7 minute read

Rapid rise in influenza cases

Influenza cases at sentinel influenza-like illness (ILI) and pneumonia surveillance sites have been steadily increasing since week 15 (starting 10 April 2023) (figure 1). Private laboratories have also detected increasing numbers of influenza cases, and NICD has received reports of influenza clusters in schools and workplaces.

The 2023 influenza season started in week 17 (week starting 27 April 2023) when the influenza detection rate (3-week moving average) breached the seasonal threshold and remained on low activity for two consecutive weeks in the pneumonia surveillance programme (figure 1). The increase in case numbers has been identified in all 6 provinces where surveillance is conducted. As of 28 May 2023, the most commonly detected subtype and lineage is influenza A (H3N2) (146/272, 55%), followed by influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 (116/272, 43%) and, influenza B Victoria (3/272, 1%). 181 samples have subtyping results pending.


Influenza A(H3N2), A(H1N1)pdm09, and influenza B are common seasonal influenza strains in humans.

Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, which is sometimes incorrectly referred to as “swine flu” has been one of the circulating seasonal influenza strains following its emergence in 2009. The term “swine flu” should not be used as it causes unnecessary panic. The clinical course of infection and management of this strain is similar to other influenza strains.

Although the majority of people with influenza will present with mild illness, influenza may cause severe illness, which may require hospitalisation or cause death, especially in individuals who are at risk of getting severe influenza illness or complications.

Groups at increased risk of severe illness or complications of influenza include pregnant women, people living with HIV, people with chronic illnesses or conditions like diabetes, lung disease, tuberculosis, heart disease, renal disease and obesity, the elderly (65 years and older) and children less than 2 years old. These groups should be encouraged to seek medical help early.

As the influenza season has started, the influenza vaccine remains the primary means for preventing seasonal influenza infection (figure 1). Ideally, the vaccine should be administered before the influenza season (March to April). However, even if the season has already started, it is never too late to get vaccinated, especially for individuals who have high risk of severe influenza illness or complications.

To prevent contracting or spreading the influenza virus, the following measures are recommended: avoid close contact with sick individuals, stay home when sick, cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, regularly clean hands, avoid touching the mouth, eyes, and nose, and clean and disinfect commonly used surfaces. Clinicians should include influenza as a possible diagnosis when managing patients with respiratory illness.

Letters to the Editor

Islamic schools are filled with talent!

The AMS Soccer Tournament held on Saturday the 3rd of June 2023 at Orient Muslim School, Al Falaah College has reference.

Firstly I must acknowledge the planning, preparation training and hard work that went on behind the scenes long before we witnessed an absolute soccer feast that our students treated us to. All the matches were run with clinical efficiency, with just a few minor glitches. The players, referees, announcers and spectators must be applauded for their exemplary behaviour which augurs well for the future of such contests.

The massive crowd of supporters at the venues, especially in the late evening finals at Al Falaah College, bears ample testimony that something is being done right at Islamic schools, which is an excellent advert for our schools.

Although I had to travel from Stanger to meet and greet many colleagues and ex-students, it was worth every kilometre as I was acknowledged warmly by all.

The finals of all divisions were played at Al Falaah under powerful floodlights (Eskom can learn a thing or two from them), and no spectator left the venue until the final whistle. The atmosphere was electric and every player gave off his best in a spirit of friendly rivalry.

For me the event winner was the game of soccer.

It is worth mentioning that the ZMS under-15 team lost in the semi-finals and conceded only one goal in the entire contest.

They were unbeaten in open play and lost only on penalties.

The under-17 lost 2-1 in the finals to Orient Islamic School, after soundly beating them 3-0 in the qualifying round.


Ayer Rock Guesthouse Stanger's preferred choice for quality, tasteful executive accommodation. Contact 032 551 6503 or 071 685 7126. Email ayerrocksa@gmail.com. www.ayerrock.co.za.


Welder required. Must have sober habits with traceable references. Call @2 Hibiscus Road (Spice factory).

To Let

Ideal for Nurses/Teachers.

2 Bedroom cottage in Parkside. With Lounge, kitchen, toilet/shower.in fully fenced yard and electronic gate. Burglar guards. No BIC's. Including water/sewer. Prepaid lights.

1 Month deposit required. R4200 pm. Applicants will be screened. Contact 084 346 5178.

Newtown area. One large bedroom, kitchen, shower and toilet. Fenced premises. R2600 pm. Prepaid water and electricity. Available 1 July 2023. Contact 083 413 7686 / 083 959 1871.

Business premises to let. Ideal for workshop or storage. No 3 Gledhow Mill Road, next to Stanger Fuel Depot, Erasmus Dam. Contact Peter 062 976 8866. Stanger Manor, 2 bedroom house, lounge, kitchen, toilet/bathroom. R3000 pm. Excluding lights/water. Contact 084 704 4828.

Room to rent in Stanger Manor. Would suit single person. Hot water. Phone 067 290 5454.


Teacher training. Assessments, theory and practice. Contact 084 486 2207.


Second hand clothes, household, dishes, mens and boys shoes, boots, takkies, curtains, beddings. Beds, TVs, fridge (working or non working) freezers, kitchen units, lounge suits. We collect and pay cash.

Contact Usha 064 888 8757 or 078 408 0488 whatsapp.

The following positions are available for a

1.Armed / Unarmed Security Officers


3. Controllers

Must have a valid PSIRA certificate and other mandatory documents. To start immediately.

Contact : 032 437 8111

Email: info@taurussecurity.org.za

We Are Hiring

To join us drop off your CV at Balcomb street, or call number below for more information


Notice is hereby given that application has been made in terms of the KwaDukuza Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management

By-Laws No. 1630 for the:

Nature of application:


On : Remainder of Erf 78 Stanger

Situated at: 147 King Shaka Street, Stanger

To utilize the above mentioned site for the purposes of: A GARDEN CENTRE

A copy of the application and its accompanying documents will be open for inspection by interested members of the public between the hours of 08h00 to 12h30 Mondays to Fridays (excluding Public Holidays) at the offices of the Development Planning Section.

Members of the public are invited to lodge written comments by hand with Development Control Section, 34 Chief Albert Luthuli Street KwaDukuza / 10 Leonora Drive Ballito, or by registered post to P. O. Box 72, KwaDukuza Municipality, 4450, or by fax to 032 437 5098, or by e-mail to municipalm@kwadukuza.gov.za on or before the * 7th July


Should you fail to lodge or forward comments by the said date, you will be disqualified from further participating in the process.

Name and address of applicant:

Date of advertisement NASEEM YUSUPH BHORAT7 June 2023

16 Blaine Street Kwa DukuzaName of newspaper Tel.: 083 650 2290 Xpress Times

Email: nbhorat@gmail.com


Kukhishwa isaziso sokuthi kufakwe isicelo ukuba ngokoMthetho kuMasipala waKwaDukuza Spatial Planning and Land Use Management ngu - Imithetho No. 1630 mayelana: (uhlobo lwesicelo):


On : Remainder of Erf 78 Stanger

Ese No: 147 King Shaka Street, Stanger


Ikhophi yesicelo kanye nezincwadi ehambisana nazo zivuleleke ekutheni zihlonzwe amalungu omphakathi phakathi namahora 08h00 12h30 ngeMisombuluko kuya koLwesihlanu ( kungabalwa Public Holidays ) emahhovisi akwaPlanning Development kuMasipala waKwaDukuza. Amalungu omphakathi ayamenywa ukuba bafake imibono ebhalwe ngesandla kunobhala kaDirector Development Planning, Development Control Section, 34 Chief Albert Luthuli Street KwaDukuza / 10 Leonora Drive Ballito, noma ngeposi elibhalisiwe ku P.

O. Box 72, KwaDukuza Municipality, 4450, or by fax to 032 437 5098, noma nge-e - mail ku municipalm@kwadukuza.gov.za ngaphambi noma ngomhlaka *7th July 2023

Uma uhluleka ukufaka imibono phambili ngalolu sukhu olubhekiwe, uzohoxiswa ekuqhubekeni ekubeni neqhaza kule nqubo.

Okubalulekile: Imiyalelo kubakaki akuyona yokuba ishicilelwe

Igama nekheli lalowo ofaka isicelo:

Date of advertisement


16 Blaine Street

Kwa DukuzaName of newspaper

Tel.: 083 650 2290 Xpress Times

Email: nbhorat@gmail.com

Outbuilding To Let Stanger Manor

bedroom, lounge, kitchen, bathroom. Fully tiled floors and bathroom. Some cupboards in kitchen. Secure premises. Rental excludes water and electricity.

In Loving Memory

You and your family are invited to the 15th and 16th day Ceremony of our Dad

Date : Thursday, 8 June 2023

Venue : 132 Zirconia Road, Padianagar Tugela

Time : Service to begin at 7pm

Supper will be served from 5pm to 6.45pm to be continued the following morning

Sadly missed by his loving wife Molly, children Pregasan, Debashnee, Hevashan and Megan, father-in-law of Nisha, Vilasen and Kivona

Notice To Creditors And Debtors In Deceased Estates

In the estate of late LEONORA MARIA JANSE VAN RENSBURG lD: 330207 0021 08 1

Estate No.: 000883/2023

Date of death: 12/3/2022 of 19 Stella Street, Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal

Creditors and debtors in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within THlRTY (30) DAYS from the date of publication hereof.

Dated at Salt Rock on this the 29th day of May 2023.



Attorney for Executors P.O Box 202

Umhlali 4391 Shop 23 Tiffany's Shopping Centre Salt Rock Kwazulu Natal

Form Jjj

Lost Or Destroyed Deed

Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T24839/2015.


Registration Number IT96/2011




Which has been lost.

All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice.

DATED at BALLITO on 2ND June 2023


On behalf of the registered owner Suite 8A Sanhall Office Park, 1 Kirsty Close, Ballito, 4420

Email address: preya@dacostainc.co.za

Contact Number: 032 940 4902 / 031- 502 6902

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