5 minute read
KwaDukuza could soon procure electricity from IPPs
by Ahmed Desai
KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca has vowed to act against the 'unjust' electricity tariff increase.
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has approved an 18.65% tariff hike to come into effect on 01 April 2023 which the mayor has described as ridiculous.
“I wish to reject this ridiculous hike that will not only lead to the oppression of the poor but will also affect our economy and livelihoods in the backdrop of a high unemployment rate, escalating fuel prices, load shedding and the ever-escalating cost of living.” Nhaca quipped as she tabled her 2022/2023 MidYear Budget and Performance Assessment Report before the Council last week. “Our collective mission is to improve the lives of the people by easing the burden that weighs heavily on the shoulders of the poor. I wish to vow to you that my office with the blessings of this council will work to ensure that efforts to dislodge such injustices imposed against our people do see the light of day as this is done without the consideration of the downtrodden toiling masses of our people”, she said.
Nhaca said load-shedding was a result of failures by Eskom to maintain its plantsnon-payment by other municipalities as well as corruption.
“NERSA should not have considered Eskom's application because their tariffs are inclusive of Eskom's self-made inefficiencies and inadequacies which are being reconciled at our expense. As KwaDukuza Municipality and consumers continue to pay for accounts to Eskom, we (neither) be prejudiced nor short-changed by Eskom's inefficiencies and incapacities. The 18.65% tariffs are largely attributed to the costs of buying diesel to manage load shedding. This means that municipalities will be paying for Eskom's inefficiencies which are contrary to the ruling of the Pretoria High Court between the challenge between the business chambers in Nelson Mandela Bay Metro and Msunduzi Municipality against NERSA methodology on municipal tariffs. The court ruled in favour of the business chambers,” Nhaca said.
Proposals By The Mayor
Nhaca has further announced the following steps to be taken by the KwaDukuza Council, in order to protect households and businesses:
1. That the Accounting Officer obtains an urgent legal opinion on NERSA tariffs given to ESKOM which I believe will address the inefficiencies of ESKOM that are not in line with an existing judgement affecting the prescription of municipal tariffs. Based on such opinion, the Accounting Officer, with such delegated powers must then act with the recommended legal action.
2. That the study commissioned by the Electrical Business Unit be presented in the next Full Council could have a direct impact on the budget process for 2023/2024. This is critical for ensuring that when NERSA complies with the Nelson Mandela and Msunduzi judgment, KDM should be ready to implement cost-reflective tariffs.
3. The Accounting Officer and his team may further investigate how the municipality can use its Free Basic Services to assist poor households during these times of economic difficulties. “In the upcoming Financial Year, we would like to realize an increment of Kilowatts offered to indigent households to at least 10 Kilowatts to loosen the burden of the poor,”
Nhaca said.
4. The Municipal Manager should ensure that in the next sitting of the Council, the administration tables the Energy Policy for consideration and adoption. The policy will further assist this council during the budget process to ensure that we are ahead in terms of the following:
4.1. Introducing clear measures to regulate and support the installation of alternative energy supply in KwaDukuza. This includes the possibility of introducing rebates for those who have successfully installed alternative energy like solar and/or other alternatives.

4.2. The municipality will have a framework towards starting a process of encouraging the development of Independent Power Producers within the area and also a mechanism to purchase from the private sector or households.
“Last year, two chambers of businesses jointly filed papers in the Pretoria high court, challenging NERSA regarding the approval of tariffs by both Msunduzi Municipality and Nelson Mandela Metro.
“The two chambers of businesses were successful in their arguments in that, the two municipalities' tariffs were not cost-reflective of the services they were receiving from Eskom.
Instead, they included the inefficiencies of the two municipalities i.e. energy loss. The court concluded by making a judgement against NERSA as their tariffs were unfounded.
“This judgment was suspended for twelve months to allow NERSA to develop a new tariff calculation method or guidelines to be implemented by electricity distributors for their 2024-2025 financial year,” said Nhaca.

By Xpress Reporter
The Democratic Alliance (DA) Ilembe Constituency held successful placard demonstration in KwaDukuza CBD on Friday, to highlight its stance against loadshedding and NERSA's decision to grant Eskom an

Refusal by SAPS members to open cases
Know Your Rights
As Complainant
1. It has been reported that members stationed at various police stations are refusing to open cases involving women and children due to the following reasons:
1.1The complainant cannot identify the suspect by name;
1.2 The complainant did not bring the suspect to the police station;
1.3 The crime did not happen within the station's boundaries;
1.4 The member who is attending to the complainant does not think that it is serious enough;
1.5 Complainants are told to resolve the dispute with the suspect.
3. National Instruction 3 of 2011 regulates opening & registration of case dockets.
3.1 Section 1 of the national instruction; a member who receives the complaint must interview the complainant in order to see if the complaint meets the requirement for that specific crime.
3.2 According to Section 2, Complainants must never be referred to another police station even if the crime was committed in another police station area.
4. Community Service Centre (CSC) Responsible for ensuring that:
4.1 Complainants or reporters of crime, whether the crime was committed in his/her station area or in the station area of another police station, are treated courteously and that a comprehensive affidavit is taken from the complainant or report of crime;
4.2 Complainants/Reporters of crime are not referred to another station to lodge complaints of crime;
4.3 All complaints or reports made by the public receive immediate attention.
5. Cluster Commanders and Station Commanders must ensure that all members who do not comply with National Instruction 3 of 2011 are subjected to disciplinary steps.
* Member of Public Please Report if SAPS members refuse to open your case, at SAPS National Complaint Centre: Tel: 080 033 3177 or 0860264487 tariff increase of 18.65%.
Ilembe Constituency Chairperson Kathleen Naidoo the demonstration was a sequel to the march held earlier by the party in Johannesburg, which thousands of DA members marching on ANC headquarters, Luthuli House.
Naidoo said Eskom's rolling blackouts had a devastating effect on the economy.
“It's completely unacceptable to see our people being subjected to loadshedding, which has led to many businesses being forced to shut down. It's a violation of fundamental rights, ad as the DA Ilembe Constituency we would like to join the call for No To Loadshedding,” Naidoo sated.
She added that the party also rejected the tariff increase which has been approved by NERSA.
“On the issue of the approved tariff increase, we are unequivocal in rejecting it. We are calling upon all members of the public to join our campaign to reject this increase, while at the same calling for an end to loadshedding,” Naidoo said.
DA Ilembe Regional Secretary Krsna Sing believes South Africans are being punished for blunders of those in authority.
“Years of mismanagement and corruption is the root cause; now they want the residents to pay for their blunder. We need to stand together and get rid of this incompetent government that continues to fail us,” Sing stated.