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*Maximum of 5 e-Coupons per customer, for each SPAR Rewards product /Multi -buy /combo featured. @SUPERSPARSTANGERTel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za STANGER 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger Tel.: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net FREE! copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop We have an advertising package to suite your needs BEE Compliant - Level 3 - 110% Grow your Business 5 OCTOBER 2022 Hi I’m Sunny, your Store Manager. times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us MEGA PRICE DROP These specials are available from WEDNESDAY 5th OCTOBER to SUNDAY 9th OCTOBER 2022 only Get an extra Get an extra Get an extra Get an extra off off off off 4 5 10 4 ewards Customers Pay ewards Customers Pay ewards Customers Pay ewards Customers Pay 1999 3499 3999 1299 each each each each Promotional Price Promotional Price Promotional Price Promotional Price 2399 3999 4999 1699 each each each each Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Assorted 5x73g Rhodes Baked Beans 410g SPAR Long Life Milk (Full Cream/ Low Fat/Fat Free) 6 x 1 litre *Maximum of 10 e-Coupons per customer, for each SPAR Rewards product /Multi -buy /combo featured. Get an extra Get an extra off off 3 10 ewards Customers Pay ewards Customers Pay 2000 13000 Buy Any 2 for Buy Any 2 for 2300 14000 MULTI-BUY MULTI-BUY per combo per combo per combo per combo 60004 BUY ANY FOR Specials available at SUPERSPAR STANGER ONLY from Wednesday 5th October 2022 to Sunday 9th October 2022, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. Ellis Brown Coffee Creamer 750g 3999 each Lucky Star Pilchards In Tomato, Chilli or Sweet Chilli Sauce 400g 2199each Black Cat Peanut Butter 400g (excluding Sugar Free) 3299 each Nescafe Ricoffy 250gHuletts White Sugar 2.5kg 4299 each Nescafe Classic Coffee 200g (excluding Decaff) 7999 each Five Roses Select Teabags (blue Box) 102s 3299 each Bakers Tennis Biscuit 200g 1899 each Georgies Back or Shoulder Bacon 200g 2999 each 1499each SPAR Full Cream Maas 2kg 2399 each SPAR Full Cream or Low Fat Milk Jug 2 litre 2499 each Sasko Standard or Premium White Sliced Bread 700g Chimes 2 Ply Toilet Tissues 18s 9999 each SPAR IQF Chicken Mixed Portions 2kg7999 each Sunfoil Sunflower Oil 5 litre 18999 each Aunt Caroline Rice 10kg 12799each Nyala Maize Meal 5kg Rama 40% Fat Spread For Bread Brick 500g Shield Roll On Assorted (Men Or Women) 50ml Dry Naps Diapers Value Pack 40s-60s Oral B Original, Extra Fresh or Gentle Toothpaste 75ml or Oral B Natural Fresh Toothbrush Only President Feta Cheese Assorted 400g 3599 each Imana Super Soya Mince Assorted 400g 2199each Clover Krush 100% Fruit Juice Blend Assorted 1.5 litre Monster Energy Drink Assorted 500ml Cadbury Chocolate Slabs Assorted 80g (excluding Bubbly) Yum Yum Peanut Spread 1kg Glen Tagless Teabags 200s 2999 each Sasko Premium Slices Brown Bread 700g Sparletta Soft Drink Assorted 2 litre Tastic Rice 2kg 2299 each SPAR White Sugar 5kg 7499each Sasko Cake Flour 5kg 5499 each 219900 BUY ANY FOR60003 BUY ANY FOR 60002 BUY ANY FOR28002 BUY ANY FOR27002 BUY ANY FOR90002 BUY ANY FOR 23992 BUY ANY FOR26002 BUY ANY FOR 5 - 9 OCTOBER ONLY! Get an extra off2 ewards Customers Pay 2699 each Promotional Price 2899 each Bokomo Weetbix 450g Sunlight Auto Washing Powder 3kg 8499 each Surf Hand Washing Powder 3kg 6999 each
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October 5, 2022XPress

Government unveils plan to fast track service delivery

eputy Health Minister Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo has

Dunveiled a new integrated plan that is designed to fast track service delivery across iLembe District.

On Friday last week, Dr Dhlomo, in his capacity as one of the ilembe District Champions in terms of the District development Model, convened a media briefing to outline the plan, following the conclusion of the Public Service Week.

Public Service Week, which ended on the 30th of September, saw national and provincial governments deploying director-generals, deputy directors, chief directors and directors from all government departments to Ilembe District to assess the progress of catalytic projects that are key to growth in the District, going forward. The whole initiative was led by Mr Thando Tubane, the HOD in the KZ Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, who is the District HOD Champion for Ilembe District.

Deputy Minister Dhlomo highlighted the importance of the

Batho Pele Principle as the pillar of government's service delivery model. He also underscored the need for government's frontline services to be accessible, efficient and effective.

“ILembe District staged activities throughout this week under the theme; “Institutionalisation and Implementation of One Plan” with various activities taking place, including visits to key catalytic projects, deployment of senior managers to frontline service delivery points; assessment of War Room functionality; community engagements in all local municipalities; convening meetings of DDM Clusters with a Public Service Week tailor-made agenda and other activities.

“In partnership with the Department of Community Safety and Liaison all the local municipalities in the iLembe District held community engagements in a form of Crime Izimbizo. These events were held as an intervention to address crime issues that were raised by the community in various community meetings and programmes, for instance in Maphumulo these were raised

during the OSS Cabinet Day that was held in March 2022. “Leaner infighting at schools, stock theft, burglary, killing of Councillors, vandalism of municipal assets are some of the issues that were raised by

the community. As government we commit to working together with the community. “A number of projects were visited to address bottlenecks,” Dr FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Mandini, Isithebe, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 5 OCTOBER 2022 BEE LEVEL3 EEACCREDITAT OB B NB •• 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us Continued on Page 2 No traders * E&OE Mon-Fri : 8am to 5pm Sat : 7am to 3pm Sun : 8am to 1pm OFFERS FROM 5 -9 OCT OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! A proudly women empowerment initiative 4 TULIP ROAD, STANGER MANOR Cell: 076 213 3369 LINDLEY STREET, opp David’s Fish Shop) Cell: 078 407 7772 2000 Ripe Bananas kg 1200 5999 10004 FOR Dhania Carrybag Onions Spinach Bunch 800 Each Tomatoes 2kg 1200 3 FOR Lettuce 3999 Many more instore specials available for the fasting period. 10kg Soft Cooking Potatoes (Cooks like UTD) Large Cabbage Fresh Beetroot 999Bunch 2500 Mint/Thyme or Shallot 1000 3 FOR Methi Dry Chillies Packet 999 Prepacked Green Peppers Pack 1200 1500 Each 3 FOR 1000 Dozen 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER Promotion partners: Ts AND Cs APPLY Stand a chance to win an instant prize in store when purchasing Monroe Shocks or Ferodo Brakes into the season with Monroe and Ferodo! Enquire Instore im 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 WhatsApp "Add" to 081 480 5521 to receive weekly specials Imported 4 Door Wardrobe Pine Bunkbed Imported 3 Door Sink Unit 3 Piece Glass Dividers from Jupiter 4 Piece Lounge Set (Assorted colours) Local 3 Piece Kitchen Unit R1399 R1399 R1350 R1450 R3399 R1099
ONE PLAN: Pictured (L to R) are KwaDukuza Speaker Dolly Govender, Ilembe District Mayor Thobani Shandu, KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca, Deputy Health Minister Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, Inkosi Cele of the Ilembe Local house of Traditional Leaders and Mandeni Mayor Thabani Mdlalose

Undertaking to curb unplanned power outages

Continued from Page 1

Dhlomo said.

Unplanned outages

The Deputy Minister added that government officials, as part of the PSW programme, visited four substations in KwaDukuza, where they received a comprehensive briefing about power supply challenges within the KwaDukuza, and discussions were held around finding lasting solutions to the

challenge of unplanned power outages in the area.

“The iLembe District Municipality visited the Maphumulo Waterworks along with Maphumulo Local Municipality leadership as part of Public Service Week with bulk supplier Umgeni Water to discuss the challenges relating to water provision in the local municipality.

Some of the challenges include unreliable power supply resulting in a reduction in water production

and ultimately water supply interruption, theft and vandalism of infrastructure as well as water loss.

“To address these challenges, Umgeni Water has since bought generators and unfortunately one has been vandalized already with battery and wires stolen. Installing of generators is expected to be done by end of December 2022,” Dr Dhlomo stated.

He also spoke about the concept known as One Plan, which in essence, seeks to eliminate the “silo approach” to government's service delivery. The concept stems from the District Development Model (DDM), which focuses on a holistic and integrated approach to District development planning, and thereby curbing the current fragmented service delivery patterns by state institutions.

“The DDM One Plan is a 25to 30-year strategic plan with a vision to develop iLembe as one integrated area. It includes the four local municipalities of Mandeni, KwaDukuza, Maphumulo and Ndwedwe as an integrated area under iLembe District.

“An initial draft of the iLembe One Plan was presented to the Joint Technical Munimec on 4 August 2022 and to the Political Munimec on 16

August 2022. During 19-23 September 2022, the Draft One Plan was presented at all cluster meetings to obtain inputs and commitments from sector departments,” Dhlomo concluded.

The Deputy Minister was joined

by Ilembe District Mayor Thobani Shandu, KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca, Mandeni Mayor Thabani Mdlalose, KwaDukuza Speaker Dolly Govender and Inkosi Cele of the Ilembe Local House of Traditional Leaders.

CHAMPION: Ilembe District Champion for District Development Model, Deputy Health Minister Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo
Desai’s CASH & CARRY 3 Enterprise Road, Stanger Tel : 032 552 3518 • Fax : 032 552 3179 • Cell : 076 734 4294 Email : info@desaiscnc.co.za • Website : www.desaiscnc.co.za Receive our Amazing Specials On Whatsapp. Kindly text “ADD ME” to We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices subject to change without prior notice. Pictures may vary from actual product. All Prices strictly cash. E&OE. WE ARE DELIVERING TO CERTAIN AREAS ONLY! T'S & C'S APPLY MINIMUM COST OF ORDER R250-00. 3 PER CUSTOMER ATMs available instore 076 734 4294 T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE Sasko Premuim White 700g Sasko Premium Brown 700g1595 9515 1350 5013ORANGES BAG APPLES 3KG Golden Delight Basmati Rice 5kg 10kg Huletts White Sugar 15595 2.5kg 4095 Daybreak Mixed Portions 2kg Eggs Large Ethekweni Noodles 5x65gSpring Meadow Yogurt 1kg Phendula Tips Teabags 100’s Golden Cloud Cake Mix 700g/800g Lucky Star Pilchards 400g Jacobs Krounung 47.5g Nestle Condensed Milk 385g C&B Mayonnaise 750g Pakco Masala 100g Playboy/Playgirl Roll -On 50ml Miracle Mom Bleach 1lt Tomco Baked Beans 410g Clover Long Life Milk 6x1lt Wellingtons Tomato Sauce 700ml Days Specials FRI/SAT/SUN 7-9 October 3 Whilst Stocks Last. First Come, First Serve GLEN ROOIBOS 80’S HOT SHOT GRILL 200G CASA MIA NOODLES 5X70G 3 PER CUSTOMER Valid from 5 - 12 October 2022 Farmside Butter Ghee 1.5kg 895 Az Zahraa White Rice 1kg Golden Pride Thai Rice 10kg Frys Veg Hot Dog 360g Camphor Block Sunfoil/Helios Oil 5lt Five Roses African Blend Teabags 102’s Aromat Can 75g Zar Macaroni & Spaghetti 500g Pakco Chilli Bite Mix 250g Clover Go Nuts 400gGolden Cloud Semolina 1kg 4595 895 1795 22951595 1495 1895 1395 1395 2395 3 For 30952300 32952195 1095 1195 Sunsoda 2lt 32952295 3395695 1195 2695 4695 5 dozen 9395 Future Life 500g 18195 12795 9595 2,5 dozen 999514995 1595 3195 9531 1395 9513 BAUMANN’S MARIE 150G SPARLETTA/TWIST 2LT BEACON SLABS MINT MAGIC 80G 995 95 895 95 2795 6995 CARROTS 1KG 3 per customer 1395 9513 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ONLY October 5, 2022 PAGE 3XPress

KZN police target KwaDukuza crime hotspots

Space is continuing to shrink for criminal elements in and around KwaDukuza as law enforcement agencies remain relentless in their quest to crush criminality.

In an unprecedented operation that was conducted on Thursday last week, a multi-disciplinary team saturated the CBD and outlying crime hotspots in stop and search operations.

The operation was planned by SAPS and its partners in law enforcement, at both the provincial and local levels.

The operation involved

SAPS KwaDukuza, Umhlali

K9 Unit, SAPS Umhlali, Ilembe Crime Intelligence, KDM Special Operations Unit, KDM Warrants

Section, Chapman Security, K2 Security, Taurus Security, Hawks Security, Black Tiger Protection, Marshall Security, Prosecure, RRR Security, CPF KwaDukuza

CBD and CPF Glenhills.

The operations saw a suspect being placed under arrest for possession of illegal firearm and ammunition, two suspects for possession of drugs and four illegal immigrants were also arrested.

Fines were also issued, and warrants executed. A vehicle reported to be stolen was also recovered, as were slopes of dagga that were found abandoned, and drugs suspected to be cocaine.

Patrons in KwaDukuza welcomed the presence of the police units, however some raised concerns that such operations were rare, leaving room for criminals to carry on with their ghastly activities.

“Yes we are happy that police are here now, but they will soon leave, and then criminals will move right back and terrorize us,” one shopper pointed out.

October 5, 2022PAGE 4 XPress
SATURATION: Police officers, CPF members, KDM Crime Prevention and security companies conducted high intensity operations in crime hotspots. SEARCH: Stop and search operations were the order of the day as law enforcement agencies clamped down on crime in the CBD

KDM plans

KwaDukuza Municipality is planning to institute expropriation proceedings in respect of a privately owned land in Nyoniyamanzi, Ward 16. This follows an incident in early July, where the municipality failed in its effort to re-gravel the main access road in the area. The budget for the project had been set at R1 million.

The community rejected the project, and demanded proper upgrade for the road, hover the municipality said at the time it was not in a position to implement major capital projects s the area was (and still is) under private ownership.

Answering questions from journalists last week, KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca revealed that attempts by the municipality to acquire

the said land from the landlord had hit a snag after the owner reportedly named an exorbitant amount (exact figure withheld due to confidentiality issues), and that for half of the land being sought.

“By law we cannot develop private land. So our only option

Relief for petrol users as prices drop

Motorists are breathing a sigh of relief at the pumps this week as the price of all grades of petrol has come down by between 89 cents and R1.02 a litre.

This marks the third consecutive month of decreases following increases experienced this year.

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) on Monday announced that the price of petrol (both 93 ULP & LRP) will come down by 89 cents a litre while the price of petrol (both 95 ULP & LRP) will come down by R1.02 cents a litre.

However, the price of diesel (0.05% sulphur) will increase by 10 cents a litre while the price of diesel (0.005% sulphur) will go up by 15 cents a litre.

The wholesale price of illuminating paraffin will decrease by 61 cents per litre.

The price of illuminating paraffin (SMNRP) will come down by 82 cents, while the Maximum Retail Price for LPGAS will increase by 19 cents per kilogram.

The DMRE said average Brent crude oil prices decreased from $94 per barrel to $89.79 per barrel during the period under review.

resolve Nyoniyamanzi

now is to begin expropriation so that ownership will eventually be transferred to the municipality, and then proper services to the community will be delivered,” stated Nhaca.

The area currently has no RDP houses and no proper roads.

7 PIECE DINING SET GLASS - BROWN R4 850 Prices valid till 15 October 2022 SAVE R1 650 R17 995 VICTORIA 3 PIECE RECLINER SAVE R7 000 R700 GREYWOOD TV STAND SAVE R300 R2 195 COASTAL BEDDING EMERALD SAVE R300 SPRING SPECIALS October 5, 2022 PAGE 5XPress Lamb Breyani R80 Dhall Gosht/Rice/Papad R45 litre Kheer R60 litre Saturday Specials! 500g Wagyu T/bone steaks served with roasted mash potatoes 45A Lindley Street, Stanger Tel: 032 551 2819 Cell: 071 872 9195 PIZZA SPECIAL • 032 551 2819 • 064 930 5717 • 071 748 3049 Kindly place orders in advance to avoid disappointment Bismillah Mutton Burger Chips & Double Thick Shake CHICKEN TIKKAS Full Chicken/ Chips/Roti/ Sauce/Salad R160 1/4 Leg Tikka, Chips & Bombay Crush Family Mixed Grill R180 Fresh Moolas Chicken R50 R140 R70 1/4 Lamb Bunny VEG SPECIALS AVAILABLE DAILY! R25 1/4 Beans Bunny R60 Open Sundays from 9am till 12pm. While stocks last. E&OE. T’s & C’s apply. Debit & Credit Cards Accepted 1 Mahatma Gandhi Street (next to Noorgats), Stanger Tel: 032 5522180 • 032 5514904 Cell: 061 418 9721 • 082 944 4517 • bosssteel@telkomsa.net Voltage: 20V No-load speed: 0-400/01500rpm Max torque: 45NM Chuck capacity: 0.8-10mm Torque settings: 15+1 Mechanical 2-speed gear Integrated work light LED battery power indicator With 1pcs 2.0Ah battery pack With 1pcs charger 20V 45NM CORDLESS DRILL INGCO-CDLI20024 R1299 Upgradefrom CDLI20021 DR ZAHRAA CASSIM MOOLLA BChD (UWC) Dental Surgeon PR No: 0979090 Tel: 032 551 1775 Cell: 082 049 3304 (Emergencies only) Dawnside Service Station, 27 King Shaka Street, Stanger WE ARE OPEN DURING LOADSHEDDING!
SOLUTION: Mayor Lindile Nhaca says expropriation is on the cards for Nyoniyamanzi land ACCESS: The main access road in Nyoniyamanzi can only be upgraded once the municipality has taken ownership of the land

Mayor convenes successful Crime Imbizo

The rampant crime in KwaDukuza and surrounding areas has prompted Mayor Lindile Nhaca to convene an Imbizo to ponder ways to enhance the fight against crime.

The Imbizo was held at the KwaDukuza Town Hall, on Thursday last week. Participants at the Imbizo included members of ward committees, councillors, traditional leaders, senior municipal officials, Chairperson of

KwaDukuza CPF Dr Mfuneni

Zungu, KwaDukuza Crime Prevention Unit, KwaDukuza

SAPS as well as private security firms.

Mayor Nhaca emphasised the need for the community to work

hand in hand with law enforcement agencies to tackle the crime scourge. Nhaca said reports being received from the local communities make it clear that KwaDukuza is not a safe place at all.

Dr Zungu told the gathering that undocumented immigrants were a cause for concern, as keeping such individuals under policing radar becomes extremely difficult.

Representing KwaDukuza SAPS was Sergeant MM Mtshali, who provided the latest localised crime statistics, which showed that contact/violent crimes were still a worrying factor for residents of KwaDukuza. Mtshali said statistics show that there is an upward trend in categories of robbery, with armed robbery being a source of major concern. She added that drug related crimes were also highly prevalent.

Local resident conquers Ironman Durban

KwaDukuza resident Izak Vadia has proved to be a tad too strong for Ironman Durban 70.3, after he successfully completed the gruelling triathlon recently. The Ironman Durban 70.3 consists of a 1.9km ocean swim, 90.1km bike ride and a 21.1km run.

It is widely considered as one of the most difficult one day sporting events. Ironman Triathlons are a huge test of mental and physical endurance and require serious training and commitment.

Vadia says completing his first Ironman has infused in him a desire to conquer

more of the same challenges in future.

“I have completed my first Ironman in a time of 6hours 47-minutes. It has been one of the most memorable experiences to be part of an Ironman event.

The finish line of an Ironman is indescribable, the energy and emotions is like nothing you've ever felt in your life.

This is what I have been training and preparing for all these month's. I am an Ironman.

I would like to Thank my family and friends for all their support to make this an unforgettable experience.

Decomposing body found in Groutville

KwaDukuza and a search and rescue crew from IPSS Medical Rescue retried a body of an adult male from a river in the area of Groutville on Sunday.

IPSS Medical Rescue says the body, which was in an advanced stage of decomposition, was found floating in the river.

“he severely decomposed body was retrieved by rescue members and handed over to SAPS for further investigation into the circumstances surrounding the man's death,” stated IPSS Medical Rescue.

INCREASE: Sergeant MM Mtshali from KwaDukuza SAPS October 5, 2022PAGE 6 XPress • Baby Scans (ultrasound) • Antenatal Care • Sterilization • Birth Control; Contraception • STD Screening & Treatment • Treatment of Warts Call: 068 308 5878 or email: drngotho@gmail.com Shop 07, OK Mall, Corner of Chief Albert Luthuli and Hulett Streets, Stanger, KwaDukuza 4450 OBSTETRICIAN & GYNAECOLOGIST Dr D.W. Ngotho Dr David Ngotho and Partners SERVICES: • Infertility (unable to conceive) • Caesarean Sections • Natural Birth Deliveries • Hysterectomies • Laparoscopic Procedures • Pap Smears Strictly massage only. No extras. Time: 10am - 8pm 11 Willow Road, Warrenton, Stanger Gail - 081 520 8310 Thai Oil R20060 min R10030 min Head, Neck, Shoulders R20060 min R10030 min Foot Massage R20060 min R10030 min Gizenga Street (opp. Post Office) AQ Holdings 079 981 5505 • 073 084 7519 FATS FOODSFATS FOODS Delightful Hidden Gem R30 R14999 VEG BURGER SINGLE BURNER WITH PIPE FATS FAMOUS JUMBO BURGER FRIDAY R4999 FRESH VEG BIRYANI WITH DHALL R8999 LAYERED MASALA LAMB BIRYANI Regular Mutton R20 Jumbo R35 Regular Cheese R30 Jumbo R45 Chicken R25 Add on Cheese R10 Side Chips R15 FREE Cooee GAS STOVE R29999 2 PLATE WITH PIPE + REGULATOR R23999BOX FAN R27999 18” INDUSTRIAL STEEL BLADE (ROTATION) 3 BLADE R319995 BLADE R700 EACH Grab 5 for R30 R500 EACH Grab 5 for R20 R1000 EACH Grab 5 for R45 R60 Also available after hours Rechargeable LED Light (up to 8 hours) 7999
CNCERNS: Pictured is Cecil Viramuthu (KDM's Executive Director of Community Services) and Mayor Lindile Nhaca
Zak Vadia of Kwa Dukuza
FLOATING: A body of an adult male was found floating in a river in Groutville






Shoppers grab R15000 worth of goodies

Between 12th August and 19th September 2022, KwaDukuza Mall gave their shoppers the chance to win 1 of 3 WOWZA trolley dashes, grabbing up to R5000 worth of products from a store of their choice.

All the shoppers had to do to enter was spend R300 or more at any KwaDukuza Mall store, and submit their details either online, on social media, or at the mall itself. After receiving loads of entries, 3 winners were selected to dash and grab their favourite products from any KwaDukuza Mall store. The 3 winners, Tania, Cynthia and Zuziwe, were incredibly excited for their trolley dashes.

After choosing their store, each of them mapped out their routes before the dash, choosing the items they wanted to grab and making sure they knew exactly where to go. And on Wednesday, 28th September 2022, it was go time.

Tania selected Checkers Hyper as her store, adding tons of items to her cart that both she and her husband have been wanting for ages. They were both very happy with their haul, and couldn't choose a favourite product everything was equally amazing!

After entering the competition 4 times, Cynthia was delighted to be chosen as one of the winners, picking Clicks as her store of choice. Cynthia was so enthusiastic about her dash that she took her shoes off to help her get to the items she wanted more quickly.

The 3rd winner, Zuziwe decided that her trolley dash was the ideal opportunity to redo her wardrobe, selecting Mr Price as her target and setting her eyes on bright summer items and a range of new handbags which were her favourite items. To make sure she got everything she wanted, she took off her jacket, shoes and handbag, helping her get the speed she needed to grab it all!

It wasn't just the winners who were rearing to go the teams at Checkers Hyper, Clicks and Mr Price were just as excited about the WOWZA Trolley Dash, encouraging and helping the winners to make their dash as successful as possible.

KwaDukuza Mall thanks all the shoppers who took part in the competition and helped make it such a success, as well as the stores who hosted the trolley dashes. The KwaDukuza Mall team looks forward to making next year's trolley dash even bigger and better!

Letters to the Editor

Charity begins at home

Muzzin Ali had worked for 30 years at the mosque and he wants to retire. He has nowhere to go when he retires and with the help of Almighty God and especially Jim Cassim Moolla, Yufus Mitha from S.A.D.I.C and my son Mohammed Mather and his friends from Durban has raised 150 thousand we bought a piece of ground in Gledhow and started the project.

We have gone to roof level and are short of 150 thousand to finish the

project .Please send donations (Lilla and Sadaka only) to Yusuf Mather at Quickservice Drycleaners. Allah bless you.

Banking details as follows:

• Y Mitha (Ali)).

• FNB - Stanger.

• Acc no - 60373275590.

• Branch code - 220129. Thank you.

Celebrating World Teachers Day


World Teachers' Day on October 5th honours teachers and teacher organizations making vital contributions to the education and development of our future leaders.

If you think back to your school years, you are bound to think of at least one teacher who made a difference in your life. Maybe they helped set you on the right career path. One may have encouraged you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Or maybe they helped you when you felt unaccepted by your peers. Even though a teacher's job is to teach, they wear many hats. They are also counsellors and friends. To some students, they may even be guardian angels.

While teaching is indeed a noble career, it is a challenging one. It seems that more than ever, teachers are having a difficult time. Some of the things they contend with in the classroom each day are disruptive environments, lack of resources, and limited time. For teachers who have many students, it can be difficult to provide individualized attention.

As teachers prepare students for the future, it's more important than ever to recognize the difficult job they do.


On World Teacher's Day, UNESCO and Education International (EI) campaigns give the world a better understanding of teachers. They stress the important role that teachers play in developing societies. Events in more than 100 countries are held to celebrate teachers. Many schools host

celebratory breakfasts or special assemblies to show appreciation for teachers.

To observe World Teacher's Day, the best thing you can do is thank a teacher who made a positive impact on your life. Praise your children's teachers, as well. If you know a teacher, give them a gift card or take them out for lunch.

If you're a student, be sure to thank your teachers for all they do to help you get a good education. Students probably don't bring their teachers apples anymore, but they probably would accept coffee or chocolate! Use #WorldTeachersDay and post photos of your favourite teacher on social media.


UNESCO proclaimed October 5 to be World Teachers' Day in 1994. They chose October 5th because it was on this date in 1966 when a significant step was made for teachers. A special intergovernmental conference in Paris adopted the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. The Recommendation sets benchmarks regarding teachers' rights. It also sets standards for teacher training, employment, and teaching and learning conditions.

October 5, 2022PAGE 14 XPress Rand Currency exchange 5DayForecastXpress 16oC 18oC 16oC 16oC 19oC min.min.min.min.min. o29 C o22 C o27 C o34 C max.max.max.max.max. Wed 05 Thurs 06 Sat 08Fri 07 Sun 09
US Dollar = R17.72
British Pound = R20.13 One Euro =R17.47
Indian Rupee = R0.21
Australian Dollar = R11.53
Swiss Franc = R17.89 One Japanese Yen = R0.12 As published on Tuesday, 04 October 2022. Cloudy
“I don't harp on the negative because if you do, then there's no progression. There's no forward movement. You got to always look on the bright side of things, and we are in control. Like, you have control over the choices you make.” Taraji P. Henson
“When your dreams are bigger than the places you find yourself in, sometimes you need to seek out your own reminders that there is more. And there is always more waiting for you on the other side of fear.” Elaine Welteroth
Always work hard and have fun in what you do because I think that's when you're more successful. You have to choose to do it.” Simone Biles
o32 C
with rain Partly CloudyCloudy Cloudy
The three trolley dash winners together with Mall management Tania showing off her haul from Checkers Hyper Zuziwe successfully dashed through Mr Price, picking out favourite clothing items Cynthia's dash through Clicks earned her most of the items she has always desired TEACHER: The world has today joined hands in celebrating Teachers Day. Photo: Stock Photo
Email your letters to timesmedia@telkomsa.net. STRICTLY NO LETTER WILL BE USED WITHOUT A PROPER NAME, ADDRESS AND CONTACT DETAILS. The Editor cannot be held responsible for any information in the Letters to the Editor column. This column is intended to be a platform and forum for those members of the community who have an opinion on a certain issue, which does not necessarily reflect the views of the Xpress Times. Please note some letters will be shortened to accommodate all correspondence. Those utilizing the column must please ensure that your name, address and telephone numbers are submitted for our reference; however, a pseudonym will be used when requested by the writer. The Editor reserves the right not to publish a letter.

Ramaphosa aims to expand employment opportunities

“Many self-employed people found their livelihoods disrupted by the pandemic.

The creative sector was particularly badly affected.

In this sector, support was provided to people to create jobs for themselves and others. The movies, music and plays produced are now able to generate further income from the sale of rights, tickets and royalties.

small enterprises and informal businesses in local economies across the country.

“Instead of the 'trickle down' effect, money is being put directly into the hands of communities that need it most. That money then circulates locally and

'trickles up' into the wider economy.

“Through the Presidential Employment Stimulus, we have unlocked energy, commitment, creativity, innovation and opportunities. In the process, we are building a society that works.

“Over one million people have benefited directly.

Many more people, in the families and communities of participants, have felt the impact of the Stimulus. Our task now is to expand and deepen the impact of this work,” Ramaphosa said.

is bullish about job prospects for young South Africans. The President feels the success of the Presidential Employment Stimulus (PES) has demonstrated that with proper intervention, jobs can be created and many more people can be absorbed into the labour market.

Writing in his weekly newsletter to the nation, Ramaphosa said PES had helped created over one million since it was created in response to the devastation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said if government continues to collaborate with different stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector, much progress scan be made in

terms of job creation.

The PES was created as part of a wide range of initiatives that were aimed at supporting economic recovery and growth post Covid-19 and lockdown.

“In a context where a lack of work experience is a major barrier to finding work, these programmes are providing high-quality work experiences.

“In the largest programme supported by the stimulus, for example, nearly 600,000 young people have been placed as school assistants in over 22,000 schools in every corner of the country. School management, teachers and other stakeholders all agree that the contribution of the school assistants has improved the learning environment in schools.

All of this has been contributing to the growth of the sector.

“The Presidential Employment Stimulus has also supported sustainable livelihoods. Over 140,000 subsistence farmers have received production input vouchers to assist them to resume and expand production after the disruptions of COVID-19,” Ramaphosa said.

The President added that the PES had also facilitated may employment opportunities for unemployed graduates, with universities playing a huge role in the placement of graduates in work situations that are relevant to their qualifications.

“The incomes earned in Presidential Employment Stimulus programmes have been an economic boost to

Help find natural parents

• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Mfanekiso junior no Zangwa Elisa abazalwa ngu Zangwa Busisiwe ongasekho emhlabeni ongaba nolwazi angagxuman no Sonhlalakahle Mntungwa ku (032) 552-5246 ngezikhathi zomsebenzi.

• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Nxele Lethokuhlwe ozalwa Nxele Bonisiwe ongasekho emhlabeni. Onolwazi uyacelwa athintane nosonhlalakahle Mntungwa ku (032) 552-5246.

• The Department of Social Development requests assistance in locating the maternal family of Malwande Dlamini whose mother was Nolucky Nomasonto Dlamini from Doringkop. Anyone with information must please can contact Miss Cele on (032) 5525246.

• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Nxumalo Uphakeme ozalwa ngu Miss Nxumalo Busisiwe Angel. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte uN. Bhengu ku (032) 5525246.

• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Bhuleni Ntando ozalwa ngu Miss Bhuleni Thandeka. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte uN. Bhengu ku (032) 552-5246.

• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Buthelezi Sinakhokonke ozalwa ngu Miss Buthelezi Londiwe. Onolwazi uyacelwa athinte uN Bhengu ku (032) 552-5246.

• Abezenhlalahle bacela ukufuniswa abazali baka

Nyathi Nakho igama likamama uZanele Nyathi. Ongaba nolwazi angathintana noSonhlalakahle Mntungwa ku (032) 5525246 ngezikhathi zomsebenzi.

• Sicela ukufuniswa ubaba kaZanele Mchunu ozalwa uZinhle Mchunu. Onolwazi axhumane nosonhlalakahle NZ Madondo ku (032) 552-5246.

• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba ka Nxele Lethokuhlwe ozalwa nguNxele Bonisiwe ongasekho emhlabeni. Onolwazi axhumane nosonhlalakahle ku (032) 552-5246.

• Abezenhlalakahle bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaMfanekiso Junior no Zangwa Elisa abazalwa nguZangwa Busisiwe ongasekho emhlabeni. Ongaba nolwazi angagxumana nosonhlalakahle Mntungwa ku (032) 5525246 ngezikhathi zomsebenzi.

• KwaDukuza Child Welfare seeks the natural father of Pretty Ndlovu, born 18/04/2011, Thembeka Ndlovu, born 23/03/2007 and Simphiwe Ndlovu, born 14/11/2016. Their natural mother is Zanele Gabazile Ndlovu of Nonoti area. The natural father's details and whereabouts are unknown. Kindly contact social worker LL Ntuli on (032) 551-2129.

• KwaDukuza Child Welfare seeks the natural father of Thabisile Prudence Luthuli, born 11/03/2013. The natural mother is Zanele Gabazile Ndlovu of Nonoti area. The natural father is Sithembiso Joseph Luthuli, his whereabouts are unknown. Kindly contact social worker LL Ntuli on (032) 5512129.

October 5, 2022PAGE 16 XPress
STIMULUS: President Cyril Ramaphosa is upbeat about job prospects for South Africans

School Buzz

Back to the roots for Groutville High

Imbuyiselo Secondary hosts Career Day

Mawoti learners visit Luthuli Museum

Mpumlwane Primary observes Heritage Day

With Heritage Month coming to a close last week, Luthuli Museum hosted two schools from outside Ilembe District, who both undertook a tour of the Museum and the Monument Site at the United Congregational Church


The visiting learners were grade 10, 11 and 12 learners from Masibemunye Secondary School and also grades 10, 11 and 12 learners from Mawoti 3 Secondary School.

The Museums says schools that wish to arrange a tour to the historical facility can contact the relevant official on heritageeducator @luthulimuseum.org.

Planting trees for young souls

Thembeni Primary embraces heritage

CULTURE: Learners and educators at Thembeni Primary School took part in a programme to celebrate Heritage Day recently. Pictured are some of the learners.

October 5, 2022 PAGE 17XPress
ROOTS: On Thursday last week Groutville High School held their Heritage Day celebration, with learners and educators traditionally attired. All participants also enjoyed a sumptuous African traditional meal. Pictured (back row, 6th from left) is the Principal Mr SC Gumede together with some of the learners
Heritage Day celebration at Ashville Primary
HERITAGE: Grandparents were invited to Ashville Primary School's annual Heritage Day Programme. Learners, teachers and the grandparents wore traditional attire. The grandparents were treated to a scrumptious lunch. The importance of rhinos and their species were also highlighted. CAREERS: Imbuyiselo Secondary School held a Career Day recently, which exposed the learners to a variety of career choices. Pictured are some of the learners. Learners from Mawoti 3 Secondary School had a great experience at Luthuli Museum Learners and educators Masibemunye Secondary School are seen paying their respects at the Monument Site MAPHUMULO: Mpumlwane Primary School joined the rest of the country in celebrating Heritage Day last week. Pictured are some of the learners. TREES: Learners at Joash Pre Primary School spent a day recently with the DA iLembe Constituency councillors, plantings trees and celebrating Heritage Day. Educators and Principal Anita Murugan were also part of the event.

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Govender Family Invites you and your family to the
of the late thDATE : Wednesday, 5 October 2022 VENUE: 37 Aster Road, Stanger Manor, Stanger TIME: 19h00 to 20h00 (Service) 17h30 (Supper) Sadly missed by his loving wife Cookie; daughters Sagree and Sumeshinee; sons-in-law Inderan and Anand; grandchildren Shanice, Juvashen, Kreeolan and Karan; great-grandchild Reeshaylen PLEASE ACCEPT THIS AS A PERSONAL INVITE I cried when you passed away, I still cry today. Although I loved you dearly, I couldn’t make you stay. Your golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands at rest, GOD broke my heart to prove to me He only takes the best... The following positions are opened for immediate occupation. 1.Unarmed & Armed Security Guards 2.Armed Reaction Officers with valid competency and drivers licence 3.Control Room Operator 4.Security Manager Drop off CVs at No. 6 Croton Place, KwaDukuza, email info@taurussecurity.org.za or call 032 437 8111, 082 739 3000 Must have valid Psira certificate and other mandatory documents. VACANCIES
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Taurus continued their enormous form when they register a 2-0 win over Legacy. Legacy gave Taurus a run for their money but experience counted once again with Taurus winning both sets 25-19.

Another side that has set their sights on the league title

is Manor Old Boys who were once considered the whipping side in the league. However, recruiting new players and blending them with their old stalwarts proves that they are back in contention and has eyes set on the league. They were up against a young Glenhills squad who gave them a run for their money in

the opening set. MOB held on to claim the set 25-21. However, the second set saw MOB come out of their doldrums and dominated the set winning 25-15.

KSST Juniors still have a lot to learn from their seniors who have made a comeback after a few years. The seniors went on to win 25-10, 25-17.

iLembe needs to regroup

Sunbrook dominance continued in the KwaDukuza Volleyball Association league games played last Thursday at the Association courts when they overcame Vipers in a hard-fought game. Both teams seemed to be evenly determined on who

is the team to beat in the league. Sunbrook dug deep into their game to register a straight sets victory and register their intentions of claiming that title.

In both the sets both teams gave it their all, attacking with vengeance, blocking

with determination and retrieving with everything they had, flying all over the courts. Tooth and nail are the phrase to describe the game but once again, under the astute leadership the Stanger Heights boys fought through to win narrowly 26-24, 29-

iLembe Cricket Club need to regroup quickly if they want to challenge for the KwaZulu Natal Cricket Union Premier T20 League after suffering their second defeated in the tournament. iLembe have only recorded one victory in their three fixtures played to date.

This past Sunday iLembe played ACC in a T20 match at Toti Oval. ACC won the toss and elected to bat. Protea batsmen Keegan Petersen (33) and S.J. Erwee (18) were the main scorers as iLembe bowlers were tight and restricted the scoring. ACC put on 117/5 in 20 overs. R. Mhlongo was the pick of the bowlers taking 3/18 in 3,1 overs. Dolphins player Otneil Baartman, who was assigned to iLembe, made his debut and bowled 4 overs for 23 runs. iLembe was in a favourable position to exact an unexpected win over ACC.

However, in reply iLembe got off to a disastrous start with opening batsman A. Saeed caught .at mid-on by J. Michaux off Ackerman's

bowling for a royal duck. This started a procession of falling wickets with A. Nadasen and G Bishop being dismissed for ducks in the first over. iLembe were reeling at 0/3 after the first over. Thereafter opener M. B. Ismail was dismissed for 5 with the score on 6. With the score on 18, I. Mohamed was bowled by D. Labusschane for the 5th wicket. S. Logenathan tried his best and put on a gritty 24 run. However, it was a little too late.

iLembe was bowled out for a paltry 61 runs, handing a 56-run victory to ACC.

David Miller sets new

T20 record

David Miller may have struck a futile second T20 ton as the Proteas lost the second T20 against India by 16 runs in Guwahati on Sunday, but he also cruised past JP Duminy to become South Africa's highest run-maker in the format.

Miller, who owns the fastest T20 100 that he made against Bangladesh in 2018, passed Duminy in the process of making 106* off 47 balls.

At the start of the game, Duminy, who made 1 934 runs in 81 matches, was SA's leading run-maker in the format. Duminy was also overtaken by De Kock, who is now second on SA's T20 run-making ladder with 1 964 runs after 71 matches. De Kock made an unbeaten 69 off 48 balls with three fours and four sixes, but was more subdued in his knock.

Miller made his T20 debut against the West Indies in Antigua in 2010 and despite the various fluctuations in form, has remained a constant presence in the Proteas side in the past 12 years.

He is also the first player to pass the 100game mark for the Proteas mark and should play a key role for the Proteas in the T20 World Cup in Australia.

October 5, 2022PAGE 20 XPress gas Bringing Power to the People Your One Stop Domestic & Commercial LPG Specialist on the North Coast. FREE Deliveries between Mandini & Ballito .co.zawww. gas 7 Haysom Road Stanger, KwaDukuza 032 551 2055 www.simsgas.co.za Terms & conditions apply. CASH ONLY. E&OE. We reserve the right to limit quantities ACCEPTED ATM INSTORE ltR24.29 ADVANCED ENGINES NEED DIESEL ADVANCED with withTECHRON TECHRON 50 ADVANCED withTECHRON 50 ADVANCED ENGINES NEED Save up to R1.00 per litre. Fresh Venison HALAAL Yusuf Desai 083 701 5477 Chops, Curry pieces R100 Kg Valid from 5/10/2022 to 9/10/2022 E&OE while stocks last Offers for Ballito, Moffat Drive Tel: 032 - 586 0230/1/2/3 63 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 551 4161 62 Main Street, Gingindlovu Tel: 060 676 1124 Amstel NRB 24x330ml Johnnie Walker Red 750ml Bells 750ml Smirnoff 750ml Spiced Gold 750ml R259.99 R144.99 R229.99R209.99 R139.99
Captain of iLembe I. Mahomed presenting O. Baartman with an iLembe cap David Miller records fastest 100

Restoration of destroyed water schemes

“progressing well”

KwaZulu-Natal Premier, Nomusa Dube-Ncube, says progress is being made in rebuilding water schemes that were washed away during the devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal earlier this year.

Giving a progress report on interventions and recovery measures, Dube-Ncube said the province is on course to ensure the full restoration of water supply to the greater OThongathi by November 2022.

“Repairs are underway on sewer networks and sewer pump stations. It is intended that most of these repairs will be completed by the end of November 2022.

“The reconstruction of roads and infrastructure, especially in the Southern Basin which became a scene of major destruction following the collapse of the Shongweni Dam, is well underway. The damage in this part of the province impacted negatively on the economy and affected companies such as Toyota and Transnet,” Dube-Ncube said.

However, Dube-Ncube acknowledged that while services that were disrupted have been restored in many areas, the province is still faced with the challenge of building back better, especially where infrastructure was completely washed away.

R406m allocated to affected municipalities

On disaster funding, the Premier reported that the Department of Cooperative Governance, through the National Disaster Management Centre, coordinated the submission of funding requests for emergency relief measures from organs of State which

incurred damages due to flooding.

To date, she said R406.8 million has been received by the affected municipalities to perform various works,” Dube-Ncube said.

The Premier also announced that as at 2 September, R7 650 279.58 had been donated through a dedicated bank account, an increase of R3 412 000.00 from R4 235 603.24.

The Provincial Flood Disaster account number 4103831039 was opened with ABSA by KwaZuluNatal Provincial Government towards the rebuilding process.

“We thank all those who have been able to come to the aid of those affected by the disaster. As determined by the donors, some of this money will go towards the Department of Education and Health, while the remaining will be shared between the Departments of Social Development and Human Settlements," said Dube-Ncube.

Unidentified bodies

Meanwhile, Dube-Ncube reported that at least 27 bodies, which were discovered after the floods, have still not been identified.

“Of these, 12 profiles were generated but not identified. So far, five cases have been positively linked with families, while two cases have returned a negative result, and will have to be re-conducted,” she said.

The Premier said the provincial government understands the frustration of the families over the pace og the DNA service, and they are doing their best to get this completed to enable families to find closure.

Ubaidullah, a star for the future

Ubaidullah Noor Ally Sayed is a 13-year-old that has his sights set on becoming at international player and is proving himself as an astute goal keeper on the rise.

Ubaidullah plays currently in the U13 ranks and plies his expertise for a Durban club Hartley Football Academy.

He recently got selected for Durban Lyons Football Club, an elite team with top players selected from the Durban and surrounding areas. Durban Lyons played in a tournament in Richards Bay which featured the Richards Bay U13 division which forms part of the junior premiership academy in which he excelled and selected to represent Richards Bay Football Club.

Richards Bay are now invited to play in the Steven Pienaar tournament in West Bury in Johannesburg against top junior teams in South Africa. Players in these tournaments will be scouted by top coaches and teams of South Africa. Currently, Durban Lyons are playing in the COSAFA beach tournament in Durban where Durban Lyons reached the finals.

Ubaidullah is trained by his father, a former keeper in the National Soccer League days. His ultimate goal is to play in the Premiership one day and represent his country.

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Ubaidullah Noor Ally Sayed, the star of the future
PROGRESS: KZN Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube
times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us For best results at discounted rates, contact Ahmed Desai on 083 6900 707 or Cookie on 032 552 2165
October 5, 2022 XPress
Vejoy Soya Prawn (Plain or Peri Peri) 4299 each Vejoy Soya Fish/ Chicken Julienne or Cashew Nut Balls 4299 each Frys Chicken Style Burger 320g 4999 each 4299 each Frys Traditional Burgers 320g 4999 each Frys Crumbed Schnitzel 320g Frys Braai Style Sausage 380g Frys Frozen Pies 3499 each5699 each Frys Polony 500g 5299 each Frys Chicken Style or Thick Cut Strips 5999 each Frys Mince 300g 5499 each Frys Chicken Style Nuggets 99992599 eacheach Fatimas Frozen Patha 650g 1899 each Fatimas Springroll Pastry 500g 4399 each Fatimas Samoosa Pastry 500g 3499 each Lancewood Prepacked Cheese Assorted 1kg (900g+100g Free) Lancewood Processed Cheddar or Sweet Milk Cheese Slices 175g FRESH CHOICE @SUPERSPARSTANGER STANGER Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za 2699 each Rozana Paneer 200g Natures Garden Country Mix or Garden Mix 1kg 3499 each VitaSoya Traditional / Spicy Burger 480g 4499 each VitaSoya Spicy Sausage 500g 4999 each VitaSoya Mince 350g 3699 each Frys Spiced Burger 320g 5299 each 1699 each Pakco Chilli Bite Mix 250g McCain Fry Chips 900g 2999 each Frys Hot Dogs 360g 4499 each 5699 each 2299Madumbies Per kg 1799Gadra Beans Per kg 1799 1299Cabbage Green Pepper BagsEach Each2299Clementine3999Soft cooking Potatoes 7kg per pocket Per kg Puff Man Puri 12s 1899 each Specials available at SUPERSPAR STANGER ONLY from Wednesday 5th October 2022 to Sunday 9th October 2022, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. Kara Nichas Original 4 Soya Style Burgers 360g 4299 each 4999 eachHappy Days Pizza Bases 4s Frys Big Fry Burger 224g 5999 each 799each Indomie Mi Goreng Noodles 80g Mallies Vermicelli 400g BUY ONE FREE GET ONE each 2499 9924 each 1499 9914 Soya Chunks or Mince 200g prepacked each 2799 9927 Masoor 1kg prepacked each 2699 9926 Eggless Instant Noodles 400g BUY 2 FOR 6000 0060 JB Soy Sauce Assorted 625ml BUY 2 FOR 5000 0050 Blended Honey Assorted 500g Plus Free Sanitizer STANGER@ October 5, 2022XPress
@SUPERSPARSTANGER STANGER Tel: 032 437 3000 Email: stanger1@retail.spar.co.za Koo Chakalaka Assorted 410g 1699 each 30003 BUY ANY FOR Specials available at SUPERSPAR STANGER ONLY from Wednesday 5th October 2022 to Sunday 9th October 2022, while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. Alva 2 Plate Gas Stove 38999each BUTCHER’S CHOICE 6999 per kgMutton Pack 11999 Chicken Gizzards 3999 per kg Turkey Drummetes / wings or thighsper kg sale CAKE Glazed Croissants SUNDAY AVAILABLE ON SUNDAY 9th OCTOBER 2022 ONLY 599 BUY 6 & GET 4 FREE each Epol Dog Food Assorted 7kg-8kg 13299 each Huggies Gold Jumbo Pack 52s-94s 22499 each Savlon Soap Assorted 175g Dawn Lotion Assorted 400ml (for Men or Women) excluding Cream 1999 each Close Up Toothpaste Assorted 125g 1599 each Purity 1st Foods Assorted 80ml 1099 each Jeyes Home Guard Assorted 750ml 2199each Surf Dishwashing Liquid 750ml 2199each Handy Andy Cream Refill Pouch Assorted 750ml 2299 each Baby Soft Mini Toilet Tissue White 2ply 9s 3799 each Clover Classic Mayonnaise Assorted 750g 2999 each Minnies Peri Peri Sauces Assorted 250ml (excluding Aged Chilli and Supercharged Peri Peri) 1999 each Kelloggs All Bran Flakes 500g 4199each Knorrox Soup Bag Assorted 400g Rhodes 100% Fruit Juice Blend Assorted 2 litre 3999 each SPAR Breakfast Fry Chicken Viennas 1kg 3999 each Georgies Pork Bangers 360g 3299 each Riz Cut and De Veined Large Prawn 350g 8499 each I & J Fish Fingers 600g 5799 each Ocean Catch Prawn Meat 800g 15999 each Get an extra Get an extra off off 3 20 ewards Customers Pay ewards Customers Pay 2000 8900 Buy Any 2 for Buy All for 2300 10900 MULTI-BUY COMBO per combo per combo per combo per combo Grocery Combo Spekko Rice 2kg, White Star Super Maize Meal 2,5kg, Sasko Cake Flour 2,5kg and Crossbow Sugar Beans 500g COMBO DEAL Get an extra off2 ewards Customers Pay 1799 each Promotional Price 1999 each Knorrox Stock Cubes Assorted 24s Get an extra off3 ewards Customers Pay 1999 each Promotional Price 2299 each All Gold Tomato Sauce Original 500ml Get an extra off3 ewards Customers Pay 1999 each Promotional Price 2299 each Glen Tagless Teabags 100s Parmalat Double Cream Yoghurt 1kg 3399 each Chicken Tikka Sausages 8999 per kg Riversmead Fresh Chicken Fillets 6999 per kg Riversmead 10 piece Chicken Braai Pack 5999 per kg Simba Potato Chips Assorted 132g 30002 BUY ANY FOR Beacon Heavenly Bubbles Assorted 90g 30002 BUY ANY FOR Glade Triple Pack Air Freshener 6x180ml 3999 each Benett Read Microwave Oven 20lt 99999 each Alva Gas Cylinder 3kg 56999 each Mr Orange Squash 2 litre 2299 each 23002000 33 BUY ANY BUY ANY FORFOR Reboost Energy Drink Assorted 500ml Spring Meadow Drinking Yoghurt 250ml October 5, 2022 XPress

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