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Nandkishor Singh joins ANC PEC
by Ahmed Desai
The ANC's Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) has co-opted local political activist Nandkishor Singh as one of the new members of the PEC. The decision was taken at the PEC meeting held in Pietermaritzburg last week.

Singh is currently a member of the ANC General Gizenga Mpanza Region's Regional Executive Committee (REC). He was co-opted alongside former Education MEC Mthandeni Dlungwana and Fikile Masiko. The ANC says roping Singh and his two colleagues into the PEC will help bridge the gap between the PEC and other structures of the movement.
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“These are seasoned cadres of the movement whose extensive experience both organizationally and in government will help bridge the gap between the PEC and structures of the movement.
“Cde Nandkishor Singh is a young energetic cadre who is part of the ANC Youth League Regional Executive Committee in General Gizenga Region,” the ANC stated.
Anc Is Home For All
The instructions are clear members of the PEC in KwaZulu-Natal are ready to act collectively in partnership with alliance partners SACP, COSATU and SANCO.
We emerge from the PEC meeting with an understanding of the importance of ANC structures across the branches as agents of transformation.
We do not want members of the ANC to be left behind. No member of the ANC or alliance partners must feel that their contribution towards building this province is insignificant.
Our message is that the ANC is a home for all.
It is for these reasons we have undertaken to visit branches to ensure that ANC members and alliance partners participate in programmes aimed at strengthening the movement.
All programmes of service delivery and transformation of the economy requires understanding and involvement of ANC structures and alliance partners.
We must take a stand that ensures that no one feels marginalized, isolated and prevented from taking part in the programmes of the congress movement.
To augment the work of the PEC we have taken a decision to co-opt the following comrades into the PEC:-
1. CdeMthandeniDlungwana;
2. CdeFikileMasiko;
3. CdeNandkishorSingh.
In addition, the PEC elected Cde Zinhle Cele to be part of the Provincial Working Committee. This follows the election of Cde Lindiwe Nkabane into the National Executive Committee of the ANC.
We congratulate these men and women of the congress movement and wish them well in their work.