppers and pedestrians, some unavoidable potholes which are like a salad grater, sewer overflow and not forgetting the Rocky Park incomplete housing projects that the rate-payers are funding 24hrs for security services.
Now with some of the many issues that I have highlighted, can you please respond on what you are doing to address the above issues as you (have been) in office for over 7 years. Explain your vision to modernize KwaDukuza in your lifetime to attract visitors because, right now, under your leadership, you are attracting criminals.
Since the dawn of democracy, this once pristine CBD has now turned into a shanty town under your watch.
I believe all politicians and leaders that hold high office should be held to account. Show me you are bona fides.